Thesun 2009-10-19 Page02 Tattered Mca Must Emulate Umno

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2 theSun | MONDAY OCTOBER 19 2009

news without borders

Another EGM to call

Tattered MCA must for fresh elections
UPSET by the “third force” Chua’s camps standing on

emulate Umno
Analysis by Ng Kee Seng ments, various interpretations of loses the confidence vote. He has
which voted against both the same front against their
MCA president Datuk Seri common enemies.
Ong Tee Keat and former Meanwhile, Chua’s camp,
deputy Datuk Seri Dr Chua despite a visible softening
Soi Lek in the 10/10 extraordi- of its “topple-Ong” stand,
nary general meeting (EGM), dismissed talk of cooperation
the two camps are preparing with Ong’s team. the decision, ignoring the party not. Neither has he said he will to strike back at another EGM Suspended former Pulai
constitution. That is their version not. Quitting is one thing, leaving being called, by agreeing to chief Low Teh Hian said:
THE ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) of accepting and respecting the the party in tatters will smack of call for fresh elections. “What is happening now is a
coalition’s dominant party Umno decision of the delegates. irresponsibility. According to a report in mutiny in Ong’s camp, forc-
concluded last week’s historic an- If Umno members can respect Remember when then MCA China Press yesterday, among ing Ong to take the desperate
nual general assembly, featuring their constitution and make self- president (Tan Sri) Lee San Choon the central committee
an extraordinary general meeting less decisions for the party’s well succumbed to the pressures of “po- (CC) members who
(EGM) to amend its constitution, being, why can’t MCA? litical masters” and left abruptly planned to “topple”
without a hitch.
It also had an extraordinary re-
Parties have a constitution to en-
sure lawlessness does not prevail.
without a succession plan?
It resulted in a two-year-long
Ong in last Thursday’s
CC meeting included
Press Digest
by Kong See Hoh
sult – it took Umno’s 2,539 central Consensus cannot be reached if Datuk Dr Neo Yee Pan-Tan Koon the “third force”.
delegates just 27 minutes to give members challenge the delegates’ Swan leadership crisis. Already, MTUC says Ong has ignored
up their exclusive right to pick decision and constitution. the Chinese community are us- revert to the call for him to
their central leaders to 146,500 For MCA, the constitution clear- ing unsavoury Chinese idioms to step down and invoked his measure. Johor MCA is not
members. ly states that the president can only describe MCA’s current impasse. 11% EPF presidential power to call for only split into three camps,
Of course, there were six other be removed from office in an EGM They see MCA in the position deductions another EGM while working the situation is more chaotic
major amendments that also af- with the support of two-thirds of of “hu shi dan dan” (tiger waiting pg 5 covertly with Chua’s camp to than the Warring States Pe-
fected the rules of the game – all the central delegates. To continue and eyeing a position). They also scuttle the third force’s plan riod of Ancient China.”
for a common cause and checking challenging that is disrespectful to agree “yi shan bu nen cang er hu” to grab power. A Johor division chief who
political graft – to attract support the constitution. Period. (two tigers cannot stay on the same Neutral central delegates, is loyal to Chua said Chua’s
and boost membership. Embattled president Datuk Seri mountain). whose votes had in a way camp needs to understand
Whatever analytical arguments Ong Tee Keat (pix) has called for The EGM has unveiled many determined the outcome of more about the agenda of the
put forward, it was a magnanimous another EGM so that members tigers eyeing the No 1. The status of the Oct 10 EGM, felt that the coming EGM before making
decision, disciplined and for the (in this case, the 2,380 central del- the No 2 can still be challenged. problems in MCA stemmed a stand.
love of the party to remain politi- egates) can decide whether they A sizeable number of CC mem- from personal conflicts. He said the question of
cally relevant to all Malaysians. want to remove the central com- bers who were aligned to Ong have They said the latest devel- cooperation with Ong’s camp
Compare this with MCA’s re- mittee (CC) members to pave the decided not to “sink or swim” with opments may see Ong’s sup does not arise at this stage.
cent 10/10 EGM. It was called to way for fresh party elections. their president. Whatever hap-
only decide the status of both its To say the least, those who pened to collective decision?
president and his deputy.
Like MCA’s many other EGMs,
objected to EGM2 fear facing the
delegates and members for their
MCA members, central del-
egates, leaders and the Chinese
Group wants Ong
it was inconclusive because there
was a lack of acceptance to the
outcome of the EGM and a lack of
own selfish reasons. They have
bandied about all sorts of reasons
to justify remaining in office.
community view matters from
different perspectives because
personal interest and agenda can
respect for the party constitution. All party members are supreme affect one’s stand. FOLLOWING MCA CC meeting during which a
Before the EGM, all quarters or paramount because they make It is time, before it is too late, president Datuk Seri Ong motion of no-confidence will
and leaders swore they would re- up the party. Not the CC, presiden- for MCA members and leaders to Tee Keat’s decision to call for be moved against Ong.
spect the decision of the delegates tial council or individuals. wake up and emulate Umno’s way another EGM to determine They will also requisi-
but what has happened? Before the 10/10 EGM, Ong in making selfless decisions for the whether to call for fresh party tion an EGM to seek Ong’s
They began putting forth argu- said that he will have to quit if he future of the party. polls or reaffirm the current removal.
central committee, talk is rife Some CC members who
that 14 central committee are not happy with Ong for
(CC) members want to requi- invoking his presidential
Gerakan to amend constitution next month sition its own EGM in a bid to
suspend Ong.
power to call for an EGM said
CC members too can requisi-
China Press reported tion for its own EGM.
by Husna Yusop especially in areas where we have won top leadership, Koh said the matter does yesterday that these CC Under Article 43 of the before. not arise as its grassroot members have members want a CC meet- party constitution, the CC
“We want to allow for flexibility in the been involved in central party elections ing to be held during which must meet at least once every
KUALA LUMPUR: Gerakan will amend its system, but not to lead to misunderstand- since the beginning. they will propose an EGM to two months. It can be held at
constitution during its national delegates ing or internal party feuds or fighting. The He said at present backbone of the determine if Ong should be the directive of the president
conference next month to allow certain recruitment is for the enrichment and central delegates came from the branches, suspended. or at the request of at least a
divisions to have more than 18 branches, empowerment of the party to better serve totaling 1,736 members, compared with Sources told the daily that third of the CC members.
its president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon said. and be more effective,” he said. only 495 delegates from the divisions. Ong’s detractors want him Meanwhile, Liow said he
Under the party constitution, a division Koh, who is also Gerakan Federal Ter- “Actually the divisions are not that suspended for not keeping his was not aware of any move
can only set up a maximum of 18 branches. ritory chairman, said this after opening powerful. That’s why election at division word to quit; bring his per- by CC members to convene
Additional branches can only be set up on the Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory annual level would not be very tense because sonal problems to the party; a CC meeting. He also denied
approval by the central committee and delegates conference at the party head- what is more important is the grassroot and destabilising MCA. any secret meeting held to
after discussing with the state and division quarters in Menara PGRM yesterday. level,” he said. It is also learnt that in a plan for an EGM to remove
committee members. He said the national delegates confer- Also, unlike other component parties, secret meeting on Friday Ong.
“This is to enable the party to develop ence was scheduled for Nov 1. Gerakan state liaison chairpersons are night, a group of CC members
faster as we are in the process of recruit- Asked if Gerakan is emulating Umno’s elected – not appointed – from among the agreed that newly elected
ing new members, especially the younger move in changing its constitution to allow branch and division representatives, Koh deputy president Datuk Seri » Do the honourable thing
ones. And we want to regain our strength a larger number of delegates to choose its said. Liow Tiong Lai will chair a Page 10

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