Thesun 2009-10-19 Page04 Najib Rode On The Wave of Bagan Pinang

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4 theSun | MONDAY OCTOBER 19 2009

news without borders

Najib rode on the wave of Bagan Pinang

fully endorsed as the Umno president. If ever there
was retiring and handed power
to “Mr Nice Guy” Tun Abdullah
many delegates love to ex-
press themselves to tell them
After such a stellar performance how else could
the jury rule, except in his favour? But, as he himself
was any lingering doubt or dispute among party
members as to who is the supremo of Umno, last
Ahmad Badawi, who led the
BN to its biggest victory ever
Comment “we must change”.
He bowled them over with
admitted it, the BN’s big win in Bagan Pinang was
a significant help. “Imagine if we were to lose?”
by Zainon Ahmad
week’s 60th general assembly put paid to it. in 2004. his insistence that “we must he quipped.
He was, of course, elected at the last assembly When Najib finally held the change” when he referred Thus, there was no end to the praises heaped on
six months ago and was handed the reins of the rein of power in his hands, a to the constitutional amend- Tan Sri Isa Samad, the man who was disciplined by
party at the end of it but many had held their breath year had already gone by after the March 8 “tsu- ments on the abolishment of the quota system Umno for involvement in money politics but chosen
until he was sworn in as the sixth prime minister in nami”. Nevertheless, he set to work immediately saying that he wants no safeguard as the candidate for Bagan Pinang.
April before acknowledging him. and announced to the nation his reform agenda to for his position. Najib explained to the delegates
Even then the reform measures he im- make Malaysia “whole” again. Why should he fear the members At certain why Isa was chosen.
plemented, including his liberalising of But, at the same time, he realised that even as as after all he was the party president times, he stirred Isa was a local boy, popular
certain sectors of the national economy he sought to win back the support of the other because they wanted him to lead their emotions like a Umno leader of Teluk Kemang,
after decades of the New Economic Malaysians with his 1Malaysia concept he must them? He said if he failed them they street demagogue, where Bagan Pinang is, and popular
Policy and even his 1Malaysia concept, have his own party, the source of his strength as certainly have the right to remove with the Malays and non-Malays.
caused disapproving noises to rumble leader of the BN, solidly him, and they should. After he said like when he asked Even after he was punished he
within the ranks and file of the party. He bowled united behind him, and as “I leave it to members to decide on them at the end remained a loyal Umno member.
But he worked relentlessly to them over quickly as possible. my position”, the delegates went of his rounding-up So why should Isa be punished a
explain his policies and capitalised And it was one reason wild and shouts of hidup Najib were
on the Kampung Janda Baik retreat with his insistence why the 60th general heard.
speech whether they second time?
And now for Najib, having
or workcamp for divisional and that “we must assembly was held last At certain times, he stirred their wanted to change, emerged as the undisputed leader
other leaders to strengthen the change” when he week, just six month after emotions like a street demagogue, and their reply was a of Umno, and winning the right to
party esprit de corps among the last one. Najib himself, like when he asked them at the end thunderous ya. tell the other
them last month to rationalise
referred to the during his speeches at the of his rounding-up speech whether parties of the
his policies to them. constitutional assembly, reminded the they wanted to change, and their BN to put
And the just-concluded amendments delegates many times that reply was a thunderous ya. Do you their houses
general assembly crowned on the there is so much to do and want to work hard now? Ya. Do you want to be in order,
his efforts. that “time is not with us”. close to the rakyat? Ya. Do you want to make comes the
Najib realised after the abolishment Thus, in his two-hour the party strong? Ya. Do you want to serve the hard part:
setback the BN suffered of the quota long opening speech, he rakyat? Ya. Convincing
in last year’s March system saying dwelt at length on his re- Some Umno members who came as ob- the whole
8 general election that he wants form agenda for the party, servers were cynical about the ya to this and country that the
a major overhaul the ruling coalition and ya to that of the delegates. They said hope-
of the party was no safeguard the government. If that fully their commitment is real this time. In
new BN way is the
way to go.
needed and new for his position. speech was not convincing the past their commitment lasts until they
policy directions enough, his final speech have returned to their hotel rooms and
were required to at the end of the assembly folded away their “Umno uniforms” into
arrest further erosion swung it for him. their suitcases.
of support and to win back those voters who had In that final speech to the delegates, among There were times when Najib was like
lost faith in the party. whom was Abdullah, he employed all his oratory a lawyer in court making his submission
The effort should have started immediately after and public speaking skills, sometimes bonhomie before members of a jury, gesticulating this
March 8 like what Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad did and affable, sometimes pleading, at other times way and that, pointing this way and that and
immediately after the little setback Umno suffered serious and foreboding, sometimes funny and turning this way and that, and sometimes show-
in the 1999 polls. He worked hard, announced he sometimes stooping to embrace the earthy way ing his side profiles and sometimes facing them.

Najib: 1Malaysia an ongoing

struggle for social justice
IPOH: The 1Malaysia concept is not merely a turn Malaysia into a high-income nation which
rhetoric or political gimmick, nor is it just a slogan required skill and expertise from all the ethnic
because it is a struggle for justice for all citizens in groups under the 1Malaysia spirit.
the country regardless of race or religion. Najib said that to achieve the objective of
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak becoming a high-income nation on par with the
said that the 1Malaysia concept contained prin- other developed countries, all races in the country
ciples of social justice which would continue to could not only think of their own ethnic group.
be championed. “We have this great ambition for the country
“When we look at one of its principles which is to achieve greater transformation, we don’t want
the principle of social justice, we must be fair to the to remain as a middle-income country. We want
Malays in fighting for their cause, we also have to to see Malaysia emerging as a high-income nation
give to the Chinese what they deserve, likewise we on par with the other developed nations.
give to the Indians whatever is their right. “For this purpose, we need the necessary
“There should not be any section of the com- skills from all the races, we need the expertise of
munity who feel they are being neglected by the all races. We want all the races to look at things
government, not getting any assistance from not from the point of view of their own race but
the government,” he said when launching the from the point of view of the country that is
programme ‘1Malaysia With the People of Perak’ Malaysia,” he said.
at the Perak Stadium last night. He also said that the 1Malaysia concept was
He said the main objective of the govern- an approach to achieve the Vision 2020 to build
ment under the new economic model was to the Malaysian nation state.– Bernama

at about 4am. He said he lost control of the car

upon reaching the Bunut Payung bridge when
briefs he tried to avoid hitting a cat. – Bernama

Ministry awaits WHO report

on A(H1N1) situation
Three killed as car tries KOTA KINABALU: The Health Ministry is
waiting for an announcement from the World
to avoid cat Health Organisation (WHO) on the status of the
KOTA BARU: Three people, including an Ameri- Influenza A(H1N1) pandemic in Malaysia.
can, were burnt to death when the car they Deputy Health Minister Datuk Rosnah Ab-
were travelling in skidded and burst into flames dul Rashid Shirlin said the report by WHO will
at Km2 of Jalan Kota Baru-Kuala Krai in Bunut determine if H1N1 is still a threat in Malaysia.
Payung here early yesterday. Although there has been no report on the
The driver, Tengku Ahmad Nazim Tengku H1N1 situation in Malaysia since a month
Azizan, 30, who suffered burns on his legs, arms ago, the ministry will continue with measures
and body, said he was trying to avoid a cat. to prevent the spread of the virus, she told
The dead were identified as Tengku Shamsu reporters after a Aidilfitri open house hosted
Tuan Ibrahim, 25, of Tanah Merah, Diana, 22, of by the Sabah Home Ministry here.
Ketereh, and US citizen Gonzalez Christopher, In Kuala Lumpur, Health Director-General
30, an oil rig worker in Terengganu. Tan Sri Dr Mohd Ismail Merican said the ministry
Tengku Ahmad Nazim said they were on will issue statements on the H1N1 situation only
their way from Pasir Mas to Kota Baru and had on a weekly basis – on Wednesdays – in view of
stopped by an eatery on Jalan Pasir Mas-Salor the drop in the number of cases. – Bernama

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