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theSun | MONDAY OCTOBER 19 2009 5

news without borders

40 skydivers jump off Komtar

MTUC: Revert to 11% by Himanshu Bhatt
some of the world’s veteran
BASE jumpers, including Gary
Cunningham from Australia,
built in 1986. He said the state
was also working on promoting
extreme sports in Penang to

EPF deductions
GEORGE TOWN: The highest who has clocked about 1,700 lure tourism.
building in the northern region, BASE jumps and more than The event was organised
the 65-storey Komtar tower, 2,000 skydives, and New by the Penang Development
was the centre of attention Zealand’s Dan Vicary who has Corporation (PDC) and Menara
yesterday when 40 men took recorded 200 BASE jumps and Kuala Lumpur.
turns to leap off from its top in a 4,000 skydives. Also present were Penang
PETALING JAYA: The age savings for private sector workers opted to reduce it to rare extreme sports stunt. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, Tourism Committee chairman
Malaysian Trades Union workers and it was important 8%. The daredevil act was part of who officiated the opening of Law Heng Kiang, PDC general
Congress (MTUC) has called that the saving percentage be Balasubramaniam said the Komtar International BASE the event, said the programme manager Datuk Rosli Jaafar and
on the government to allow maintained. MTUC was concerned for Jump 2009, in which 28 para- was part of the state’s initia- Menara KL CEO Datuk Zulkifli
the 2.2 million workers, who Due to the economic these 2.2 million workers as chutists from around the world tive to renew the attraction of Mohamad.
opted for the 8% Employees downturn, the government, they were losing in terms of joined 12 Malaysian jumpers in Komtar which was
Provident Fund (EPF) deduc- in November last year, gave dividends and final payout taking off from a height of


tions, to revert to 11% with employees the option to either when they reach retirement about 230 metres.
immediate effect. maintain the deductions at age. Pedestrians and
Saying that the economy 11% or reduce it to 8% for a He said although the op- shopkeepers spilled
was recovering, MTUC vice- period of two years from Jan tion was for two years, the out on to the pave-
president A. Balasubrmaniam 1 this year. government should allow ments in the city
told Bernama yesterday that According to the EPF, a them to revert to the previous to watch as some
EPF contributions were old- total of 2.2 million or 40% of deductions now. – Bernama of the jumpers let
themselves free fall
for a good distance

Group off to Australia for solar car race before pulling on their
Some of the for-
KUALA LUMPUR: A 16-mem- Uniten’s home-developed years to complete and has un- eign parachutists were
ber Universiti Tenaga Nasional solar car, “Solar Ranger 1”, dergone a series of test drives seen circling in the air
(Uniten) team left for Australia bearing the 1Malaysia logo, since April this year. above a panoramic An experienced
yesterday to compete in the was flown to Darwin on Oct 8 Team manager Associate spread of old rooftops Capt (R) Mohd
2009 World Solar Challenge ahead of the race, which covers Prof Halil Hussain said the race, in George Town’s herit- Noorizan Yunus
from Oct 25 to 31. a distance of 3,021km between which is aimed at promoting age city, with a view of making a
The team, known as “Solar Darwin in the Northern Ter- sustainable energy, would be the blue sea beyond and graceful descent
Ranger”, is led by the universi- ritory and Adelaide in South the university’s first after win- the green hills on the after jumping off
ty’s vice-chancellor Prof Datuk Australia. ning the World Solar Cycle Chal- island’s western side. from the top of
Dr Mashkuri Yaacob. Uniten said the car took two lenge six years ago. – Bernama The event featured the tower.

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