Thesun 2009-10-19 Page10 Do The Honourable Thing

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Do the honourable thing

Bagan Pinang by-election and actually
Comment win it by a landslide?
Is it any wonder then that our
by Kee Thuan Chye country is in the state it’s in? We toler-
ate corruption in high places. We let
off politicians who make promises at
election time but later forget to fulfil
ONG Tee Keat should stop saying my practice to renege on my words he said he would do. Besides, why say One would hope not. If he wants them. We stand by while state gov-
he is a politician who upholds prin- (sic) …” this in a blog? Why did he avoid facing to stay on as a caretaker till a smooth ernments are destroyed because of
ciples. He has not done the honour- This posting was made right a press conference and questions from transition of power has been effected dishonourable politicians who ignore
able thing of resigning as MCA after the MCA’s Central Committee the public? through the proposed elections, that the people that voted them in. At this
president although he promised meeting to discuss the implications The message from the EGM is clear should be fine. But he still needs to re- rate, we might even let politicians get
he would. And yet last Thursday, of the Oct 10 extraordinary general – a vote of no-confidence in Ong’s assure everyone that he will not throw away with murder.
he wrote in his blog, “People who meeting. Much as one would like to leadership was carried with a simple his hat into the ring, that he will leave All this is happening because we
know me well know that I uphold believe him, one is also reminded majority of 14. Yes, according to the when the issue has been settled. That don’t hold our politicians accountable
my principles … It has never been that he has still not done the thing party constitution, two-thirds majority is, if his word can still be trusted. to their word. We don’t take these
is required to unseat the president, but No doubt, Ong’s supporters will maxims seriously: Kata itu kota. Be-
the fact remains that Ong himself has clamour for him to stay on as presi- rani cakap, berani tanggung. A man’s
said in an interview with The Star on dent. And perhaps, too, those who word is his bond. Especially a man
Sept 19 that “a simple majority [on have been saying that he is such who is in high office. The rot sets in
the no-confidence vote] once carried, a breath of fresh air for Malaysian because we don’t insist on that.
I will be left with no choice but to bow politics because he has been daring On this score then, there are no two
out and step down”. enough to expose the Port Klang Free ways about Ong Tee Keat’s case. If he
He even underscored that by Zone (PKFZ) scandal. doesn’t step down, he will be com-
saying, “Anyone who argues that I I, for one, think that he has not ex- pared unfavourably to Dr Chua Soi
do not need to do so, that only a two- posed everything about that scandal. Lek who resigned from his ministerial
thirds majority is required to boot me It looks like there’s more, and there and party posts when his sex scandal
out, I think that is a great lie.” may be a limit to how far he can or broke in January 2008. And he won
Yes, we heard that loud and clear. dares to go. But even if the second plaudits for it from the public.
And there seemed to be a ring of lot do have a case, and even if Ong is If Ong takes the opposite course,
cocksure certainty in that statement. indeed exemplary in being unwaver- there will be those among the public
So why is he stalling now? He should ing in his quest for the truth, we still who will heap scorn on him. I, for one,
not live that lie. He should simply have to expect him to do what he would. And I have no personal stake
keep his word. promised. Simply because if he breaks whatsoever in this entire business
And yet last Thursday, he came this promise to resign, what faith can of the MCA. Neither Ong nor Chua
up with a counter-proposal that we have in him in the future? means anything to me.
could indicate that he wants to stay What are we Malaysians becom- What means more to me is a man’s
on. He overruled the CC and used his ing? Should we lower our expecta- word and his integrity. That’s what
presidential powers to call for another tions of the integrity of our politicians? separates the men from the boys.
EGM – to decide if fresh party elec- Isn’t it enough that we have been so
tions should be held or to reaffirm forgiving of them that even someone Kee Thuan Chye is the man behind
confidence in the present leadership. like Isa Samad, who was found guilty the book, March 8: The Day Malaysia
Is he buying time so he can do what- of money politics – a euphemism Woke Up, which is also available in
ever he’s planning? Is he hoping to for corruption – could be named the Chinese. Comments: letters@the
seek a fresh mandate for himself? Barisan Nasional candidate for the


Power struggle root of MCA’s woes

THE recent MCA extraordinary gen- comments and opinions of the non- the Chinese community.
eral meeting was intended to resolve political Chinese community. Because Replacing the presidency with a
in-fighting and stabilise the party. they look from the outside, they can new face or the whole central com-
This could have been achieved if all see things clearer and are better mittee with a new team will not solve
the leaders and central delegates had judges of what is wrong and best for the problems of in-fighting, as is
used their heads and hearts wisely the party. After all, the survival of evidenced by crisis after crisis since
and independently. Instead, they MCA depends on how they perceive the time of Tan Koon Swan. In-fight-
chose to play partisan, factional and and vote for MCA. ing will always happen, as long as
self-interest politics, and voted on If public opinion is anything to go factionalism and self-interest ambition
these lines. The result is the shocking by, in spite of his stern and stubborn pervade the party.
debacle, which has plunged the party character, and in the carrying out of Yes, Ong has lost a no-confidence
into deeper crisis and quandary. his duties he might have stepped on vote against him. But, if the same
Proposals and suggestions abound some people’s toes, Ong Tee Keat no-confidence resolution were to be
as to what is best to do next. However, is still the best bet for MCA and the given another chance to be put to the
all would be back to square one if the Chinese community. Within a short vote again, provided all the central
root cause is not removed. And the span of less than a year, his image as delegates were given the freedom
root cause is power struggle, either the MCA president and that of MCA to vote independently on their own,
between factions or between individu- as the political party representing using their wisdom and judgment,
als. Already there are clamouring and the Chinese community, has been without coercion of factional obliga-
jostling for positions, causing factional well-received, with both confidence tion, the result could turn out to be
groupings and more frictions, with and hope, especially his push for very different.
even the have-beens joining in the transparency, accountability and anti-
fray. corruption, reforms for MCA, and his Concerned Observer
MCA should pay more attention to handling of political issues affecting Sitiawan

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