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Fitri Zuhairi Bin Ghazali will be the name that everybody will call me in the future. I was born of 20 th February 1996 at Seberang Jaya Hospital, Penang and now I am living in Kulim, Kedah. I am the eldest in my family and I have one younger sister. My father, Ghazali Bin Yahya is a driver of ministry of health at Hospital Kulim and my mother, Zawiyah Binti Mat Isa is a nurse at Hospital Kulim.

My primary school was SK Taman Hi-Tech. At the school, I was a library prefect and I managed to get 5As in UPSR. Then, I continued my study at MJSC PDRM Kulim from Form 1 untill now. During my third year in MJSC, I managed to get 6A2B in PMR. In each semester from form 1, my pointer was 3.00 and above for every semester and my result were always good.

In MJSC PDRM Kulim, I was appointed to be the member of association of young entrepreneurs. In 2010 I became a facilitator of Anjakkan Paradigma programmed by conducting the programed with the association of young entrepreneurs members. In 2011, I represent my college in convention of young entrepreneurs of MJSC se-Malaysia at MJSC Kuala Krai. In that competition I get 1st place of the company presentation and the 1st place of the best companies. In the same year, I was also participating in international competition and assement for school (ICAS) for computer skill category. In 2012, I was the committee members of scout. I represented my college in scout jamboree of MJSC seMalaysia and get number 7 out of 47 college. After that, I represent my college in integrity champion challenge at MJSC Gemencheh. Then, I represent my college for the traditional music festival of MJSC se-Malaysia at MJSC Johor Bahru. Despite of my exam year in 2013, I represent my college in ROBOWAR for sumo robot fight challenge at University Of Tenaga National Malaysia. For once more in 2013, I represent my college in jamboree of MJSC seMalaysia at MJSC TGS and get number 4 out of 52 college. Then I represent my college for young entrepreneurship expo of MJSC se-Malaysia at MJSC Johor Bahru. Lastly, I represent Malaysia for the Thai Asean Scout Jamboree at Thailand. Base on all of my participations in various competitions, I was awarded Silver for Cocurriculum Award.


It is always so hard to give the exact number of people who have majored in accounting, but one thing that I know is that the demography is very wide and large. This is because they have different reasons for majoring in this career path. The most common reason to all people is because accounting is a marketable career and they merely want to find a job. The number of people majoring in this field is growing immensely and the most important thing is to consider the main reason of joining this profession. Some people will claim that when they were in high school, this was their best subject and they loved it and so they will need to major in it. I believe the best reason for majoring in accounting is because it has wide varieties of career path that one can major in. People should understand that this field is not all about debits and credits. It is more of a communicating language in the world of business and this is why many chief executive officers hold a degree in this field. In the

day today life it is usually one of the most common undergraduate degree programs. The most important thing is to make certain that all of the people who are in this profession understand business and that is why many people who have ventured in accounting always have considerations for such posts. The most interesting part of this career choice is that most of the time the people who venture into it will always have the best job positions waiting for them because many people always have a notion that it is a difficult discipline. The employment opportunities are abounding for the graduates majoring in accounting. The study realized various career choices coincide with the accountant career path. Though the rate of accountant graduate seems to increase year after the other, the job opportunities are also increasing since many people are venturing to businesses which requires accountants to deal with the financial analysis. Each and every sector starting with the individual enterprises, the public, private and nongovernmental organizations cannot be successful without the accountants. These are important personnel since every business is after making profits and thus accounting careers like the auditing department are important to examine whether the business profitable or not. The private and public sectors also requires accountant staffs that are qualified to analyze their financial status and thus, realizing on the areas that needs improvement. Some students lack the opportunity of joining any of the discussed careers especially because of some issues like corruption and high competition. Nevertheless such students are not supposed to be frustrated but to come up with other activities that utilize their qualifications. A number of graduates who have lacked a position in the public, private, or the non profit organizations have started their own auditing firms. They run their own business as private auditors and are employed casually by these organizations. Every qualified accountant expects a salary that is higher than for any other undergraduate from a number of business schools. There is also an expectation of initiation into an exclusive professional club of the practicing accountants. This is a symbolic status that makes one feel to have an important and recognized rank in the society. Unfortunately these expectations are rarely met in the current society. Quite a number of students have joined the account career. This is making this field to have more than the required participants. In other words the supply is overtaking the demand. With high expectations of having a unique status, what happens when one fails to achieve this goal? One is also interested with the queries like where an accountant career path can lead one to or if there are there other industrial areas related to accountant career that such a graduate could get involved to utilize his knowledge. After I had made some researches, I plan to have accounting degree in KPTM and followed in United Kingdom. It will be an advantage for me to enter the accounting field as now they are searching for more fresh graduateas in fields. After 3 years and returning back to Malaysia, I will work in company to obtain experience on the basis accounting. After I had gained enough experience, I will continue my career in auditing. I will open my auditing firms and start my business. In conclusion I would say that Accounting is a career that moulds accountants; these are persons that are responsible in the provision of data that is mainly required to make an assessment on the future and current economic activities. Accountants performs various duties, which include planning tax strategy, calculating the computing cost, preparation of financial statements, developing information technology, measuring financial performance, to mention but a few. This suggests that there are various and different accounting career paths which are beneficial in one way or another and can fit different people. Though some of them overlap, each of

them has a specific focus. For successful career people should be able to do the best that they can do to advance this sector. Many technological advances have been made to ensure that these people who take up this course are able to save time and actually do their work better too.

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