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5 Classroom Object Memory Game

Task Name & Number: Lexical Sets Words Se te ces W!ole Text Materials W!ole class " #rou$ " $air W!o %i s t!e #ame& 'o%& 5.5 Classroom Object Memory Game Classroom Objects: Bag, book, chair ,desk, eraser, computer, whiteboard, crayons, pen, pencil, ruler, marker Meaning, Hear, ay, !ead " " One set o# C$% !OOM OB&'C( M'MO!) G%M' C%!* per group +% picture dictionary i# done in class., Groups o# #our +-. C/s 0 1 groups, (he children with the #irst, most correctly"matched cards wins T*-C'*) T-L. & MO+*L Today %e/re #oi # to $lay a #ame. T!is is !o% %e $lay t!e #ame. +Demonstrate the game) (ick u$ 0 cards (Instruct a children). Good. No% look (turn the 2 cards over and look) W!at/s t!is& (point to a card) (Name object correctly) Correct. W!at/s t!is& (point to another card) +o t!ey matc!& (hold the cards next to each other) 12 you/re ot sure3 c!eck t!e textbook" dictio ary (point to a textbook/dictionary) 12 t!ey matc!3 take t!em (give the 2 cards to the children). 4ou ca $ick 0 cards a#ai (let children pick another 2 cards) 12 t!e cards do /t matc!3 $ut t!e cards back. 1t/s o% your 2rie d/s tur (point to another child). Take tur s to $lay3 umber 5303637 ( ointing to ! children). No% #et i to your #rou$s. (Divide class into several groups o" !). Say 82i is!9 o ce you !a:e matc!ed all t!e cards (put your hands up) T!e $erso %it! t!e most cards %i s. 53 03 6 Go;

()OC*+,)* 2. $et the children know that they are going to play a game. .. *emonstrate the game to the class3 " pread all the cards #ace down on the table " /ick a child to choose two cards " 4# the word card matches the picture card, the child can keep them and play again. " 4# the cards do not match, the child must put the cards back and let other children play. -. 4n#orm children that they are allowed to re#er to the picture dictionary or te5tbook 6. (ell children the rules o# the game3 " (ake turns to play " Children who ha7e the most number o# correctly"matched cards win. 5. Group the children +6 in a group,. 8. Gi7e each group a set o# C$% !OOM OB&'C( M'MO!) G%M' C%!* . 9. tart the game.

<uestio & )atio ale W!at exte sio task could you do t!at i :ol:es t!e c!ildre co$yi # do% t!e %ords t!ey !a:e o% lear t to read& '.g. Make a list +Band 5 *(-, o# the classroom objects they ha7e in their pencil case. W!at does t!is task do& (his task pro7ides a #un way #or children to memori:e and re7iew the words they ha7e learnt in the pre7ious tasks +meaning ; 7isual recognition, and practice saying them. <nlike the pre7ious tasks which asks children to sol7e a problem +learning by mistakes,, this task is a drill. 'o% is t!is task"#ame di22ere t 2rom a traditio al drill 2or t!e c!ildre =2rom t!eir $oi t o2 :ie%& 4t is #un = it>s play not study = but #un with rules +ie a game, +?icolopoulou, de a, 4lga: ; Brockmeyer, .@2@,. W!ic! !el$s c!ildre lear more >uickly& - traditio al drill or t!is drill& (his drill because it is not (<*), it is /$%). /lay is the normal state #or children, and i# we can turn play into learning " like the *A* on *ay One, #hild$s lay +$earning eed .@@-, " then our children will learn much #aster. 4n !'$(ma5 and !'$(?O(e we call this a Creati:e +rill. W!at !a$$e s i2 t!e c!ildre c!eat3 by looki # at t!e %ords or $ictures t!rou#! t!e cardboard& Birst, it C '$(C .@2. 5.5 Classroom Object Memory Game

is important when you make cards that the #ont you use is not too thick and black and the paper must not be too thin or light"coloured. 4# the words are 7ery thick and black, the children can see the words e7en when they are #ace down. Howe7er, e7en i# the children do cheat, it doesn>t matter in terms o# learning because they are still learning to read the words. W!at :ariatio s o2 t!is task ca you t!i k o2& (here is a Malaysian 7ersion in which e7eryone grabs at the cards at once, instead o# taking it in turns +one by one,. )ou could also play %nap& or 'appy (amilies. 'o% ma y times do you $lay t!is #ameD <ntil the children disengage. Once you see this happening, stop. SLOW L*-)N*) T1(: )our classroom should be organi:ed so slower learners are sitting near the #ront, and you can spend more time with them = but get the #aster learners o## and running #irst so they don>t get bored. <uestio s& (roblems& ome may not know how turn"taking is established. (eacher shows them how to decide or asks the group which has established turn"taking to share how they decide on this. 4# you don>t this, you tend to get children hitting each other. ?ot goodE Cooperation is one o# learning outcomes o# this task = hope#ully. ?icolopoulou, %, *e a, %, 4lga:, H. ; Brockmeyer, C. +.@2@,. <sing the trans#ormati7e power o# play to educate hearts and minds3 Brom Aygotsky to Ai7ian /aley and beyond. )ind* #ulture* and +ctivity* ,-, 6."51. $earning eed. +.@@-,. Child>s play3 How ha7ing #un turns kids into adults F*A*G. $ake Hurich 4$3 $earning eed.

C '$(C .@2.

5.5 Classroom Object Memory Game

C '$(C .@2.

5.5 Classroom Object Memory Game







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C '$(C .@2.

5.5 Classroom Object Memory Game

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