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N ot so very long ago, the British

colony of Malaya was stuck at the VIEWPOINT development propaganda about Cher-
nobyl, nuclear waste, and the anti-
productive level of Middle Ages, pro- Malaysia Is Going development beliefs of the World
viding the British Empire with tin and Wiildlife Fund and Greenpeace, had
rubber for its factories at rock bottom, Nuclear! been effectively exposed in a spirited
“free trade” prices. It was part of the counter offensive by senior scientists
grand 1,000-year colonial vision of the and engineers. The nuclear commu-
British Empire, upon which the Sun nity finally declared war on this evil
never set—and the wages never rose. It greenie nonsense; they wrote pro-
meant a meager existence and no fu- nuclear articles for the newspapers
ture except servitude for the armies of and made themselves available for
plantation workers and their families. interviews.
However, World War II and Franklin This struck a chord with the popula-
Roosevelt’s America greatly weakened tion that had been hit by 40 percent
and almost finished off the British Em- increases in petrol prices, and it also
pire, and independence movements prepared the ground for the pro-
flourished in the colonies. In 52 years nuclear announcements by the Prime
of independence from the British, Ma- Minister and both the Science and
laysia has successfully urbanized its by Mohd Peter Davis Environment Ministers. Instead of reit-
population, industrialized its economy, erating the usual ideological hype that
and inspired other less developed na- long dominated the newspapers and man is destroying the planet with sinful
tions to do the same. For 22 years, Dr. was rejoicing in President Obama’s carbon dioxide and global warming,
Mahathir led the nation as the father love affair with primitive green tech- the Ministers noted the simple real-
of development, famously telling poor nology. ity that Malaysia was already import-
countries to look east not west, and to Suddenly, the greenies found they ing the coal for its power stations and
buy British last. He championed the had lost the intellectual battle. Their would run out of oil and gas within
rights of the underdog nations. imported anti-nuclear fear campaign, 10 to 20 years. If the electricity sup-
Now Malaysia is making serious based entirely on tired old anti- ply were disrupted, it would be back
preparations to go nucle-
ar with the positive an-
nouncement of a nuclear
policy by its new Prime
Minister, Najib Rasak, who
set 2025 as the date for
Malaysia to add nuclear
power to the electrical
grid. Najib was inspired by
his visit to an exhibition of
South Korean nuclear reac-
tors and a nuclear program
which allowed its popula-
tion to leapfrog from a war-
destroyed country in the
1950s, to become a high-
wage industrial giant.
A Blow to the Greens
Najib’s virtual overnight
conversion to nuclear en-
ergy was a victory for Ma-
laysia’s nuclear and scien-
tific community that had
united to patiently educate
the public on nuclear’s
necessity and safety. But
it was a bitter blow to Ma- Courtesy of Nuclear Malaysia Agency

laysia’s green environmen- Malaysia’s Triga test reactor at the Bangi Headquarters of the Nuclear Malaysia Agency. The
tal movement, which had 1-megawatt Mark II Triga reactor began operation in 1982.

VIEWPOINT 21st Century Science & Technology Summer 2009 
Courtesy of Nuclear Malaysia Agency
Courtesy of Nuclear Malaysia Agency
The radioisotope production facility at Ma-
laysia’s Triga nuclear research reactor. Ma- Headquarters of the Nuclear Malaysia Agency at Bangi, Malaysia. Malay-
laysia has nuclear engineers and scientists, sia’s nuclear community is campaigning to let the population know that
but will need to train the younger genera- nuclear power is key to their prosperity.
tions to prepare for a nuclear economy.
puffed-up American professional ing English newspapers from the young
to the well water and gas lamps of the green environmentalist, one Benjamin American greenie, Dr. Benjamin Sova-
colonial days and early decades of in- Sovacool, a young expert in “energy cool.
dependence. policy” no less, who had moved from A consensus is growing among Ma-
Scientists, engineers, and profes- the United States closer to the action laysia’s considerable number of highly
sionals—all members of the Malaysian in South East Asia—the British Empire’s trained nuclear scientists, engineers,
Nuclear Society which was celebrat- safe house at the Lee Kuan Yew School and professionals, some now retired
ing its 20th anniversary—gave the of Public Policy at the National Uni- and many close to retirement, that the
population a birthday present by ridi- versity of Singapore. time has come to simply ignore the
culing the green technology that was This green-behind-the-ears environ- ignorant flat earth green environmen-
supposed to replace fossil fuels. Solar mentalist was telling sovereign Asean talists. Instead, the nuclear community
panels with rechargeable batteries are nations, with democratically elected needs to concentrate on educating the
great for street lamps and holiday is- governments, why they should defi- public, including politicians and top
lands, but for factories and modern so- nitely not go nuclear. What the young public servants. The truth of the mat-
ciety? Aren’t windmill farms a little bit energy policy expert did not mention, ter is that nuclear energy is by far the
stupid for Malaysia, known by centu- of course, was the huge energy deficit safest energy technology ever invented
ries of sailors as the land of no wind? in the 10 Asean nations. With nearly by mankind, without which Malaysia’s
Imported Opposition 10 percent of the world’s population, youth (some 50 percent of the popula-
Clearly, the natives were getting these nations need 18 times more tion are under 23 years old), will have
restless, indeed insolent; the local electricity than currently produced to a future no better than colonial plan-
anti-nuclear greenies were out of their catch up with the modest per capita tation workers.
depth and needed help. It was time to electricity production of their near The anti-nuclear greenies, including
send Malaysia a sharp rebuke from the neighbor, Australia. Professor Sovacool, should practice
well-funded, royal-sponsored green On this scale, the poorest Asean na- what they preach and go back to na-
environmental movement. But all they tion, Cambodia, trapped in the stone ture without electricity and learn how
could muster was an opinion piece in age, needs 900 times more electricity to tap rubber and harvest palm oil fruit
the Malaysian New Straits Times, which production to enjoy a decent standard bunches for a living. The rest of us
re-warmed an anti-nuclear mantra of living. Since Thailand, the Philip- want to build the future.
published a year earlier in the Jakarta pines, Vietnam, and (heaven forbid) Mohd Peter Davis is an honorary
Post, when Indonesia had the audacity Myanmar are also taking the nuclear visiting scientist at the Institute of Ad-
to show enthusiasm for going nuclear. road, they too should soon expect the vanced Technology, Universiti Putra
Both articles came from the same same re-warmed rebuke in their lead- Malaysia.

10 Summer 2009 21st Century Science & Technology VIEWPOINT

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