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TEENAGERS Topic : Teenagers Social Problems

Nowadays,there are so many social problems that involved teenagers in Malaysia.Teenagers can be affected by anything if they cant control their actions and emotions.For a examples,a girl is listening music and a group of boys making vandalisme at the bus stop.This actions could disturb many peoples and make their bad assumption towards teenageers.These simple and common things can be considered as a social problems.There are three big factors the teenagers are connected with social problems which are leak of parental supervision and attention from parents,less of perfect religion and they want to show their powerness.

First and foremost,one of a factors that the teenagers involved in social problems is leak of parental supervision and attention from parents.Their parents were too busy with theii career and dont know enough time to hear their children problems.Next,the trend of the boys and girls are like no boundaries between them.They didnt feel shy to communicate without limit in religion of Islam.Futhermore,theyre also influenced by their bad background family. How can the parents become a role model to their children while they didnt show the good behaviour to them.In Malaysia,baby dumping is a latest issue that happen caused by the teenagers that have social problems in their life.

Besides that,it cannot be denied taht less of perfect religion in life is the factors that make the teenagers snared in social problems.Their parents doesnt give good religion to them.The teenagers think that the religion is only cause difficulty and not important in their life.Thats why the social problems as sush as drug addiction,HIV and AIDS become more happen.In fact,it is increase year to year in Malaysia.In addition,to them if theyre follow what the religions rules,they will not feel freedom as the teenagers at the overseas.

Lastly,they want to show of their powerness.The teenagers wsa rebelled when they was not satisfied with their journey in their life.Then,through bullying the students at the school,the teenagers feel stronger and influential towards themselves.Instead,with making vandalisme,they think that the way to express feelings to release stress even tough it is exactly wrong.

In a nutshell,social problems that involved teenagers in Malaysia have become a critical issue in our country.As a teenagers,we should think before you leap and didnt do the wrong doings.The parents,schools and society should give them support and guidance to solve their problems so that they can change their life to be a better person.

Members of group: 1.Amin Khair bin Katiman 2.Muhammad Afiq Asnawi 3.Siti Aniqah Binti Saineh 4.A-Rabiatul Adawiyah binti Minhat

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