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1. Background A teacher is a person who provides education for pupils (children) and students (adults). The role of teacher is often formal and ongoing, carried out at a school or other place of formal education. In many countries, a person who wishes to become a teacher must first obtain specified professional qualifications or credentials from a university or college. These professional qualifications may include the study of pedagogy, the science of teaching. Teachers, like other professionals, may have to continue their education after they qualify, a process known as continuing professional development. Teachers may use a lesson plan to facilitate student learning, providing a course of study which is called the curriculum. Along with, professional teachers are always patient and organi ed. They never rush their students or e!plain randomly. "o, to move one stair upwards success, plan everything before you go to class. "et all things according to a logical order and introduce your lesson step by step taking into consideration your students learning strategies. #esides, a successful teacher shows an interest in the sub$ect as well as the students. "o, be patient with and show a great interest in your students. %urthermore, professional teachers en$oy their $ob and vary

their roles in the class .&ou may want to be the person who provides the students information, but besides being information deliverer, you can be a close friend of them, a parent, a promoter. &ou can en$oy and vary your role in the class in a way that interests both, your students and you. &ou never can better when you en$oy your $ob. 'reating a rela!ed environment helps you successfully cover a great amount of the content. #esides, you will reali e better participation of your students with time and therefore learning will happen. 1.1 Identification of Proble (. )o all of the *nglish teachers in Indonesia have creativity in T*%+, -. .hat are the issues faced by the teacher due to teaching development, /. Is curriculum influence teacher0s creativity,


$.1 T%e Definition of Teac%er De&elo' ent Implicit in this description is an interpretation of teacher development as a comparatively longitudinal process of teachers0 behavioral change that is guided by, and focused upon, practical application of suggested innovations. It appears to be a process involving, sequentially1 the generation of ideas that may be applicable to teaching2 trying out these ideas2 discussing in collegial conte!ts the viability and implications of the ideas as they emerge as potential practice2 and, adopting new practices that emanate from the ideas. #ell and 3ilbert ((445) provide more elucidation. They do not define teacher development but they describe very clearly what, as they interpret it, it looks like (p. 54/)1 6Teacher development can be viewed as teachers learning, rather than as others getting teachers to change. In learning, the teachers were developing their beliefs and ideas, developing their classroom practice, and attending to their feelings associated with changing 7.

They identify and describe 8three main types of development01 personal, professional and social. The process of teacher development can be seen as one in which personal, professional, and social development is occurring, and one in which development in one aspect cannot proceed unless the other aspects develop also7. (p. 545) They also describe what they consider to be key features of the teacher development process (p. 545)1 6 Teacher development can be seen as having two aspects. One is the input of new theoretical ideas and new teaching suggestions. The second is trying out, evaluation, and practice of these new theoretical and teaching ideas over an extended period of time in a collaborative situation where the teachers are able to receive support and feedback, and where they are able to reflect critically. oth are important if all three aspects of teacher development personal, professional, and social development are to occur7. To sum up, being a good and successful teacher is not a talent, but a skill you learn and acquire through time. The list bellow shows the most important features of professional teachers1 9rofessional creative teachers1 () :now their students well. -) ;ary their role in the class. /) *n$oy their $ob. 5) <oke with their students and create rela!ed class environment. =) Are always patient with students. >) 9lan everything before they come to the class. ?) @ever waste time. A) ;ary and use different teaching techniques. 4) +ook for the most suitable activities for students. (B)

"how interest in students and sub$ect. (() 3ive their students enough time to learn and practice. (-) %ocus on the goal. $.$ T%e I 'ortance of Teac%er De&elo' ent Cuality *nglish teaching requires the provision of continuing opportunities for professional development. Teachers need1

access to new research and knowledge in the teaching of literacy, language development and an integrated curriculum2


appropriate, up to date qualifications in both the content area of the sub$ect and in teaching methodology2


opportunities to share e!pertise with other e!perienced teachers and educators leading to reflection on practice2


opportunities for discipline renewal for teachers whose teacher education took place some years ago2


a commitment at all levels to time release to attend professional development activities2 and


Decognition at all levels of the value of professional development.

Cuality teaching is directly related to the development of a strong, well informed and well supported professional body to respond to community and educational concerns and to influence opinion. Access to professional development is crucial in enabling teachers to1

improve learning outcomes for students2 take a more active role in curriculum planning, including building on and refining e!isting practices2

constantly develop e!cellent teaching practices2 actively participate in the evaluation of teaching practices and programs2 and

Actively participate in the implementation of local, state and national curriculum initiatives.


(.1 T%e P%eno enon of Engli)% Teac%er) in Indone)ia It is common knowledge that the quality of education in the country is still low. Cuite a lot of evidence that can be used to support this conclusion. The average results of the national final e!amination, final e!am school or whatever its calledEfor all sub$ects ranged in the range of = to ? only. ;arious surveys conducted by international agencies also put Indonesia on student achievement down position. %inally, the results of the TIF"" survey -BB/ (Trends in International Fathematics and "ciencies "tudy) under the umbrella of the International Association for *valuation of *ducational Achievement (I*A) ranks Indonesia /5th in mathematics and />th position for the field of science from 5= countries surveyed (:ompas, --G(-G-BB5). In fact, in *ast <ava, in the selection of candidates for admission civil servants who announced a few days ago reported many formations that are not filled because no one else wouldEtake the test meets the standard value (passing grade) were determined.

(.$ T%e I))ue) !aced B* T%e Teac%er Due To Teac%ing De&elo' ent There is also a state that the cause of the poor quality of teachers at this time, there are at least four issues related to the problems faced by teachers in Indonesia, namely1 %irst, the problem of quality G quality of teachers. The quality of our teachers, is now allegedly very alarming. #ased on data from the year -BB-G-BB/, of (.- million of our current elementary school teachers, only A./H of them are qualified scholars. This kind of reality, will ultimately affect the quality of students produced. @ot to mention the problem, in which a teacher is often teach more than one sub$ect which is not uncommon, not a corn G core of its knowledge, has led to the learning process to be not optimal. "econd, the number of teachers who are still lacking. @umber of teachers in Indonesia is still lacking, if related to the number of e!isting students. Therefore, the number of students per class by the number of teachers that are available today, felt still less proportional, so there is rarely a class roared often in the content of more than /B students. A figure that is far from ideal for a process of learning and teaching that is considered effective. Ideally, every class is filled no more than (=E-B students to ensure the quality of teaching and learning is ma!imi ed.

Third, teacher distribution problem. 9roblems uneven distribution of teachers, is a separate issue in the world of education in Indonesia. In remote areas, one we often hear the teacher shortage in the region, both for security reasons as well as other factors, such as facilities and teacher welfare issues are considered to be still much to be e!pected.

%ourth, the problem of teachersI welfare. Jas not become common knowledge, that the welfare of our teachers are very concerning. Income teachers, considered still far from sufficient, especially for those who still e!isted as teachers or partEtime teachers. These conditions, most of the teachers have been stimulated to seek additional income outside of their duties as teachers, including the business school environment where they teach educators. Deasonable increase in the welfare of teachers, can increase the professionalism of teachers, including teachers can prevent business practices in schools.

(.( Doe) Creati&e +ead t%e Teac%er to Teac%ing De&elo' ent, The creative teachers are able to make the student to be creative. 'reativity can inspire students to learn new content through a creative outlet. 'lassroom teachers have a constant struggle between teaching content and incorporating creativity into daily instruction. Kften state standards limit the teacher0s ability to develop lessons that include creation in the classroom and teachers may resort to a more teacherEcentered environment. It is the teachers0 responsibility to generate lessons and centers that encourage

students to be creative. It is vital that the incorporation of creativity in the classroom is encouraged so that students of varying learning styles are e!posed to different ways to learn. If the teachers have creativity inside, then the teaching learning process will develop also. #ecause they will find something new toward it. Jere are some things you have to do as *%+ teacher1

&ou need to be creative because teaching present perfect simple can be very monotonous, so you0ll try to find new ways, new techniques each year.


&ou must be a lifeElong learner because teaching encourages us to learn something new every day. &ou can bring the real world into your classroom so you should always update your knowledge. If you stop learning, you will be behind your students.


&ou know another language (if you aren0t a native speaker) and you can e!plore other cultures and lifestyles. #ecause of this, you can lead your students to another world where they can start perceiving what0s really going on around them.

(.- Ho. to be a Creati&e Teac%er in TE!+, .e have already mentioned why it is important for teachers to develop their teaching. 'reative teachers will always have unique way of teaching. In particular us, as Indonesian people which *nglish as foreign language, we know it0s rare to find creative teacher. It0s the biggest issue of us. #efore we step onto this kind of material, we firstly have to know what matters will happen if teachers are absence of creative thinking.

Teachers may become more and more dependent on the input and ideas of others L proponents of different approaches M methods, course book writers, teacher educators, article writers2

-. /.

They may become 6followers7 who cannot critici e and be eclectic2 They may become unable to develop their own independent thinking, their own philosophy of education and, thus, unable to make their own decisions and solve problems in their own way.

This lack of evaluation and selection criteria often results in teachers adopting techniques and activities without thinking2 an approach, method, or even the use of a book, may be 6bought wholesale7 and often used without reflection. If the result is not successful, it is quite difficult for the individual to understand why. So what is the correlation between being creative and TEFL? Is creative influence the teachers?

The questions above may be asked out. Fost of Indonesian teachers have no good brave enough to 6out of the box!. .hat does it mean, The teachers stuck in a bo!. .e can imagine the syllabus and D99 are bo!es. The teachers 6trapped7 inside the bo! if they have no creativity. They $ust follow the rules. #y being creative, teacher may get 6 out of the box7. They will e!pand their mind of. They always find ways to create warm circumstances in classroom. They don0t stuck in one method and technique only. They vary their teaching learning process. .e all know there are several methods and techniques of *nglish teaching learning2 Total 9hysical Desponse (T9D), The "ilent .ay, 'ommunity +anguage +earning, "uggestopedia, .hole

+anguage, Fultiple Intelligences, @eurolinguistic 9rogramming, The +e!ical Approach, and 'ompetencyE#ased +anguage Teaching and so forth. The creative teachers will always update their methods based on the situation in the classroom and the development of technologies, that0s why we have to leave the old methods and change into the modern one. (./ T%e Curriculu and Teac%er0) Creati&it*

In the -B(/ curriculum, teachers are no longer required to make syllabus or instructional materials. This contrasts with the *ducation Nnit +evel 'urriculum (:T"9) that previously applied. Jowever, with the policy of this case, feared the teachers would $ust like a robot because everything is prepared so that the government could blunt the creativity of the teachers. Teachers as told to fi!ate on the guide book for what will be taught to design

Teaching and +earning Activities (:#F) is set in it. .ith everything that has been prepared, the teacher $ust stay and perform $ust as stints in accordance with what has been prepared. &et when the teacher is in the classroom, it is the domain of teachers and teaching is very situational because they have to see the condition of the child. .hen all is set, then the instruction so stiff. Jowever, according to the 'hairman of the Indonesian Teachers Association (93DI) )I& Ahmad Oaenal %anani, in "t. +ouis, .ednesday (/BGB(G-B(/) acknowledge that the substance of the curriculum in -B(/ is quite good. Je also supports the reduction of sub$ects, followed by the addition of study hours. In the -B(/ curriculum, students will no longer be burdened with severe learning material and diverse, as well as energy channeled only to students afford school. In our opinion, this curriculum is good because if the sub$ect is too much, then the child is too heavy. #ut with the addition and subtraction hour sub$ects, then it will be controlled by the child in school activities. @o more time for them to try things that are not good and parents can also feel calm. Although -B(/ has been designed curriculum, but teachers should still be activities that can demonstrate creativity in the learning process. .ith the curriculum is also e!pected to remain teachers are given the freedom to determine how to define themselves in the learning process.

(.1 Ca)e of #tud* In Indonesia, many of us have encountered the phenomena e!perienced by the teachers, especially in the field of *nglish. A professional teacher is a teacher who has a good level of creativity so that in the end the whole purpose of the learning process can be achieved with either. A teacher whose professional and creative generation of youth who will print a high quality. Jowever, in fact in the process of teaching and learning activities in Indonesia are not all teachers, especially in the field of *nglish language education has a good level of creativity in teaching. Fany of them in terms of $ust focusing on the delivery of teaching materials has been provided in the absence of further development on the matter. If we compare the e!isting teaching staff in schools and in the course, although the material taught in both means the same education, but we can see clearly that the students be able to develop better when they $oin the course because of the method and how to teach conducted at the place more interesting and not monotonous compared to when they are learning in the classroom. In addition, teacher professionalism and creativity problem in Indonesia is also still questionable quality. A teacher that the teacher can be regarded as a professional person if he has a high education and e!tensive knowledge. According to NN) pasal (5 of -BB= Article -, paragraph - says that 6recognition of the position of teachers as professionals referred to in paragraph (() shall be evidenced by a certificate of educators 6. .hen it

should be, with a high education and knowledge alone is not enough. Fany are found in Indonesia, a lot of people who have higher education but still questionable professionalism. Fany bad things are done by the ma$ority of teachers of diploma forgery start to mismatch the profession of teaching. It is simply not good due to the occurrence of such problems, obviously the process of education and teaching is disrupted.



Alkhatery, @awal. (-B((). "hat #akes $ou a %rofessional Teacher7 PonlineQ. http1GGnawalalkathery.hubpages.comGhubG.hatEFakesE&ouEaE 9rofessionalETeacher. (Accessed on Tuesday -5th) #RyRksimkeSyan, *va. (-B(B). 6 eing an &'( Teacher!. PonlineQ. http1GGwww.teachingvillage.orgG-B(BGB-GBAGbeingEanEeflEteacherEbyE evaEbuyuksimkesyanG. (Accessed on Tuesday -5th) *vans, +inda. (-BB-). .hat is *ducation,. Oxford )eview of &ducation, *ol. +,, -o. ..! 'oventry1 Taylor M %rancis 3roup. Jarwell, "andra J. (-BB/). 6Teacher %rofessional /evelopment0 It1s -ot an &vent, It1s a %rocess!. Te!as1 'ord.

http1GGwww.cord.orgGuploadedfilesGJarwell9aper.pdf Imperiani, *rnie ).A. 6&nglish (anguage Teaching in Indonesia and its relation to the role of &nglish as an International (anguage!. http1GGe$ournal.upi.eduGinde!.phpGpsgGarticleGviewG5/G(/ Oahroh, &aqien. (-BB4). 6 %rofesionalisme 2uru dalam #eningkatan #utu %endidikan7 PonlineQ. http1GGblog.uinE meningkatanEmutuEpendidikanG. (Accessed on Tuesday -5 th)

.alkington, <ackie. (-BB=). ecoming a teacher0 encouraging development of teacher identity through reflective practice!. 'anberra1 Taylor M %rancis 3roup.

http1GGcmapspublic/.ihmc.usGridT((A((/5??(A(=U=A=5--B=-U(/4 =-GbecomingH-BaH-Bteacher.pdf

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