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I / Choose the r !ht "or# or $hr%se th%t &est 'o($)etes the se*te*'e+ 1. Where . you last Sunday ? a. are b. be c. is d. were 2. Last week, Mr. HoCNG Chi Minh City or a ANH 7tri!. 16 TRANG a. "o b. "oes c. went d. "oin" #. What is your , Lan? $ %&' () kilos. PHOTO:234 TP a. hei"ht b. wei"ht c. tall d. na'e (. is this book? $ %t&s (,*** don". a. How 'uch b. How 'any c. How old d. How hea+y ). ,esterday, % .to school because % was sick. a. "oes b. didn&t "o c. went d. "o -. Hoa her teeth three ti'es e+ery day. a. brush b. brushed c. brushes d. brushin" .. /id you buy any sou+enirs in 0ha Tran" ? 1 ,es, % a. do b. does c. did d. a' 2. % li+e 2) Tran 3an Thoi street with 'y "rand'other. a. on b. at c. between d. in 4. ..did Lan "o to the dentist&s last week? $ 5ecause she had a bad toothache. a. When b. Where c.What d. Why 1*. Would you.'e to the !ost o ice, !lease? a. takin" b. takes c. take d. took 11. /un" is a ............... student in 'y class. a. well b. "ood c. better d. best 12. Mrs 6huon" !lays the !iano ................ . a. well b. "ood c. better d. best 1#. S!inach is "ood or you, but you 'ust ............... it care ully. a. eat b. wash c. cookin" d. boil 1(. Su"ar is a .............. ood. We need it to li+e. a. unhealthy b. healthy c. well d. better 1). He !lays soccer .................. but % !lay it well. a. bad b. badly c. worse d. worst 1-. Last year there was a district .................. co'!etition inThu&s city. a. walk b. walked c.walkin" d. walks 1.. He&s a sa e ta7i dri+er so he always dri+es his car ........... . a. ast b. dan"erously c. sa ely d. "ood 12. She is a .......... tennis !layer. a. bad b. badly c. worse d. worst 14. 0a' ou"ht to ................ his ho'ework be ore he !lays tennis. a. inish b. inishes c. inishin" d. inishs 2*. We can learn about the underwater world thanks .............. a di+in" +essel. a. on b. by c. to d. at 21. Most o the world&s sur ace is ..................... . a. ice b. snow c. land d. water 22. Would you like .................. dinner with 'e toni"ht? a. ha+e b. to ha+e c. ha+in" d. has 2#. There&s a cowboy 'o+ie ................ at the 0ew 8"e Theater toni"ht. a. in b. on c. o d. to 2(. ,ou shouldn&t ................... Too 'uch at ood. a. eats b. eatin" c. to eat d. eat 2). Hoa&s uncle and aunt ................ Like watchin" T3. a. don&t b. doesn&t c. no d. not 1

2-. We o ten talk about our day ..................... /inner. a. on b. at c. durin" d. o 2.. %t&s hot. % like . now. a.swi' swi' c.swi'''in" d.swi's 22. Would you like to !lay table tennis? .. . % ha+e to do 'y ho'ework. a.%&d lo+e to b.that sounds "ood. c.ok d.%&' sorry. % can&t. 24. What are you "oin" to do this weekend? . . a.%&' "oin" to !lay soccer. c.%&' "oin" to the 'o+ies. b.%&' doin" 'y ho'ework. d.%&' "oin" to the 9oo. #*. They like bananas and they like "ra!es, . a.too c.either d.neither #1. %&' thirsty. : .. is she. b.too c.either d.neither #2. /id you wash the s!inach, 0a'? a. yes, he did b. yes, you did c. no, i didn&t d. no, you didn&t ##. % !re er !ork ..bee . a.on d. or #(. There is a detecti+e 'o+ie at ;ansland Theater. b.on d. ro' #). <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< the s!inach care ully = a.wash wash c.washes d.washin" #-. /id you do your ho'ework last ni"ht? : <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< . % watched T3. a.yes,% did. b.yes, you did., you didn&t., % didn&t. #.. Lan&s sister is a <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< swi''er. a."ood b.well c.slowly d.>uickly #2. % ate s!inach, but 'y Mo' and /ad <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< . b.don&t c.did d.didn&t #4. What <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< do you like ? : % like cartoons. a.kinds o ood b.kinds o drinks c.kinds o 'eat d.kinds o il's (*. He !re ers !layin" soccer to <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<books . b.reads read d.readin" (1. % don&t like carrots. : <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< . a.% do, too. do % c.neither % do d.% don&t, either. (2. Miss Chi is o+erwei"ht. She should <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< . e+ery day harder 'ore su"ar d. eat 'ore 'eat. (#. Lan has a toothache. She ou"ht to see a <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< . c.nurse d.worker ((. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< and !lay table tennis= : %&d lo+e to .'e co'e'es'in" (). Son? Can % watch T3 now, Mo'? Mo'? 0o, you can&t. ,ou <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< inish your dinner, irst. a.can b.should c.ou"ht to d.'ust (-. /on&t eat <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<candy .%t&s not "ood or your health. a.a little b.too 'uch c.a lot o d.lots o (.. Hoa lo+es the li e in the city . :::: her sister a. so does b. so do c. does so d. do so (2. What is wron" ::: 0a' ? a. in b. with c. on d. at (4. Hoan" is "ettin" used ::::::: u! late at ni"ht a. stay b. stayin" c. to stay d. to stayin" )*. Mai hates ::::: in the country because it is +ery borin" a. li+in" b. li+e c. li+es d. li+ed )1. we en@oy ::::::: in su''er a. swi' b. swi''in" c. to swi' d. to swi''in" )2. My !arents like to listen :::: classical 'usic a. with b. to c. at d.on 2

)#. My brother doesn&t like watchin" il's. 0a'&s brother doesn&t like watchin" il's, :::::: a. either b. neither c. so d. too )(. Let&s ::::: to the 'o+ies = a. "o b. to "o c. "oin" d. is "oin" )). 3o 0"uyen Aia! is a a'ous .. a. teacher b. "eneral c. ar'er )-. He is a'ous .. leadin" the 6eo!le&s 8r'y o 3iet0a' at /ien 5ien 6hu a. o b. to c. in d. or ).. We can see shadow !u!!et shows in .. a. %ndonesia b. 3ietna' c. Thailand d. Ca'bodia )2. 5an"kok is a ca!ital o . a. %ndonesia b. 3ietna' c. Thailand d. Ca'bodia )4. Bakarta is a ca!ital o . a. %ndonesia b. 3ietna' c. Thailand d. Ca'bodia -*. % a' "oin" to the center a. a'use b. a'usin" d. a'use'ent d. a'used
1. 2. #. (. ). -. .. 2. 4. 1*. 11. 12. 1#. 1(. 1). 1-. 1.. 12. 14. 2*. 21. 22. 2#. 2(. 2). 2-. 2.. 22. 24. #*. #1. #2. ##. #(. THE FINAL REVISION They don&t know the students ha+e to work :::: at school and at ho'e C hard, hardly, borin", interestin"D % :::: to "o sho!!in" with her C!re er, like, hate, all are correctD He :::: doin" housework C hates, !re ers, likes, all are correctD :::: tell 'y !arents ? C/o % ou"ht to, ou"ht to %, Eu"ht % to, ou"ht %D What :::: on Saturday a ternoons? Cdo you, you do, do you do, are youD He :::: interested in your new drawin". C'ay be, 'ay is, 'ays be, 'ays isD She watched hi' :::: her bicycle C i7ed, i7es, i7, i7in"D %&' "lad :::: hear you&re better now Chear, to hear, hearin", or hearin"D /oin" 'ornin" e7ercise re"ularly kee!s 'e :::: C it, healthy, health ul, it F healthyD % like durian. :::: Cso do %, 'e $ too, % do too, all are correctD % :::: takin" a walk e+ery Sunday 'ornin". C!lan, want, en@oy, decideD ,ou :::: s!end 'uch ti'e !layin" +ideo "a'es Cshould, shouldn&t, need, needn&tD The in+entors o the "a'es :::: +ery rich. 4beco'e, be"in, start, isD Many tennis !layers are :::: twenty or twenty two Cso youn" so, so youn" as, as youn" as, as youn" soD % hate :::: housework. Cdo, to do, doin", to do or doin"D The noise :::: 'e awake at ni"ht C takes, kee!s, "i+es, doesD Could you hel! 'e :::: the cookin" Cwith, by, or, toD He teaches 'e :::: tennis C!lay, to !lay, !layin", to !lay or !layin"D :::: /o you do on Sunday 'ornin"? C How, What, Why, WhoD Ti' s!ends 'uch ti'e :::: +ideo "a'es C in, at, on, orD % had to :::: ro' the bank to !ay or 'y car Csend, borrow, take, "i+eD Children should :::: in outdoor acti+ities with their riends C take !art, @oin, co'e, a F bD The !olice cau"ht those ::: yesterday e+enin" Crobs, robbery, robber, robbersD :::: is a !erson who 'akes or thinks o so'ethin" new CCyclist, /entist, %n+entor, 6olice Children ::::: s!end a lon" ti'e on !layin" +ideo "a'es Cshould, shouldn&t, 'ustn&t D She sin"s :::: Cbeauti ul, nice, beauti ully, lo+elyD He +olunteered :::: us all in his car Ctake, to take, takin", to takin"D We can learn 'ore about the undersea world :::: this in+ention Cbecause, or, thanks to, thanks orD The nu'ber o !artici!ants :::: e+ery week Cincrease, increases, is increase, are increaseD He&s a "ood swi''er . ::::: CHe swi's well, He like swi''in", He can swi' +ery ast, He usually swi'sD He said he would wait ::: 'e Co , or, to, inD /o you like to tak !a"t in our club? C!lay, "o, @oin, "etD They take a walk instead :::: bicycle tri!s Ctake, to take, o take, o takin"D He is learnin" :::: in the lake Cswi', to swi', swi''in", to swi''in"D

#). #-. #.. #2. #4. (*. (1. (2. (#. ((. (). (-. (.. (2. (4. )*. )1. )2. )#. )(. )). )-. ).. )2. )4. -*. -1. -2. -#. -(. -). --. -.. -2. -4. .*. .1. .2. .#. .(. .). .-. ... .2. .4. 2*. 21. 22. 2#. 2(.

% #$k to listen to rock 'usic Clo+e, want, en@oy, hateD His 'other wanted hi' :::: so'e bread Cbuy, to buy, buyin", to buyin"D :::: is a !erson who rides a bicycle CScientist, Cyclist, Me'ber, 6artici!antD ,esterday, they :::: to the 'o+ie theatre C"o, oes, went, are "oin"D % don&t like s!inach, ::::::: Cso do % , so a' %, % a' not either, 0either do % D She told 'e not :::: late Cbe, to be, bein", to bein"D The dentist asks hi' not to or"et :::: his teeth Cbrush, to brush, brushin", to brushin"D % like s!inach, :::: C0either do %, 0either a' %, So do %, So a' %D There was a "ood selection :::: 'eat on the stall Co , or, with, onD Could you :::: the table or lunch? C!ut, set, take, useD ;resh ruits and +e"etables are "ood :::: you. C or, at, o , onD %t&s a :::: baby Chealth, healthy, health ul, healthilyD We can eat a lar"e a'ount :::: resh ruit and +e"etables Co , or, to, onD He is a student :::::: Cwe are so, so we are , so are we, so do weD These 'edicines can 'ake you :::: better. C eel, to eel, eelin", to eelin" D % always try to ha+e a healthy, balanced :::: C ood, diet, e7ercise, !roductD This ood tastes :::: Ccare ul, care ully, delicious, deliciouslyD 8 ter you take so'e 'edicines, you will eel :::: Cwell, "ood, better, "ood or betterD She le t without :::: "oodbye Csay, to say, sayin", to sayin"D % hates carrots. % don&t like !eas, :::: Calso, either, too, all are correctD What was wron" :::: you? Cto, with, about, 7D ,esterday they had a :::: check $ u! C'edical, 'edicine, 'edicines, 'edicinalD :::: is a sho! where you can buy 'edicines and a lot o other thin"s C5akery, Toy store, Shoes store, /ru"store D She needs :::: those 'edicines Chas, to ha+e, ha+in", to ha+in"D Eur teacher told us :::: this book Cread, to read, readin", to readin"D The :::: o lu include a headache, a hi"h te'!erature and aches in the body Csy'!to', sy'!to's, cure, curesD Last year, 'y aunt :::: 'e a new dress Cbuys, is buyin", buyed, ou"htD He wants to learn :::: to use the co'!uter Cwhat, how, why, whoD What do you think :::: 0ha Tran"? Cto, or, o , atD %t&s not di icult :::: a new dress C'ake, 'akin", to 'ake, to 'akin"D % always ::::: u! early C "et, "ets, "ot, "ettedD He ::::: a letter ro' 'y !en !al 2 days a"o Crecei+e, recei+ed, recei+es, is recei+in"D What :::: she do yesterday? Cdo, does, was, didD The a'ily returned :::: Ha 0oi by train C or, in, to, backD My !en !al :::: to +isit 'e ne7t 'onth Cis co'in", will co'e, co'e, is co'in" and will co'eD Hoa is a keen student and she :::: hard Cstudy, studys, studies, is studyin"D % had a "ood ti'e :::: 'y !arents in the city Cwith, or, atD Where :::: you +isit when you were in Hoi 8n? Cdo, will, didD % :::: to see so'e te'!les on the irst day C"o, a' "oin", wentD /id you :::: anythin" there? Cbou"ht, buy, brou"htD % ne+er learn how :::: a sewin" 'achine Csew, to sew, sewin"D /o you hel! your !arents :::: housework? C or, about, withD /on&t or"et to wash :::: be ore 'eals C eet, hands, teethD % know how too take care :::: 'ysel Co , about, o D My ather is a :::: ootball !layer 4skill, skill ul, skill ullyD He also cycles :::: Csa e, sa ety, sa elyD :::: is a un, easy and ine7!ensi+e acti+ity Cwalkin", walk, walked D He is a ast dri+er. He dri+es +ery ::::: C astly, ast, asterD % can&t "o out or a walk now, % :::: 'y ho'ework C'ust do, 'ust to do, 'ust doin"D Would you like to "o to the 'o+ies to'orrow? C,es % do, ,es % like, %&d lo+e toD

2). 2-. 2.. 22. 24. 4*. 41. 42. 4#. 4(. 4). 4-. 4.. 42. 44.

8re you ree :::: Sunday ? 4on, or, toD What would you like ::::? Cto see, seein", seeD They !re er :::: co'!uter Cto !layin", to !lay, !layD Which sentences is correct? C%&' "oin" to see a dentist, %&' "oin" seein" a dentist to'orrow, %&' "oin" see a dentist to'orrowD ::::: do you like? Cwhat o !ro"ra's, what kinds o !ro"ra's, what o kinds !ro"ra'sD My riend !re ers watchin" +ideo :::: Cto listenin" to 'usic, than listenin" to 'usic, to listen to 'usicD /o you :::: +ideo "a'es, 0a'? $ ,es % do Cdo, !lay, "oD They can beco'e :::: Cdi99ily, di99y, di99ililyD Hoa en@oys ::::: books +ery 'uch Cread, reads, readin"D So'e !lay the' at ho'e, :::: !lay the' in arcades Cothers, other, anotherD Children shouldn&t s!end 'uch ti'e on these "a'es :::: alon" ti'e Cin, on, orD /o you think he is :::: in the library at the 'o'ent? Creads, readin", readed, to readD How about ::::: ca'!in"? Cwent, "oin", "o, to "oD Let&s :::: to see the teacher. Cto "o, "oin", "oD 8re you a raid :::: snakes. Cabout, at, o D

R a% 1& A& %n the su''er holidays, Mr. 0a', Mrs. 0"a and their children, Mai and Hun" o ten "o to the beach or two or three days. They always "o to 3un" Tau in the South o 3iet 0a'. They rarely "o to the 0orth. They usually stay in a s'all house or a lat by the sea, but so'eti'es they stay in a hotel. Last su''er, they went to 0ha Tran". They stayed at the Sunshine Hotel or our days. %n the 'ornin", Hun" !layed soccer with his ather on the beach. Mai and her 'other walked alon" the beach and built sand castles. They +isited Tri 0"uyen 8>uariu' and saw di erent kinds o ish there. They elt +ery co' ortable when they ca'e ho'e. %t was a "reat holiday. They also bou"ht a lot o sou+enirs or riends. 1. Where does LanGs a'ily o ten "o to on their su''er +acation? 8. to the beach 5. to the South C. to 0ha Tran" /. to the 0orth 2. How lon" do they o ten stay there? 8. Ene day 5. Two days C. There days /. Two or three days #. Where did they "o to last su''er? 8. to the beach 5. to 3un" Tau C. to 0ha Tran" /. to the 0orth (. What did Mai and her 'other do in the 'ornin"? Thay ::::::. 8. !layed soccer 5. walked alon" the beach C. built sand castles /. 5oth 5 and C are correct ). /id they en@oy their last year holiday? 8. 0o, they didnGt. 5. ,es, they did. C. %t was terrible. /. %t was "reat R a% 2& Mary ca'e ro' a rich a'ily and was +ery !retty. %n her a'ily, youn" "irls usually s!end their ti'e "oin" to !arties until they 'arried rich youn" 'en. 5ut Mary ound !arties borin"H she wanted to be a nurse. ;inally, in 12)*, when she was #*, her !arents acce!ted her decision. So she went to study in a hos!ital in Aer'any. Soon she was asked to "o to the Ba!an to take care o the wounded soldiers. Then she was in char"e o a nursin"<ho'e or wo'en in London. 1. When was Mary born? 8. %n 122* 5. %n 12#* C. %n 12)* /. %n 122* 2. What was Mary like? 8. She likes !arties. 5. She likes nurses. C. She was !retty. /. She was borin". #. How did "irls in her a'ily s!end their ree ti'e? 8. They o ten went to !arties. 5. They looked a ter the !atients. C. They went to study in hos!itals. /. They took care o the sodiers. 5

(. /id Mary like !arties? 8. ,es, she did. 5. 0o, she didnGt. C. She ound !arties +ery e7!ensi+e. /. She ound !arties borin". ). What did she do in Cri'ea? 8. She "ot 'arried there. 5. She was in char"e o a nursin"<ho'e. C. She took care o the wounded sodiers. /. She beca'e a nurse there. II / Choose the r !ht "or# or $hr%se th%t &est 'o($)etes the se*te*'e+ 1. She talked her riends ...her +acation in /a Lat.CaboutIin I or atD 2. %t was a "reen skirt with white lowers it. Cin I on I at I o D #. 8re you scared seein" the dentist? Cat I in I to I o D (. % recei+ed a letter your aunt last week.C or I about I at I ro'D ). Wash your hands . 'eals.C on I o I be ore I a terD -. /id you buy any in 0ha Tran"? C+acation I"i tsI!resent I ca!D .. . /id you see her? $ yesterday.C What I How I When I WhyD 2. /on&t eat too . Candy.C 'uch I 'any I lots o I 'oreD 4. She looks tired. What&s the . with her? C'atter I ha!!en I wron" I ri"ht?D 1*. Minh is absent today He is ill. Cwhy I so I because I butD 11. % need .. your hei"ht.C'easurin" . to 'easure I 'easurin" I 'easuredD 12. How . %s 0"a?< She is (2 kilos.Chi"hI wei"htIhea+yItallD 1#. .. you lend 'e your !en, !lease?CWould I CanIWillI/oD 1(. The 'edicines the !ain in 'y chest.C!re+entedIrelie+edI!rotectedIworriedD 1). J+erybody knows the o the co''on cold.Csy'!to'sIsy'!to'IcheckI wayD 1-. Lan was absent Class because o her sickness.Co I ro' IatI onD 1.. Would you "et the scales. Cin I on I at I toD 12. 6lease illthe records and "i+e the' or 'e. Cin Ito o IaboutD 14. Candy is not "ood our health.Cat I or I about I toD 2*. There was a sho! near the e7it o the a>uariu'.C bookI toys I sou+enirI "i tsD III ' V "( )*"+: 1. She ne+er CstayD u! late at ni"ht. 2. Minh C"oD .. to the dentist to'orrow. #. .. she CbuyD . a new shoes last week? (. She CbuyD last 'onth. ). She should CbrushD her teeth re"ularly. -. What your 'other CdoD . at the 'o'ent? .. Why you Clea+eD . the !arty early last ni"ht? 2. ,esterday % Clea+eD the !arty early because % 'ust "o to 'y "rand'other&s house. 4. Last ni"ht She C"i+eD .. 'e a "i t on 'y birthday. 1*. She Cnot writeD .. a letter or 'e last week. 11. C5rushD .. your teeth care ully. 12. C/oD your ho'ework e+ery day. 1#. CWashD . ,our hands be ore the 'eals. 1(. They C+isitD . 0ha Tran" in 2**). 1). We Cco'eD . to the library to'orrow. 1-. We shouldn&t C!layD . "a'es so 'uch. 1.. He Cnot beD here yesterday. 12. .. They C'akeD that car last year? 14. Would you like C"oD .. to the 'o+ie? 2*. She told 'e CtakeD . her so'e !hotos. IV ' R ,"$t : 1. Why don&t we do e7ercises e+ery 'ornin"? We should . a. does e7ercises e+ery 'ornin" 6

b. doin" e7ercises e+ery 'ornin" c. do e7ercises e+ery 'ornin" d. to do e7ercises e+ery 'ornin" 2. Let&s "o to school on ti'e. ,ou should a. "o on ti'e to school b. "o to school ti'e on c. "o ti'e to school on d. "o school to on ti'e #. 0a'&s wei"ht is (- kilos. a. 0a' is (- kilos tall. b.0a' is (- kilos wei"ht. c.0a' is (- kilos hea+y d.0a' are (- kilos hea+y (. She is #- kilos hea+y. a. Her hei"ht is #- kilos b. Her hei"h is #- kilos c. Her wei"ht is #- kilos d. Her wei"h is #- kilos ..How old is he? a. What&s her a"e? b.What&s your a"e? c.What&s his a"e? d.What&s 'y a"e? 2. She is a skill ul soccer !layer. a. She !lays soccer skill ul b.She !lays soccer skill ully c.She !lay soccer skill ully d.She is !lays soccer skill ully 4. /on&t !lay "a'es so 'uch ti'e a. ,ou should !lay "a'es so 'uch ti'e b.,ou should not !lay "a'es so 'uch ti'e c.,ou should !lays "a'es so 'uch ti'e d.,ou should not !lays "a'es so 'uch ti'e 1*. % Cnot brush D 'y teeth care ully last ni"ht. a. % not brushed 'y teeth care ully last ni"ht b.% brushed not 'y teeth care ully last ni"ht c.% did not brushed 'y teeth care ully last ni"ht d.% did not brush 'y teeth care ully last ni"ht 11. Let&s "o to the dentist? What about .? a. To "o to the dentist b.Aoin" to the dentist c.Went to the dentist d.Ao to the dentist 12. Hoa does not likes durians and neither does Thanh a. Hoa does not like durians and Thanh does, too b. Hoa does not like durians and Thanh does, either c. Hoa does not like durians and Thanh does, so d. Hoa does not like durians and Thanh does, neither 1#.% !re er books to il's. a. % like books to il's b.% like books than il's c.% like books better il's d.% like books better than il's 1(.She is a slow swi''er. a. She swi's slow b.She swi's slowly c.She slowly swi's d.She swi' slowly R a% 3& J+ery year 'illions o !eo!le catch the co''on cold. %t isn&t a serious .C1D.., but a lot o 'oney is s!ent on di erent kinds o cold ..C2D e+ery year. This 'edicine can ..C#D.. the sy'!to's.That is, it can 'ake you cou"h less and sto! your nose C(D or while. Howe+er, it can&t cure C)D.. cold. 8lthou"h there is no cure - the co''on cold C.D.. no 'edicine to !re+ent it, !eo!le ha+e di erent kinds od ideas about C2D to !re+ent and treat colds. 1. headache disease sy'!to' co'!etition 2. a'ount te'!erature 'edicine sur"ery #. relie+e to relie+e relie+ed relei+in" (. run ran to run runnin" ). your 'y her their -. at o in or .. because but and so 2. what how where when 7

R a% 4& The students C1D.. Kuan" Trun" school are ha+in" a C2D.. check<u!. Hoa, Lan and 0"a C#D.. in their 'edical C(D.. and "a+e the' to the nurse. The nurse called Hoa. ;irst she took her te'!erature. That&s nor'al.Then she 'easures Hoa&s C)D. 8 ter that, She need C-D.. Hoa. ;inally, the doctor will see Hoa in a ew 'inutes. 1. at in o with 2. 'edicine 'edicines 'edical 'edicals #. write wrote illed ill (.book notebook record records ). tall hei"ht hi"h wei"ht -. wei"ht wei"hs to wei"ht wei"hed R a% -& . %t is +ery i'!ortant to ha+e teeth. Aood teeth hel! us to chew our ood. They also hel! us to look nice. How can you kee! our teeth healthy? ;irstly, we ou"ht to +isit our dentist e+ery si7 'onths. Secondly, we should brush our at least twice a day< once a ter break ast and once be ore we "o to bed. Thrdly, we should eat ood that is "ood or our teeth and our body? 'ilk, cheese, ish, !otatos, red rice, +e"etables and resh ruit. 1. To ha+e healthy teeth is +ery i'!ortant. 2. We ou"ht to +isit our dentist twice a year. #. We should not brush our teeth a ter break ast. (. Milk, cheese, ish, !otatoes, +e"etables are bad or our body. R a% 6& Hoa watched Mrs Mai 'ake her dress. She thou"ht sewin" was a use ull hobby. She decided to learn how to use a sew. Hoa bou"ht so'e 'aterial.She learned how to use a sewin" 'achine and she 'ade a cushion or her ar'chair. %t was blue and white. 0e7t, Hoa 'ade a skirt. %t was "reen and white lowers on it. %t looked +ery !retty. Hoa tried it on but it didn&t it. %t was too bi". Hoa&s nei"hbor hel!ed her and then it itted +ery well. 0ow, Hoa has a use ul new hobby<she wears the thin"s she 'akes. C.**/ T"0 *" Fa#/ : 1. Hoa thou"ht sewin" was a use ul hobby. 2. Hoa 'ade a cushion with "reen and white lowers on it. #. Then she 'ade a blue and white skirt. (. ;irst, the skirt doesn&t it . , / Choose the r !ht "or# or $hr%se th%t &est 'o($)etes the se*te*'e+ 1. % ha+e see the dentist at 1*, but %L' scared 8. a!!oint'ent 5. de!art'ent C. 'eetin" /. e7!eri'ent 2. 8t irst, e+erythin" was stran"e and 8. con+enient 5. di icult C. ha!!y /. co' ortable #. 5ut now %..well at school. 8. do 5. a' doin" C. 'ake /. a' 'akin" (. 0a' looked worryin". He was a raid o "oin" to see the dentist. C8D. C5D. CCD. C/D -. She says that clean teeth areteeth. 8. bad 5. healthy C. ill /. well .. ................are you scared o seein" the dentist? % hate the drill. 8. Why 5. When C. How /. What 2, What kinds .. !ro"ra's do you like? 5. o /. or 4. 3ideo "a'es can be . 8

8.add 5.addicty C.addicti+e /. addicti+ely 1*. She ad+ises Hoa to "et u! early and not stayin" u! late. C8D C5D CCD C/D 11. She told 'e to wash and ironin" 'y own clothes. C8D C5D CCD C/D 12. The ca+ity is s' isn&t serious. 8. because 5. but C. so /. and 1#. % understand eel, but donLt worry. 8. what 5. which C. why /. how 1(. Minh is always a raid"oin" to the dentist&s. 8. o 5. ro' C. with /. in 1). /onLt ..late. Ao to bed early and "et u! early. 8. stay out 5. stay on C. stay u! /. stay 1-. /r Lai ills his tooth. 8. tooth 5. ca+ity C. 'outh /.sur"ery 12 ,ouLre ri"ht %Lll co'e and ask her.......................'y tooth. 8. to i7 5. to take C. to !ull /. to "et 14 The dentist then asked 8. to 'e >uestions 5. to 'e >uestion C. 'e >uestions /. 'y so'e >uestions 2*. % ha+e aw ul.. My tooth hurts. 8. backache 5. headache C. earache /. toothache 21. To' and Berry is a !ro"ra' a. contest b. cartoon c. 'usic d. 'o+ie 22 Take care o yoursel . Me'e'ber to wash and iron..clothes. 8. you all 5. you own C. yoursel /. your own 2# /onLt ..late. Ao to bed early and "et u! early. 8. stay out 5. stay C. stay u! /. stay on 2( you brush your teeth a day, Minh? <Twice a day. 8. What 5. When C. How o ten /. How 2).,ou should. o your teeth care ully. 8. take 5. take care C. look a ter /. look 2-. WhatLs the..with you, Mary? ,ou look worried. 8. >uestion 5. !roble' C. 'atter /. thin" 2.. /onLt !hone To'. He is +ery busy at his work. C8D C5D CCD C/D 22. HoaLs 'other wants her look a ter hersel . C8D C5D CCD C/D 24. /onLt or"et.your teeth a ter ha+in" 'eals and be ore "oin" to bed. 8. to brush 5. to clean C. to tidy /. to clear #*. We ho!eyou in Ha 0oi soon. 8. to +isit 5. +isit C. o +isitin" /. +isitin" #1. %L' thirsty. LetLs "o so'ewhere..a drink. 8. with 5. or c. o /. to #2. Why does MinhLs tooth hurt? has a ca+ity. 8. 5ut 5. So C. 5ecause /. 8nd ##. He doesnLt "o to school today. Hesick. 8. are 5. is C. were /. was #(. /onLt eat too 'uch. %tLs not "ood or your teeth. 8. rice 5. +e"etables C. ruit /. candy #). HoaLs !arents are ar'ers. They are always busy at..ti'e. 8. s!are 5. ree C. har+est /. season #-. /r Lai hi' and tell hi' not to worry. 8. lau"hs 5. shouts C. s'iles /. tares #.. My tooth sto!!ed............................a terwards. 8. to hurt 5. to ache C. to !ain /. hurtin" #2. Hoa lo+es the li e in the city . :::: her sister 9

a. so does b. so do c. does so d. do so #4. What is wron" ::: 0a' ? a. in b. with c. on d. at (*. Hoan" is "ettin" used ::::::: u! late at ni"ht a. stay b. stayin" c. to stay d. to stayin" (1. Mai hates ::::: in the country because it is +ery borin" a. li+in" b. li+e c. li+es d. li+ed (2. we en@oy ::::::: in su''er a. swi' b. swi''in" c. to swi' d. to swi''in" (#. My !arents like to listen :::: classical 'usic a. with b. to c. at d.on ((. My brother doesn&t like watchin" il's. 0a'&s brother doesn&t like watchin" il's, :::::: a. either b. neither c. so d. too (). Let&s ::::: to the 'o+ie = a. "o b. to "o c. "oin" d. is "oin" (-.They . . . . . . . . 0ha Tran" last su''er. 8. +isit 5. +isited C. are +isitin" /. to +isit (.. Tri 0"uyen . . . . . . . . . is a a'ous !lace. 8. a>uariu' 5. 'useu' C. stadiu' /. actory (2. When you ha+e a toothache, you should "o to the . . . . . . . . 8. nurse&s 5. doctor&s C. dentist&s /. hos!ital (4. Jatin" too 'uch candy is not "ood or your . . . . . . . . . . . 8. healthy 5. healthier C. healthily /. health )*. Lan . . . . . . . . . a new !air o shoes yesterday. 8. buy 5. buys C. bou"ht /. buyed )1. We should ha+e a . . . . . . . . . check < u! e+ery si7 'onths. 8. 'edical 5. 'edicine C. 'ediu' /. 'edically )2.% does not "o to the 'o+ie theater and. a.She does too b.So does she c.She does not either d.0either does not she )#.How .are you? $ % a' 1,-) 'eters a.Tall b.hea+y c.hei"h d.wei"h )(.She studies Jn"lish +ery. a.Aood b.well c."oodly d.welly )).Lan. a lot o sou+enirs at Tri 0"uyen 8>uariu' last week a.5uys buyin" c.bou"ht )-.She did not. to bed late yesterday a.Went b."oed c."oes d."o )..She likes s!inach. . does 'y 'other a.So b.too c.either d.neither )2.Let,s . the cartoon on T+ a.watchin" b. to watch d.watched )4.My nei"hbor cuts 'y hair e+ery 'onth. She is a . a./ress'aker b.dresser c. hairer d. hairdresser -*.Mai en@oys @okes . a. to tell b. tell c. tellin" d. told -1.% ou"ht to. the W;; to be healthy. a.Takes !art in b.take in !art c.take !art in d.takes in !art R a% 6& Thirty years a"o in 3iet 0a' , +ery ew !eo!le had T3 set. These T3 owners were +ery !o!ular . 8 ter dinner, their nei"hbors "athered both inside and outside their houses. So'e watched throu"h the windows. They watched the white and black !ro"ra's. Ti'es ha+e chan"ed. Today, 'any a'ilies ha+e T3 sets . 6eo!le sit in their own li+in" roo's and watch T3. Li e is 'ore co' ortable now, but 'any !eo!le don&t s!end 'uch ti'e to"ether any 'ore . 1+ Tr-e or .%)se / Che'0 1 2 3 the &o4es + True ;alse 10

1. 8 lot o !eo!le had T3 sets thirty years a"o . 2. 6eo!le watch T3 in their own li+in"roo's now . #. Today nei"hbors s!end 'uch ti'e to"ether . (. 0ow , +ery ew !eo!le ha+e T3 sets 2+ A*s"er the 5-est o*s 6 1+ 7ere T, o"*ers $o$-)%r th rt8 8e%rs %!o / 8. ,es, they were not 5. 0o, they were not C. ,es, they were /. 0o, they were 2+ 7here #o $eo$)e "%t'h T, *o" / 8. inside and outside their houses 5. throu"h the windows C. in their own li+in" roo's /. in the 'o+ies #. 9o the8 s$e*# (-'h t (e to!ether %s the8 # # * the $%st / 8. ,es, they did not 5. 0o, they did not C. ,es, they did /. 0o, they did :+ 7h%t $ro!r%(s # # the8 "%t'h / 8. white and black !ro"ra's 5. cartoon !ro"ra's C. color ul !ro"ra's /. beauti ul !ro"ra's 12t .3! 454 460 .7$ 48t A 9:$ 460 48t ;: Match a >uestion in 8 with an answer in 5. 8 1. Where did you "o last ni"ht? 2. Who did they talk to on the !hone? #. Why was he late or class? (. How o ten does he !lay tennis? 1<= > ? 2<= >&& ? 3<=>>? 4 <= >>&&

5 a. He !lays it twice a week. b. 5ecause he "ot u! late. c. % went to TaNy 0inh. d. My riends.

TL 1. 2. #. (.

R a% 7& Today, there is a T3 set in nearly e+ery ho'e. 6eo!le watch T3 e+ery day, and so'e !eo!le watch it ro' 'ornin" until ni"ht. 8'ericans watch T3 about #) hours a week. 5ut is T3 "ood or bad or you? 6eo!le ha+e di erent answers. So'e say that there is a lot o +iolence on T3 today, the !ro"ra's are terrible and !eo!le don&t "et any e7ercise because they only sit and watch T3. Ethers think that T3 !ro"ra's brin" news ro' around the world, hel! you learn 'any use ul thin"s, es!ecial children. Thanks to T3, !eo!le learn about li e in other countries, and it hel!s !eo!le rela7 a ter a lon" day o hard work. 1. %s T3 +ery !o!ular nowadays? Why? . 2. How 'any hours do 8'ericans watch T3 a day? . #. Why don&t so'e !eo!le like watch t+? . (. What does T3 brin" to you? . ). What do you learn ro' T3? . R a% @&
Hello, % C1D:::::::: Loan, % li+e with 'y !arents C2D::::::::: Ho Chi Minh City. My C#D::::::::::: nu'ber is 2)-2#-(. % o ten talk C(D:::::::::: 'y riends on the !hone. 0ow % a' callin" Hoa to talk about Minh&s birthday !arty C)D:::::: 1)th 0o+e'ber. Minh is C-D:::::: his birthday !arty at ho'e in the a ternoon so % want to ask Hoa about What we shall buy and "i+e hi' at the !arty. % also want to tell her to wait or 'e at ho'e and % will "o there to 'eet her C.D:::::::: oot and then "o with her C2D::::::: Minh&s house. 1. a. is b. are c. a' d. do 2. a. li+e b. li+es c. to li+e d. li+in" #. a. address b. tele!hone c. house d. ho'e (. a. to b. about c. with d. in ). a. in b. at c. to d. on -. a. ha+e b. to ha+e c. ha+in" d. has .. a. by b. on c. in d. with 2. a. co'e b. to c. ro' d. in


R a% A& 8t school, children C1D :::::'any thin"s. %n Literature, They learn C2D ::::: book and write C#D ::::::. %n C(D:::::, They learn about nu'bers and calculations. %n history, we study i'!ortant C)D ::::in 3ietna' and around the C-D ::::::. %n:C.D:::::, we study di erent countries and their !eo!le. %n !hysics, we learn about C2D ::::: thin"s work. %n the C4D ::::: class, we study Jn"lish. They also study 'any C1*D:::: thin"s such as s!orts and art. We en@oy all o our classes

1. ha+e 2. with #. 'ath (."eo"ra!hy ). e+ents -. world ..History 2. when 4.lan"ua"e 1*. di erent

study at essay !hysics thin"s word !hysics what 'ath others

do about book history classes work art where 'usic sa'e

are to news!a!er 'ath !roble' cook "eo"ra!hy how che'istry easy

R a% 1B& 8 ;rench oceano"ra!her, Bac>ues Cousteau C141* < 144.D, in+ented a dee!<sea di+in" +essel in the early 14(*s. %n the +essel, he could e7!lore the oceans o the world and study underwater li e. 0ow we can e7!lore the oceans usin" s!ecial T3 ca'eras as well. We can learn 'ore about the undersea world thanks to this in+ention. C T"0 :D EFG H 9I Fa#/ : DSa$ H& 1I 8 ;rench oceano"ra!her, Bac>ues Cousteau C141* < 144.D, in+ented a dee!<sea di+in" +essel in the early 144*s. D T"0 H *" D Fa#/ H& 2I . %n the +essel, he could e7!lore the oceans o the world and study underwater li e. D T"0 H *" D Fa#/ H& #I 0ow !eo!le can e7!lore the oceans usin" s!ecial T3 ca'eras as well. D T"0 H *" D Fa#/ H& (I 0ow we can watch the undersea by T3.D T"0 H *" D Fa#/ H& R ,"$t : 1. a. b. 2. ,ou 'ust wash the s!inach care ully. OP ,ou ou"ht wash the s!inach care ully b. to wash the s!inach care ully washin" the s!inach care ully d. shouldwash the s!inach care ully % like watchin" T3 better than !layin" "a'es OP % !re er a.watchin" T3 better than !layin" "a'es b. watchin" T3 to !layin" "a'es T3 better than !lay "a'es d. watchin" T3 than better !layin" "a'es. #. She bou"ht #-r %*s %*# $%$%8%s yesterday. a. What did she bou"ht yesterday? b. What she bou"ht yesterday? c. What did she buy yesterday? d. What did she bou"ht durians and !a!ayas yesterday? (. She is a sa e cyclist. a. She cycle sa ely b. She sa ely cycle c. She cycles sa ely d. She sa ely cycles
R a% 11& 3ideo can be C1D :::: . Most banks and stores ha+e +ideo ca'eras. They !rotect the !re'ises. When there is a robbery, the !olice can C2D ::::: the +ideo. They can o ten identi y the C#D :::: in this way. 3ideos are +ery use ul in education. Many schools use the' C(D :::: a teachin" aid. ,ou can take uni+ersity courses C)D ::::: ho'e with hel! o a 3CMC +ideo cassette, recorderD. %n the uture, they will be e+en 'ore i'!ortant in education


1. 2. #. (. ).

8. health ul,

5. use ul,

C. dan"erous,

/. e7!ensi+e /. 8F5 /. robbers /. or /.

8. read 5. learn 8. robs 8.. as 8. in

C. study C. robber C. such as C. on

5. robbery 5. like 5. at

Mead 12.
Hoa is 'y riend. She is in class .5 . She is 12 years old. She li+es in a s'all house with her !arents. %t is about #** 'eters ro' her house to the school so she always "oes to school on oot. We o ten "o to her house. Her house is +ery lo+ely. % like her house +ery 'uch. There is a yard in ront o her house with a lot o color ul lowers. There are si7 roo' in her house, but % like the li+in" roo' best because it is the 'ost beauti ul roo' in her house.
1. Hoa is a student 2. She is thirteen now. 3. Her house is far from the school. 4. There are four rooms in her house. 5. There is a ard !ehind her house. 6. There are a lot of flowers in the ard. 7. " li#e the li$in% room $er much. 8. The !athroom is the most !eautiful !est. _______ _ _______ _ _______ _ _______ _ _______ _ _______ _ _______ _ _______ _

R a% 13& Hoa is 'y riend. She is in class .5 . She is 12 years old. She li+es in a s'all house with her !arents. %t is about #** 'eters ro' her house to the school so she always "oes to shool on oot. We o ten "o to her house. Her house is +ery lo+ely. % like her house +ery 'uch. There is a yard in ront o her house with a lot o color ul lowers. There are si7 roo' in her house, but % like the li+in" roo' best because it is the 'ost beauti ul roo' in her house. ::::::::::1. Hoa is a student ::::::::::2. She is thirteen now. ::::::::::#. Her house is ar ro' the school. ::::::::::(. There are our roo' in her house. ::::::::::). There is a yard behind her house. :::::::::: -. There are a lot o lowers in the yard. ::::::::::.. % like the li+in" roo' +ery 'uch. ::::::::::2. The bathroo' is the 'ost beauti ul best.


Mead 1(.
Million o youn" !eo!le !lay +ideo "a'es. So'e !lay the' at ho'e, Ether !lay the' in arcades. The in+entors o the "a'es beco'e +ery C1D :::: . So'e o the in+entors are C2D :::: youn" as 1( $ 1). These "a'es are "ood un, but !layers 'ust be C#D :::: . They should not s!end 'uch ti'e C(D :::: these "a'es because they beco'e tired or di99y. So'eti'es, !layers s!end too 'uch ti'e on their own because they like C)D :::: +ideo "a'es so 'uch. Ene doctor says, Q this is +ery bad C-D :::: children. They 'ust C.D :::: in acti+ities with others. 8ll children should !lay outdoors and de+elo! their C2D :::: skills. They should be with !eo!le o their own a"e. Children should s!end only a s'all !art o their ree ti'e !layin" +ideo "a'es. They 'ustn&t or"et to do other thin"s, tooR 1.8. rich 2. 8. so 5. richly 5. as C. richer C. like /. richest /. 8ll are correct /. care ully /. with /. 5 F C /. or

#.8. careless 5. carelessly C. care ul (. 8. in ).8. 6lay -. 8. with ..8. @oin 2.8. social 5. at 5. to !lay 5. at 5. take !art 5. sociali9e C. on C. !layin" C. o

C. !artici!ate /. 8ll are correct C. society /. socially

Viet lai cau theo t gi y. 1. My riends ha+e 'ore candies than %. <P % don&t ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2. She eats ewer chocolate than Mai. <P Mai eats ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #. The book is under the la'!. <P The la'! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: (. My house is between the bank and the book store <P The bank :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ). Tuan is Mai&s youn"er brother <P Mai is ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -. ;ruit is better than candy <P Candy is ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .. My classes start early than Hoa&s classes <P Hoa&s classes ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2.Mai is taller than Hoa <P Hoa is ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1.,our !en is under the news!a!er. The news!a!er :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2.My ar' has a lot o +e"etables and cattle There are :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #.Lan is Tuan&s youn"er sister. Tuan ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: (.The 'arket is in ront o the restaurant. The restaurant :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ).The 'arket is on the le t o the restaurant. The restaurant is::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -.My teacher rides a bike to the school e+ery day My teacher "oes :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ..Lon" is 1) years old, 0"a is 1# and Loan is 1*. Lon" is the ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: IV/Chon t thch hp nhat e ien ao cho! t"ong 1. % a' :::::: to 'eet you C "lad, nine, ineD 2. 0ice ::::::: you a"ain Cto 'eet, 'eetin", 'et, 'eetD #. % li+e ::::::: 1#* Hun" 3uon" street. Cin, on, at, toD (. Lien has a lot o ::::::: at her school C riend, a riend, riends,classD ). Would you like :::::::: the concert. C"o, went, to "o, "oesD -. How :::::: is it ro' your house to your school? C'uch, 'any, ar, oldD .. Her new school is :::::: than her old school. Cbi", bi""er, bi"er, bi""estD 2. She is ::::::: because she "ets bad 'ark. Cha!!y, unha!!y, nice, ineD 14

4. What :::::: you o ten do in your ree ti'e? Cdoes, are, is, doD 1*. 5e care ul= The bus :::::::: Cco'in", is co'in", co'e, co'esD 11. The 'oon ::::::: around the Jarth. C"o, to "o, "oes, "oin"D 12. ::::::::::::::::::::::? En Hoan" 3an Thu street. a. where do you li+e? c. who do you li+e with? b. What do you li+e? d. Where are you li+e? 1#. What&s your :::::::: o birth? Cday, date, Monday, TuesdayD 1(. ::::::::: will we 'eet? %n ront o the 'o+ie theatre Cwhere, when, what, whoD 1). He ::::::: "o to the library toni"ht? Cshall, will, willn&t, shall notD 1-. What is your :::::: ? 11) Ly Thai To street Cna'e, a"e, class, addressD 1.. Will you be to'orrow? 0o, % ::::::: Cwill, willn&t, won&t, shallD 12. %&' a new student. :::::::: CSo a' %, %a' so, ,es, % a', % do tooD 14. CaNu naSo sau Tay laS TuUn". a. What is she in class? C. What class she is in? b. What class is she in? d. caV 8 +aS C TeWu TuUn" 2*. Her new school is di erent :::::::: her old school? Co , with, ro', 7D 21. How old are you? ::::::::C %&' +ery ine thank you, %&' i+e, ;ine thanks, Thank youD 22. Her new house is :::::::::::: her old one? Cbi""er than, as bi""er than, bi""er than, as bi" thanD 2#. ::::? She li+e at 12 TH/ street CWhere does he li+e, where does she li+e, where she li+es, where does she li+esD 2(. How do you "o to school? Cby bicycle, on oot, with bicycle, 5oth a and b are correctD 2). :::::: is it ro' your house to your school? %t&s not ar, 8bout one kilo'eter CHow lon", how ar, how o ten, howD 2-. Will you be ree to'orrow e+enin"? ::::::::::::::: C,es, % willI 0o, % willI ,esI ,es, % won&tD 2.. %s there a !icture on the wall? ::::::::::: C ,es, there beI ,es, there is notI ,es, there isI 0o, there isD 22. What does your ather do? He ::::::::::: Cis ar'er, a ar'er, does as a ar'er, is an ar'erD 24. He works ::::::::: a hos!ital. He takes care :::::::: !atients Cin< orI in $ o I at $ orI or $ o D #*. Today, Hoa is ine and so :::::::: Cis Mai, does Mai, are Mai, do MaiD #1. ::::::::::::::::::::? Miss Lan is talkin" to her new riend a. Who is Miss Lan talkin" to? c. What is Miss Lan talkin" about b. Who is Miss Lan talk about? d. Who is talkin" to Miss Lan? #2. :::::::::::::: ro' HCM City to 0ha Tran" ? CHow ar , How ar is, How ar is it, How ar itD ##. 6hXYn" Thanh ::::::: 1# ne7t 'onth Cshall be, are "oin" to co'e, co'e, want to co'eD #(. 2#2*.4) :::::::::: 'y tele!hone nu'ber Care, is, will be, shall beD #). Lan will be thirteen ::::::: )th May Con, in, at, 7D #-. Who do you li+e with? % ::::::::::::: with 'y !arents Cli+e, a' li+e, li+es, will li+eD #.. What&s your date o birth? ::::::::::: Cthe ei"hth o Bune, ei"hth o Bune, Bune ei"ht, ei"hth BuneD #2. What ::::::::: beauti ul days= Ca, the, an, 7D #4. The li+in" roo' ::::::::: a table and our chairs Chas, is li+in", ha+e, are ha+in"D (*. He works in hos!ital. He is a :::::::: C@ournalist, ar'er, teacher, doctorD (1. Her new school is :::::: than her old school. Cbi", bi""er, bi"er, bi""estD (2. Which is the 'ost beauti ul a!art'ent? Cthe s'allest one, a s'allest one, a s'all one, the s'aller oneD (#. This test is :::::: di icult than that one C'ore, +ery, 'ost, asD ((. ::::::: o !eo!le like !layin" s!orts CMany, a lot, lot, 7D (). Many thin"s ::::::: di erent Cis, do, are, doesD (-. Lan is :::::: than Hoa. Ctaller, tallest, tallD (.. Who&s this? ::::::::: C%t&s 'eI itRs 'e, n"uyetI %s it 'eD 15

(2. ::::::: 'eet at .. ** !' CLet&s, let&s to, LetD (4. 0hat ::::: 4 on his ne7t birthday Cis, will, will be, will isD )*. What&s your ::::::? Cdate o birth, birth date, birthday, date birthD )1. Where will we 'eet? WeZll 'eet :::::: the cine'a. Cin ront, ne7t, in ront o , near toD )2. ::::::: do your uncle and your aunt work? My uncle and aunt work on a ar' Cwhat, when, how, whereD )#. ::::::is she "oin" ? She is "oin" to the 'arket. Cwhat, what ti'e, where, howD )(. :::::: are you talkin" to? %&' talkin" to 'y riend Thanh.CWhere, who, what, whenD )). % li+e ::::: )4 Tran Kuoc Thao street. Cin, on, to, atD )-. 8re you interested :::::: readin" books. Cin, o , with, onD ).. She has a chance :::::: ca'!in". C"o, to "o, "oin", "oesD )2. 6eter is "ood :::::: Math. C or, in, at, onD )4. % you want to look u! the 'eanin" o the words, you use a :::: Cno+el, scienti ic book, history book, dictionaryD. -*. The :::::: works in the library. C@ournalist, teacher, student, librarianD -1. We learn about books and write essays in ::::::: Chistory, literature, !hysics, lan"ua"e classD -2. ::::: does 'ail ha+e science class? J+ery Tuesday CWhen, what ti'e, how o ten, whatD -#. Her new school is :::::: than her old school. Cbi", bi""er, bi"er, bi""estD -(. Which is the 'ost beauti ul a!art'ent? Cthe s'allest one, a s'allest one, a s'all one, the s'aller oneD -). This test is :::::: di icult than that one C'ore, +ery, 'ost, asD --. ::::::: o !eo!le like !layin" s!orts CMany, a lot, lot, 7D -.. Many thin"s ::::::: di erent Cis, do, are, doesD -2. Lan is :::::: than Hoa. Ctaller, tallest, tallD -4. The :::::: book is co'ic Cchea!er, chea!est, 'ore chea!, 'ost chea!D .*. trousers are ::::::: shirts Ce7!ensi+er, e7!ensi+e than, 'ore e7!ensi+e than, 'ore e7!ensi+eD .1. He is :::::::: % C'ore intelli"ent, 'ore intelli"ent than, the 'ost intelli"ent, intelli"enterD .2. 5etween the three boys, 0a' is ::::::: Ctallest, 'ost tallest, the 'ost tallest, the tallestD .#. Her Jn"lish is ::::::: than 'ine C"ood, best, "ooder, betterD .(. ,our house is ::::::: than 'y house Clar"e, lar"er, 'ore lar"e, 'ore lar"erD .). ::::::: beauti ul she is= Cwhat, how, when, whereD .-. Which is the ::::::: a!art'ent? Cbest, better, 'ost, 'oreD ... Ho Chi Minh City is ::::::: city in 3iet 0a'Cbi""est, the 'ost bi""est, the bi""est, the 'ost bi"D .2. :::::: a lo+ely day= Chow, when, what, whoD .4. %n the a ternoon, the chickens !roduce ::: e""s than in the 'ornin"C ew, ewer, little, lessD 2*. Lan ::: a +acation in su''er Care always ha+in", always has, is always ha+in", always ha+eD 21. When we ha+e cows, We&ll ha+e 'uch :::: 'ilk C'ore, 'uch, 'any, lots o D 22. They o ten work :::: than us. Charder, hard, 'ore hard, hardestD 2#. The ar'ers "row ::: o +e"etables C'any di erent ty!e, 'any di erent ty!es, 'uch di erent ty!e, 'uch di erent ty!esD 2(. What :::: Huon" and Mai ::: now, Lan? CiaI doin", doesIdo, areI doin", doI doD 2). Minh ::: his Jn"lish e+ery day C!ractice, are !racticin", is !racticin", !ractices D 2-. ::: you like a !iece o cake? Cwould, can, 'ust, willD 2..a' :::::: to 'eet you C "lad, nine, ineD


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