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2. Procedure And Testing Parameters 2.

1 Seven- Tank Process and Bath Maintenance General Instruction:Before taking the components for 7 tank process the vendor should check visually 100% for any dents, burr, and other raw material defects. Vendor should not coat on the defective components. tmost care should be taken in material handling to avoid damages. 2.1.1 e-Greasing !Tank 1":

#unction: !o remove grease and oil contents from the components. $hemical com%osition: "hemical # lkalyne $e% &reaser 'uantity # (% 7% concentration ) room temperature. *atio (%7% 10%1(% +ointage ,-./ 11-./ $ipping !ime /0%10mins 10%10mins

2ote3 4n case of heavy oil or grease found on surface5eg.kerosene5solvent66 cleaning should be done before putting into the tank. 7ore care should be taken on components having tapped holes.

Procedure: $ip the component in the solution for /0%10 minutes 5depends on the surface oil condition of the material6 and agitate the bath with compressed air at regular intervals. !here should not be any air locks while dipping the component.

Ins%ection: $ip the component in pure water. 8hile taking the component out, there should be no water breakage 5water flows uniformly on oil free surface6. ny water breakage on surface indicates improper de greasing. Bath Maintenance: !he oil floating on the surface of the bath should be removed periodically with the help of sieve and paper. Testing and $ontrol o& Bath: 1) Pipette out 10 ml of bath solution, add 90ml of distilled water and stir it well. 2) Add 3-4 drops of methyl oran e indi!ator and stir well. 3) "itrate a ainst 0.1# $ulphuri! a!id. 4) "he end point is !han e of !olour from yellow to pale pin%. &) "he 'olume of 0.1# $ulphuri! A!id !onsumed is the pointa e of the bath. () "his should be 4)ml * 2 +) ,or e-ery point less, add ( . of /hemi!al for 1000 ltrs of bath. 2.1.2 'ater (insing Tank !TA)* 2": fter de%greasing the components are removed from the tank and drained. !hen the components are rinsed in normal water for a period of 1%/ min depending upon type of the component. *insing should be carried immediately after draining to avoid the chemical drying and sticking on the surface.

#unction: !o remove loose oil and neutrali9e the component. A%%lication condition: !emperature 3 *oom !emp. p: Value 3 -%10.
2ote3 1. Continuous running water is recommended. If continuous water is not used and pH value goes above 10, then replenish or change the water.

Testing and $ontrol o& Bath: ;se <itmus paper for checking the p: value for every load of /00 s=.ft. !he p: should be 7%10. !his value is obtained by comparing the standard color code as mentioned below. 4f p: value goes above 10, and fresh water until the p: value become 7%10. <4&:! &*>>2 % p: 7 <47> &*>>2 % &*>>2 B<;> &*>@ $ *A B<;> 2.1.+ e-(usting !Tank +": #unction: !o remove rust. $hemical $om%osition: "$* "hemical %13/ or 131 with water. % % % p: p: ? p: 10 p: 10.0

*atio 13/ 131

+ointage 10./ 1-./

$ipping !ime 10%10mins /0%10mins

A%%lication $ondition: *oom !emperature.

uration: /0%10 minutes 5!he duration can be fiBed by visually. "hecking the time re=uired for *emoving scales and rust during the first or pilot lot6. "are should be taken so that no air locks are formed while putting the components into the bath. Ins%ection: 100% visual check. !he metallic surface of component should be clearly visible. 4f any rust marks are identified then component should be again dipped in the $e% rusting bath.

Testing and $ontrol o& Bath:

1. Pipette out 1 ml of bath solution, add 9 ml of distilled water and stir it well. 2. Add 4-& drops of methyl oran e and stir it well. 3. Add 0.1# sodium hydro0ide until the !olour be!omes pale yellow. 4. "he 'olume of 0.1# $odium 1ydro0ide !onsumed is the pointa e of the bath. "his should be 1)ml * 2. &. Add 4-& ltrs of /.2.3 per 1000 ltrs of bath for ea!h ml.

2.1., 'ater (insing !TA)* ,": #unction: !horough removal of acid content from bare metal surface. A%%lication condition: !emperature 3 *oom !emperature p: value 3 ,%7
)ote: 1. Continuous running water is recommended . if continuous water is not used and %. value goes a/ove 101 then re%lenish or change the 2ater 2. the pH should be checked after every 200 s .ft of load !"efer surface area chart#.

Testing and control o& Bath: ;se <itmus paper for checking the +: value for every load of /00 s=.ft.!he +: should be 7%,.!his value is obtained by comparing the standard color code.4f +: value goes above 10,add fresh water until the +: value becomes 7%-. <4&:! &*>>2 % +: 7 &C<$ @><<C8 %+: ( <4&:! B*C82 %+:, *CD> *>$ %+:/

2.1.- Phos%hating !Tank -": !he phosphating is done at room temperature immediately after water rinsing from tank , to avoid rusting. !his method is done because the phosphated surface is a good base for powder absorption. !his provides light grey crystalline coating of 9inc phosphate. #unction: !o give a smooth Einc # +hosphate coating. $hemical: Einc phosphate Dolution

A%%lication condition: *oom !emperature. Procedure: $ip the component completely in the bath. "omponents to be in such way that no air locks are created, <ow% pressure air agitation is advised if the components are of complicated contour. uration: /0%10 minutes 2. #or Accelerator $oncentration: $ipping starch 4odide +aper PA345 MA645 7 Insu&&icient Accelerator 3IG.T B365- #or correct Accelerator A(* B365- 58cess Accelerator

Bath Maintenance: Bath should be emptied at least once a week 5depending upon the load6 and the sludge collected at the bottom of the tank should be removed. metal frame to be inserted to the si9e of the tank at above (F from the bottom of the tank so that component will not rest on the sludge collected at the bottom of the tank.

Testing and control o& Bath: 1. +ipette out 10 ml. of bath solution into a /00 ml. conical flask. /. dd , # ( drops of phenolpthalein indicator and stir well. 1. !itrate against 0.12 Dodium hydroBide until a pink colour is obtained. ,. !he volume of 0.12 Dodium hydroBide consumed is the pointage of bath. !his should be 10 ml G / 0. dd /.0 <trs of E+%"C ! #" per 1000 liters of bath for each ml. lacking.

2.1.9 'ater (inse !TA)* 9": fter phosphating the components should be thoroughly rinsed in the water so that no soluble salts remain on the components, 5!hey tend to promote blistering under a painted film.6 A%%lication condition: !emperature 3 *oom !emperature $uration 3 1%/ min p: value sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 3 7%- 5see in tank / for colour code.6

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