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Accept Your Own and Be Yourself

[I am Elijah Muhammad, the Preacher of] Freedom, Justice and Equality to you, my people. The Lost and Found Members of that Great aboriginal people called The Black People. Whom Almighty God, in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad to whom praises are due forever, has taught me. And you, we want to tell you what He has said. He has said to me that you accept your own, the Nation of Black People, the Lost and Found members of that aboriginal people of the Earth who has been lost here for the past four hundred years. Who were brought here for slave purposes for the white man of America. You today are acting very foolish who dont understand who you are nor anyone else. I thank Almighty God, Allah, in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad for coming; teaching me and others the knowledge of Self and the knowledge of those other than our own selves. I thank Him for such great work and such great Wisdom and salvation - that which He has brought to us. I thank Him; and I think you should also join me and be in being happy with me on this great salvation that has come to us that we thought, or you use to think that it would come after we were dead in the grave; but not a grave death, but after a mentally death of us. After we have lost the knowledge of our self and kind and others, and the knowledge of God and His True Religion then would come; God Himself to teach us the Knowledge of Self and to restore us again into that which is our own. For now thirty-five years I have been teaching you that which Almighty God Allah, in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to whom Praises be forever, has taught me; given to me to give to you, and His words was this, as it is written of Him; that if you did not accept it, that He would destroy you along with the wicked who have destroyed you mentally. Seeing that you are very ignorant and very hard to believe in the truth of your own salvation, I have taken this subject again and again up with you. Accept you own and be yourself. You, after the doors of the white man has been open to you to integrate with him and intermarry with him, something you should be very suspicious of such acts by the white man, who have in the past would actually shoot you down outright for even trying to get into his family with your Black self. And he have lynched many of our people and burned them at stake in the South as you will bear me witness for making any such attempt to try to mix blood with he and his family. But nevertheless, today you seem to have forgotten all the evil things done to you just yesterday concern trying to mix with this people. And many places that they, they will shoot you outright for trying to mix with them and their family. They all is not ready yet to agree with the government to allow you to mix with their family. You must remember that your Bible warns you of this intermixing to deceive you. You all have been reading the Bible all your lives. This is what being preached and Im not saying anything that you have not heard, nor anything that you probably not read in the Bible, that verify the truth of what IM SAYING. You have not known or have not learned the true knowledge of God; you have been blinded to that and thinking that Hes some kind of spook or some formless God that have no form at all and that Hes just a voice in space or a voice to Messengers, Prophets and Apostles. But no, today you must as the Bible predict that God will come and the Holy Quran say Allah will come. You must remember that if () referring to a God that will come, then that God is not already here. He will have to come. Im referring to yesterday, yester years, twenty

and thirty and that to a thousand and that to six thousand years ago, that He was prophesied that He will come. But today I preach to you that He is here in your midst. But He came as it was written of Him, without observation. This is true. They didnt know Him, but to them that He revealed Himself to, they became the sons of God. I want you to know that this has not passed, have not come to pass in the past histories of the Prophets. Not the Jesus. They killed his followers and even himself. But it was a prediction for the Last Days. Behold, He will come the Son of man will come, and all the angels with Him and all like that. This is in your Book. This Son of man is a man that is the son of another man, not a spirit as you have been made to believe because you have not had enough scripture taught to you. You have looked for this truth from those who blinded you to the knowledge of truth. And that, that truth was not to come until the end of the enemy of truth, like your Bible teaches you in the second Thessalonians, that God would come after the workings of Satan. Or in many other places, that God will come at the end of the world, as Jesus prophesied the end of the world, meaning the end of the present world that you know the white mans world and this race of people. This is what the Bible is teaching concerning a world coming to the end; its the white mans world, well known by him. He has always known know the truth of what will come upon his civilization. Hes not blind to that today. Hes not out here arguing with me about the truth of what Im teaching. He knows that I am teaching the truth because it is that which he understands himself., and that is in his Bible that he give to you after keeping you blind, deaf and dumb to the knowledge of it, while that he held you and your fathers into servitude slavery. This is known. These are facts that you cannot deny. But you like to deny them because you dont want to believe in them. This is true; and we will understand that. That, whats wrong with your own that you do not want to accept your own? Is it because of their blinding of you, to hate your own as which you would like () Im teaching hate because you likes the white man and want to be his color and want to intermarry with him, and now you have learned that God has declared them to be a race of devils. And you dont like this because you want them to be your wife and you sweetheart and your husband. But I must tell you the truth; it is time that the truth be told. God is backing me to tell you the truth, and the world of the righteous is backing me to tell you the truth. And if they dont back me, the world of the righteous GOD IS SUFFICIENT! Allah is well sufficient to back me to teach that which He bid me of the truth to give to you; to save you from the destruction that is now coming upon this world, then I also will be destroyed. And I dont want to make no such attempt to run from this truth as Jonah made and then yet have to suffer by being cast overboard and then yet have to go and do the mission that he was bid to do. God never changes His word when He chooses a man to do anything, He dont later change His mind, and I made a mistake by choosing Jonah; Im going to send John and James in his place because he ran from me. God dont do no such thing as that. He already knew Jonah, what he was going to do as Hes a foreknowing God. When He chooses a Messenger to deliver a message to a people, He knew the future of that Messenger, He knew everything about him, He knew what will happen and how he has prepared to take care of whatever happen and the Messenger. He have already prepared in H/himself on what H/he will do, but He dont change the man at all. There is no such thing that [in it] one chooses one to go in that ones place. No sir! That man that God choose to deliver a message to a people or nation, He never changes and you cant change that man for another you self. You have to accept that same man as the Israelites had to accept Moses regardless to their criticism of him; and the people had to accept Jesus, regardless to their criticism of him and mockery of him, they still had to accept him. And regardless to whatever you charge a Messenger with, let it be evil or filth or whatever you may charge him with, that dont make God charge him with that. And it dont make God fire him or send him into exile, because God already knew this Messenger that He choose. He knew his life when He choose that man.

And therefore, the wicked disbelievers, the hypocrites will always teach that such men are not chosen of God. We never get a history of all the Prophets that you can find of God, you will find the same old story of the hypocrites and the disbelievers. All that disbelieve in that man that was given to them and charging him of being a liar. This is the same () of all of them. We dont pay no attention to what people might say. We know that they will say these things. But what we are paying attention to is trying to deliver the word, trying to deliver the message of God which has been delivered to us. And you will find that was all those Messengers wanted to do, was to get over the message to the people. And as far as they believing in the doom of them that was entirely up to them; and whether they liked what God had given to them as the message and warning to them, that also was entirely up to them. They were going to deliver the message just the same, and whether you accept it or reject it. So it is with the so-called American Negro today. Their time has come as the Bible prophesied in the Revelation, on the eleven and eighteen verse, that the Nations were angry and God was angry and it was the time, or it is the time of the dead and warn the dead. Why did American so-called Negro as hes Lost and Found member of the aboriginal people and not a Negro. This called dead by the Prophets; he is mentally dead, not physically dead. Hes mentally dead to the knowledge of self and the knowledge of the Truth; knowledge of God; his salvation and the adversary of God the Devil. Now, if you read the chapters that bear me witness that the time is here, I think you will be doing yourself a favour and then believe these truths of the Bible Prophets predictions of this time that we are living in. God comes, according to Thessalonians, the second chapter, After the workings of Satan, (about the 3 or 4th verse there you will find it). After that man of sin () has given to you a history of yourself and your fathers under his father as slaves and how he treated your fathers and mine under the lash and under death, or he killed them outright right before the eyes of his guest for not doing the things ()[for] just dancing or singing. [Some] sing if he wanted them to sing. Our parents were treated actually so evil that it would not be anything like giving the white man the same treatment, God [] give it to him that he give to us, so God just decided to just burn him up and get rid of him. This is what is written in your Bible and this is what is written in the Holy Quran. Should not you know these things? Should not you be happy that God fulfilled the prophecy that He would raise one of you into the knowledge of all of these hidden truths, or misunderstood truth to give it to you so that you would understand it; as the Bible goes so far as to teach us that it would be made so plain by the Warner and Teacher of the Truth in the last day that a fool could not err and understand it. And Im not being a College Graduate or University Graduate of this people; Institutions of Education. I cannot make it so that you would not understand it because I dont speak those big words (pardon me, I dont mean say, criticize them by [old(..)know - they know), they are words used to shorten the many words and put an un-educated person word used trying to get over what hes trying to say to the people. Then it would take such type pf people, such educated people to understand a man like that. So if the man is going to speak generally, he have to speak a language which all the people can understand that is listening. So I cant speak anything other, so dont laugh at me since that you have knowledge of better language, you are welcome to take the Truth in a way that God have given to me for you and put it into a better language, so long as you just not destroy the meanings of what I have said in my little simple way of getting it over to you.

Be wise and dont be proud just because that you have learned your slave master and his childrens language better than others of your kind, but be happy that you have learned and then be happy that you can be able to help the simple ones among you, and not in a way of mockery. This is wrong for you to do that. You falls in the category of that people that God prophesies in the Book that He comes to destroy, so be not of them. For He asks you and me to accept our own today and then tells us what is our own, that we are one of the Righteous and that He forgives us for the sins committed under the rule and guidance of the enemy of truth and righteousness, the Caucasian race the white man. He forgives us for that. He brought us here and our fathers four hundred years ago and now he have made us other that ourselves because of his guidance. He misled us against Al Mighty God, Whose proper Name is Allah, and the knowledge of Him who was coming to save and deliver us who believe in that one who comes in the Last Days. He deceived us in such way that we always mistook God to be something that He really is not; and you and me, He said, He will not even remember [He said things was that you read there in the Bible], He said that you will not even remember our sins, and will not bring them to us not charge us with it. If you notice the Bible teaches that all that would be saved if they only believe; and that all the dead would be saved if they only believed, and again, that all the dead would be risen. As Jesus prophesies of it in a symbolic way here in the Bible, you have it; that the day will come that all that in the grave shall hear his voice and come forward, and you have taken it just like it reads there which it did not mean that people of the dead bone in the earth and some the grave dont have no sign of the bone there. Its all gone back to the earth; thats this prophecy was referring to. It wasnt referring to that at all. And that it meant people who are mentally dead would in the Judgment or the Resurrection, as it is referred to in name, as a rising up of people into a higher knowledge of divine, and this people would be raised up to teach their people a higher knowledge of God and His Wisdom; and God would choose them to become His beloved people and that He would put them on top of civilization on top of the world of man, and make them a greater people than any people that ever was since that man had been on the face of the earth. As His Wisdom, according to the Prophets, its Supreme to any others wisdom that ever was, and that since He have Supreme Wisdom and there is no limitation to His Wisdom, He can make a people that have no limited future, and that there is none to compete with His people and His Wisdom. He brings the wisdom of the wise of this world and those before these people as nothing into nothing. Bring it as something that He could laugh off of, because of His Great, unmatched Wisdom of anyone here today or anyone that will come in the future. You dont want to follow such one as that? You mean to say you dont want your own in that? No sir, you are wrong! You acting the fool. If you dont want to accept such God Who want to exalt you above all the Nations of the earth, and ever was with His Great Wisdom. I think you should run to such God. He want to give to you His Own Name. He offers that Name to you. Hes given it to us who believe and accept Him as our God; and the truth that He has brought to us as The Truth, and the True Religion of God, which is entire submission to His Will, called Islam by the Arabs in Arabic language. I want you to know, that Master Fard Muhammad taught us is in accord with what the Prophets predicted; that God will teach us on His coming. And, that at the end of the world, He would make manifest the enemy who have deceived the people and un (pardon me) under which he has ruled the people. I was under deceit or other than the truth that he ruled the people. But God will come to reveal the enemy of truth that he is an enemy of truth and not a truth bearer nor is a lover of truth, because he was made for no such.

Today you have heard and listened to this, now I want you to remember that if you love yourself and your kind, accept your own self; accept your own kind. Whats wrong with it? You have always been taught Black is original, havent you? Certainly you have. You dont find in the chemistry world, that they takes black out of white. Why should you think then, that the white race are the first people of the earth, and God chosen people and beloved people; when that you have by experience that you cannot take black out of white and that their was any color like white made. It had to come from black and not from itself, because it self was not the producer of the first people. We have a history of them as God taught us, their number is six thousand years on our planet, but we have no birth record. [For] I want to say to you on my conclusion here today, accept your own; be yourself. You dont want to submit to God? Thats what Islam means. You dont want to be one of Gods people and Hes telling you that youre one of them? And you dont want to have Him forgive you of your sins? You dont want to see the Hereafter, where God and Gods people live? This whole earth belongs to that people and you are invited to take your place with them. Accept it or you may reject it () to you, as I say, As-Salaam-Alaikum.

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