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Gliricidia sepium (gliricidia)

Fabaceae (legume family)

gliricidia, Mexican lilac, mother of cocoa, Nicaraguan cacao shade, quick stick, St. Vincent plum, tree of iron (Eng-
lish); immortelle, lilas tranger (French); madre de cacao (French, Spanish); rechesengel (Palau)
Craig R. Elevitch and John K. Francis
Distribution Vidcly naturalizcd in thc tropi
cal Amcricas, Caribbcan, Alrica, Asia, and thc
Pacic islands.
Size Mcdium trcc to . m (c lt), typically
rcachcs .c m ( lt) in hcight, sizc is usually con
trollcd by rcgular pruning in cultivatcd cnviron
Habitat Grows bcst in warm, scasonally dry
climatcs with mm (6c in) annual
rainlall and clcvations c.acc m (cccc lt).
Vegetation Vhcrc introduccd, associatcd with
a widc varicty ol cultivatcd crops.
Soils Grows in sands to clays, prclcrring lrccly
draining soils with pH .c..
Growth rate Fast in carly ycars, or whcn annu
ally pruncd back, ovcr a m/yr (6.6 lt/yr).
Main agroforestry uses Living lcncc posts,
crop shadc, improvcd lallow.
Main products Fuclwood, loddcr, mulch/or
ganic mattcr.
Yields Fuclwood lrom stands harvcstcd cvcry
a ycars arc .cac m

/ha (.a6 lt

Intercropping Has bccn uscd lor shadc and or
ganic mattcr with cacao, cocc, vanilla, tca, yam,
and othcr crops.
Invasive potential Modcratc potcntial lor inva
sivcncss, has naturalizcd in many arcas, but is
usually not considcrcd to bc a pcst.
Species Proles for Pacic Island Agroforestry
April acc6
vcr. a..


Boundary planting of gliricidia.
2 Gliricidia sepium (gliricidia)
Gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium) is a mcdiumsizc, scmidc
ciduous trcc that typically grows to .c m ( lt) (occasion
ally rcaching . m |c lt|) in hcight, with a broad canopy.
Nativc to Ccntral Amcrica and possibly northcrn South
Amcrica, its cultivation is now pantropical. !t grows bcst
in tropical, scasonally dry climatcs. Tc trcc thrivcs in dccp,
wcll draincd soils, although it tolcratcs shallow or skclctal
soils that havc high availablc calcium lcvcls. 8ccausc ol its
ability to grow in slightly salinc calcarcous soils, gliricidia
is suitablc lor cultivation in atoll cnvironmcnts.
!t is a lastgrowing, nitrogcnxing trcc uscd throughout
thc tropics lor thc many cnvironmcntal scrviccs and prod
ucts it providcs. Gliricidia is widcly uscd to providc crop
shadc lor cacao, cocc, and othcr shadcloving crops, liv
ing lcncc posts lor pasturc and propcrty boundarics, and as
a lallow trcc to improvc dcgradcd land. Tc trcc is also an
important sourcc ol grccn manurc, loddcr, and luclwood.
!ts casc ol propagation by sccd and small and largc cuttings
makcs it a vcry casy trcc lor larmcrs to multiply quickly.
!t is probably thc most widcly cultivatcd multipurposc
agrolorcstry trcc altcr Leucaena leucocephala (Simons and
Stcwart .).
Native range
8ccausc gliricidia has bccn cultivatcd lrom prcColombi
an timcs, thc prccisc nativc rangc is dicult to dctcrminc.
!t is ccrtainly nativc to Mcxico (lrom about ac N) and
Ccntral Amcrica (to ,c N in Panama) and may also bc
nativc to northcrn South Amcrica in Colombia, \cnczucla,
and thc Guianas.
Current distribution
Tc spccics has bccn cultivatcd and has naturalizcd widcly
in tropical Amcrica, thc Caribbcan, Alrica, and Asia. !n
thc Pacic islands, it is lound in Amcrican Samoa, Cook
!slands, Fcdcratcd Statcs ol Microncsia, Fiji, Frcnch Poly
ncsia, Guam, Hawaii, Kiribati, Ncw Calcdonia, Papua
Ncw Guinca, Samoa, Solomon !slands, Tonga, and \anu
Preferred scientic name
Gliricidia sepium ( Jacq.) Kunth cx Stcud.
Fabaccac (lcgumc lamily)
Faboidcac (Papilionoidcac)
Non-preferred scientic names
Galedupa pungam 8lanco
Gliricidia lambii Fcrnald
Gliricidia maculata var. multijuga Michcli
Gliricidia maculate (Kunth) Valp.
Lonchocarpus maculates (Kunth) C.
Lonchocarpus roseus (Millcr) C.
Lonchocarpus sepium ( Jacq.) C.
Millettia luzonensis A. Gray
Robinia hispida L.
Robinia maculate Kunth
Robinia rosea Millcr
Robinia sepium Jacq.
Robinia variagata Schltdl.
Common names
Pacic islands
gliricidia, Mcxican lilac, mothcr ol cocoa, Nicaraguan
cacao shadc, quick stick, St. \inccnt plum, trcc ol
iron (nglish)
immortelle, lilas tranger, madre de cacao (Frcnch)
rechesengel (Palau)
Other regions
almcigo extranjero, amory celos, bien vestida, desnodo
orecido, oresco, madre de cacao, madre negro, mata
ratn, mataraton, palo de hierro, palo de parque, pin
amoroso, pin de cuba, pin orido, varita de San Jos
gamal (!ndoncsia)
Size and form
Gliricidia is a small, thornlcss, scmidcciduous trcc . m
(.cc lt) in hcight with a trunk up to c cm (.a in) in
diamctcr at brcast hcight (dbh). Tc canopy diamctcr is
about thc samc as thc hcight lor most provcnanccs il not
pruncd. Tc trcc may havc singlc or multiplc stcms and
tcnds to havc a diusc, irrcgular crown. !n agricultural cn
vironmcnts, thc sizc and shapc arc oltcn grcatly modicd
by rcpcatcd lopping to suit thc larmcrs goals.
Species Proles for Pacic Island Agroforestry ( 3
Raccmcs or paniclcs .a cm (a in) long arc bornc at thc
basc ol lcavcs. Tc individual owcrs havc a light grccn
(tingcd with rcd), vctoothcd calyx and a corolla ol vc
whitishpink or light purplc pctals. Tc owcr has a typi
cal pcaowcr shapc with a broad standard, two oblong,
curvcd wings, and two unitcd pctals. Tcrc arc .c whitish
stamcns and a pistil with a rcd ovary and a whitish stylc.
Tc altcrnatc, pinnatc lcavcs, .c cm (6.a in) long,
havc a silky pubcsccncc whcn young. Tcrc arc ,., lcal
lct pairs and a tcrminal lcact. Tc lcacts arc clliptical or
lanccolatc, 6 cm (..aa. in) long and .. cm (c.6..a
in) widc, short to longpointcd at thc tip, and roundcd to
shortpointcd at thc basc.
Tc lruits arc attcncd pods, .c. cm (6 in) long, that
contain thrcc to cight sccds. Tcy arc ycllowgrccn, bccom
ing ycllow and nally brown or blackish at maturity. Flow
cring and lruiting bcgins bctwccn . and ycars ol agc.
Tc sccds arc circular and at, about .c mm (c. in) in
diamctcr, shiny, and light to dark brown. Tcrc arc ,cc
..,ccc sccds/kg (a.ccccc sccds/lb), varying considcr
ably among sccd sourccs. Tc sccds arc dispcrscd whcn thc
pods dry sucicntly that thc two halvcs scparatc and curl
cxplosivcly, propclling thc sccds as lar as a m (a lt) away
lrom thc mothcr trcc.
Tc bark is smooth to slightly ssurcd and gray to brown.
Rooting habit
Gliricidia propagatcd lrom cuttings produccs an cxtcnsivc,
shallow, latcral root systcm. Sccdlings dcvclop taproots,
but it is unclcar il thc taproots cndurc throughout thc lilc
ol thc plant. nc study ol trccs lrom sccdlings on coastal
sands rcportcd poorly dcvclopcd taproots and wcll dcvcl
opcd latcral roots.
Similar or look-a-like species
Gliricidia looks supcrcially likc scvcral othcr lcgumi
nous trcc spccics. Tc loliagc can bc conluscd with vari
ous showcr trccs that arc lrcqucntly uscd as ornamcntals,
such as Cassia javanica. Showcr trccs havc clustcrs ol
crcam, pink, orangc, ycllow, or rcd owcrs rcscmbling in
shapc and sizc largc bunchcs ol grapcs hanging lrom small
branchcs Tc owcrs havc vc pctals ol similar sizc and
shapc. !n contrast, gliricidia has pcalikc owcrs in clustcrs
Gliricidia lrom Latin glis, dormousc and caedere,
to kill and thc Spanish namc mata-ratn rclcr to
thc trccs rodcnticidal propcrtics.
Tc cpithct sepium mcans ol hcdgcs which is thc
usc ol thc trcc Jacquin obscrvcd in Columbia in thc
midcigthccnth ccntury.
Mothcr ol cocoa and thc Spanish madre de cacao
rclcr to thc plants lrcqucnt usc as a shadc trcc lor
Quick stick rclcrs to thc ability ol cuttings to
quickly and casily root and grow into ncw trccs.
Trcc ol iron and thc Spanish palo de hierro rclcr to
thc hard, durablc wood.
Flowers and leaves. ixsv: viowvv vno:o nv j. v~vvo::~, o:nvvs nv c. vivvi:cn
4 Gliricidia sepium (gliricidia)
that arc much morc modcst in sizc, and whitishpink to
light purplc in color.
Variability of species
icrcnccs within gliricidia populations havc bccn rcc
ognizcd in stcm lcngth, biomass production, owcr color,
sccd sizc, numbcr ol raccmcs pcr trcc, numbcr ol pods pcr
trcc, and synchrony ol owcring. nc study (Simmons
.6) notcd a. timcs as many pods pcr trcc in Montcrrico
than in 8clcn Rivas provcnancc. A high corrclation (r -
c.,) bctwccn raccmc numbcr and pod numbcr was notcd,
but without provcnancc or lamily variation. Anothcr study
(Simons and unsdon .a) notcd provcnancc variations
in wood and loliagc production. l thcsc, thc variation
in wood production was highcst. Southcrn provcnanccs
(Guatcmala and Nicaragua) wcrc gcncrally good pcrlorm
crs, whilc northcrn provcnanccs (Mcxico) wcrc gcncrally
poor pcrlormcrs. Tcrc is gcnctic cvidcncc that onc provc
nancc (Masaguara) is cscapcd lrom domcstication and an
othcr (Pcdasi) has undcrgonc a scvcrc gcnctic bottlcncck,
i.c., undcrgonc a largc rcduction in gcnctic variability.
Known varieties
Tcrc arc no lormally rccognizcd varictics.
Culturally important related species in the genus
!n thc gcnus Gliricidia, thrcc spccics arc currcntly rccog
nizcd G. sepium, G. brenningii, and G. maculate. Gliricidia
brenningii has many tiny lcacts, tiny appcndagcs at thc
basc ol thc lcact stalks, and longcr, darkcr pods. Gliricidia
maculate has lcathcry lcavcs and usually whitc owcrs in
pcndulous inorcsccnccs. Gliricidia sepium has somcwhat
clongatcd, papcry lcavcs, and pink owcrs in upward
curvcd to crcct inorcsccnccs. Mcmbcrs ol thc gcnus
arc obligatc outbrccdcrs (i.c., crosspollination bctwccn
two individuals must takc placc lor sccds to dcvclop), and
intcrspccic hybridization is common bctwccn G. macu-
late and G. sepium in arcas whcrc thcy grow in proximity.
Gliricidia sepium is widcly cultivatcd both within and out
sidc ol its nativc rangc. Gliricidia brenningii and G. macu-
late arc cultivatcd within thcir nativc rangcs lor living lcncc
posts and ornamcntals but arc not commcrcially cultivatcd
and arc gcncrally unknown outsidc ol thcir rangcs.
Genetic resources where collections exist
Gcrmplasm collcctions havc bccn madc by thc !ntcrnation
Left: Nearly mature seedpods turn from green to yellow (shown here), then dry to brown or blackish at maturity. Right: Bark of
a -year-old tree. vno:os: c. vivvi:cn
Although the leaves are similar in appearance to gliricidia, the
large clusters of ball-shaped owers distinguish the shower
tree (shown here). vno:o: c. vivvi:cn
Species Proles for Pacic Island Agroforestry ( 5
al Livcstock Ccntrc lor Alrica (!LCA), Ccntro Agronmi
co Tropical dc !nvcstigacon y nscnanza (CAT!, Costa
Rica), and xlord Forcstry !nstitutc (F!, UK). Trials
havc bccn conductcd by thc F!/xlord and thc Univcr
sity ol Hawaii.
Gliricidia grows naturally in dcciduous or scmidcciduous
dry lorcsts. Tc spccics is a pionccr, colonizing disturbcd
arcas, and so may bc lound in sccondary lorcsts, it is rarcly
or ncvcr lound in oldgrowth high lorcsts.
Associated species commonly found in native
Gliricidia may bc lound associatcd with most ol thc spc
cics ol thc dcciduous dry lorcsts ol McsoAmcrica. Somc
commonly associatcd gcncra arc Acacia, Bauhinia, Bursera,
Brosimum, Caesalpinia, Calicophyllum, Combretum, Cres-
centia, Dalbergia, Enterolobium, Guazuma, Haematoxylum,
Juliania, Lonchocarpus, Lysiloma, Pithecellobium, Senna, Si-
marouba, and Swietenia.
Species commonly associated as aboriginal intro-
ductions in Pacic islands
As a rclativcly rcccnt introduction to Pacic islands,
gliricidia is gcncrally lound bclow clcvations ol c m (..c
lt) and gcncrally only on larms, but to a limitcd cxtcnt in
urban arcas, whcrc it is associatcd with a widc rangc ol
mainly introduccd cultivatcd spccics.
Species commonly associated in modern times or
as recent introduction
!n Ccntral and South Amcrica in disturbcd habitats and
whcrc introduccd, it is commonly associatcd with Tabebuia
spp., Cordia spp., Albizia spp., Guazuma ulmifolia, Leucaena
leucocephala, and Ricinus communis. !n thc rcst ol thc trop
ics, it is associatcd with thc agricultural crops cacao, vanilla,
cocc, tca, yam, pcppcr, vcgctablcs, grains, pasturc grasscs,
and othcr crops.
Gliricidia grows bcst in warm, scasonally dry climatcs with
modcratc mcan annual rainlall. !t also grows wcll in arcas
with prccipitation distributcd cvcnly throughout thc ycar
and whcrc thcrc is highcr rainlall, although sccd produc
tion is lcss rcliablc.
Elevation range
c.acc m (cccc lt)
Mean annual rainfall
(6cc) (cc) mm (|a| 6c |.c| in)
Rainfall pattern
Tc trcc grows in climatcs with summcr, wintcr, bimodal,
or unilorm rainlall pattcrns.
Dry season duration (consecutive months with <40
mm [1.6 in] rainfall)
Mean annual temperature
aca,C (,.F)
Mean maximum temperature of hottest month
a,6C (.,F)
Maximum temperature tolerated
aC (.cF)
Mean minimum temperature of coldest month
.aC (,,F)
Minimum temperature tolerated
.cC (6cF). !t docs not grow wcll in arcas whcrc thc
night tcmpcraturc drops bclow C (.F) and docs not
tolcratc lrost (cC |aF|).
Tc trcc docs bcst in dccp, mcdiumtcxturcd, wcll draincd,
lcrtilc soils, with ncar ncutral acidity. !t tolcratcs rocky
(shallow or skclctal) soils that arc high in availablc calcium,
and soils with tcxturcs lrom sands to clays. Gliricidia lails
or grows poorly on cool, wct, compactcd, poorly acratcd,
vcry acidic (bclow pH .a), or highly alkalinc soils (abovc
pH .c).
Soil texture
!t grows in light to hcavy soils (sands, sandy loams, loams,
sandy clay loams, clays, clay loams, and sandy clays).
Soil drainage
!t prclcrs lrccly draining soils and tolcratcs scasonally im
pcdcd drainagc.
6 Gliricidia sepium (gliricidia)
Soil acidity
Tc trcc prclcrs acid to ncutral/mildly alkalinc soils (pH
Special soil tolerances
Gliricidia can grow in shallow, slightly salinc, slightly sodic,
and modcratcly inlcrtilc soils. !t also tolcratcs calcarcous
soils, such as thosc ol atolls.
Gliricidia tolcratcs scasonal droughts and climatcs with
mcan annual rainlall as low as 6cc mm (a in).
Full sun
!t grows bcst in lull sunlight.
Tc trcc tolcratcs only light shadc. Sccdlings that arc plant
cd in hcavy shadc can survivc but will not grow. Sccdlings
that havc bccn supprcsscd by shadc lor cvcn ycars will
rccovcr and grow rapidly il thc shcltcring ovcrstory is rc
Gliricidia is nativc to arcas ol Ccntral Amcrica pronc to
pcrcnnial rcs. !t is oltcn topkillcd by rc, but young trccs
rcadily rcgcncratc by sprouting lrom thc root collar.
Tc trcc is intolcrant ol lrost.
!t tolcratcs bricl ooding, but hcavily compact
cd soils or arcas pronc to watcrlogging should
bc avoidcd. !t can grow in arcas with anacrobic
or scasonally anacrobic subsoils, although it is
not longlivcd in such conditions.
Salt spray
Gliricidia can grow in light salt spray. !n lact, it
is nativc to many plant communitics along thc
Pacic coasts ol Mcxico and Ccntral Amcrica,
which indicatcs good salt tolcrancc.
Tc trcc tolcratcs tradc winds vcry wcll, cvcn in
wct arcas, whcrc it holds its lcavcs ycarround.
Tc trccs arc modcratcly rcsistant to hurricanc
lorcc winds, losing lcavcs and branchcs but
surviving. Trccs grown lrom cuttings arc morc vulncrablc
to windthrow than sccdlings.
Fix nitrogen
Gliricidia is a good nitrogcn xcr, although not as good
as many othcr nitrogcnxing trccs (scc tablc bclow).
Nodulation with Rhizobium normally occurs in thc nativc
and in Ccntral and South Amcrican naturalizcd rangcs
within months ol planting. For Pacic island and othcr
habitats whcrc thc trcc is ncwly introduccd, thc planting
holcs or nurscry mcdia may bc sprinklcd with rhizobia
bactcria inoculant culturcs. Altcrnativcly, crudc liquid
inoculant can bc madc by collccting soil lrom thc root
zonc undcr hcalthy gliricidia trccs, mixing with watcr, and
straining o thc particulatcs to makc it casicr to sprinklc.
Gliricidia growing near coast of Upolu, Samoa, where it is subject to wind
and salt spray. vno:o: c. vivvi:cn
Nitrogen xation for some important agroforestry trees (af-
ter MacDicken )
Species kg/ha/yr lb/ac/yr
Casuarina equisetifolia 6c
Erythrina poeppigiana 6c
Gliricidia sepium . .a
Inga jinicuil c .6
Leucaena leucocephala up to a, a
Species Proles for Pacic Island Agroforestry ( 7
Regenerate rapidly
Tc trcc rcgcncratcs rapidly lollowing cutting or othcr top
Tc trunks arc usually clcar ol sidc branchcs bclow thc main
crown, although many provcnanccs havc short trunks with
largc, sprcading branchcs.
Tc trcc can bc managcd lor coppicc production ol rc
wood, stakcs, loddcr, and grccn manurc. !t rcgrows vcry
wcll altcr pruning, cspccially il cut only during pcriods ol
activc growth (rathcr than during thc dry or cool scasons)
and il about .c ol thc loliagc is lclt on thc trcc.
Pollarding is thc pruning back ol all branchcs to a lramc
work on a rcgular basis (usually annually). Gliricidia is tol
crant ol pollarding and lorms a ncw crown quickly, this
is common practicc lor gliricidia uscd as livc lcncc posts
in pasturc in situations whcrc thcrc is a usc lor thc wood
or whcrc thcrc is cnough scarcity ol loddcr to justily thc
Growth rate
!nitial growth is rapid (up to m |.c lt| in thc rst ycar),
slowing until a nal hcight ol . m (.cc lt) is rcachcd.
Tc trcc has a modcratc lilc span ol up to c ycars and ol
tcn bccomcs hollow and dcclincs bclorc dying.
Flowering and fruiting
Flowcring and lruiting may bcgin as carly as thc cnd ol thc
rst growing scason and almost always bcgins by thc lth
growing scason. Flowcring occurs during thc dry scason,
dcpcnding on thc local climatc. !l rainlall is cvcnly dis
tributcd throughout thc ycar, owcring may occur at any
timc, irrcgularly throughout thc ycar, but in lowcr quanti
tics comparcd with scasonal climatcs.
Reaction to competition
Ncw plants arc susccptiblc to compctition lrom grasscs
during thc rst ycar. ncc abovc thc grasscs, gliricidia is
a good compctitor. !t has bccn uscd to rcclaim intractablc
grass swards.
Gliricidia is casily propagatcd by sccd or largc cuttings.
Sccdlings arc produccd in nurscrics in pots or bags and
arc rcady lor outplanting within a months. ircctsccd
ing cxpcrimcnts havc givcn good gcrmination and carly
survival, but good wccd control lor thc rst lcw months is
rcquircd. As a living lcncc post, this spccics is oltcn propa
gatcd by cuttings. Tissuc culturc has also bccn donc suc
ccsslully but is rarcly uscd in practicc.
Propagation by seed
(altcr Vilkinson and lcvitch 2003a)
Seed collection
Gliricidia is highly variablc in lorm and productivity, and
lor this rcason supcrior provcnanccs (c.g., Rctalhulcu
and 8clcn Rivas) should bc sought out lor propagation
(Simons and unsdon .a). Timc ol owcring and sccd
ing varics with climatc, clcvation, and dry scason duration.
Trccs usually owcr in thc dry scason (NovcmbcrMarch
in Kona, Hawaii, JanuaryMarch in Mcxico, cccmbcr
May in Pucrto Rico). Tc timc bctwccn owcring and pod
ripcning can bc vcry short, , wccks in somc arcas. ur
ing ccrtain ycars, and lor ccrtain provcnanccs, sccd produc
tion can bc vcry low.
As thc sccdpods dry thcy rclcasc thcir sccds (dchiscc) cx
plosivcly, inging thcm up to a m (a lt) away lrom thc
trcc. For this rcason, sccd collcctors must obscrvc carclully
and collcct sccdpods lrom thc trcc whcn thcy arc ripc but
bclorc thcy dchiscc. Sccdpods arc .c. cm (6 in) long
and .a. mm (c.c.6 in) widc. ach contains thrcc to
cight sccds. Pods arc collcctcd altcr thcy turn lrom ycllow
grccn to brown but bclorc thcy arc dry cnough to curl and
rclcasc thcir sccds.
Pods arc collcctcd with a minimum ol cort by hand lrom
low branchcs or with pruning polcs lrom modcratcly sizcd
trccs. Pruning trccs back to a stump .a m (.6.6 lt) in
hcight during or altcr thc sccd harvcst controls trcc sizc
and promotcs owcring thc ncxt scason. Tc highcst sccd
producing arcas (in Pucrto Rico) rcccivc around .ac mm
(c in) ol mcan annual prccipitation. Arcas with .cc mm
(, in) or morc rainlall havc produccd littlc sccd. Although
usually not rccommcndcd, sccds may also bc collcctcd
lrom thc ground, particularly in dry arcas.
Seed processing
Ripc pods arc sprcad out in thc sun on plastic tarps or a
concrctc slab. As thcy dry in thc sun, thc pods curl and cx
plodc, making a popping sound. Tc drying arca should bc
covcrcd with a nc mcsh nctting to prcvcnt sccds cxpcllcd
lrom dchiscing pods lrom cscaping thc arca. ncc thc
8 Gliricidia sepium (gliricidia)
sccdpods arc dry and crunchy, sccds that arc still attachcd
to pods arc scparatcd by hand or with a thrcshcr. Sccds arc
lurthcr dricd to 6.c moisturc.
Seed storage
Tc sccd is orthodox, mcaning thcy rcmain viablc altcr bc
ing dricd. At a moisturc contcnt ol 6.c, and lrcc ol pcsts,
sccds can bc storcd in an airtight containcr at C (F)
lor ovcr .c ycars and rctain viability ol up to c (Allison
and Simons .6). !nscct pcsts can bc killcd by lrcczing
lully dricd sccds at .cC (.F) lor hours prior to stor
Pre-planting treatments
No scarication is ncccssary. Soaking sccds ovcrnight in
cool watcr will causc thcm to swcll, hastcning gcrmina
tion. For lrcsh sccd collcctions lrcc lrom inscct inlcsta
tions, gcrmination is usually high, ovcr c. Gcrmination
takcs . days.
Growing area
Sccdlings arc bcst grown in lull sun in an uncovcrcd grow
ing arca. Roottraining tubcs . cm (6 in) dccp and . cm
(.. in) in diamctcr work wcll, as do polycthylcnc plastic
bags .c x . cm ( x 6 in), whcn laid at.
Sccds arc placcd in containcrs llcd with prcmoistcncd
potting mcdium and covcrcd with about mm (c.a in) ol
mcdium and a thin laycr ol mulch (such as poultry grit,
nc gravcl, or ncly scrccncd volcanic cindcr). Vatcr is
applicd with a nchcadcd spraycr to kccp thc mcdium
moist. aily watcring is usually ncccssary, by hand or with
an automatcd systcm. At sccding timc or within a wccks ol
gcrmination, sccdlings should bc inoculatcd with rhizobia
bactcria, cithcr manulacturcd or madc lrom nodulcs or soil
collcctcd lrom undcr a compatiblc host. arly inoculation
with rhizobia cnsurcs good nodulation and growth.
A standard wcll draincd potting mcdium such as c pcat
moss, a pcrlitc, and a vcrmiculitc, amcndcd with a
littlc compost, limc, gypsum, micronutricnts, rock phos
phatc and potassium, can bc uscd.
Seeds drying on a tarp in the sun. Te fragments of dried seed pod will be removed along with other particulates before storage
vno:o: c. vivvi:cn Right: Same-age seedlings that are inoculated with Rhizobium (left) are much more vigorous than those that
are not inoculated (right). Tis holds true for the life of the tree. vno:o: x. :uucv
Species Proles for Pacic Island Agroforestry ( 9
Time to outplanting
Vhcn grown in lull sun and undcr optimal conditions,
sccdlings arc rcady to plant out in .a wccks. About
wccks altcr gcrmination, sccdlings arc doublcspaccd to
allow maximum pcnctration ol sunlight and air circulation.
Assuming sccdlings wcrc inoculatcd with rhizobia bactcria
at an carly agc, no additional nitrogcn lcrtilization is ncccs
sary, although a vcry light topdrcssing ol slow rclcasc
lcrtilizcr will aid in growth and dcvclopmcnt. Rcmovc any
wccds that cntcr thc sccdling at. !nscct problcms arc usu
ally minimal, although an occasional inlcstation ol aphids
or scalc may bc trcatcd with an approvcd gardcn soap or
similar product.
Sccdlings should ncvcr bc allowcd to dry out, but watcring
lrcqucncy may bc rcduccd to causc tcmporary, modcratc
watcr strcss to hardcn sccdlings bclorc outplanting.
Approximate size
Sccdlings arc rcady to plant at a hcight ol acc cm (.a
in) with a stcm diamctcr at thc basc ol about .c mm
(c.c. in).
Guidelines for outplanting
Survival is usually vcry high lor this hardy, nitrogcnxing
spccics. Controlling grasscs and othcr compctitivc wccd
growth around thc trcc until its canopy ovcrtops thc hcight
ol thc wccds is kcy to good growth and survival. Tcrcaltcr,
thc trcc will hold its own, and in lact is uscd in !ndoncsia
and Vcst Alrica to rcclaim grasslands inlcstcd with blady
grass (Imperata sp.). n sitcs with adcquatc rainlall, trccs
can casily attain a m (6.6.c lt) in hcight altcr a ycar ol
growth. A planting study on a sandy sitc in Pucrto Rico
had ,a survival and sccdlings rcachcd . m (.a. lt) in
a months.
Propagation by direct-seeding
!n dircctsccding, an arca is prcparcd at cach planting spot,
clcarcd ol wccds, and cultivatcd to a dcpth ol c cm (ac in)
il thc soil is compactcd. Sccds arc plantcd at a dcpth ol
mm (c.a in).
ircctsccding is oltcn thc bcst mcthod lor outplanting.
!t is oltcn chcapcr bccausc it climinatcs nurscry containcr
growing and transplanting. Tc drawbacks ol dircctsccd
ing includc risk ol prcdator damagc (c.g., rats, birds, ctc.),
lack ol rains to sustain thc ncwly gcrminatcd sccds, and
thc mandatory lrcqucnt maintcnancc that must bc donc to
cnsurc wccds do not ovcrcomc thc small sccdlings.
Propagation by cutting (altcr Vilkinson and lcvitch
Cuttings arc oltcn uscd instcad ol sccdlings, cspccially in
wct arcas whcrc sccd production is usually poor and soil
moisturc is lavorablc lor starting cuttings dircctly in thc
ground. Gliricidia gcncrally roots vcry casily lrom largc
cuttings, making this thc prclcrrcd mcthod ol propagation
in many arcas. thcr advantagcs ovcr sccdlings arc:
Largc cuttings arc usually tallcr than thc wccds and
can casily bc sccn lor carly wccd maintcnancc.
Many larmcrs sct lcnccpostsizcd cuttings and im
mcdiatcly nail thc lcncc wircs to thcm. Tosc that takc
root arc maintaincd as living lcncc posts, and thosc
that do not root arc rcplaccd with ncw cuttings al
tcr thcy rot o, until a complctc living lcncc systcm
is cstablishcd. Smallcrdiamctcr cuttings can support
lcncc wirc a lcw months altcr cstablishmcnt.
Cuttings arc vcgctativc cloncs ol thc mothcr trccs and
thcrclorc can bc casily sclcctcd lor dcsircd qualitics
such as upright growth.
Largc cuttings providc crop shadc within a rclativcly
short pcriod ol timc.
Tc disadvantagcs ol using cuttings includc:
Tcy arc many timcs thc sizc and wcight ol sccdlings,
so thcy arc hardcr to transport and rcquirc a much
dccpcr planting holc.
Cuttings arc gcnctically idcntical to thc parcnt plant
and thcrclorc largc plantings might bc morc susccp
tiblc to discasc and inscct attack.
Parcnt trccs arc ablc to producc lcwcr cuttings than
Cuttings arc morc vulncrablc to windthrow.
Root dcvclopmcnt ol gliricidia lrom cuttings is poor com
parcd to trccs grown lrom sccd. For livc lcnccs, thc bcn
cts ol quick cstablishmcnt and rcsistancc to animal attack
usually outwcigh this considcration. For windbrcaks or
lorcstry, cstablishmcnt lrom sccdlings is rccommcndcd.
Collecting cuttings
Normally, largc cuttings aa. m (6.6.a lt) long and 6.
cm (a.6 in) in diamctcr arc uscd lor quick cstablishmcnt
ol livc lcncc posts supporting barbcd wirc or hog lcncing.
For growing in dcnsc stockadcs, smallcr woody cuttings
c cm (ac in) long, .a cm (c.c. in) in diamctcr, and at
lcast 6 months old arc uscd. Gliricidia is highly variablc
in lorm and productivity, sclcct cuttings lrom trccs with
morc upright lorm lor bcst rcsults lor livc lcncc posts.
Cuttings can bc takcn any timc ol ycar, although thc idcal

10 Gliricidia sepium (gliricidia)

timc lor dcciduous trccs such as gliricidia is
whcn thc ncw growth is appcaring, usually at
thc onsct ol thc rainy scason.
!l cuttings arc transportcd, thcy should bc cov
crcd or kcpt in thc shadc and should not bc al
lowcd to dry out or to bc bruiscd. Protcct cut
tings lrom bruising during transport by pad
ding with lcavcs or a blankct.
Harvesting cuttings
Makc a clcan cut with a sharp pruncr or saw.
Tc top should bc cut at an anglc to prccludc
watcr accumulation and rotting on top ol thc
cutting. Tc anglcd cut also indicatcs which sidc
to plant upwards. Cuttings should bc pruncd
clcan ol major sidc branchcs and lcavcs.
Storage of cuttings
!t is idcal to outplant thc cuttings immcdiatcly.
!l this is not lcasiblc, cuttings can bc stood up
in shady conditions and covcrcd with wct sack
ing or sprinklcd lrcqucntly. !n Ccntral Amcr
ica, larmcrs oltcn harvcst cuttings during thc
waning moon, lollowcd by . wcck lying horizontal and
wccks in thc vcrtical position with thc rooting cnd down,
and planting during thc ncxt waning moon (Allison and
Simons, .6). !n Pucrto Rico, thcy wait lor what thcy
considcr to bc thc corrcct phasc ol thc moon to harvcst thc
cuttings and plant immcdiatcly.
Preparing cuttings
At planting timc, thc lowcr cc cm (.a.6 in) ol thc cut
tings arc usually woundcd using a sharp knilc to makc
scvcral small incisions through thc bark to promotc sidc
rooting. Vithout thcsc cuts, roots usually only cmcrgc
lrom thc basc ol thc cutting, making lor a potcntially wcak
root structurc and susccptibility to windthrow.
Growing area
Cuttings arc normally plantcd dircctly in thc cld. For cut
tings aa. m (6.6.a lt) tall, thc lowcr portion is buricd
cc cm (.aac in) dccp. For smallcr cuttings, gcncrally
about ac ol thc cuttings lcngth should bc undcrground.
Plantcrs should makc surc to plant cuttings corrcct sidc
down. As dcscribcd abovc undcr Abilitics, thc planting
holc should bc inoculatcd with rhizobia culturc or a crudc
inoculant madc lrom nodulcs or soil.
Altcr placing thc cutting, cnsurc thcrc is rm soil contact
with thc cutting to promotc sidc rooting and to prcvcnt
movcmcnt in thc wind. Soil should bc moist during carly
cstablishmcnt, but not ovcrly wct. !rrigation may bc ncccs
sary during dry spclls until thc cuttings arc cstablishcd.
Guidelines for outplanting
Rcmoving wccds lrom thc basc and root zonc around cut
tings is important lor high succcss ratcs. Placing a wccd
barricr such as a shcct ol cardboard or othcr biodcgradablc
matcrial can grcatly rcducc thc timc ncccssary lor wccd
!n arcas without adcquatc rainlall, cuttings should bc ir
rigatcd oncc or twicc a wcck until thcy arc wcll cstablishcd
(i.c., 6 months). vcrwatcring can causc rotting ol
gliricidia cuttings. Controlling grasscs and othcr compcti
tivc wccd growth around thc trcc until its canopy ovcrtops
thc hcight ol thc wccds is kcy to good growth and survival.
ncc cstablishcd, vcry littlc maintcnancc is rcquircd.
Cuttings arc usually plantcd lor livc lcncc posts, with wirc
strung bctwccn posts. Spacing lor livc lcncc posts rangcs
lrom c. m (..6.c lt) bctwccn cuttings. For pig contain
mcnt, gliricidia is also uscd as livc lcncc posts to makc a
physical barricr lrom thc trcc trunks rcinlorccd with wirc
mcsh, corrugatcd iron, or organic matcrial, c cm (.a in)
apart or lcss is typical spacing lor this purposc. Livc lcnccs
somctimcs contain a mix ol othcr spccics such as Morus
spp. (mulbcrry), Hibiscus spp., or Erythrina spp., in thc
Pacic, or with Tabebuia spp. and Bursera simaruba in thc
Barbed wire mounted on a stockade fence of gliricidia cuttings. vno:o: c.
Species Proles for Pacic Island Agroforestry ( 11
Potential for invasiveness
Gliricidia has naturalizcd to a limitcd cxtcnt in a numbcr ol
locations outsidc its nativc rangc, particularly in disturbcd
cnvironmcnts such as roadsidcs and abandoncd agricul
tural land. As a lightdcmanding spccics, it is unlikcly to
invadc dcnsc plant communitics. !t has not bccn rcportcd
to bc an aggrcssivc invadcr or a scrious pcst and is not con
sidcrcd an invasivc plant in thc Pacic (P!R acc).
Common pest problems
!t is susccptiblc to aphids (Aphis craccivora in Pucrto Rico).
Tc lcavcs ol aphidattackcd trccs scasonally bccomc
blackcncd and lall prcmaturcly. No data is availablc on
aphid control, but convcntional application ol insccticidcs
rcgistcrcd lor aphids would probably bc ccctivc. !n addi
tion to aphids, thc trcc is susccptiblc to mcalybugs, scalc
insccts, and somc loliar discascs, in ccrtain arcas and undcr
spccic circumstanccs, but thcsc arc rarcly major problcms.
ntrancc ol hcart rot lungi can bc avoidcd by protccting
thc trccs lrom brcaks in thc bark. Howcvcr, this cannot bc
avoidcd whcn trccs arc uscd lor living lcnccs and loppcd
lor rcwood or loddcr. !t is suggcstcd that thc trccs bc rc
placcd as thcy bcgin to dcclinc in hcalth and vigor.
Host to crop pests/pathogens
Nonc rcportcd.
Top left: Cuttings prepared for planting. Right: Without wounding the lower cm of bark, this tree only formed roots at
the very base of the cutting, and it was easily toppled in a strong wind. Bottom left: Because this horizontal cut at the top of the
cutting retained rainwater, rotting has taken place down into the center of the tree, compromising its health and strength; for
this reason, it is best to make the top cut at a % angle. vno:o: c. vivvi:cn
12 Gliricidia sepium (gliricidia)
Mulch/organic matter
!t is loppcd lor mulch and grccn manurc in agrolorcstry
applications and rcgrows vcry rapidly givcn sucicnt soil
moisturc and warm tcmpcraturcs.
Soil stabilization
Gliricidia is plantcd in contour hcdgcrows (allcy cropping)
on sloping lands susccptiblc to crosion. Tc hcdgcrows
hold soil togcthcr and, whcn propcrly planncd and man
agcd, can slow crosivc surlacc runo.
Pest control
Tcrc is somc cvidcncc that gliricidia can protcct ccrtain
crops lrom various lungal, inscct, and viral pcsts. For cxam
plc, in onc cxpcrimcnt, intcrcroppcd gliricidia hcdgcs wcrc
associatcd with rcduccd rust and lcalspot in groundnuts
(Stcwart .6). !n othcr studics, gliricidia hcdgcs actcd as
a divcrsionary host to an aphid that sprcads thc roscttc
virus in groundnut, and to a livcwood tca tcrmitc (Stcwart
.6). !t has also bccn shown to bc associatcd with rcduccd
stcmborcr damagc in ricc (Vicrsum and Nitis .,).
Crop shade/overstory
Gliricidia is a popular shadc or nursc trcc lor crops includ
ing cocc, tca, cacao, pcppcr, passion lruit, and vanilla, in
many varicd spatial arrangcmcnts. Spacing ol about .c x .c
m ( x lt) intcrspcrscd with crops such as cocc and
cacao is common. !t addition to providing a lavorablc cnvi
ronmcnt lor ccrtain crops, thc shadc it providcs hclps sup
prcss lightdcmanding wccds. Tc shadc trccs arc pruncd
scasonally to maximizc bcncts to thc undcrstory crop,
and to minimizc compctition lor watcr and nutricnts.
Alley cropping
!t has bccn intcrcroppcd in allcy cropping systcms with
maizc, cassava, taro, cucurbits, and othcr lood crops. !n such
systcms, pruning gliricidia back rcgularly providcs mulch
lor thc crops and controls compctition by thc gliricidia lor
light, watcr, and nutricnts.
Tc bcncts ol shadc, nitrogcn xation, nutricnt cycling,
mulch, and luclwood production can bc thc samc on a
smallcr scalc as lor larms.
Improved fallows
!t is plantcd by sccd or cuttings as a nitrogcnxing lallow
crop. !t has bccn uscd to rcclaim land inlcstcd with blady
grass (Imperata cylindrica) by shading out thc grassit
has bccn shown to bc supcrior in this rcspcct to lcucacna
(Leucaena leucocephala) and also docs not prcscnt thc wccd
risk ol lcucacna.
Living fences
Gliricidia is onc ol thc most widcly uscd spccics lor living
lcncc posts in thc tropics.
Fence posts
Cuttings that do not takc root, oltcn up to c ol thosc
plantcd, scrvc as tcmporary lcncc posts, which hold up thc
lcncing matcrial during thc proccss ol cstab
lishing living gliricidia lcnccs.
Boundary markers
Gliricidia is somctimcs plantcd to mark prop
crty boundarics.
Although thc trcc tolcratcs wind lairly wcll, it
is alonc minimally ccicnt as a windbrcak duc
to its thin crown and dcciduous habit in dry rc
gions. !l carclully planncd, gliricidia can bc uscd
as onc spccics in a multirow windbrcak, whcrc
thc othcr spccics ocr sucicnt protcction dur
ing thc pcriod whcn thc gliricidia crown is barc.
!t should usually bc plantcd on thc windward
sidc ol tallcr spccics. !n warm arcas without a
dry scason, gliricidia trccs can bc pruncd two or
thrcc timcs a ycar to maintain lull, lush growth.
8y planting two rows alongsidc onc anothcr
and pruning cach row altcrnatcly months
Gliricidia provides shade and organic matter in a cacao orchard. vno:o: c.
Species Proles for Pacic Island Agroforestry ( 13
apart, a dcnsc windbrcak to m (.c. lt) in hcight can
bc achicvcd, whilc also providing a rcgular sourcc ol or
ganic mattcr or loddcr.
Living lcncc posts and cld boundary trccs can providc
loddcr whcn pcriodically loppcd. Animals oltcn arc al
lowcd to browsc thc trccs in oldcr plantations.
Gliricidia is a good produccr ol highquality luclwood,
both in dcdicatcd woodlots and incidcntal with othcr uscs.
Trccs grown lor luclwood arc cithcr coppiccd on rotations
ol . ycars or harvcstcd and rcplantcd altcr 6 ycars.
Native animal/bird food
Tc loliagc is consumcd by browsing animals. Tc bark and
sccds arc not known to bc catcn by any mammal or bird.
Tc trcc is uscd as ncsting habitat by somc spccics ol birds.
Host plant trellising
Gliricidia is uscd as support lor pcppcr, yam, passion lruit,
and vanilla. !t is vcry suitablc as crop support duc to its
upright growth altcr pruning and thc appropriatc amount
ol dapplcd shadc it providcs lor many crops.
Bee forage
Gliricidia attracts honcybccs, carpcntcr bccs, and a widc
rangc ol inscct pollinators, and it providcs limitcd covcr lor
birds and mammals. !n arcas with a pronounccd dry scason,
it owcrs proluscly and is a vcry good honcy plant lor thc
ncctar it produccs.
Coastal protection
8ccausc ol gliricidias ability to grow in cxposcd coastal
cnvironmcnts, and cvcn in shilting sands (Simons .6), it
has potcntial lor agricultural usc in ncarshorc agricultural
!t is plantcd in rcsidcntial lots, parks, and on roadsidcs
whcrc small trccs arc rcquircd. !t produccs copious quanti
tics ol lilaccolorcd owcrs whcn grown in cnvironmcnts
with a pronounccd dry scason.
Leaf vegetable
Cookcd gliricidia lcavcs and owcrs arc said to bc catcn
boilcd or lricd. Placcd in containcrs with bananas, thc
lcavcs hastcn ripcning ol thc bananas.
Tc owcrs attract honcybccs and arc a good sourcc ol ncc
Crushcd lrcsh lcavcs arc applicd as a poulticc. !n Mcxico,
thc plant is uscd as an antihistaminic, antipyrctic, cxpccto
rant, and diurctic. xtracts ol gliricidia havc bccn shown to
havc high antilungal activity (Stcwart .6).
Animal fodder
Tc lcavcs (cut branchcs with lcavcs attachcd or dircctly
browscd lrom low plants) arc widcly uscd as cattlc and
goat loddcr. Tcrc arc lcw toxicity problcms with ruminant
animals. xpcrimcnts havc shown similar bcnct in using
gliricidia loddcr and mincral mixturcs as supplcmcnts to
grass pasturc. Yiclds ol loddcr rangc lrom a to ac t/ha/
yr and can makc a signicant contribution to dryscason
loragc. Silagc prcparation ol gliricidia lcavcs mixcd with
Living fence post supporting barbed wire, strong enough to
contain pigs. vno:o: c. vivvi:cn
14 Gliricidia sepium (gliricidia)
a small pcrccntagc ol molasscs or sugarcanc has shown
promisc (Stcwart .6).
Beautiful/fragrant owers
Tc lilacpink owcrs makc this a mcmorablc ornamcntal.
Howcvcr, thc owcrs arc not lragrant.
Tc wood is light to dark olivcbrown, vcry hard and hcavy,
strong, coarsctcxturcd, with an irrcgular grain. !t scasons
wcll and, although dicult to work, takcs a high polish. !t
is highly durablc (tcrmitc and lungusrcsistant), and val
ucd lor housc construction and corncr lcncc posts (CA8!
acc). Gliricidia timbcr has bccn uscd lor posts, railroad
tics, construction, lurniturc, tool handlcs, and larm implc
mcnts. Tc small diamctcr ol thc timbcr and short picccs
availablc, usually lcss than c cm (.a in) in diamctcr and
a m (6.6 lt) in lcngth, prccludc most commcrcial usc ol
gliricidia timbcr.
Fuclwood produccd lrom gliricidia is uscd locally lor cook
ing, hcating, and drying tobacco. !t rarcly rcquircs splitting,
is ol modcratcly high dcnsity (, to , g/cm

), and has a
caloric valuc ol cc kcal/kg (aac kcal/lb). !n woodlots
thc rst harvcst can bc carricd out altcr ycars, giving
wood yiclds ol . m

/ha (..a. lt

/ac) (CA8! acc).

Yiclds may rcach as high as .. kg/trcc/yr (..6a.c lb/
trcc/lb) in Ccntral Amcrica. Annually coppiccd luclwood
in thc Philippincs produccs luclwood volumcs ol ac m

ha (c,a lt

/ac). Tc wood is also somctimcs uscd lor

charcoal production. Production ol luclwood has rcachcd
commcrcial lcvcls in only a lcw locations such as thc Phil
Craft wood/tools
Stcms and branchcs arc somctimcs uscd lor tool handlcs.
Toxin/insecticide/sh poison
Roots, bark, and sccds arc toxic duc to thc prcscncc ol tan
nins, alrormosin, mcdicarpin, and isoavins. Tc botanical
and common namcs and lolklorc suggcsts that thc sccds
or othcr parts arc usclul as a rodcnticidc. Tcsts ol lcal and
wood cxtracts havc shown insccticidal and antimicrobial
activity. A lcal cxtract uscd in Latin Amcrica to bathc ani
mals cvcry ,. days has bccn lound to sharply rcducc thc
incidcncc ol torsalo (tropical warblc y) in goats.
Gliricidia is suitablc lor ornamcntal usc in rcsidcntial and
public landscaping, parking lot islands, and along rcsidcn
tial strccts bccausc ol its modcratc sizc, clcan appcarancc,
and colorlul owcrs. Carc must bc takcn that trccs arc
plantcd in soil that is at lcast modcratcly lcrtilc and un
Size in an urban environment
!t is casily shapcd to a dcsirablc sizc and lorm by pcriodic
pruning. !t is gcncrally kcpt at 6 m (.cac lt) in hcight
According to Caribbcan lolklorc, planting gliricidia
ncar houscs and clds will control rats and micc.
Fallcn sccds supposcdly attract rats and micc that cat
thcm and dic ol poisoning.
With profuse owering during the dry season, and decidu-
ous habit, gliricidia makes an interesting specimen tree. vno
:o: c. vivvi:cn
Species Proles for Pacic Island Agroforestry ( 15
and a m (6.6..a lt) in crown sprcad, rcquiring annual
or biannual pruning. Vhcn rcgularly pruncd with a lramc
work ol sidc branchcs (pollarding), gliricidia has a similar
appcarancc to thc common landscaping showcr trccs, c.g.,
goldcn showcr (Cassia stula) and pink and whitc showcr
(C. javanica), cxccpt that gliricidia is dcciduous in arcas
with a pronounccd dry scason.
Rate of growth in a landscape
Tc trcc gcncrally grows rapidly at a ratc ol .a m/yr (.
6.6 lt/yr) in carly ycars, slowing to a lcw cm pcr ycar al
tcr 6 ycars. Trunk diamctcr growth is about a cm/yr (c.
Root system
amagc to curbs, sidcwalks, and loundations is unlikcly
unlcss thc trcc is both vcry largc and plantcd in closc prox
imity to such lcaturcs.
Products commonly used in a Pacic island
Gliricidia is still rclativcly uncommon in thc Pacic but is
incrcasingly important in Fiji, \anuatu, Hawaii, and othcr
Light requirements
Full sun is rccommcndcd, othcrwisc, with incrcasing shadc,
growth slows and thc canopy bccomcs sparsc.
Water/soil requirements
!rrigation is gcncrally not nccdcd cxccpt in vcry dry cli
matcs (6cc mm |a in| ol mcan annual prccipitation).
Planting in watcrloggcd soils should bc avoidcd.
Life span
Good data arc not availablc on lilcspan. Gliricidia undcr
lavorablc conditions can bc cxpcctcd to livc up to c ycars,
but it is ccrtain that thc spccics is not longlivcd.
Varieties favored for use in a homegardens
Although thcrc arc no lormally dcscribcd varictics, indi
vidual trccs vary in lorm lrom low and sprcading to tall
and upright (columnar). Tc trcc is usually propagatcd by
cuttings that arc cloncs ol thc mothcr trcc and grow with
thc samc habit. Tcrclorc, cuttings should bc takcn lrom
trccs with dcsircd qualitics lor a particular purposc.
Seasonality of leaf ush, owering, fruiting
Flowcring occurs at thc bcginning ol thc dry scason whcn
thc trccs havc lost thcir lcavcs. !n thc nativc rangc this oc
curs bctwccn Novcmbcr and March. Fruit dcvclopmcnt
and maturation occurs at thc cnd ol thc dry scason. !n ar
cas with cvcn rainlall throughout thc ycar, thc trccs ncvcr
complctcly dcloliatc, and owcring occurs irrcgularly, but
lightly, throughout thc ycar. Fruits oltcn lail to dcvclop in
arcas with cvcnly distributcd and high rainlall.
Exceptional ornamental values
Gliricidia is a vcry bcautilul trcc whcn in bloom, although
owcring usually occurs during pcriods ol lcal loss. !ts
clcan appcarancc and modcratc sizc givcs it charactcr dur
ing thc rcst ol thc scason.
Use as living fence, hedge or visual/noise barrier
!n addition to its usc as living lcncc posts, whcn pruncd
rcgularly to maintain lush, lcaly growth, gliricidia makcs a
nc hcdgc, cspccially in wcttcr climatcs whcrc it rcmains
lcaly ycarround.
Due to its deciduous habit in seasonally dry climates,
gliricidia does not make a good year-round single-species
windbreak or privacy barrier. vno:os: c. vivvi:cn
16 Gliricidia sepium (gliricidia)
Maintenance requirements
Pruning is gcncrally not nccdcd il an opcn crown at thc
natural hcight ol thc trcc (. m |a6c lt|) is dcsircd.
Rcgular pruning can bc donc to lorcc trccs into dcsircd
shapcs (hcdgcs, bclow vicw plancs, ctc.) and to cncouragc
lush, lcaly growth.
Nuisance issues
Aphids causc thc trccs to drip honcydcw, which is sticky,
attracts ants, and can discolor cars, lurniturc, ctc.
!n dry arcas thc sccdpods tcnd to opcn cxplosivcly whcn
ripc, cspccially on hot days. Tc sccds arc thrown up to a
m (a lt) lrom thc trcc, which can prcscnt somc dangcr
to pcoplc. !n high winds, branchcs can shcar o, particu
larly lrom trccs grown lrom cuttings and during pcriods
ol rapid growth. Tc roots, bark, and sccds arc poisonous
to humans and many animals il ingcstcd. ld trccs oltcn
bccomc hollow, cspccially thosc that havc rcccivcd inju
rics lrom lcncc staplcs, mowcrs, or by pruning, and bc
causc ol thc wcakncss thcy arc pronc to trunk brcakagc
and windthrow.
Much ol thc valuc ol gliricidia is not commcrcial but thc
larm scrviccs it providcs including living lcncc posts, grccn
manurc, shadc, loddcr, windbrcak, ctc. Tcrc arc scvcral
arcas whcrc thcrc is commcrcial potcntial, howcvcr. 8c
causc much ol thc commcrcial sccd availablc is inlcrior
gcrmplasm (unsclcctcd lor productivity) (Stcwart ct al.
.6), thcrc is a markct lor sccds lrom thc bcttcr prov
cnanccs. Similarly, thcrc may bc local markcts lor cuttings
lrom sclcctcd gcrmplasm lor usc in planting living lcncc
posts, shcltcrbclts, ctc. !n ccrtain arcas, thcrc may also bc a
markct lor gliricidia luclwood.
Fuclwood plantations in Ccntral Amcrica arc typically cs
tablishcd with .cccccc trccs/ha (ccaccc trccs/ac) lor
rotations ol ycars. !n Asia, luclwood plantations arc sct
out at . x . m (. x . lt) to a. x a. m ( x lt) spacings
lor pruning at . or aycar intcrvals.
Management objectives
Trccs may bc pruncd at ground lcvcl in luclwood planta
tions or intcrcrop plantings or cut abovc thc wirc hcight in
living lcnccs.
Fuclwood yiclds lrom stands harvcstcd cvcry a ycars arc
.cac m

/ha (.a6 lt

/ac). Vood production lrom a liv

ing lcncc has bccn rcportcd at m

/km (, lt

/mi). Yiclds
vary grcatly dcpcnding on provcnancc (gcnctic sourcc).
n intcrmcdiatc quality sitcs in Guatcmala, Honduras,
l Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama, annual
luclwood incrcmcnt rcachcd a pcak ol . kg/trcc (. lb/
trcc) at a ycars ol agc, although cutting usually takcs placc
on rotations ol ycars. Statistical analysis lor sitc indcx,
mcan trcc hcight, basal arca, and dry luclwood lor planta
tions .a6c months ol agc arc availablc (Hughcll .c).
Processing required
Fuclwood is oltcn stackcd and dricd lor a lcw wccks bclorc
Fuclwood markcts arc usually closc to thc point ol origin.
!n many countrics such as !ndoncsia, 8razil, and Costa
Rica, cacao is traditionally cstablishcd undcr thc shadc ol
trccs such as gliricidia, Erythrina poeppigiana, Inga spp.,
and othcr spccics. Tcsc shadc trccs arc uscd duc thcir rap
id growth, ability to biologically accumulatc atmosphcric
nitrogcn, casc ol cstablishmcnt, adaptability to many dil
lcrcnt sitc conditions, and ability to rcgrow vigorously altcr
pruning. uring cstablishmcnt, thc shadc trccs arc plantcd
within thc cacao orchard at a spacings ol a x a m to x
m (6.6 x 6.6 lt to . x . lt) lor a covcr ol about c
shadc. Altcr a ycars as thc canopy ol cacao closcs, thc
shadc trccs arc usually thinncd to a spacing ol 6 x 6 m (ac
x ac lt).
xtcnsion occs lor agrolorcstry and lorcstry in thc Pa
( indicates recommended reading)
Ad Hoc Pancl ol thc Advisory Committcc on Tcchnology
!nnovation. .c. Fircwood crops. National Acadcmy ol
Species Proles for Pacic Island Agroforestry ( 17
Scicnccs, Vashington, C.
Allison, G.., and A.J. Simons. .6. Propagation and hus
bandry. !n: Stcwart, Allison, and Simons, op. cit.
CA8 !ntcrnational. acc. Forcstry Compcndium Global
Modulc, rcv. CA8 !ntcrnational, xon, UK.
Clarkc, V.C., and R.R. Taman (cds.). .. Agrolorcstry
in thc Pacic !slands: Systcms lor Sustainability. Unitcd
Nations Univcrsity Prcss, Ncw York.
Combcllas, J., L. Ros, P. Colombo, R. Alvarcz, and L. Ga
baldn. .6. !nucncc ol Gliricidia sepium rcstrictcd
grazing on livc wcight gain ol growing cattlc in star grass
pasturcs. Livcstock Rcscarch lor Rural cvclopmcnt ().
ukc, J.A. .. Handbook ol ncrgy Crops (unpublishcd):
Gliricidia sepium ( Jacq.) Stcud. http://www.hort.purduc.
FACTNct Sta. .. Growing Gliricidia. Vinrock !ntcr
national (lormcrly NFTA), Morrilton, Arkansas.
Glovcr, N. .6. Gliricidia!ts Namcs Tcll !ts Story. NFT
Highlights. Vinrock !ntcrnational, Morrilton, Arkansas.
Hcnslcigh, T.., and 8.K. Holoway. .. Agrolorcstry Spc
cics lor thc Philippincs. U.S. Pcacc Corps, Vashington,
Hughcll, . .c. Modclos para la prcdiccion dcl crccimicn
to y rcndimicnto dc Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Gliricidia
sepium, Guazuma ulmifolia y Leucaena leucocephala cn
Amcrica Ccntral. Tcchnical 8ullctin aa. Turrialba, Ccn
tro Agronomico Tropical dc !nvcstigacin y nscnanza
(CAT!), Costa Rica.
Jokcr, . acca. Gliricidia sepium ( Jacq.) Stcud. Sccd Lcact
.. anida Forcst Sccd Ccntrc, Humlcback, cnmark.
Lavin, M. .6. Taxonomy. !n: Stcwart, Allison, and Simons,
op. cit.
Littlc, .L., Jr., and F.H. Vadsworth. .6. Common Trccs
ol Pucrto Rico and thc \irgin !slands. Agricultural Hand
book a. USA Forcst Scrvicc, Vashington, C.
Macickcn, K.G. .. Sclcction and Managcmcnt ol Ni
trogcnxing Trccs. Vinrock !ntcrnational, Morrilton,
Arkansas and FA, 8angkok.
Pacic !slands cosystcms at Risk (P!R). acc. Gliricidia
sepium ( Jacq.) Stcud., Fabaccac. Univcrsity ol Hawaii,
cpartmcnt ol 8otany, Honolulu.
Parrotta, J.A. .a. Gliricidia sepium ( Jacq.) Valp. Rcs.
Notc S!TFSMc. USA Forcst Scrvicc, !ntcrna
tional !nstitutc ol Tropical Forcstry, Ro Picdras, Pucrto
Roshctko, J.M. acc.. Agrolorcstry Spccics and Tcchnologics.
Vinrock !ntcrnational, Taiwan.
Salim, A.S., A.J. Simons, C. rwas, J. Chcgc, 8. wuor, and A.
Mutua. acca. Agrolorcstrcc databasc. Vorld Agrolorcstry
Ccntrc, Nairobi, Kcnya. http://www.worldagrolorcstry.
Simons, A.J. .6. cology and rcproductivc biology. !n:
Stcwart, Allison, and Simons, op. cit.
Simons, A.J., and A.J. unsdon. .a. valuation ol thc
Potcntial lor Gcnctic !mprovcmcnt ol Gliricidia sepium.
A Forcstry Rcscarch Projcct Ra, xlord Forcstry
!nstitutc, Univcrsity ol xlord, xlord, UK.
Stcwart, J.L., G.. Allison, and A.J. Simons (cds.). .6.
Gliricidia sepium: Gcnctic rcsourccs lor larmcrs. xlord
Forcstry !nstitutc, Univcrsity ol xlord, xlord, UK.
Stcwart, J.L., and A.J. Simons. .. Gliricidia sepium: a
multipurposc loragc trcc lcgumc. !n: Guttcridgc, R.C.
and H.M. Shclton (cds.). Foragc Trcc Lcgumcs in Tropi
cal Agriculturc. CA8 !ntcrnational, xon, UK.
Taman, R.R., and V.A. Vhistlcr. .6. A Rcvicw ol Uscs
and Status ol Trccs and Forcst in LandUsc Systcms in
Samoa, Tonga, Kiribati and Tuvalu with Rccommcnda
tions lor Futurc Action. South Pacic Forcstry cvclop
mcnt Programmc, Suva, Fiji.
Torpc, P. (cd.). .. Pacic Agrolorcstry: An !nlormation
Kit. Pacic Rcgional Agricultural Programmc, Suva, Fiji.
Vicrsum, K.F., and !.M. Nitis. .,. Gliricidia sepium ( Jacq.)
Kunth cx Valp. !n: Faridah Hanum, !., and L.J.G. van
dcr Macscn (cds.). Plant Rcsourccs ol Southast Asia
No ..: Auxiliary plants. 8ackhuys Publishcrs, Lcidcn, thc
Vilkinson, K.M., and C.R. lcvitch. acca. Propagation
protocol lor production ol containcr Gliricidia sepium
( Jacq.) Valp. plants. !n: Nativc Plant Nctwork. Univcrsity
ol !daho, Collcgc ol Natural Rcsourccs, Forcst Rcscarch
Nurscry, Moscow, !daho. http://www.nativcplantnct
Vilkinson, K.M., and C.R. lcvitch. accb. Propagation
protocol lor vcgctativc production ol containcr Gliricidia
sepium ( Jacq.) Valp. plants. !n: Nativc Plant Nctwork.
Univcrsity ol !daho, Collcgc ol Natural Rcsourccs, Forcst
Rcscarch Nurscry, Moscow, !daho. http://www.nativc
Vinrock !ntcrnational. .. Gliricidia sepiumthc quint
csscntial agrolorcstry spccics. Fact shcct c. Vinrock
!ntcrnational, Morrilton, Arkansas. http://www.winrock.
18 Gliricidia sepium (gliricidia)
Species Proles for Pacic Island Agroforestry (
Gliricidia sepium (gliricidia)
Authors: Craig R. lcvitch
and John K. Francis
.. Pcrmancnt Agriculturc Rcsourccs, P 8ox a, Holualoa, Hawaii 6,a, USA, Vcb: http://www.agrolorcstry.nct~.
a. Shrub Scicnccs Laboratory, Rocky Mountain Rcscarch Station, U.S..A. Forcst Scrvicc (rctircd), , N. cc ., Provo, Utah 6c6, USA,
Acknowledgments: Tc authors and publishcr thank Kcola Childs, alc vans, John Parrotta, ianc Ragonc, and Jim Roshctko lor
thcir input. Photo contributions by J. 8. Friday, Kcnncth Mudgc, and John Parrotta arc grcatly apprcciatcd.
Recommended citation: lcvitch, C.R., and J.K. Francis. acc6. Gliricidia sepium (gliricidia), vcr. a... !n: C.R. lcvitch (cd.). Spccics
Prolcs lor Pacic !sland Agrolorcstry. Pcrmancnt Agriculturc Rcsourccs (PAR), Hlualoa, Hawaii. http://www.traditionaltrcc.
Sponsors: Publication was madc possiblc by gcncrous support ol thc Unitcd Statcs cpartmcnt ol Agriculturc Vcstcrn Rcgion Sus
tainablc Agriculturc Rcscarch and ducation (USAVSAR) Program, SPC/GTZ PacicGcrman Rcgional Forcstry Projcct,
USA Natural Rcsourccs Conscrvation Scrvicc (USA NRCS), Statc ol Hawaii cpartmcnt ol Land & Natural Rcsourccs ivi
sion ol Forcstry & Vildlilc, and thc USA Forcst Scrvicc Forcst Lands nhanccmcnt Program. Tis matcrial is bascd upon work
supportcd by thc Coopcrativc Statc Rcscarch, ducation, and xtcnsion Scrvicc, U.S. cpartmcnt ol Agriculturc, and Agricultural
xpcrimcnt Station, Utah Statc Univcrsity, undcr Coopcrativc Agrccmcnt acca,cc.c.a,.
Series editor: Craig R. lcvitch
Publisher: Pcrmancnt Agriculturc Rcsourccs (PAR), P 8ox a, Hlualoa, Hawaii 6,a, USA, Tcl: caa,, Fax: ca
.a, mail: parGagrolorcstry.nct, Vcb: http://www.agrolorcstry.nct~. Tis institution is an cqual opportunity providcr.
Reproduction: Copics ol this publication can bc downloadcd lrom Tis publication may bc rcpro
duccd lor noncommcrcial cducational purposcs only, with crcdit givcn to thc sourcc. acc6 Pcrmancnt Agriculturc Rcsourccs. All
rights rcscrvcd.

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