Spring 3 MVC Tutorial

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Spring MVC 3.

0 Tutorial
Posted at December 29, 2009 In this post, I am going to give you a start up code base for a Spring MVC based app!ication" If you #ant to go bac$ and refer to the previous version of Spring MVC then this artic!e #i!! he!p you" I am assuming that the reader is a!ready a#are of %ava & and Spring basic concepts !i$e annotations, dependency in'ection etc" Spring "0 has e(tensive!y used the popu!ar annotation feature of %ava &" )s #e move ahead in this artic!e, I*!! mention more ne# things #herever app!icab!e" It #i!! ta$e fo!!o#ing five steps to ma$e everything #or$ on ec!ipse and tomcat" +" 2" " ." &" ,c!ipse pro'ect set up )ddition of re-uired 'ars Creation of re-uired code e!ements /unning pro'ect on tomcat 0esting everything

1et us go through each step in detai!" 1. Eclipse Project Set Up: Some of us may thin$ that this is an e!ementary, but I am mentioning it for those #ho are ne# to ec!ipse" In this step #e create a dynamic #eb pro'ect #ith name SpringMVC 0utoria!" 2ou can use any ,c!ipse version3 most of the recent versions are having these steps simi!ar" I am using ,c!ipse 4a!i!eo for %,, 5ec!ipse6'ee6ga!i!eo6S/+6 #in 2"7ip from ec!ipse do#n!oad site8" 0his contains many advanced features, #hich he!p in deve!opment as #e!! as dep!oyment of app!ication on different servers" ,c!ipse menu 9i!e 6: ;e# 6: Pro'ect #i!! open this #indo#" Se!ect Dynamic <eb Pro'ect from it and c!ic$ on ne(t"

It #i!! open fo!!o#ing #indo# #here you specify the pro'ect name as =SpringMVC 0utoria!* and se!ect the server on #hich you #ant to dep!oy app!ication" I am se!ecting tomcat >"0 as it is avai!ab!e on my machine" 2ou can configure server as per avai!abi!ity" C!ic$ ne(t on fo!!o#ing screen"

;o# change the source fo!der from =src* to =src?main?'ava*" 0his #i!! he!p us to $eep main and test 'ava c!asses separate" 1ater bui!d process becomes easy #ith bui!d too!s !i$e ant and maven" It is a!so maintainab!e" )!so on same screen, change the defau!t output fo!der" 0his generates the c!asses at right p!ace 5src?main?#ebapp?<,@6I;9?c!asses8 #ith respect to #eb archive 5#ar8" C!ic$ ne(t button after that"

Configure #eb modu!e here" <e $eep it as =src?main?#ebapp*"

C!ic$ing on finish button #i!! generate comp!ete pro'ect structure for us" It #i!! a!so generate #eb"(m! #hich #e*!! modify !ater" 2. Addition o !e"uired #ars: 1et us compare the 'ars #e used in Spring 2"& and in current version of Spring #hich is "0" Spring 2.$ #ars: aopa!!iance6+"0"'ar commons6!ogging6+"+"+"'ar serv!et6api62"&"'ar spring6beans62"&"&"'ar spring6conte(t62"&"&"'ar spring6conte(t6support62"&"&"'ar spring6core62"&"&"'ar spring6#eb62"&"&"'ar spring6#ebmvc62"&"&"'ar Spring 3.0 #ars: aopa!!iance6+"0"'ar commons6!ogging6+"+"+"'ar serv!et6api62"&"'ar org.springframework.asm-3.0.0.RELEASE.jar org"springframe#or$"beans6 "0"0"/,1,)S,"'ar org"springframe#or$"conte(t6 "0"0"/,1,)S,"'ar org"springframe#or$"conte(t"support6 "0"0"/,1,)S,"'ar org"springframe#or$"core6 "0"0"/,1,)S,"'ar

org"springframe#or$"e(pression6 "0"0"/,1,)S,"'ar org"springframe#or$"#eb6 "0"0"/,1,)S,"'ar org.springframework.web.servlet-3.0.0.RELEASE.jar %ar names in ita!ics are ne# re-uirements as compared to previous versions" AasmA"'ar is ne#!y added in this stac$" Instead of A#ebmvcA"'ar no# #e have A#eb"serv!etA"'ar" )dd these 'ars to =src?main?#ebapp ?<,@6I;9?!ib* fo!der" 0hese 'ars can be do#n!oaded from Spring*s site or from Maven repository" 3. Creation o !e"uired Code Ele%ents: Bsing above t#o steps, #e have created the s$e!eton #e re-uire to #rite our Spring MVC app!ication" ;o# #e identify the code e!ements #e re-uire to ma$e simp!e he!!o #or!d #eb app!ication #or$" Ce!!o<or!dContro!!er"'ava he!!o#or!d"'sp SpringMVC 0utoria!6serv!et"(m! Some Changes to #eb"(m! &src&%ain&ja'a&co%&%(org&spring%'ctutorial&)e*&controller& +ello,orldController.ja'a: 0his is the contro!!er c!ass or #hat #e ca!! =C* in the MVC pattern" If #e ta$e a c!oser !oo$ at the code be!o# then #e can notice fo!!o#ing things" 6 It is not e(tending from any frame#or$ c!ass but using annotation DContro!!er" 6 0here is no specific method to be used to hand!e re-uest" <e have our business method he!!o<or!d58 #hich is doing the re-uest hand!ing" 6 /e-uest processing method he!!o<or!d58 is mapped to re-uest pattern Ehe!!o<or!d 5actua!!y it #i!! be =httpFEE!oca!hostFG0G0ESpringMVC 0utoria!Ehe!!o<or!d"htm*8" 0here are more annotations around contro!!er, re-uest mapping, and session hand!ing etc" <e !eave those for more detai!ed discussion"
package com.myorg.springmvctutorial.web.controller; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; import org.apache.commons.logging. og; import org.apache.commons.logging. og!actory; "Controller public class #ello$orldController% protected final og logger &

og!actory.get og'getClass'((;

"RequestMapping')*hello$orld)( public ModelAndView hello$orld'(% logger.info')Return View)(; return new ModelAndView')helloworld.+sp)(; , ,

&src&%ain&)e*app&-ello)orld.jsp: 0his is a simp!e htm! page #hich #i!! confirm that everything is integrated and #or$ing fine"
-html. -head. -title.#ello $orld-*title. -*head. -body. -h/.0his is 1pring MVC 2 0utorial-*h/. -p.3ur 0utorial is successful.-*p. -*body. -*html.

&src&%ain&)e*app&,E./012 &SpringMVC3Tutorial/ser'let.3%l: 0his fi!e contains a!! bean definitions" In our e(amp!e, it shou!d contain (m! !i$e this H
-45ml version&)/.6) encoding&)70!89)4. -beans 5mlns&)http:**www.springframework.org*schema*beans) 5mlns:5si&)http:**www.w2.org*;66/*<M 1chema8instance) 5si:schema ocation&)http:**www.springframework.org*schema*beans http:**www.springframework.org*schema*beans*spring8beans8;.=.5sd). -bean name&)*helloworld.htm) class&)com.myorg.springmvctutorial.web.controller.#ello$orldController) *. -*beans.

.ut )e are going to -a'e so%et-ing di erent. 0nstead o e3plicit de initions li4e t-is5 )e use ollo)ing t)o eatures 6 6 ur!" 6 /e-uestMapping annotation used in contro!!er c!ass above #hich maps he!!o<or!d58 method to Ehe!!o<or!d )uto#iring feature of spring"

)!so this (m! #i!! be va!idated using ne#!y provided (sds in Spring "0"
-45ml version&)/.6) encoding&)70!89)4. -beans 5mlns&)http:**www.springframework.org*schema*beans) 5mlns:5si&)http:**www.w2.org*;66/*<M 1chema8instance) 5mlns:p&)http:**www.springframework.org*schema*p) 5mlns:conte5t&)http:**www.springframework.org*schema*conte5t) 5si:schema ocation&) http:**www.springframework.org*schema*beans http:**www.springframework.org*schema*beans*spring8beans82.6.5sd http:**www.springframework.org*schema*conte5t http:**www.springframework.org*schema*conte5t*spring8conte5t82.6.5sd). -conte5t:component8scan base8package&)com.myorg.springmvctutorial.web.controller) *. -*beans.

&src&%ain&)e*app&,E./012 &)e*.3%l: It cannot have on!y the conte(t root definition no#" ,ntire Spring MVC #eb app!ication runs on DispatcherServ!et" <e need to define this serv!et in #eb"(m!" Cere is ho# #e define it"

-45ml version&)/.6) encoding&)70!89)4. -web8app 5mlns:5si&)http:**www.w2.org*;66/*<M 1chema8instance) 5mlns&)http:**+ava.sun.com*5ml*ns*+avaee) 5mlns:web&)http:**+ava.sun.com*5ml*ns*+avaee*web8app>;>=.5sd) 5si:schema ocation&)http:**+ava.sun.com*5ml*ns*+avaee http:**+ava.sun.com*5ml*ns*+avaee*web8app>;>=.5sd) id&)$ebApp>?@) version&);.=). -display8name.1pringMVC20utorial-*display8name. -servlet. -servlet8name.1pringMVC20utorial-*servlet8name. -servlet8class.org.springframework.web.servlet.@ispatcher1ervlet-*servlet8 class. -load8on8startup./-*load8on8startup. -*servlet. -servlet8mapping. -servlet8name.1pringMVC20utorial-*servlet8name. -url8pattern.A.htm-*url8pattern. -*servlet8mapping. -welcome8file8list. -welcome8file.inde5.htm-*welcome8file. -*welcome8file8list. -*web8app.

7. !unning Project on To%cat: 2ou can choose #hat you !i$e from fo!!o#ing options" 6 Bse tomcat integration #ith ec!ipse and dep!oy using right c!ic$ /un 6: /un on Server option" 6 ,(port pro'ect as a #ar using 9i!e 6: ,(port menu option and copy generated #ar fi!e in #ebapps directory of tomcat" 6 Bse any bui!d too! !i$e ant, maven to generate the #ar fi!e and copy it to #ebapps directory on tomcat" ur! $. Testing E'er(t-ing: 0o see if everything is integrated and #or$ing fine, access this httpFEE!oca!hostFG0G0ESpringMVC 0utoria!Ehe!!o<or!d"htm in bro#ser and #e see fo!!o#ing page disp!ayed"

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