L08 Plant Maintenance

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Plan Mainenance


Common types of maintenance practices

Reactive Preventive Predictive RCM


Strategic Asset Management Inc.

Reliability Stable Domains Reliability Centered Maintenance

R E L I A B I L I T Y %

Total Productive Maintenance Predictive Maintenance

Planned Maintenance Reactive Maintenance



Reactive Maintenance
Allow Machinery to run to failure The exclusive maintenance mode up until the last decade Continues to be the predominate method of maintenance. A recent survey showed that >50% of the major industrial companies are still operating in this mode.

Low costs Less staff Appropriate for certain applications


Preventive Maintenance Actions that detect, preclude, or mitigate degradation of a component or system with the aim of sustaining or extending its useful life through controlling degradation to an acceptable level.


Cost effective in many capital intensive or potentially high impact processes. Flexibility allows for the adjustment of maintenance periodicity. Increased component life life-cycle. Energy savings. Reduced equipment or process failures. Study showed a 12 12-18% savings over reactive maintenance methods.


Predictive Maintenance
Schedule maintenance activities when mechanical or operational conditions warrant to repair or replace deteriorated equipment before obvious problems occur.


Increased component operational life/availability Allows for preemptive corrective actions Decrease in equipment or process downtime Decrease in costs for parts and labor
study showed a 88-12% savings over preventive maintenance programs

Reliability Centered Maintenance

Plan is based upon reliability criteria with priority given to the most critical components. Determine what types of failures are likely to occur. Focuses on preventing failures whose consequences are likely to be serious.

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Can be the most efficient maintenance program. Lower costs by eliminating unnecessary maintenance or overhauls. Minimize frequency of overhauls.

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Total Productive Maintenance

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TPM principles
Increase Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Improve existing planned maintenance systems The operator is the best condition monitor Provide training to upgrade operations and maintenance skills Involve everyone and utilize cross cross-functional teamwork

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Eight major pillars of TPM

Equipment and process improvement Early management of new equipment Process quality management

Autonomous Maintenance

Planned Maintenance

Education and training Safety and environmental management

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TPM in the office

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

Overall Equipment Effectiveness = Availability x Performance x Quality Yield


Downtime loss


Speed loss

Quality Yield

Quality loss

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Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

Overall Equipment Effectiveness = Availability x Performance x Quality Yield

Availability = time available for production - downtime time available for production

Performance = ideal cycle time x number of parts produced operating time

Quality Yield = total number of parts produced - defect number total number of parts produced

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Production Operators Clean & Check Observe Categorize Production Planning & Control Schedule P.M.

Active Planned Maintenance Process

Manufacturing Engineers Equipment Planning Equipment Studies

Quality Engineers Standards & Calibrations

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TPM Implementation
12 steps
Announcement to introduce TPM Introductory education campaign for the workforce Preparation TPM Promotion (special committees) Establish basic TPM policies and goals Preparation and Formulation of a master plan KickKick -off Invite customers, affiliated companies and subcontractors Develop an equipment management program Develop a planned maintenance program Implementation Develop an autonomous maintenance program Increase skills of production and maintenance personnel Develop early equipment management program Stabilization Perfect TPM implementation and raise TPM levels
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