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Dudjom Buddhist Association (International)

4th Floor, Federal Centre, 77 Sheung On Street, Chaiwan, Hong Kong

2558 3680 Fax
3157 1144
Website Emai l i nf o@dudj omba. or g. hk
Copyright Owner:
Dudjom Buddhist Association
International Limited
By Vajra Master Pema Lhadren
Translated by Various Disciples
Everything Comes
from the Mind (8)
Excerpt of Last Chapter
In order to expl ai n that everythi ng comes from the mi nd, we
have to tal k about the i mportance of mental strength. Si nce the
cycle of karmic existence composes of strong tractional forces,
which would subject all of us to its bondages, to be drawn into, and
under the control of, the tractional forces of the Law of Cause and
Effect. So, the kind of force we called mental strength is the only
kind of force that can help us to be released and be liberated from
the cycle of karmic existence.
Si nce thi s ki nd of force i s comi ng from the functi on of
ones own mind, and that is why it is called the mental
st rengt h, and i s al so a si gn
of ever yt hi ng comes f r om
t he mi nd . Fur t her mor e,
t h e t r a c t i o n a l
The Law of the Cause and Effect
The Recognition of The Law of Cause and Effect by Scientists
Issue no.36 Back to Content
Dudjom Buddhist Association (International)
4th Floor, Federal Centre, 77 Sheung On Street, Chaiwan, Hong Kong
2558 3680 Fax
3157 1144
Website Emai l i nf o@dudj omba. or g. hk
Copyright Owner:
Dudjom Buddhist Association
International Limited
f orces of t he cycl e of kar mi c exi st ence are,
i n f act , ori gi nat ed f rom t he combi nat i ons and
permutati ons of countl ess mental strengths,
thus constructing a grand design and blueprint of
everything comes from the mind.
The Law of the Cause
and Effect
Empt i ness has mani f est ed i n al l t hi ngs
means that all things originate from Emptiness,
whi ch i s si mpl y due t o t he co-emer gence of
certai n causes and condi ti ons that gi ve ri se
t o numerous phenomena, or t he f ormat i on of
structures. Then, what leads to the appearance
of al l t hese causes ? What , t hen, ar e t he
mai n causes? How does the mani festati on of
Emptiness in all things being induced?
I n f act , t he mai n cause comes f rom t he
mi nd , hence we ment i on t hat ever yt hi ng
comes from the mind. The physicists of quantum
mechani cs have di scovered a basi c pri nci pl e:
i f you put a t hi ng under obser vat i on, i t wi l l
i mmedi at el y t ur n i nt o a f i xed f or m. That i s
the mai n reason why those bei ngs who, havi ng
been dead but have not yet been reborn i n the
transi ti onal (known as the bardo i n Ti betan)
state, woul d be easi l y turned i nto fi xed forms
at any ti me si nce the bardo state i s a state of
The Recognition of
The Law of Cause and
Effect by Scientists
Why i s i t that those bei ngs who are i n the
bardo state can be easi l y tur ned i nto f i xed
forms? There are many reasons to this, and the
most i mportant one i s the eff ects of karma.
Then what is the composition of karma? In fact,
i t i s of the same rati onal e. When you try to di g
into the origin, you will find that the basic origin
comes f rom the mi nd. Sci enti sts have cal l ed
Issue no.36 Back to Content
Dudjom Buddhist Association (International)
4th Floor, Federal Centre, 77 Sheung On Street, Chaiwan, Hong Kong
2558 3680 Fax
3157 1144
Website Emai l i nf o@dudj omba. or g. hk
Copyright Owner:
Dudjom Buddhist Association
International Limited
The sayi ng by Dr. Wheel er di rectl y expl ai ns
the idea that everything comes from the mind,
and is, indeed, the Law of Cause and Effect as
commonly recognized by scientists. What we call
as the cause refers to the act of observation.
It is the kind of energy that has been generated
f rom ones eyesi ght and ones mi nd whi ch
makes t he el ect r ons under obser vat i on t o
produce changes. The i nterdependent functi ons
of their tractional forces is the cause.
Then, what is the effect? The effect is that
the thi ng whi ch i s under your observati on has
shown signs of having a fixed form. Or else, the
thing that has been observed by you will change
i ts ori gi nal speed, shape and di recti on due to
the addi ti onal energy comi ng from your mi nd.
This is the effect. This is the Law of Cause and
Effect as recogni zed by sci enti sts.... ( To Be
such ki nd of a si tuati on as the functi on by the
consciousness of the observer (that is, the Role
of the Conscious), that was explained in quantum
Onl y when somethi ng i s put under
observati on, i t wi l l then exi st. If there i s
no observation, the matter will not exist.
(Nothing exists until it is observed. by John
A. Wheeler )
The quantum physi ci st Dr. John Archi bal d
Wheeler has discovered that: The particle of the
atomi c and sub-atomi c worl d exi st i n a physi cal
state of stati sti cal probabi l i ty (that i s, does not
y e t h a v e a f i x e d
f o r m ) i f n o t b e i n g
obser v ed. Howev er,
o n c e t h e p a r t i c l e
i s b e i n g o b s e r v e d
b y n a k e d e y e s , o r
be i n g me a s u r e d by
i n s t r u me n t s , i t wi l l
br i n g a bo u t a br u pt
change to the particle,
w h e r e b y t h e k i n d
of condi t i ons t hat
s u r r o u n d s i t w i l l
i nduce i t t o become
manifested in a certain
f i xed f or m ( t hat i s,
bei ng sol i di f i ed i nt o
certain kind of material
c o n d i t i o n s ) , t h u s
e x pl a i ni ng t he i de a
that everything comes
from the mind.
Issue no.36 Back to Content

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