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Treatment Cross Media Promotion Package (Teaser Trailer) Film Title Genre: orror ( '#rid Genre) Name: Oliver,

, Leah and Masroor !"#$Genre: !lasher %ith !"&ernat"ral elements

Final Plot !'no&sis ('o" ma' %ant to s"#mit a se&arate scene #' scene #reakdo%n)
It is set in the present day. Rachel, who is a typical partying teenager walks downstairs slightly hangover from the night before and puts the news on whilst making breakfast for her and her sister. On the news, there is a report about a number of strange sightings of people acting strangely and standing completely still for no apparent reason. On the news report the reporter approached a young girl who is just stood in the middle of a field with dark droopy eyes. Rachel begins to get drawn into the report and the atmosphere in the room gets gradually tenser as the signal of the report becomes distorted. The reporter is then attacked and stabbed by the young girl live on television. The cameraman begins to run away and turns back, the young girl abruptly looks up towards the camera and as the cameraman begins to run again the signal is cut completely. Rachel asks what the hell have I just watched ! There is then a time lapse in the trailer, and see that Rachel becomes possessed later in the plot, as she approaches a mirror holding the knife covered in blood, pressing the knife against the mirror as if to slit her own throat. "s she does so, we see a silhouette of figure appear behind her, suggesting an unknown presence, a demonic spirit.

#or our trailer we researched current horror productions on the market that were similar and different to the idea that we had in mind for our trailer. $e had a look at current slasher horror movies that have used many conventions and codes that we could interpret and use in our trailer. $e looked at well%known and popular slasher movies such as& 'sycho, (alloween, #riday the )*h and The +tanger!s. $e used the conventions of the slasher films that we have looked into. "n e,ample is using the suburban setting where the action takes place as it makes it more believable and relatable for the target audience watching. Other conventions that we have used are the knife in which the possessed characters stab their victims to death with. "nother recognisable element that we have used is the forest. This adds to the sinister and mysterious atmosphere which is a key theme that is portrayed throughout slasher films.

!tr"ct"re*!cenes to incl"de
"fter doing some research on trailers, we gathered that the majority of them show a large amount of the opening scenes to demonstrate the setting, plot and conflict that sets the agenda for the movie. #or this reason we have decided to show one of the opening scenes from the movie in the trailer. This scene demonstrates to the audience

who the main characters from the movie, the setting of where the movie is set and the conflict that arises which the characters have to deal with by going on both a mental and physical journey. The trailer will then show a montage se-uence of different events that happen throughout the film that are aimed to shock the audience, making them wanting to go and watch the film. The trailer will then conclude with another section of a scene from the end of the narrative which is again used to give the audience some knowledge about the film and to shock them, making them want to watch it. The trailer will also include te,t intervals and special non%diegetic sound effects to produce a scarier atmosphere.

Generic Conventions Characters*!tereot'&es: (Conventionall'* +evelo&ing* !"#verting)

$e have attempted to convey some character stereotypes in our slasher horror trailer along with some subverted stereotypes to make the film original and stand out amongst other slasher movies that are currently on the market. The main character in our horror movie is a teenage girl called Rachel. +he lives in a suburban house in a village near .anchester. +he lives with her younger sister, /mma and her parents. Rachel could be seen as a stereotypical teenager who likes to socialise with her friends, party and go to college during the week. (er younger sister however is a very well behaved girl who is very dedicated to doing well in the future and getting a good job. Their two parents are stereotypical parents that spend the majority of their time working and watching the television. The trailer will also include a news reporter who is also a female which could potentially be seen as un%stereotypical as the majority of news reporters are male. It will also include a young girl who acts very un%stereotypical of an innocent child and she stabs and kills the news reporter live on television. $e will also include * e,tras for the trailer that may be used in the background of certain shots to make it more realistic.

#or our trailer we will use conventional settings and locations for a slasher and supernatural horror film. The majority of the trailer will be set in the character Rachel!s house, making it come across as more realistic and relatable for the audience. " key location in the film will be in Rachel!s family!s living room as that is where they!ll discover that there is a suspected disease! in the area causing to make people acting wild and dangerous. The films agenda is going to be set from that moment when they watch the broadcast on the television in the living room. "nother key location for the film is the field0forest area in which the mysterious girl is found by the news crew and kills the reporter.

The slasher film is going to use some key props that are conventional for its genre. The knife that is used by the young girl to kill the reporter is a key object as it demonstrates that it is a slasher film with a hybrid genre to the audience. $e won!t need any costumes for any of the characters in the film apart from make up to make

them look possessed. $e will need a black cloak for the demon spirit that is shown in various parts of the trailer in the background.

$e will use some additional lighting for the outside shots if it has started to get dark. $e will also use some additional effects to the editing of certain shots such as a fade in and a fade out to create a more suspense atmosphere for the audience.

,se o) !o"nd
"fter looking at other trailers, we found out that the use of both diegetic and non% diegetic sound will be a very important factor into making the trailer scary for the audience. The trailer will begin a slight heart beat thump. This sound will occur once again after the family start to watch the news broadcast on the television getting gradually louder. $e will also amplify and convert some of the characters dialect and screaming to make it more terrifying for the audience.

-diting and -))ects

$e will use some editing features in the trailer such as the shot transitions. This adds to the continuity of the trailer and allows the narrative to clearly flow, increasingly building tension instead of splitting it into segments. I believe this is more effective with audience response as it does not limit the clima, of the suspense and instead continues to build throughout.

Title screens*T'&ogra&h'
#or the title screens, we will use plain white te,t to make it look professional. It will also contrast with the black background. $ith reference to 1evi +trauss! binary opposites, this will connote the struggle between good and evil that is present in our narrative. The typography will be distorted to reinforce the title 2ncontrollablle! and being out of control.

Target ."dience*,ses and Grati)ications*Points o) (denti)ication

This film will be suitable to ages )3 and over due to strong violence and threat. The target audience of )3%45 year olds will be able to relate to the young characters within the film, and therefore in some ways will establish a relationship with the te,t.

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