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Steps for writing an analytical essay on an unseen poem

Step1 A paragraph on the content of the poem:

1. What is the theme or the main idea of the poem in general and in each stanza? 2. What does the title of the poem reflects? 3. What is the tone of the poet? Which words reflect this tone? (arguing !uestioning "egging for mercy a call for rescue# according to the mode of the poet. $. %s it a fi&ed tone all through the poem? 'r the tone (aries?

Step2 A paragraph on the form of the poem:

1. What a )ind of structure is used in the poem? %s it organized and controlled or not? (re(eals the attitude of the poet towards the su"*ect or the topic# 2. +ow the poem is di(ided? %s it logically,connected- emotionally, connected- or "oth? 3. What does that reflect? 'r what is the purpose of the poet? $. .ote: the main idea of each stanza or "loc) help to define the relation "etween them /. 0or e&ample: (comparison- cause and effect- stages of certain process# 1. What is the length of the lines? %s it long- short- or mi&ture? What does that reflect?

Step3 A paragraph on sound de(ices:

%s the poet using regular rhyme or irregular rhyme? What does the rhyming lines reflect? (support "y the rhyme scheme of one stanza# 2ry to find these elements and then define the reason of their rhyming together:

Alteration: repeated consonantal initial sounds within the line or in a stretch of language: "oat- "ed nation- )nowledge. Assonance: similarity of the stressed (owels "etween to two words"ut not the consonants: cat- fan food- droop nation- traitor. 3onsonance: repeated arrangements of consonants- with a change in (owels: flip- flap- flop. 'nomatopoeia: sounds that imitates the natural noise of the things descri"ed: 4uzz- clic)- rattle.

Step$ A paragraph on imagery of the senses: (li(ing picture#

5ach type of imagery employed "y the poet to amplify certain emotions to get the reader more in(ol(ed in this poetic world: 1. 6isual images: ma)es the reader see. 2. Auditory images: help the reader hear. 3. 2actile images: related to the sense of touching. $. 'lfactory images: sense of smelling. /. 7ustatory images: sense of tasting. 1. 'rganic images: internal physical sensation. 8. 9inesthetic images: tensions and mo(ements.

Step/ A paragraph on figures of speech:

1. Simile: draws two o"*ects or images into relationship using as or li)e. (comparison illustrates similarities# 2. :etaphor: the same as simile "ut with (."e instead of as and li)e. 3. ;ersonification: gi(es li(ing !ualities to inanimate o"*ects or a"stract ideas.


A paragraph on sym"ol and motif:

1. A physical o"*ect that represents an idea- a (alue- an emotion.
One of the basic ways to group poetry is by the number of lines in a poem. Couplet--two lines Tercet--three lines Quatrain--four lines Quintet--five lines Sestet--six lines Septet--seven lines Octave--eight lines

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