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SECTION- 7 INDIA MOTOR TARIFF - ENDORSEMENTS IMT. 1. Extension of Geographi a! Area In consideration of the payment of an additional premium of Rs.

it is hereby understood and agreed that notwithstanding anything contained in this Policy to the contrary the Geographical Area in this Policy shall from the . . ./ . ./ . . . . to the . /. . /. . . .(both days inclusive be deemed to include ! It is further specifically understood and agreed that such geographical e"tension e"cludes cover for damage to the vehicle insured / in#ury to its occupants / third party liability in respect of the vehicle insured during sea voyage / air passage for the purpose of ferrying the vehicle insured to the e"tended geographical area. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms e"ceptions conditions and limitations of this Policy. NOTE "- Insert %epal/ $ri &an'a/ (aldives/ )hutan/ Pa'istan/)angladesh as the case may be. IMT.#. AGREED $A%&E C%A&SE 'A((%ICA)%E ON%* TO $INTAGE CARS+ It is hereby declared and agreed that in case of *+*A& &+$$/,+%$*R-,*I./ *+*A& &+$$ of the .intage ,ar insured hereunder due to a peril insured against0 the amount payable will be the Insured1s 2eclared .alue (I2. of the vehicle as mentioned in the Policy ,itho-t .e.- tion of an/ .epre iation. It is further declared and agreed that in case of partial loss to the vehicle0 depreciation on parts replaced will be as stated in $ection I of the Policy. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms e"ceptions conditions and limitations of this Policy. IMT. 0. TRANSFER OF INTEREST It is hereby understood and agreed that as from //. the interest in the policy is transferred to and vested in .... of . carrying on or engaged in the business or profession of . who shall be deemed to be the insured and whose proposal and declaration dated .. //. shall be deemed to be incorporated in and to be the basis of this contract. Provided always that for the purpose of the %o ,laim )onus0 no period during which the interest in this policy has been vested in any previous Insured shall accrue to the benefit of ..... $ub#ect otherwise to the terms e"ceptions conditions and limitations of this policy. IMT.1. Change of $ehi !e It is hereby understood and agreed that as from /../ ... the vehicle bearing Registration %umber .. is deemed to be deleted from the $chedule of the Policy and the vehicle with details specified hereunder is deemed to be included therein3 Reg.. No. Engine2 Chassis No. Ma3e T/pe )o./ of C.C. *ear of Man-fa t -re Seating Capa it/ in ! Dri4er ID$

In conse4uence of this change0 an e"tra / refund premium of Rs.... is charged/ allowed to the insured. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms e"ceptions conditions and limitations of this Policy. IMT. 5. 6IRE (&RC6ASE AGREEMENT It is hereby understood and agreed that .. (hereinafter referred to as the +wners are the +wners of the vehicle insured and that the vehicle insured is sub#ect of an 5ire Purchase Agreement made between the +wners on the one part and the insured on the other part and it is further understood and agreed that the +wners are interested in any monies which but for this /ndorsement would be payable to the insured under this policy in respect of such loss or damage to the vehicle insured as annot 7e 8a.e goo. 7/ repair an. 2 or rep!a e8ent of parts and such monies shall be paid to the +wners as long as they are the +wners of the vehicle insured and their receipt shall be a full and final discharge to the insurer in respect of such loss or damage. It is further declared and agreed that for the purpose of the Personal Accident ,over for the owner3driver granted under this policy0 the insured named in the policy will continue to be deemed as the owner3driver sub#ect to compliance of provisions of the policy relating to this cover.

$ave as by this /ndorsement e"pressly agreed nothing herein shall modify or affect the rights and liabilities of the insured or the insurer respectively under or in connection with this Policy. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms e"ceptions conditions and limitations of this policy. IMT.9. %EASE AGREEMENT It is hereby understood and agreed that (hereinafter referred to as the &essors are the +wners of the vehicle insured and that the vehicle insured is the sub#ect of a &ease Agreement made between the &essor on the one part and the insured on the other part and it is further understood and agreed that the &essors are interested in any monies which but for this /ndorsement would be payable to the insured under this policy in respect of such loss or damage to the vehicle insured as annot 7e 8a.e goo. 7/ repair an. 2 or rep!a e8ent of parts and such monies shall be paid to the &essors as long as they are the +wners of the vehicle insured and their receipt shall be a full and final discharge to the insurer in respect of such loss or damage. It is also understood and agreed that notwithstanding any provision in the &easing Agreement to the contrary0 this policy is issued to the insured namely .. as the principal party and not as agent or trustee and nothing herein contained shall be construed as constituting the insured an agent or trustee for the &essors or as an assignment (whether legal or e4uitable by the insured to the &essors0 of his rights benefits and claims under this policy and further nothing herein shall be construed as creating or vesting any right in the +wner/&essor to sue the insurer in any capacity whatsoever for any alleged breach of its obligations hereunder. It is further declared and agreed that for the purpose of the Personal Accident ,over for the owner3driver granted under this policy0 the insured named in the policy will continue to be deemed as the owner3driver sub#ect to compliance of provisions of the policy relating to this cover. $ave as by this /ndorsement e"pressly agreed nothing herein shall modify or affect the rights and liabilities of the insured or the insurer respectively under or in connection with this Policy. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms e"ceptions conditions and limitations of this policy. IMT.7. $ehi !es s-7:e t to 6/pothe ation Agree8ent It is hereby declared and agreed that the vehicle insured is pledged to / hypothecated with .. (hereinafter referred to as the 6Pledgee6 and it is further understood and agreed that the Pledgee is interested in any monies which but for this /ndorsement would be payable to the insured under this policy in respect of such loss or damage to the vehicle insured as annot 7e 8a.e goo. 7/ repair an. 2 or rep!a e8ent of parts and such monies shall be paid to the Pledgee as long as they are the Pledgee of the vehicle insured and their receipt shall be a full and final discharge to the insurer in respect of such loss or damage. It is further declared and agreed that for the purpose of the Personal Accident ,over for the owner3driver granted under this policy0 the insured named in the policy will continue to be deemed as the owner3driver sub#ect to compliance of provisions of the policy relating to this cover. $ave as by this /ndorsement e"pressly agreed that nothing herein shall modify or affect the rights or liabilities of the Insured or the Insurer respectively under or in connection with this Policy or any term0 provision or condition thereof. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms e"ceptions conditions and limitations of this policy. IMT. ;. DISCO&NT FOR MEM)ERS6I( OF RECOGNISED A&TOMO)I%E ASSOCIATIONS '(RI$ATE CARS AND MOTORISED T<O <6EE%ERS ON%*+

It is hereby understood and agreed that in consideration of insured1s membership of !! a discount in premium of Rs. .! is allowed to the insured hereunder from ./../... It is further understood and agreed that if the insured ceases to be a member of the above mentioned association during the currency of this Policy the insured shall immediately notify the insurer accordingly and refund to the insurer a proportionate amount of the discount allowed on this account for the une"pired period of the cover. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms e"ceptions conditions and limitations of the policy ! 7or full policy period0 the full tariff discount to be inserted. 7or mid3term membership0 prorata proportion of the tariff discount for the une"pired policy period is to be inserted. !! Insert name of the concerned Automobile Association. IMT.=. DISCO&NT FOR $INTAGE CARS 'App!i a7!e to (ri4ate Cars on!/+

It is hereby understood and agreed that in consideration of the insured car having been certified as a $intage Car by the $intage an. C!assi Car C!-7 of In.ia> a discount of Rs. .! is allowed to the insured from ./../ $ub#ect otherwise to the terms e"ceptions conditions and limitations of the policy !Amount calculated as per tariff provision is to be inserted. 7or mid3term certification as .intage ,ar pro3rata proportion of tariff discount for the une"pired period is to be inserted. IMT.1?. INSTA%%ATION OF ANTI-T6EFT DE$ICE ( %ot applicable to (otor *rade Policies In consideration of certification by ! that an Anti3*heft device approved by Automobile Research Association of India (ARAI 0 Pune has been installed in the vehicle insured herein a premium discount of Rs!! is hereby allowed to the insured. It is hereby understood and agreed that the insured shall ensure at all times that this Anti3theft device installed in the vehicle insured is maintained in efficient condition till the e"piry of this policy. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms0 e"ceptions0 conditions and limitations of the policy ! *he name of the certifying Automobile Association is to be inserted. !! Premium discount calculated as per tariff provision is to be inserted. 7or mid3term certification of installation of Anti *heft device pro3rata proportion of tariff discount for the une"pired period is to be inserted. IMT. 11.A. $E6IC%ES %AID &( ' %a/ -p perio. .e !are. + %otwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein it is hereby understood and agreed that from / /.. to/ ./.. the vehicle insured is laid up in garage and not in use and during this period all liability of the insurer under this policy in respect of the vehicle insured is suspended $A./ +%&8 I% R/$P/,* +7 &+$$ +R 2A(AG/ *+ *5/ $AI2 ./5I,&/ ,A-$/2 )8 7IR/ /9P&+$I+% $/&73IG%I*I+% +R &IG5*%I%G +R )-RG&AR80 5+-$/)R/A:I%G0 *5/7* +R RI+* $*RI:/ (A&I,I+-$ 2A(AG/ */RR+RI$( +R $*+R( */(P/$* 7&++2 I%-%2A*I+% +R /AR*5;-A:/ P/RI&$0 in consideration whereof a b < the insurer will deduct from the ne"t renewal premium the sum of Rs! and the %o ,laim )onus (if any shall be calculated on the ne"t renewal premium after deduction of such sum. < the period of insurance by this policy is e"tended to ../../. in view of the of Rs .!! $ub#ect otherwise to the terms e"ceptions conditions and limitations of this policy. %).=. < *o delete (a or (b as per option e"ercised by the insured. %).>. ! *he proportionate full policy premium for the period of lay up less the proportionate premium for the 7ire and /or *heft ris's for the lay up periods is to be inserted. %).? !! *he proportionate premium re4uired for 7ire and / or *heft cover for the vehicle for the laid @ up period is to be inserted . %).A. In case of &iability +nly Policies the words in ,API*A&$ should be deleted. %).B. In case of policies covering &iability +nly and (a (b 7ire ris's0 the words C )-RG&AR8 5+-$/)R/A:I%G +R *5/7*D are to be deletedE *heft ris's0 the words1 C7IR/ /9P&+$I+% $/&7 IG%I*I+% +R &IG5*%I%G D are to be deleted. 7ire an. *heft ris's no part of the words in capitals are to be deleted. payment of an additional premium


IMT. 11. ). $E6IC%ES %AID &( ' %a/ -p perio. not .e !are. + %otwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein it is hereby understood and agreed that as from .. / .. /.. the vehicle no. insured hereunder is laid up in garage and not in use and liability of the insurer under this policy in respect of the said vehicle is suspended $A./ +%&8 I% R/$P/,* +7 &+$$ +R 2A(AG/ *+ *5/ $AI2 ./5I,&/ ,A-$/2 )8 7IR/ /9P&+$I+% $/&73 IG%I*I+% +R &IG5*%I%G +R )-RG&AR80 5+-$/)R/A:I%G0 *5/7* +R RI+* $*RI:/ (A&I,I+-$ 2A(AG/ */RR+RI$( +R $*+R(

*/(P/$* 7&++2 I%-%2A*I+% +R /AR*5;-A:/ P/RI&$. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms e"ceptions conditions and limitations of this Policy . %).=. In case of %ia7i!it/ +nly Policies the words in ,API*A&$ should be deleted. %).>. In case of policies covering &iability +nly and (a (b 7ire ris's0 the words C )-RG&AR8 5+-$/)R/A:I%G +R *5/7*D are to be deletedE *heft ris's0 the words1 C7IR/ /9P&+$I+% $/&7 IG%I*I+% +R &IG5*%I%G D are to be deleted. 7ire an. *heft ris's no part of the words in capitals are to be deleted. %AID &(.



It is hereby understood and agreed that the insurance by this Policy in respect of vehicle no. .. insured hereunder is reinstated in full from .// and the /ndorsement I(* ==() attaching to this policy shall be deemed to be cancelled. It is further agreed that in consideration of the period during which the vehicle no. ... has been out of use a b < *he insurer will deduct from the ne"t renewal premium the sum of Rs! and the %o ,laim )onus (if any shall be calculated on the ne"t renewal premium after deduction of such sum. < the period of insurance by this policy is e"tended to ../../. in view of premium of Rs .!! $ub#ect otherwise to the terms e"ceptions conditions and limitations of this policy. %).=. < *o delete (a or (b as per option e"ercised by the insured. %).>. ! *he proportionate full policy premium for the period of lay up less the proportionate premium for the 7ire and /or *heft ris's for the lay up periods is to be inserted. %).? !! *he proportionate premium re4uired for 7ire and / or *heft cover for the vehicle for the laid @ up period is to be inserted . IMT.1#. DISCO&NT FOR S(ECIA%%* DESIGNED2MODIFIED $E6IC%ES MENTA%%* C6A%%ENGED (ERSONS. FOR T6E )%IND> 6ANDICA((ED AND the payment of an additional

%otwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the policy it is hereby understood and agreed that the vehicle insured being specially designed /modified for use of blind0 handicapped and mentally challenged persons and suitable endorsement to this effect having been incorporated in the Registration )oo' by the Registering Authority0 a discount of BFG on the +wn 2amage premium for the vehicle insured is hereby allowed to the insured. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms e"ceptions conditions and limitations of the policy. IMT.10 .&SE OF $E6IC%E <IT6IN INS&RED@S O<N (REMISES 'App!i a7!e to a!! !asses ex ept as other,ise pro4i.e. in the tariff + It is hereby understood and agreed that the insurer shall not be liable in respect of the vehicle insured while the vehicle is being used elsewhere than in the insuredHs premises e"cept where the vehicle is specifically re4uired for a mission to fight a fire. 7or the purposes of this endorsement I-se confined to own premises1 shall mean use only on insured1s premises to which public have no general right of access. IMT.11. &SE OF $E6IC%E CONFINED TO SITES 'App!i a7!e to Goo.s Carr/ing $ehi !es+ It is hereby understood and agreed that the insurer shall not be liable in respect of the vehicle insured while it is being used elsewhere than on site to which the public have no general right of access and the vehicle is not re4uired to be registered under the (otor .ehicles Act0 =JKK.

IMT 15. (ERSONA% ACCIDENT CO$ER TO T6E INS&RED OR AN* NAMED (ERSON OT6ER T6AN (AID DRI$ER OR C%EANER 'App!i a7!e to pri4ate ars in ! three ,hee!ers rate. as pri4ate ars an. 8otoriAe. t,o ,hee!ers ,ith or ,itho-t si.e ar Bnot for hire or re,ar.C+ In consideration of the payment of an additional premium it is hereby agreed and understood that the ,ompany underta'es to pay compensation on the scale provided below for bodily in#ury as hereinafter defined sustained by the insured person in direct connection with the vehicle insured or whilst mounting and dismounting from or traveling in vehicle insured and caused by violent accidental e"ternal and visible means which independently of any other cause shall within si" calendar months of the occurrence of such in#ury result inL3 2etails of In#ury i 2eath ii &oss of two limbs or sight of two eyes or one limb and sight of one eye iii &oss of one limb or sight of one eye iv Permanent *otal 2isablement from in#uries other than named above Provided always that (= compensation shall be payable under only one of the items (i to (iv above in respect of any such person arising out of any one occurrence and total liability of the insurer shall not in the aggregate e"ceed the sum of Rs.......! during any one period of insurance in respect of any such person. (> no compensation shall be payable in respect of death or in#ury directly or indirectly wholly or in part arising or resulting from or traceable to (a intentional self in#ury suicide or attempted suicide physical defect or infirmity or (b an accident happening whilst such person is under the influence of into"icating li4uor or drugs. (? such compensation shall be payable only with the approval of the insured named in the policy and directly to the in#ured person or his/her legal representative(s whose receipt shall be a full discharge in respect of the in#ury of such person. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms e"ceptions conditions and limitations of this policy. D *he ,apital $um Insured (,$I per passenger is to be inserted. $cale of ,ompensation =FFG =FFG


IMT.19. (ERSONA% ACCIDENT TO &NNAMED (ASSENGERS OT6ER T6AN INS&RED AND T6E (AID DRI$ER AND C%EANER E For 4ehi !es rate. as (ri4ate ars an. Motorise. t,o ,hee!ers 'not for hire or re,ar.+ ,ith or ,itho-t si.e arF In consideration of the payment of an additional premium it is hereby understood and agreed that the insurer underta'es to pay compensation on the scale provided below for bodily in#uries hereinafter defined sustained by any passenger other than the insured and/or the paid driver attendant or cleaner and/or a person in the employ of the insured coming within the scope of the Mor'men1s ,ompensation Act0 =J>? and subse4uent amendments of the said Act and engaged in and upon the service of the insured at the time such in#ury is sustained whilst mounting into0 dismounting from or traveling in but not driving the insured motor car and caused by violent0 accidental0 e"ternal and visible means which independently of any other cause shall within three calendar months of the occurrence of such in#ury result in L

2etails of In#ury i 2eath ii &oss of two limbs or sight of two eyes or one limb and sight of one eye iii &oss of one limb or sight of one eye iv Permanent *otal 2isablement from

$cale of ,ompensation =FFG =FFG BFG =FFG

in#uries other than named above

Provided always thatL 3 (= compensation shall be payable under only one of the items (i to (iv above in respect of any such person arising out of any one occurrence and total liability of the insurer shall not in the aggregate e"ceed the sum of Rs.......! during any one period of insurance in respect of any such person. (> no compensation shall be payable in respect of death or in#ury directly or indirectly wholly or in part arising or resulting from or traceable to (a intentional self in#ury suicide or attempted suicide physical defect or infirmity or (b an accident happening whilst such person is under the influence of into"icating li4uor or drugs. (? such compensation shall be payable only with the approval of the insured named in the policy and directly to the in#ured person or his/her legal representative(s whose receipt shall be a full discharge in respect of the in#ury of such person. (A not more than....!! persons/passengers are in the vehicle insured at the time of occurrence of such in#ury. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms e"ceptions conditions and limitations of this policy.

! *he ,apital $um Insured (,$I per passenger is to be inserted. !! *he registered sitting capacity of the vehicle insured is to be inserted. IMT 17. (ERSONA% ACCIDENT CO$ER TO (AID DRI$ERS> C%EANERS to a!! !asses of 4ehi !es+ AND COND&CTORS " 'App!i a7!e

In consideration of the payment of an additional premium0 it is hereby understood and agreed that the insurer underta'es to pay compensation on the scale provided below for bodily in#ury as hereinafter defined sustained by the paid driver/cleaner/conductor in the employ of the insured in direct connection with the vehicle insured whilst mounting into dismounting from or traveling in the insured vehicle and caused by violent accidental e"ternal and visible means which independently of any other cause shall within si" calendar months of the occurrence of such in#ury result in L3

2etails of In#ury i 2eath ii &oss of two limbs or sight of two eyes or one limb and sight of one eye iii &oss of one limb or sight of one eye iv Permanent *otal 2isablement from in#uries other than named above Provided always that

$cale of ,ompensation =FFG =FFG


(= compensation shall be payable under only one of the items (i to (iv above in respect of any such person arising out of any one occurrence and total liability of the insurer shall not in the aggregate e"ceed the sum of Rs.......! during any one period of insurance in respect of any such person. (> no compensation shall be payable in respect of death or in#ury directly or indirectly wholly or in part arising or resulting from or traceable to (a intentional self in#ury suicide or attempted suicide physical defect or infirmity or (b an accident happening whilst such person is under the influence of into"icating li4uor or drugs. (? such compensation shall be payable only with the approval of the insured named in the policy and directly to the in#ured person or his/her legal representative(s whose receipt shall be a full discharge in respect of the in#ury of such person. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms e"ceptions conditions and limitations of this policy.

. ! *he ,apital $um Insured (,$I per person is to be inserted.

IMT.1;. (ERSONA% ACCIDENT TO &NNAMED 6IRER AND &NNAMED (I%%ION (ASSENGERS 'App!i a7!e to Motorise. T,o ,hee!ers ,ith or ,itho-t si.e Car+ In consideration of the payment of an additional premium it is hereby understood and agreed that the insurer underta'es to pay compensation to any unnamed hirer/ driver/any unnamed pillion/ sidecar passenger! on the scale provided below for bodily in#ury caused by violent0 accidental0 e"ternal and visible means whilst mounting into/onto and/or dismounting from or traveling in/on the vehicle insured which independently of any other cause shall within three calendar months of the occurrence of such in#ury results in L3 2etails of In#ury i 2eath ii &oss of two limbs or sight of two eyes or one limb and sight of one eye iii &oss of one limb or sight of one eye iv Permanent *otal 2isablement from in#uries other than named above $cale of ,ompensation =FFG =FFG BFG =FFG

Provided always thatL (= compensation shall be payable under only one of the items (i to (iv above in respect of any such person arising out of any one occurrence and total liability of the insurer shall not in the aggregate e"ceed the sum of Rs. ......!! during any one period of insurance in respect of any such person. (> no compensation shall be payable in respect of death or in#ury directly or indirectly wholly or in part arising or resulting from or traceable to (a intentional self in#ury suicide or attempted suicide physical defect or infirmity or (b an accident happening whilst such person is under the influence of into"icating li4uor or drugs. (? such compensation shall be payable only with the approval of the insured named in the policy and directly to the in#ured person or his/her legal representative(s whose receipt shall be a full discharge in respect of the in#ury of such person. (A not more than .... persons/passengers are in the vehicle insured at the time of occurrence of such in#ury. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms e"ceptions conditions and limitations of this policy. D 2elete if P.A. cover for unnamed pillion /side car passenger is not ta'en.

!! *he ,apital $um Insured (,$I per passenger is to be inserted.

IMT.1=. CO$ER FOR $E6IC%ES IM(ORTED <IT6O&T C&STOMS D&T* %otwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this policy it is hereby understood and agreed that in the event of loss or damage to the vehicle insured and/or its accessories necessitating the supply of a part not obtainable from stoc's held in the country in which the vehicle insured is held for repair or in the event of the insurer e"ercising the option under .0 ! to pay in cash the amount of the loss or damage the liability of the insurer in respect of any such part shall be limited to L3 (a (i the price 4uoted in the latest catalogue or the price list issued by the (anufacturer or his Agent for the country in which the vehicle insured is held for repair less depreciation applicableE +R (ii if no such catalogue or price list e"ists the price list obtaining at the (anufacturerHs Mor's plus the reasonable cost of transport otherwise than by air to the country in which the vehicle insured is held for repair and the amount of the relative import duty less depreciation applicable under the PolicyE and (b the reasonable cost of fitting such parts. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms conditions limitations and e"ceptions of this Policy. ! Insert I,ondition ?1 in the case of the Private ,ar and (otorsied *wo Mheeler Policies and I,ondition A1 in the case of ,ommercial .ehicles Policy.

IMT.#?. RED&CTION IN T6E %IMIT OF %IA)I%IT* FOR (RO(ERT* DAMAGE It is hereby understood and agreed that notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the policy the insurers liability is limited to Rs. NFFF/3 (Rupees si" thousand only for damage to property other than the property belonging to the insured or held in trust or in custody or control of the insured In consideration of this reduction in the limit of liability a reduction in premium of Rs..! is hereby made to the insured . $ub#ect otherwise to the terms conditions limitations and e"ceptions of the policy. !*o insert Rs.BF for *wo wheelers0 Rs.=FF for private cars Rs.=BF for ,ommercial .ehicles @ three wheelers and ta"is or Rs.>FF for ,ommercial .ehicles (e"cluding three wheelers and ta"is . IMT. #1. S(ECIA% EGC%&SIONS AND COM(&%SOR* DED&CTI)%E 'App!i a7!e to a!! Co88er ia! $ehi !es ex ! taxis an. 8otoriAe. t,o ,hee!ers arr/ing passengers for hire or re,ar..+ %otwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein it is hereby understood and agreed that 'a+ Spe ia! Ex !-sions e"cept in the case of *otal &oss of the vehicle insured0 the insurer shall not be liable under $ection I of the policy for loss of or damage to lamps tyres tubes mudguards bonnet side parts bumpers and paint wor'. '7+ Co8p-!sor/ De.- ti7!e. in addition to any amount which the insured may be re4uired to bear under para (a above the insured shall also bear under section I of the policy in respect of each and every event (including event giving rise to total loss/constructive total loss the first Rs.......! of any e"penditure(or any less e"penditure which may be incurred for which provision is made under this policy and/or of any e"penditure by the insurer in the e"ercise of its discretion under ,ondition %o.A of this policy. If the e"penditure incurred by the insurer shall include any amount for which the insured is responsible hereunder such amount shall be repaid by the insured to the insurer forthwith. 7or the purpose of this /ndorsement the e"pression 6eventD shall mean an event or series of events arising out of one cause in connection with the vehicle insured in respect of which indemnity is provided under this policy. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms conditions limitations and e"ceptions of this Policy. .! to insert amount as appropriate to the class of vehicle insured as per GR.AF of the tariff. IMT.##. COM(&%SOR* DED&CTI)%E 'App!i a7!e to (ri4ate Cars> three ,hee!ers rate. as pri4ate ars> a!! 8otoriAe. t,o ,hee!ers> taxis> pri4ate ar t/pe 4ehi !e p!/ing for p-7!i 2pri4ate hire> pri4ate t/pe taxi !et o-t on pri4ate hire+ %otwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the policy it is hereby understood and agreed that the insured shall bear under $ection = of the policy in respect of each and every event (including event giving rise to a total loss/constructive total loss the first Rs....! (or any less e"penditure which may be incurred of any e"penditure for which provision has been made under this policy and/or of any e"penditure by the insurer in the e"ercise of his discretion under ,ondition no !! of this policy . If the e"penditure incurred by the insurer shall include any amount for which the insured is responsible hereunder such amount shall be repaid by the insured to the insurer forthwith. 7or the purpose of this /ndorsement the e"pression 6eventD shall mean an event or series of events arising out of one cause in connection with the vehicle insured in respect of which indemnity is provided under this policy. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms conditions limitations and e"ceptions of this Policy. ! (i to insert amount as appropriate to the class of vehicle insured as per GR.AF of the tariff. (ii in respect of a vehicle rated under the *ariff for Private ,ar and in respect of a motorised two wheeler not carrying passengers for hire or reward0 if any deductible in addition to the compulsory deductible provided in this endorsement is voluntarily borne by the insured0 the sum representing the aggregate of the compulsory and the voluntary deductibles is to be inserted. DD to insert ,ondition no ? in respect of a vehicle rated under *ariff for Private ,ar / *wo wheelers or ,ondition no A in respect of a vehicle rated under the *ariff for ,ommercial .ehicles.

IMT ##A. $O%&NTAR* DED&CTI)%E (7or private cars/motoriOed two wheelers other than for hire or reward It is by declared and agreed that the insured having opted a voluntary deductible of Rs. ! a reduction in premium of Rs. .!! under $ection = of the policy is hereby allowed. In consideration of the above0 it is hereby understood and agreed that the insured shall bear under $ection = of the policy in respect of each and every event (including event giving rise to a total loss/constructive total loss the first Rs...!!! (or any less e"penditure which may be incurred of any e"penditure for which provision has been made under this policy and/or of any e"penditure by the insurer in the e"ercise of his discretion under ,ondition no .< of this policy . If the e"penditure incurred by the insurer shall include any amount for which the insured is responsible hereunder such amount shall be repaid by the insured to the insurer forthwith. 7or the purpose of this /ndorsement the e"pression 6eventD shall mean an event or series of events arising out of one cause in connection with the vehicle insured in respect of which indemnity is provided under this policy. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms conditions limitations and e"ceptions of this Policy. ! *o insert voluntary deductible amount opted by the insured under tariff for Private car / tariff for motorised two wheeler. !! *o insert appropriate amount relating to the voluntary deductible opted as per the provision of tariff for Private car / tariff for motorised two wheelers.

!!! *o insert aggregate amount of voluntary deductible opted and the compulsory deductible applicable to the vehicle insured as in G.R. AF. < *o insert policy condition %o. ? of the tariff for private car / tariff for motorised two wheelers. IMT #0. CO$ER FOR %AM(S T*RES 2 T&)ES M&DG&ARDS )ONNET 2SIDE (ARTS )&M(ERS 6EAD%IG6TS AND (AINT<ORH OF DAMAGED (ORTION ON%* . 'For a!! Co88er ia! $ehi !es+ In consideration of payment of an additional premium of Rs......!0 notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the policy it is hereby understood and agreed that sub#ect to conditions (a (b and (c hereunder loss of or damage (e"cluding theft under any circumstances to lamps tyres/tubes mudguards bonnet/side parts bumpers headlights and paintwor' of damaged portion only is covered provided the vehicle is also damaged at the same time. $ub#ect toL (a (b (c 2epreciation as per schedule provided in $ection = of the policy. It is further understood and agreed that in respect of paint wor' for the damaged portion only (as referred to above shall also be as per schedule provided in $ection = of the policy. In addition to any amount which the insured may be re4uired to bear under para (a above0 the insured shall also bear BFG of the assessed loss in respect of each and every claim under this /ndorsement. It is also understood that no deductible other than those mentioned in (a and (b above shall be applicable in respect of a claim which become payable under this /ndorsement.

$ub#ect otherwise to the terms conditions limitations and e"ceptions of this Policy. ! *o insert the sum arrived at as per the provisions of G.R.AF. %).?. of the *ariff. IMT.#1. E%ECTRICA% 2 E%ECTRONIC FITTINGS 'Ite8s fitte. in the 4ehi !e 7-t not in !-.e. in the 8an-fa t-rer@s !iste. se!!ing pri e of the 4ehi !e I (a 3age (o!i / on!/+ In consideration of the payment of additional premium of Rs0 notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the policy it is hereby understood and agreed that the insurer will indemnify the insured against loss of or damage to such electrical and/or electronic fitting(s as specified in the schedule whilst it/these is/are fitted in or on the vehicle insured where such loss or damage is occasioned by any of the perils mentioned in $ection.= of the policy. *he insurer shall0 however0 not be liable for loss of or damage to such fitting(s caused by/as a result of mechanical or electrical brea'down.

Provided always that the liability of the insurer hereunder shall not e"ceed the InsuredHs 2eclared .alue (I2. of the item. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms conditions limitations and e"ceptions of this Policy. IMT.#5. CNG2%(G HIT IN )I-F&E% S*STEM 'O,n Da8age o4er for the 3it + In consideration of the payment of premium of Rs! notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the policy it is hereby understood and agreed that the insurer will indemnify the insured in terms conditions limitations and e"ceptions of $ection = of the policy against loss and/or damage to the ,%G/&PG 'it fitted in the vehicle insured arising from an accidental loss or damage to the vehicle insured0 sub#ect to the limit of the Insured1s 2eclared .alue of the ,%G/&PG 'it specified in the $chedule of the policy. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms conditions limitations and e"ceptions of this Policy. D *o insert sum arrived at in terms of G.R.A>. IMT.#9. FIRE AND2OR T6EFT RISHS ON%* (%ot applicable for (iscellaneous and $pecial *ypes of vehicles rateable under ,lass 32 and (otor *rade Policies under ,lasses3 /0 7 and G of the ,ommercial .ehicles *ariff %otwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the policy it is hereby understood and agreed that $ection II of the Policy is deemed to be cancelled and under $ection I thereof the insurer shall only be liable to indemnify the insured against loss or damage by fire e"plosion self ignition lightning and/or burglary housebrea'ing theft and riot stri'e malicious damage terrorism storm tempest flood inundation and earth4ua'e perils whilst the vehicle is laid up in garage and not in use. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms conditions limitations and e"ceptions of this Policy. %).(i In case of Fire Ris3 only0 the words Cburglary housebrea'ing theftD are to be deleted.

%).(ii In case of Theft Ris3 only0 the words Cfire e"plosion self ignition lightning riot stri'e malicious damage terrorism storm tempest flood inundation and earth4ua'e perilsD are to be deleted. IMT. #7. %IA)I%IT* AND FIRE AND2OR T6EFT (%ot applicable for (iscellaneous and $pecial *ypes of vehicles rateable under ,lass @2 of the *ariff for ,ommercial .ehicles %otwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the policy it is hereby understood and agreed that $ection I of the Policy the insurer shall not be liable thereunder e"cept in respect of loss or damage by fire e"plosion self ignition lightning and/or burglary housebrea'ing theft and riot stri'e malicious damage terrorism storm tempest flood inundation and earth4ua'e perils. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms conditions limitations and e"ceptions of the Policy. %).(i In case of %ia7i!it/ an. Fire Ris3s on!/0 the words Cburglary housebrea'ing theft D are to be deleted. %).(ii In case of %ia7i!it/ an. Theft Ris3s on!/0 the words Cfire e"plosion self ignition lightning riot stri'e malicious damage terrorism storm tempest flood inundation and earth4ua'e perils6 are to be deleted. IMT. #;. %EGA% %IA)I%IT* TO (AID DRI$ER AND2OR COND&CTOR CONNECTION <IT6 T6E O(ERATION OF INS&RED $E6IC%E 'For a!! C!asses of 4ehi !es.+ AND2OR C%EANER EM(%O*ED IN

In consideration of an additional premium of Rs. >B/3 notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the policy it is hereby understood and agreed that the insurer shall indemnify the insured against the insured1s legal liability under the <or38enJs Co8pensation A t> 1=#0 0 the Fata! A i.ents A t> 1;55 or at Co88on %a, and subse4uent amendments of these Acts prior to the date of this /ndorsement in respect of personal in#ury to any paid driver and/or conductor and/or cleaner whilst engaged in the service of the insured in such occupation in connection with the vehicle insured herein and will in addition be responsible for all costs and e"penses incurred with its written consent. (ro4i.e. a!,a/s that

(= this /ndorsement does not indemnify the insured in respect of any liability in cases where the insured holds or subse4uently effects with any insurer or group of insurers a Policy of Insurance in respect of liability as herein defined for insured1s general employeesE (> the insured shall ta'e reasonable precautions to prevent accidents and shall comply with all statutory obligationsE !(? the insured shall 'eep record of the name of each paid driver conductor cleaner or persons employed in loading and/or unloading and the amount of wages and salaries and other earnings paid to such employees and shall at all times allow the insurer to inspect such records on demand. (A in the event of the Policy being cancelled at the re4uest of the insured no refund of the premium paid in respect of this /ndorsement will be allowed. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms conditions limitations and e"ceptions of the Policy re4uirements of the (otor .ehicles Act0 =JKK. e"cept so far as necessary to meet the

!In case of Private cars/ motorised two wheelers (not used for hire or reward delete this para.

IMT. #=. %EGA% %IA)I%IT* TO EM(%O*EES OF T6E INS&RED OT6ER T6AN (AID DRI$ER AND2OR COND&CTOR AND2OR C%EANER <6O MA* )E TRA$E%%ING OR DRI$ING IN T6E EM(%O*ER@S CAR E(ri4ate Cars on!/2 Motorise. t,o ,hee!ers 'not for hire or re,ar.+F In consideration of the payment of an additional premium P Rs.>B/3 per employee insured notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the policy it is hereby understood and agreed that the insurer will indemnify the insured against the insured1s liability at Co88on %a, an. Stat-tor/ %ia7i!it/ the Fata! A i.ents A t> 1;55 for compensation (including legal costs of any claimant for death of or bodily in#ury to any employee (other than paid drivers of the within named insured being carried in or upon or entering in or getting on to or alighting from or driving the vehicle insured. Provided that in the event of an accident whilst the vehicle insured is carrying more than .....! employees of the insured (including the driver the insured shall repay to the insurer a rateable proportion of the total amount payable by the insurer by the reason of this endorsement in respect of accident in connection with such vehicle insured. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms0 conditions limitations and e"ceptions of this Policy. %). ! *o insert the number of employees for which the premium has been paid. IMT. 0?. TRAI%ERS. ' App!i a7!e to (ri4ate Cars On!/+ In consideration of the payment of an additional premium it is hereby understood and agreed that the indemnity granted by this policy shall e"tend to apply to the *railer (Registration %o....... D

(ro4i.e. a!,a/s that ! (a the I2. of such *railer shall be deemed not to e"ceed ! ! (b the term 6*railer6 shall not include its contents or anything contained thereon.

(c such indemnity shall not apply in respect of death or bodily in#ury to any person being conveyed by the said *railer otherwise than by reason of or in pursuance of a contract of employment. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms0 conditions limitations and e"ceptions of this Policy. ! 2elete in the case of &iability to the public Ris's only policies. !! Insert value of trailer as declared at inception IMT.01. RE%IA)I%IT* TRIA%S AND RA%%IES B(ri4ate Cars an. Motorise. T,o <hee!ers+C In consideration of the payment of an additional premium it is hereby understood and agreed that the indemnity granted by this Policy is e"tended to apply whilst the vehicle insured is engaged in ........ ......!. to be held at ..!!... on or about the date of ....// ..... under the auspices of ....... ......< of insurance or any renewal thereof.

Provided that L3 (a (b (c %o indemnity shall be granted by this /ndorsement to .... < *his Policy does not cover use for organised racing0 pace ma'ing or speed testing. 2uring the course of the ! the Insurer shall not be liable in respect of death of or bodily in#ury to any person being carried in or upon or entering or getting on to or alighting from the vehicle insured at the time of the occurrence of the event out of which any claim arises.

< < It is further understood and agreed that while the vehicle insured is engaged in ...! the insured shall bear the first Rs...P (or any less amount for which the claim may be assessed of each and every claim under $ection I of this Policy. Provided that if the insurer shall ma'e any payment in e"ercise of its discretion under ,ondition %o. ? of the policy in settlement of any claim and such payment includes the amount for which the insured is responsible by reason of this /ndorsement the insured shall repay to the insurer forthwith the amount for which the insured is so responsible. 7or the purpose of this /ndorsement the e"pression 6claim6 shall mean a claim or series of claims arising out of one event. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms conditions limitations and e"ceptions of this Policy. ! *o insert the name of the event . P *o insert Rs. BFFF/3 for Private cars or Rs. >BFF/3 for motorised two wheelers. 7or the duration of the event the deductible under $ection = of the policy for the purpose of I(* >> will be the amount stated in I(* >> or the amount stated herein0 whichever is higher. !! *o insert the venue of the event. < *o insert the name of the promoters of the event. < < *o delete this entire paragraph in case of &iability +nly policies. IMT.0#. ACCIDENTS TO SO%DIERS 2SAI%ORS2 AIRMEN EM(O*ED AS DRI$ERS In consideration of the payment of an additional premium of Rs =FF/3! it is hereby understood and agreed that in the event of any $oldier/$ailor/Airman employed by the insured to drive the vehicle insured being in#ured or 'illed whilst so employed0 this policy will e"tend to relieve the insured of his liability to indemnify (inistry of 2efence under the respective Regulations. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms0 conditions limitations and e"ceptions of this Policy. ! *his additional premium is flat and irrespective of period of insurance not e"ceeding => months. Any e"tension of the policy period beyond => months will call for payment of further additional premium under this endorsement . IMT. 00. %OSS OF ACCESSORIES 'App!i a7!e to Motorise. T,o <hee!er (o!i ies on!/+ In consideration of the payment of an additional premium of Rs... it is hereby understood and agreed that as from ../.../..... notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in $ection I but sub#ect otherwise to the terms e"ceptions conditions and limitations of this Policy the insurer will indemnify the insured in respect of loss of or damage to accessories the property of the insured0 specifically declared by the insured caused by burglary0 housebrea'ing or theft. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms conditions limitations and e"ceptions of this policy. IMT.01. &SE OF COMMERCIA% T*(E $E6IC%ES FOR )OT6 COMMERCIA% AND (RI$ATE (&R(OSES 'App!i a7!e to Co88er ia! $ehi !e (o!i ies on!/+ In consideration of the payment of an additional premium of Rs... and notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein it is hereby understood and agreed that

(i *he insurer will indemnify the insured against his legal liability under ,ommon &aw and $tatutory &iability under the 7atal Accidents Act0 =KBB in respect of death of or bodily in#ury to any person not being an employee of the insured nor carried for hire or reward0 whilst being carried in or upon or entering or mounting or alighting from any motor vehicle described in the $chedule to this Policy. (ii *his Policy shall be operative whilst any vehicle described in the $chedule hereto is being used by the insured or by any other person with the permission of the Insured for social0 domestic0 or pleasure purposes. <hi!st an/ s- h 4ehi !e is 7eing so -se. the ins-rer ,i!! in ter8s an. s-7:e t to the !i8itations of an. for the p-rposes of Se tion II of this po!i / treat as tho-gh he ,ere the Ins-re. person -sing s- h 4ehi !e pro4i.e. that s- h person = is not entitled to indemnity under any other Policy. > shall as though he were the insured observe0 fulfill and be sub#ect to the terms0 provisions0 conditions and endorsements of this Policy in so far as they apply. ? has not been refused any (otor .ehicle Insurance or continuance thereof by any insurer.

$ub#ect otherwise to the terms0 conditions limitations and e"ceptions of this Policy.

In case of &iability only Policies delete (= above IMT. 05. 6IRED $E6IC%ES I DRI$EN )* 6IRER! 'App!i a7!e to fo-r ,hee!e. 4ehi !es ,ith arr/ing ,hee!ers+ apa it/ not ex 9 passengers an. Motorise. T,o

It is hereby understood and agreed that notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Policy unless the vehicle insured is being driven by or is for the purpose of being driven by the insured in the charge of the within named insured or a driver in the insured1s employment0 the policy shall only be operative whilst the vehicle insured is let on hire by the insured to any person (hereinafter called the 5irer whoL3 (i shall have entered into a hire contract with the insured and who prior to such hiring shall have satisfactorily completed and signed a supplementary proposal form!!. (ii shall have satisfied the insured 3 a b that the vehicle insured will only be driven by a duly licensed driver whose license has not been endorsedE that such driver has not been refused (otor Insurance nor had his/her insurance policy been cancelled nor had special conditions imposed nor had increased premium demanded from him/her by reason of claims e"perience.

It is also understood and agreed that whilst the vehicle insured is let on hire to the 5irer the insurer shall not be liable @ (= for any loss0 damage or liability due to or arising from theft or conversion by the 5irer unless covered by payment of additional premium P =.BFG on I2.. (/ndt. I(* A? is to be used. (> *o pay the first Rs..... of each and every claim in respect of which indemnity would but for this endorsement have been provided by $ection I of this Policy.

If the e"penditure incurred by the Insurer shall include the amount for which the Insured is responsible hereunder0 such amount shall be repaid by the insured to the Insurer forthwith. 7or the purpose of this endorsement the e"pression 6,laim6 shall mean a claim or series of claims arising out of one cause in respect of the vehicle. (? If the vehicle is used by the 5irer for carriage of passengers for hire or reward. ! For the p-rposes of this en.orse8ent the ins-rer ,i!! in ter8s of an. s-7:e t to the pro4isions ontaine. in ite8 I of Se tion II of this (o!i /> treat the 6irer as a person ,ho is .ri4ing the T,o ,hee!er.

7urther it is agreed that the insured shall forward to the insurer the supplementary proposal referred to above0 completed by the 5irer immediately after receipt thereof which proposal as well as that referred to in this policy shall be the basis of the contract e"pressed in this endorsement so far as it relates to the indemnity which is operative whilst the vehicle is let on hire to such 5irer. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms0 e"ceptions0 conditions and limitations of this Policy.

7or &iability only policies delete the whole of items (= and (> and the paragraph in bold mar'ed with !. !! Insurer to devise a suitable supplementary proposal form. IMT 09 In.e8nit/ to 6irer - (a 3age (o!i / - Neg!igen e of the ins-re. or 6irer. It is hereby declared and agreed that the company will indemnify any hirer of the vehicle insured against loss0 damage and liability as defined in this Policy arising in connection with the vehicle insured by reason of the negligence of the within named insured or of any employee of such insured while the vehicle insured is let on hire. Provided that any such hirer shall as though he/she were the insured observe fulfill and be sub#ect to the terms0 e"ceptions0 conditions and limitations of this policy in so far as they apply. IMT 07 %ega! %ia7i!it/ to Non-Fare (a/ing (assengers other than Stat-tor/ %ia7i!it/ ex ept the Fata! A 1;55 'Co88er ia! $ehi !es on!/+ i.ents A t>

In consideration of the payment of an additional premium of Rs and notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in $ection II3= (b and (c it is hereby understood and agreed that the ,ompany will Indemnify the Insured against his legal liability other than liability under the $tatute (e"cept the 7atal Accidents Act =KBB in respect of death of or bodily in#ury toL3 i Any employee of the within named insured who is not a wor'man within the meaning of the Mor'men1s ,ompensation Act Prior to date of this endorsement and not being carried for hire or reward. Any other person not being carried for hire or reward provided that the person is a b charterer or representative of the charterer of the truc' Any other person directly connected with the #ourney in one form or other being carried in or upon or entering or mounting or alighting from any (otor .ehicle described in the schedule of the policy.


$ub#ect otherwise to the terms e"ceptions conditions and limitation of this policy. IMT 07 A.. %ega! %ia7i!it/ to Non Fare (a/ing (assengers ,ho are not e8p!o/ees of the Ins-re. 'Co88er ia! $ehi !es on!/+ In consideration of the paying of an additional premium of Rs. and notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in $ection II3= ( c it is hereby understood and agreed that the company will indemnify the insured against his legal liability other than liability under statute (e"cept 7atal Accidents Act =KBB in respect of death or bodily in#ury to any person not being an employee of the insured and not carried for hire or reward provided that the person is a b charterer or representative of the charterer of the truc'. Any other person directly connected with the #ourney in one form or the other being carried in or upon or entering or mounting or alighting from vehicle insured described in the $,5/2-&/ +7 *5I$ P+&I,8.

$ub#ect otherwise to the terms e"ceptions conditions and limitations of this policy. IMT. 0;. %ega! %ia7i!it/ to Fare pa/ing (assengers ex ! !ia7i!it/ for a arising o-t of an. in the o-rse of their e8p!o/8ent 'Co88er ia! an. Motor Tra.e $ehi !es on!/+ i.ents to e8p!o/ees of the Ins-re.

'1+ For -se ,ith (a 3age (o!i ies. In consideration of an additional premium of Rs ..... and notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in $ection II @= (c but sub#ect otherwise to the terms0 e"ceptions0 conditions and limitations of this policy0 the insurer will indemnify the insured against liability at &aw for compensation (including &aw costs of any claimant for death of or bodily in#ury to any person other than a person e"cluded under $ection II3= () being carried in or upon or entering or mounting or alighting from the (otor .ehicle.

Provided always that in the event of an accident occurring whilst the (otor .ehicle is carrying more than the number of persons mentioned in the $chedule hereto as being the licensed carrying capacity of that vehicle in addition to the conductor if any then the Insured shall repay to the Insurer rateable proportion of the total amount which would be payable by the Insurer by reason of this endorsement if not more than the said number of persons were carried in the (otor .ehicle. Provided further that in computing the number of persons for the purpose of this endorsement any three children not e"ceeding =B years of age will be rec'oned as two persons and any child in arms not e"ceeding ? years of age will be disregarded. Provided also that the provisions of condition ? of the Policy are also applicable to a claim or series of claims under this endorsement. Provided further that in the event of Policy being cancelled at the re4uest of the insured no refund of premium paid in respect of this endorsement will be allowed. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms0 e"ceptions0 conditions and limitations of this Policy. (II For -se ,ith %ia7i!it/ on!/ (o!i /.

In consideration of an additional premium of Rs....... and sub#ect otherwise to the terms0 e"ceptions0 conditions and limitations of this Policy0 the insurer will indemnify the insured against liability at &aw for compensation (including &aw ,osts of any claimant for death of or bodily in#ury to any person other than a person e"cluded under general e"ception being carried in or upon or entering or mounting or alighting from the (otor .ehicle. Provided always that in the event of an accident occurring whilst the (otor .ehicle is carrying more than the number of persons mentioned in the $chedule hereto as being the licensed carrying capacity of that vehicle in addition to the conductor if any then the insured shall repay to the Insurer rateable proportion of the total amount which would be payable by the Insurer by reason of this endorsement if not more than the said number of persons were carried in the (otor .ehicle. Provided further that in computing the number of persons for the purpose of this endorsement any ? children not e"ceeding =B years of age will be rec'oned as two persons and any children in arms not e"ceeding ? years of age will be disregarded. Provided further that in the event of Policy being cancelled at the re4uest of the insured no refund of premium paid in respect of this endorsement will be allowed. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms0 e"ceptions0Q conditions and limitations of this Policy. IMT. 0=. %ega! %ia7i!it/ to persons e8p!o/e. in an.2or &n! of Motor $ehi !es. 'For GOODS $E6IC%E+ onne tion ,ith the operation an.2or 8aintaining an.2or

In consideration of the payment of an additional premium of !..... it is hereby understood and agreed that notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary the insurer shall indemnify the insured against his legal liability under the <or38enJs Co8pensation A t> 1=#0 an. s-7seK-ent a8en.8ents of that A t prior to the .ate of this En.orse8ent> the Fata! A i.ents A t> 1;55 or at Co88on %a, in respect of personal in#ury to any paid driver (or cleaner or conductor or person employed in loading/or unloading but in any case not e"ceeding seven in number including driver and cleaner whilst engaged in the service of the insured in such occupation in connection with the .... and not e"ceeding seven in number and will in addition be responsible for all costs and e"penses incurred with its written consent.

(ro4i.e. a!,a/s that "(= this /ndorsement does not indemnify the insured in respect of any liability in cases where the insured holds or subse4uently effects with any insurer or Group of -nderwriters a Policy of Insurance in respect of liability as herein defined for his general employees. (> the insured shall ta'e reasonable precautions to prevent accidents and shall comply with all statutory obligations.

(? the insured shall 'eep a record of the name of each driver cleaner conductor or person employed in loading and/or unloading and the amount of wages salary and other earnings paid to such employees and shall at times allow the insurer to inspect such record. (A in the event of the Policy being cancelled at the re4uest of the insured no refund of the premium paid in respect of this /ndorsement will be allowed.

*he premium to be calculated at the rate of Rs>B/3 per driver and/or cleaner or conductor and/or person employed in loading and/or unloading but not e"ceeding the number permitted by the (otor .ehicles Act =JKK including driver and cleaner. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms e"ceptions conditions and limitations of this Policy re4uirements of the (otor .ehicles Act0 =JKK. e"cept so far as necessary to meet the

IMT. 0= A . %ega! %ia7i!it/ the <or38en@s Co8pensation A t> 1=#0 in respe t of the arriage of 8ore than six e8p!o/ees 'Ex ! the Dri4er+ in goo.s arr/ing 4ehi !es. In consideration of the payment of an additional premium it is hereby understood and agreed that notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein the company shall indemnify the insured against his legal liability under the Mor'men1s ,ompensation Act0 =J>? and subse4uent amendments to that Act prior to the date of this endorsement in respect of death of or bodily in#ury to any person (other than the paid driver e"ceeding si" in number whilst being carried in the (otor vehicle and will in addition be responsible for all costs and e"penses incurred with its written consent. Provided always that L3 =. the ,ompany shall not be liable by virtue of this /ndorsement to indemnify the insured in respect of any liability in cases where the insured holds or subse4uently effects with any insurance company or group of -nderwriters a Policy of Insurance in respect of liability as herein defined for his general employees and where the Insured has not obtained special permission from the registration authorities for carriage of more than si" such employees. the insured shall ta'e reasonable precautions to prevent accidents and shall comply with all statutory obligations. the insured shall 'eep a record of the name of each person employed in connection with the loading and unloading of the vehicles and the amount of wages salary and other earnings paid to such employees and shall at all times allow the Insurer to inspect such record. in the event of the Policy being cancelled at the re4uest of the insured no refund of the premium paid in respect of this /ndorsement will be allowed.

>. ?.


$ub#ect otherwise to the terms e"ceptions0 conditions and limitations of this Policy. IMT 1? %ega! %ia7i!it/ to pai. .ri4er an.2or Con.- tor an.2or !eaner e8p!o/e. in onne tion ,ith the operation of Motor 4ehi !e. 'For 7-ses> taxis an. 8otoriAe. three2fo-r ,hee!ers o88er ia! 4ehi !es tariff+ In consideration of the payment of an additional premium it is hereby understood and agreed that notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary the insurer shall indemnify insured against his legal liability under the <or38enJs Co8pensation A t> 1=#0 an. s-7seK-ent a8en.8ents of that A t prior to the .ate of this en.orse8ent> the Fata! A i.ents A t> 1;55 or at Co88on %a, in respect of personal in#ury to any paid driver and/or conductor and/or cleaner whilst engaged in the service of the insured in such occupation in connection with the vehicle insured and will in addition be responsible for all costs and e"penses incurred with its written consent. *he premium to be calculated and paid while ta'ing insurance of the vehicle concurred at the rate of Rs. >B/3 per driver and/or conductor and/or cleaner.

(ro4i.e. a!,a/s that "(= this /ndorsement does not indemnify the insured in respect of any liability in cases where the insured holds or subse4uently effects with any insurer or Group of -nderwriters a Policy of Insurance in respect of liability as herein defined for his general employees. (> the insured shall ta'e reasonable precautions to prevent accidents and shall comply with all statutory obligations.

(? the insured shall 'eep a record of the name of each driver cleaner conductor or person employed in loading and/or unloading and the amount of wages salary and other earnings paid to such employees and shall at all times allow the insurer to inspect such record. (A in the event of the Policy being cancelled at the re4uest of the insured no refund of the premium paid in respect of this /ndorsement will be allowed. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms e"ceptions conditions and limitations of this Policy e"cept so far as necessary to meet the re4uirements of the (otor .ehicles Act0 =JKK.

IMT.11 Motor Tra.e (o!i / - C!ass LFJ - Roa. Ris3 on!/ It is hereby declared and agreed that notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary that in respect of any new vehicle and/or chassis bearing a *rade ,ertificate %umber specified in the $chedule of the policy0 the Geographical Area for the purpose of this Policy shall be as defined hereunder and not as stated in the $chedule hereto. Geographi a! Area -nder $ection II 3 (i 3333 I%2IA -nder all other $ections address as stated in the $chedule hereto. 3 Mithin a radius of .! 'ilometers Policy. from the insuredHs

$ub#ect otherwise to the terms conditions limitations and e"ceptions of this ! to insert IKF1 or I=>F1 as opted for by insured and premium paid accordingly. IMT.1# (ri4ate Carriers 'Goo.s Carr/ing Co88er ia! $ehi !es On!/+

%otwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein it is hereby understood and agreed that the insurer shall not be liable for any loss or damage to the vehicle insured and/or for any third party liability in respect thereof if at the time of accident the vehicle insured under this policy is carrying goods not belonging to the insured $ub#ect otherwise to the terms conditions limitations and e"ceptions of this policy.

Article I. %+*/ 7or &iability only Policies delete the words 6for any loss or damage to the vehicle insured and/or 6.
IMT. 10. Theft an. on4ersion Ris3 %otwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein it is hereby understood and agreed in this Policy in consideration of the payment of additional premium P =.BFG of I2.0 ,lause ii (b (= of /ndorsement I(*3 ?B is hereby deemed to be deleted. It is further understood and agreed that the indemnity in respect of *heft and/or ,onversion by the hirer is applicable only in case of *heft and/or ,onversion of the entire vehicle. It is further understood and agreed that %o ,laim )onus will not be applicable to the additional premium charged hereunder. IMT.11. In.e8nit/ to 6irer - (a 3age (o!i / - Neg!igen e of the O,ner or 6irer. It is hereby declared and agreed that in consideration of payment of an additional premium of Rs. the Insurer will indemnify any hirer of the .ehicle insured against loss0 damage and liability as defined in this Policy arising in connection with the .ehicle insured while let on hire. Provided that any such hirer shall as though he/she were the insured observe fulfill and be sub#ect to the terms0 e"ceptions0 conditions and limitations of this policy in so far as they apply. IMT.15. In.e8nit/ to 6irer - %ia7i!it/ on!/ (o!i / -- Neg!igen e of the O,ner or 6irer. Neg!igen e of the 6irer It is hereby declared and agreed that in onsi.eration of pa/8ent of an a..itiona! pre8i-8 of RsMMt he Insurer will indemnify any hirer of the (otor .ehicle against liability as defined in this Policy arising in connection with the (otor .ehicle while let on hire. Provided that any such hirer shall as though he were the Insured observe fulfill and be sub#ect to the terms0 e"ceptions0 conditions and limitations of this Policy in so far as they apply. IMT.19. %ega! %ia7i!it/ to passengers ex ! !ia7i!it/ for a i.ents to e8p!o/ees of the Ins-re. arising o-t of an. in o-rse of their e8p!o/8ent 'App!i a7!e to A87-!an e26earses !ass D of Co88er ia! 4ehi !es an. to Motor Tra.e 4ehi !es + In consideration of an additional premium of Rs.. and notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in $ection II3I(c but sub#ect otherwise to the terms e"ceptions conditions and limitations of this policy the insurer will indemnify the insured against liability at &aw for compensation (including legal costs of any claimant for death of or bodily in#ury to any person other than a person e"cluded under $ection II @I ( ) being carried in or upon or entering or mounting or alighting from the vehicle insured.

Provided always that in the event of an accident occurring whilst the vehicle insured is carrying more than the number of persons mentioned in the $chedule hereto as being the licensed carrying capacity of that vehicle in addition to the conductor if any then the insured shall repay to the insurer ratable proportion of the total amount which would be payable by the insurer by reason of this endorsement if not more than the said number of persons were carried in the vehicle insured. Provided further that in computing the number of persons for the purpose of this endorsement any three children not e"ceeding =B years of age will be rec'oned as two persons and any child in arms not e"ceeding ? years of age will be disregarded. Provided also that the provisions of condition ? of the policy are also applicable to a claim or series of claims under this endorsement. Provided further that in the event of policy being cancelled at the re4uest of the insured no refund of premium paid in respect of this endorsement will be allowed. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms e"ceptions conditions and limitations of this Policy. (7or use with C&iability +nlyD Policy In consideration of an additional premium of Rs. and sub#ect otherwise to the terms e"ceptions conditions and limitations of this Policy the insurer will indemnify the insured against liability at law for compensation (including legal costs of any claimant for death of or bodily in#ury to any person other than a person e"cluded under general e"ception being carried in or upon or entering or mounting or alighting from the vehicle insured. Provided always that in the event of an accident occurring whilst the vehicle insured is carrying more than the number of persons mentioned in the $chedule hereto as being the licensed carrying capacity of that vehicle in addition to the conductor if any then the insured shall repay to the insurer ratable proportion of the total amount which would be payable by the insurer by reason of this endorsement if not more than the said number of persons were carried in the vehicle insured. Provided further that in computing the number of persons for the purpose of this endorsement any ? children not e"ceeding =B years of age will be rec'oned as two persons and any children in arms not e"ceeding ? years of age will be disregarded. Provided further that in the event of Policy being cancelled at the re4uest of the insured no refund of premium paid in respect of this endorsement will be allowed. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms e"ceptions conditions and limitations of this policy. IMT.17. Mo7i!e Cranes2Dri!!ing Rigs2 Mo7i!e (!ants2Ex a4ators2 Na44ies2 Sho4e!s2 Gra7s2Rippers. It is hereby declared and agreed notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Policy that in respect of the vehicle insured ! the Insurer shall be under no liability3 a -nder $ection I of this Policy in respect of !oss or .a8age res-!ting fro8 o4ert-rning arising o-t of the operation as a too! of such vehicle or of plant forming part of such vehicle or attached thereto e"cept for loss or damage arising directly from fire0 e"plosion 0 self ignition or lightning or burglary housebrea'ing or theft. b -nder $ection II e"cept so far as is necessary to meet the re4uirements of the (otor .ehicles Act0 =JKK0 in respect of liability incurred by the insured arising out of the operation as a tool of such vehicle or of plant forming part of such vehicle or attached thereto. N. ). " +mit paragraph (a for L3 (i &iability only Policies. (ii Pac'age Policies where an additional premium has been paid for inclusion of damage by overturning. NOTE " ! Insert ma'e0 number or some other means of identification. Mhere a premium reduction is allowed for e"clusion of damage when in use as a tool of trade omit from paragraph (a (the words C resulting from overturningD and C e"cept for loss . or theftD. IMT.1;. Co4er Agri -!t-ra! an. Forestr/ $ehi !es An. Other Mis e!!aneo-s 4ehi !es ,ith Trai!ers atta he. - Exten.e.

It is hereby declared and agreed that in consideration of an additional premium of Rs..0 the indemnity provided by this Policy shall apply in respect of any trailer (including Agricultural Implements such as Ploughs0 5arrows and the li'e described in the under noted $chedule of trailers as though it were a vehicle described in the $chedule and had set against it in the $chedule the value set against it in the under noted $chedule of trailers.

Provided that the Insurer shall be under no liability under $ection I of the Policy in respect of brea'age of any part of the agricultural trailer or implements caused by ground obstructions. S he.-!e of Trai!ers 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 ! 2escription InsuredHs 2eclared value (I2. 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 ! Insert ma'e0 number or some other means of identification. *hreshing (achines0 2rums0 )ailing (achines0 *russes and *iers must be identified as such. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms0 e"ceptions0 conditions and limitations of this Policy. NOTE " In the case of %ia7i!it/ on!/ Policies0 the /ndorsement must be suitably amended. IMT .1=. Ex !-sion of %ia7i!it/ to the (-7!i <or3ing Ris3 'Ex ept as reK-ire. 7/ the Motor $ehi !e A t> 1=;;+ It is hereby declared and agreed that e"cept so far as is necessary to meet the re4uirements of the (otor .ehicles Act0 =JKK0 the Insurer shall be under no liability under $ection II of this Policy in respect of liability incurred by the Insured arising out of the operation as a tool of the (otor .ehicle or of plant forming part of the (otor .ehicle or attached thereto. IMT.5?. Cine8a Fi!8 Re an. (-7!i it/ $ans It is hereby understood and agreed that not withstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Policy0 the insurer shall be under no liability in respect of loss or damage to cinematic photographic or sound e4uipment costumes or any other technical property fi"tures and fittings on the (otor .ehicle0 unless they are firmly and permanently fi"ed to the body of the vehicle and are not detachable from time to time. IMT.51. Mo7i!e Shops 2Canteens an. Mo7i!e S-rgeries2 Dispensaries It is hereby understood and agreed that notwithstanding under no liability in respect of ! (a loss of or damage to ..... !! on the motor vehicle. anything to the contrary contained in this Policy the insurer shall be

(b death of or bodily in#ury to or illness of any person caused by or through or in connection with or arising from (i poisoning of any 'ind or foreign or deleterious matter in food or drin' vehicle or the defective condition of

(ii anything harmful in the condition of any goods supplied at or from the motor the container of such goods

(iii anything harmful in the condition of any goods supplied at or from the motor vehicle or defective in any treatment given at or from the motor vehicle Notes "! 7or &iability only Policies omit proviso (a !! = In the case of 6(obile $hops and ,anteens6 insert the words 6-tensils or stoc'3in3trade6 and omit (iii > In the case of 6(obile $urgeries/2ispensaries insert the words 6$urgical IMT 5# . Ex !-sion of .a8age ,hi!e in -se as a Too! of Tra.e It is hereby declared and agreed that e"cept so far as is necessary to meet the re4uirements of the (otor .ehicles Act0 =JKK the insurer shall be under no liability under $ection II of this Policy in respect of liability incurred by the insured arising out of the operation as a tool of the motor vehicle or of plant forming part of the vehicle insured or attached thereto. IMT.50. Spe ifie. Atta h8ents 'Spe ia! T/pe $ehi !es+ instruments medical appliances or supplies6.

It is hereby declared and agreed that while any attachment in the under noted 6$chedule of attachments6 is attached to the (otor .ehicle or is detached and out of use the indemnity provided by this Policy shall apply in respect of any such attachment as though it were the (otor .ehicle and had set against it in the $chedule the value set against it in the under noted 6$chedule of Attachments S he.-!e of Atta h8ents 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 ! 2escription InsuredHs 2eclared .alue (I2. 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 ! Insert ma'e0 number or some other means of identification. NOTE " In the case of pedestrian controlled tractors insert in 62escription6 in the $chedule of Attachments 6any standard attachment of the ... *ractor supplied by the ma'ers.6 IMT.51. Mo7i!e (!ant-In !-sion of %ia7i!it/ to the (-7!i <or3ing Ris3 <here Too! of Tra.e is -se. on!/ for ,or3 perfor8e. in or -pon the $ehi !e or Trai!er. It is hereby declared and agreed that e"cept so far as is necessary to meet the re4uirements of the (otor .ehicles Act0 =JKK0 the Insurer shall be under no liability under $ection II of this Policy in respect of liability arising out of L3 (a the e"plosion of any vessel under pressure being part of plant attached to or (c (d forming part of the (otor .ehicle.

the operation other than in or upon the (otor .ehicle forming part of or attached to the (otor .ehicle.

IMT.55. Mo7i!e (!ant - In !-sion of %ia7i!it/ to the (-7!i <or3ing Ris3 'A!! Other Cases+ It is hereby understood and agreed that notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Policy the insurer shall be under no liability under $ection II in respect of (a death in#ury or damage caused by or resulting from (i subsidence flooding or water pollution. (ii damage to pipes or cables arising out of the operation as a tool of the vehicle insured or of any plant forming part of vehicle insured or attached thereto. (b damage to property resulting from the manufacture construction alteration repair or treatment of such property by the insured. (c death in#ury or damage caused by or through property on which the insured has carried out any process of manufacture0 construction alteration or repair or treatment. It is further understood and agreed that e"cept so far as is necessary to meet the re4uirements of the (otor .ehicles Act =JKK0 the insurer shall be under no liability under $ection II of this Policy in respect of liability incurred by the insured arising out of the e"plosion of any vessel under pressure being part of plant attached to or forming part of the vehicle insured. IMT.59. Trai!ers 'Roa. Transit On!/+ In consideration of the payment of an additional premium it is hereby understood and agreed that insurance by $ection I and II of this Policy shall e"tend to the (otor .ehicle (mechanically propelled or otherwise attached to the (otor .ehicle for the purpose of being towed (ro4i.e. a!,a/s that a the insurer shall not be liable under this Policy in respect of damage to property conveyed by the towed vehicle.

b the insurer shall not be liable under this Policy in respect of accident loss damage and/or liability caused sustained or incurred whilst the vehicle insured is towing a greater number of vehicles than is permitted by law. IMT.57. Motorise. T,o <hee!ers 'Motor Tra.e On!/+ It is hereby declared and agreed that Item B in the $chedule to this Policy is deemed to have been deleted and the following substituted there for L3 *he (otor .ehicle L Any (otorised *wo Mheeler (including sidecar attached thereto the property of the insured or insured1s custody or control whilst bearing *rade ,ertificate %o...........

It is further declared and agreed that the words 6(otor .ehicle6 wherever they appear are deemed to have been deleted and substituted by the words 6(otorised *wo MheelerD.. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms conditions limitations and e"ceptions of this Policy. IMT.5;. %oan or 6ire of Motor Cars> Motorise. T,o ,hee!ers> Motor 4ehi !es to C-sto8ers 7/ Motor Dea!ers 'Motor Tra.e On!/+ %otwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein it is hereby understood and agreed that the (otor ,ar(s 0 (otorised *wo wheelers0 (otor .ehicle(s described in the $chedule hereto may be let out on loan or hire to insuredHs customers when their vehicle(s is/are under repair with the insured. Provided that the insured agrees to record in a register for the purposes of this policy the date of loan or hire of such vehicle(s 0 its (a'e and Registered %umber (or ,hassis %umber if the loaned/hired vehicle itself is not registered and the duration of the loan or hire and to submit to the insurer within one month of the e"piry of each period of insurance a statement of the total number of days each loaned/hired vehicle was in use. Provided also that the premium for this Policy shall be sub#ect to ad#ustment on e"piry of each period of insurance. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms conditions limitations and e"ceptions of this Policy. IMT.5=. (ri4ate -se of 4ehi !e 7/ Me87er2Dire tor2E8p!o/ee of the ins-re. 'Motor Tra.e on!/+ In consideration of the payment of an additional premium of Rs and notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary it is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy shall be operative whilst the vehicle insured is being used by the insured or with the permission of the insured by a (ember 2irector or employee of the insured for social domestic or pleasure purposes. Mhilst the vehicle insured is being so used the insurer will in terms of and sub#ect to the limitations of and for the purpose of $ection II of this policy treat as though he were the insured person using the vehicle insured provided that such person L =. is not entitled to indemnity under any other policyE >. shall as though he/she were the insured observe fulfill and be sub#ect to the terms provisions conditions and endorsements of this policy in so far as they applyE ?. has not been refused any (otor .ehicle Insurance or continuance thereof by any insurer. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms conditions limitations and e"ceptions of this Policy. IMT.9?. De8onstration - Dri4ing Extension 'App!i a7!e to Motor Tra.e (o!i ies On!/+ In consideration of the payment of an additional premium of Rs..... and notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein it is hereby understood and agreed that the policy shall be operative whilst the vehicles are being driven for the purpose of demonstration by person(s not in the employment of the insured provided he/she/they is/are driving with the insuredHs permission and is/are accompanied by the insured or by any person(s in the insuredHs employment. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms conditions limitations and e"ceptions of this Policy. IMT.91. T-ition - Dri4ing Extension 'App!i a7!e on!/ to Motor Tra.e (o!i ies iss-e. on na8e. .ri4er 7asis.+ In consideration of the understood and agreed or tuition by any other mentioned in the policy payment of an additional premium of Rs...... and notwithstanding anything to the contrary it is hereby that the policy shall be operative whilst the vehicles insured are being used for purpose of demonstration person0 provided he/she is driving with the insuredHs permission and is accompanied by a named driver $chedule.

$ub#ect otherwise to the terms conditions limitations and e"ceptions of this Policy. IMT.9#. De!etion of 5?N %i8itation !a-se in respe t of .a8age to t/res 'App!i a7!e to Motor Tra.e Roa. Transit Ris3s (o!i ies on!/+ In consideration of the payment of an additional premium of Rs... it is hereby understood and agreed that the words C.when the liability of the Insurer is limited to BFG of the cost of the replacement ..D are hereby deleted from proviso (b of $ection I(= of the policy. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms conditions limitations and e"ceptions of the policy.

IMT .90. Restri tion of Co4er to %ia7i!it/ Ris3s on!/ 'Motor Tra.e Interna! Ris3s (o!i /+ It is hereby understood and agreed that (a $ection I and II(> (i and the word 6other6 in $ection II (> (ii of this Policy in the $chedule to this Policy are deemed to be cancelled and (b the Insurer shall not be liable in respect of damage to the (otor .ehicle or its accessories.

IMT.91. Open-Air Car (ar3s 'Motor Tra.e Interna! Ris3s On!/+ In consideration of the payment of an additional premium0 it is hereby understood and agreed that for the purpose of this Policy the Premises shall be deemed to include the car par' at ....! superficial area not e"ceeding ..!! $ub#ect otherwise to the terms conditions limitations and e"ceptions of this Policy. ! *o insert location !! *o insert appropriate area IMT.95. <or3 A,a/ Fro8 (re8ises 'Motor Tra.e Interna! Ris3s On!/+ In consideration of the payment of an additional premium it is hereby understood and agreed that the premises are deemed to include any place at which the insured is performing wor' not being premises under the control of the insured provided that the insurer shall not be liable in respect of in#ury or damage resulting from the driving of the vehicle insured in a public place in I%2IA within the meaning of the (otor .ehicles Act0 =JKK. $ub#ect otherwise to the terms conditions limitations and e"ceptions of this Policy.

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