Project Synopsis: 1) Introduction

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Project Synopsis

Name: Suhas Dolare Semester: III (Marketing) Roll No.:

Company Name: Edulight E-Disha Infotech, Andheri (E), Mumbai Industry: E-learning Products & Ser ices Pro ider Duration: !th Ma" #$%& ' !th (ul" #$%& (# Months)

Education is a ma)or need of the an" indi idual to get s"stematic kno*ledge about all the as+ect and +ractical thing to understand, -raditional education s"stem *orld*ide is hel+ing indi idual to understand the all basic to ad anced kno*ledge, ." the changes in the technolog" and the ad ancement in the com+uters and other de ises, the recent trends are to utili/e such a de ices for +ersonal benefit, E-learning is the sub ser ice came in to e0istence b" use of such information technolog", 1bser ing and studding the dra*backs in the traditional education s"stem and ad antages of audio isual format *hich hel+s to conce+tualise the thing in to +ro+er format hel+s e-learning industr" to gro* like an"thing, E-learning conce+t is totall" based on memor" and recall as+ect of indi idual and I- tools to *hich can further im+ro e the memor" recognition and memories the conce+t for longer time, ) Scope O! T"e Study: -he stud" of e-learning soft*are conce+t and ho* an indi isual is e0+erience the use of such soft*are in his2her life, -his also reflects the o erall understanding of the e-learning conce+t and soft*are e0+ectation +ercei ed from the end user,

-his also hel+s for Edulight to meet out the ga+s remain in the s"stem *hich disables the full +otential of such soft*are to its best for users, It also hel+s to e0+lore the untouched area of e-learning and ho* to o ercome the +roblem faced b" users *ile use, It hel+s com+an" to be a com+lete customer oriented ser ice +ro ider in elearning segment and establishment of Edulight as a lo"al brand in market, #) Researc" Statement: 3riticall" e aluating +roduct +erformance recei ed from customer *ho has used the e-learning +latform, $) Importance O! T"e Study: -he stud" *ill be useful for understanding of +ositi e and negati e as+ect of e-learning soft*are for use or +roblem faced b" user, It *ill also hel+ful to understand the arious needs and +references *hich consumer or bu"ers ha e from the soft*are to be use, It *ill also hel+ to de elo+ Edulight soft*are u+ to the le el that satisfies the end user, It *ill also hel+ to make Edulight as a com+lete +ackage for elearning & hel+ to become a brand in e-learning segment, %) O&jecti'e O! T"e Study: a) 4nderstanding the arious needs and e0+ectation of e-learning soft*are for end user, &) 4nderstanding of +ositi e and negati e as+ect of Edulight soft*are and im+ro ement in it, () Researc" )et"odolo*y: a) Researc" Desi*n: Descri+ti e 5esearch Design &) Samplin*: Sim+le 5andom Sam+ling

-otal sam+ling number *ere c) Data Collection: i) Primary Source: %) 4ser data a ailable *ith the Edulight ii) Secondary Source: %) Internal secondar" data #) 5eferences &) Internet Instrument: %) 6uestionnaire #) 1bser ations d) Data +nalysis: %) 7- test ,) -imitations O! T"e Study: a) It *as limited to the onl" to SS3 .oard, b) It *as limited to Edulight user onl", c) It *as limited to Mumbai onl", d) It *as for limited +eriod of # months, .) Re!erence: %) htt+822***,edulight,net #) Edulight Maga/ine

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