Movie Review

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Movie Review 1. Devils Advocate This is a movie of a defense attorney named Kevin Lomax, played y Kean! Reeves.

"e is an effective lawyer in this movie in a way that he wins his case even if in tr!th his clients were #!ilty of committin# the crime perpet!ated y his clients ein# char#ed. The crimes ein# a lawyer. ecome correct, that is how #ood he is

"owever, the res!lt of performin# his $o well is the in$!stice that those tr!e victims #et. %ersons who sho!ld e ehind the ars ecome ac&!itted. 'n a way, he ecame a means of ma(in# people thin( that it is o( to commit a crime as lon# as there is a #ood lawyer that can defend yo!. Another character in the movie is )ohn Milton the father of Kevin Lomax, played y Al %acino. Aside from ein# )ohn Milton, he is ,at the same time, satan. "e ind!ced Kevin from committin# more sins. )ohn raped his sons wife, Mary Ann. "e wanted that Kevin with Kevins half*sister to conceived a child that will e (nown as Anti*+hrist. The moral lesson in this movie is that we sho!ld not only thin( of o!r own interest. ,e sho!ld consider others too, if the conse&!ence of s!ch happiness or fr!itf!lness is the s!fferin# of other people, then we sho!ld thin(. There is always other ways of ein# happy with life witho!t ma(in# other people in pain. Also, sometimes, we thirst for i##er reward eca!se we tho!#ht that that will ma(e !s en$oy o!r life, well in fact, it is the simple thin#s that we already have that can #ive !s tr!e $oy. )!st li(e in this movie, Kevin ecame h!n#ry for s!ccess that he already for#et his wife. -. Le#ally .londe This is a movie a o!t a londe #irl, named /lle ,oods played y Reese ,itherspoon, who entered law school to win his ex* oyfriend ac(. 0he made an application to harvard and then later on accepted y the law school. 't has een hard for her to adopt the new environment. "owever, she did not stop, she p!rs!ed on st!dyin# law even it is hard. Later, she (new that what she had with ,arner can never e re#ained

and so she ecame more determined to s!cceed on her own. 0he won an internship with her %rofessor +allahan. They defended .roo(e, a fitness instr!ctor and also a mem er of the sorority where she elon#s. 0he had .roo(es tr!st. 'n the end, it was revealed that it was the da!#hter of the deceased who accidentally (illed his father, elievin# that it was .roo(e. ,hat ' li(e most in this movie is that if yo! really wor( on what yo! want to have yo! can have it. 't showed that perseverance and determination wor(ed. All of !s may not e all that #eni!s !t eca!se of the hardship we have s!rpassed and the thin#s we sacrificed, we can #et what we want. 'n the story, /lle never #ave !p, well she almost, !t she never let the feelin# of ein# hopeless win over her. 0he fo!#ht and later #ot her reward, finishin# law school with flyin# colors. 1. Le#ally .londe -2 Red, ,hite and .londe This is the se&!el of the movie Le#ally .londe starred y Reese ,itherspoon who played /lle ,oods. /lle wanted her do# to e re!nited with her mother and so she find a way of loo(in# for her do#s mother y hirin# detectives. 0he learned that her do#s mother was ein# !sed y a company for cosmetic testin#. .eca!se of that, she was forced to #o to where her do#s mother is and to e the voice of those who cannot spea(. 0he planned to o!tlaw animal testin# which she event!ally s!cceeded on doin#. A#ain, d!e to her persistent perseverance and determination. This is a movie for animal lovers as it showed that animals too have their own ri#ht. There is also a law that protects them. )!st li(e what /lle did, she wor(ed on passin# the law a#ainst animal testin#. The movie showed that not only h!mans are protected y law, even animals. The moral lesson of the movie is that we sho!ld ta(e care of what it is in this world. 3od created it not to e destroyed. /very thin# in this world has their own f!nction and importance. .e (ind to animals.

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