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Because English is so widely spoken, it has often been referred to as a "world language", the lingua franca of the modern

era,[19] and while it is not an official language in most countries, it is currently the language most often taught as a foreign language. ome linguists belie!e that it is no longer the e"clusi!e cultural property of "nati!e English speakers", but is rather a language that is absorbing aspects of cultures worldwide as it continues to grow.[19] #t is, by international treaty, the official language for aerial and maritime communications.[$%] English is an official language of the &nited 'ations and many other international organisations, including the #nternational (lympic )ommittee. English is the language most often studied as a foreign language in the European &nion, by *9+ of schoolchildren, ahead of ,rench at %-+, while the perception of the usefulness of foreign languages amongst Europeans is $*+ in fa!our of English ahead of -.+ for ,rench.[$/] 0mong some non1 English1speaking E& countries, a large percentage of the adult population claims to be able to con!erse in English 2 in particular3 *.+ in weden, *%+ in 4enmark, 59+ in the 'etherlands, $$+ in 6u"embourg and o!er .7+ in ,inland, lo!enia, 0ustria, Belgium, and 8ermany. [$.] Books, maga9ines, and newspapers written in English are a!ailable in many countries around the world, and English is the most commonly used language in the sciences[19] with cience )itation #nde" reporting as early as 1995 that 9.+ of its articles were written in English, e!en though only half of them came from authors in English1speaking countries. :his increasing use of the English language globally has had a large impact on many other languages, leading to language shift and e!en language death,[$$] and to claims of linguistic imperialism.[$5] English itself is now open to language shift as multiple regional !arieties feed back into the language as a whole.[$5]

Push your career forward

If you want a good job in business, technology, or science,get out of that armchairand start learning English now! (If you already have a good job, start learning before you lose it!) Knowing English will let you:

Put excellent knowledge of English on yourCV. et your dream job, and earn more money. Gain technical knowledge. English is the language of technology, es!ecially high technology li"e com!uter science, genetics, and medicine. If you#re going to read about technology, you#ll !robably have to do it in English. Learn computer science. $ead technical articles without difficulty. %r write your own articles! Be a world class !usinessman (or &woman). It#s sim!le. International business is done in English. 'nd all business today is international. (o if you want to !lay, you have to "now English ) to contact other business!eo!le, go to conferences, read international business news!a!ers and maga*ines, etc. Become a !etter scientist. +ontactscientists from other countries, go to internationalconferences, visit academic centers abroad. ,earn about new scientific discoveries by reading !a!ers, boo"s, and maga*ines. "se your computer more effecti#ely. -ost com!uter a!!lications are in English, so you will understand them better) and become a betterem!loyee. Learn new skills for your $o!. .he section / etaccess to "nowledge0 e1!lains how English hel!s you learn.

Communicate with people

2e li"e to call English /the language of communication0. 2hy3 4ecause it seems all the !eo!le in the world have agreed to use English to tal" to each other.

'bout 5,677,777,777 !eo!le in the world s!ea" English. 'nother 5,777,777,777 are learning it. (source) 869 of the world#s letters and !ostcards are written in English. (source) 'lmost all internationalconferencesand com!etitions areconducted in English. :or e1am!le, the %lym!ics and the -iss 2orld contest. ;i!lomats and !oliticiansfrom different countries use English to communicate with each other. English is the main language of organi*ations li"e the <nited =ations, ='.%, and the Euro!ean :ree .rade 'ssociation.

If you can communicate in English, you can:

Contact people from all o#er the world. .al" about your ideas and o!inions on Internet discussion grou!s. (end e&mail to interesting !eo!le. ,earn about their life and culture. %ra#el more easily. +ommunicate with !eo!le wherever you go ) English is s!o"en in more than 577 countries (source).'s" directions, have a conversation, or... as" for hel!. 2ho "nows, maybe English will save your life someday!


Many books, newspapers, airports and air-traffic control, technology, sports, pop music and advertising have the English as the dominant language. In general, the universal language on the Internet is the English. The majority of the electronically stored information around the world is in English. English is one of the easiest languages to learn and to use for its simple alphabet, easy words, short words and easy plurals. ou can travel to any English speaking country without the need of have a translator. !sually, if you don"t know the language your trip would be hard and maybe you wouldn"t enjoy it. #owadays in the competitive job market it is necessary to speak English. $o if you learn English you will have a better chance of getting a job that pays more. %earn English will help you to communicate with relatives, in-laws or friends who speak a different language. English is also helpful if you are going to move to a different country because it is a &global language'. ( lot of educational information is in English) therefore to have access to this material or maybe communicate with other students it is necessary to have knowledge of English. It is necessary to learn English if you are planning to study at a foreign university or school. !sually many educational institutions will provide you preparatory courses to improve your English language skills but you have to have at least a medium level of knowledge. Many students from over *+ different countries, from ,ra-il to .apan, Morocco to !-bekistan and all points in

between, prefer to study English in !/ members.

6earning a new language is often begun at a young age and, in some schools, is continued throughout a person;s education. <hile it may be easier to learn and retain a second language at a younger age, those who are interested in learning a second language later on in life should not be discouraged. #n fact, the older a person gets, the more apparent the need for the English language becomes. )onsider the following instances in which mastery of the English language is crucial for success. 1. (btaining a =ob in an English speaking country, or ha!ing to fre>uently interact with English speaking colleagues o!erseas. <ith trading between countries is at a high, people are e"pected to speak more than one language in order to ensure the completion of a transaction. :his means that English as a second language is becoming more common and e"pected in the business community. -. 0nyone mo!ing to a country that is predominantly English speaking will need to master the English language to complete daily tasks and communicate with others on a daily basis. <ithout ha!ing knowledge of the English language it may be !ery frustrating to complete simple tasks and interact with others. %. ,or parents new to an English speaking country, learning English will not only benefit the parent, but children as well. <hen children are e"posed to English in an academic en!ironment, they typically bounce back between speaking a primary language at home and English in school. <hen parents commit to learning English as a second language it pro!ides a bonding e"perience between the parent and English speaking child, and makes communicating with the child;s school much easier. 0re you saying why is English language important to people looking for employees? @ost likely to be able to interact with other peopleAcustomers with a good attitude. Bou wouldn;t like be a customer in a shop where an employee is illiterate and unable to co1operate with you

Here are some reasons to study the English language3 tudying any language e"ercises your brain and makes you smarterC tudying English as a second language really e"ercises your brainC

tudying language teaches you how to e"press your thoughts and ideas effecti!ely tudying language teaches you how to communicate better tudying language teaches you to follow directions Dspelling and punctuationE Being able to communicate effecti!ely helps you in your =ob and your daily life by a!oiding misunderstandings Being able to communicate effecti!ely helps you to pass information to other people Being able to communicate effecti!ely helps you to understand other people English is one of the most commonly spoken languages, so learning English makes you more likely to be able to speak to people from other countries

@any books and mo!ies are a!ailable only in English, so learning English allows you to en=oy more books and mo!ies 6earning English as a common language helps people from other countries understand and get along with each other 6earning English as a common language lets you en=oy a !acation to English1speaking countries 6earning a second language is a good addition to your =ob resume 6earning a second language helps you to understand your first language e!en better as you compare different ways of speaking :here are a lot of countries that speak English so it would come in handy for going on holiday. #f you;re talking about literacy then it helps you spell and read and also helps you for the future, such as being an author. English is useful because many countries and people speak English. Fead more3 http3AAwiki.answers.comAGA<hyHshouldHyouHstudyHEnglishIi"991!nac<mJ8

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