First Conditional

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Exercise 1: Put the verbs into the right tense so as to form the First Conditional.
1. If we (come) to the party, you
.(have) fun.
2. If the weather (be) good, we
.. (go) for a picnic.
3. If you ..(eat) a lot of sweets, you
.... (get) fat.
4. If she . (call), I
(tell) her to come back earlier.
5. If Mary .. (not/ study), she
.(not pass) the exam.
6. If it .. (rain), we
.(stay) at home.
7. If you (do) your homework now, we
..(go) to the park later.
8. If I .(buy) the book, I
.(lend) it to you.
9. If we .(not / leave) now, we
(miss) the bus.
10. If we .(miss) the bus, we
(be) late.
Exercise 2: Put the verbs into the right tense so as to form the First Conditional.
1. Dad . (be) angry if we
...(get) home late.
2. If you .(come), we
.(have) a good time.
3. I (punish) you if you
(not/stop) fighting.
4. If . (break) anything, you
(have to) pay for it.
5. If I .. (miss) the bus, I
(take) a taxi.
6. You friend (forgive) you if you
7. If you . (not/leave) now, we
(call) the police.
8. If we ..(go) shopping we
(spend) a lot of money.

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9. If they . (not/invite) us we
10. If you (be/ not) careful you
(break) the vase.
Exercise 3: Put the verbs into the right tense so as to form the First Conditional.
(can / may / must/ imperative)
1. If you ..(go) without calling first he
..(may/not/be) there.
2. If we (move) to a bigger house we
(can / have) a pet.
3. If he (call)
(tell) him to come.
4. If you (not / put on) your coat you
..(may/catch) a cold.
5. If she (not/feel) well, we
.(must/call) the doctor.
6. If you .(go) now
..(I/can/come) with you?
7. If the baby .(wake up)
.(give) me a call.
8. If you ..(see) him .
(ask) him to tell you the truth.
9. You ..(must /give) Tom his toy back if he
.(ask) for it.
10. If you really .(want) pass the exam you
(can/do) it.
Exercise 4: Write type 1 conditional sentences for the following situations.
example: Please have some more ice cream (get / sick)
If I have more ice cream, I will get sick.
1. You should eat your breakfast. (be late for school)
2. Why dont you go out for a walk in the woods? (get lost)
3. Why dont you sing with us? (everybody / leave the room)
4. Have some more wine. (get drunk)
5. We should go to Italy for holidays (it/cost/a lot of money)
6. Lets stay a little bit longer (we /miss the bus)
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7. Why dont you ask her to marry you? (she/say no)

8. Lets order dessert. (we/not have enough money to pay the bill)
9. Lets take dads car to go to the beach (Dad /be angry)
10. Lets prepare dinner (mum/be/happy)

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