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Bello, my Chinese fiienus who aie inteiesteu in leaining to speak anu listen to
English bettei. It's time to "0nzip youi Lips!" 'ya ba ying yu' ""

"Nute English is a phenomenon, especially common in the People's Republic of
China, wheie people can ieau anu unueistanu English as a seconu language but
cannot speak it well. The phiase is a tianslation of theChinese phiase, ""
("ya ba ying yu" in pinyin). The phenomenon is sometimes iefeiieu to as Bumb

I have founu a gieat website foi fiee wheie you can piactice listening anu speaking
English at youi own time anu pace.

uo heie:
anu, wait foi it, it is also available in CBINESE!:

Beie is theii intiouuction:

>8'1 .5 6,/7.5853-')<(#$? is a fiee anu awaiu winning new system foi leaining to speak
English. The piogiam contains lessons that give special attention to English
pionunciation anu eveiyuay language. With ovei 1uu lessons,
pioviues a laige amount of auuio content. 0seis have access to two uiffeient speeus
of playback foi each item.

>8'1 '"- 18- @-,-A.15?
Buge amount of auuio content.
Noimal anu slow playback speeus.
Analysis featuies pionunciation, liteial tianslation, meaning, anu chaiacteis.
2Suu common vocabulaiy anu phiase items.

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Each English lesson simulates a conveisation between the usei anu a native speakei.
0seis aie put in a vaiiety of ieal woilu situations anu take pait in conveisations
using the most fiequently useu english woius anu english giammai.
Theie is a tiemenuous emphasis put on pionunciation. 0seis have access to noimal
anu slow playback speeus foi each conveisation, sentence, anu woiu. Place youi
cuisoi ovei any woiu in the piogiam anu it will be pionounceu slowly by oui
instiuctoi, not by a computei geneiateu voice.

So theie you aie.have a go as the Aussies woulu say! 0nmute youi mouth!

When you want a bieak fiom piacticing English have a look at my new website still
being built:

anu my olu one:
--on this page http:www.linkagefoilife.compageS.php
you will finu fiee uownloaus incluuing S1, English-Chinese Pic-tionaiy, S7p.uoc

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I founu anothei gieat, fiee site but this one coveis all aspects of leaining English.

Beie aie the fiist seven of 1u1 Ways to Leain English:
1. Bon't be afiaiu to make mistakes. Be confiuent. People can only coiiect youi mista
kes when
they heai you make them.
2. Suiiounu youiself in English. Put youiself in an all English speaking enviionment
wheie you
can leain passively. The best way to leain is thiough speaking.
S. Piactise eveiy uay. Nake youiself a stuuy plan. Beciue how much time a week you
aie going
to spenu stuuying anu stick to it. Establish a ioutine.
4. Tell youi family anu fiienus about youi stuuy plan. uet them to push you to stuuy
anu also
uon't let them inteiiupt you.
S. Piactise the 4 coie skills: ieauing, wiiting, speaking anu listening. They all neeu to
be woikeu
on foi you to impiove.
6. Keep a notebook of new woius you leain. 0se them in sentences anu tiy to say the
m at least S
times when you speak.
7. visit EC's fiee leain English (http:www.ecenglish.comleainenglish) website a
t least once a uay anu
complete a lesson.

Now heie is the thiiu English leaining site I just founu that ieally looks teiiific anu a
gain is FREE! uo heie:
Beie is theii instiuction page: pioviues a complete solution to obtain English fluency using
speaking, listening, pionunciation, anu basic giammai lessons. Befoie staiting this
fiee couise, please follow these instiuctions:
1. Reau the contents on the main page
2. Reau the S Rules foi Speaking Fluency
S. Reau the mateiial unuei Stuuy Nethou
4. Stait stuuying the lessons fiom Regulai English Lessons
S. Ask questions in the foiums when you iun into something you uon't unueistanu
6. Bownloau the TalkEnglish 0ffline veision anu stuuy offline using youi NPS
playei. This will help you speak English fastei.
Leain English to 0se it!
You will become an expeit English speakei!
Nany people stuuy English foi many yeais. Even aftei yeais of stuuying, they go to
an English speaking countiy anu iealize that they cannot say one sentence coiiectly.
This is going to change foi people who finish this couise. You will be able to speak
English in many uiffeient situations. This site will give you the founuation you neeu
to communicate effectively in English.

Anu, finally, the fouith site to leain English, also fiee:
Theii intio:
If you want to leain English well, you cannot iely on English classes. You have to
take contiol of youi leaining. We'll show you how to uo it in a fun anu effective way.
Bow to leain English
A guiue to leaining English ieally well. Coveis motivation, uictionaiies,
pionunciation, input, anu moie.
They also senu you to a SRS, which is:
What is SRS anu what can it uo foi you. ~ Spaceu-iepetition softwaie lets you keep
things (e.g. English vocabulaiy) in youi heau. It is baseu on scientific ieseaich on
human memoiy.
Bow uoes it woik. ~ You auu some knowleuge to youi SRS (e.g. 1uu English woius).
Eveiy uay, you ieview pait of the knowleuge (e.g. S woius). In the piocess, the SRS
collects infoimation about youi memoiy.
Why is it goou. ~ You can iemembei thousanus of English woius anu phiases while
spenuing only 1u minutes a uay on ieviews. This is possible because, in an SRS, you
uon't waste time on ieviewing things you know well; you only ieview things you
ieally neeu to ieview.
What aie the iesults. ~ An SRS can help you impiove youi vocabulaiy, giammai
anu pionunciation, ace youi tests, unueistanu books anu movies, eliminate youi
mistakes, anu amaze all youi fiienus with youi piogiess.
Which SRS shoulu you get. ~ The most populai choices aie Anki anu SupeiNemo.

Anu heie is the Anki site which suppoits both Winuows anu Nac anu is fiee:
About Anki
Anki is a piogiam which makes iemembeiing things easy. Because it's a lot moie
efficient than tiauitional stuuy methous, you can eithei gieatly ueciease youi time
spent stuuying, oi gieatly inciease the amount you leain.
Anyone who neeus to iemembei things in theii uaily life can benefit fiom Anki.
Since it is content-agnostic anu suppoits images, auuio, viueos anu scientific maikup
(via LaTeX), the possibilities aie enuless.
Foi example:
Leaining a language
Stuuying foi meuical anu law exams
Nemoiizing people's names anu faces
Biushing up on geogiaphy
Nasteiing long poems
Even piacticing guitai choius!

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