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September 29-30, 2009 George Washington University Cafritz Conference Center, Washington DC Conference Program: At a Glance

September 3, 2009 version, which is subject to change without notice

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

7:308:45am 8:459:15 am 9:1510:00am 10:0010:15am 10:15am12:15pm Tracks Conference Registration Welcome and Conference Overview
Ms. Fiona Macaulay, Founder and President, Making Cents International

Keynote Speakers Plenary

Mr. Jim Clifton, Chairman and CEO, Gallup

Transition Break 2-Hour Sessions: What Do We Know for Sure? 1: Program Design 2: Policy & & Implementation Advocacy 3: Monitoring, Evaluation & Impact Assessment 4: Partnerships 5: Cross-Cutting

Making Cents International 1155 30th Street, NW, Suite 300 * ph: +1 202-783-4090 * fax: +1 202-783-4091 * email: * Skype: makingcentsinfo * email:

Livelihood Accompaniment: Transitioning Youth from Training to the Real World: Examples from Haiti and TimorLeste -Mr. Adelio Tilman, Learning and Training Specialist, Preparing Us for Work Project (Timor-Leste) -Mr. Luis da Cunha, Market Development Associate, Preparing Us for Work Project (Timor-Leste) -Ms. Cornelia Janke, Director of the Eastern European and Central Asian Regional Center and Leader of the Institutional Learning Team, Education Development Center (USA) -Mr. Gary Barois, Youth Entrepreneur and Graduate of IDEJEN Project (Haiti)

Making the Case for Entrepreneurship Education Internationally -Ms. Joni Simpson, Womens & Youth Entrepreneurship Specialist, International Labour Organization (Switzerland) -Mr. Klaus Haftendorn, Senior Specialist, International Labour Organization (Switzerland) -Ms. Perihan Tawfik, KAB Project Assistant for Egypt and North Africa / KAB Trainer, International

Youth Participation in Evaluating Youth Employment Programs: The Cases of San Francisco and Philadelphia -Ms. Jennifer Lyle, Vice President of Education and Training, Youth Leadership Institute, San Francisco, California (USA) - Ms. Alise Vincent, Education and Research Program Assistant, Youth Leadership Institute, San Francisco, California (USA) -Mr. Darren Spielman, Vice President of Workforce Development, Philadelphia Youth Network, Philadelphia,

Experiences of the Private Sector: What Can We Learn to Create HighImpact Partnerships? - Ms. Christina Gold, President and CEO, Western Union (USA) - Mr. Vidal Rodriguez, Catapillar (USA) - Ms. Dina Habib Powell, Director of Global Corporate Engagement, Goldman Sachs Group (USA) Moderator: Mr. Jorge de los Santos, Commissioner for Strategic Planning, Mexico City (Mexico)

Early Lessons Learned: Adapting Value Chain Methodology to Target Youth Populations. Examples from Pakistan, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya -Ms. Jacqueline Bass, Senior Manager, Economic Growth, Emerging Markets Group (USA) -Ms. Victoria Francis, Director, Emerging Markets Group (USA) -Ms. Amneh Shaikh, Programme Manager, Entrepreneurship and Community Development Institute (Pakistan) -Ms. Perveen Shaikh, Founder and President Entrepreneurship and Community Development Institute (Pakistan) -Ms. Seema Khurram, Research Associate, Entrepreneurship and Community Development

Making Cents International 1155 30th Street, NW, Suite 300 * ph: +1 202-783-4090 * fax: +1 202-783-4091 * email: * Skype: makingcentsinfo * email:

-Mr. Isnel Pierreval, Youth Program Coordinator, IDEJEN Project (Haiti)

Labour Organization (Egypt) -Mr. Robert Nelson, Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois (USA)

Pennsylvania (USA) -Mr. C. Kemal Nance, Director of Youth Leadership Initiatives, Philadelphia Youth Network, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA) -Ms. Suezan Lee, Education Specialist, USAID (USA) (moderator)

Institute (Pakistan)


Option 1: USAID Lunch Meeting Do you want to learn about how your initiatives align with USAID's funding priorities? Have lunch with USAID advisors and program managers in education, microenterprise, PEPFAR, and the Global Development Alliance (GDA). Space is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. This lunch session will be interactive, engaging, and informative! Option 2: Where in the World Would You Like to Eat Lunch? Grab your lunch and travel to a region of the world where you're working or planning to work on youth enterprise, employment, and/or livelihoods development. When you arrive, you'll meet many others who are working towards similar objectives in the same region. Share your ideas and experiences, swap business cards, and explore ways you can collaborate with the others in the future. Travel agents will be disguised as table facilitators to guide the discussion. Option 3: Open For those interested in eating lunch outside the structured activities, please feel free to sit at any of the unmarked tables in the Continental Ballroom, or take your lunch to the terrace if the weather is nice. Youre also welcome to purchase your lunch from the food court on the first level of this building.


Plenary Panel: Leveraging Technology to Reach Scale

Making Cents International 1155 30th Street, NW, Suite 300 * ph: +1 202-783-4090 * fax: +1 202-783-4091 * email: * Skype: makingcentsinfo * email:


Mr. Tim Dubel, Director, Global Community Affairs, Microsoft Corporation Mr. Craig Newmark, Founder, Craigs List Mr. Mathew Taylor, World Ahead Senior Solutions Architect, Intel Moderator: Mr. Alex Counts, Founder and President, Grameen Foundation

2:453:00pm 3:004:30pm Tracks

Transition Break 1.5-Hour Sessions: Ideas in Development to Achieve Our 2020 Vision 1: Program Design & Implementation
Designing for Scale: What Can We Learn from BRAC? -Mr. Ariful Islam, Country Director, BRAC Uganda (Uganda) -Mr. Abebual Zerihun, Research Coordinator, BRAC Uganda (Uganda) -Mr. Eric Rusten, Director for New Ventures, Academy for Education Development (USA)

1: Program Design & Implementation

Integrating IncomeGenerating Activities that Really Make Money for Programs to Achieve Sustainability - Mr. Machiel Pouw, Regional Director, Ujima Foundation (Kenya) - Mr. Marc van de Giessen, Director and co-Founder, Ujima Foundation (Kenya) - Ms. Mary Liz Kehler, Director of

2: Policy & Advocacy

Creating Entrepreneurs Requires an Educational Policy and Pipeline -Mr. Asher Epstein, Managing Director Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship, University of Maryland (USA) -Dr. Chyi-lyi (Kathleen) Liang, Department of Community Development and Applied Economics, University of Vermont

4: Partnerships
Innovative MultiSectoral Partnerships that Promote Youth Entrepreneurship: Cases from Central America and India -Mr. Addison Embry, Youth Entrepreneurship Program, ASDIR Microfinance Institution (Guatemala) -Mr. Jerry Hilderbrand, Executive Director, Global Center for Social Entrepreneurship,

5: Cross-Cutting
Making Innovation Work for Youth in Conflict Settings: Micro-franchising: Examples from Sierra Leone, Nepal, and Afghanistan -Ms. Radha Rajkotia, Technical Advisor for Youth and Livelihoods for West Africa, International Rescue Committee (USA) -Ms. Lili-Marguerite Stern, Youth and Livelihoods Technical Advisor, International Rescue Committee

Making Cents International 1155 30th Street, NW, Suite 300 * ph: +1 202-783-4090 * fax: +1 202-783-4091 * email: * Skype: makingcentsinfo * email:

Planning, Fundacion Paraguaya (Paraguay)

(USA) -Mr. Horace Roberston, Consortium for Entrepreneurship Education (USA)

University of the Pacific (USA) -Mr. Grant Ennis, Katalysis Microfinance Network (USA) -Ms. Jessica Brownlow, Social Responsibility, Otis McAllister (USA) -Dr. Vineeta Gupta, Program Officer for South Asia, Global Fund for Children (USA)

(USA) -Ms. Natasha Cassinath, Senior Program Manager, Street Kids International (USA)

4:304:45pm 4:455:45pm

Transition Break Youth Plenary Panel: Young People Highlight What Makes a Difference
Panelists: Mr. Gary Barois (Haiti) Mr. John Guerra (Colombia) Ms. Helen Fabiola Morales Argollo (Bolivia)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

7:308:30am Conference Registration

Making Cents International 1155 30th Street, NW, Suite 300 * ph: +1 202-783-4090 * fax: +1 202-783-4091 * email: * Skype: makingcentsinfo * email:

8:308:35am 8:359:30am 9:309:45am 9:4510:55am Tracks

Welcome and Overview of Focus on Finance Opening Speakers: State of the Sector of Youth-Inclusive Financial Services (Main Ballroom Transition Break Breakout Sessions: Financial Services for Youth in Practice 1: Savings 2: Credit 3: Savings and Credit
Wants and Needs: Understanding and Designing for Your Clients - Ms. Farzana Kashfi, Head of SOFEA Program, BRAC (Bangladesh) - Mr. Iqbal Ahammed, Executive Director, Pakhadep (Bangladesh) - Ms. Jessica Massie, Training Officer, Microfinance Opportunities (USA)

Designing, Partnering and Delivering Market Research and Partnerships Savings Services for Youth: Do You for Better Health - Financial and Have What It Takes? Otherwise! Credit Products That Work for Youth - Mr. Chandula Abeywickrema, Deputy General Manager, Hatton - Ms. Taara Chandani, Associate , National Bank (Sri Lanka) Banyan Global (USA/Uganda) - Ms. Sara De Paz-Castro, Advocacy - Ms. Lara Storm-Swire, Executive, Aflatoun (The Relationship Manager, ProMujer Netherlands) (USA/ Bolivia) - Mr. Ben Shell, Associate, Women's - Mr. Wilson Twamuhabwa, World Banking (USA/Mongolia) General Manager, Equity Bank (Uganda) Moderator: Ms. Beth Porter, Director, Youth-Inclusive Financial Services Linkage Program (YFSLink), Making Cents International (USA)

Making Cents International 1155 30th Street, NW, Suite 300 * ph: +1 202-783-4090 * fax: +1 202-783-4091 * email: * Skype: makingcentsinfo * email:

10:5511:05am 11:05am12:20pm Tracks

Transition Break Breakout Sessions: Financial Services for Youth in Practice 1: Savings
Capture and Release: Capturing Understanding through Market Research to Releasing Creativity in Marketing Savings Products - Ms. Karen Austrian, Population Council (Kenya) - Ms. Lalaine Gepaya, General Manager, Panabo Multi-Purpose Cooperative (The Philippines) - Ms. Corinne Wairimu Ngurukie, Financial Systems Consultant, MicroSave (Kenya) Moderator: Ms. Madeline Hirschland, Independent Consultant (USA)

2: Credit

3: Savings and Credit

To the Frontiers: Using Informal Tools that Work for You and Your Financial Mechanisms to Reach Clients Too! Using Surveys and Impact Studies to Design and Improve Further and Deeper Credit Products and Services - Mr. Famari Barro, West Africa Program Manager, Plan USA (Niger) Ms. Selma Cilimkovic, Market - Ms. Anathalie Mukankusi, Research Officer, Partner MKO Economic Strengthening Officer, (Bosnia) Catholic Relief Services (Rwanda) Ms. Jennifer Denomy , Project - Ms. Shahana Nazneen, Adolescent Manager, Mennonite Economic Development Program Manager, Save Development the Children (Bangladesh) Associates(Canada/Morocco) Mr. Adil Sadoq, Field Project Moderator: Ms. Veronica Torres, Manager, Mennonite Economic Youth Enterprise and Livelihoods Development Associates Lead Specialist, Making Cents (Canada/Morocco) International Moderator: Ms. Nancy Natilson, Financial Services Specialist, Making Cents International


Youth-Inclusive Financial Services: 2020 Visions

Making Cents International 1155 30th Street, NW, Suite 300 * ph: +1 202-783-4090 * fax: +1 202-783-4091 * email: * Skype: makingcentsinfo * email:


Option 1: Continue the Discussion After learning about and sharing approaches, experiences, and ideas during the Focus on Finance, continue the discussion over lunch with colleagues in the Continental Ballroom. Discuss how you and your organization are working to increase the access young people have to financial services, and how you can collaborate to build and strengthen this sector. Option 2: Open You are also welcome to take your lunch to the terrace, if the weather is nice, or make a purchase in the food court on the first level of the building.

1:302:30pm Tracks

1-Hour Sessions: Tools You Can Use Today 1: Program Design & Implementation
A Livelihoods Conceptual Framework that Works for ConflictAffected Youth -Mr. Dale Buscher, Womens Refugee Commission (USA)

2: Policy & Advocacy

Partnerships that Impact Policymaking and Take Youth Entrepreneurship Programs to Scale -Mr. Henry Clarke Kisembo, Resource Mobilization, Youth Employment

3: Monitoring, Evaluation & Impact Assessment

Managing Towards Performance: Assessing Evaluation Methodologies for Measuring Outcomes in Various Contexts -Ms. Bobbi Gray, Research and Evaluation Specialist, Freedom from Hunger (USA)

4: Partnerships
Hoteliers Becoming Teachers: What are the Tools You Can Use to Build Partnerships with the Hotel Industry that Enable Employability Skills Training for Disadvantaged Youth?

5: Cross-Cutting

Short-Term Course, Long-Term Benefit: Youth Employment Readiness Training in Vietnam -Mr. Christopher Bane, Project Consultant, Plan International Vietnam (Vietnam) - Dr. Pamela Young, Sr. Basic Education

Making Cents International 1155 30th Street, NW, Suite 300 * ph: +1 202-783-4090 * fax: +1 202-783-4091 * email: * Skype: makingcentsinfo * email:

Systems Rwanda (Rwanda)

-Mr. Alberto Canovas, Programme Manager, Youth Career Inititaitve, International BVusiness Leaders Forum (U.K.) -Ms. Andrea Jones, Americas Director, International Business Leaders Forum (U.K.) -Ms. Mari Snyder, Vice President, Social Responsibility and Community Engagement, Marriott Lodging International (USA)

Advisor, Plan USA (USA) -Ms. Pham Thi Thanh Tam, Director, REACH Vietnam (Vietnam)

2:302:45pm 2:45-3:45

Transition Break 1-Hour Sessions: Market-Driven Field Tested Approaches

Youth Today, Leaders Tomorrow: Giving a New Web-Based Resources that Holistic Programming for Increasing School-Based Experiential Tackling M&E Challenges in

Making Cents International 1155 30th Street, NW, Suite 300 * ph: +1 202-783-4090 * fax: +1 202-783-4091 * email: * Skype: makingcentsinfo * email:

Better Start to Youth in Conflict-Affected Areas -Ms. Sally Iadarola, Managing Director, Community Development and Stabilization, ACDI/VOCA (USA) -Ms. Lindsey Jones, Monitoring and Evaluation Director, ACDI/VOCA (USA) -Ms. Ruth Campbell, Managing Director of Enterprise Development, ACDI/VOCA (USA)

Provide Tools for You and Your Programs -Mr. Matthew Giorghiou, CEO and Lead Software Designer, MediaSpark, Inc. (Canada) -Mr. Dan Salcedo, Founder and CEO, (USA)

Employment Opportunities for Youth. Example from Niger -Ms. Sara Ward, Director of Market Development , Mercy Corps (USA)

Learning Initiatives that Build Entrepreneurship and Employment Opportunities for Youth.

Measuring Outcomes of Youth Workforce Development Projects

Ms. Laura Meissner, Senior Manager, The SEEP Network -Ms. Michelle (USA) Carhart, - Ms. Stephanie Executive Chen, Partnership Director, Development and Financial Literacy Communications Foundation Manager, Making (USA) Cents International -Ms. Melissa (USA) Leasher, Director of Program Development, Junior Achievement Arizona (USA)

3:454:00pm 4:00pm 5:15pm

Transition Break Plenary Funders Panel: How Can You Partner with Funders?
Mr. Luigi Laraia, Research Specialist, Caribbean Development Bank (Barbados) Ms. Stacey Sechrest Carder, Citi (USA) Mr. Ron Cordes, Founder, Cordes Foundation (USA) Mr. David Myhre, Director of Microfinance, The MasterCard Foundation (Canada) Mr. Dave Peery, Founder and CEO, Peery Foundation (USA)

Making Cents International 1155 30th Street, NW, Suite 300 * ph: +1 202-783-4090 * fax: +1 202-783-4091 * email: * Skype: makingcentsinfo * email:

Dr. Clare Ignatowski, Workforce Development and Youth Specialist, USAID (USA) Moderator: Mr. Andrew Baird, Director of International Programs, Making Cents International (USA)

5:15pm 5:45pm 6:00pm 10:00pm

Closing Session and Launch of New Initiatives

Ms. Beth Porter, Director, Youth-Inclusive Financial Services Initiative, Making Cents International (USA) Mr. Alan Fleischmann, Managing Director, ImagineNations Group (USA) Ms. Fiona Macaulay, President, Making Cents International (USA)

Closing Reception Hosted by the Network of DC Youth Organizations (NDCYO)

K Street Lounge 1301 K Street, NW Washington, DC 20005

Making Cents International 1155 30th Street, NW, Suite 300 * ph: +1 202-783-4090 * fax: +1 202-783-4091 * email: * Skype: makingcentsinfo * email:

All Presenters:

Ms. Chandula Abeywickrema, Hatton National Bank (Sri Lanka) Mr. Iqbal Ahammed, Executive Director, Padakhep (Bangladesh) Ms. Karen Austrian, Staff Associate, Population Council (Kenya) Mr. Andrew Baird, Director of International Programs, Making Cents International (USA) Mr. Christopher Bane, Project Consultant, Plan International Vietnam (Vietnam) Mr.Gary Barois, Youth Entrepreneur and Graduate of IDEJEN Project (Haiti)

Ms. Suezan Lee, Education Specialist, USAID (USA) Dr. Chyi-lyi (Kathleen) Liang, Department of Community Development and Applied Economics, University of Vermont (USA) Ms. Jennifer Lyle, Vice President of Education & Training, Youth Leadership Institute, San Francisco, California (USA) Ms. Fiona Macaulay, Founder and President, Making Cents International (USA) Ms. Jessica Massie, Training Officer, Microfinance Opportunities (USA) Ms. Laura Meissner, Senior Program Manager, The SEEP Network (USA)

Mr. Famari Barro, West Africa Program Manager, Plan USA (Niger) Ms. Helen Fabiola Morales Argollo, Youth Entrepreneur (Bolivia) Ms. Jacqueline Bass, Senior Manager, Economic Growth, Emerging Markets Group (USA) Ms. Jessica Brownlow, Social Responsibility, Otis McAllister (USA) Ms. Judith Bruce, Senior Associate, Population Council (USA) Mr. Dale Buscher, Women's Refugee Commission (USA) Ms. Ruth Campbell, Managing Director of Enterprise Development, ACDI/VOCA (USA) Mr. David Myhre, Director of Microfinance, The MasterCard Foundation (Canada) Mr. C Kemal Nance, Director of Youth Leadership Initiatives, Philadelphia Youth Network, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA) Ms. Shahana Nanzeen, Adolescent Development Program Manager, Save Ms. Anathalie Mukankusi, Economic Strengthening Officer, Catholic Relief Services (Rwanda)

Making Cents International 1155 30th Street, NW, Suite 300 * ph: +1 202-783-4090 * fax: +1 202-783-4091 * email: * Skype: makingcentsinfo * email:

Mr. Alberto Canovas, Programme Manager, Youth Career Initiative, International Business Leaders Forum (U.K.) Ms. Michelle Carhart, Executive Director, Financial Literacy Foundation (USA) Ms. Natasha Cassinath, Senior Program Manager, Street Kids International (USA) Ms. Sara de Castro Paz, Advocacy Executive, Aftatoun (The Netherlands)

the Children (Bangladesh) Ms. Nancy Natilson, Financial Services Specialist, Making Cents International (USA) Ms. Candace Nelson, Consultant, Microfinance Opportunities (USA) Mr. Robert Nelson, Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois (USA) Mr. Craig Newmark, Founder, craigslist (USA)

Ms. Taara Chandani, Senior Microenterprise Specialist, Banyan Global (USA) Ms. Corrinne Ngurukie, Consultant, Microsave Consulting (Kenya) Ms. Stephanie Chen, Partnerships & Communications Manager, Making Cents International (USA) Ms. Selma Cilimkovic, Market Research Officer, Partner MKO (Bosnia) Mr. Dave Peery, Founder and CEO, Peery Foundation (USA) Mr. Jim Clifton, Chairman and CEO, Gallup (USA) Mr. Isnel Pierreval, Youth Program Coordinator, IDEJEN project (Haiti) Mr. Ron Cordes, Founder, Cordes Foundation (USA) Mr. Alex Counts, Founder and President, Grameen Foundation (USA) Mr. Luis da Cunha, Market Development Associate, "Preparing Us for Work" Project (Timor-Leste) Ms. Jennifer Denomy, Senior Consultant/Project Manager, MEDA (USA) Ms. Sara De Paz-Castro, Advocacy Executive, Aflatoun (The Netherlands) Mr. Tim Dubel, Director, Global Community Affairs, Microsoft Corporation Mr. Addison Embry, Youth Entrepreneurship Program, ASDIR Microfinance Ms. Beth Porter, Director, Youth-Inclusive Financial Services Initiative, Making Cents International (USA) Mr. Machiel Pouw, Regional Director, Ujima Foundation (Kenya) Ms. Dina Habib Powell, Director of Global Corporate Engagement, Mr. Pawan Patil, Chief Executive Officer, Partnership for Youth Investment, World Bank (Qatar)

Goldman Sachs Group (USA)

Ms. Radha Rajkotia, Technical Advisor for Youth & Livelihoods for West Africa, International Rescue Committee (USA)

Making Cents International 1155 30th Street, NW, Suite 300 * ph: +1 202-783-4090 * fax: +1 202-783-4091 * email: * Skype: makingcentsinfo * email:

Institution (Guatemala) Mr. Grant Ennis, Katalysis Microfinance Network (USA) Mr. Asher Epstein, Managing Director, Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship, University of Maryland (USA) Mr. Alan Fleischmann, Managing Director, ImagineNations Group Ms. Victoria Francis, Director, Emerging Markets Group (USA) Ms. Lalaine Gepaya, Panabo Multi-Purpose Cooperative (PMPC) (The Philippines) Mr. Mathew Giorghiou, CEO and Lead Software Designer, MediaSpark Inc. (Canada) Ms. Christina Gold, President and CEO, Western Union (USA) Ms. Bobbi Gray, Research and Evaluation Specialist, Freedom from Hunger (USA) Mr. John Guerra, Founder, DUTO and the IRIS Project (Colombia) Dr. Vineeta Gupta, Program Officer for South Asia, Global Fund for Children (USA) Mr. Klaus Haftendorn, Senior Specialist, International Labour Organization (Switzerland) Mr. Jerry Hildebrand, Executive Director, Global Center for Social

Mr. Horace Robertson, Consortium for Entrepreneurship Education (USA) Mr. Vidal Rodriguez, Caterpillar (USA) Mr. Eric Rusten, Director for New Ventures, Academy for Educational Development (USA) Mr. Dan Salcedo, Founder and CEO, (USA) Mr. Jorge de los Santos, Commissioner for Strategic Planning, Mexico City (Mexico) Ms. Stacey Sechrest Carder, Director, Office of Financial Education, Citi Ms. Amneh Shaikh, Programme Manager, Entrepreneurship and Community Development Institute (Pakistan) Ms. Perveen Shaikh, Founder and President, Entrepreneurship and Community Development Institute (Pakistan) Mr. Ben Shell, Associate, Womens World Banking (USA) Ms. Joni Simpson, Women's & Youth Entrepreneurship Specialist, International Labour Organization (Swizterland) Ms. Mari Snyder, Vice President, Social Responsibility & Community Engagement, Marriott International (USA) Mr. Darren Spielman, Vice President of Workforce Development, Philadelphia Youth Network, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA) Ms. Lili-Marguerite Stern, Youth & Livelihoods Technical Advisor,

Making Cents International 1155 30th Street, NW, Suite 300 * ph: +1 202-783-4090 * fax: +1 202-783-4091 * email: * Skype: makingcentsinfo * email:

Entrepreneurship, University of the Pacific (USA) Ms. Madeline Hirschland, Independent Consultant (USA) Ms. Sally Iadarola, Managing Director, Community Development and Stabilization, ACDI/VOCA (USA) Dr. Clare Ignatowski, Workforce Development and Youth Specialist, USAID (USA) Mr. Ariful Islam, Country Director, BRAC Uganda (Uganda)

International Rescue Committee (USA)

Ms. Lara Storm-Swire, Relationship Manager, ProMujer (USA/Bolivia) Ms. Perihan Tawfik, KAB Project Assistant for Egypt and North Africa / KAB Trainer, International Labour Organization (Egypt)
Mr. Mathew Taylor, World Ahead Senior Solutions Architect, Intel (USA) Ms. Pham Thi Thanh Tam, Director, REACH VN (Vietnam)

Ms. Cornelia Janke, Director of the Eastern European and Central Asian Regional Mr. Adelio Tilman, Learning and Training Specialist, "Preparing Us For Center and Leader of the Institutional Learning Team, Education Development Work" Project (Timor-Leste) Center (USA) Ms. Andrea Jones, Americas Director, International Business Leaders Forum (U.K.) Ms. Lindsey Jones, Monitoring & Evaluation Director, ACDI/VOCA (USA) Ms. Farzana Kashfi, Head of SOFEA Program, BRAC (Bangladesh) Ms. Mary Liz Kehler, Director of Planning, Fundacion Paraguaya (Paraguay) Ms. Seema Khurram, Research Associate, Entrepreneurship and Community Development Institute (Pakistan) Mr. Henry Clarke Kisembo, Resource Mobilization, Youth Employment Systems Rwanda (Rwanda) Ms. Veronica Torres, Youth Enterprise and Livelihoods Lead Specialist, Making Cents International (USA) Mr. Wilson Twamuhabwa, General Manager, Equity Bank Uganda (Uganda) Mr. Marc van de Giessen, Director and co-Founder, Ujima

Foundation (Kenya)
Ms. Alise Vincent, Education and Research Program Assistant, Youth Leadership Institute, San Francisco, California (USA) Ms. Sara Ward, Director of Market Development, Mercy Corps (USA) Dr. Pamela Young, Senior Basic Education Advisor, Plan USA (USA)

Making Cents International 1155 30th Street, NW, Suite 300 * ph: +1 202-783-4090 * fax: +1 202-783-4091 * email: * Skype: makingcentsinfo * email:

Mr. Luigi Laraia, Social Researcher, Caribbean Development Bank (Barbados) Mr. Abebual Zerihun, Research Coordinator, BRAC Uganda (Uganda) Ms. Melissa Leasher, Director of Program Development, Junior Achievement Arizona (USA) Ms. Jamie Zimmerman, Deputy Director, Global Assets Project of New America Foundation (USA)

Making Cents International 1155 30th Street, NW, Suite 300 * ph: +1 202-783-4090 * fax: +1 202-783-4091 * email: * Skype: makingcentsinfo * email:

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