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Anna Hazare's 17 points

The next parliament which the people will elect will not be against the constitution, but will fulfill the aspirations of the people as envisaged by constitution. The newly elected parliament will implement the following programmes in one year. 1. To eradicate corruption, Lokpal and Lokayukta (in states) will be set up immediately. or transparency in government functioning the new parliament will pass the citi!en "harter bill and whistle#blower protection bill. $n addition, every file related to government%s decisions (other than external affairs and defence) will be made public after & years, and be uploaded on the $nternet . &. 'illages will be made the basic administrative units and 'illage councils ((ram sabhas) will be given legislative powers. )ust as the "abinet is answerable to the *arliament, the panchayat will be answerable to the (ram sabha. $n every village, a self managed and self sustained rural economy will be established. +. To get rid of unemployment, implement a village centric policy for industriali!ation of the agriculture sector. ,. The Land -c.uisition -ct will be amended to protect the farmers so that no one can grab their land. - new credit policy will be created for the farmers. $n addition a new orest law will be enacted which will restore the rights of the tribal people and forest dwellers. /. $n the energy sector self sufficiency will be the goal and every village will have its own power station and everyone will be able to produce energy for their own re.uirement. This will be a five year goal. 0. 1evelopment of modern infra#structure will be top most priority. 2. "omprehensive electoral reforms will be introduced, so that corrupt individuals and criminals cannot become the people%s representatives. 3ight to re4ect and right to recall will be implemented. 5. *rivati!ation of rivers and lakes will be stopped immediately. - new system for water harvesting and distribution will be brought whereby everyone gets water for drinking and irrigation. 6. "omprehensive changes will be made in the delivery of healthcare services so that it will reach every village. 7very senior citi!en will be provided with free medical care.

18. or the development of socially and economically backward minorities recommendations of the 3angnath 9ishra commission and :elkar committee report will be immediately implemented. or the economic progress of all other poor, special schemes will be launched. 11. $mportant changes will be introduced in the )udicial system whereby the poor will be heard, and get speedy 4ustice. $n addition laws will be introduced to root out communalism. 1&. - ;ew education policy will be created which will correlate education and employment for the youth. 1+. <lack money deposited in foreign banks will be declared as national assets, and will be brought back to the country. 1,. - tough law will be enforced against food adulteration. adulterers will be handed life imprisonment. 1/. $nflation will be brought under control by tackling its ma4or contributors, namely, corruption and bad planning. The right to fix rates for diesel, petrol and cooking gas will be brought back to the government. 10. - new law will be formulated for 4udicious use of national resources. *rivati!ation of minerals will be stopped, so that no private company can plunder the country%s natural resources. 3ampant foreign investment will be stopped. 12. ;ew Tax policy will be implemented and the current tax regime that plunders the people will be scrapped. =e swear we will build a true democracy, an $ndia where poor people from all strata of society will progress. -nna >a!are

translated from the original >indi document

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