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INPUT DEVICES ----------------------An input device is an electromechanical device that accepts data from the outside word and

translates them into a form that the computer can interpret A wide ran!e of input devices are present" we will #e stud$in! % ' ( ) + , 0 1 3 %4 %% %' &e$#oard mouse trac&#all *o$stic& scanner -./ #ar-code reader .IC/ di!iti2er card reader voice reco!nition we# cam video cameras

% 5E67-A/D 8 The$ allow data entr$ into a computer s$stem #$ pressin! a set of &e$s which are neatl$ mounted on a &e$#oard connected to the computer s$stem The$ are classified as two t$pes8 !eneral purpose and special purpose 9a: !eneral purpose ; the$ are so called as the$ have enou!h &e$s to ma&e them useful for an$ t$pe of application The most popular is the %4% &e$s <=E/T6 &e$#oard It is so called as the upper left row of letters #e!ins with si> letters <"="E"/"T"6 9#: Special purpose &e$#oard ; are developed for some special purpose not as versatile li&e a !eneral purpose E>ample the point of sale 9P-S: terminal used in supermar&et ' P-INT AND D/A=6 DEVICES8 It was soon reali2ed that interactin! with computers in te>t mode was ver$ cum#ersome and time consumin! ?ence" a new t$pe of interface called !raphical user interface 9@UI: was devised with the computers The @UI provides a user a screen full of !raphics icons 9small ima!es on the screen: or menus and allow the user to ma&e a rapid selection form the displa$ed icon or menus to !ive instructions to the computer 9A: .-USE 8 is the most popular point and draw device The mouse is a hand held device which can comforta#l$ fit in a userAs palm It rolls on a small #earin! and has one or more #uttons on top =hen the user rolls the mouse across the flat surface the !raphic cursor move on the screen of the VDU9visual displa$ unit: in the direction of the mouse movement The !raphic cursor is usuall$ in the form of a arrow or hand

The followin! are five simple techniBues which are used to carr$ out various operations % ' point ; means to move the mouse to the correct position clic& ; to clic& means to press and release the left mouse #utton once It allows the section of the menu item represented #$ the icon which is currentl$ #ein! pointed to #$ the !raphics cursor The ri!ht cursor is used to call up a menu options dou#le clic& ; means to press and release the left #utton twice inn rapid succession It allows e>ecution of the pro!ram represented #$ the icon" which is currentl$ #ein! pointed to #$ the !raphics user simultaneous clic& ; means to press and release #oth the left and ri!ht mouse to!ether The actual functionalit$ for simultaneous varies from software pac&a!e to pac&a!e dra! ; To dra! means to position the !raphics cursor over the !iven item" then depress the #utton and hold it down as the cursor is moved on the screen 6ou ma$ dra! a icon to chan!e its location on the screen To draw !raphics o#*ects such as line" circles" curves etc

( ) +

97: T/AC57ACC It is similar to a mouse #ut its #all that is at the #ase of a mouse is place on the top alon! with the #uttons in case of a tac&#all To move the !raphics cursor around the screen "the #all is rolled with the fin!ers The whole device is not moved for movin! the cursor hence the trac&#all reBuires less space than a mouse for the operation The trac&#all #uilt in the &e$#oard are commonl$ used in CAPT-PS The three commonl$ used shapes for the #all are #utton" #all or a sBuare

9C: D-6STIC5 It is pointin! device that wor&s on the similar principle as the trac&#all To ma&e the movement the spherical #all eas$" the spherical #all moves in a soc&et with a stic& mounted on it The stic& can #e moved forward or #ac&wards " left or ri!ht and to the position the cursor at the desired position The #utton on top is provided to select the option" which is currentl$ pointed to #$ the cursor The #utton is clic&ed ot ma&e this selection

DATA SCANNIN@ DEVICE In order to reduce the possi#ilit$ of human error in data entr$" the data can #e entered directl$ from the source document Data scannin! devices are input devices used for direct data entr$ into the computer s$stem from source documents =ith Data scannin! device followin! points to #e &ept in mind8 Eliminate some of the duplication of human efforts to !et the data in the computer Improves data accurac$ The$ demand hi!h Bualit$ of input document Eorm desi!n and in& specification #ecomes more critical

9A: SCANNE/ 8 is an input device that translated paper documents into an electronic format that can #e stored in a computer The input document ma$#e a t$ped te>t" pictures" !raphics or even handwritten documents Ima!e scanners are also called optical scanners #ecause the$ use optical technolo!$ for convertin! an ima!e into electronic form An intersection of a hori2ontal and a vertical line of !raph is called the !rid point If there is a dar& point on the !rid point it is a % otherwise it is a 4 This is called a #it map representation Each #it is the representation of the ima!e is called a pi>el Ima!e scanner are of two t$pes8 9%: Flat bed scanner - it is li&e a cop$ machine consistin! of a #o> havin! a !lass plate in its top and a lid that covers the !lass plate The document to #e scanned is place upside down on the !lass plate

9': Hand held scanner 8 has a set of li!ht emittin! diodes encased in a small case that can #e convenientl$ held in hand durin! operation To scan a document the scanner is slowl$ dra!!ed ver$ steadil$ and carefull$ over the document" therefore hand held scanner are used onl$ in cases where hi!h accurac$ is not needed

97: -./ 9optical mar& reader: ; these scanners are capa#le to reco!ini2in! a prespecified t$pe of mar& made #$ pencil or pen E>ample 8 man$ students mi!ht have appeared in o#*ective t$pe tests where the$ had to mar& their answers to Buestions #$ a pencil to indicate their correct choice The answer sheets are directl$ fed to a computer for !radin! with the use of an optical mar& reader The actual techniBue used #$ an -./ device for reco!nition of mar&s involves focusin! a li!ht on the pa!e #ein! scanned and detectin! the reflected li!ht pattern from the mar&s -./ needs Pre printed forms need a !ood Bualit$ paper 7o>es to #e mar&ed in them accuratel$ The form should not #e folded

9C : 7A/ C-DE /EADE/ Data is coded in the form of small lines 9&now as #ars: are &now as #ar codes 7ar codes represents alphanumeric data #$ a com#ination of ad*acent vertical lines 9#ars: #$

var$in! their width and spacin! #etween them A #ar code is reader is a device used for readin!9decodin!: #ar coded data It ma$ #e hand held scanner or ma$ #e em#edded in a stationar$ scanner It scans a #ar code ima!e and converts it into a an alphanumeric value" which is then fed to the computer to which the #ar code reader is connected " *ust as thou!h the alphanumeric value had #een t$ped on a &e$#oard A #ar code reader uses a laser #eam scannin! technolo!$ The laser #eam is stro&ed across the patterns of #ars of a #ar code Ci!ht patterns are converted into electrical pulses and then transmitted to reco!nition lo!ic circuits which converts it into an alphanumeric value 7ar code readers are commonl$ found in supermar&ets and department stores

9D: .IC/ ;9ma!netic in& character reco!inition: It is similar to -C/ and is used #$ the #an&in! industr$ for faster processin! of the lar!e volume of cheBues #ein! handled ever$da$ 7an&s that emplo$ .IC/ technolo!$ use a special t$pe of cheBue The #an& identification code 9name " #ranch etc: " account num#er" and the cheBue num#er are pre-printed 9encoded: usin! characters from a special character set on all these chec&s with a special in& that contains ma!neti2a#le particles of iron o>ide #efore the cheBues are issued to the customer

9E: DI@ITIFE/ A di!iti2er is an input device used for convertin! 9di!iti2in!: pictures" maps" Drawin! into di!ital form for stora!e in computers A di!iti2er consists of di!iti2in! ta#let 9also &now as !raphics ta#let: associated with a st$lus The di!iti2in! ta#let is a flat surface that contains hundreds of fine copper wire formin! a !rid Each copper wire receives electric pulses The st$lus is li&e a pen or lens li&e cursor which converts the pictures into the di!ital form Di!iti2ers are commonl$ used in the area of CAD 9computer aided desi!n: #$ the architects and en!ineers to desi!n cars"#uildin!s ro#ots

9E: ECECT/-NIC CA/D /EADE/ The$ are small plastic cards havin! encoded data appropriate for the application for which the$ are used An electronic card reader is connected to the computer which is used to read the data encoded in the an electronic card and transfer it to the computer for further processin! Electronic cards are often used #$ #an&s and issued to customers for use in AT. 9automatic teller machine: An AT. allows a customer to deposit or withdraw cash ') hours a da$ without needin! to interact with the #an& Electronic cards are also used #$ man$ ori!ani2ations for controllin! access to ph$sicall$ secured area The$ are of two t$pe % ma!netic strip cards8 the$ have a ma!netic strip on their #ac& The data to #e encoded on the card is stored on the ma!netic strip


smart card8 have #uilt in microprocessor chip instead f a ma!netic strip" the data encoded on the card in permanentl$ stored in the memor$ of the microprocessor

9@: V-ICE /EC-@INITI-N DEVICE The$ allow the person to input data to the computer s$stem #$ spea&in! to it The$ have limited success #ecause the correct interpretation #$ the machine of a lar!e num#er of words in a voca#ular$ of a lan!ua!e is difficult The ma*or difficult$ has #een that people spea& with different accent and tones It consists of an input device such as a telephone or a microphone that converts human speech into electric si!nals A si!nal pattern is sent to the computer where it is matched a!ainst the pre-stored patterns to identif$ the input =hen a close match is found" a word is reco!ni2ed #$ the s$stem The set of pre-stored patterns is &now as the voca#ular$ of the s$stem

9?: =E7 CA.E/A A we# camera allow a computer to accept input *ust #$ focusin! on a o#*ect #$ ta&in! its picture Picture so ta&en can #e transferred over the networ& to a distant place It creates an ima!e of an o#*ect in di!ital form9in %s and 4s: so that it can stored and interpreted #$ the computer

9D :VIDE- CA.E/A A video camera ta&es continuous pictures and !enerates a di!italGanalo! si!nals for displa$ on a monitor or permanent recordin! A video camera captures ima!es #$ #rea&in! down the ima!es into series of lines Each line is scanned one at a time and continuousl$ var$in! intensities of redG!reen and #lue li!ht are filtered and converted into analo! si!nals These are then used to send picture over a networ& throu!h computers


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