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The Fall and Rise of Resonance Science Speaker: Juliana H. J. Mortenson, M.D.

Contact Information: General Resonance, LCC, One Resonance Way, Havre de Grace, MD, 2107 , !"#, $% &10'()('2)&), *a+ &10'()('2 17, ,-ail JM.GeneralResonance.coWebsites/ and 000.,insteinsHidden1aria2les.coAbstract: ,ner3y co-es in -any 4or-s includin3 t%er-al, c%e-ical, electro-a3netic 5e.3., li3%t6, acoustic, electrical, -a3netic, and -ec%anical. W%en a car 2urns 3asoline, t%e c%e-ical ener3y o4 t%e 3asoline is trans4or-ed into -ec%anical ener3y 0%ic% -a7es t%e car -ove. Li7e0ise, 0%en a cell 8%one receives a tele8%one call, t%e ener3y o4 t%e electro-a3netic 0aves trans-itted 4ro- a cell 8%one to0er is converted 2y t%e cell 8%one electronics into sound 0aves. 9%e idea t%at ener3y is neit%er created nor destroyed, 2ut is instead trans4or-ed 4ro- one 4or- into anot%er is t%e 2asis 4or t%e 4irst la0 o4 t%er-odyna-ics. Due to recent 4unda-ental discoveries in :uantu- 8%ysics, it is no0 7no0n t%at t%ere are t0o 8ri-ary 8rocesses t%rou3% 0%ic% ener3y is trans4or-ed 4ro- one 4or- into anot%er. 9%ose t0o ener3y trans4or-ation 8rocesses are 16 c%aotic t%er-al 8rocesses; and 26 orderly resonance 8rocesses. 9%e science and 8%ysics o4 t%e 1(t% and 20t% centuries 4ocused al-ost e+clusively on t%er-al 8rocesses, and t%e 4ield o4 t%er-odyna-ics sa0 si3ni4icant develo8-ent in 2ot% researc% and 8ractical a88lications over t%e last 100 years. 9%e 4ocused develo8-ent o4 resonance dyna-ics is a relative late co-er to -any areas o4 science and tec%nolo3y %o0ever, and 8ractical a88lications are <ust no0 2ein3 e+8lored at t%e da0n o4 t%e 21st century. Co-8arisons 2et0een t%er-odyna-ics and resonance dyna-ics %ave de-onstrated t%at resonant ener3y trans4or-ations can 2e several orders o4 -a3nitude -ore e44icient t%an t%er-al trans4or-ation, re:uirin3 only 4ractions o4 in8ut ener3ies to 8roduce t%e sa-e results at %u3e ener3y savin3s. Given t%e 8otential o4 resonance 8rocesses to 8rovide t%ese %u3e ener3y savin3s, one naturally 0onders 0%y develo8-ent o4 resonance dyna-ics %as la33ed 2e%ind develo8-ent o4 t%er-al ener3y 8rocesses. 9%e reasons 4or t%e delays in t%e develo8-ent o4 resonance dyna-ics = 2y 4ar t%e -ore 8o0er4ul o4 t%e t0o ener3y trans4or-ation 8rocesses = involve nu-erous %istorical, cultural, reli3ious, sociolo3ical, -at%e-atical, and scienti4ic 4actors. 90o t%ousand years a3o, t%e develo8-ent o4 resonance understandin3s 0ere ta7in3 root in various reli3ious traditions. 9%ose 2elie4s 0ere later 2anned 2y t%e Ro-an C%ristian c%urc% as 8a3an and %eretical. "cienti4ic in:uiry 0as si-8ly not allo0ed. >y t%e -id'1(t% century, investi3ations into resonance 8%eno-ena 0ere 2e3innin3 to ta7e root a3ain, %o0ever in an odd t0ist o4 4ate, t%e la2oratory e+8eri-ents t%at 4irst 3ave rise to :uantu- 8%ysics 0ere e+clusively t%er-odyna-ic in nature. Resonant ener3ies %ad 2een deli2erately e+cluded 4ro- t%e e+8eri-ental a88aratus in order to deter-ine a certain t%er-odyna-ic e:uation. 9%is once a3ain le4t resonance dyna-ics out in t%e cold. 9%e early :uantu- scientists understood t%at so-e%o0, resonance dyna-ics needed to 2e included in :uantu- -ec%anics, 2ut ran into si3ni4icant -at%e-atical road2loc7s. 9%ey 0ere una2le to a3ree on a solution to t%is ?resonance catastrophe@ and eventually ended u8 leavin3 resonance dyna-ics out o4 :uantu- 8%ysics 4or t%e -ost 8art. Recently, ne0 -at%e-atical tools %ave 2een develo8ed 4or t%is 2ur3eonin3 4ield o4 resonance dyna-ics, and t%e develo8-ent o4 ener3y e44icient tec%nolo3ies and a88lications is once a3ain 2ac7 on trac7. #nd t%erein lies t%e story o4 t%e 4all and rise o4 resonance science.

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