Atheist Proofs

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Atheist Proofs "You believe that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make

you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a woman made from a rib was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree. "And you don t understand why ! have doubts""

"#hat profit has not that fable of $hrist brought us%" Pope Leo X (As attributed by John Bale, Bishop of Ossory, in The Pageant of Popes, p. 17 , 1!7"# "I am surrounded by priests who repeat incessantly that their kingdom is not of this world, and yet they lay their hands on everything they can get." $$ %apoleon Bonaparte Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest. & 'enis 'iderot Many have made a trade of delusions and false miracles, deceiving the stupid multitudes. & Leonardo da (in)i Blinding ignorance does mislead us. O! & Leonardo da (in)i retched mortals, open your eyes!

!oung earth creationism is essentially the position that all of modern science, "#$ of living scientists and "%$ of living biologists, all ma&or university biology departments, every ma&or science &ournal, the 'merican 'cademy of (ciences, and every ma&or science organi)ation in the world, are all wrong regarding the origins and development of life ... but one particular tribe of uneducated, bron)e aged, goat herders got it e*actly right. & *hu)+ ,astto+ive a good life. If there are gods and they are &ust, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but un&ust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones. $$ .ar)us Aurelius !ou know your god is man,made when he hates all the same people you do. & /0senet1 "-he most preposterous notion that .. sapiens has ever dreamed up is that the +ord /od of 0reation, (haper and 1uler of all the 2niverses, wants the saccharine adoration of .is creatures, can be swayed by their prayers, and becomes petulant if .e does not receive this flattery. !et this absurd fantasy, without a shred of evidence to bolster it, pays all the e*penses of the oldest, largest, and least productive industry in all history." $La2arus Long, Ti-e ,nough for Lo3e, 4obert A. 5einlein

"-he same people that wrote the bible thought the world was flat. " & 0n+no6n " hen one person suffers from a delusion it is called 3insanity3. from a delusion it is called 3religion.3" $$ 4obert Pirsig hen many people suffer

".ere is the difference between religion and science. (cience is going outside your house at night and seeing here is one large moon orbiting the 4arth. 5o matter where on 4arth you are, you know there is one and only one large moon orbiting the 4arth. 1eligion is this tribe over here worshiping one god and this other tribe worshiping 6 gods and this other tribe way over there worshiping 78 gods." $$ .i)hael 4i3ero "'ny god that re9uires small minded bigots to speak for it, is not worth the breath it takes to pray." $$ Jesper .yrfors "1eligion is notorious for conceiving an idea and trying to make it true, either by propaganda or sometimes force...while science makes a discovery and immediately sets about trying to disprove it, &ust to make sure it3s correct before everybody makes idiots of themselves" $$ 7eth .a)8arlane "If it wasn3t for the In9uisition, I would have been a rich .ollywood :ew today!" $$ .i)hael 4i3ero 9*hild .olestation s)andals lo)ated 5,4, INTRODUCTION 1eligion, comprises a system of wishful illusions together with a disavowal of reality, such as we find in an isolated form nowhere else but in amentia, in a state of blissful hallucinatory confusion. & 7ig-und 8reud "I do not believe in the creed professed by the :ewish church, by the 1oman church, by the /reek church, by the -urkish church, by the ;rotestant church, nor by any church that I know of. My own mind is my own church. 'll national institutions of churches ... appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopoli)e power and profit." $$ Tho-as Paine "/iven the runaway epidemic of child se*ual molestation by the clergy, it could be argued that school prayer represents endangerment of children by encouraging them to associate with these known se*ual predators!" $$ .i)hael 4i3ero :uite a fe6 people ha3e as+ed 6hy ; put this page together. They argue that e3en if ; a)orre)t, and that there are no gods, 6hat )an the har- be in letting others belie3e in gods and goddesses.

.y ans6er is that ; ha3e no proble- 6ith people belie3ing 6hat they 6ant, so long as their beliefs are %OT used as an e<)use to infli)t har- upon others, e<tra)t 6ealth fro- the-, ensla3e the-, or to =ustify 6ars. .y proble- is 6ith organi2ations )reated solely to e<ploit -yths and beliefs for 6ealth and )o--er)ial po6er. 5istory pro3es that religion is a tool of hu-an ensla3e-ent. ,3en the Bible appro3es of sla3ery. L,(;T;*07 >!?""$"@ 's for your male and female slaves whom you may have< you may buy male and female slaves from among the nations that are round you. !ou may also buy from among the strangers who so&ourn with you and their families that are with you, who have been born in your land< and they may be your property. !ou may be9ueath them to your sons and after you, to inherit as a possession forever< you may make slaves of them, but over your brethren the people of Israel you shall not rule, one over the other, with harshness. %o religion has e3er set its follo6ers free fro- the oppressions of the organi2ed hierar)hy of that religion (6ith the possible e<)eption of the histori)al Jesus hi-self#. 4eligion tea)hes unAuestioning obedien)e. 4eligion is sla3ery. ; oppose su)h sla3ery as earnestly and staun)hly as -y an)estors opposed the sla3e ships and the sla3e poli)ies of the *onfedera)y. ; a- not anti god (for one )an hardly oppose so-ething 6hi)h does not e<ist#. ; si-ply 6ish to set people free fro- all for-s of oppression and e<ploitation. The ruling elite lo3es a population trained fro- birth to )onfuse beliefs 6ith the real 6orld. ;t is -u)h easier to rule a population, pillage the- 6ith ta<es, or send the- off to fight a 6ar, if the ruler is not reAuired to pro3e the reality of his or her propositions and state-ents. This is 6hy, sin)e the da6n of )i3ili2ations, go3ern-ents en)ourage their people to be ruled by beliefs and not by reason. As )hildren, 6e are bribed to allo6 beliefs to rule our thin+ing. Belie3e in the fat -an fro- the north Pole, get a bi)y)le. Belie3e in the rabbit, get )andy. Belie3e in the tooth fairy, get a Auarter. %e3er Auestion, ne3er thin+, ne3er analy2eB =ust ta+e your goodies and go on belie3ing. ;t ta+es )hains of steel to ensla3e a rational hu-an, but all the rest -ay be ensla3ed by a belief. e, on our side, are praying to .im to give us victory, because we believe we are right< but those on the other side pray to .im, too, for victory, believing they are right. hat must .e think of us= & Abraha- Lin)oln 1. DOES BELIEF ALONE PROVE THE EXISTENCE OF THE GODS? I contend that we are both atheists. I &ust believe in one fewer god than you do. hen you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours. & 7tephen 4oberts

Throughout history, a 6ide 3ariety of religions 6orshiping .ole)h, Baal, Odin, Jupiter, Ceus, Ahura .a2da, Jeho3ah, Allah, :uet2al)oatl, *oatli)ue, (ishna, and others far too nu-erous to elu)idate here ha3e )o-e and gone. The follo6ers of ea)h of these religions belie3ed that theirs 6as the true faith and )ontained 6ithin it the )orre)t ans6ers to lifeDs great Auestions. All too often, as 6ill be seen belo6, follo6ers of a faith 6ere e3er eager to )ut the throats of those 6ho disagreed 6ith the-. But on -any of the -ost basi) aspe)ts, -an+indDs -ultitude of religious thoughts )ontradi)t ea)h other. On 6hat 6ould see- to be the -ost basi) truth of all, =ust ho6 -any gods there are, the 3arious religions throughout the 6orld are in )o-plete disagree-ent. ;t therefore follo6s that -ost of the 6orldDs religions, if indeed not all of the-, do not ha3e the )orre)t ans6er to the basi) Auestion of ho6 -any gods there are. They )annot. 8or one to be )orre)t -eans the others are in)orre)t. Eet the follo6ers of ea)h religion belie3e they are )orre)t, e3en though this is i-possible. ,rgo, belief that one is )orre)t is not in and of itself proof that one is )orre)t. Man is certainly stark mad> he cannot make a worm, yet he will make gods by the do)en. & .i)hel de .ontaigne 2. PROOF THAT THERE ARE NO GODS. ;f one posits the e<isten)e of a god or gods able to )o--uni)ate their presen)e to hu-an -inds, then as an ine3itable result of the e<isten)e of that god or gods, it 6ould be e<pe)ted that all hu-ans, or at least the priests 6ho )lai- )o--uni)ations 6ith the god(s#, 6ould ha3e a unani-ity of opinion as to ho6 -any gods there are. Li+e6ise, if one posits the e<isten)e of a god or gods able to )o--uni)ate their e<isten)e to hu-an -inds, then as an ine3itable result of the e<isten)e of that god or gods, able to )o--uni)ate to hu-an -inds, all theologies 6ould be in a))ord, and there 6ould be no need for -issionaries, let alone inAuisitions and holy )rusades. The religion of Abraha- 6ould ha3e stayed unified, rather than split up into *hristianity, Judais-, 7unni, and 7hiDite o3er 6hat a-ounts to a bun)h of soap opera argu-ents. But there is a di3ersity of opinions as to ho6 -any gods there are. And there are -issionaries, )rusades, the inAuisition, and the burning of a -illion hereti)s. The 6orld is not as it 6ould be if there 6as a god or gods 6hi)h )ould )o--uni)ate their e<isten)e to the -inds of hu-an+ind. %one of the )onditions 6hi)h -ust ine3itably follo6 the e<isten)e of a god or gods able to )o--uni)ate their e<isten)e to the -inds of hu-an+ind )an be found any6here on ,arth. :uod ,rat 'e-onstrandu-, no su)h gods e<ist. "-he opposite of the religious fanatic is not the fanatical atheist but the gentle cynic who cares not whether there is a god or not." $ ,ri) 5offer 3. WHAT IS THE TRUE NATURE OF RELIGION?

"1eality e*ists independent of humans to perceive it, whereas gods must vanish when there are no worshippers left to imagine them. " $$ .i)hael 4i3ero Our +no6ledge of 6hat 6e thin+ the 6orld to be is largely deter-ined by 6hat 6e are taught in our youth, usually at an age before 6e understand that there is su)h a thing as de)eption. Lessons learned at an early age be)o-e the )ore of e-erging personality, and e3en 6hen re)ogni2ed as being in error, )an be unlearned only through an intense effort of 6ill. One of the -ost )o--on de3i)es used to tea)h falsehoods is the Fe3erybody +no6sF -ethod. 7u)h lessons are abo3e the need for proof and are ne3er Auestioned be)ause, after all, Fe3erybody +no6sF... 8or e<a-ple, F,3erybody +no6sF that religion is generally a sour)e of good. But those 6ho hold su)h an opinion are 6oefully ignorant of the a)tual fa)ts, 6hi)h sho6 that religion, throughout its long and bloodstained history, has been a tool of ensla3e-ent. The ,gyptians built the pyra-ids by pro-ising the 6or+ers a life after death. The (i+ings -ade the pri)e of the afterlife to die 6ith a s6ord in ones hand. The fa-ilies of the *rusaders gained hea3en only through the bloody deeds of the *rusader hi-self. F5eresyF is a bad 6ord to *hristians. But to +no6 6hy, you need to understand 6hat the 6ord a)tually -eans. F5eresyF )o-es fro- the Gree+ FhairesisF, -eaning Ffree )hoi)eF. ThatDs 6hat religion opposes 6hen it opposes heresyB free )hoi)e. 5ereti)s are people 6ho de)ide for the-sel3es 6hat to thin+ and 6hen to thin+ it. 4eligions do not li+e that sort of beha3ior. They burn hereti)s. ;t is not possible to understand *hristianity by reading only the Bible, no -ore than it is possible to understand the %a2is by reading only the propaganda 6ritten by Joseph Goebels. Just as GoebelsD propaganda 6as prone to sho6 the %a2is in the best possible light, so too is the Bible a 6or+ designed to )on3in)e the un6ary that *hristians are pea)eful har-less indi3iduals )on)erned only 6ith the spiritual 6ell being of all they en)ounter. The Bible is biased. The Bible is spin. The Bible presents less than the )o-plete truth. To learn the reality behind *hristianity, li+e the reality behind the %a2is, it is ne)essary to es)he6 6hat is said in fa3or of 6hat is a)tually done. The Bible de3otes so-e !HH 3erses on prayer, less than !HH 3erses on faith, but o3er >HHH 3erses on -oney and possessions. hich is it, is man one of /od3s blunders or is /od one of man3s= & %iet2s)he 4. JESUS, THE HERETIC 0p to the ti-e of the histori)al Jesus, )o--uni)ation 6ith the gods 6as e<)lusi3ely the pro3in)e of the priests. The )o--on fol+ 6ere not allo6ed to loo+ on the gods, or e3en to spea+ their na-es. Only the priests 6ere e-po6ered to inter)ede 6ith the gods, for 6hi)h ser3i)e they e<torted (as they do to this 3ery day# a hea3y toll. The histori)al Jesus introdu)ed a daring ne6 ideaB that e3eryone )ould tal+ to their god dire)tly, 6ithout a priest. ,3en in the )anoni)al Bible, in Lu+e, the LordDs Prayer is introdu)ed 6hen one of JesusD follo6ers as+s hi- ho6 to pray. This is an i-portant )lue, sin)e it re3eals

that the people of the histori)al JesusD ti-e did not +no6 ho6 to pray. ;t 6as a s+ill they had been told 6as forbidden to the-. Li+e6ise, in the Gospel of 7aint Tho-as (ad-itted e3en by the )hur)h to be the only sur3i3ing )onte-poraneous re)ord of the 6ords of the histori)al Jesus but still de)lared a heresy# the histori)al Jesus spea+s of God as being not in the s+y, not hidden in -ansions of 6ood or stone, but being e3ery6here, a3ailable to all people at all ti-es. This one idea, that ordinary people )ould )o--uni)ate to their gods dire)tly 6ithout priests or te-ples, although Auite a))eptable today, 6as radi)al in the e<tre-e in JesusD ti-eI The idea that )o--on people )ould pray dire)tly to the gods 6as a heresy and a dangerous threat to the po6er and 6ealth not only of the Je6ish 7anhedron, but to the 4o-an te-ples as 6ell. The histori)al Jesus bro+e the toll gate to hea3enB gi3ing to the people for free 6hat the priests of the te-ples had al6ays )harged for, a))ess to the godsI The histori)al Jesus hi-self li3ed in relati3e po3erty. There is no indi)ation that he e3er passed a )olle)tion plate, or soli)ited -oney for his tea)hings. The in)ident 6ith the -oney )hangers at the te-ple sho6ed the disdain that the histori)al Jesus had for )hur)hes as finan)ial operations. Jesus hi-self )a-e fro- a -oneyed fa-ily. Jhile the )hur)h portrays Jesus and his father as poor )arpenters as part of the progra- to persuade )hur)h follo6ers to li3e poor li3es (thereby donating the e<)ess to the )hur)h#, there is nothing in the original Bibli)al te<ts that refers to JosephDs a)tual o))upation. 5e is des)ribed -erely as a F.aster of the )raftF (-eaning si-ply, FA s)holarly personF#, 6hi)h early translators -istranslated into F*rafts-anF, then in ,nglish to F*arpenterF. 8ollo6ing the departure of the histori)al Jesus, 3irtually e3eryone in the religion FbusinessF 6ould ha3e i--ediately set about -o3ing the gods ba)+ into a re-ote hea3en, behind lo)+ed doors to 6hi)h the priests alone held the +eys. A 3ital )lue to this agenda lies in the LordDs Prayer itself. The )o--only a))epted ,nglish translation of the first line goes, FOur 8ather, 6ho art in 5ea3en...F, yet an e<a-ination of the original Ara-ai) re3eals that this is a deliberate -istranslation of, FOur 8ather, 6hi)h art e3ery6here...F 5. THE "OTHER" CHURCH OF JESUS. There are nu-erous indi)ations that, )ontrary to *atholi) dog-a, there 6as a *hristian )hur)h that e<isted separate fro- the early *atholi)s, a )hur)h that 6as a -a=or threat to the early *atholi)s be)ause it laid a )lai- to the histori)al Jesus the *atholi)s )ould not )o-pete 6ith, one of blood lineageI This is a -u)h stronger )lai- to the )hur)h of *hrist than the *atholi)s )ould produ)e, sin)e their )lai- to rulership is based on FApostoli) des)entF in a supposed unbro+en line fro7aint Peter, 6ho is popularly portrayed as the first Bishop of 4o-e. Eet an e<a-ination of the (ati)anDs o6n re)ords sho6s that Peter 6as ne3er a Bishop, of 4o-e or any6here else for that -atter. The real first Bishop of 4o-e, a))ording to (ati)an re)ords, 6as Prin)e Linus of Britain, the son of *ara)ta)us the Pendragon. 5e 6as installed by 7t. Paul in A' !K, during PeterDs o6n lifeti-e. Peter ne3er got a shot at that )enter seat.

One )lue lies in the story of the Auest for the 5oly Grail. *hristians are taught that the Grail is the )up used for Passo3er by Jesus, 6hi)h 6as then Fthe 3essel that )aught the bloodF of the )ru)ified Jesus. Throughout the years, the *atholi) )hur)h has taught that FGrailF -eans F)upF. But the 6ord FGrailF does not appear in the Bible, nor e3en the story of the Passo3er )up being used to )at)h the blood of Jesus. ;t is not until the year 1>H7 that any literary 6or+s )an be found that des)ribe the Grail as a )up. Prior to that, the Fthe 3essel that )aught the blood of JesusF is al6ays 6ritten as F7angraelF, 6hi)h translates literally as FBlood royalF, as in FbloodlineF, or lineage. Thus, the Fthe 3essel that )aught the bloodF of the histori)al Jesus 6as not a drin+ing )up that grabbed a horrid sou3enir of his )ru)ifi<ion, but the 6o-an 6ho )arried his heredity, .ary .agdaleneI *learly, a group of *hristians led by the a)tual des)endants of the histori)al Jesus 6as so-ething the early *atholi)s 6ould not ha3e been able to )o-pete 6ith. 7o, the e<isten)e of su)h a lineage had to be hidden fro- the follo6ers of the early *atholi) )hur)h. The -etaphor of the Fthe 3essel that )aught the blood royalF 6as popularly portrayed as a )up, so-ething that 6asnDt a threat to the *atholi)s be)ause no a-ount of sear)hing 6ould e3er find it. ;f fools thought they 6ere loo+ing for a )up, then they 6ere %OT loo+ing for the histori)al JesusD des)endants. .ean6hile, to further dis)ourage the idea of a dynasti) lineage froJesus, 6o-en 6ere Aui)+ly e<)luded fro- any positions 6ithin the early orthodo< *hristian )hur)h, and the 6o-en in JesusD life 6ere -ade to see- as abnor-al as possible, 6ith .ary .agdalene portrayed as a 6hore, and JesusD -other portrayed as bearing a )hild 6ithout se<. On e<a-ination of the )lai- of a 3irgin birth, 6e find yet another of the -odern day BibleDs egregious -istranslations. The original Latin 6ord des)ribing .ary 6as, F(irgoF, 6hi)h -eans only that she 6as a young 6o-an. The Latin 6ords for a young 6o-en 6ithout se<ual e<perien)e, F(irgo inta)taF do not appear in the Latin bibli)al te<ts 6hi)h predate the -odern Bible. That the )lai- of a 3irgin birth 6as not in the original Bible is further re3ealed by the fa)t that JesusD patriar)hal lineage ba)+ to Ling 'a3id, 6hi)h 6ould be irrele3ant in the )onte<t of a 3irgin birth 6ithout an earthly father, is listed in the Bible (That Jesus fa-ily 6ere des)endants of Ling 'a3id is another )lue that their li3elihood did not depend on )arpentry#. The early *atholi) )hur)h 6as a huge profit -a)hine. The histori)al Jesus had taught that *hristianity did not reAuire an e<pensi3e priesthood or F-ansions of 6ood and stoneF, and o3er ti-e, the *atholi) papa)y attained an ad3antage in 6ealth and politi)al po6er o3er the gro6ing )hur)h of the des)endants of the histori)al Jesus, then )entered in 7outhern 8ran)e, and set out to e<ter-inate the-. This is the story of the *athars and the .ero3ingian Lings, de)lared en -asse to be hereti)s by the *atholi)s and e<ter-inated. The offi)ial prete<t gi3en 6as the failure by the *athars to pay a ta< to the *atholi)s. But in an age 6hen the *atholi)s 6ere regularly setting out to e<ter-inate the Je6s, one -ore group of non *atholi)s on the hate list did not see- strange. Jhat 6as strange 6as the treat-ent of de3out *atholi)s li3ing in the *athar lands. Jhen 'o-ingo 'e Gu2-an, )o--ander of the PopeDs for)es, prepared to stor- the )ity of *ar)asonne, last stronghold of the Albigensians, a subordinate as+ed 6hat 6as to be done to preser3e the li3es of the de3out *atholi)s +no6n to li3e 6ithin the )ity 6alls. 'o-ingo 'e Gu2-an replied, FLill the- all, let God sort the- outF, 6hi)h is e<a)tly 6hat the PopeDs for)es did.

.ost people 6ould regard the +illing of loyal follo6ers of the in3ading )hur)h as a parti)ularly psy)hoti) a)t, but the *atholi) )hur)h applauded this a)t of but)hery and e3entually -ade 'o-ingo 'e Gu2-an into 7aint 'o-ini). This -assa)re of de3out *atholi)s 6ithin the )ity and the re6arding of their +iller 6ith a sainthood -a+es sense only if the *atholi) )hur)h thought that the *atholi)s li3ing 6ith the *athars had learned so-ething fro- the *athars that they 6ere ne3er supposed to +no6B su)h as the possibility that Jesus had left li3ing des)endants. This 6as a +no6ledge so threatening to the *atholi) )hur)h that e3en those 6ho -erely +ne6 of it had to be e<ter-inatedI ,3entually, the e<ter-ination of the *athars resulted in the -urder of half the population of &outhern 'rance. 8ollo6ing the 6ar, the *atholi)s established the Offi)e of the 5oly ;nAuisition, and 6hile its reign of terror tou)hed -any groups (in)luding the 4i3ero fa-ily in 7pain#, and -urdered -any -illions of people, its pri-ary fo)us re-ained hunting do6n and +illing e3ery single *athar, 6ith the last +no6n one being burned at the sta+e in 1M>", ta+ing 6ith hi- (it 6as assu-ed# the terrible se)ret that the *atholi) )hur)h, e3en as it e<ploited the i-age of the histori)al Jesus to enri)h and e-po6er itself, had hunted do6n and +illed that sa-e JesusD des)endantsI . THE ORTHODOX NEW TESTA!ENT WAS NOT WRITTEN B" AN"ONE WHO #NEW THE HISTORICAL JESUS. The earliest +no6n frag-ent of the Gospel of John dates fro- 1MH *.,. The first )olle)tion of te<ts no6 )alled the Bible appears to ha3e been asse-bled around >!H *.,. fro- te<ts 6ritten long after the histori)al Jesus died. %one of the boo+s of the ne6 testa-ent 6ere 6ritten by the original apostles for 6ho- they are na-ed. Out of so-e MH +no6n gospels at the ti-e, the early *hristians )hose only " to go in the Bible, not be)ause of their literary -erit, but be)ause the ,arth had four )o-pass points, and (it 6as belie3ed# four )orners, and four 6inds. 7trangely, there are te<ts 6hi)h 6ere 6ritten 6hile the histori)al Jesus 6as still ali3e, but these 6ere not only ignored but destroyed by early *hristians during the struggle to define the orthodo<y. 8ortunately, )opies of these gospels 6hi)h 6ere hidden to prote)t the6ere dis)o3ered at %ag 5a--adi. 7till other te<ts, su)h as .osesD boo+ on -agi) spells, 6ere arbitrarily )onsigned to the FApo)ryphaF. All te<ts, the bible in)luded, 6ere 6ithheld fro- the )ongregations. Only the priests )ould read the-. The )ongregations 6ere +ept ignorant of the gospels and 6ere fed stories of 6it)hes, de-ons, satyrs, in)ubi, sirens, )y)lops, tritons, et)., to +eep the- in a per-anent state of fear. The early )hur)h ruled the people by terror. .u)h of the history of the dar+ side of the )hur)h (to follo6# 6as re)orded by the )lergy the-sel3es, 6riting their =ournals in an age 6hen the )ongregations 6ere dis)ouraged frolearning to read. The hideous )ri-es and atro)ities 6ere set do6n by -en )onfident that the )o--on people 6ould ne3er be able to read their 6ritten 6ords. The oldest te<ts in the a))epted )anoni)al Bible are those of 7aul of Tarsus (7aint Paul#, but he ne3er -et the histori)al Jesus (although Paul 6as )on3in)ed that Jesus 6ould return to ,arth in his lifeti-e#, nor do his 6ritings indi)ate the e<isten)e of the -odern gospels as they are +no6n today in his ti-e. 7aint Paul did not be)o-e *hristian until he 6as MH, but had been raised as a .ithraist, 6hi)h is 6hy so -u)h .ithrai) influen)e is seen in his 6ritings. ,arly *hristians desired to separate theologi)ally fro- the Je6s as Aui)+ly as possible, so the

FPaulist 'o)trinesF be)a-e the a))epted heart of -odern *hristianity, .ithrai) influen)e and all. ;t 6as at this ti-e that the ,ssene 6ord -eaning Fre3i3eF 6as -istranslated to read Fresurre)tF and the -yth of JesusD )o-ing ba)+ fro- the dead (an idea )opied fro- the .ithraists, as 6ell as ;shtar, Osiris, and other -yths# 6as )reated. To the histori)al telling of the )ru)ifi<ion 6as added the story of a 4o-an soldier stabbing Jesus in the side 6ith a spear to -a+e )ertain he 6as dead, but itDs eAually )lear that this 6as 6ritten by so-eone 6ith no +no6ledge of anato-y, 4o-an -etallurgy, or ho6 to handle a spear. Trying to stab through to the heart of so-eone on a )ross fro- the side 6ould be i-possible be)ause of the ribs. 7o-eone 6ho +ne6 ho6 to use a spear 6ould stab through fro- the front, into the abdo-en belo6 the sternu- and then thrust up. The tale of the spear through the side is a fi)tion in3ented years after the fa)t to )ounter Auestions raised by other aspe)ts of the a))ount of the F)ru)ifi<ionF 6hi)h suggested that the histori)al Jesus a)tually sur3i3ed his ordeal and es)aped to ;ndia. .u)h of the early *hristian sy-bolis- 6as )opied fro- other then popular religions, apparently to -a+e the ne6 religion -ore a))eptable. The ritual of the -a+ing of the sign of the )ross predates the ti-e of Jesus and is a sy-bol for the .ithrai) god of good, represented by the sun. ,arly *hristians, despite the old testa-ent referen)e to the 7abbath being the 7th day of the 6ee+, pla)ed their day of 6orship right on top of that of the .ithraists, the 8;47T day of the 6ee+, The F7un day.F Li+e6ise, ignoring the bibli)al referen)e that the histori)al Jesus 6as born in Fla-bing ti-eF, the early *hristians pla)ed their )elebration for the birth of Jesus at the Jinter 7olsti)e, o3er the 4o-an feast of the 7aturnalia and the -a=or )reation festi3al of .ithra. The Floa3es and fishesF as a ritual -eal 6as also .ithrai) in origin, as 6as the story of a final day of =udg-ent 6hen the dead are all raised fro- the gra3e and the 6i)+ed sent to eternal fire. The Fflesh and bloodF ritual sa)rifi)e at the heart of )o--union also has roots in .ithrai) ritual, and e3iden)e of the transition appears in the ,pistle to the 5ebre6s. The spring festi3al of ;shtar be)a-e F,asterF, and so on, the early *hristians building their ne6 religion by )opying 6hat 6or+ed in other, older religions. Jhereas the old testa-ent -a+es little -ention of a separate afterlife for the 6i)+ed, or of an e3il god, both )on)epts 6ere )opied fro- Coroastrianis-N.ithrais- and into the %e6 Testa-ent. $. THE BIBLE IS NOT SCIENCE If you talk to /od, you are praying. If /od talks to you, you have schi)ophrenia. & Tho-as 72as2 There is in this nation, as there 6as in pre$%a2i Ger-any, pre$.ussolini ;taly, and pre$ 8ran)o 7pain, a battle being 6aged o3er 6hether the publi) ta< funded s)hools should tea)h s)ien)e in the )lassroo-s, or religious indo)trination in the for- of )reationis-. Let us be )learB the Bible is %OT in any 6ay, shape, or for-, a boo+ of s)ientifi) truths. A-ong the nu-erous absurdities )ontained in the Bible is the )lai- that the ,arth is flat, rests on giganti) pillars and does not -o3e at all. 'espite nu-erous spa)e flights, and a si-ple e<peri-ent 6ith a pendulu- any high s)hool student )an perfor-, the *hristians still insist that the ,arth is flat, rests on giganti) pillars and does not -o3e at all, be)ause the Bible is the perfe)t 6ord of their god, and )annot be in error. ;t is fro- a-ong people of this -ind set that 6e see hear )lai-s that the entire spa)e progra- is a fa+e, that the Apollo -oon landings

ne3er really happened, and that %A7A is )on)ealing photos 6hi)h 6ould sho6 the giant pillars supporting the ,arth. The reason *hristians are 6illing to )ling to su)h outrageous nonsense is that 6ere they to ad-it that the ,arth 'O,7 -o3e, then the )lai-s of the Bible being a perfe)t sour)e of +no6ledge -ust e3aporate, ta+ing 6ith it the story of hu-an )reation by their god. This strange intra)tability in the fa)e of o3er6hel-ing e3iden)e )ontradi)ting the bibli)al -ythology be)o-es understandable 6hen one reali2es that the issue under debate is not truth or reality, but o6nership of the hu-an ra)e. All religions tea)h that their gods )reated hu-ans, 6ith the i-pli)ation that hu-ans are therefore under an obligation to those gods 6hi)h the priests are e-po6ered to )olle)t on their behalf. People 6ho do not belie3e religious -yths )an no longer be e<ploited by the priests of that religion. 5en)e, priests 6ill )ontinue to tea)h that the ,arth is flat, rests on giganti) pillars and does not -o3e at all, be)ause that is ho6 they transfor- rational hu-an beings into belief$sla3es fro- 6hi)h they )an e<tra)t -oney. Sidebar: The "Big Bang" is Just Religion Disguised as Science %. A &UIC# NOTE ON THE WITCHCRAFT H"STERIA ith or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. $ 7te3en Jeinberg The 6ord F6it)hF )o-es fro- the sa-e root 6ord as F6itF, -eaning 6isdo-. The )lass of people targeted as 6it)hes by the *hristian )hur)h 6ere herbalists and fol+ healers. Able to effe)t )ures a-ong the si)+, they 6ere a dire)t threat to the )hur)h, 6hi)h held that all illnesses 6ere GodDs 6ill and that )ures 6ere a3ailable only to those 6ho prayed in their )hur)hes and tossed a fe6 )oins into the )olle)tion plates. The 6it)h hysteria 6as the produ)t of se3eral o3erlapping pheno-enon. 8irst 6ere the 6it)hes the-sel3es, 6ho along 6ith their herbal )ures, indulged in the re)reational phar-a)euti)als of their day. *hief a-ong these 6as ,rgot, a -old 6hi)h gre6 on rye bread, then the -ost )o--on bread to be found in ,urope. ;n high doses it 6as highly to<i), often used as a -urder 6eapon. ;n lo6er doses, it 6as a po6erful hallu)inogeni), and for-ed the )ore ingredient of all the 3arious potions and -i<es designed to indu)e 3isions and hallu)inations. 7o pre3alent 6as ,rgot that it is e3en -entioned in 7ha+espeareDs plays. The -ost )o--on use of ,rgot 6as in Fflying oint-entF. This potion did not enable anyone to fly, it -erely )aused drea-s of flying off to strange and -agi)al pla)es. To a3oid the to<i) side effe)ts of the ,rgot, the oint-ent 6as applied to the s+in. 8e-ale 6it)hes 6ould run the oint-ent on a s-ooth 6ooden pole, usually a broo- handle, and rub the-sel3es on it, adding po6erful se<ual gratifi)ations to the drug indu)ed hallu)inations.

8ro- Bayonne, an 17th )entury illustration of a 6it)h applying Fflying oint-entF.

To the unedu)ated )o--on fol+ of the ti-e, the sight of a young nude 6o-en 6rithing in e)stasy on her broo- handle 6ould ha3e see-ed strange and frightening, and is (6ith the addition of )lothing and the pointed )ap of the hereti)# the origin of the traditional i-age of a 6it)h riding her broo-sti)+.

5ans Grun, e<a)t date un+no6n. An old 6it)h, using a pit)hfor+ instead of a broo- (any old pole in a stor-# su--ons a young 6it)h.

The ,rgot itself be)a-e a -a=or health proble-. Being so -u)h in use by the herbalists, it began to infe)t all rye bread. 8resh ba+ed rye bread 6as not a proble-, but as ,uropean )i3ili2ation -o3ed fro- s-aller 3illages to larger )ities, the rye bread )ould sit for a day or -ore on the -ar+et shelf or in a 6agon before being pur)hased and )onsu-ed, long enough for ,rgot to gro6. People began to suffer unplanned drug trips and did not understand 6hat 6as happening to the-. The final )o-ponent for the 6it)h hysteria 6as the )hur)h itself, 6hi)h had been losing its iron grip on the populations of ,urope. (illages 6hi)h had been built around the )hur)hes and )athedrals in the 1Mth and 1"th )enturies 6ere no6 being )entered on the -ar+et pla)es. ;n order to reassert its do-inion o3er the people. the )hur)h pro-oted the 3ie6 that the unplanned drug trips fro- rye bread )arrying the ,rgot -old 6ere a)tually de-oni) possessions, brought on by the 6it)hes, and )urable only by total and )o-plete sub-ission to the )hur)h. To =ustify the perse)utions of the 6it)hes, the )hur)h relied upon the Bibli)al Auote, FThou shalt not suffer a 6it)h to li3e.F But this is yet another of the BibleDs infa-ous -istranslations, for in the original Ara-ai), the te<t reads, FThou shalt not suffer a poisoner to li3e.F There follo6ed )enturies of the -ost hideous bloodshed and atro)ities i-aginable as the )hur)h terrori2ed all of ,urope 6ith the 6it)h trials and gre6 fabulously 6ealthy in the pro)ess fro- the )onfis)ated lands. ;n the 1@th *entury, ,urope 6as hit 6ith the FLittle ;)e AgeF, 6hi)h ended the .edie3al Jar- Period (a ti-e of a-ple food and great prosperity# and plunged ,urope into fa-ine and star3ation. The priests 6ere Aui)+ to bla-e the )hange of )li-ate on 6it)hes and fanned the terror to ne6 heights. Jhen the potato, able to gro6 in the )old of the FLittle ;)e AgeF 6as introdu)ed fro- 7outh A-eri)a, the priests de)lared it 7atanDs food sin)e it gre6 inside the ,arth rather than abo3e it, and 6arned that -erely to eat a potato 6as to )onde-n your soul to

e3erlasting da-nation. 7o great 6as the brain6ashing of the people by the )hur)h that -illions star3ed to death standing on an adundent food supply. The 3ast -a=ority of the )onde-ned 6it)hes died 6ithout their na-es being re)orded. ;n -any areas of ,urope the re)ords of the 6it)h trials ha3e been destroyed as an e-barrass-ent to the )hur)h. The fe6 sur3i3ing na-es ; ha3e )olle)ted here are sho6n in a s-aller typefa)e not be)ause their deaths are uni-portant, but si-ply be)ause there are so -any of the-. The na-es )ited in this list as ha3ing been tried and e<e)uted for heresy and 6it)h)raft are representati3e only. Of the esti-ated half -illion 3i)ti-s of the 6it)h)raft trials, only a fe6 na-es and dates ha3e sur3i3ed. .ost 3i)ti-s re-ain anony-ous. (ery fe6 re)ords re-ain na-ing those 6ho 6ere tortured and then released. I like your 0hrist< I do not like your 0hristians. !our 0hristians are so unlike your 0hrist. & .ohandas Gandhi '. COLOR CODES ,3ery on)e in a 6hile, so-e *hristian or other )harlatan 6ill announ)e that the 6orld is soon to end, then as+ for an Fe<tra spe)ial effortF to help the -inistry, 6ith Fe<tra spe)ial effortF -eaning to send in -oney. There is nothing ne6 to this pra)ti)eB *hristians ha3e been predi)ting the end of the 6orld and as+ing for donations based on those predi)tions sin)e they opened for business. 7o-e of the -ore notorious flops in the F,nd Of The JorldF prophe)y bi2 are noted in red. 8a)ts relating to the life of the histori)al Jesus (as opposed to the -yth )reated by the *hristian )hur)h# are noted in blue. .istranslations of the original Gree+, ,ssene, and Ara-ai) te<ts by the ,nglish 3ersion of the Bible are noted in orange. "If /od is omniscient, why do I have to pray to him= ?oesn3t he already know what I need=" $ *laire L. 4i3ero

THE HISTOR" ( ")* +,- ./0.1 )2 3)+4 0+,543 6) 344 /,7547 84730)239 G0/5,+43: Gilga-esh 6as a ruler of .esopota-ia about >7HH B*,. A story,F5e Jho 7a6 The 'eepF 6as 6ritten about hi- so-e6here bet6een >1HH and >HHH B*,, +no6n today as the ,pi) of Gilga-esh. A-ong the stories found in the ,pi) of Gilga-esh are the story of the great flood and the building of the Ar+ by 0tnapishti- ()o-plete 6ith the releasing of the do3e#, along 6ith the forerunners of 7a-son and 'elilah in the persons of ,n+idu and the te-ple harlot, as 6ell as the tale of Lot. The ,pi) of Gilga-esh predates the ti-e of .oses and A+henaton by appro<i-ately 7HH years. !)343;A1:42,6)2;A+42:)64< IV

.oses, as a )hild in the ho-e of Pharaoh, read the )ontents of the PharaohDs library. 7tories su)h as the ,pi) of Gilga-esh for-ed the basis for .osesD o6n 6ritings 6hi)h be)a-e the )ore of the 5ebre6 faith and the *hristian Old Testa-ent. A-ong the stories )opied fro- the ,pi) of Gilga-esh 6as the story of the great flood and the building of the Ar+. The ,pi) of Gilga-esh predates the 6riting of the earliest booo+s of the old testa-ent by at least 7HH years. There is )o-pelling e3iden)e that the -an +no6n today as .oses 6as a)tually a Prin)e of ,gypt hi-self, A-enhotep ;(, 6ho 6as o3erthro6n and deposed for atte-pting to start a -onotheisti) religion. 7etting aside the silly suggestion that a prin)ess of ,gypt 6ould gi3e a 5ebre6 na-e to a )hild hidden in PharaohDs household (as pointed out by 7ig-und 8reud#, the na-e F.osesF is not a 5ebre6 6ord for Fdra6ing out ofF, but is a )o--on ,gyptian appellation -eaning FPrin)eF, and appears in the na-es of -any Pharaohs su)h as Tut-oses, Ah-oses and 4a-oses (4a-ses#. .osesNA+henaton 6as banished fro- ,gypt, but follo6ing the death of 4a-ses, and being a legiti-ate heir to the throne, .osesNA+henaton returned in a bid to reta+e the throne, but failed and had to flee ,gypt a se)ond ti-e 6ith his supporters, 6ho 6ere the 5y+sos, not the 5erbre6s. Politi)al spin being the sa-e thing ba)+ then as today, this defeat 6as re$6ritten into a 3i)tory in 6hat is no6 the Old Testa-ent story of the ,<odus of the 5ebre6s. J43*3 Eeshua 6as born in the year 1 during the early spring (la-bing ti-e# and 3isited by three priests of the .ithrai) or Coroastrian religion, the .agi. They announ)ed his birth as the fulfill-ent of prophe)y, not of the Judeans, but of their o6n prophet Carathustra. Judas ,s)ariot, in an atte-pt to for)e the 4abbi Eeshua (Jesus# to use his alleged di3ine po6ers to dri3e the 4o-ans fro- Judea, infor-ed on Jesus to the 4o-ans in the year MM. The Je6ish *ourt, the 7anhedron, long infuriated by JesusD effe)t on their profits, did not inter3ene. *ru)ifi<ion nor-ally too+ M$" days to +ill so-eone. But Jesus 6as on the )ross only a fe6 hours 6hen it 6as reported to Pontius Pilate that Jesus had died. A))ording to the Bible, Pilate (6ho +no6s better than -ost ho6 long )ru)ifi<ion usually lasts# e<pressed so-e suspi)ion in the -atter, but at the urging of his 6ife de)ided not to press the issue. T6o aspe)ts of )ru)ifi<ion forgotten in the present day is that it 6as not al6ays a fatal punish-ent. 4o-ans 6ould )ru)ify )ri-inals as a 6arning and ta+e the- do6n after they had lost )ons)iousness. And, the la6s of Judea did not allo6 the )ru)ified to re-ain on their )ross during the 7abbath, 6hi)h began at sun do6n 8riday night. 5en)e, 6hen Jesus 6as put up on the )ross 8riday -id$day, it 6as the la6 that he had to be ta+en do6n by sunset, 6hether ali3e or dead. The Bible des)ribes the post$)ru)ifi<ion Jesus not as an i--ortal spirit, but as a nor-al hu-an reAuiring food, sleep, and the tending of his 6ounds. Te<ts in the apo)rypha gi3e the for-ula for the FJounds Of *hristF oint-ent as )hiefly Aloe and .yrh. ;sla-i) and Buddhist te<ts tell the story of ho6 the histori)al Jesus, ha3ing barely es)aped a senten)e of death, then -igrated east into ;ndia, sear)hing for the lost tribes and tea)hing as he 6ent. 5is to-b )an still be seen in 7rinagar. Jhile Jesus li3ed on in ;ndia, Jesus 6ife, .ary (a Ben=a-ite# es)aped to the 7outh of 8ran)e to an e<isting Ben=a-ite )olony. There she raised her )hildren, 6ho e3entually inter-arried 6ith the 7i)a-brian 8ran+s, engendering the .ero3ingian line of 7or)erer Lings.

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI A))ording to .atthe6 1@?>K, Jesus hi-self predi)ted his se)ond )o-ing and the end of the 6orld 6ithin the lifeti-e of his )onte-poraries. Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI ;n the year 1!@, the prophet .ontanus and t6o follo6ers, Pris)illa and .a<i-illa, founded a )ult that predi)ted the end of the 6orld 6ould o))ur in their lifeti-e. 'espite the failure of that predi)tion, the )ult sur3i3ed se3eral )enturies until it 6as ordered e<ter-inated by Pope Leo ;. Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI ;n >"7, *hristian prophets de)lare that the perse)utions by the 4o-ans are a sign of the i-pending return of Jesus. C)236,26024 6:4 G74,6 *onstantine the Great, the first *hristian e-peror of 4o-e, )a-e to po6er in the year MH@. A))ording to *hur)h 8ather La)tantius, *onstantine 6as Fa -odel of *hristian 3irtue and holiness.F A-ong *onstantineDs a)hie3e-entsB the -urders of t6o brothers$in$la6, his son, and his 6ife. *hristianity be)a-e the offi)ial religion of 4o-e in M1!. *hristians started burning pagan te-ples and +illing the pagan priests. The )arnage )ontinued non$stop into the @th )entury. Te-ples destroyed by *hristian -obs in)luded the 7an)tuary of Aes)ulap in Aegaea, the Te-ple of Aphrodite in Golgatha, Apha+a in Lebanon, and the 5eliopolis. *hristian priests su)h as .ar+ of Arethusa or *yrill of 5eliopolis 6ere fa-ous as Fte-ple destroyers.F .u)h of the story of *onstantineDs de3otion to the )hur)h is -anufa)tured. T:4 D)2,60)2 )= C)236,26024 Prior to the ti-e of *onstantine, Lingship 6as either 6on in battle or inherited fro- father to son. There 6as no spe)ifi) )ere-ony upon ta+ing the throne (although one finds re)ords of so-e 3ery 6ild parties held in )elebration#. But in the ti-e of *onstantine, the )hur)h in3ented for itself the ritual of )oronation, in 6hi)h the Bishop of 4o-e prayed o3er *onstantine and then slapped a )ro6n on his head, thereby sending out a )lear -essage that the )hur)h )lai-ed responsibility for *onstantine Ds earthly po6er and authority. 8ollo6ing *onstantine Ds death, a do)u-ent appeared in 6hi)h *onstantine purportedly donated the i-perial regalia of 4o-e to the )hur)h, 6ith the reAuest that it be OloanedP to all future rulers of the 4o-an ,-pire . 8ro- that day on, the loan too+ the for- of the ritual of )oronation, in 6hi)h the holy oil of anoint-ent )reated the +ing, rather than )onAuest or the bloodline. *oronation added the i-pri-atur of GodDs 6ill to

the legiti-a)y of the -onar)h, and as an ine3itable )orollary, nobody )ould as)end to the throne 6ithout the per-ission and blessing of the )hur)h. ,<)ept Q *onstantine had not been infor-ed ahead of ti-e of his o6n )oronation and by all a))ounts 6as rather sho)+ed and angered by the )hur)hDs bra2en atte-pt to portray his )i3il authority as a gift of their religion. As for the donation of *onstantine, 6hi)h literally reshaped the politi)al history of ,urope for half a -illenniu-, it 6as a forgery, -ost li+ely 6ritten 6ithin the Papal offi)es, to steal for the )hur)h the OrightP to de)lare 6ho 6ould or 6ould not be +ings of ,urope.
*onstantius ;;, the se)ond *hristian ,-peror of 4o-e, su))eeded *onstantine in MM7, -urdering both un)les and 7 )ousins in the pro)ess. Bishop ;nno)entius of 'ertona in %orthern ;taly ordered the destru)tion of a synagogue about M!H. 7aint Augustine of 5ippo 6as born in M!". 5e )alled for use of for)e to )on3ert people to *hristianity and urged se3ere punish-ent for heresy. 7aint Augustine de)lared that sin)e -en die any6ay, they should die in 6ars fought for the benefit of the )hur)h. Augustine 6rote, FAny 3iolation of GodDs la6s, and by easy e<tension, any 3iolation of *hristian do)trine, )ould be seen as an in=usti)e 6arranting unli-ited punish-ent ... of the ene-y population 6ithout regard to the distin)tion bet6een soldiers and )i3ilians. .oti3ated by righteous 6rath, the =ust 6arriors )ould +ill 6ith i-punity e3en those 6ho 6ere -orally inno)ent.F And F; fail to see 6hat use 6o-an )an be to -an, if one e<)ludes the fun)tion of bearing )hildren.F *hristian 4o-e -ade any non$*hristian 6orship a )ri-e punishable by death in M!@. *hristian ,-peror Theodosius ("HK$"!H# had )hildren e<e)uted be)ause they had been playing 6ith re-ains of pagan statues.

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI 5ilary of Poitiers predi)ted the 6orld 6ould end in M@!.
The philosopher 7opatros 6as e<e)uted by *hristians in the fourth )entury.

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI The 'onatists, a %orth Afri)an *hristian se)t, predi)ted the 6orld 6ould end in MKH.
Pris)illian and si< follo6ers 6ere beheaded by *hristians for -agi) and .ana)hean heresy in Trier, Ger-any in MK!. The Bishop of Lallini+on ordered a synagogue burned in MKK.

P)<4 L4) I Leo 1 be)a-e Pope in ""H, and persuaded the )i3il go3ern-ent to order perse)utions against the Pelagianists, the sur3i3ing Pris)illianists in 7pain, and the .ani)haeans. Although supposedly a )i3il la6, the te<t of the la6 6as 6ritten in the papal offi)es. 8ollo6ing his death, Leo ; is -ade a saint. H-<,60, )= A/4>,2?70,

5ypatia of Ale<andria 6as torn to shreds 6ith bro+en glass and sea shells by a *hristian -ob in "1!, led by a *hristian -inister na-ed FPeterF. 5ypatia 6as dragged fro- her abode at the Great Library, and 6as -urdered in a )hur)h as the highlight of a 6orship ser3i)e. The sa-e -ob of *hristians then destroyed the great Library at Ale<andria. The *hristian )i3il authorities used 6hat re-ained of the libraryDs boo+s and s)rolls to heat the publi) baths, erasing fro- the fa)e of the ,arth -u)h of the )lassi)al heritage of the an)ient 6orld. The *hristians destroyed the re-aining ,gyptian te-ples. Jith the -urder of the ,gyptian priests, all +no6ledge of the an)ient 6ritten ,gyptian language 6as lost, not to be re$ dis)o3ered until *ha-polion de)oded it 6ith the help of the 4osetta stone dis)o3ered by %apoleonDs in3ading troops. Only then is it dis)o3ered that lo)+ed a6ay in ;-hotepDs sur3i3ing 6ritings a6ere the )ures to diseases that had de3astated -edie3al ,urope.
The .ani)haeans are )o-pletely e<ter-inated by """. (isigoths re3olted and sa)+ed 4o-e in "7@. 1!H years later, the 4o-an roads had fallen into ruin. The *hristians, suppressing all +no6ledge not found in the bible, abandoned 4o-an -ines and s-elters. 8or the ne<t 1HHH years, possession of iron ob=e)ts 6as the sign of 6ealth e3en -ore than possession of gold.

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI 4o-an theologian 7e<tus Julius Afri)anus ()a. 1@H$>"H# predi)ted the se)ond )o-ing of Jesus in the year !HH. Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI 5ippolytus (died )a. >M@# predi)ted the se)ond )o-ing of Jesus in the year !HH. Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI The theologian ;renaeus predi)ted the se)ond )o-ing of Jesus in the year !HH.
%on$*hristians 6ere stripped of all legal rights under the la6 in the @th )entury. 7!"(R# The F'onation of *onstantineF appears. This do)u-ent purported to pro3e that the ,-peror *onstantine the regalia of the rule of 4o-e to the )hur)h. This allo6ed the )hur)h to )lai- the right to )hoose and )reate Lings fro- that ti-e for6ard. The 'onation also )lai-ed to offi)ially appoint the Bishop of 4o-e as the (i)ar of *hrist on ,arth, )reating the i-perial papa)y. The 'onation 6as re3ealed as a forgery by the Papa)y during the 4enaissan)e. The *oun)il of Toledo ensla3ed all Je6s, )onfis)ated their property and ordered their )hildren for)ibly bapti2ed in the @th *entury. ,-peror *harle-agne )onde-ned "!HH 7a<ons, un6illing to )on3ert to *hristianity, to be beheaded in 7K>.

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI A 7panish -on+, Beatus of LiSbana, spar+ed a riot 6hen he predi)ted on ,aster ,3e 7 M the 6orld 6ould end that 3ery night. Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI 7e<tus Julius Afri)anus predi)ted the se)ond )o-ing of Jesus in the year KHH. Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI Beatus of LiSbana, not ha3ing learned anything fro- the riot he started in 7 M, 6rote in his 0ommentary on the 'pocalypse, 6hi)h he finished in 7K@, that the 6orld 6ould end in the year KHH at the latest.

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI Bishop Gregory of Tours predi)ted the 6orld 6ould end bet6een 7 and KH@. Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI The *hristian prophetess Thiota predi)ted the 6orld 6ould end in K"K. P)<4 J),2 I Pope Leo ;( died in K!!. Pope Benedi)t ;;; su))eeded hi- in K!K. The three years bet6een sa6 one of the -ost )ontro3ersial )hara)ters e3er to appear in the (ati)an, Pope John (;;;, 6ho 6as se)retly a 6o-an, often referred to as Pope Joan ;. Born in the dar+est of the dar+ ages, 6hen 6o-en 6ere de)lared to be the property of -en by the )hur)h, Pope Joan (her real na-e re-ains un+no6n# i-personated a -an in order to gain a))ess to edu)ation, be)a-e a -on+, and by 3irtue of a superior )o--and of religious +no6ledge and politi)al s+ill 6as e3entually ele)ted Pope. Pope JoanDs -asAuerade 6as undone by her o6n se<ual appetites, 6hi)h -at)hed those of the other Popes (7ee Pope Ale<ander (;#. 7he be)a-e pregnant and had the -isfortune to go into labor during a Papal pro)ession fro- the Patriar)hu-, the offi)ial PopeDs 4esiden)e (no6 7t. LateranDs# along the F(ia 7a)raF (The 7a)red 4oad, no6 (ia 7. Gio3anni# to 7t. PeterDs Basili)a at the (ati)an, suffering a -is)arriage in full publi) 3ie6. The )ro6d, not Auite 6illing to a))ept this parti)ular F-ira)leF, pro-ptly stoned Pope Joan to death and she 6as buried in an un-ar+ed gra3e 6ith her baby. 0p until the 1@th )entury, the *atholi) )hur)h a)+no6ledged Pope John (;;;Ds (Pope JoanDs# e<isten)e. ;n 1>7@, Pope John XX )hanged his na-e to Pope John XX; after dis)o3ering the e<isten)e of John (;;; (Pope Joan# in the (ati)an ar)hi3es. ,3en though the (ia 7a)ra 6as the shortest and -ost dire)t route bet6een the Patriar)hu- and the (ati)an, all later Papal Pro)essions 6ent by another path. 8ollo6ing the stoning of Pope Joan and up until the 1@th )entury, the Papal *onse)ration )ere-ony in)luded a pro)ess politely )alled the F)hair e<a-F. Papal )andidates 6ere reAuired to sit in the F7ella 7ter)orariaF, an ornate 3ersion of an outhouse seat 6ith a hole in the bottothrough 6hi)h their -ale genitals )ould be obser3ed by an offi)ial e<a-iner 6ho 6ould then pro)lai-, nobis no-inus estF $$ FOur no-inee is a -an.F Only then 6as the ne6ly )ro6ned Pope handed the +eys to 7t. PeterDs. The offi)ial position of the *atholi) *hur)h today is that Pope John (;;; (Pope Joan# 6as an in3ention of Protestants intent on e-barrassing the *atholi)s. 5o6e3er, despite efforts by the holy inAuisition to erase any and all re)ords of Pope John (;;; (Pope Joan#, -ore than !HH an)ient -anus)ripts by a)+no6ledged period authors (Petrar)h and Bo))a))io# and high ran+ing )lergy ha3e been un)o3ered des)ribing the reign of Pope John (;;; (Pope Joan#. Pope JoanDs statue )an be seen at the *athedral of 7ienna, labeled as being Pope Ca)harias by order of Pope *le-ent (;;; in 1@H1. Pope John X;; is +illed by an enraged husband after being )aught 6ith the -anDs 6ife..

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI Lotharingian )o-putists foresa6 the ,nd on 8riday, .ar)h >!, 7H, 6hen the Annun)iation and Good 8riday fell on the sa-e day. They belie3ed that it 6as on this day that Ada- 6as )reated, ;saa) 6as sa)rifi)ed, the 4ed 7ea 6as parted, Jesus 6as )on)ei3ed, and Jesus 6as )ru)ified. Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI *hristian prophets predi)ted that the end 6ould )o-e in 6hen the Annun)iation and Good 8riday again fell on the sa-e day. Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI Jhen it didnDt happen in predi)tion to !. >, *hristians re3ised the >,

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI ,(,4E *hristian predi)ted the end of the 6orld in the year 1HHH.
The Bishop of Li-oges, 8ran)e had all Je6s 6ho 6ould not )on3ert to *hristianity +illed or banished in 1H1H.

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI Jhen the 6orld did not end in the year 1HHH, *hristian prophets e<plained that they had forgotten to add in the length of JesusD life and predi)ted the end of the 6orld in 1HMM. The 6ritings of the Burgundian -on+ 4adulfus Glaber des)ribed a rash of -ass hysterias during the period fro- 1HHH$1HMM.
Gregory ; be)a-e Pope in 1H7M. 5e de)lared the )atholi) )hur)h as ruler of the 6orld, that no +ing )ould be )ro6ned other than by the Popes, and no property titles 6ere 3alid unless blessed by the )hur)h. Gregory ; ;n)ited the %or-ans to 6age 6ar against 5enry ;(. Gregory ; 6as -ade a saint after his death. 0rban ;; be)a-e Pope in 1HKK and )on3ened the )oun)il at *ler-ont in Au3ergneN8ran)e regarding the Fi-prison-entF of Jerusale-. To start building his ar-y, 0rban ;; re)ruited *hristian robbers to =oin in the res)ue of Jerusale- by pro-ising they )ould +eep any 6ealth they stole fro- the 7ara)ens. "(et those who have hitherto been robbers now become soldiers." ) *rban !! addresses his gangsters.

The 8irst *rusade to Fres)ueF the holy lands began on )o--and of Pope 0rban ;; in 1H !. *rusaders sle6 thousands of non$*hristians at Jieselburg, @N1>N1H @. *rusaders sle6 thousands of non$*hristians at 7e-lin, @N>"N1H @. *rusaders sle6 thousands of non$*hristians at %i+aia, Xerigordon, fro- N N1H @ to N>@N1H @.

"H )ities and o3er >HH )astles 6ere sa)+ed by the )rusaders bet6een 1H ! and 1H K. Je6s li3ing in Jor-s 6ere +illed in !N1KN1H @, 11HH Je6s 6ere +illed in .ain2 !N>7N1H @, *ologne, %euss, Altenahr, Je3elingho3en, Xanten, .oers, 'ort-und, Lerpen, Trier, .et2, 4egensburg, T Prag.

Antio)hia 6as )onAuered, and !H,HHH +illed, @NMN1H K. A))ording to *hristian )hroni)ler 8ul)her of *hartres, the )rusaders ran their lan)es through the bellies of all the 6o-en they found. .araat An$%u-an 6as )aptured and thousands +illed on 1>N11N1H K. A))ording to *hroni)ler Albert AAuensis, the *hristian )onAuerors engaged in a)ts of )annibalis-.

"' curse on him who is la* in doing the +O1?3s work! ' curse on him who keeps his sword from bloodshed!" $$ Jere-iah "K?1H, .otto of Pope Gregory (;;.
Jerusale- 6as )onAuered on 7N1!N1H and @H,HHH non$*hristians 6ere +illed. Bodies 6ere slit open to sear)h for gold )oins they -ight ha3e s6allo6ed. Je6s 6ho had ta+en refuge in the )ityDs synagogue 6ere burned ali3e, thousands of -usli-s 6ere )hopped to death in Al$ AAsa -osAue. A))ording to the Ar)hbishop of Tyre, 6ho 6as an eye$6itness, F;t 6as i-possible to loo+ upon the 3ast nu-bers of the slain 6ithout horrorB e3ery6here lay frag-ents of hu-an bodies, and the 3ery ground 6as )o3ered 6ith the blood of the slain. ;t 6as not alone the spe)ta)le of headless bodies and -utilated li-bs stre6n in all dire)tions that roused the horror of all 6ho loo+ed upon the-. 7till -ore dreadful 6as it to ga2e upon the 3i)tors the-sel3es, dripping 6ith blood fro- head to foot, an o-inous sight 6hi)h brought terror to all 6ho -et the-. ;t is reported that 6ithin the Te-ple en)losure alone about ten thousand infidels perished.F *hristian )hroni)ler ,)+ehard of Aura noted that Fe3en the follo6ing su--er in all of Palestine the air 6as polluted by the sten)h of de)o-positionF. "4ntering the city @:erusalem, :uly 7A, 7#""B, our pilgrims pursued and killed (aracens up to the -emple of (olomon, in which they had assembled and where they gave battle to us furiously for the whole day so that their blood flowed throughout the whole temple. Cinally, having overcome the pagans, our knights sei)ed a great number of men and women, and the killed whom they wished and whom they wished they let live.... -hen, re&oicing and weeping from e*treme &oy, our men went to worship at the sepulchre of &our (aviour :esus and thus fulfilled their pledge to .im.... -hey also ordered that all the (aracen dead should be thrown out of the city because of the e*treme stench, for the city was almost full of their cadavers. -he live (aracens dragged the dead out before the gates and made piles of them, like houses. 5o one has ever heard of or seen such a slaughter of pagan peoples since pyres were made of them like boundary marks, and no one e*cept /od knows their number." /5istoire anony-e de la pre-iere )roisade, L. Brehier, ed. Paris? *ha-pion, 1 >" (8ro- The Portable .edie3al 4eader, ,d. Ja-es Bru)e 4oss and .ary .artin .)Laughlin#1

The Battle of As+alon results in >HH,HHH non$*hristians +illed Fin the na-e of Our Lord Jesus *hristF, KN1>N1H . Bernard of *lair3au<, at the reAuest of Pope ,ugenius ;;;, prea)hed a ne6 )rusade of, FTotal e<ter-ination of the 5eathen $ or definiti3e )on3ersionIF in 111!. Bernard is also fa-ous for the *hristian do)trine that all pursuit of +no6ledge 6as a sin unless dire)ted by the )hur)h. The )hur)h, based on ,))lesiastes, de)lared that all that -an needed to +no6 6as already +no6n, and )onsidered any ne6 sear)h for +no6ledge heresy. P743647 J):2 ;n the 11MHs, the Tur+ish ,-pire under the leadership of ;-ad ad$din Cengi began to en)roa)h on the *rusader Lingdo-s of the 5oly Land . .ost *rusaders )onsidered their 3o6s to the first 5oly *rusade fulfilled and had already returned to ,urope, lea3ing the Pilgriroad fro- Jaffa to Jerusale- under the guard of the ne6ly e-ergent Lnights Te-plar (6ho

see-ed to spend all their ti-e digging under the Te-ple .ount#. The Lnights Te-plar, although able to guard a road 6hen not sho3eling dirt, 6ere insuffi)ient a for)e to hold off an entire in3asion, and in 11"!, 5ugh, Bishop of Jabala, 6as sent to -eet the ne6ly enthroned Pope Blessed ,ugene ;;; to as+ for help. Pope ,ugene, far less bloodthirsty than his prede)essors, bal+ed at a ne6 and )ostly )rusade so soon after the last one. 5ugh told the Pope that a ne6 )rusade to preser3e *hristian do-inion o3er the 5oly Lands 6ould be easy and )heap, be)ause so-e6here far to the east of the 5oly Lands 6as the Lingdo- of Prester John . Prester (or Presbyter# John 6as a *hristian LingB a dire)t des)endant of one of the .agi 6ho had 3isited the infant Jesus, and reportedly 6hose +ingdo6as po6erful, 6ealthy, and pea)eful. A))ording to 5ugh, Prester John 6as )o--itted to preser3ing *hristian rule o3er the 5oly Lands, and a6aited only a sign of eAual )o--it-ent frothe ar-ies of ,urope . 4u-ors of the i-pending inter3ention of Prester John bolstered the )ourage of the *hristians of the *rusader Lingdo-s and of ,urope, and based in part on the pro-ise of Prester John as an ally, Pope ,ugene laun)hed the 7e)ond 5oly *rusade, led by Louis (;; of 8ran)e and *onrad ;;; of Ger-any . But Prester John did not sho6 up as pro-ised. The 7e)ond *rusade ended in the rout of the *rusader ar-ies at 'a-as)us, and the *hristians found the-sel3es holding less of the 5oly Lands. ;n 11@!, =ust as the situation in the 5oly Lands began to deteriorate further, a letter began to )ir)ulate around ,urope purportedly fro- Prester John. The letter again pro-ised support for the *hristian ar-ies of ,urope . The letter in)luded des)riptions of the 6onders of Prester JohnDs +ingdo-. The letter 6as so popular it 6as )opied far and 6ide, and portions of it set to -usi)I But again, Prester John did not sho6 up 6hen pro-ised, and in 11K7 Jerusale- fell to 7aladin. This pro-pted the start of the Third *rusade. On)e again, ru-ors of Prester JohnDs ar-ies atta)+ing the .usli-s fro- the ,ast bolstered the in3ading for)es. ,<)ept Q Prester John 6as the in3ention of the )hur)hB a propaganda de3i)e to tri)+ ,uropeans to =oin a 6ar in 6hi)h they 6ere )learly outnu-bered by the opposing for)e. As .ar)o Polo and other tra3elers brought tales of the Orient ba)+ to ,urope in the 1Mth )entury, )hur)h leaders gre6 alar-ed as *hristians learned of po6erful and ad3an)ed )i3ili2ations to the east that e<isted 6ithout any a6areness of *hristianity. 8ollo6ing a brief period 6hen the 'o-ini)ans

unsu))essfully denoun)ed .ar)o PoloUs 6ritings as heresy and fraud, the )hur)h again re3i3ed the legends of Prester John to pro3e that *hristianity did rule in the far east. 5ighly fan)iful -aps 6ere produ)ed of =ust 6here Prester JohnDs +ingdo- 6ould be found. The legends of Prester John persisted fro- the 1>th to the 17th )enturies e3en though John hi-self )ould not ha3e li3ed that long. %u-erous e<peditions to find the Lingdo- of Prester John 6ere -ounted, all 6ithout su))ess. As the -ap of Asia be)a-e filled in a))urately 6ith no sign of the fabled *hristian Lingdo-, the legend 6as altered to )lai- that Prester JohnDs Lingdo- 6as a)tually in ,thiopia, then as the Afri)an -ap started to fill in, further south in O'ar+est Afri)a.P The real- of Prester John e3entually be)a-e one of the fabled OLost Lingdo-s of Afri)a P that lured e<plorers into the *ongo, often to their deaths. As for the letter purportedly fro- Prester JohnB li+e the 'onation of *onstantine it 6as a )le3er forgery. ;n its original 3ersion it 6as apparently deri3ed -ostly fro- Otto 3on 8reisingenDs histori)al a))ount of the story told by 5ugh, Bishop of Jabala to Pope ,ugene. The story of Prester JohnDs pala)e 6as a)tually a des)ription of the pala)e of 7t. Tho-as the Apostle. As the letter 6as re)opied through the )enturies, the stories it )ontained gre6 e3er -ore fan)iful, filled 6ith strange and 6onderful )reatures and a-a2ing feats of -agi) and s)ien)e. ;n the 1Kth )entury these stories of the land of Prester John 6ere re3i3ed as part of the tales of Baron .un)hausen. ;n 1 KK, the stories of the land of Prester John again surfa)ed in Terry Gillia-Ds fil-, O The Ad3entures of Baron .un)hausen .P

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI (arious *hristian prophets predi)ted the end of the 6orld in the year 11K". %obody see-s to re-e-ber 6hy. Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI John of Toledo, after )al)ulating that a planetary align-ent 6ould o))ur in Libra on 7epte-ber >M, 11K@ (Julian )alendar#, )ir)ulated a letter (+no6n as the FLetter of ToledoF# 6arning that the 6orld 6as to going to be destroyed on this date, and that only a fe6 people 6ould sur3i3e. The Third *rusade sa)+ed Je6ish settle-ents in ,ngland fro- 11K to 11 H. Je6ish )o--unities in London, *anterbury, %ortha-pton, Lin)oln, *a-bridge, and others 6ere e<ter-inated. ;nno)ent ;;; be)a-e Pope in 11 K. 'uring his )oronation, ;nno)ent des)ribed hi-self as the ne6 *hrist, then ordered a fourth )rusade e3en as the third )ollapsed. ;nno)ent ;;; ordered Je6s to li3e in ghettos, 6ear a yello6 sign in publi), forbade Je6s to inter-arry 6ith other ra)es, and banned Je6s fro- )ertain o))upations. The %a2is later )ited ;nno)ent ;;; in their defense at %eure-burg. *onstantinople 6as sa)+ed by )rusaders during the 8ourth *rusade on "N1>N1>H". 8ro- 1H ! until the fall of A++on in 1> 1 probably >H -illion 3i)ti-s in the 5oly land and ArabNTur+ish areas 6ere +illed by the *rusaders a))ording to )onte-porary *hristian )hroni)lers.

"Dill them all. +et /od sort them out!" $$ Attributed to 3arious sour)es, in)luding Pope ;nno)ent ;;;, Abbot Arnold A-aury, and 7aint 'o-ini), at the geno)ide of the Albigensians.

Albigensians, e3en though *hristian (*atharsN.ithraists# refused to sub-it to the rule of 4o-e or to pay ta<es le3ied by the *atholi) )hur)h to pay for the disastrous *rusades. ;n retaliation, Pope ;nno)ent ;;; de)lared the- to be hereti)s. 7H,HHH 6ere +illed in 8ran)e on 7N>>N1>H , and thousands -ore 6ere slain at *ar)assonne on KN1!N1>H . The geno)ide )ontinued for >H years, e3entually +illing o3er a -illion people, roughly 1N> the population of 7outhern 8ran)e. At the end of the 6ar, the 5oly ;nAuisition 6as founded to hunt do6n the last sur3i3ors of the hereti)s and erase the- fro- the ,arth. The last *athar 6as burned at the sta+e in 1M>". The ;nAuisition then 6ent after other se)ts, in)luding Jaldensians, Pauli+ians, 4un)arians, and Josephites. Brother TorAue-ada, a for-er 'o-ini)an friar, allegedly 6as personally responsible for 1H,>>H burnings. The Offi)e Of The 5oly ;nAuisition )ontinued in po6er until 1KM>. T:4 C:0/?742@3 C7*3,?4 At a ti-e 6hen popular support for the )rusades 6as on the 6ane, a 1> year old boy, 7tephen of *loyes, approa)hed the Ling of 8ran)e bearing 6hat he )lai-ed is a letter 6ritten by Jesus *hrist hi-self )alling for yet another )rusade to Fres)ueF the holy lands. Ling Philip Augustus, as tired of the )rusades as 6as e3eryone else refused his blessing and per-ission and told the young boy to go ho-e. 'espite the la)+ of royal support, *hristian priests en)ouraged the young boy, sha-ed the parents into supporting their Auest, and soon >HHHH )hildren, so-e as young as @ years old, -ar)hed for the holy land. 5o6e3er, the *hildrenDs *rusade ne3er rea)hed the 5oly Lands. The priests returned, but the )hildren 6ere gone, sold to the Arabs as sla3es. After MH years, only a handful -anaged to return to their ho-es. 7aint Tho-as AAuinas 6as born in 1>>!, and spent his )areer appro3ing of sla3ery and death penalty for hereti)s. AAuinas also prea)hed that 6o-en 6ere Fdefe)ti3eF, and that one of the benefits of going to hea3en 6as 3ie6ing those 6ho suffered in hell. At least KHHH, and by one a))ount 11,HHH -en, 6o-en, and )hildren of 7teding, Ger-any, 6ho 6ere un6illing to pay ta<es i-posed by the *hristian )hur)h, 6ere e<e)uted on !N>7N1>M". M" Je6ish -en and 6o-en 6ere +illed by *hristians at 8ulda, Ger-any in 1>M!. 1KH people, their na-es unre)orded, 6ere burned for the )ri-e of 6it)h)raft at .ont6i-er, 8ran)e, on > .ay, 1>M . 7aint Angela of 8oligno, born in 1>"K, be)a-e fa-ous for eating pie)es that fell off of lepers to pro3e Jesus prote)ted her. 5e didnDt, but she 6as -ade a saint any6ay. Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI Joa)hi- of 8iore predi)ted the end of the 6orld so-e6here bet6een 1>HH and 1>@H. ;t did for hi- personallyB he died in 1>H>. Pope John XX found proof of the e<isten)e of Pope John (;;; (Pope Joan# in the (ati)an ar)hi3es and )hanged his o6n na-e to Pope John XX; in 1>7@. Barthe, Angela de la? 6as burned for heresy at Toulouse, 8ran)e, in 1>7!.

A *hristian priest persuaded se3eral )hildren to a))o-pany hi- a6ay fro- their 3illage on @N>@N1>K". The )hildren 6ere ne3er seen again, but terrified parents found bloody body parts hanging in trees in the forest. The lo)al )hur)h re$6rote the story to bla-e the 3anished )hildren on the sins of the 3illagers the-sel3es and thus 6as born the story of the Pied Piper of 5a-lin to6n. (7ee %athanial Bar$Jonah# Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI Pope ;nno)ent ;;; predi)ted the end of the 6orld in the year 1>K", @@@ years after the founding of ;sla-. 1H,HHH Je6s 6ere +illed by *hristians at Bohe-ia in 1> H. Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI Jhen Joa)hi- of 8ioreDs predi)ted end of the 6orld had not happened by 1>@H, -e-bers of his order (the Joa)hites# si-ply re$s)heduled the end another MH years later to 1> H. Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI Gerard of Poehlde, belie3ing that *hristDs .illenniua)tually began 6hen the e-peror *onstantine )a-e to po6er, predi)ts the end of the 6orld 1HHH years after the start of *onstantineDs reign, in 1MH@. T:4 #205:63 T4+</,7 1MH7 6as the start of the e<ter-ination of the Lnights Te-plar by the Ling of 8ran)e (6ho o6ed the Lnights Te-plar a great deal of -oney and 6ished to e3ade the debt# and the )hur)h, 6hi)h 6as =ealous of the Te-plarDs po6er. Both Ling and )leri) )o3eted the Te-plarsD 3ast 6ealth. M@ Lnights Te-plar 6ere tortured to death in 8ran)e, follo6ing their arrest on 8riday, the 1Mth of O)tober, 1MH7. This is the origin of the belief that 8riday the 1Mth is unlu)+y. The Te-plars 6ere for-ally disbanded by the )hur)h in 1M1>. 8ollo6ing the arrest, the soldiers of the +ing bro+e into the LnightsD treasury only to find it e-pty. The Te-plarsD ru-ored treasure of gold has ne3er been found. But =ust as the 5oly Grail -ay not ha3e been the drin+ing )up the )hur)h portrayed it as, the Treasure of the Te-plars -ay not ha3e been -ere gold, but a se)ret that e3en the *hristian )hur)h feared to -a+e publi), the lo)ation of the blood des)endants of the histori)al Jesus. Te-plars in 7)otland and Portugal es)aped the pogro-. 'es)endants of the Te-plars fought 6ith 4obert Bru)e at the battle of Banno)+burn 6hile their Portuguese brethren fo)used on -ariti-e a)ti3ities and rena-ed the-sel3es the Lnights of *hrist.. *hristopher *olu-busD 6ife 6as a daughter of a Lnight of *hrist and the sails of *olu-busD ships bore the Te-plar )ross on the 3oyage to the %e6 Jorld, suggesting that :ueen ;sabella 6as not his sole in3estor. The Lnights of *hrist also supplied the Fte)hnologyF behind Prin)e 5enry the %a3igator.

!" Lnights Te-plar burned in 8ran)e, on 1> .ay, 1M1H.

Pope *le-ent ( se)retly absol3es the Te-plars of heresy in the *hinon Par)h-ent, August 17, 1MHK. The Par)h-ent is in the (ati)an Library and 6ill not surfa)e until >HH>. Albano, Peter of? died in prison ser3ing a senten)e for heresy )ir)a 1M1H M Lnights Te-plar burned in 8ran)e, on 1K .ar)h 1M1". J,.A*43 D4 !)/,After sur3i3ing se3eral years of torture, Ja)Aues 'e .olay, Grand .aster of the Te-plars, 6as roasted ali3e by *hristians in 8ran)e on 1" .ar)h 1M1". The deliberate slo6 -anner of death 6as intended to for)e hi- to re3eal 6here the treasure of the Te-plars 6as hidden. Jhile it 6as popularly thought that the Treasure of the Te-plars 6as a 3ast 6ealth of gold, Ja)Aues 'e .olayDs 6illingness to endure his tor-ents 6ithout surrender supports the theory that he 6as prote)ting a -u)h -ore pre)ious se)ret than -ere goldB the lo)ation and identity of the des)endants of the histori)al Jesus. 7hortly after Ja)Aues 'e .olayDs death, the 7hroud of Turin first appeared being used to s6indle -oney fro- belie3ers as a -eans to )ure disease. 'is-issed by the Pope as an ob3ious fraud, one theory is that the )loth is a)tually 'e.olayDs o6n burial )loth, planted on the )hur)h as the Te-plerDs plan to dis)redit the )hur)h 6hi)h 6as hunting the des)endants of the histori)al Jesus in order to e<ter-inate the-.

.arigny, ,nguerrand de? 6as hanged for heresy in 8ran)e in 1M1!

Geraud, 5ughes? burned for 6it)h)raft in 8ran)e in 1M17 >HH V burned at *ar)assonne, 8ran)e, bet6een 1M>H$1M!H. ;ndi3idual e<a-ples follo6. F7o-eF burned for 6it)h)raft at Lil+enny, ;reland, 1M>M. %ottingha-, John of? died in )ustody, *o3entry, ,ngland, 1M>" .eath, Petronilla de? burned as a 6it)h, the first su)h burning in ;reland, on M %o3e-ber, 1M>" Andrius, Barthele-y? burned for heresy at *ar)assonne, 8ran)e in 1MMH Andrius, Jean? burned at *ar)assonne, 8ran)e in 1MMH Andrius, Phillippe? burned at *ar)assonne, 8ran)e in 1MMH *i)eron, Andre? burned ali3e at *ar)assone, 8ran)e, in 1MM! 4odier, *atala? burned ali3e at *ar)assone, 8ran)e, in 1MM! 4odier, Paul? burned ali3e at *ar)assone, 8ran)e, in 1MM! Georgel, Anna .arie de? burned at Toulouse, 8ran)e, in 1MM! 'elort, *atherine? burned at Toulouse, 8ran)e, in 1MM! @1 others, na-es not re)orded, burned at Toulouse, 8ran)e, in 1MM!

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI The Joa)hites again re$s)heduled the end of the 6orld, this ti-e to the year 1MM!.
*hristians in 'eggendorf, Ger-any laun)hed a FJe6 +illing )ra2eF that spread to !1 to6ns in Ba3aria, Austria, and Poland in 1MM7. All Je6s in Basel, 76it2erland and 7trasbourg, 8ran)e 6ere burned at the sta+e during 1M"K.

M"H,HHH people died of plague in ,ngland, roughly MHW of the population in the 6inter of 1M" . *hristians had banned not only the study of -edi)ine, but de)lared hygiene to be FsensuousF and therefore a sin. A3erage life e<pe)tan)y, 6hi)h had been "!$!H during 4o-an Pagan ti-es, fell to >!$MH under *hristian rule. The FJe6 +illing )ra2eF spread to M!H to6ns throughout Ger-any in 1M" . All Je6s 6ere -urdered, -ost by fire. .ore Je6s died at the hands of *hristians in this one year than *hristians died during >HH years of 4o-an perse)ution.

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI *2e)h ar)hdea)on .ilit2 of Lro-eri2 )lai-ed the Anti)hrist 6as ali3e and 6ell and 6ould sho6 up no later than 1M@7, bringing the end of the 6orld 6ith hi-. Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI Jean de 4oAuetaillade, a 8ren)h as)eti), predi)ted the Anti)hrist 6as to )o-e in 1M@@, 6ith the end of the 6orld a fe6 years after that. Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI The Joa)hites again re$s)heduled the end of the 6orld, this ti-e to the year 1M7K.
MHHH Je6s 6ere slaughtered in Prague in 1MK .

Ar)hbishop .artine2 ordered the e<e)ution of "HHH Je6s in 7e3ille in 1M 1. Another >!HHH 6ere sold into sla3ery and the the )hur)h +ept the -oney. Prior to the atta)+, all Je6s o3er the age of 1H 6ere reAuired to 6ear identifying badges.
K 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned at *ar)assonne, 8ran)e, in 1M!>. M1 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned at *ar)assonne, 8ran)e, in 1M!7. @7 -ore 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned at *ar)assonne, 8ran)e, bet6een 1MK7$1"HH Brigue, Jehane de? burned ali3e at the Pig .ar+et in Paris on 1 August, 1M 1 de 4uilly, .a)ette? burned ali3e at the Pig .ar+et in Paris on 1 August, 1M 1 Jit)h burned in Berlin, 1M . %a-e not re)orded. *rusades against the 5ussites, )onsidered sor)erers by the )hur)h. Thousands 6ere slai- during the 1"HHs. F7e3eralF 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned ali3e at 7i--enthal, 76it2erland, )ir)a 1"HH.

T:744 P)<43B The year 1"1H 6as a uniAue point in *atholi) history as no less then three senior )hur)h leaders had been )ro6ned Pope at the sa-e ti-eI Gregory X;;, John XX;;;, and Ale<ander (.
John 5uss? Burned in 1"1! as a hereti) for Auestioning the selling of indulgen)es by the Pope, and suggesting that Popes 6ere )apable of error. Of all the e<a-ples of Papal fallibility 5uss presented at his trial, the only one not denoun)ed as false by the presiding )lergy 6as the e<isten)e of Pope Joan.

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI *2e)h 'oo-sday prophet .artine+ 5ausha of the radi)al Taborite -o3e-ent 6arned that the 6orld 6ould end in 8ebruary 1">H, 8ebruary 1" at the latest.
F7e3eralF 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned at *ar)assonne, 8ran)e, in 1">M. >HH V 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, e<e)uted in the (alais, 8ran)e bet6een 1">K$1"M". 1@7 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, e<e)uted in lD;sere, 8ran)e, bet6een 1">K$1""7.

J),2 O= A7.

Joan of Ar)? a))used of 6it)h)raft and burned at 4ouen, 8ran)e, on MH .ay, 1"M1 1@ 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, e<e)uted in Toulouse, 8ran)e, in 1"M>. K 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, e<e)uted in Toulouse, 8ran)e, in 1"MM. Johannes %ider 6rites F8or-i)ariusF in 1"M!. ;t portrays 6it)hes as a)ting alone. There are no -entions of )o3ens or sabbats. 1!H 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, e<e)uted in Brian)on, 8ran)e, in 1"M7.

A 6it)h, tied and suspended abo3e a fire. Greland, Jean? burned at *ha-oni<, 8ran)e, in 1"MK, 6ith 1H others (allin, Pierre? e<e)uted in 8ran)e, in 1"MK .a2elier, 5an)he-and de? arrested at %eu)hatel, Ger-any 1"M *orrillaut, ,tienne? e<e)uted at .a)he)oul, 8ran)e in 1""H Griart, 5enri? e<e)uted at .a)he)oul, 8ran)e in 1""H 4ais, Gilles de? on )harges of 6it)h)raft, e<e)uted >@ O)tober, 1""H Jorde-aine, .argery? burned at 7-ithfield, ,ngland, on >7 O)tober, 1""1 Bolingbro+e, 4oger? hanged, dra6n and Auartered at Tyburn, ,ngland, on 1K %o3e-ber, 1""1 M 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned in 7a3oy bet6een 1""@ and 1""7.

;llustration of 3arious for-s of hanging used on hereti)s and 6it)hes. Li+e )ru)ifi<ion, the goal 6as to prolong the suffering for as long as possible. ;nAuisitor Jean (ineti 6rites FTra)tatus )ontra 'e-onu- ;n3o)atoresF in 1"!H, de)laring for the first ti-e that the pra)ti)e of 6it)h)raft is heresy against the *hristian faith. 7 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, +illed at .ar-ande, 8ran)e, in 1"!M. 1 6it)h, na-e not re)orded, burned at Lo)arno, ;taly, in 1"!!.

;llustration of a torture roo- of the 5oly ;nAuisition.

G*642C*75 Gutenburg published his Bible in 1"!!. The )hur)h pani)ed. 0p until that ti-e, *hristians 6ere not en)ouraged to read the Bible (or to read at all#, only to a))ept the authoritati3e 6ord of the priests as to 6hat it said.
Battle of Belgrade? KH,HHH Tur+s 6ho refused to )on3ert to *hristianity 6ere slaughtered in 1"!@. F.anyF 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned in Arras, 8ran)e in 1"! $ 1"@H. Jennin, (first na-e un+no6n#? burned at *a-brai, 8ran)e, in 1"@H. ;nAuisitor Girola-o (is)onti 6rote FLa-iaru- si3e 7triaru- Opus)alu-F in 1"@H, de)laring that defending a 6it)h is itself an a)t of heresy punishable by the )hur)h. > 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned in Burgundy, 8ran)e, in 1"7H. M 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned at 8orno$4i3ara, ;taly, in 1"7>. > 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned at Le3one, in ;taly, in 1"7". ! 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned at 8orno, ;taly, in 1"7!. 1> 6o-en and Fse3eralF -en , na-es not re)orded, burned at ,dinburgh, in 1"7 . " 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned at .et2, Ger-any, in 1"K>. "K 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned at *onstan)e, bet6een 1"K>$1"K@. " 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned at .et2, Ger-any, in 1"K>. "K 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned at *onstan)e, bet6een 1"K>$1"K@.

;llustration of 6it)h tortures, burning, tearing of the flesh by dogs, and brea+ing 6ith the 6heel. > 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned at Toulouse, 8ran)e, in 1"K". > 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned in *hau)y, 8ran)e in 1"K!. 1 6it)h, na-e not re)orded, died in prison, at .et2, Ger-any 1"KK. M 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, e<e)uted at .airange, Ger-any, on 17 June, 1"KK. > 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, e<e)uted at .airange, Ger-any, on >! June, 1"KK. M 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, e<e)uted at *hastel, Ger-any, on >@ June, 1"KK. M 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, e<e)uted at .et2, Ger-any, on 1 July, 1"KK. 1 6it)h, na-e not re)orded, e<e)uted at 7alney, Ger-any, on M July, 1"KK. > 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, e<e)uted at 7alney, Ger-any, on 1> July, 1"KK. M 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, e<e)uted at 7alney, Ger-any, on 1 July, 1"KK. 1 6it)h, na-e not re)orded, e<e)uted at Brieg, Ger-any, on 1 July, 1"KK. > 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, e<e)uted at Ju<ney, Ger-any, on 1 August, 1"KK. ! 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, e<e)uted at Thion3ille, Ger-any, on >M August, 1"KK. 1 6it)h, na-e not re)orded, e<e)uted at .et2, Ger-any, on > 7epte-ber, 1"KK. 1 6it)h, na-e not re)orded, e<e)uted at (igey, Ger-any, on 1! 7epte-ber, 1"KK. 1 6it)h, na-e not re)orded, e<e)uted at Ju<ney, Ger-any, on >> 7epte-ber, 1"KK.

;nAuisitor To-Xs de TorAue-ada staged the first FAuto$da$feF (FA)t of faithF# in 7e3ille in 1" 1. By the ti-e the last Auto$da$fe 6as held in 7pain in 1KH>, M"H,HHH people fell 3i)ti- to the spe)ta)le. >",HHH 6ere burned. Others 6ere reAuired to flog and s)ourge the-sel3es before the audien)e. Ostensibly a religious ser3i)e held on All 7aintDs 'ay, the Auto$da$fe 6as a re3i3al of 4o-an blood sports, )o-plete 6ith )hur)h )on)essionaires selling food, be3erages, and sou3enirs to the audien)es. The best seats had the highest ti)+et pri)es. Auto$ da$fes 6ere held in the ne6 6orld as 6ell, 6ith the last re)orded one ta+ing pla)e in .e<i)o in 1K1!. F.alleus .alifi)aru-F 6as first published in 1"K@. Authored by t6o 'o-ini)ans, the *hristiansD authoritati3e boo+ on 6it)hes e3entually rea)hed >K editions in ! languages o3er the ne<t >HH years, all of 6hi)h 6ere )ited as authority for the torture and e<e)ution of 6it)hes.

Alphonsus de 7pinaDs F8ortali)iu- 8ideiF 6as published in 1"@7. *iting it as authority, the -on+s of the Benedi)tine .onastery at 7t. .a<i-in at Tre3es e<e)uted o3er MHH people for the )ri-e of 6ith)hraft, gro6ing 6ealthy on the )onfis)ated property of the )onde-ned.

;nno)ent (;;; be)a-e Pope in 1"K". ;--ediately he laun)hed the anti 6it)h )a-paigns. Allo6ed )hur)h offi)ials in3ol3ed in the 6it)h hunts to +eep the 6ealth of the )onde-ned. Greed fueled the holo)aust to )o-e. ;nno)ent (;;; held a 6edding for his illegiti-ate son in the (ati)an itself. The brideDs -other 6as ;nno)ent (;;;Ds illegiti-ate daughterI

C:7036)<:47 C)/*+C*3 *olu-bus, ha3ing Auit the profession of sla3e trading to be)o-e an e<plorer, sailed for the ne6 6orld in 1" >. Jithin hours of landing, *olu-bus had +idnapped @ nati3es in order to F)hristiani2eF the- and -a+e the- his ser3ants. *olu-bus in)orre)tly reported that the inhabitants of the %e6 Jorld had no religion. After planting a )ross, *olu-bus 6ould say the F4eAueri-ientoF, a prayer that offi)ially -ade the ne6ly found lands *atholi). 7in)e nobody present ob=e)ted (the nati3es did not spea+ latin#, the ne6 6orld be)a-e offi)ially the do-ain of the *atholi) )hur)h. F; i-plore you to re)ogni2e the *hur)h as a lady and in the na-e of the Pope ta+e the Ling as lord of this land and obey his -andates. ;f you do not do it, ; tell you that 6ith the help of God ; 6ill enter po6erfully against you all. ; 6ill -a+e 6ar e3ery6here and e3ery 6ay that ; )an. ; 6ill ta+e your 6o-en and )hildren and -a+e the- sla3es...The deaths and in=uries you 6ill re)ei3e fro- here on 6ill be your o6n fault and not that of his -a=esty nor of the gentle-en that a))o-pany -e.F $$ FThe 4eAuire-entF, read by *olu-bus (in Latin# to nati3e tribes he en)ountered in the %e6 Jorld O3er the ne<t hundred years, thousands of indians 6ere burned to death for offending *hristians.

A hundred ;ndians bundled together and set on fire by the *hristian *onAuestadores.

On 5ispaniola alone, !H,HHH Ara6a+s 6ere +illed, the rest 6ere sent into sla3ery. *hief 5atuey de)lared that if hea3en is 6here *hristians go, that he 6ould prefer to li3e in hell. 5e 6as burned ali3e for heresy. Jhat happened to his people 6as des)ribed by an eye6itness? FThe 7paniards found pleasure in in3enting all +inds of odd )ruelties ... They built a long gibbet, long enough for the toes to tou)h the ground to pre3ent strangling, and hanged thirteen /nati3es1 at a ti-e in honor of *hrist Our 7a3iour and the t6el3e Apostles... then, stra6 6as 6rapped around their torn bodies and they 6ere burned ali3e.F

1!H,HHH Je6s 6ere e<pelled fro- 7pain on @NMHN1" >. .ost died before finding a ne6 ho-e.

Pope Ale<ander (; bro+ered the Treaty of Tordesillas bet6een 7pain and Portugal in 1" ". This treaty Fauthori2edF both nations to )lai- any non$*atholi) lands as their o6n and to sta-p out the e<isting go3ern-ent in order to repla)e it 6ith *atholi) rule. Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI 7e3eral 1!th *entury prophets predi)t the end of the 6orld for the year 1" @.
Gra)ia la (alle, burned in 7aragossa. 8irst e<e)ution of a 6it)h in 7pain, in 1" K.

Girola-o 7a3onarola 6as de)lared a hereti), arrested, tortured, hanged and then burned in the Pla2a della 7ignoria in 1" K for publi)ly )riti)i2ing the 6ild orgies thro6n inside the (ati)an by Pope Ale<ander (;. A))ording to 7a3onerola, FThe Papal Pala)e had literally be)o-e a house of prostitution 6here harlots sit upon the throne of 7olo-on and signal to the passersby. Jhoe3er )an pay enters and does 6hat he 6ishes.F
Bragadini, .ar+ Antony? beheaded in ;taly in the 1!HHDs 1 6it)h, na-e not re)orded, e<e)uted in 8ran)e in 1!HH. M 6o-en, na-es not re)orded, e<e)uted as 6it)hes in 7pain in 1!HH. Angelo of (erona 6as appointed ;nAuisitor o3er all of Lo-bardy in 1!H1 by Pope Ale<ander ;(, 6ho ordered hi- to see+ out and punish hereti)s. The Pope ga3e Angelo authority to o3er$ride all other religious authority to do so.

The infa-ous FBallet of the *hestnutsF 6as held in the (ati)an on 1HNMHN1!H1. One of the 6ildest parties thro6n in the Papal Pala)e by Pope Ale<ander (;, the Ballet of the *hestnuts 6as an old fashioned orgy featured !H of 4o-eDs -ost beautiful harlots, 6ith the Pope handing out pri2es to those -en 6ho displayed the -ost 3irility. 7eated by the PopeDs side for this re3el 6as his o6n illegiti-ate daughter and o))asional lo3er, Lu)re2ia Borgia.

The follo6ing are Auoted fro- Jillia- .an)hesterDs FA Jorld Lit Only by 8ire$ The .edie3al .ind and The 4enaissan)eF .Little, Bro6n T *o-pany, 1 > "Once he became ;ope 'le*ander EI, Eatican parties, already wild, grew wilder. -hey were costly, but he could afford the lifestyle of a 1enaissance prince< as vice chancellor of the 1oman 0hurch, he had amassed enormous wealth. 's guests approached the papal palace, they were e*cited by the spectacle of living statues> naked, gilded young men and women in erotic poses. Clags bore the Borgia arms, which, appropriately, portrayed a red bull rampant on a field of gold. 4very fete had a theme. One, known to 1omans as the Ballet of the 0hestnuts, was held on October 6#, 7A#7. -he indefatigable Burchard describes it in his ?iarium. 'fter the ban9uet dishes had been cleared away, the city3s fifty most beautiful whores danced with the guests, "first clothed, then naked." -he dancing over, the "ballet" began, with the ;ope and two of his children in the best seats. 0andelabra were set up on the floor, scattered among them were chestnuts, "which", Burchard writes, "the courtesans had to pick up, crawling between the candles." -hen the serious se* started. /uests stripped and ran out onto the floor, where they mounted, or were mounted by, the prostitutes. "-he coupling took place," according to Burchard, "in front of everyone present." (ervants kept score of each man3s orgasms, for the ;ope greatly admired virility, and measured a man3s machismo by his e&aculative capacity. 'fter eveyone was e*hausted, .is .oliness distributed pri)es, cloaks, boots, caps, and fine silken tunics. "-he winners", the diarist wrote, "were those who made love with the courtesans the greatest number of times." About the Pope and his daughter, Lu)re2ia? F5is daughter had =ust turned se3enteen and 6as at the height of her beauty. Je no6 +no6 that he 6as, in fa)t, her lo3er. ..5ere, ho6e3er, the tale dar+ens. 4o-ans had s)ar)ely absorbed the ne6s that the father lusted for his daughter 6hen they learned e3en -ore. Lu)re2ia 6as said to be una3ailable to her father be)ause she 6as already deeply in3ol3ed in another in)estuous relationship, or relationships$ a triangular entangle-ent 6ith both her handso-e brothers. The diffi)ulty, it 6as 6hispered, 6as that although she en=oyed )oupling 6ith both of the-, ea)h, =ealous of the other, 6anted his sister for hi-self. On the -orning of June 1!, 1" 7, Juan BorgiaDs )orpse 6as found floating in the Tiber -utilated by nine sa3age dagger 6ounds. FBorgiaDs en=oy-ent of the flesh 6as enhan)ed 6hen the 6o-an beneath hi- 6as -arried, parti)ularly if he had presided at her 6edding. Brea+ing any )o--and-ent e<)ited hi-, but he 6as partial to the se3enth. As priest he -arried 4osa to t6o -en. 7he -ay ha3e a)tually slept 6ith her husbands fro- ti-e to ti-e$ sin)e Borgia al6ays +ept a stable of 6o-en, she 6as allo6ed an o))asional night off to indulge her o6n se<ual preferen)es$ but her duties lay in his e-inen)eDs bed. Then, at the age of fifty nine, he yearned for a -ore nubile partner. 5is parting 6ith 4osa 6as affe)tionate. Later he ga3e her a little gift$ he -ade her brother a )ardinal.F

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI The ;talian artist Botti)elli )aptioned his painting, FThe .ysti)al %ati3ityF 6ith a -essage 6arning that the end of the 6orld 6ould o))ur 6ithin three years, based on the predi)tions of Girola-o 7a3onarola.

F*onfessing under TortureF, fro- FBa-beris)he 5alsgeri)htsordnungF, published in 1!HK.

Pope Julias ;; a-ended the Treaty of Tordesillas bet6een 7pain and Portugal in 1!H@. This treaty Fauthori2edF both nations to )lai- any non$*atholi) lands as their o6n and to sta-p out the e<isting go3ern-ent in order to repla)e it 6ith *atholi) rule.
7aint Teresa 6as born in 1!1!. 7edu)ed by her father )onfessor (6ho died soon after fro- Dsurfeit de fe--eD# Teresa 6as dra6n into the )hur)h. On entering the nunnary, she 6as gi3en a 6hip and told to use it on herself t6i)e a day. 7he did so. 7he gains fa-e as a poet, although -u)h of her poetry, 6hi)h des)ribed Jesus in lurid se<ual -ages, 6as +ept hidden.

.artin Luther posted his F ! ThesesF on the door to Jittenburg *astle *hur)h on O)tober M1, 1!17, triggering the Protestant -o3e-ent.

The follo6ing are Auoted fro- Jillia- .an)hesterDs FA Jorld Lit Only by 8ire$ The .edie3al .ind and The 4enaissan)eF .Little, Bro6n T *o-pany, 1 > -he "'ge of Caith", the 7### years of the ?ark 'ges, was marked by a very low standard of living for most people. -hey lived in filth, sanitation being considered too sensual to be pious. -he average life e*pectancy was only FA or 6#G, and Bubonic ;lague, -yphus and a host of other diseases regularly decimated hundreds of thousands of people. In the winter of 76H", 7F#,### people died in 4ngland, one out of every three. 0ontinental 4urope had similar death counts during the 76##3s, recurring waves of plague sweeping the countrysides, whole towns dying in days. -he church encouraged ignorance> "(aint Bernard of 0lairvau* I7#"#, 77A6J, the most influential 0hristian of his time, bore a deep distrust of the intellect and declared that the pursuit of knowledge, unless sanctified by a holy mission, was a pagan act and therefore vile." "-he distinction between devotion and superstition has always been unclear, but there was little blurring here. 'lthough they called themselves 0hristians, medieval 4uropeans were ignorant of the gospels. -he Bible only e*isted in a language they could not read. -he mumbled incantations at Mass were meaningless to them. -hey believed in sorcery, witchcraft, hobgoblins, werewolves, amulets, and black magic, and were thus indistinguishable from pagans. (cholars as eminent as 4rasmus and (ir -homas More accepted the e*istence of witchcraft. -he church encouraged superstitions, recommended trust in faith healers, and spread tales of satyrs, incubi, sirens, cyclops, tritons, and giants, e*plaining they were all manifestations of (atan."

9*o-pared 6ioth !H$@H at the height of the 4o-an ,-pire

7TA4T O8 T5, FL;TTL, ;*, AG,F 7tarting in the -id 1@th *entury, ,uropeDs )li-ate starts a )ooling spell 6hi)h 6ill last MHH years. 0na6are that the sunDs energy output has slightly de)reased (The .aunder .ini-u-# 4eligious leaders of ,urope bla-e hu-an a)tions for )li-ate )hange (not unli+e the )urrent tendan)y to bla-e a 6ar-ing planet solely on hu-an a)ti3ity#, and add the deteriorating 6eather to the list of F)ri-esF of 6it)hes. As the )ereals on 6hi)h )i3ili2ation depends su))u-b to the )old 6eather, the )hur)h de)lares the still$thri3ing potato the Ffood of the de3ilF be)ause it gro6s in the ground. As a result, -illions star3e to death 6hile standing on an a-ple food supply. ;f there really 6as a God, donDt you thin+ he 6ould ha3e tapped the priests on the shoulders and said, FLoo+, itDs really o+ay for the people to eat the spuds. Try i he- 6ith butter and )hi3esIF
MH 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned in *alahorra, 7pain, in 1!H7. 1 6it)h, na-e not re)orded, burned in 7a<ony, Ger-any, in 1!1H. @H 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned in Lo-bardia, %orthern ;taly, in 1!1H. > 6o-en, na-es not re)orded, e<e)uted for 6it)h)raft in 7pain 1!1>. !HH V 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned in Gene3a, 76it2erland, in 1!1!.

;llustration of tortures of hereti)s and 6it)hes. Luhnlin, ,lsa? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, in 1!1K Paeffin, ,lsa? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, in 1!1K Thausser, 7i-on? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, in 1!1K Thausser (6ife of 7i-on, no na-e gi3en#? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, in 1!1K

5anging of a )onde-ned 6it)h, na-e not re)orded, in 1!>H.

@" 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned in (al *a-oni)a, ;taly bet6een 1!1K$1!>1. > 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned in Besan)on, 8ran)e, in 1!>1.

1HH 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned in *o-o, ;taly, in 1!>M. 1HHH V 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, in *o-o, ;taly, in 1!>".

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI Prophets in ,ngland predi)ted a flood on 8ebruary 1, 1!>" (Julian# to stri+e at London. >H,HHH people abandoned their ho-es in fear. Eet another prophet, )iting an align-ent of planets in the )onstellation Pis)es, set the date for the flood for 8ebruary >Hth. Both days turned out to be sunny 6ith not e3en a drop of rain.

HH 6it)hes, na-es and dates not re)orded, e<e)uted by %i)holas 4e-y during this ti-e period.

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI Anabaptist Tho-as .Ynt2er, thin+ing that he 6as li3ing at the Fend of all ages,F in 1!>!, in)ited a spe)ta)ularly unsu))essful re3olt of the peasantry.

F.ethods of Ger-an TortureF, published in 1!>7.

7attler, .i)hael? leader of a baptist )o--unity, burned at the sta+e in 4ottenburg, Ger-any, !N>HN1!>7. 5is 6ife 6as burned at the sta+e a fe6 days later. Ja)hin, 0rsula? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, in 1!>K

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI Prophets in ,ngland, ha3ing failed in their 8ebruary >Hth, 1!>" predi)tion for a -assi3e flood, res)hedule the predi)tion to 1!>K. Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI 4efor-er 5ans 5ut predi)ted the end 6ould o))ur on Pente)ost (.ay >7, Julian )alendar# 1!>K.
Pope *le-ent (;; re6rote the Treaty of Tordesillas bet6een 7pain and Portugal into the Treaty of 7aragossa in 1!> . This treaty Fauthori2edF both nations to )lai- any non$*atholi) lands as their o6n and to sta-p out the e<isting go3ern-ent in order to repla)e it 6ith *atholi) rule.

;llustration of FBrea+ing 6ith the 6heelF.

.anseneS, 'esle la? e<e)uted at An=u<, 8ran)e on 1K 'e). 1!> .ullerin, ,lsbet? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, in 1!M1

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI Bishop 8rederi)+ %ausea (yes, that is his na-e#, predi)ted that the 6orld 6ould end in 1!M> after hearing a single report of bloody )rosses appearing in the s+y alongside a )o-et. Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI Anabaptist prophet .el)hior 5off-an predi)ted the end of the 6orld in 1!MM. he also predi)ted that Jesus 6ould reappear in 7trasbourg, to sa3e 1"",HHH people fro- the 6orldDs end. Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI .athe-ati)ian .i)hael 7tifel, a de3out *hristian, )al)ulated that the 'ay of Judge-ent 6ould begin at e<a)tly K?HHa- on O)tober 1 , 1!MM.
The priest of the )hapel at Aldington, Lent, en)ouraged ,li2abeth Barton to fa+e a de-oni) possession in 1!MM in order to )reate a shrine to attra)t pilgri-ages and the finan)ial benefits therefro-. ,n)ouraged by the )lergy to greater and greater displays, ,li2abeth )lai-ed 3isions opposing the re-arriage of 5enry (;;;, helping to fan the religious 6ars that al-ost tore ,ngland apart.

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI Jan .atthys predi)ted that the Apo)alypse 6ould ta+e pla)e on ,aster 'ay (April !, Julian )alendar# 1!M" and only the )ity of .Ynster 6ould be spared.
FA large nu-berF of 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, e<e)uted at 7aragossa, 7pain, in 1!M@.

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI 8ren)h astrologer Pierre Turrel, a de3out *hristian, hedges his bets and predi)ts the end of the 6orld in 1!M7, 1!"", 1KH1 or 1K1".
Brigge, .abel? e<e)uted in Eor+, ,ngland,1!MK 5ub-aier, B.? 0ni3ersity professor burned at the sta+e for heresy in (ienna, 1!MK.

Pope Paul ;;; de)lared all of ,ngland to be FApostateF, all ,nglish-en to be sla3es of the )hur)h, and laun)hed a )rusade, but died before he )ould in3ade.
deLarue, (first na-e un+no6n#? burned at 4ouen, in 1!"H .orin (first na-e un+no6n#? burned at 4ouen, in 1!"H

.artin Luther published, FOn the Je6s and their liesF, a))using the Je6s of a3ari)e and )iting

the Tal-ud ()orre)tly# as )lai-ing that Je6s do not )onsider theft a sin 6hen )o--itted against non Je6s. 7o-e e<)erpts? "-heir breath stinks for the gold and silver of the heathen< since no people under the sun always have been, still are, and always will remain more avaricious than they, as can be noticed in their cursed usury. -herefore know, my dear 0hristians, that ne*t to the ?evil, you have no more bitter, more poisonous, more vehement and enemy than a real :ew who earnestly desires to be a :ew...?o not their -almud and rabbis write that it is no sin to kill if a :ew kills a heathen, but it is a sin if he kills a brother in Israel= It is no sin if he does not keep his oath to a heathen. -herefore, to steal and rob , as they do with their moneylending , from a heathen, is a divine service...5ow what are we going to do with these re&ected, condemned :ewish people=" Luther ans6ers his o6n Auestion? " set fire to their synagogues or schools and to bury and cover with dirt whatever will not burn... I advise that their houses be ra)ed and destroyed... I advise that all their prayer books... in which such idolatry, lies, cursing, and blasphemy are taught, be taken from them... that their rabbis be forbidden to teach henceforth on pain of loss of life and limb... that safe,conduct on the highways be abolished completely for the :ews... that all their treasure of silver and gold be taken from them... But if the authorities are reluctant to use force and restrain the :ews3 devilish wantonness, the latter should, as we said, be e*pelled from their country and be told to return to ... :erusalem where they may lie, curse, blaspheme, defame, murder, steal, rob, practice usury, mock, and indulge in all those infamous abominations which they practice among us, and leave ... our +ord the Messiah, our faith, and our church undefiled and uncontaminated with their devilish tyranny and malice." "HH years later, the %a2is used LutherDs 6riting in their defense at the %ure-berg trials. ;n the era of the peasant 6ars, Luther supported the feudal authoritiesD indis)ri-inate +illing of inobedient, star3ing sub=e)ts in his infa-ous and in)endiary 6riting FAgainst the -urderous and robbing rabble of PeasantsF. ;n this he... "calls upon the princes to slaughter the offending peasants like mad dogs, to stab, strangle and slay as best one can, and holds out as a reward the promise of heaven." LutherDs ad3i)e 6as literally follo6ed by thefeudal authorities. 5undreds of 3illages 6ere laid in ashes, the har3ests of the nation 6ere destroyed, and roughly 1HH,HHH +illed.

,)htinger, Barbara? i-prisoned for life at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on >" August, 1!"! As+e6, Anne? burned for 6it)h)raft 1!"@

8logging a hereti).

7 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned at %antes, 8ran)e, in 1!" . 1 6it)h, na-e not re)orded, burned at Lyons, 8ran)e, in 1!" . A-alari), .adeline? burned in 8ran)e in -id$1!HHDs.

POTATO7I 8ollo6ing the )onAuest of Peru by Pi2arro, the potato is introdu)ed to ,urope. 8ar less 3ulnerable to the )ooling of the FLittle ;)e AgeF than the )erial )rops being far-ed at the ti-e, the potato offers sal3ation fro- the fa-ine s6eeping o3er the lands. But )hur)h leaders de)lare the potato the food of the 'e3il due to its being gro6n underground, and -illions star3e to death as a result.

(arious -ethods of e<e)ution, 1!!".

;llustration of a 6it)h being burned, dated 1!!!.

M 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned ali3e at 'erneburg, Ger-any, on " O)tober, 1!!!.

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI 8ren)h theologian Pierre dDAilly predi)ted the end of the 6orld in 1!!!. *hristopher *olu-busD o6n apo)olypti) 3ie6s 6ere based on this predi)tion. Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI 4u-ors of the end of the 6orld s6ept through the )hur)hes of 76it2erland on .agdaleneDs 'ay in 1!!@, sour)e un+no6n.

1 6it)h, na-e not re)orded, burned ali3e at Bie3ires, 8ran)e, in 1!!@. 'ouglas, Janet? burned at *astle, 5ill, 7)otland, on 17 July, 1!!7. 5e2ensohn, Joa)hi-? beheaded at Jaldsee, Ger-any, in 1!!7. ! 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned at (erneuil, 8ran)e, in 1!@1.

'r. Johan Jeyer, personal physi)ian to 'u+e Jillia- and therefore safe fro- a))usations of being in league 6ith 6it)hes, published F'e PraestigiisF in 1!@M and F'e La-iisF in 1!77, arguing that )onfessions obtained by torture 6ere legally 6orthless. 17,HHH V 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, in 7)otland fro- 1!@M to 1@HM. " 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned at Potiers, 8ran)e, in 1!@".

;llustration of the treat-ent of 6it)hes and hereti)s, floggings and dise-bo6el-ent. Jaterhouse, (first na-e un+no6n#? hanged as a 6it)h in 'orset, ,ngland in 1!@!. An un+no6n nu-ber of 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned at (ernon, %or-andy, 8ran)e, in 1!@@.

.atthe6 5op+ins, Jit)h 8inder General in )harge of e<e)uting 6it)hes in ,ngland, o3ersa6 the prose)ution of the F*hel-sford Jit)hesF. Jaterhouse, Agnes? e<e)uted in *hel-sford, ,ngland, > July, 1!@@ as the first F*hel-sford Jit)hF. 7aint .agdalena dei Pa22i 6as born in 8loren)e in 1!@@. Jhile a *ar-alite nun, she 6ould lie on thorns and ha3e hot 6a< poured o3er her body, then be 6hipped. Alternated bet6een standing -otionless for hours and running un)ontrollably through the nunnary. .ary 7tuart (.ary :ueen Of 7)otts#, although a *atholi), allo6ed 7)ottish people to freely )hoose ho6 they 6ould 6orship. Angered Protestant )lergy for)ed .ary 7tuart to abdi)ate in 1!@7.

5u-phrey Gilbert, half$brother of 7ir Jalter 4aleigh, in order to )on3in)e the Gaeli) ;rish to )on3ert to *hritianity, ordered that Fthe heddes of all those (of 6hat sort soe3er thei 6ere# 6hi)h 6ere +illed in the daie, should be )utte off fro- their bodies... and should bee laied on the ground by e)he side of the 6aieF, 6hi)h effort to )i3ili2e the ;rish indeed )aused Fgreate terrour to the people 6hen thei sa6e the heddes of their dedde fathers, brothers, )hildren, +insfol+e, and freinds on the groundeF in 1!@7. Lnighted for his 3i)tory in 1!7H.
The 7panish ;nAuisition ordered e<ter-ination of M -illion religeous rebels in the %etherlands. !HHH Protestants 6ere dro6ned by *atholi) troops, their hats 6ashing ashore at ,-den in 1!@K.

Paris, (first na-e un+no6n#? hanged at 7t. Andre6s, 7)otland, in 1!@ 7te6ard, Jillia-? hanged at 7t. Andre6s, 7)otland, in 1!@ F.anyF 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned in 8ran)e in 1!71. Trois$,)helles (pseud.#? e<e)uted at Paris, 8ran)e, in 1!71 (or 1!7"# Bo6-an, Janet? burned as a 6it)h in 7)otland in 1!7> Pope Pius ( orders the e<e)ution of >H,HHH 5uguenots in 8ran)e in 1!7>.

7t. Barthole-e6 'ay .assa)re, starting on >M August 1!7> (the e3e of the feast of Bartholo-e6 the Apostle # and lasting se3eral 6ee+s, *atholi)s -urder 5uguenots in Paris and the surrounding )ountryside. ;nstigated by *atherine deD .edi)i, the -other of Ling *harles ;X.
8ief, .ary le? of 7a-ur, 8ran)e, a))used of 6it)h)raft, on 1M O)tober 1!7M. 8ollo6ing 1!7M and lasting until the 6it)h hunts ended, an esti-ated 7H,HHH people in ,ngland 6ere e<e)uted for the )ri-e of 6it)h)raft. KH 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, e<e)uted in one fire at (alery$en$7a3oie, 8ran)e, in 1!7". Arnold, (first na-e un+no6n#? hanged at Bar+ing, ,ngland, in 1!7". K Garnier, Gilles? burned as a 6ere6olf in 'ole, 8ran)e 1!7". 'unlop, Bessie? burned at *astle 5ill, ,dinburgh, 7)otland, in 1!7@. Pa=ot, .arguerite? e<e)uted at Tonnerre, 8ran)e, in 1!7@. 'oree, *atherine? e<e)uted at *our3eres, 8ran)e, in 1!77. M 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, e<e)uted in 'orset, ,ngland, in 1!7K. M@ persons, na-es not re)orded, e<e)uted for 6it)h)raft at Lil+enny, ;reland, in 1!7K. 5ar3illiers, Jeanne? e<e)uted in 8ran)e, in 1!7K. 8ran)es, ,li2abeth? e<e)uted in *hel-sford, ,ngland, 1!7 .

Jean Bodin, 6it)h hunt fanati), published F'e la 'e-ono-anie des 7or)iersF in 1!KH, in 6hi)h he argued that a person -erely a))used of 6it)h)raft )ould ne3er be found inno)ent.

Beu)hel, Anna? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, in 1!K1. Bu)+h, Appollonia? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, in 1!K1. 7)h6ar2, ,3a? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, in 1!K1. Jun)il, Brigida? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on @ July, 1!K1. ,inseler, *atharina? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on @ July, 1!K1 ;solin, .adlen? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on @ July, 1!K1 4os)h, .aria? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on @ July, 1!K1 8lieger, *atharina? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on @ July, 1!K1 7)harber, ,lsbeth? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, in 1!K1 Le-p, 0rsula? e<e)uted at 7t. Oyth, ,ngland in 1!K> 1K 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, +illed at 7t. Oses, ,ngland, in 1!K>. Bennet, ,li2abeth? e<e)uted in 7t. Osyth, ,ngland in 1!K> Gabley, (first na-e un+no6n#? e<e)uted at LingDs Lynn, ,ngland, in 1!K> Bonnet, Jean? burned ali3e at Boissy$en$8ere2, 8ran)e, in 1!KM :uattrino, 'o-ini)? burned at .esol)ina, ;taly, in 1!KM

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI 7e3eral astrologers and )lergy )ite a )on=un)tion of Jupiter 6ith 7aturn as a sign that the se)ond )o-ing of Jesus 6ill o))ur in London at noon on Apr >K, 1!KM.

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI Another astrologer re3ises the abo3e predi)tion to 1!K". One of the first *hristians to enter the (irginia territory, Arthur Barlo6e, arri3ed in 1!K". 5e des)ribed the %ati3e A-eri)ans as, F...6e 6ere entertained 6ith all lo3e and +indness and 6ith as -u)h bounty, they )ould possibly de3ise. Je found the people -ost gentle lo3ing, and faithfull, 3oid of all guile and treason ... a -ore +ind and lo3ing people there )annot be found in the 6orld, as farre as 6e ha3e hitherto had triall.F
4eginald 7)ott publishes FThe 'is)o3ery of Jit)h)raftF in 1!K", a -a=or 6or+ that debun+ed *hristian )lai-s of 6it)hes and de-ons. Bo6ing to )hur)h pressure, Ling Ja-es ; orders all )opies destroyed. The boo+ 6ill not reappear until 1@!1. Jirth, Trauben? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on ! July, 1!K!. 5a)+et, .argaret? e<e)uted at Tyburn, ,ngland, on 1 8ebruary, 1!K! 4ei)h, .aria? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on ! July, 1!K! Treher, Anna? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on ! July, 1!K! La)hen-eyer, Jaldburg? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on ! July, 1!K! 0hl-er, Barbara? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on >" August, 1!K! 7ailler, 0rsula? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on >" August, 1!K! 4ohrfelder, .argaret? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on >" August, 1!K! .arguerite, (last na-e un+no6n#? burned at Paris, 8ran)e, in 1!K@ .artin, .arie? e<e)uted in 8ran)e, in 1!K@ .irot, 'o-ini)? burned at Paris, 8ran)e, in 1!K@ ,rb, Anna? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on .ar)h, 1!K@ 7)hultheiss, 0rsula? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on .ar)h, 1!K@ 7)hneider, 8eli)itas? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on .ar)h, 1!K@ Jeiss, Agatha? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on O)tober, 1!K@ .ayer, *hristina? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on O)tober, 1!K@ ;sel, 0rsula? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on 7 %o3e-ber, 1!K@ 4auffains, *atharina? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on 7 %o3e-ber, 1!K@ 7tadel-ann, 0rsula? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on 7 %o3e-ber, 1!K@ 5oyd, Anna? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on >" %o3e-ber, 1!K@ 7e)helle, (first na-e un+no6n#? burned at Paris, 8ran)e, in 1!K@ 'or-ar, Anna? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on O)tober, 1!K@ Lleiss, Anna? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on MH O)tober, 1!K@

.ary 7tuart (.ary, :ueen Of 7)otts#, 6as beheaded on >NKN1!K7. On ,li2abethDs death, .ary 7tuartDs son be)a-e Ling Ja-es ; of ,ngland. 7)otland lost the freedo- 6on by JilliaJalla)e and 4obert Bru)eB apparently a s-all pri)e to pay in the Protestant 6ar against *atholi)is-. Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI The sage Johann .Yller (a+a 4egio-ontanus# predi)ts the se)ond )o-iong of *hrist in 1!KK.

,<e)ution of a 6it)h by FpressingF, the slo6 piling on of hea3y ro)+s, 1!K7.

Jaterboarding, 1!K7.

M@K persons +illed for 6it)h)raft bet6een 1K January, 1!K7, and 1K %o3e-ber, 1! M, in the dio)ese of Tre3es. 8ray, 0rsula? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on 1> June, 1!K7. Lless, *atharina? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on 1> June, 1!K7. Pearson, Alison? burned in 7)otland on >K .ay, 1!KK. 1MM persons burned in one day at :uedlinburg, in Ger-any, in 1!K .

Joan Prenti)e, Joan *ony, and Joan 0pney, three of the F*hel-sford Jit)hesF, hanged in *hel-sford, ,ngland, in 1!K .

8lade, 'ietri)h? e<e)uted at Tre3es, 1!K . 5ueb-eyer, Barbara? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on 11 7epte-ber, 1!K . 5ueb-eyer, Appela? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on 11 7epte-ber, 1!K . 7)hnelling, Anna? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on 11 7epte-ber, 1!K . *unny (*oney#, Joan? hanged in *hel-sford, ,ngland, in 1!K . 0pney, Joan? hanged in *helsford, ,ngland, in 1!K . 7tubb, Peter? e<e)uted as a 6ere6olf near *ologne, Ger-any, in 1!K . "K 6it)hes, their na-es unre)orded, burned in Jurtte-berg, Ger-any, in 1!K . !" 6it)hes, their na-es unre)orded, burned in 8ran)onia in 1! H. M> 6it)hes, their na-es unre)orded, e<e)uted in %ordlingen, Ger-any in 1! H. 8ro- 1! H to 1@HH, an a3erage of 1H 6it)hes per day 6ere burned in the 'u)hy of Bruns6i)+. 4obson, 'onald? e<e)uted at %orth Ber6i)+, ,ngland in 1! H Tod, *hristian? e<e)uted at %orth Ber6i)+, ,ngland in 1! H Le-p, 4ebe))a? e<e)uted in %ordlingen, Ger-any, on 7ept. 1! H 7tuell(R#, Gertrud (of Llaferd in the Oberhol2+lau Parish#? burned at the sta+e in Al)hen, Ge-any, 1! H *unningha-, John? burned at ,dinburgh, in January, 1! 1 %apier, Barbara? hanged in 7)otland in 1! 1 .a)al2ean, ,uphe-ia? burned ali3e in 7)otland for 6it)h)raft, on >! June, 1! 1

7a-psoune, Agnes? tried, strangled, and burnt for a 6it)h in 7)otland 1! 1 8ian, John? hanged at ,dinburgh, 7)otland, in 1! 1

FTra)tatus de *onfessionibus .alefi)oru- et 7agaru-F 6as published in 1! 1 by Peer Binsfeld. .ostly the produ)t of the authorDs i-agination, the boo+ purported to be a s)holarly study of 6it)hes and ho6 to prose)ute the-. *atholi)s and Protestants ali+e relied on the boo+ as the authoritati3e sour)e on 6it)hes for the ne<t 1HH years.

'un)an, Gellie? hanged in 7)otland in 1! 1 4ue, Abel de la? of *oulo--iers, 8ran)e, a))used of 6it)h)raft on >H July, 1! > 7a-uels, (fa-ily of M#? )onde-ned to death for 6it)h)raft in Jarboys, ,ngland, on " April, 1! M 4osseau, (father,and daughter#? of 8ran)e, a))used of 6it)h)raft on > O)tober 1! M Birenseng, Agata? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on >! June, 1! " 8ray, .argaret? burned at Jaldsee, Ger-any, on >! June, 1! " Balfour, Alison? burned at ,dinburgh, 7)otland, on 1@ 'e)e-ber, 1! " *rierson, 4obert? e<e)uted at %orth Ber6i)+, ,ngland in 1! " *alles, 5elen? e<e)uted at Braynford, ,ngland, on 1 'e)e-ber, 1! ! %e6ell, John? e<e)uted at Barnett, ,ngland, on 1 'e)e-ber, 1! ! %e6ell, Joane? e<e)uted at Barnett, ,ngland, on 1 'e)e-ber, 1! ! *o)+ie, ;sabel? burnt as a 6it)h, at a )ost of 1H! s. " p., in ,ngland 1! @ Jollie, Alison? e<e)uted in 7)otland, in O)tober, 1! @ Beau-ont, 7ieur de? a))used of 6it)h)raft on >1 O)tober, 1! @ 7te6art, *hristian? strangled and burned in 7)otland, in %o3e-ber, 1! @ Belon, Jean? e<e)uted in 8ran)e, in 1! 7 Porte, (idal de la? )onde-ned at 4io-, 8ran)e, in 1! 7 Bean, .argrat? e<e)uted at Aberdeen, 7)otland in 1! 7 Leyis, Tho-as? e<e)uted at Aberdeen, 7)otland in 1! 7 Gerard, Latherine? e<e)uted at Aberdeen, 7)otland in 1! 7 Grant, Jonet? e<e)uted at Aberdeen, 7)otland in 1! 7 G6inner, ,lse? e<e)uted in Ger-any, >1 'e), 1! 7 7paldarg, Jonet? e<e)uted at Aberdeen, 7)otland in 1! 7 Grant, .arion? e<e)uted at Aberdeen, 7)otland in 1! 7 .an, Andro? e<e)uted at Aberdeen, 7)otland in 1! 7 Jisherr, Jonet? e<e)uted at Aberdeen, 7)otland in 1! 7 Og, .argrat? e<e)uted at Aberdeen, 7)otland in 1! 7 Oige, ;ssobell? e<e)uted at Aberdeen, 7)otland in 1! 7 4i)hie, ;ssobell? e<e)uted at Aberdeen, 7)otland in 1! 7 4eid, *hristen? e<e)uted at Aberdeen, 7)otland in 1! 7 4ogie, 5elen? e<e)uted at Aberdeen, 7)otland in 1! 7 Goodridge, Alse? e<e)uted at 'arbie, ,ngland, in 1! 7 Laubba)h (6ife#? e<e)uted at ,i)hstatt, Ger-any, in 1! 7 4oulet, Ja)Aues? burned ali3e for being a 6ere$6olf, at Angiers, 8ran)e, in 1! 7 *ha-oulliard, (first na-e un+no6n#? burned in 8ran)e, in 1! 7 Aupetit, Pierre? burned at Bordeau<, 8ran)e, in 1! K 5oppo, (first na-e un+no6n#? e<e)uted in Ger-any in 1! Ler+e, Anne? e<e)uted at Tyburn, ,ngland, in 1! 7tadlin, (first na-e un+no6n#? e<e)uted in Ger-any in 1! 77 6it)hes, their na-es unre)orded, burned in (aud, 76it2erland, in 1! .

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI .artin Luther predi)ted that the 6orld 6ould end no later than the year 1@HH.

The FJater OrdealF sho6n in a 17th )entury engra3ing. ;n this for- of torture, the )onde-ned 6as for)ed to drin+ large a-ounts of 6ater until their bo6els ruptured, resulting in a slo6 and painful death.

C)2A*436 )= 6:4 A+470.,3 By the year 1@HH, 7panish *hristians had looted and plundered a)ross the ne6 6orld bringing the benefits of *hristianity to the indigenous people, @H,HHH,HHH of 6ho- 6ere +illed in the pro)ess.
Pappenhei-er, Anna? e<e)uted in Ba3aria, 1@HH Bruno, Giordano? 8ollo6ing 7 years in prison for heresy, burned at the sta+e in 4o-e on >N17N1@HH. Pope *le-ent (;;; ordered the statue of Pope John (;;; (Pope Joan# at the *athedral of 7iena to be altered into a statue of Pope Ca)harias in 1@H1. G6inner, ,lse? e<e)uted in Ger-any on >1 'e). 1@H1 Pannel, .ary? e<e)uted in Eor+shire, ,ngland, in 1@HM

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI 'o-ini)an -on+ To-asso *a-panella 6rote that the sun 6ould )ollide 6ith the ,arth in 1@HM.
April 1H, 1@H@, the *harter for the (irginia *olony 6as signed. ;t reads in part, FTo the glory of 5is di3ine .a=esty, in propagating of the *hristian religion to su)h people as yet li3e in ignoran)e of the true +no6ledge and 6orship of God.F Less than >H years before, Arthur Barlo6e had des)ribed the %ati3e A-er)ans 6ith greatest praise for their +indness and )harity. ;n the )a-paign to for)e *hristianity on the %ati3e A-eri)ans, the (irginia *hristians reported, F...6e burnt, and spoyled their )orne, and To6ne, all the people beeing fledde.F 5arrisson, Joanna? e<e)uted in 5ertford, ,ngland, in 1@H@ 5arrisson, (daughter of Joanna#? e<e)uted in 5ertford, ,ngland, in 1@H@ 8ran)oise (last na-e un+no6n#? burned in 8ran)e on MH July, 1@H@ Grierson, ;sobel? burned in 7)otland in .ar)h, 1@H7 Tod, Beigis? burned at Lang %ydrie, 7)otland, on >7 .ay, 1@HK 'orlady, .ansfredo? burned at (esoul, 8ran)e as being the 'e3ilDs ban+er, on 1K January, 1@1H 'orlady, 8ernando? burned at (esoul, 8ran)e as being the 'e3ilDs ban+er, on 1K January, 1@1H

The in3ention of )heap printing )reated a )rises in religion in that ea)h region had its o6n 3ersion of the Bible biased to ser3e its o6n per)ei3ed interests. Jorse, -any 3ersions 6ere in dire)t )onfli)t 6ith ea)h other. Ling Ja-es sol3ed the )rises by issuing a FstandardF Ling Ja-es Bible, translated into ,nglish, in 1@11.
Gaufridi, Louis? burned at .arseilles, 8ran)e, at !?HH p- on MH April, 1@11

*olonists tired of religious perse)utions left Ja-esto6n to go li3e a-ong the indians. Go3ernor Tho-as 'ale hunted the- do6n and e<e)uted the- for daring to lea3e the )hur)h.

The PeAuod 6ars. A -e-ber of the .assa)hussetts Bay *olony 6as found dead, apparently at the hands of the %arragansett indians. Puritan leader John .ason told the puritans that God had ordered 6ar on the indians, but pi)+s the 6rong tribe. The PeAuod, friendly to the puritans and ene-ies of the %arragansett 6ere atta)+ed. *iting 'euterono-y >H, the 6o-en and )hildren 6ere +illed as 6ell. The fe6 sur3i3ors 6ere ta+en as sla3es. Preston, Jennet? e<e)uted in Eor+, ,ngland for 6it)h)raft, in 1@1> 4edfearne, Anne? e<e)uted in Lan)aster, ,ngland for 6it)h)raft, in 1@1> 4obey, ;sobel? e<e)uted in Lan)aster, ,ngland for 6it)h)raft, in 1@1> %utter, Ali)e? e<e)uted in Lan)aster, ,ngland for 6it)h)raft, in 1@1> 'e3i)e, ,li2abeth? e<e)uted in Lan)aster, ,ngland for 6it)h)raft, in 1@1> 'e3i)e, Ja-es? e<e)uted in Lan)aster, ,ngland for 6it)h)raft, in 1@1> Bul)o)+, John? e<e)uted in Lan)aster, ,ngland for 6it)h)raft, in 1@1> Bul)o)+, Jane? e<e)uted in Lan)aster, ,ngland for 6it)h)raft, in 1@1> 'e-di+e, ,li2abeth? )on3i)ted of 6it)h)raft, but died in prison, in Lan)aster, ,ngland, in 1@1> 'e3i)e, Ali2on? (age 11 years# e<e)uted in Lan)aster, ,ngland for 6it)h)raft, in 1@1> 5e6itt, Latherine? e<e)uted in Lan)aster, ,ngland for 6it)h)raft, in 1@1> Jhittle, Anne? e<e)uted in Lan)aster, ,ngland for 6it)h)raft, in 1@1>

7utton, .ary? e<e)uted in Bedford, ,ngland for 6it)h)raft in 1@1M. The abo3e illustration sho6s the Fs6i--ingF of .ary, a torture -ethod in3ol3ing partial dro6ning to e<tra)t a )onfession.

Barber, .ary? e<e)uted in %orthha-pton, ,ngland for 6it)h)raft, on >> July, 1@1> Bill, Arthur? e<e)uted in %orthha-pton, ,ngland for 6it)h)raft, on >> July, 1@1> Bro6ne, Agnes? e<e)uted in %orthha-pton, ,ngland for 6it)h)raft, on >> July, 1@1> Bro6ne, Joan? e<e)uted in %orthha-pton, ,ngland for 6it)h)raft, on >> July, 1@1> Jen+enson, 5elen? e<e)uted in %orthha-pton, ,ngland for 6it)h)raft, on >> July, 1@1> 7utton (-other# (first na-e un+no6n#? e<e)uted in Bedford, ,ngland for 6it)h)raft in 1@1M 5unt, Joan? hanged in .iddlese<, ,ngland for 6it)h)raft in 1@1! *oligny, Gaspard de? Protestant leader e<e)uted by the *atholi)s, his -utilated body left to rot on a gallo6s.

*atholi)s sa)+ the )ity of .agdeburg, Ger-any, +illing MH,HHH Protestants. A))ording to a 6itness, poet 8riedri)h 7)hiller, !H 6o-en 6ere beheaded inside a )hur)h. The MH yearsD 6ar. "HW of the population of Ger-any is +illed.

Le)ler), (no first na-e gi3en#? )onde-ned for 6it)h)raft, in 8ran)e 1@1! de la Plaine, 7yl3anie? burned at Pays de Labourde, 8ran)e, 1@1@ Leger, (no first na-e gi3en#? )onde--ned for 6it)h)raft in 8ran)e, on @ .ay, 1@1@ Berrye, Agnes? hanged at ,nfield, ,ngland, in 1@1@ 7-ith, .ary? hanged at LingDs Lynn, ,ngland, in 1@1@ 4utter, ,li2abeth? hanged in .iddlese<, ,ngland in 1@1@ Galigai, Leonora? beheaded at the Pla)e de Grie3e, 8ran)e, on K July, 1@17 Audibert, ,tienne? )onde-ned for 6it)h)raft in 8ran)e, on >H .ar)h 1@1 Ba+er, Anne? e<e)uted in Lei)ester, ,ngland, in 1@1 Green, ,llen? e<e)uted in Lei)ester, ,ngland, in 1@1 Jilli-ot, Joan? e<e)uted in Lei)ester, ,ngland, in 1@1 8lo6er, Joan? died before trial, at Lin)oln, ,ngland, 1@1 8lo6er, .argaret? e<e)uted at Lin)oln, ,ngland, in .ar)h, 1@1 8lo6er, Phillippa? e<e)uted at Lin)oln, ,ngland, in .ar)h, 1@1 Boulay, Anne? burned at %an)y, 8ran)e, in 1@>H Poiret, (first na-e un+no6n#? burned at %an)y, 8ran)e, in 1@>H

%o3e-ber M, 1@>H $ Ling Ja-es ; granted the *harter of the Ply-outh )oun)il. F;n the hope thereby to ad3an)e the enlarge-ent of the *hristian religion, to the glory of God Al-ighty.F %o3e-ber 11, 1@>H $ The Pilgri-s signed the .ayflo6er *o-pa)t aboard the .ayflo6er, in Ply-outh harbor. F;n the na-e of God, A-en. Je, 6hose na-es are under6ritten, the Loyal 7ub=e)ts of our dread 7o3ereign Lord, Ling Ja-es, by the Gra)e of God, of ,ngland, 8ran)e and ;reland, Ling, 'efender of the 8aith, eT. 5a3ing underta+en for the Glory of God, and Ad3an)e-ent of the *hristian 8aith, and the 5onour of our Ling and *ountry, a 3oyage to plant the first )olony in the northern parts of (irginiaB do by these presents, sole-nly and -utually in the Presen)e of God and one of another, )o3enant and )o-bine oursel3es together into a )i3il Body Politi)+, for our better Ordering and Preser3ation, and 8urtheran)e of the ,nds aforesaidB And by (irtue hereof to ena)t, )onstitute, and fra-e, su)h =ust and eAual La6s, Ordinan)es, A)ts, *onstitutions and Offi)es, fro- ti-e to ti-e, as shall be thought -ost -eet and )on3enient for the General good of the *olonyB unto 6hi)h 6e pro-ise all due sub-ission and obedien)e. ;n Jitness 6hereof 6e ha3e hereunto subs)ribed our na-es at *ape *od the ele3enth of %o3e-ber, in the 4eign of our 7o3ereign Lord, Ling Ja-es of ,ngland, 8ran)e and ;reland, the eighteenth, and of 7)otland the fifty$fourth. Anno 'o-ini, 1@>H.F A Puritan .inister 6ill soon )o-plain to leader Jillia- Bradford that 6hile indians deser3e to be +illed, so-e effort should be -ade to for)e )on3ersion upon the- first so that they -ay go to hea3en.
.undie, Beatri)e? tried for 6it)h)raft in ;n3er+iething, 7)otland 1@>1 5arlo6, Bessie? tried for 6it)h)raft in ;n3er+iething, 7)otland 1@>1 5a-yltoun, *hristiane? tried for 6it)h)raft in ;n3er+iething, 7)otland 1@>1 Lent, .argaret? tried for 6it)h)raft in ;n3er+iething, 7)otland 1@>1 *hal-ers, Bessie? tried for 6it)h)raft in ;n3er+iething, 7)otland 1@>1 *hatto, .arioun? tried for 6it)h)raft in ;n3er+iething, 7)otland 1@>1 7a6yer, ,li2abeth? hanged at Tyburn, ,ngland, on 1 April, 1@>1 *ouper, .arable? burned in the north of 7)otland in 1@>> 'yneis, Jon+a? burned in the north of 7)otland in 1@>> Jones, Latherine? burned in the north of 7)otland in 1@>> 4eo)h, ,lspeth? burned in the north of 7)otland in 1@>> 7)ottie, Agnes? burned in the north of 7)otland in 1@>> Eullo)+, Agnes? burned in the north of 7)otland in 1@>> Jalla)e, .argaret? e<e)uted in Glas)o6, 7)otland, in 1@>> de *hantraine, Anne? burned as a 6it)h in Jaret$la$*haussee, 8ran)e, on 17 O)tober, 1@>>

;n 1@>>, Bishop Johann Gottfried 3on As)hhausen )o--en)ed one of the -ost infa-ous 6it)h hunts in history, the Ba-burg Jit)h Trials, 6hi)h lasted =ust K years, )onde-ned o3er 1HH,HHH people to horrifi) death by fire. As)hhausen, later su))eeded by Jit)h Bishop Johann Georg ;;, asse-bled a spe)ial tea- of la6yers and infor-ants, all of 6ho- 6ere paid handso-ely fro- the )onfis)ated 6ealth of the )onde-ned. Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI ,usta)hius Poyssel used nu-erology to pinpoint 1@>M as the year of the end of the 6orld. Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI The sa-e astrologers 6ho failed in predi)ting a great flood in 1!>", finally -o3ed their predi)tions safely beyond their o6n deaths, to 1@>".
5aan, George? burned at Ba-berg, Ger-any, )ir)a 1@>@ 5aan, (6ife of George#? burned at Ba-berg, Ger-any, )ir)a 1@>@ 5aan, (daughter of George#? burned at Ba-berg, Ger-any, )ir)a 1@>@ 5aan, (son of George#? burned at Ba-berg, Ger-any, )ir)a 1@>@ 5ennot, *atherine? burned ali3e in Ger-any in 1@>7

1M year old Peter 4oller 6as na-ed as an a))o-pliss by one of four )onde-ned 6it)hes on 7N1@N1@>7. ,n)ouraged by priests, 4oller )lai-ed he 6as possessed and na-ed others he )lai-ed 6ere in league 6ith the de3il. >" 6ere )onde-ned and e<e)uted on his testi-ony alone. Three -ore )o--ited sui)ide 6hile in prison. Three -ore 6ere per-anently )rippled by torture. The priests )lai-ed Peter 6as F)uredF and he 6as released MN>MN1@>K.
Junius, Johannes? of Ba-berg, e<e)uted as a 6it)h, on @ August, 1@>K 'esbordes, (first na-e un+no6n#? burned in 8ran)e, in 1@>K 5arfner, (first na-e un+no6n#? hanged herself in the prison of Ba-berg, 1@>K$1@> An)+er, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Babel, Cui)+el? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Babel, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Banna)h, (husband# (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Banna)h, (6ife# (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Basser, 8redri)+? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Bats)h, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Bauna)h, (first na-e un+no6n#? e<e)uted at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Bebelin, Gabriel? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Be)+, (iertel? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Be)+, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Berger, *hristopher? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Bent2, (-other# (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Bent2, (daughter# (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Beutler, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Bri)+-ann, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Bugler, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Bursten$Binderin, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K $ 1@> *an2ler, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> *rots, (son# (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> ,delfrau, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> ,yering, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 8leis)hbau-, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Gering, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Glaser, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Gobel, Barbara? burned at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> GobelDs )hild, (first na-e un+no6n#? e<e)uted at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Golds)h-idt, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Gutbrod, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@>

5afner, (son# (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 5a--ell-ann, .el)hoir? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 5ans, 'a3id? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 5ans, Lilian? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 5irs)h, %i)ode-us? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 5oe)+er, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 5ofs)h-idt, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 5olt2-ann, 7toffel? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 5ofseiler, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Jung, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Lan2ler (first na-e un+no6n#? e<e)uted at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Lnert2, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Lnor, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Lra-erin, 7)hel-erey? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Luler, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> La-bre)ht, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Liebler, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Lut2, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> .ar+, Bernhard? burned ali3e at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> .eyer, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 4ut)hser, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 7)hut2, Babel? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 7)h6art2, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 7)hen)+, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 7)hellhar, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 7)hi)+elte, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 7)hneider, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 7)hleipner, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 7)h6ar2, (first na-e un+no6n#? e<e)uted at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 7)h6erdt, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 7hult2 (infant#, (first na-e un+no6n#? e<e)uted at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 7tei)her, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 7teina)her, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 7tepper, (first na-e un+no6n#? e<e)uted at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 7tol2berger, (son# (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 7tol2berger, (6ife# (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 7tol2berger, (granddaughter# (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 7tuber, Lauren)e? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 7tur-er, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 7eiler, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 7ilberhans, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 7teinba)h, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 7tier, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Tungerslieber, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Jagner, .i)hael? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> (ae)+er, Paul? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Jagner, (first na-e un+no6n#? burnt ali3e at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Jirth, Llingen? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Junth, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 5aus, (6ife# (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> 4u-, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> (al+enburger, (daughter# (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@> Jeydenbus)h, (first na-e un+no6n#? beheaded at JYr2burg, Ger-any, 1@>K$1@>

.ar)h ", 1@> $ The first *harter of .assa)husetts read in part? F8or the dire)ting, ruling, and disposeing of all other .atters and Thinges, 6hereby our said People -ay be soe religiously, pea)eablie, and )i3illy go3erned, as their good life and orderlie *on3ersa)on, -aie 6ynn and in)ite the %ati3es of the *ountry to the Lno6ledg and Obedien)e of the onlie true God and

7a3ior of .an+inde, and the *hristian 8ayth, 6hi)h in our 4oyall ;nten)on, and The Ad3enturers free profession, is the prin)ipall ,nde of the Planta)ion..F
5unter, Ale<ander? burned at ,dinburgh, 7)otland, in 1@> Geissler, *lara? strangled at Gelnhausen, Ger-any )ir)a 1@MH 0tley, (first na-e un+no6n#? hanged at Lan)aster, ,ngland, in 1@MH (alee, .el)hoir de la? burned at %an)y, 8ran)e, in 1@M1 Bull, ,d-und? hanged at Taunton, ,ngland, in 1@M1

;llustration of the torture of *hristine Boffgen by Jit)h$Judge 8ran2 Buir-ann, 4heinba)h, 1@M1.

G,/0/4) -he philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has killed a great many philosophers. & 'enis 'iderot Galileo 6as )onde-ned and tortured in 1@M> for his boo+s supporting the theory that the ,arth orbited around the sun, in 3iolation of bibli)al de)larations that the ,arth rests on giganti) pillars and does not -o3e at all. .ore than MHH years later, the )hur)h finally ad-itted it 6as 6rong to -istreat Galileo, but still tea)hes that the ,arth rests on giganti) pillars and does not -o3e at all. &*)643 =7)+ 6:4 670,/ "-o affirm that the (un ... is at the centre of the universe and only rotates on its a*is without going from east to west, is a very dangerous attitude and one calculated not only to arouse all (cholastic philosophers and theologians but also to in&ure our holy faith by contradicting the (criptures",,< 0ardinal Bellarmino, 78th 0entury 0hurch Master 0ollegio 1omano,who imprisoned and tortured /alileo for his astronomical works. "-o assert that the earth revolves around the sun is as erroneous as to claim that :esus was not born of a virgin." ,, 0ardinal Bellarmino 7K7A, during the trial of /alileo. "-he doctrine that the earth is neither the center of the universe nor immovable, but moves even with a daily rotation, is absurd, and both philosophically and theologically false, and at

the least an error of faith." ,, 0atholic 0hurch3s decision against /alileo /alilei

T:4 342642.4 )= 6:4 .:*7.:. (entence of the -ribunal of the (upreme In9uisition against /alileo /alilei, given the FFnd day of :une of the year 7K66 "It being the case that thou, /alileo, son of the late Eincen)io /alilei, a Clorentine, now aged 8#, wast denounced in this .oly Office in 7K7A> "-hat thou heldest as true the false doctrine taught by many, that the (un was the centre of the universe and immoveable, and that the 4arth moved, and had also a diurnal motion> -hat on this same matter thou didst hold a correspondence with certain /erman mathematicians.... "-hat the (un is the centre of the universe and doth not move from his place is a proposition absurd and false in philosophy, and formerly heretical< being e*pressly contrary to .oly rit> -hat the 4arth is not the centre of the universe nor immoveable, but that it moves, even with a diurnal motion, is likewise a proposition absurd and false in philosophy, and considered in theology ad minus erroneous in faith..... "Invoking then the Most .oly 5ame of Our +ord :esus 0hrist, and of .is most glorious Mother Mary, ever Eirgin, for this Our definite sentence, the which sitting pro tribunali, by the counsel and opinion of the 1everent Masters of theology and doctors of both laws, Our 0ounsellors, we present in these writings, in the cause and causes currently before 2s, between the magnificent 0arlo (inceri, doctor of both laws, procurator fiscal of this .oly Office on the one part, and thou /alileo /alilei, guilty, here present, confessed and &udged, on the other part> " e say, pronounce, sentence, and declare, that thou, the said /alileo, by the things deduced during this trial, and by thee confessed as above, hast rendered thyself vehemently suspected of heresy by this .oly Office, that is, of having believed and held a doctrine which is false, and contrary to the .oly (criptures, to wit> that the (un is the centre of the universe, and that it does not move from east to west, and that the 4arth moves and is not the centre of the universe> and that an opinion may be held and defended as probable after having been declared and defined as contrary to .oly (cripture< and in conse9uence thou hast incurred all the censures and penalties of the (acred 0anons, and other ?ecrees both general and particular, against such offenders imposed and promulgated. Crom the which e are content that thou shouldst be absolved, if, first of all, with a sincere heart and unfeigned faith, thou dost before 2s ab&ure, curse, and detest the above,mentioned errors and heresies and any other error and heresy contrary to the 0atholic and 'postolic 1oman 0hurch, after the manner that e shall re9uire of thee. "'nd to the end that this thy grave error and transgression remain not entirely unpunished, and that thou mayst be more cautious in the future, and an e*ample to others to abstain from and avoid similar offences,

" e order that by a public edict the book of ?I'+O/24( OC /'+I+4O /'+I+4I be prohibited, and e condemn thee to the prison of this .oly Office during Our will and pleasure< and as a salutary penance e en&oin on thee that for the space of three years thou shalt recite once a week the (even ;enitential ;salms, reserving to Ourselves the faculty of moderating, changing, or taking from, all other or part of the above,mentioned pains and penalties. "'nd thus e say, pronounce, declare, order, condemn, and reserve in this and in any other better way and form which by right e can and ought. Ita pronunciamus nos 0ardinalis infrascripti. C. 0ardinalis de 'sculo. /. 0ardinalis Bentivolius ?. 0ardinalis de 0remona. '. 0ardinalis (. .onuphri. B. 0ardinalis /ypsius. C. 0ardinalis Eerospius. M. 0ardinalis /inettus. $$ *atholi) *hur)hDs de)ision against Galileo Galilei G,/0/4) <74D6)76*74 (=7)+ "T:4 A*6:)706- )= S.70<6*74 02 P:0/)3)<:0.,/ C)267)8473043"9 "I do not feel obliged to believe that same /od who endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect had intended for us to forgo their use." "In 9uestions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual." "-hey know that it is human nature to take up causes whereby a man may oppress his neighbor, no matter how un&ustly. ... .ence they have had no trouble in finding men who would preach the damnability and heresy of the new doctrine from the very pulpit..." "I think that in the discussion of natural problems we ought to begin not with the (criptures, but with e*periments, and demonstrations." "-o command the professors of astronomy to confute their own observations is to en&oin an impossibility, for it is to command them not to see what they do see, and not to understand what they do understand, and to find what they do not discover." "It ve*es me when they would constrain science by the authority of the (criptures, and yet do not consider themselves bound to answer reason and e*periment." "It is surely harmful to souls to make it a heresy to believe what is proved." G,/0/4) <)36D6)76*74

".aving been admonished by this .oly Office @the In9uisitionB entirely to abandon the false opinion that the (un was the center of the universe and immovable, and that the 4arth was not the center of the same and that it moved... I ab&ure with a sincere heart and unfeigned faith, I curse and detest the said errors and heresies, and generally all and every error and sect contrary to the .oly 0atholic 0hurch." $$ Galileo Galilei, 4e)antation, >> June 1@MM "One /alileo in two thousand years is enough." $$ Pope Pius X;;

Po-p, Anna? e<e)uted at Lindhei-, Ger-any, in 1@MM

5einri)h 3on 7)hulthies, 6it)h hunter, published, F'etailed ;nstri)tions ho6 to pro)eed in the ;nAuisition against the horrible 3i)e of 6it)h)raftF in 1@M", essentially a -anual on torture.

Grandier, 0rbain? burned ali3e for 6it)h)raft at Loudon, 8ran)e, on 1K August, 1@M". To )on3i)t hi-, )hur)h authorities forged a )ontra)t 6ith the de3il, )o-plete 6ith the signatures of 7atan, Lu)ifer, Beel2ebub, Astori, ,li-i, and La3iathan. As a side note, the na-es Astori, ,li-i, and La3iathan do not appear any6here in the Bible. 7-allpo< brought 6ith the pilgri-s 6iped out the nati3es li3ing near the .assa)husetts Bay *olony in 1@M!. Go3ernor John Jinthrop than+s god for re-o3ing the indians fro- lands the pilgri-s 6anted. 5er-ann Loher, a =udge in Ger-any, begins to Auestion the 3alidity and 6orth of the 6it)h trials. 5e is )hased out of to6n by *hristians, barely es)aping 6ith his fa-ily to 5olland in 1@M@. The (ati)an, needing high 3oi)es for the )hoir but opposed to ha3ing 6o-en in the )hur)h (still pissed off about Pope Joan, no doubt#, introdu)es the F*astratiF, a )astrated -ale singer in 1@M7. 7o pre3elent 6as this *hristian pa)ti)e that -a=or )o-posers in)luding .o2art, Glu)+, and .onte3erdi 6rite 3o)al parts spe)ifi)ally for *astrati. *astrati )ontinued to be a part of *athedral )hoirs until the early >Hth )entury. January 1", 1@MK $ The to6ns of 5artford, Jeathersfield and Jindsor adopted the 8unda-ental Orders of *onne)ti)ut.FTo -ayntayne and presear3e the liberty and purity of the Gospell of our Lord Jesus, 6hi)h 6e no6 professe...F >! years later, the to6n 5artford goes on a 6it)h hunt.

La-b, 'r.? stoned to death by a -ob at 7t. PaulDs *ross, London, ,ngland, in 1@"H

W0//0,+ S:,143<4,74 8anati)al puritans in )ontrol of the London go3ern-ent, and angered that the people prefered plays to prayers, ordered the )losing of all theaters. 8irst to go 6as Jillia- 7ha+espeareDs Globe Theater.

7ir .atthe6 5ale, Lord *hief Justi)e of ,ngland, allo6s the use of false testi-ony to )on3i)t 6it)hes.

Bar+er, Janet? burned in 7)otland in 1@"M Bro6n, Janet? burned in 7)otland in 1@"M Brugh, John? burned in 7)otland in 1@"M 8ynnie, Agnes? burned in 7)otland in 1@"M *u-laAuoy, .arian? burned at Or+ney, 7)otland in 1@"M Lauder, .argaret? burned in 7)otland in 1@"M Peebles, .arion? burned in 7)otland in 1@"M Janderson, (first na-e un+no6n#? e<e)uted in ,ngland, in January, 1@"".

April M, 1@"" $ The %e6 5a3en *olony adopted their )harter. FThat the =udi)ial la6s of God, as they 6ere deli3ered by .oses ... be a rule to all the )ourts in this =urisdi)tion ...F 8our years later, this do)u-ent 6ill be adapted for the .ass)hussets Bay *olony La6 of 1@"K, 6hi)h in)ludes the death penalty for 6it)hes (,<odus >>?1K# and disobedient sons ('euterono-y >1?1K#.

*o3er of a pa-phlet des)ribing the -ass trial of 6it)hes in ,ngland in 1@"!. The original is in the British .useu-. Jilliford, Joan? e<e)uted at 8a3ersha-, Lent, ,ngland, on > 7ept. 1@"! Lo6es, John? hanged at Bury, ,ngland, about 1@"! *ardien, Joan? e<e)uted at 8a3ersha-, Lent, ,ngland, on > 7ept. 1@"! 5olt, Jane? e<e)uted at 8a3ersha-, Lent, ,ngland, on > 7ept. 1@"! La+eland, (first na-e un+no6n#? burned at ;ps6i)h, ,ngland, in 1@"! Louis, (first na-e un+no6n#? e<e)uted at 7uffol+, ,ngland, in 1@"@ Baroni, *atterina? beheaded and burned at *astelno3o, ;taly, on 1" April, 1@"7 *a-elli, 'o-eni)a? beheaded and burned at *astelno3o, ;taly, on 1" April, 1@"7 *a3eden, Lu)ia? beheaded and burned at *astelno3o, ;taly, on 1" April, 1@"7 *e-ola, Cine3ra? beheaded and burned at *astelno3o, ;taly, on 1" April, 1@"7 Gratiadei, 'o-eni)a? beheaded and burned at *astelno3o, ;taly, on 1" April, 1@"7 Eounge, Alse? hanged in *onne)ti)ut, %orth A-eri)a, on >@ .ay, 1@"7 Boulle, Tho-as? burned ali3e at 4ouen, 8ran)e, on >1 August, 1@"7

Jones, .argaret? e<e)uted in *harlesto6n, %orth A-eri)a, on 1! June, 1@"K *h-ielnit2+i -assa)res? ;n Poland about >HH,HHH Je6s 6ere slain in 1@"K.

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI 7abbatai Ce3i, a rabbi fro- 7-yrna, Tur+ey, predi)ted that the .essiah 6ould )o-e in 1@"K. Jhen 1@"K arri3ed, Ce3i announ)ed thet he 6as the .essiahI April >1, 1@" $ The .aryland Toleration A)t 6as passed. FBe it therefor ... ena)ted ... that no person or persons 6hatsoe3er 6ithin this pro3in)e ... professing to belie3e in Jesus *hrist shall ... hen)eforth be any 6ays troubled, -olested (or disappro3ed of# ... in respe)t of his or her religion nor in the free e<er)ise thereof ...F ;t 6as, needless to say, open season on e3eryone else.

8our 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, being hung.

Jaterboarding, 1@!1.

Bul-er, .atthe6? hanged at %e6)astle, ,ngland, in 1@" Lnott, ,li2abeth? hanged at 7t. Albans, ,ngland, in 1@" Pal-er, John? hanged at 7t. Albans, ,ngland, in 1@" Allen, Joan? hanged at the Old Bailey, London, ,ngland, in 1@!H La+e, Ali)e? e<e)uted at Boston, .A (R# )a. 1@!1 Ada-son, 8ran)is? e<e)uted at 'urha-, ,ngland, in 1@!> Peterson, Joan? hanged at Tyburn, ,ngland, on 1> April, 1@!> 5u<ley, *atherine? hanged at Jor)ester, ,ngland in the su--er of 1@!> Ashby, Anne? hanged at .aidstone, ,ngland, in July, 1@!> Bro6ne, .ary? hanged at .aidstone, ,ngland, in July, 1@!> .artyn, Anne? hanged at .aidstone, ,ngland, in July, 1@!> 4eade, .ary? hanged at .aidstone, ,ngland, in July, 1@!> Jilson, Anne? hanged at .aidstone, ,ngland, in July, 1@!> Jright, .ildred? hanged at .aidstone, ,ngland, in July, 1@!> Po6le, (first na-e un+no6n#? e<e)uted at 'urha-, ,ngland, in 1@!> %e6-an, ,li2abeth? e<e)uted at Jhite)hapel, ,ngland in 1@!M Bodenha-, Anne? hanged at 7alisbury, ,ngland, in 1@!M

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI ;n 1!7K, physi)ian 5elisaeus 4oeslin of Alsa)e, basing his predi)tion on a no3a that o))urred in 1!7>, predi)ted the 6orld ending in 1@!" in a bla2e of fire.
Bora-, (-other# (first na-e un+no6n#? hung at Bury 7t ,d-unds, ,ngland, in 1@!! Bora-, (daughter# (first na-e un+no6n#? hung at Bury 7t ,d-unds, ,ngland, in 1@!!

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI *hristian prophets predi)t the end of the 6orld in 1@!@, based on the theory that 1@!@ years passed bet6een the )reation and %oahDs flood.
5ibbins, Anne? hanged in Boston, .assa)husetts on 1 June, 1@!@

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI The 8ifth .onar)hy .en, a group of radi)al *hristians intending to for)e the British Parlia-ent to base all la6s on the Bible (-u)h li+e the *hristian *oalition does in the 0nited 7tates# predi)ted the 6orld 6ould end in 1@!7.
Broo+s, Jane? hanged in ,ngland on >@ .ar)h, 1@!K Oli3er, .ary? burned at %or6i)h, ,ngland, in 1@!K Or)hard, (first na-e un+no6n#? e<e)uted at 7alisbury, ,ngland, in 1@!K

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI 'e3out *hristian *hristopher *olu-bus (yes, T5AT *hristopher *olu-bus# in his boo+ "-he Book Of ;rophecies", predi)ted the 6orld 6ould end in 1@!K.
'yer, .ary? hung in .assa)hu)etts, %. A-eri)a, 1 June, 1@@H Brose, ,li2abeth? tortured to death in the )astle of Go--ern, Ger-any, on " %o3e-ber, 1@@H

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI Joseph .ede, 6hose 6ritings influen)ed Ja-es 0ssher and ;saa) %e6ton, )lai-ed that the Anti)hrist appeared 6ay ba)+ in "!@, and the end of the 6orld 6ould )o-e in 1@@H.
Allen, Jonet? burned in 7)otland in 1@@1 Greens-ith, (first na-e un+no6n#? hanged in 5artford, %e6 ,ngland, on >H January, 1@@> (uil, 'aniel? e<e)uted in Beaufort, *anada, in 1@@> 7)huler, (first na-e not +no6n#? burned at Lindhei-, Ger-any on >M 8ebruary, 1@@M 4ull-ann, ( first na-e un+no6n, the 6ife of 8riedri)h#? e<e)uted on .ar)h 1, l@@", Lindhei-, Ger-any 4euneg, Anna ? e<e)uted on June 1>, l@@M, Lindhei-, Ger-any 4euneg, ,lse ? e<e)uted in the su--er of l@@M, Lindhei-, Ger-any 4euneg, Latharina ? e<e)uted on June 1>, l@@M, Lindhei-, Ger-any ,uler, Anna ? e<e)uted on June 1>, l@@M, Lindhei-, Ger-any .et2ler, ,lisabeth ? e<e)uted on June 1>, l@@M, Lindhei-, Ger-any .eurer, Latharina ? e<e)uted on June 1>, l@@M, Lindhei-, Ger-any 7)hneider, .argarethe (6ife of Andreas#? e<e)uted on June 1>, l@@M, Lindhei-, Ger-any ,llroth, ( first na-e un+no6n, The 6ife of Balthasar ,llroth#? e<e)uted on June 17, l@@M, Lindhei-, Ger-any 7)hneider, .argarethe (6ife of 5ans#? e<e)uted on August >!, l@@M, Lindhei-, Ger-any 4euneg, Johann? e<e)uted on August >!, l@@M, Lindhei-, Ger-any ,s)h, Llaus ? e<e)uted on August >!, l@@M, Lindhei-, Ger-any Luhn (BZ)+er$.argreth#, .argarethe ? e<e)uted on August >!, l@@M, Lindhei-, Ger-any Les)hier, 5einri)h and .aria? e<e)uted on August >!, l@@M, Lindhei-, Ger-any Bra)+, (first na-e un+no6n, the 6ife of 5einri)h#? e<e)uted on >! August, l@@M, Lindhei-, Ger-any P[ppel, 5ans ? e<e)uted on >! August, l@@M, Lindhei-, Ger-any Jeber, Latharina? e<e)uted on August >!, l@@M, Lindhei-, Ger-any *o<, Julian? e<e)uted at Taunton, ,ngland, in 1@@M 7)hYler, .artha? burned at Lindhei-, Ger-any, >M 8ebruary, 1@@" *ullender, 4ose? e<e)uted at Bury 7t ,d-unds, ,ngland, on 17 .ar)h 1@@"

'uny, A-y? e<e)uted at Bury 7t ,d-unds, ,ngland, on 17 .ar)h, 1@@" 4euneg, Philipp? e<e)uted on .ar)h 1, l@@", Lindhei-, Ger-any 7tyle, ,li2abeth? died in prison, at Taunton, ,ngland, in 1@@"

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI 'uring a period of strife, ,bnglish )lergy announ)e that the year 1@@@ 6ill bring the end of the 6orld, a predi)tion thought to be )o-ing true 6hen a great fire stri+es London. Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI 8e6 belie3e 4abi 7abbatai Ce3i is the .essiah, so he )hanges his predi)tion for the appearen)e of the .essiah to 1@@@. 5e is arrested for disturbing the pea)e 6ith his prophe)ies, and 6hen gi3en the )hoi)e bet6een e<e)ution and )on3ersion to ;sla-, eagerly )on3erts.

%e6spaper story of the )on3i)tion and e<e)ution of 6it)h Anna ,berlehrin, 1@@ . Os6ald, *atherine? burned in 7)otland in 1@7H Jeir, Tho-as? burned bet6een ,dinburgh and Leith, 7)otland, on 11 April, 1@7H 'ru--ond, Ale<ander? e<e)uted in ,dinburgh, 7)otland, in 1@7H

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI 'ea)on Jillia- Aspin6all, a leader of the 8ifth .onar)hy -o3e-ent, predi)ts the end of the 6orld for 1@7M.
8oster, Anne? hanged at %orthha-pton, ,ngland, in 1@7" Baguely, .ary? hung at *hester, ,ngland, 1@7!

Preists blessing the instru-ents of torture in Ger-any, 1@7@.

*otton .ather, pastor of the 7e)ond *hur)h of Boston, )alled Ling PhilipDs Jar a BB:. .ather, 6ho later gained fa-e during the 7ale- Jit)h trials, than+ed god for the s-allpo< 6hi)h +ill off the indians, then ordered his follo6ers to +ill the sur3i3ing -en. The 6o-en and )hildren 6ere sold into sla3ery.

*ra6, Jillia-? burned in 7)otland in 1@KH 5a-ilton, .argaret? burned in 7)otland in 1@KH 'eshayes, *atherine? burned on >> 8ebruary, 1@KH Tho-pson, Annaple? burned in 7)otland in 1@KH (i)+ar, Bessie? burned in 7)otland in 1@KH Pringle, .argaret? burned in 7)otland in 1@KH Pi)hler, (na-e un+no6n, son of ,-eren2iana, aged 1>#? burned at 'efereggen, Ger-any, on >7 7epte-ber,

1@KH Pi)hler, (na-e un+no6n, son of ,-eren2iana, aged 1"#? burned at 'efereggen, Ger-any, on >7 7epte-ber, 1@KH Pi)hler, ,-eren2iana? burned at 'efereggen, Ger-any, on >! 7epte-ber, 1@KH

Ling Louise X;( of 8ran)e, the F7un LingF, issues an edi)t in July 1@K> bringing to an end the horrors of the 6it)h hunts in 8ran)e. 8ren)h )lergy threatened to e<)o--uni)ate hi-.
Tre-bles, .ary? hanged at Bideford (5ea3itree#, ,ngland, >! August, 1@K> ,d6ards, 7usanna? hanged at Bideford (5ea3itree#, ,ngland, >! August, 1@K> Lloyd, Te-peran)e? hanged at Bideford (5ea3itree#, ,ngland, >! August, 1@K>

Pastor *otton .ather, alar-ed at the i-pending arri3al of Jillia- Penn and the :ua+ers (perhaps the only *hristian group 6illing to allo6 the indians to li3e in pea)e# se)retly plotted to ha3e Penn and the :ua+ers )aptured and sold into sla3ery in Barbados in 1@K>.
"September ye 15, 1682, To ye Aged and Beloved Mr. JOH H!""! SO , T#ere $% no& at %ea a %#$p 'alled t#e (el'ome, &#$'# #a% on board an #)ndred or more o* t#e #eret$'% and mal$gnant% 'alled "+)a,er%," &$t# (.-enn, &#o $% t#e '#$e* %'amp, at t#e #ead o* t#em. T#e general 'o)rt #a% a''ord$ngly g$ven %e'ret order% to Ma%ter Mala'#$ H)%'ott, o* t#e br$g -orpo$%e, to &aylay t#e %a$d -enn and #$% )ngodly 're&, %o t#at t#e .ord may be glor$*$ed, and not mo',ed on t#e %o$l o* t#$% ne& 'o)ntry &$t# t#e #eat#en &or%#$p /%$'0 o* t#e%e people. M)'# %po$l 'an be made by %ell$ng t#e &#ole lot to Barbado%, &#ere %lave% *et'# good pr$'e% $n r)m and %)gar. 1OTTO MATH23, Amer$'an 1lergyman." .olland, Ali)e? e<e)uted at ,<eter, ,ngland, 1@K" Glo3er, Goody? hanged at 7ale-, %e6 ,ngland, in 1@KK

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI John %apier, the -athe-ati)ian 6ho dis)o3ered logarith-s, applies his ne6 -athe-ati)s to the Boo+ of 4e3elations and predi)ts the end of the 6orld for 1@KK. Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI Pierre Jurieu, a *a-isard prophet, predi)ted that Judge-ent 'ay 6ould o))ur in 1@K . The *a-isards 6ere 5uguenots of the Languedo) region of southern 8ran)e. April >!, 1@K $ The Great La6 of Pennsyl3ania 6as passed. FJhereas the glory of Al-ighty God and the good of -an+ind is the reason and the end of go3ern-ent ... therefore go3ern-ent itself is a 3enerable ordinan)e of God ...F T:4 S,/4+ W06.: T70,/3 *otton .ather published F.e-orable Pro3iden)esF, des)ribing the alledged 6it)h)raft of an ;rish 6o-en in Boston in 1@ 1. The boo+ 6as 3ery popular and 6idely read in nearby 7ale-. A-ong its readers is 'r. Jillia- Griggs, 6ho 6as treating young Betty Parris for so-e

strange beha3iors in 1@ >. 0nable to find a )ure and un6illing to ad-it ignoran)e, Grigs )ited .atherDs boo+ to support a )lai- of be6it)h-ent, spar+ing the 7ale- 6it)h hysteria. T:4 E>4.*64? S,/4+ W06.:43
Osburne, 7arah? died in prison at Boston, .assa)husetts, 1H .ay, 1@ > Bishop, Briget? hanged at 7ale-, %e6 ,ngland on 1H June, 1@ > Good, 7arah? e<e)uted at 7ale-, %e6 ,ngland, on 1 July, 1@ > 5o6, ,li2abeth? e<e)uted at 7ale-, %e6 ,ngland, on 1 July, 1@ > .artin, 7usannah? e<e)uted at 7ale-, %e6 ,ngland, on 1 July, 1@ > %urse, 4ebe))a? e<e)uted at 7ale-, %e6 ,ngland, on 1 July, 1@ > Jildes, 7arah? e<e)uted at 7ale-, %e6 ,ngland, on 1 July, 1@ > Ja)obs, George? e<e)uted at 7ale-, %e6 ,ngland, on 1 August, 1@ > Burroughs, George? e<e)uted at 7ale-, %e6 ,ngland, on 1 August, 1@ > *arrier, .artha? e<e)uted at 7ale-, %e6 ,ngland, on 1 August, 1@ > *orey, Giles? pressed to death at 7ale-, %e6 ,ngland, on 1 7epte-ber, 1@ > Jillard, John? e<e)uted at 7ale-, %e6 ,ngland, on 1 August, 1@ > Pro)ter, John? e<e)uted at 7ale-, %e6 ,ngland, on 1 August, 1@ > Jard6ell, 7a-uel? e<e)uted at 7ale-, %e6 ,ngland, on >> 7epte-ber, 1@ > *orey, .artha? e<e)uted at 7ale-, %e6 ,ngland, on >> 7epte-ber, 1@ > 7)ott, .argaret? e<e)uted at 7ale-, %e6 ,ngland, on >> 7epte-ber, 1@ > Par+er, Ali)e? e<e)uted at 7ale-, %e6 ,ngland, on >> 7epte-ber, 1@ > Par+er, .ary? e<e)uted at 7ale-, %e6 ,ngland, on >> 7epte-ber, 1@ > Pudeator, Anne? e<e)uted at 7ale-, %e6 ,ngland, on >> 7epte-ber, 1@ > 4eed, Jil-ot? e<e)uted at 7ale-, %e6 england, on >> 7epte-ber, 1@ > ,asty, .ary? e<e)uted at 7ale-, %e6 ,ngland, on >> 7epte-ber, 1@ >

;n)rease .ather, brother to *otten .ather and also a prea)her, 6rote that it 6as better to allo6 ten suspe)ted 6it)hes es)ape than to +ill one inno)ent person.

Philip 3on Li-bor)hDs F5istoria ;nAuisitionisF 6as published in 1@ >. Blatently pro$)hur)h, it atte-pted to )ounter the gro6ing )riti)is- of the 6it)h perse)utions 6ith stories of heroi) inAuisitors fighting po6erful de-oni) for)es.
5ansen, Anna? Arrested on suspi)ion of 6it)h)raft @N17N1@ >. Tortured into )onfession, she 6as beheaded =ust three 6ee+s later. *ha-bers, (first na-e un+no6n#? died in prison, in ,ngland, in 1@ M

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI Angli)an re)tor John .ason and Ger-an theologian Johann Alsted both predi)ted the end of the 6orld for 1@ ". Another Ger-an prophet Johann Ja)ob Ci--er-an, predi)ted that Jesus 6ould reappear in A-eri)a and organi2ed an e<pedition of *hristians to sail a)ross the Atlanti) and 6el)o-e their sa3ior 6hen he reappeared. Although Ci--er-an hi-self died on the day of departure, his follo6ers )o-pleted the =ourney and re-ained en)a-ped in the 6ilderness of %orth A-eri)a until it be)a-e ob3ious that Jesus had stood the- up.
4eid, John? hanged hi-self in prison, in 7)otland, in 1@ 7

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI Angli)an re)tor Tho-as Be3erly predi)ts the end of the 6orld for 1@ 7. Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI %otorious 6it)h )haser *otton .ather predi)ts the end of the 6orld for 1@ 7.
.a),6en, ,lspeth? Lir+)udbright Prison in 7)otland, 1@ K *one-an, (6ido6#? e<e)uted in *oggeshall, ,ngland in 1@ Laing, Beatri<? e<e)uted in 7)otland, 17H" To6nsend, A-ey? -ob 3iolen)e, 7t. Albans, ,ngland, HK January, 17HH

Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI Puritans predi)ts the end of the 6orld for 1@ 7. Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI John %apiersD se)ond try predi)ts the end of the 6orld for 1@ 7. Bot)hed doo-sday prophe)iesI 5enry Ar)her, a 8ifth .onar)hy .anpredi)ts the end of the 6orld for 1@ 7. 4e3erend 7olo-on 7toddard, one of %e6 ,nglandDs -ost estee-ed religious leaders, for-ally proposed in 17HM to the .assa)husetts Go3ernor that the )olonists be gi3en the finan)ial 6here6ithal to pur)hase and train large pa)+s of dogs Dto hunt ;ndians as they do bearsD.
Ada-s, Tho-as? e<e)uted in Pitten6ee-, 7)otland in 17H" Lang, Beatri<? died in Pitten6ee-, 7)otland in 17H" *ornfoot (*orset#, Janet? +illed by a -ob at Pitten6ee-, 7)otland in 17H" 4attray, George? e<e)uted in 7pott, 7)otland, in 17H! 4attray, La)hlan? e<e)uted in 7pott, 7)otland, in 17H! Philipps, .ary? %ortha-tonshire, ,ngland, e<e)uted on 17 .ar)h 17H! 7ha6, ,linor? %ortha-tonshire, ,ngland, e<e)uted on 17 .ar)h 17H! 5orne, Janet of 'orno)h? burned as a 6it)h in 4oss$shire (7)otland#, June 17H7 .assa)hussetts for-ally pardons -ost of the 6it)hs hung at 7ale-. The rest 6ill be pardoned in 1 !7. .ossau, 4enata 3on? beheaded and burned in Ba3aria, Ger-any, on >1 June, 17" Osborne, (husband# (first na-e un+no6n#? +illed by a -ob of *hristians at Tring, 5erefordshire, ,ngland, on >> April, 17!H Osborne, (6ife# 4uth? +illed by a -ob at Tring, 5erefordshire, ,ngland, on >> April, 17!H

'ennis 'iderot )o--en)ed 6or+ on the first -odern -ulti$3olu-e en)y)lopedia in 17!1. ;t did not )onfor- itself to religious dog-a of the day and before all >K 3olu-es 6ere )o-plete, the Jesuits had 'iderot thro6n in =ail and his presses destroyed. The re-aining 3olu-es 6ere published by underground printers.
Bayerin, Anna? e<e)uted at 7al2burg, Austria, in 17!1 (eroni)a Cerrits)h? age 1M, e<e)uted in Ba3aria, Ger-any in 17!"

The Ar)hbishop of *ologne de)reed that the )osts of torturing a person suspe)ted of 6it)h)raft -ust be paid by the suspe)t or their fa-ily. 5e printed up a Fpri)e listF in 17!7. The ,nglish na3igator Jallis dis)o3ered Tahiti in 17@7, to be follo6ed by the 8ren)h e<plorer de Bougain3ille, and *aptain Ja-es *oo+. All three )aptains 6ere o3er6hel-ed by their re)eption at the hands of the people of Tahiti, and by the gifts sho6ered upon the-...

Jhen *oo+ left Tahiti... he 6rote in his =ournal? F; dire)ted -y )ourse to the Jest and 6e too+ our final lea3e of these happy islands and the good people on the-.F *aptain Bligh of the Bounty, 6riting =ust prior to the -utiny, 6as if possible -ore i-pressed...? F; left these happy islanders 6ith -u)h distress, for the ut-ost affe)tion, regard and good fello6ship 6as a-ong us during our stay...F

F,6:47 J*20<477) S477, ,2? 6:4 C,/0=)720, !0330)23 ;n 17@7, 8ather Juniperro 7erra arri3ed in Ba=a, *alifornia as the President of the Ba=a *alifornia .issions. 5is tas+ 6as to e<tend the )hain of .issions up along the *alifornia )oast. Jhile o3ertly religious, the -issions 6ere a)tually sto)+ades built to 6ithstand popular uprisings against the .issionaries (of 6hi)h there are -any# and spa)ed less than a dayDs ride apart to pro3ide prote)tion to tra3eling )lergy. 8ollo6ing in the tradition of *olu-bus, the 7panish *onAuestadores assigned to the -issions rounded up %ati3e A-eri)ans fro- the surrounding )ountryside and )orraled the- into the -issions to 6or+. As they died, the Padres atte-pted to )on3ert the-. At the -ission of %uestra 7e\ora de Loreto, reported the 8ran)is)an )hroni)ler 8ather 8ran)is)o Palo], during the first three years of 8ran)is)an rule 7@ )hildren and adults 6ere bapti2ed, 6hile 1M1 6ere buried... The sa-e held true at others, fro- the -ission of 7anta 4osaliX de .ulegS, 6ith "K baptis-s and 11M deaths, to the -ission of 7an ;gna)io, 6ith 11! baptis-s and > M deaths $ all 6ithin the sa-e initial three year period. 8or so-e -issions, su)h as those of 7an JosS del *abo and 7antiago de las *oras, no baptisor death statisti)s 6ere reported, be)ause there 6ere so fe6 sur3i3ors /...1 that there 6as no reason for )ounting /...1 And 6hat 6as done 6as si-ply that they brought -ore nati3es in, under -ilitary for)e of ar-s. ;n short, the -issions 6ere furna)es of death that sustained their ;ndian population le3els for as long as they did only by dri3ing -ore and -ore nati3es into their )onfines to )o-pensate for the huge nu-bers 6ho 6ere being +illed on)e they got there. /...1 Thus for e<a-ple, one sur3ey of life and death in an early Ari2ona -ission has turned up statisti)s sho6ing that at one ti-e an astonishing M per)ent of the )hildren born 6ithin its 6alls died before the age of ten $ and yet the -issionDs total population did not drasti)ally de)line. /751M@f1 There 6ere 3arious 6ays in 6hi)h the -ission ;ndians died. /...1 The personal li3ing spa)e for ;ndians in the -issions a3eraged about se3en feet by t6o feet per person for un-arried )apti3es, 6ho 6ere lo)+ed at night into se<$segregated )o--on roo-s that )ontained a single open pit for a toilet. ;t 6as perhaps a bit -ore spa)e than 6as allotted a )apti3e Afri)an in the hold of a sla3e ship sailing the .iddle Passage. /...1 Of )ourse, the -ission ;ndians also 6or+ed li+e sla3es in the padresD agri)ultural fields, but they did so 6ith far less than half the )alori) inta+e, on a3erage, )o--only pro3ided a bla)+ sla3e in .ississippi, Alaba-a, or Georgia. /751MK1 As one 8ren)h 3isitor )o--ented in the early nineteenth )entury, after inspe)ting life in the -issions, the relationship bet6een the priest and his flo)+ F6ould ... be different only in na-e if a sla3eholder +ept the- for labor and rented the- out at 6ill ...F But, 6e +no6 no6, he 6ould ha3e fed the- better. /751M 1 The padres 6ere also )on)erned about the )ontinuing )atastrophi) de)line in the nu-ber of babies born to their neophyte )harges... here is a first$hand a))ount of 6hat happened at

-ission 7anta *ru2 6hen a holy and as)eti) padre na-ed 4a-on OlbSs )a-e to the )on)lusion that one parti)ular -arried )ouple 6as beha3ing 6ith e<)essi3e se<ual inhibition, thereby depri3ing hi- of another )hild to ensla3e and another soul to offer up to *hrist? 5e /8ather OlbSs1 sent for the husband and he as+ed hi- 6hy his 6ife hadnDt borne )hildren... they brought an interpreter. This /one1 repeated the Auestion of the father to the ;ndian, 6ho ans6ered that he should as+ God. The father as+ed through the interpreter if he slept 6ith his 6ife, to 6hi)h the ;ndian said yes. Then the father had the- pla)ed in a roo- together so that they 6ould perfor- )oitus in his presen)e. The ;ndian refused, but they for)ed hi- to sho6 the- his penis in order to affirthat he had it in good order... 8r. OlbSs as+ed her if her husband slept 6ith her, and she ans6ered that, yes... 5e had her enter another roo- in order to e<a-ine her reprodu)ti3e parts. At this point the 6o-an resisted the padreDs atte-pted for)ed inspe)tionB for that i-pertinen)e she re)ei3ed fifty lashes, 6as Fsha)+led, and lo)+ed in the nunnery.F 5e then ga3e her a 6ooden doll and ordered her to )arry it 6ith her, Fli+e a re)ently born )hild,F 6here3er she 6ent. /751"11 There 6as, of )ourse, good reason for the ;ndians to fear the )onseAuen)es of running a6ay and being )aught? 7o-e of the run$a6ay -en 6ere tied on sti)+s and beaten 6ith straps. One )hief 6as ta+en out to the open field and a young )alf 6hi)h had =ust died 6as s+inned and the )hief 6as se6ed into the s+in 6hile it 6as yet 6ar-. 5e 6as +ept tied to a sta+e all day, but he died soon and they +ept his )orpse tied up.
%athan, Abraha-? e<e)uted at 5ae)+, Ger-any, on >" 7epte-ber, 177> 7)h6aegel, Anna .aria? beheaded at Le-pten, Ger-any, on 11 April, 177!

E6:,2 A//42 ,than Allen )aptured 8ort Ti)onderoga, !N1HN177!. *ontrary to *hristians 6ho are trying to re6rite the early history of the 0nited 7tates, ,then Allen 6as %OT a *hristian and halted his o6n -arriage )ere-ony until the =udge )hanged FLa6s of godF to Fla6s of natureF.
Goeldi, Anna? hanged at Glaris, 76it2erland, on 17 June, 17K>

B42 F7,21/02 Ben 8ran+lin died, "N17N17 H. *ontrary to *hristians 6ho are trying to re$6rite the history of the 0nited 7tates by )lai-ing the 8ounding 8athers 6ere all *hristians, 8ran+linDs o6n 6ords prior to his death tell another story. FAs to Jesus of %a2areth, -y Opinion of 6ho- you parti)ularly desire, ; thin+ the 7yste- of .orals and his 4eligion...has re)ei3ed 3arious )orrupting *hanges, and ; ha3e, 6ith -ost of the present dissenters in ,ngland, so-e doubts as to his 'i3inityB thoD it is a Auestion ; do not dog-ati2e upon, ha3ing ne3er studied it, and thin+ it needless to busy -yself 6ith it no6, 6hen ; e<pe)t soon an opportunity of +no6ing the Truth 6ith less trouble.F

Ja-es 5utton published, FTheory Of The ,arthF in 17 !, in 6hi)h he argued that geologi)al pro)ess -o3ed so slo6ly that the ,arth had to ha3e been around -u)h longer than "HH" B* (the date of the Bibli)al *reation# in order to e<plain the surfa)e as it appears today. 'ar6in 6as inspired by 5uttonDs 6or+.

T:4 C:70360,20E025 )= T,:060 4ea)ting to the stories of Tahiti, and troubled that the )re6 of 5.7 Bounty )ould ha3e found life a-ong the Tahitians preferable to life a-ong *hristians, the religious orthodo<y of ,ngland founded the London .issionary 7o)iety in 17 ! (6hi)h in)luded their o6n ar-ed poli)e for)e#. The sole purpose of the so)iety 6as to bring Tahiti under *hristian rule, in effe)t to re-o3e a -ore pleasant alternati3e lifestyle that threatened *hristian po6er. T6o years later the first -issionaries arri3ed in Tahiti and 6ere as 6ar-ly treated by the Tahitians as had been earlier 3isitors. But after 7 years of -issionary 6or+ ()hildren 6ere reAuired to re)ite, F8or 6hat is Jeho3a angry 6ith theeR Be)ause ; a- e3il and do e3il.F in Tahitian# there 6ere fe6 6illing )on3erts to *hristianity. Jhat happened ne<t is do)u-ented in a letter to ho-e by one of the brethren, J...Ors-ond. All the -issionaries 6ere at that ti-e salting por+ and distilling spirits. Po-are (the lo)al )hief# 6as introdu)ed to the bottle by the -issionaries. Ors-ond des)ribes the )o-pa)t by 6hi)h Po-are, redu)ed to an al)oholi), 6ould be ba)+ed in a 6ar against the other island )hiefs on the understanding that his 3i)tory 6ould be follo6ed by enfor)ed )on3ersion (This is the sa-e deal that Papal %un)io ,ugenio Pa)elli -ade 6ith 5itler, trading the (ati)anDs support for 5itlerDs pro-ise to de)lare *atholo)is- %a2i Ger-anyDs state religion#. 7in)e Po-are 6as supplied 6ith firear-s to be used against his opponentsD )lubs, 3i)tory 6as )ertain. FThe 6hole nationF, Ors-ond 6rote, F6as )on3erted in a day.F There follo6ed a reign of terror. Persistent unbelie3ers 6ere put to death and a penal )ode 6as dra6n up by the -issionaries and enfor)ed by the -ission poli)e. it 6as de)lared illegal to adorn oneself 6ith flo6ers, to sing (other than hy-ns#, to surf or to dan)e. A -oral )ode of su)h stri)tness 6as then enfor)ed that a -an 6al+ing 6ith his ar- round a 6o-an at night 6as )o-pelled to )arry a lantern in his free hand. On the island of 4aiatea a -an 6ho fore)ast the 6eather 6as treated as a 6it)hdo)tor and put to death. Jithin a Auarter of a )entury the pro)ess by 6hi)h the nati3e )ulture of Tahiti had been e<tinguished 6as e<ported to e3ery )orner of the Pa)ifi), redu)ing the islanders to the le3el of the 6or+ing )lass of (i)torian ,ngland. After their -ass )on3ersion it 6as hoped that the Tahitians -ight be indu)ed to a))ept the benefits of )i3ili2ation by putting the- to /ser3ile1 6or+ gro6ing sugar )ane... The enterprise failed, and .r. Ors-ond, belie3ing that Fa too bountiful nature di-inishes -enDs natural desire to 6or+F, ordered all the breadfruit trees to be )ut do6n so that the la)+ of a natural food supply 6ould for)e the Tahitians to see+ e-ploy-ent in the -ission plantations. *aptain Ja-es *oo+ esti-ated that >HH,HHH people 6ere li3ing on Tahiti. After thirty years of -issionary rule, only @,HHH re-ained.

Their po6er base fir-ly established in Tahiti, the -issionaries -o3ed s6iftly to other islands. The -ethods e-ployed 6ere the sa-e as before. A lo)al )hieftain 6ould be bapti2ed, )ro6ned +ing, presented 6ith a portrait of :ueen (i)toria, introdu)ed to the bottle, and left to the 6or+ of )on3ersion. By 1K!H the *hristian )onAuest of the Pa)ifi) 6as )o-plete.

T74,6- )= T70<)/0 <,334? 02 1$'$, 36,6025 02 <,76, "T:4 5)8472+426 )= 6:4 U2064? S6,643 03 2)6 02 ,2- 34234 =)*2?4? )2 6:4 C:70360,2 74/050)2."

T:)+,3 J4==473)2 ,2? 6:4 S4<47,60)2 )= C:*7.: ,2? S6,64 On January 1, 1KH>, Tho-as Jefferson 6rote the follo6ing letter to the 'anbury Baptist Asso)iation, in the 7tate of *onne)ti)ut.
To Me%%r%. e#em$a# 4odge and Ot#er%, a 1omm$ttee o* t#e 4anb)ry Bapt$%t A%%o'$at$on, $n t#e State o* 1onne't$')t Jan)ary 1, 1852 "entlemen, T#e a**e't$onate %ent$ment% o* e%teem and approbat$on &#$'# yo) are %o good a% to e6pre%% to&ard% me, on be#al* o* t#e 4anb)ry Bapt$%t A%%o'$at$on, g$ve me t#e #$g#e%t %at$%*a't$on. My d)t$e% d$'tate a *a$t#*)l and 7ealo)% p)r%)$t o* t#e $ntere%t% o* my 'on%t$t)ent%, and $n proport$on a% t#ey are per%)aded o* my *$del$ty to t#o%e d)t$e%, t#e d$%'#arge o* t#em be'ome% more and more plea%$ng. Bel$ev$ng &$t# yo) t#at rel$g$on $% a matter &#$'# l$e% %olely bet&een man and #$% "od, t#at #e o&e% a''o)nt to none ot#er *or #$% *a$t# or #$% &or%#$p, t#at t#e leg$%lat$ve po&er% o* government rea'# a't$on% only, and not op$n$on%, ! 'ontemplate &$t# %overe$gn reveren'e t#at a't o* t#e &#ole Amer$'an people &#$'# de'lared t#at t#e$r leg$%lat)re %#o)ld "ma,e no la& re%pe't$ng an e%tabl$%#ment o* rel$g$on, or pro#$b$t$ng t#e *ree e6er'$%e t#ereo*," t#)% building a wall of separation between church and State. Ad#er$ng to t#$% e6pre%%$on o* t#e %)preme &$ll o* t#e nat$on $n be#al* o* t#e r$g#t% o* 'on%'$en'e, ! %#all %ee &$t# %$n'ere %at$%*a't$on t#e progre%% o* t#o%e %ent$ment% &#$'# tend to re%tore to man all #$% nat)ral r$g#t%, 'onv$n'ed #e #a% no nat)ral r$g#t $n oppo%$t$on to #$% %o'$al d)t$e%. ! re'$pro'ate yo)r ,$nd prayer% *or t#e prote't$on and ble%%$ng o* t#e 'ommon 8at#er and 1reator o* man, and tender yo) *or yo)r%elve% and yo)r rel$g$o)% a%%o'$at$on, a%%)ran'e% o* my #$g# re%pe't and e%teem.

Bate-an, .ary? Eor+shire, ,ngland, 1KHK 4ussel, Ali)e? +illed by a -ob at Great Pa<ton, ,ngland, >H .ay, 1KHK

A2?74F J,.13)2 Andre6 Ja)+son be)a-e President in 1K>K after )a-paignng on the slogan that "-he Bible is the 1ock on which this 1epublic rests". Lept a )olle)tion of indian s)alps he hi-self too+, and in 1KMH signed the ;ndian 4e-o3al A)t 6hi)h ordered the for)ed re-o3al of the *hero+ee fro- their lands. "HHH *hero+ee died on the Trail of Tears. *ollin de Plan)y published F'i)tionaire ;nfernalF, a )atalog of de-ons. A))ording to this boo+, the learning of foreign languages is the tool of the de-on 4on6e. The na-e F4on6eF does not appear in the Bible. T:4 S,2? C7441 !,33,.74 .ethodist -inister and )hur)h elder *olonel John *hi3ington ignored a 6hite flag to lead the -assa)re at 7and *ree+, +illing "HH$!HH indians, -ostly 6o-en and )hildren 11N> N1K@". After6ards, his -en de)orated the-sel3es 6ith indian body parts. F;n God Je TrustF Added to 07 )oinage in 1K@". T:4 H,F,00,2 P/,5*4 4e3erend 4ufus Anderson 3ie6ed the die$off of HW of the nati3e 5a6aiians in 1K@@ as GodDs Fa-putationF of a diseased seg-ent of the population. R,<, N*0 (E,3647 I3/,2?9 .issionaries arri3ed at 4apa %ui (,aster ;sland# so-e ti-e in the early 1K7Hs. Their first step in F*hristiani2ingF the 4apanuians 6as to burn the 6ooden tablets )o3ered 6ith F4ongorongoF, the only +no6n 6ritten language of the Polynesians, erasing the 6ritten history of 4apa %ui. The -issionaries so abused the ,aster ;slanders that *aptain Jean Baptiste One<i-e 'outrou$Bournier e<pelled the *hristians fro- the island by for)e. T:4 B0// O= R05:63 Leo X;;; be)a-e Pope in 1K7K, and 6rote that the Bill of 4ights should ne3er ha3e been 6ritten be)ause god did %OT gi3e to -an freedo- of thought, a)tion, and spee)h. G4)754 W,3:0256)2 George Jashington died of a throat infe)tion 1>N1"N17 . 'espite atte-pts by *hristians to re$6rite the history of the 0nited 7tates there are no re)ords that George Jashington 6as a religious -an, let alone 6hat parti)ular faith he follo6ed. At his deathbed, he -ade no religious )o--ents and did not as+ for )lergy to be in attendan)e. T:)+,3 P,024 Tho-as Paine, author of F*o--on 7enseF died @NKN1KH . *ontrary to *hristians trying to re$ 6rite the history of the 0nited 7tates, Paine 6as not a *hristian. 7o-e 6ritings?

"'mong the most detestable villains in history, you could not find one worse than Moses. .ere is an order, attributed to 3/od3 to butcher the boys, to massacre the mothers and to debauch and rape the daughters. I would not dare so dishonor my 0reator3s name by IattachingJ it to this filthy book Ithe BibleJ." "It is the duty of every true ?eist to vindicate the moral &ustice of /od against the evils of the Bible." "'ccustom a people to believe that priests and clergy can forgive sins...and you will have sins in abundance." AndB "-he 0hristian church has set up a religion of pomp and revenue in pretended imitation of a person I:esusJ who lived a life of poverty." T:)+,3 J4==473)2 Tho-as Jefferson, third President of the 0nited 7tates and author of the 'e)laration of ;ndependen)e died =ust hours before John Ada-s on 7N"N1K>@. 'espite atte-pts by *hristians to re$6rite the history of the 0nited 7tates the fa)ts are that Tho-as Jefferson, 6hile 6illing to pla)ate *hristians to 6in their politi)al support, pri3ately )alled the 4e3elation of 7t. John "the ravings of a maniac", the bible a "dunghill" and 6rote? "-he 0hristian priesthood, finding the doctrines of 0hrist levelled to every understanding and too plain to need e*planation, saw, in the mysticisms of ;lato, materials with which they might build up an artificial system which might, from its indistinctness, admit everlasting controversy, give employment for their order, and introduce it to profit, power, and pre, eminence. -he doctrines which flowed from the lips of :esus himself are within the comprehension of a child< but thousands of volumes have not yet e*plained the ;latonisms engrafted on them> and for this obvious reason that nonsense can never be e*plained." Eet -ore by Jefferson in a letter to Jillia- 7hort, "I have e*amined all the known superstitions of the word, and I do not find in our particular superstition of 0hristianity one redeeming feature. -hey are all alike founded on fables and mythology. Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of 0hristianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned. hat has been the effect of this coercion= -o make one half the world fools and the other half hypocrites< to support roguery and error all over the earth." ;n another letter Jefferson 6rote, "0hristianity...Ihas becomeJ the most perverted system that ever shone on man. ...1ogueries, absurdities and untruths were perpetrated upon the teachings of :esus by a large band of dupes and importers led by ;aul, the first great corrupter of the teaching of :esus."

and, "-he clergy converted the simple teachings of :esus into an engine for enslaving mankind and adulterated by artificial constructions into a contrivance to filch wealth and power to themselves...these clergy, in fact, constitute the real 'nti,0hrist." J):2 A?,+3 John Ada-s, se)ond President of the 0nited 7tates, died on 7N"N1K>@. 'espite atte-pts by *hristians to re$6rite the history of the 0nited 7tates Ada-s 6as not a religious -an, indeed had defied his father to go into la6 instead of the )lergy, )alling the )hur)h "pretended sanctity of some absolute dunces" and stating "-his would be the best of all possible worlds, if there were no religion in it!" ;t is during Ada-Ds ad-inistration that the 7enate ratified the Treaty of Pea)e and 8riendship, 6hi)h states in Arti)le X; that "the government of the 2nited (tates of 'merica is not in any sense founded on the 0hristian 1eligion." Ada-s also 6ondered, " here do we find a precept in the Bible for 0reeds, 0onfessions, ?octrines and Oaths, and whole carloads of other trumpery that we find religion encumbered with in these days=" J,+43 !,?03)2 Ja-es .adison, fourth President of the 0nited 7tates, died in 1KM@. 'espite atte-pts by *hristians to re$6rite the history of the 0nited 7tates .adison 6as, by his o6n 6ords, not religious. "1eligious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise." "?uring almost fifteen centuries has the legal establishment of 0hristianity been on trial. hat have been its fruits= More or less in all places, pride and indolence in the

0lergy, ignorance and servility in the laity, in both, superstition, bigotry and persecution." " hat influence in fact have 0hristian ecclesiastical establishments had on civil society= In many instances they have been upholding the thrones of political tyranny. In no instance have they been seen as the guardians of the liberties of the people. 1ulers who wished to subvert the public liberty have found in the clergy convenient au*iliaries. ' &ust government, instituted to secure and perpetuate liberty, does not need the clergy." .adison ob=e)ted to state$supported )haplains in *ongress and to the e<e-ption of )hur)hes fro- ta<ation. 5e 6rote? "1eligion and government will both e*ist in greater purity, the less they are mi*ed together."

Ja-es Eoung 7i-pson (1K11$1K7H#, a Professor of .id6ifery at ,dinburgh, used )hloroforto relie3e the pains of )hildbirth. 5e 6as pro-ptly )onde-ned by the )hur)h for 3iolating the Bibli)al )urse on 6o-en that F;n sorro6 thou shalt bring forth )hildren.F After :ueen (i)toria )hose to be anestheti2ed in 1K!M for the birth of Prin)e Leopold and again in 1K!7 for the birth of Prin)ess Beatri)e, ho6e3er, the pra)ti)e be)a-e )o--on a-ong the upper and -iddle )lasses.
F'u--yF (na-e un+no6nB he 6as deaf$and$du-b#? +illed by a -ob of *hristians at 7ible 5edingha-, ,ngland, on M August, 1K@! One 6it)h, na-e not re)orded, e<e)uted in Las+as+ia, ;llinois, 1K7H. Turner, Ann? -urdered in ,ngland, in 1K7!. ! 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned in .e<i)o, 1K77.

T:4)?)74 R))3484/6 Theodore 4oose3elt be)a-e President in 1 H1, and de)lared the 7and *ree+ .assa)re, "'s righteous and beneficial a deed as ever took place on the frontier." T,+<47025 F06: 6:4 US !,0/ At the annual )on3ention of the A-eri)an 8ederation of *atholi) 7o)ieties, held at %e6 Orleans, %o3e-ber 1M$1@, 1 1H, Ar)hbishop 8al)onio, Papal 'elegate to the 4o-an *atholi) *hur)h in A-eri)a )o--anded post offi)e e-ployees 6ho 6ere *atholi) to destroy any -ail in transit to or fro- non *atholi) )hur)hes. 8or -ore than a year, -ail to and fro- non *atholi) )hur)hes and organi2ations 6as destroyed by *atholi) post offi)e 6or+ers until the s)andal be)a-e publi), and la6s 6ere passed -a+ing ta-pering 6ith the 07 -ail a felony. B)-.)66025 6:4 E2.-./)<4?0, B7066,20.,

At the annual )on3ention of the A-eri)an 8ederation of *atholi) 7o)ieties, held at *olu-bua, Ohio, August >H$>", 1 11, the *atholi) *hur)h )o--anded their follo6ers to boy)ott the ,n)y)lopedia Britanni)a, be)ause arti)les )ontained in it did not support *atholi) do)trine. Pius X; be)a-e Pope in 1 11. By his o6n 6ords, he 6as Fa -an 6ith no lo3e for 'e-o)ra)yF.
A -an 6as shot on suspi)ion of being a 6ere6olf in 0ttenhei-, Ger-any, %o3e-ber 1 >!.

!*33)/020 Pius X; helped to bring .ussoliniDs 8as)ist Party to po6er in ;taly and in 1 >@ sole-nly de)lared? F.ussolini is a -an sent by 'i3ine Pro3iden)e.F /.*>"71 ;n 1 M! 8as)ist ;taly atta)+ed and in3aded Abyssinia. 7in)e the population of ;taly la)+ed enthusiasfor this agression, the pope hastened to de)lare a ne6 )rusade. 8or e<a-ple the Ar)hbishop of Tarent, holding a 5oly .ass on a sub-arine, de)lared? FThe 6ar against Abyssinia should be 3ie6ed as a 5oly Jar, as a )rusade,F 6hi)h also opened F,thiopia, the land of infidels and s)his-ati)s, to the *atholi) 8aith.F
An old 6o-an, a))used of being a 6it)h, 6as beaten to death in 5ungary in 1 >K. A suspe)ted 6it)h 6as -urdered in Pennsyl3ania in 1 > .

A?)/<: H06/47
7e)ular s)hools )an ne3er be tolerated be)ause su)h s)hools ha3e no religious instru)tion, and a general -oral instru)tion 6ithout a religious foundation is built on airB )onseAuently, all )hara)ter training and religion -ust be deri3ed fro- faith ... 6e need belie3ing people. & Adolf 5itler Papal %un)io ,ugenio Pa)elli, ha3ing helped bring about the fall of the Jei-ar 4epubli), for-ed the *atholi) Ger-an Party. On .ar)h >M, 1 MM, the Ger-an 4ei)hstag -et, and the *atholi) Party, led by its *atholi) leaders, for-er )han)ellor BrYning and prelate .gr. Laas, personal friend of Pa)elli, 3oted for *atholi) 5itler. ;n his a))eptan)e spee)h, 5itler des)ribed *hristianity as, Fessential ele-ents for safeguarding the soul of the Ger-an people.F 5itler, +no6ing 6ho helped hi- to po6er, then stated, FJe hope to i-pro3e our friendly relations 6ith the 5oly 7ee.F Just four -onths later, 5itlerDs go3ern-ent signed a )on)ordat 6ith the (ati)an, a treaty that ga3e preferential legal status to the *atholi) )hur)h abo3e other )hur)hes. Adolph 5itler 6as also supported by the Protestant FGer-an *hristians PartyF, 6ho despised the Jei-ar 4epubli) for its refusal to tea)h the *hristian religion in the publi) s)hools, and the Lutherans, 6ho hated the Je6s. Pa)elli to the Ger-an *atholi)s?

" is all the more necessary that the 0atholics, deprived of diplomatic representation, should find in the diplomatic pacts between the .oly (ee and the 5ational (ocialist /overnment guarantees which can assure them ... the maintenance of their position in the life of the nation."
Photo of 5itler on the )o3er of a Ger-an 7epte-ber 1 MM? Ger-an *hristian Protestant dea)ons -et in -aga2ine. A 3ery interesting letter 5a-burg to )elebrate the %ote that the dated 'e)e-ber >, )entennial of their asso)iation. A date follo6s the 1 MM? (translation# "-he Protestant pastor addressed his FLrystalna)htF, the ?istrict ;resident of )o-rades in a spee)h entitled sha-eful anti Je6ish ra)e (egeberg 0ounty Bad 'ea)onry as atta)+? "'ll this is la6s of %ure-berg of (egeberg, 0ity .all, 1 M!, open harass-ent of .amburger (traLe 6# ;rotestant deaconry> (ervice and the Je6s, the sending of ?ate of 1eceipt -o the fight. e greet you all as the (' *o--unists, de-o)rats, 5ational 'ssociation for of :esus 0hrist and the (( of the 0hurch, you brave ... @fightersB of ho-ose<uals, and others Inward Mission need, misery, despair and to )on)entration )a-ps IM?eaconryJ dereliction." After the 6ar the the anne<ation of Austria ?epartment )hur)h re-o3ed the s6asti+a in early 1 MK, and the concentration camp froas -any of the photos as in3asion of Duhlen in D u h l e n they )ould lo)ate. Only a fe6 *2e)hoslo3a+ia in .ar)h 5eumNnster ?istrict. sur3i3ed unaltered, su)h as this 1 M . Ireference nr.J Ifile one. numberJ 1ef. 8,F , Translation? Ger-an 7FOFO7"66 , 1e>, !our 'ea)on Press letter of F%. last month .AGAC;%, 8O4 .AL, to the mayor as head of ',A*O%4E Offi)ial the local police Organ of the Ger-an department of Bad 'ea)ons One is your (egeberg, referring to .aster, *hrist, but ye are the payment of the all brethren >!th Eear $ $ amount invoiced for April 1 M $ $ %r " prisoners in protective (Pi)ture# 5eil to the custody Ithe term was 8Yhrer of all Ger-ans generally used for concentration camp inmatesJ for the months (eptember and October totaling 7HA.%# 1M, has been forwarded to me. .ereupon I inform you that the invoice of 87.AA 1M for (eptember has not been ordered to be paid. -his referred to the prisoners IblackenedJ and IblackenedJ from Bad (egeberg. -he amount has already been invoiced with the letter to the ?istrict ;resident. In this case the amount thus has been invoiced twice. Crom here I cannot ascertain if the

%o3e-ber 1!, 1 MM? .ore than a thousand dea)onesses, and Lutheran nuns, -et under the s6asti+a. The Bishop of Berlin in his spee)h? ";ermit me to compare our sisters with the ('!" (a para-ilitary %a2i troop si-ilar to the 77#. %ote that e3en the arrange-ent of the )hairs for-s a s6asti+a.

amount of 8H.FA 1M for October has been paid, because all the records are in (chleswig. -o investigate in this case the name of the prisoners in 9uestion will be re9uired, as well as the total amount of the invoice for the month October. by pro*y signed :ensen". This letter refers to a )on)entration )a-p 6hi)h at the ti-e 6as run by Lutheran dea)ons in Bad 7egeberg, near 5a-burg. The dea)ons )harged the distri)t president for their e<penses.

"-he ;arty stands for positive 0hristianity." $$

Arti)le >" of the %a2i Party Platfor-

F7,2.03.) F7,2.) The 7panish people, stri)+en 6ith po3erty and +ept illiterate by the ruling )lass, had s6ept a6ay the -onar)hy, pro)lai-ed a republi) and ele)ted a left$6ing go3ern-ent in 1 M1. 7eparation of 7tate and *hur)h 6as -ade a reality, religious freedo- 6as granted and )i3il -arriage adopted. 7o-e of the *hur)h property, roughly one third of the nationDs 6ealth, 6as

nationali2ed. To fight the FAnti)hrists,F a 3iolent, relentless *atholi) opposition 6as pro-ptly started on a large s)ale throughout 7pain. By 1 M" *atholi) organi2ations already planned a )oup dDStat, ha3ing been in tou)h 6ith the 8as)ist Go3ern-ent of ;taly. On July 17, 1 M" the 7panish Ar-y rose in -any 7panish to6ns. The 7panish *i3il Jar had begun. As soon as the re3olt bro+e out, General 8ran)o -ade haste to let the pope +no6 that his )oup had su))eeded. 8ran)o fle6 the flag of Pope Pius X; o3er his headAuarters. Pope Pius X; hoisted 8ran)oDs flag o3er the (ati)an. This 6as the beginning of a 6orld$6ide *atholi) offensi3e against 4epubli)an 7pain. Bishops in .ussoliniDs ;taly, 5itlerDs Ger-any and other )ountries published pastoral letters urging *atholi)s to help. The pope issued a 6arning that the 7panish *i3il Jar 6as a foretaste of 6hat "is being prepared for 4urope and the orld unless the nations take appropriate measures against it." Before the 6ar ended, Pius X; died. Pius X;; be)a-e Pope in 1 M . Pius X;;Ds real na-e 6as Pa)elli. 5e 6as the Papal %un)io 6ho had helped bring 5itler to po6er. A staun)h anti 'e-o)rat, Pius X;; )ontinued the poli)ies of his prede)essor. Jhen 8ran)o finally established his di)tatorship in 7pain, *hur)h property and all -edie3al pri3ileges of the *hur)h 6ere restored. %o other religion 6as allo6ed. Protestants and non$*atholi)s 6ere sent to )on)entration )a-ps for refusing to attend *atholi) ser3i)es. 8reethin+ers, de-o)rats, 7o)ialists and *o--unists 6ere depri3ed of )i3il rights, i-prisoned, or shot. Jhen the 7panish republi) 6as finally defeated by *atholi) troops under 8ran)o, 6ould$be di)tator of 7pain, the pope sent a spe)ial -essage to the 3i)tors? " ith great &oy we address you, dearest sons of 0atholic (pain, to e*press our paternal congratulations for the gift of peace and victory with which /od has chosen to crown the 0hristian heroism of your faith ... e give you, our dear sons of 0atholic (pain, our apostolic benediction." 7pain supported both 5itler and .ussolini during the Jorld Jar >. 0nder Pius X;;, the bishops of Ger-any stayed loyal to the %a2is until the 3ery end of the 6ar. N,5 H,++,?0 The %ag 5a--adi s)rolls 6ere dis)o3ered in ,gypt in 1 "!, in)luding te<ts long thought destroyed during the early *hristian fight o3er Forthodo<yF. 0nli+e the )anoni)al Bible 6hi)h 6as 6ritten long after the histori)al Jesus had died, the te<ts found at %ag 5a--adi in)lude the Gospel of Tho-as, 6ritten 6hile the histori)al Jesus 6as still ali3e, in 6hi)h Jesus states that no for-al )hur)h is needed to be a *hristian. (irtually e3ery *hristian )hur)h has de)lared the Gospel of Tho-as to be heresy.

T:4 U36,3:0

Jhile ;taly and Ger-any 6ere )ran+ing up Jorld Jar >, the (ati)an )a-e to the fore 6ith a *atholi) fifth )olu-n by supporting a *roat underground separatist -o3e-ent in Eugosla3ia, an illegal %ationalist Ar-y )o-posed of bands of *atholi) terrorists, )alled the 0stashi. These groups 6ere led by the for-er la6yer Ante Pa3eli^, a fanati) *atholi), and by Ar)hbishop A.7tepina), leader of the *atholi) hierar)hy in *roatia. Jhen Eugosla3ia 6as in3aded by the Ger-an Ar-y in 1 "1, Pa3eli^ pro)lai-ed the independent state of *roatia, re)ei3ing )ongratulations fro- Ar)hbishop 7tepina). 8ro- then on the ne6 7tate set out to transfor- itself into an ideal *atholi) 7tate, as ad3o)ated by the *hur)h, by -eans of -ass re-o3al, for)ed )on3ersion, or si-ply e<ter-ination of non$ *atholi) 7erbians, roughly one$third of the population. ;n a -atter af 6ee+s atro)ities e<)eeding those in %a2i )on)entration )a-ps too+ pla)e. Tens of thousands of 7erbians 6ere transported in tru)+s out of their 3illages, to be shot or 6or+ed to death in 0stashi )on)entration )a-ps, 6hi)h had Aui)+ly been ere)ted in pla)es su)h as Jaseno3a), 7tara Gradis+a, and Gospi). .any of the +illers 6ere 8ran)is)an friars, one, a )ertain 8r. .irosla3 8ilipo3i^, e3en 6as )o--andant of the )on)entration )a-p at Jaseno3a) and be)a-e responsible for the death of about "H,HHH -en, 6o-en and )hildren. All o3er the )ountry for)ed -ass )on3ersions too+ pla)e, so-eti-es the Fre)hristenings,F as they 6ere )alled, 6ere )elebrated not only 6ith 6ater but 6ith blood. Priest ;3an 4agu2 for e<a-ple publi)ly urged the +illing of all 7erbs, in)luding )hildren, "so that even the seed of these beasts is not left." Pius X;; of )ourse +ne6 6hat 6as happening in *roatia, not only than+s to the hierar)hi)al ad-inistration of the *atholi) *hur)h, 6hi)h +ept hi- e<tre-ely 6ell infor-ed, but also be)ause of additional sour)es. 'e3out Ante Pa3eli^ sent hi- regular reports about the *atholi2ation of the %e6 *roatia, 6hile Ar)hbishop 7tepina) pro3ided the latest figures of the for)ible )on3ersions.

The 0stashi death )a-ps 6ere set up in *roatia 1 "@$1 "7. 4un by -a)hine gun toting 8ran)is)ans, and under the leadership of Ante 7tepani) Pa3eli) ()alled FBrother 'eathF# , they e<)eed e3en Aush6it2 in the horrors infli)ted on non$ *atholi)s.

Photo of FBrother 'eathF. 7o horrifi) 6ere the tortures de3ised by the 8ran)is)ans that the 77 )o-plained to 5itler about the-I Jhen it be)a-e ob3ious that One of the 0stashi Ger-any 6ould lose the 6ar, the )a-p gates. 0stashi dug up the bones of their 3i)ti-s and ground the- up so that they 6ould not be re)ogni2able as hu-an.

*halliot, (first na-e un+no6n#? -urdered at 7t. Georges, 8ran)e, in 8ebruary, 1 "7 Bunot, Leon? -urdered in 8ran)e by (i)tor 'elor-e on >@ %o3., 1 "K F0nder GodF added to Pledge of Allegien)e, 1 "K 7taun)h *atholi) %go 'inh 'ie-, President of 7outh (ietna-, ordered all foreign aid to his nation to be gi3en

to *atholi)s only in 1 !". Arista, Josephine? burned at the sta+e in O=inaga, .e<i)o, July M, 1 !!

F;n God Je TrustF 6as -ade a per-anent part of 07 -oney during the .)Arthy hysteria in 1 !@. 7taun)h *atholi) %go 'inh 'ie-, President of 7outh (ietna-, orders all Buddhists arrested and put in )on)entration )a-ps in 1 !@. Bet6een 1 !@ and 1 @H, KH,HHH Buddhists (and Protestants# 6ere +illed in those )on)entration )a-ps.
7abina, Benita? +illed as a 6it)h in Alfa=ayu)an, .e<i)o, 7epte-ber K, 1 !@. Tra=o, *hristina? +illed as a 6it)h in Alfa=ayu)an, .e<i)o, 7epte-ber K, 1 !@. >M year old Anneliese .i)hel died of star3ation and -ultiple 6ounds follo6ing prolonged e<or)is-s by t6o priests on 7N1N1 7@. The girlDs parents 6ere sent to =ail for failure to )all -edi)al help. %either the priests nor the bishop 6ho re)o--ended e<or)is- 6ere e3er )harged 6ith a )ri-e. The girlDs gra3e is no6 )onsidered a holy shrine by the )hur)h.

"4verything is falling into place. It can3t be long now. 4)ekiel says that fire and brimstone will be rained upon the enemies of /od3s people. -hat must mean they3ll be destroyed by nuclear weapons... /og the nation that will lead all of the other powers of darkness against Israel, will come out of the north... /og must be 1ussia... now that 1ussia has set itself against /od... it fits the description of /og perfectly." $$ 8uture President 4onald 4eagan, in a spee)h deli3ered during a politi)al fun)tion in 1 71.
7uspe)ted sor)erer 6as -urdered in 8ran)e in 1 77. A))used 6it)h is stoned to death in .e<i)o in 1 K1. @HV a))used 6it)hes are -urdered in the *ongo bet6een 1 H$1 @. An outbrea+ of 6it)h hysteria o))urs in Lenya in 1 >, 6ith MHH a))used 6it)hes being +illed. The Afri)an 6it)h hysteria, fanned by )lergy terrori2ing the Afri)ans into )on3ersion, spreads to the %orth of Afri)a and >!H -ore a))used 6it)hes are +illed in 1 ". 7H a))used 6it)hes are +illed in %orthern Trans3aal in 1 ".

7atani) 4itual 7a)rifi)e The spe)ter of the 6it)h hunts of the -iddle ages surfa)ed in the 0nited 7tates in the for- of a hysteria about 7atani) 4itual 7a)rifi)e of )hildren. 'espite -u)h e<posure in the -edia, fanned by religious 2ealots (and the ruination of li3es of -any inno)ent people# not a)tual )ases of ritual sa)rifi)e 6ere e3er found by the 8B;.

Angli)an and *atholi) )lergy 6ere a))used of aiding in the +illing of Tutsis in 46anda in 1 ". Although the )hur)h tried to hush up the s)andal, the -inister of the )hur)h of the 5oly 8a-ily 6as e<posed in the -edia in 1 @ for ha3ing +illed Tutsis see+ing san)tuary. T6o Benedi)tine nuns fled to a nunnary in Belgiu- to a3oid prose)ution.
.aAui<tle, ,duardo :uiahua? a))used of 6it)h)raft and -urdered at (i)ente Guererro, .e<i)o, 1 @ .aAui<tle, Andrea, (6ife# ? a))used of 6it)h)raft and -urdered at (i)ente Guererro, .e<i)o, 1 @ .aAui<tle, ()hild 1#? a))used of 6it)h)raft and -urdered at (i)ente Guererro, .e<i)o, 1 @ .aAui<tle, ()hild >#? a))used of 6it)h)raft and -urdered at (i)ente Guererro, .e<i)o, 1 @ .aAui<tle, ()hild M#? a))used of 6it)h)raft and -urdered at (i)ente Guererro, .e<i)o, 1 @ .aAui<tle, ()hild "#? a))used of 6it)h)raft and -urdered at (i)ente Guererro, .e<i)o, 1 @

%eepudi and her three daughters Agara-anao 'e3i (1H#, .alati (K# and Lalita (@# and t6o sons Luldip ("# and 'ilip (># a))used of 6it)h)raft, 6ere a<ed to death in .and6a 3illage of Pala-au distri)t, in eastern ;ndiaDs Bihar state in 7epte-ber 1 7. > a))used 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned at Gannore, ;ndia on 8eb. 1 7. 1 a))used 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, burned ali3e at (er+hnesado3ye, 0+raine, January 1 M a))used 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, -urdered by a -ob in Eoggu, Ghana, 1 7. 1 a))used 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, beheaded in 7audi Arabia in 1 7. > a))used 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, +illed by a -ob in Ta-ale, Ghana, January, 1 K. 1HHV a))used 6it)hes, na-es not re)orded, +illed in ;ndonesia, 1 K.


BB* reported that t6o priests 6ho 6ere )on3i)ted of -urdering Tutsis 6ere sentan)ed to death by the 46andan )ourts in 1 K.
.an2ayi6a, To-i? a))used of 6it)h)raft and -urdered in 0-tata, 7outh Afri)a, 1 'e)e-ber, 1 K %tele, Anna? a))used of 6it)h)raft and beaten to death, 7outh Afri)a, 8ebruary 1 K %tle+i, Aphi6e ()hild#? a))used of 6it)h)raft and burned to death at Balasi, ,astern Pondoland, 7.A. in January 1 %tle+i, Lihle ()hild#? a))used of 6it)h)raft and burned to death at Balasi, ,astern Pondoland, 7.A. in January 1 %tle+i, .adinda? a))used of 6it)h)raft and burned to death at Balasi, ,astern Pondoland, 7.A. in January 1 %tle+i, Ca-abhala ()hild#? a))used(of_6it)h)raft and burned to death at Balasi, ,astern Pondoland, 7.A. in January 1 %tle+i, Cisanda ()hild#? a))used of 6it)h)raft and burned to death at Balasi, ,astern Pondoland, 7.A. in January 1 Lha6uta, Ca-abhengu? a))used of 6it)h)raft and burned to death at Balasi, ,astern Pondoland, 7.A. in January 1 . :a-2a, 5lan=i6e? a))used of 6it)h)raft and burned to death at Lude+e near Bi2ana, 7.A. in January 1 . 1 6o-an, na-e not re)orded, a))used as a 6it)h and shot in 7iAhung6ini, 7A, January, 1 .

;n O)tober 1 , 5indus in ;ndia de-and a full and publi) apology fro- Pope John Paul ;; for the for)ed )on3ersions of 5indus by the *atholi) )hur)h and for the -assa)re of 7!,HHH 5indus at Goa in the 17th )entury. ;n 7epte-ber, >HHH, the (ati)an de)lared all non$*atholi) )hur)hes Fdefe)ti3eF and 6arned that follo6ers of non )atholi) religions )ould not get into hea3en, no -atter ho6 3irtuous they li3ed their li3es. ;n the spring of >HH1, %athanial Bar$Jonah, a 3olunteer 6ith the F4oyal 4angersF, a *hristian eAui3ilent of the Boy 7)outs )onne)ted to the Asse-blies of God *hur)h, 6as arrested for +illing, eating, and ser3ing to his friends, one of the young boys he had been entrusted 6ith. .ay, >HH!. Bobby 5enderson re3eals the *hur)h of the 8lying 7paghetti .onster. Jidely )onsidered to be =ust a =o+e, the initial story of the 87. 6as in fa)t a letter to a s)hool board protesting )reationis- being taught in s)ien)e )lasses. The 87. be)a-e an instant hit on the Jorld Jide Jeb, and the FPastafariansF )ontinue to gro6 in nu-bers.


If child molestation is actually your concern, how come we don3t see Bradley tanks knocking down 0atholic churches= & Bill 5i)+s, 1 M, referen)ing the Ja)o siege

; a- getting a lot of hate$e-ail fro- buy$bull bangers )o-plaining about the re)ent )hild -olestation s)andals to hit organi2ed religion. *atholi)s are a))using -e of )onspiring 6ith FThe Je6sF to destroy *hristianity 6hile the 4abbis 6ho get )aught dipping their 6i)+s in the 6rong )andles are s)rea-ing anti$7e-itis-. All of this anger is. of )ourse, displa)ed. These people 6ithin these organi2ations of their o6n free 6ill engaged in barbari) beha3iors 6ith )hildren, then used the indo)trinated -ythology of their organi2ation to try to )o3er it all up. The s)ale and the histori)al duration of the )ri-es sho6s that this is not a proble- 6ith =ust a fe6 )orrupted indi3iduals but 6ith the entity +no6n as organi2ed religion as a 6hole. 7e<ual abuse is ende-i) throughout *atholi)is-, Protestantis-, .ethodis-, .or-onis-, Judais-, and a 6hole bun)h of other is-s. ;t is not the peopleB it is the institution of organi2ed religion itself that is )onde-ned by its o6n a)tions, 6hether )ri-e of )o--ission ()ri-e of e-issionR# or )ri-e of )o3er$up. HMNH@NH> *hur)h 6ill pay `!7 -illion to settle )hild se< abuse )ases. Just step right up to those
)olle)tion plates, fol+s.

H>N>MNH> 7e<ual abuse by priests s)andal erupts in Philadelphia The bla)+est of hearts lur+ under
those 6hite robes.

H>N>MNH> Ar)hbishop hit 6ith -olestation s)andal .aybe itDs easier to +eep )ount of the )lergy 6ho
A4,%DT de3iants

H>N1HNH> KH priests in Boston (one out of e3ery ten# a))used of -olestation O+ay, one -ore ti-eB
Just J5E are 6e supposed to thin+ ;sla- is badR

H>N1>NH> ; guess Boston got a little too hot for the03/10/02 Florida Bishop Resigns
robes beat blac$ hearts'

!er "olestation #as it sun$ in %et that under those &hite

03/1(/02 )atholics getting *ed up &ith recent church scandals The% should read up on the
histor% o* +ope ,le-ander the .th/

03/10/02 )hurch Se- Scandal )ontinues To 1-plode ,cross The 2ation 3t4s going to
ta$e a 5 T o* collection plates to pa% o** this 6ess/

03/10/02 2e& 7or$ )ardinal co!ered8up *or 6olesting priests/ 03/10/02 )ollection o* stories about church se- scandal 03/10/02 Se- scandal engul*ing church is *ar *ro6 o!er 03/10/02 9ree$ rthodo- +riests and 6on$s caught calling phone se- chat lines Just
so %ou don4t thin$ 3 a6 onl% pic$ing on the )atholics/

03/10/02 )atholic )hurch &restles &ith pedophilia 3 thin$ "&restling" is &hat got the6 into
this 6ess in the *irst place/

03/10/02 Scandal puts 5a& legac%: church credibilit% at ris$ 03/1;/02 )hurch ne&spaper <uestions &hether celibac% should be re<uired o* priests
The% ,R124T )elibate/ That4s the proble6=

03/20/02 ,nd the +resb%terians//// 03/20/02 7et another church se- scandal " h co6e all %e *aith*ul'"
03/22/02 ,nother priest suspended o!er se-ual allegations 3* the sel*8appointed spo$es6en *or the deit% can4t control their o&n li!es: the% certainl% ha!e no business telling an%one else ho& to run theirs/

03/1>/02 )hurch Se- Scandal )risis Spreads Sort o* puts a ne& slant on "Don &e no& our
ga% apparel"

03/2>/02 )hurch bribed &itnesses and *a$ed reports to protect 6olesting priests #as
it sun$ in %et that co66erciali?ed religion is a *raud' H"N>NH> *hur)h settles 6ith 6o-an -ade pregnant by priest 03/30/02 5os ,ngeles )ardinal besieged b% shad% 6ortuar% deal: cost o!erruns on ne& )athedral: accusations o* celebrit%8chasing: and: oh %es: there4s that pedophilia thing/ H"N"NH> O+ay, so 6e ha3e this priest 6ho spends the night 6ith a -ale prostitute be)ause heDs under stress, then files a false poli)e report )lai-ing his )ar 6as stolen 6hen the prostitute gets arrested on a drug )harge 6hile dri3ing the priestDs )ar. 7o, ho6 is it that the Fall +no6ingF God these guys insist is real allo6ed this )lo6n (and as 6ell all the )hild -olesters# to get a =ob at his bran)h offi)e in the first pla)eR

0>/./02 5os ,ngeles4 )ardinal "ahone% ,ccused o* Se-ual ,buse The good ne&s: it4s a &o6an &ho is accusing hi6/
0>/12/02 Se-ual ,buse )ases #it )hurch Finances ")/6on: c/6on: pass those plates along: &e gotta be in court in an hour=" 0>/12/02 )ardinal 1gan and t&o 27 Bishops co!ered up *or 6olesting priest 0>/1>/02 @isconsin ,rchbishop )o!ered up *or "olesting +riest "Th% rod and th% sta**: the% co6*ort 6e////" 0>/1;/02 >(0 ne& abuse !icti6s sur*ace in Boston

0>/2./02 Boston child86olesting priest taught children ho& to inAect drugs= Religion is a
thousand8%ear8old con8ga6e: pre%ing on *ear and superstition to ensla!e people &ith belie*s/ Bnder the &hitest robes lur$ blac$est hearts= 0>/2C/02 9irl !icti6s o!erloo$ed in horror stories o*

clerg% se-ual abuse/ 0>/2C/02 )hild 6olestation scandal has a**ected >. out o* *i*t% states/ )hild 6olestation in the "or6on church/ (i)ti-s of alleged abuse )o-e for6ard after Baptist pastorDs arrest, 'B;, MN!N1H (H4E410,: S6,//F)76:# .ore a))users )o-e for6ard as pastor ad-its to se<ual abuse, -yler Morning -elegraph, MN"N1H (H4E410,: S6,//F)76:# A6aiting '%A results in se<ual abuse )ase, Odessa 'merican, MN"N1H (R)C476 J):2 W4C47# Lo)al pastor arrested, )harged 6ith inde)en)y 6ith a )hild, ;alestine .erald,;ress, >N>@N1H (H4E410,: S6,//F)76:#

Baseball )oa)h senten)ed for se< abuse,

'E!,-E, >N>MN1H (D42203 R,- C)//023#

Pell *ity -an indi)ted for se<ual abuse, sodo-y, (t. 0lair 5ews 'egis (Alaba-a#, >N1KN1H (G745)7- L44 B)F+,29 8or-er youth -inister pleads guilty to abuse, 'B;, >N17N1H (J,.1 D*==47# 5aiti =udge frees K of 1H A-eri)an -issionaries, 'ssociated ;ress I'ustin 'merican (tatesmanJ, >N17N1H ,<$youth pastor senten)ed in )hild -olestations, /ainesville -imes, >N1@N1H (P:0//0< G/422 T4774//9(After6ards, 7outhern Baptist )hur)h, ,--anuel Baptist, )hanges its na-e to 5eritage 8ello6ship.# Pastor )harged 6ith se< )ri-es against )hildren, A6.:/4-# -(;,-E I est Clorida#, >N1@N1H (A7/4-

*ounselor 6ith 8ree Jill Baptist 5o-e for *hildren )harged 6ith se< )ri-es against )hildren, +-P,-E I(outh 0arolinaJ, >N1!N1H (A7/4- A6.:/4-# 'etained A-eri)ans see+ distan)e fro- ad3iser, 'ssociated ;ress IMiami .eraldJ, >N1"N1H (8or-er legal ad3iser F-ay be 6anted for hu-an traffi)+ing in ,l 7al3ador.F# *hur)h ad3iser -ay fa)e 6arrant, 5ew !ork -imes, >N1MN1H (FAn order is listed in the 0nited 7tates national )ri-e database for a -an 6ith that na-e and birthdate to be arrested on sight....F# 8or-er youth pastor guilty of se< assaults, ?aily ;ress IE'J, >N11N1H (J,.1 D*==47# A))used se<ual predator a high ran+ing -e-ber of a *entral Te<as )hur)h, DE24,-E I'ustin, -PJ, >N11N1H (R)C476 R0==/4#(F06: 80?4)9 Pastor )harged 6ith )ri-inal se<ual )ondu)t, P!Q,-E I?etroitJ, >N N1H (R*334/ S.:,//47#

5aitian offi)er? 0.7. Baptist tea- -ade earlier atte-pt to ta+e )hildren, 0hristian ;ost, >N N1H Politi)s and the 5aitian +idnapping )ase, all (treet :ournal, >N N1H (Auotes by 8ran+ Page and 4i)hard Land, saying Oba-a 6ill further alienate e3angeli)als# .issionariesD 5aiti trip no gift of )harity, by ,ugene 4obinson, ?allas Morning 5ews, >NKN1H ;dahoans in 5aiti? Je fear for our li3es, Idaho (tatesman, >N7N1H (FK of the group say leader Laura 7ilsby is DlyingD.F# Lo)al Baptist )a-p being sued, 0ommonwealth :ournal (7o-erset, LE#, >N@N1H (C/,*?4 S64842 H,7+)2# 7outhern Baptists as+ Oba-a to help 1H -issionaries in 5aiti, 0hristian ;ost, >N@N1H

Poli)e? *hur)h offi)ials didnDt report se< abuse, 5ew .ampshire 2nion +eader, >N!N1H (T0+)6:- D0//+*6:, R0.:,7? E/,2?, !0.:,4/ W4?54, G R)C476 G,52)2# Prose)uting -issionaries good for 5aiti, fa-ilies, )hur)h, by 8rit2 Gut6ein, 'B;, >N!N1H *hur)h see+s forgi3eness for -ission tea- detained in 5aiti, 'B;, >N!N1H 7outhern Baptist leaders as+ Oba-a to inter3ene on behalf of -issionaries, 'B;, >N!N1H 1H A-eri)ans )harged in 5aiti 6ith +idnapping, ';, >N"N1H La6yer see+s release of 0.7. -issionaries in 5aiti, ';, >N"N1H (All 1H are )harged on )hild +idnapping and )ri-inal asso)iation.# 7B* offi)ial says he belie3es detained -issionaries a)ted in good faith, 'B;, >N"N1H .issionary )ase illu-inates plight of 5aitiDs orphans, that the group 6as 6arned a6ay fro- its plan.F# all (treet :ournal, >NMN1H (F...reports

Parents tell of )hildren they entrusted to detained A-eri)ans, 5ew !ork -imes, >N>N1H *ase sto+es 5aitiDs fears for )hildren, and itself, 5ew !ork -imes, >N1N1H 0.7. )hur)h group +ne6 it 6as doing 6rong, 0-E 5ews Montreal, >NH1N1H 5aiti? 0.7. Baptists +ne6 they 6ere 6rong, 0B( 5ews, >NH1N1H Baptist group arrested in 5aiti denies traffi)+ing )harge, 'B;, >NH1N1H Prote)ting 5aitian )hildren fro- har-, inad3ertent or deliberate, Baptist;lanet >N1N1H Jhen a disorgani2ed religion de)ides it is going to D)are forD your )hildren, Bassenco3s Blog on the +illypad, >N1N1H Pulpit Predators? ;tDs not =ust 8ather so and so..., 54 ? maga)ine, January >H1H Baptist )a-p hires interi- to repla)e dire)tor )harged 6ith pedophilia, 'B;, 1N> N1H (S6484 C,7647# Are 6e 7outhern Baptist leaders indire)t a))o-pli)es to .att Ba+erDs -urder of his 6ifeR, /race and -ruth to !ou blog, 1N>7N1H Long road to appeal for .att Ba+er, D045,-E, 1N>@N1H (!,66 B,1479 8or-er pastor plans to appeal -urder )on3i)tion, 'B;, 1N>@N1H (!,66 B,147#(Pastor Jade Burleson says that so-eone in 7B* Fneeds to issue so-e +ind of state-ent that ta+es responsibility for letting this pastor slip through the )ra)+s 6hen atte-pted rape and other se<ual )ri-es 6ere reported to religious authorities....F#

8or-er asso)iate pastor arrested on )hild se< )harge, (J):2 W,-24 D04:/#

+ -,-E (OhioNLentu)+y#, 1N>!N1H

8or-er -inister pleads guilty to )hild -olestation )harges, /ainesville -imes, 1N>MN1H (P:0//0< G/422 T4774//# .other says she forgi3es for-er pastor 6ho +illed her daughter, 'B;, 1N>>N1H (!,66 B,1479 Additional se< )harge for for-er -inister, -he +eaf 0hronicle I-5J, 1N>1N1H (J)2,6:,2 T-/47 G0/43# ,<$pastor 6ho +illed 6ife gets @!$year prison ter-, 'ssociated ;ress I(acramento BeeJ, 1N>1N1H (!,66 B,147#(F'uring senten)ing...four 6o-en testified that Ba+er had -ade un6anted se<ual ad3an)es to6ard the- in)luding one 6ho )o-plained to poli)e of an atte-pted se<ual assault.F# Jo-en say )on3i)ted Te<as e<$pastor -ade ad3an)es, 'ssociated ;ress I(an 'ntonio 4*press,5ewsJ, 1N>1N1H (!,66 B,147# 8or-er Baptist pastor senten)ed in 6ifeDs -urder, 'B;, 1N>1N1H (!,66 B,147# .att Ba+er found guilty of -urdering his 6ife, aco -ribune,.erald, 1N>1N1H (!,66 B,1479

8or-er Te<as -inister .att Ba+er found guilty of +illing 6ife and fa+ing her sui)ide note, 'ssociated ;ress I5! ?aily 5ewsJ, 1N>1N1H (!,66 B,1479 Prea)her .att Ba+er guilty of +illing 6ife, )ould get life in prison as =ury hears ne6 se< e3iden)e, 0B( 5ews H% .ours, 1N>1N1H (!,66 B,1479 8or-er Te<as pastor )on3i)ted of +illing 6ife, 'ssociated ;ress ICOP 5ewsJ, 1N>1N1H (!,66 B,147# ,<$pastor fa)es life senten)e after )on3i)tion, 'ssociated ;ress I-imes OnlineJ, 1N>1N1H (!,66 B,147#(F... alleged se<ual ad3an)es to6ard -ore than a do2en other 6o-en . . . . in)luding so-e underage girls.. . . Jurors 6ere instru)ted that to find Ba+er guilty, they had to agree on t6o things? that Ba+er drugged his 6ife and that he suffo)ated her 6ith a pillo6.F# Jo-en say )on3i)ted Te<as e<$pastor -ade ad3an)es, 'ssociated ;ress I0harlotte Observer#, 1N>HN1H (!,66 B,147#(Jo-an testifies that Ba+er 6as Ffor)ible and aggressi3e.F 7he says, F; had to use all -y strength to +eep hi- off of -e and fro- ta+ing -y )lothes off.F# 7enten)ing phase for .att Ba+er begins , DPPE,-E, 1N>HN1H (!,66 B,147#(F06: 80?4)9 Jury finds Ba+er guilty of -urderB punish-ent phase begins Thursday, LJTX$T(, 1N>HN1H (.att Ba+er#(F06: 80?4)9 8or-er Baptist prea)her found guilty of -urder, 'B;, 1N>HN1H (!,66 B,147# ,<$-istress testifies in for-er Baptist pastorDs -urder trial, 'B;, 1N>HN1H (!,66 B,147#

7tate rests after day that in)ludes for-er Ba+er -istress on the stand, DPPE,-E, 1N1 N1H (!,66 B,147#(F06: 80?4)39 ,rin .oriarty? .att Ba+er lied to -e, but did he +ill his 6ifeR 0B( 5ews H% .ours, 1N1 N1H (!,66 B,147# ,<$-istress says Te<as -inister ad-itted +illing 6ife, 'ssociated ;ress I(acramento BeeJ, 1N1 N1H (!,66 B,147# *hur)h leaders struggle to prote)t +ids fro- se< abuse, -he (acramento Bee, 1N1 N1H (F7outhern Baptists are not reAuired to s)reen any )hur)h 6or+ers.F# %i)+els3ille pastor found guilty of se<ual battery, Dingsport -imes 5ews, 1N1MN1H (G7)847 B472,7? L4F03# Trial under6ay for for-er Baptist prea)her )harged 6ith -urder, 'B;, 1N1>N1H (!,66 B,147# PastorDs trial on se< abuse allegations under6ay today, ?aily /leaner (*anada#, 1N11N1H (F74?470.1 D)*5/,3 H,23)2# *hur)h 3olunteer gets 1! years for se< abuse of boys, Murfreesboro ;ost (T%#, 1NKN1H (!,66:4F !,*70.4 J47205,2# Prose)utors allege *entral Te<as pastor +illed 6ife, -ade -ultiple ad3an)es to6ard other 6o-en, aco -ribune,.erald, 1N@N1H (!,66 B,147# Eouth pastor indi)ted, Odessa 'merican, 1N!N1H (R)C476 J):2 W4C47#(7enior pastor states? FJe ha3e been a6are of the situation fro- the beginning and ha3e re$assigned .r. Jeber to another -inistry position 6ithin our )hur)h.F# Eouth pastor indi)ted on felony )harges, D 4( 5ews est ", 1N!N1H (R)C476 J):2 W4C47#

Joubert fa)es felony )harges, -he .our, 1N"N1H (P:0//0< J)*C476# >HH ? The year in Baptist ne6s-a+ers, 'B;, 1N1N>H1H (F/*1lergy$se<$abuse s)andals )ontinued to ro)+ )orners of the Baptist 6orld . . . . *hrista Bro6n published a -e-oir and e<pose . . . .F# %or6al+ poli)e issue arrest 6arrant for a))used -inister, -he .our, 1>NM1NH (P:0//0< J)*C476# %e6 )harges for %or6al+ -inister, 5B0 0onnecticut, 1>NM1NH (P:0//0< J)*C4769 .urder trial of for-er Ja)o$area pastor .att Ba+er )ould ta+e > 6ee+s, D -P 5ews, 1>NMHNH (!,66 B,1479 Ohs6e+en pastor arrested at border fa)ing -ultiple se< )harges, .amilton (pectator (Ontario, *anada#, 1>N>@NH (R)2,/? B*720259 Pastor arrested, -he (arnia Observer (Ontario, *anada#, 1>N>!NH (R)2,/? B*72025#

O* )hur)h youth leader gets =ail ti-e for ha3ing se< 6ith -inor, (outhern 0alifornia ;ublic 1adio, 1>N>"NH (T0+)6:- H,2# *hur)h leader gets H days for se< 6ith -inor, -he Orange 0ounty 1egister, 1>N>"NH (T0+)6:- H,2# *harges dropped against Granby pastor, 5eosho ?aily 5ews, 1>N>>NH (G4)754 O603 J):236)2# 7e< abuse )harges dropped against 7J .issouri pastor, 'ssociated ;ress O Belleville 5ews ?emocrat, 1>N>>NH (G4)754 O603 J):236)2# Lauf-an *ounty )hur)h offi)ial indi)ted for )hild porn, -he .erald Banner I/reenville, -PJ , 1>N1KNH (D,80? R,- G7,-# *hild se< abuse )harges against lo)al radio station o6ner, personality, +ocal 7A -E IMobile, '+J, 1>N1@NH (W,/647 B)F42# 8or-er )hur)h 6or+er arrested on )hild se< )harges, ;rattville ;rogress, 1>N1@NH (H,.:,7R44? E+473)2# *B8 leader says -inistry$e<)ellen)e training )an boost )lergyDs i-age, 'B;, 1>N1!NH (F*hrista Bro6n...said a little s+epti)is- to6ard )lergy -ay be a healthy thing. D5istori)ally, the proble- 6ith )lergy has been that people trust the- too -u)h.DF# 8or-er high$profile prea)her ad-its to fathering )hild, 'B;, 1>N1"NH (D,774// G0/-,7?# 8or-er pastor ad-its to fathering )hild, Clorida -imes,2nion, 1>N11NH (D,774// G0/-,7?# ,-battled Ja)+son3ille pastor did father )hild in 6o-anDs )ase, Clorida -imes,2nion, 1>N11NH (D,774// G0/-,7?# *lergy drop in poll rating honesty and ethi)s of professions, 'B;, 1>N11NH Pratt3ille -an )harged 6ith enti)ing )hild for i--oral purposes, Montgomery 'dvertiser, 1>N11NH (H,.:,7- R44? E+473)2# 5earing set for Granby pastor, 5eosho ?aily 5ews, 1>N11NH (G4)754 O603 J):236)2# Judge sets `M!HL )ash bond for pastor )harged in rape, -he .our (%or6al+, *T#, 1>N NH (P:0//0< J)*C476# Poli)e blotter? .inister rape )harge, -he Eillager, 1>N NH (J474+- F*/6)2# .an pleads guilty in se< abuse )ase, PII,7F I50J, 1>NKNH (G*- E//03 C,77, J7.#(F.ost people =ust get o3er it,F he told the 3i)ti-.# ,<$)hur)h youth 6or+er pleads guilty, -he 4dmond (un, 1>N7NH (C:,7/43 W. "C:*.1" B7-,2, J7.#

%E youth -inister a))used of se<ually abusing girl, F*/6)2#

0B(,-E (%e6 Eor+#, 1>N!NH (J474+-

8a-ily and for-er )o$6or+er say? .inister arrested for rape had t6o sides, -he .our (%or6al+, *T#, 1>N"NH (P:0//0< J)*C476# Baptist -usi) -inister arrested on )hild porn )harges, Cort (D,80? R,- G7,-# orth (tar,-elegram, 1>NMNH

Abuse )harge against 6orship leader ro)+s pro-inent 8lorida )hur)h, 'B;, 1>N1NH (R*334// D0)2 L4F03#(F*hrista Bro6n...)alled it a Ddo$nothingD approa)h that lea3es 7outhern Baptist )hur)hes 3ulnerable to se<ual predators.F# Pastor )harged 6ith se<ual abuse posts bail, Orland ;ress 1egister, 11N>7NH (C,7/6)2 H,++)2?3# Tea)her )harged in se<ual assault, (avannah Morning 5ews, 11N>"NH (!,71 #06 L*.,3, youth -inister at Joodla6n Baptist *hur)h in Garden *ity, GA# PastorDs arrest ro)+s *oral 7prings )hur)h, ;alm Beach ;ost, 11N>MNH (R*334// D0)2 L4F03# Arrest stuns *oral 7prings )ongregation, Miami .erald, 11N>MNH (R*334// D0)2 L4F03# Jillo6s pastor arrested for alleged se<ual assault on -inor, 0hico 4nterprise,1ecord, 11N>MNH (C,7/6)2 F,723F)76: H,++)2?# Pastor )harged 6ith groping 6o-en at )hur)h food ban+, /aston /a)ette, 11N1"NH (H,7/4!0.:,4/ #4)*5:# Pastor )harged 6ith se<ual battery, -he 0harlotte Observer, 11N1"NH (H,7/4- !0.:,4/ #4)*5:# Pastor a))used of groping 6o-en at )hur)h food ban+, -he (tar (*le3eland *ounty, %*#, 11N1MNH (H,7/4- !0.:,4/ #4)*5:# Additional )harges filed against Baptist )a-p dire)tor, 'B;, 11N@NH (S64<:42 C,7647# 8or-er )a-p dire)tor fa)es -ore )harges, -he ;er9uimans C,7647# eekly, 11N!NH (S64<:42

8or-er area prea)her fa)es ne6 se< )harges, (and Mountain 1eporter (AL#, 11N!NH (B0//!,36473# (i)ti-Ds -other spea+s out about sonDs abuse, 'CC,H% 5ews (AL#, 11NMNH (B0//- !,36473#

Pastor going ba)+ to prison, -he -imes,:ournal ('eLalb *ounty, AL#, 11NMNH (B0//!,364739(see prior arti)les of !N>>NH and !N>@NH # 8or-er pastor in Te<as, ;llinois gets !H years for se<ual assault, 'B;, 11NMNH (W0//0,+ F7,21 B7)F2#

Bell-ead pastor senten)ed to !H years for se<ually assaulting young )hur)h -e-ber, -ribune,.erald, 11NMNH (W0//0,+ F7,21 B7)F2# 8or-er Ja)o$area pastor senten)ed in )hild se<ual abuse )ase, D -P,-E (Ja)o, TX#, 11N>NH (W0//0,+ F7,21 B7)F2# !H years for pastor a))used of -olesting young girls, DPPE,-E (Ja)o, TX#, 11N>NH (W0//0,+ F7,21 B7)F2#


'*8 )onfir-s in3estigation into lo)al )hur)h leader, 'ction 5ews :a*, 1HNMHNH (8riendship .issionary Baptist *hur)h# 8or-er Alaba-a pastor )harged 6ith )hild abuse, porn possession, 'B;, 1HN> NH (R,/<: L44 A,7)2# %e6 details in -inister se< abuse )ase, (C' 7F 5ews, 1HN>KNH (R,/<: L44 A,7)2#

Pastor fa)es 1!> )ounts, 'ndalusia (tar,5ews, 1HN>KNH (R,/<: L44 A,7)2# 8or-er pastor and Odessa nati3e senten)ed for se<ual abuse of a )hild, DO(' O 0B( 8, 1HN>7NH (J)3:*, S<0743# 8or-er O+la. pastor senten)ed to 1H years for -olestation, 'B;, 1HN>@NH (J)3:*, S<0743# 4ape )harges against )hur)h 6or+er dropped, ?ayton ?aily 5ews, 1HN>1NH (S:,F2 P. R0.1476# Jhitehorse orphanage 3i)ti-s file la6suit, 0B0 5ews (*anada#, 1HN1 NH (F;t 6as run by indi3iduals affiliated 6ith the Baptist )hur)h.F# ,<$pastor Joshua 7pires senten)ed in abuse of Jay teen, -he Oklahoman, 1HN17NH (J)3:*, S<0743# 8or-er -inister )harged in -olestation )ase, 'thens Banner,.erald, 1HN1!NH (N)7+,2 P*5:# Eouth -inister )harged 6ith -olestation, (B 1adio, 1HN1!NH (N)7+,2 P*5:#

*o--unity rea)ts to for-er superintendentDs arrest, 'rk+a-e* O 5B0 K, 1HN7NH (F7,21/02 W7,-# .isde-eanor )harge dis-issed against for-er youth -inister, 1ichmond 1egister, 1HN7NH (G)7?)2 L*2.4=)7?# Barrett pleas guilty to all four )ounts, Mountain (tatesman, 1HN7NH (Baptist pastor C7,05 J):23)2 allegedly +ne6 about BarrettDs -olestation of a +id in >HH! and did nothing.# 8or-er superintendent arrested in )hild -olestation in3estigation, 'rk+a-e* O 5B0 K, 1HN@NH (F7,21/02 W7,-#

8or-er -inister returns to )ourt on abuse )harges, 1ichmond 1egister, 1HN@NH (G)7?)2 L*2.4=)7?# The fall of -an, 'rkansas -imes, 1HN1NH (D,80? P047.4# 7unday 7)hool tea)her senten)ed in se< )ase, ?aily Bulletin I0aliforniaJ, NMHNH (J):2 C,/802 S,8,54# %e6 Jersey in3estigating 4e3. John J. 5arris and Galilee Baptist *hur)h in Trenton for se<ual harass-ent and retaliation, 5ew :ersey 5ews 1oom, N>!NH (J):2 J. H,77039 Trenton )hur)h pastor a))used of se<ually harassing e<$e-ployee, 5ew :ersey (tar +edger, N>!NH (J):2 J. H,7703# Osha6a )hur)h, youth pastor sued o3er se< allegations, ?, N>!NH (B70,2 A2?74F #/402, #025 S67446 P4264.)36,/ C:*7.:# *hild porn )onsu-es %.*. -anDs life, 0harlotte Observer, N>1NH (7outhern Baptist pastor 4i)+y .ill of Pro3iden)e Baptist *hur)h in 4aleigh urges lenien)y for -an )on3i)ted on )hild porn.# ,<$)hur)h )hoir dire)tor pleads guilty to raping teen, (tar,-ribune, N17NH (G745)7- B. W,3:0256)2# Taylor *ounty -an pleads not guilty to se<ual abuse )harges, (Baptist pastor C7,05 J):23)2 indi)ted on failure to report# ?-E 5ews (LE#, N1@NH

.inneapolis )hur)h dire)tor pleads to se< 6ith teen, D(-;,-E, N1!NH (G745)7W,3:0256)2#(80?4)# *ourt do)u-ent sho6ing ad=udi)ation of guilt and probation 6ith Fse< offender )onditions,F 0ourt document of Bradford 0ounty, Clorida, filed N1!NH (J4==74- L,+,7 C,7647# Taylor *ounty grand =ury indi)ts MK, BO!,-E (J(#, N1"NH (Baptist pastor C7,05 J):23)2 )harged on failure to report )hild se< abuse# 7e< offender to be ordained this 6ee+end has held pre3ious )hur)h leadership role, ID!J, N11N>HH (!,71 H)*705,2#(80?4)# Baylor study fo)uses on )lergy se<ual -is)ondu)t, Baptist (tandard, N11NH .any 6o-en targeted by faith leaders, sur3ey says, -he ashington ;ost, N1HNH .'( 77

*lergy )o-e$ons -ore )o--on than you thin+, 0hicago -ribune, N NH A))used Baptist s6indler Allen 7tanford sued for ga-bling debt, 'B;, N"NH (A//42 S6,2=)7?# 8or-er 46andan Baptist pastor on trial for geno)ide, 'B;, NMNH (F7,2.)03 B,E,7,+C,#

8or-er Baptist pastor goes to trial )harged 6ith geno)ide in 46anda, 4thics?aily, N1NH (F7,2.)03 B,E,7,+C,#(FJhy did global Baptists do nothingRF# 8or-er -usi) -inister senten)ed for se<ual abuse, 'B;, KNM1NH (D,80? P047.4# 7e< offenders refuse plea bargains, Morning 5ews, KN> NH *hoir leader ad-its )hild$se< abuse, 'rkansas ?emocrat,/a)ette, KN>KNH (D,80? P047.4# (8or-er Ar+ansas Baptist *on3ention president Greg Lir+sey 6rote to =udge, as+ing for lenien)y.# Pier)e 3i)ti- spea+s out, Benton 0ourier, KN>KNH (D,80? P047.4# ,<$-usi) -inister pleads guilty to se< )harges, D-.E,-E I+ittle 1ockJ, KN>7NH (D,80? P047.4#(F06: 80?4)9 Pier)e )on3i)ted, gets 1H years, Benton 0ourier, KN>7NH (D,80? P047.49 Pier)e e<pe)ted to enter plea, Benton 0ourier, KN>@NH (D,80? P047.4# 8or-er Jay -inister )onfesses to illegal relationship 6ith 1!$year$old, -ulsa (J)3:*, S<0743# orld, KN>@NH

'ela6are *ounty pastor assaulted girl, 1!, on his )hur)h des+, affida3it says, -he Oklahoman, KN>@NH (J)3:*, S<0743# 8or-er 'ela6are *ounty youth -inister )harged 6ith le6d -olestation, -ulsa KN>!NH (J)3:*, S<0743# orld,

(irginia youth -inister fa)es additional )harges, 'B;, KN>!NH (J474+- "J,.1" R-,2 D*==47# .ore inde)ent liberties )harges filed, ?aily ;ress I5ewport 5ews, E'J, KN>!NH (J,.1 R-,2 D*==47# 8or-er youth pastor arrested again, D*==47# 'E!,-E 7# IEirginiaJ, KN>"NH (J474+- "J,.1" R-,2

> Baptist -inisters )on3i)ted in se< )ase, -he ?aily 'dvertiser I+'J, KN>>NH (J,3)2 "J.D." C))<47 T V0.6)7 !06.:4//# Eouth leader =ailed on se< abuse )harges, C)2?47# CI4,7H IOwensboro, D!J, KN>HNH (J,.)C

Eouth group leader a))used of ha3ing se< 6ith teen, +os 'ngeles -imes, KN>HNH (T0+)6:H,2# 8or-er -inister found guilty of -olesting girl, 'ri)ona ?aily (tar, KN>HNH (C:7036)<:47 D4.,074#

Eouth -inister found guilty of -olestation, 'B;, KN>HNH (C:7036)<:47 D4.,074#(FThe )urrent 7B* position that ea)h )hur)h )an effe)ti3ely address )lergy se< abuse on its o6n is li+e thin+ing ea)h -uni)ipality a)ross the )ountry )an effe)ti3ely address terroris-.F# Eouth -inister found guilty, DEO' 5ews H, KN1 NH (C:7036)<:47 D4.,074# Eouth -inister )on3i)ted, D/25,", KN1 NH (C:7036)<:47 D4.,074#(80?4)9 Pastor denied parole in )hild se< abuse )ase, (5'; press release, KN1 NH (G4)754 L)F4# Jailed for-er pastor )ited DpassionD for 6or+ing 6ith youth, 'B;, KN1KNH (J474+- @J,.1@ R-,2 D*==47# .issionary )hild abuse, 0hristianity -oday, KN1KNH 7.*. )ourt upholds se< abuse rulings, -he (tate, KN1KNH (J):2 H*C247# 7upre-e *ourt upholds )on3i)tion of e<$dea)on, -he (tate, KN17NH (J):2 H*C247# *hur)h ba)+ground )he)+s find -any 6ith felonies, Birmingham 5ews, KN1@NH Judge sets bond for 7eaford Baptist youth pastor, (J474+- @J,.1@ R-,2 D*==47# Eor+ *o. youth pastor fa)es se< )ri-es )harges, D*==47# illiamsburg !orktown ?aily, KN1"NH E40 5ews 76 IE'J, KN1MNH (J,.1 R-,2

LifeJay? 1 in 7 )hur)h ba)+ground )he)+s un)o3er )ri-inal history, 0hristian ;ost, KN1MNH Girl, 1!, tells =ury of alleged -olestation by e<$youth -inister, 'ri)ona ?aily (tar, KN1MNH (C:7036)<:47 D4.,074# Teenager )lai-s youth -inister -olested her, DEO' 5ews H I-ucson, 'QJ, KN1>NH (C:7036)<:47 D4.,074# Te<as pastor )harged 6ith )yber$stal+ing for-er attendee, 'B;, KN1>NH (!,66:4F D,7742 W))?#(a)ti3e in *B8 and also pastored 7B* )hur)hes# ,<$pastor a))used of )yber$stal+ing 7hre3eport 6o-an, (hreveport -imes, KN1>NH (!,66:4F D,7742 W))?9 'a3id Pier)e trial res)heduled, Benton 0ourier, KN NH (D,80? P047.4# LifeJay says 1 in K ba)+ground )he)+s finds re)ord, 'B;, KN7NH 8or-er 7outhern Baptist pastor senten)ed for fraud, ta< e3asion, 'B;, KN!NH (O603 R,H)<4# 4odgerson pleads not guilty, Dirksville ?aily 4*press IMOJ, KNMNH (A,7)2 R)?5473)2 on )harge of failure to report abuse or negle)t of )hild#

.an pleads guilty after alleged se< 6ith girl, S:,F9

!M-,-E IDentuckyJ, 7N>KNH (R0.:,7? F7,21

Pastor a))used of le6d a)t, -he ;ost and 0ourier I(0J, 7N>KNH (!,70)2 L4)2 #)3047, J7.# Pastor fa)es )hild pornography )harges, SA*0743# *hur)h 3olunteer a))used of -olestation, '54,-E (8ort Jayne, ;%#, 7N>MNH (B472,7? -.I,-E IIndianaJ, 7N>MNH (R)C476 P)34-#

8or-er youth pastor senten)ed on )hild )orruption )harges, -imes +eader (PA#, 7N>HNH (B70,2 N403F42?47# Baptist )a-p dire)tor on lea3e after arrest, 'B;, 7N1@NH (S64<:42 C,7647# *hristian )a-p dire)tor indi)ted on )hild se< offenses, I-5,-E, 7N1"NH (S64<:42 C,7647#

Baptist )a-p dire)tor indi)ted on )hild se< )harges, -he ?aily 'dvance, 7N1MNH (S64<:42 C,7647# 'ouglas3ille )hild -olester tra)+ed to Tennessee, 'tlanta :ournal,0onstitution, 7NKNH (L,77- W0//0,+ W:06/4-# ,<$pastor senten)ed in se<ual abuse )ase, -he 1oanoke -imes, 7NKNH (D,204/ S0/847+,2# 8or-er )hur)h pastor senten)ed on se< abuse )harge, 8or-er pastor pleads guilty to se< )harges, ?B:,8, 7N7NH (D,204/ S0/847+,29

(4-,-E, 7N7NH (D,204/ S0/847+,2#

,<$-inister as+s for lo6er bond in se< abuse )ase, -he +eaf,0hronicle, 7N@NH (J)2,6:,2 T-/47 G0/43# *hrista Bro6nDs saga resonates -ore for -e no6 that ;D- a -other, 'ustin 'merican, (tatesman, 7N"NH 8or-er -inister )harged 6ith rape, abuse, -he 1ichmond 1egister, 7NMNH (G)7?)2 L*2.4=)7?# 8or-er youth -inister indi)ted on se<$related )harges, -he (tate :ournal, 7N>NH (G)7?)2 L*2.4=)7?# 8or-er youth -inister arrested for se< abuse, 80?4)# D!-, 7N>NH (G)7?)2 L*2.4=)7?#(F06: +4P,-E I+e*ington, D!J , 7N>NH

8or-er youth -inister a))used of underage se< )ri-es, (G)7?)2 L*2.4=)7?#

4i)h-ond -an indi)ted on se<$related )harges, +e*ington .erald,+eader, 7N>NH (G)7?)2 L*2.4=)7?#

Eouth 3olunteer at Lno< *ounty )hur)h )harged 6ith )hild rape, -he -ennessean, 7N1NH (R,2?,// T:)+,3 H)//0=04/?, Fyouth pastorF at %e6 Be3erly Baptist *hur)h# *hur)h 6or+er a))used of se< a)ts 6ith pre$teen boyB photos found, Dno*ville 5ews (entinel, @NMHNH (R,2?,// T:)+,3 H)//0=04/?# Eouth pastor fa)es se< )harges, -he -ennessean, @N>@NH (J)2,6:,2 T-/47 G0/43# 7B* -essengers se3er ties 6ith Te<as )hur)h o3er gay -e-bers, 'B;, @N>MNH Baptist )hur)h dire)tor resigns after heDs lin+ed to )hild porn, (t. +ouis ;ost,?ispatch, @N>>NH (8irst Baptist of 7t. *harles, .O# *hildrenDs dire)tor at 7t. *harles )hur)h resigns a-idst )hild porn in3estigation, D(?D, @N>>NH (8irst Baptist of 7t. *harles, .O#(F06: 80?4)9 Grand =ury indi)ted 4odgerson, Dirksville ?aily 4*press (.O#, @N>>NH (A,7)2 R)?5473)2 on a failure to report )harge. *hildDs father 6as asso)iate pastor at sa-e )hur)h.# .issionary +ids abused se<ually, ashington -imes, @N>1NH (F%early 7 per)ent of for-er -issionary )hildren said they 6ere se<ually abused during their ele-entary$s)hool years.F# 4odgerson indi)ted on t6o )ounts, D-EO (.issouri#, @N>HNH (A,7)2 R)?5473)2 $ failure to report# Baptist -inisters fa)ing se< )harges appear in )ourt, 'B;, @N1 NH (R)C476 !. B/,.1 ; W0//0,+ F7,21 B7)F2 ; D,80? P047.4# Trial date set for pastor a))used, (t. :oseph 5ews,;ress, @N1 NH (R)C476 !. B/,.1# 8or-er Ja)o$area pastor indi)ted on )hild se< )harges, D -P, @N17NH (W0//0,+ F7,21 B7)F2# 8or-er Bell-ead pastor indi)ted in repeated se<ual assault of )hild, (W0//0,+ F7,21 B7)F2# aco -ribune, @N17NH

8or-er Lingston pastor pleads no )ontest in teen -olestation )ase, 0iti)ens Eoice (Ohio#, @N1@NH (B70,2 N043F42?47# Ja)+son3ille pastor begins prison senten)e, Clorida -imes,2nion, @N11NH (D,774// G0/-,7?# ,<$pastor senten)ed on se< )harges, 5ewsH:a*, @N11NH (D,774// G0/-,7?# 8or-er Pastor Gilyard gets three years in prison, Cirst0oast5ews, @N11NH (D,774// G0/-,7?# (F06: 80?4)# Appeals )ourt upholds )on3i)tions of Baptist 8oundation of Ari2ona offi)ials, 'B;, @N11NH Boo+ says 7B* la)+s syste- of pre3enting se<ual abuse, 'B;, @N NH

Eouth -inister fa)es se< )harges,

(ME,5ashville, @N NH (T0+)6:- F4/63#

The Prea)herDs Jife (0pdate#, 0B( H% .ours, @N NH (!,66 B,147# Pier)e due in )ourt again, Benton 0ourier, @NKNH ('a3id Pier)e# Jest-inster youth 6or+er a))used of assault, ?enver ;ost, @N"NH (G)7?)2 !.L443# .an in3ol3ed 6ith Boy 7)outs a))used of se<ual assault, "5ewsOD2(',-E, @N"NH (J,+43 G)7?)2 !.L443# Offi)ials? Ja)o area sees re)ent rash of se< )ri-es against )hildren, aco -ribune,.erald, @NMNH (F4e)ent statisti)s sho6 =ust 1H per)ent of the se<ual abuse against )hildren is a)tually reported.F# 8inland )harges 46andan suspe)t, BB0 5ews, @N1NH (8ran)ois Ba2ara-ba# La6suit )lai-s )hur)h 6or+ers 6ere fired for being 6o-en, 'ustin 'merican,(tatesman, !NMHNH Prea)her did ! years on )harges of sodo-y, (and Mountain 1eporter, !N>@NH (B0//- !,36473# 'eLalb *ounty prea)her arrested on se< abuse )harges, !,36473# .5- 5ews 7", !N>>NH (B0//-

8or-er rising star prea)her pleads guilty to -olestation, 'ssociated Baptist ;ress, !N>1NH (D,774// G0/-,7?# 8or-er 7hiloh pastor pleads guilty to -olesting teen, Cirst0oast5ews, !N>1NH (D,774// G0/-,7?# ,<$pastor pleads guilty to se< )harges, 5ewsH:a*, !N>1NH (D,774// G0/-,7?#(F06: 80?4)# 8or-er Ja)+son3ille pastor pleads guilty, 6ill get M years, Clorida -imes,2nion, !N>1NH (D,774// G0/-,7?# 'o)u-entary featuring .iner3a 57 tea)her to be sho6n .ay >@, -ni,5ews (Ohio#, !N>HNH Prose)utors subpoena .att Ba+erDs s)hool re)ords, preparing for -urder trial, .erald, !N>HNH (!,66 B,147# (6ith lin+s to -any -ore .att Ba+er arti)les# aco -ribune,

(i)ti-s of -issionary s)hool see+ healing through ne6 fil-, 'kron Beacon :ournal, !N1@NH (FJe are sur3i3ors and 6e =ust 6ant the )hur)h to be the )hur)h. Je ha3e been hurt and the =ob of the )hur)h is to lo3e us, to )are for us and to sho6 )o-passion.DD# 8or-er 5uff-an 5igh band dire)tor pleads guilty in student se< )ase, Birmingham 5ews, !N1"NH (P,670.1 J47)+4 W:064:4,?# 5uff-an 5igh band dire)tor pleads guilty, COP K I'labamaJ, !N1"NH (P,670.1 W:064:4,? N 1@th 7treet Baptist, Bir-ingha-#

Baptist )hur)h sti)+ing by pastor fa)ing se< )harges, 'B;, !N7NH (R)C476 B/,.1 ; D,80? P047.4 ; S64842 H,24-#(One 6ee+ brings ne6s of )hild se< )harges on M 7outhern Baptist -inisters.# *harges filed against e<$-usi) -inister, Baptist ;ress, !N7NH (D,80? P047.4# .an 6ho ser3ed as -usi) -inister at Benton )hur)h fa)es do2ens of )hild se< )harges, 'ssociated ;ress IDC(M 5ews A#, !N7NH (D,80? P047.4# Pier)eDs )harges gro6ing, Benton 0ourier, !N@NH (D,80? P047.4# .ost )harges dropped in .issouri ritual se< abuse )ases, '; IDansas 0ity (tarJ, !N"NH *ornerstone )hur)h )ontro3ersy )ontinues, D1?O 5ews 0hannel 76 (*olorado 7prings#, !NMNH 8or-er )hur)h 3olunteer pleads guilty to -olestation, !akima .erald,1epublic, !N1NH (J477R,- #46E42C*75# Jo-an settles la6suit against Ja)+son3ille pastor, )hur)h, Clorida -imes,2nion, "NMHNH (D,774// G0/-,7? ; S:0/): !467)<)/06,2 B,<6036 C:*7.:# 8or-er 7outhern Baptist pastor pleads guilty to se<ual abuse, 'B;, "NMHNH (S64842 C. H,24- ; D,80? P047.49(FBro6n as+ed 7outhern Baptist leaders to )reate a national database of )lergy )on3i)ted, ad-itted or )redibly a))used of se<ual abuse and )reate an independent re3ie6 board to re)ei3e and in3estigate allegations of se<ual -is)ondu)t.... /T1he 7B* ,<e)uti3e *o--ittee opted against the proposal, saying the )on3ention la)+ed authority to in3estigate lo)al )hur)hes. -ime -aga2ine ran+ed that denial one of the top 1H Dunder$ reportedD stories of the year.F# %ati3e 6o-an 6ins unpre)edented )ase, 'rgus +eader, "NMHNH (ne6 theory of re)o3ery on se<ual assault for %ati3e A-eri)ans# 8or-er *ordo3a pastor pleads guilty to se< )harges in3ol3ing boys, Memphis 0ommercial 'ppeal, "N> NH (S64842 C. H,24-# FOutedF blogger sues sheriff, prose)utorDs offi)e, 'B;, "N> NH (8B*$Ja)+son3ille# ;nter3ie6s )ontinue in Pier)e )ase, Benton 0ourier, "N> NH (D,80? P047.4# .an pleads guilty to se<ual assault in 8ran+lin *ounty, ?B:,8 (4oano+e, (A#, "N> NH (D4,2 H,7)/? S6)24#(see also (inton )hur)h -e-bers a))used of )hild abuse, (+(,7#, 11N1MNHK# 8or-er )hur)h leaders plead in se< )ri-es, 1oanoke -imes, "N> NH (D,2 S0/847+,2 T D4,2 S6)24# Judge to Pier)e? %o )onta)ts, Benton 0ourier, "N>KNH (D,80? P047.4#

8or-er (inton Asst. Pastor pleads no )ontest in )hild se<ual abuse )ase, (+(,7# IE'J, "N>KNH (D,2 S0/847+,2#(see also (inton )hur)h -e-bers a))used of )hild abuse, 11N1MNHK# Group protests against for-er pastor, 5ewsH:a*, "N>KNH (D,774// G0/-,7?#(FJe see ti-e and ti-e again 3i)ti-s or 6itnesses or 6histleblo6ers 6ho ha3e infor-ation that )ould help prose)utors but tend to stay silent.F# Group protests against for-er pastor, :P-,-E IIM(5B0#, "N>KNH (D,774// G0/-,7?#

M -ore )lai- abuse by for-er -inister, 'rkansas ?emocrat,/a)ette, "N>KNH (D,80? P047.4# Pro-inent Ar+. -usi) -inister arrested for se<ual inde)en)y 6ith a -inor, 'B;, "N>7NH (D,80? P047.4# 7e<ual )harge filed against Ar+. -inister, Baptist ;ress, "N>7NH (D,80? P047.4# Pier)e set for bond hearing, Benton 0ourier, "N>7NH (D,80? P047.4# Blogger sues after Ja)+son3ille )ops out hi- to 8irst Baptist, Clorida -imes,2nion, "N>7NH (FBCDJ,.13)280//4# 7outh .ia-i$'ade pastor pleads guilty to stal+ing teen, Miami .erald, "N>@NH (C:43647 !*//05,2# Benton )hoir -inister arrested for se<ual inde)en)y 6ith a )hild, D-.E,-E, "N>!NH (D,80? P047.4# A Benton -usi) -inister arrested, a))used of se<ual abuse, D'-E , +ittle 1ock, "N>"NH (D,80? P047.4# 8or-er ,* pastor enters guilty plea to stal+ing, ;ost,-ribune, "N>MNH (C:43647 !*//05,2# 8or-er ,.*. pastor senten)ed for stal+ing, se< )harges dropped, -he -imes (%orth6est ;ndiana#, "N>>NH (C:43647 !*//05,2# 5istori) Afri)an$A-eri)an )hur)h fo)us of se<$abuse s)andal, 'B;, "N>HNH (P,670.1 J47)+4 W:064:4,? $ 1@th 7treet Baptist *hur)h# 5uff-an high s)hool band dire)tor arrested for se<ual abuse, 'B0 66OH# 5ews, "N1 NH (P,670.1 J47)+4 W:064:4,? $ 1@th 7treet Baptist *hur)h# 5uff-an band dire)tor arrested on se<ual abuse )harges, -he Birmingham 5ews, "N1KNH (P,670.1 J47)+4 W:064:4,? $ 1@th 7treet Baptist *hur)h# Pastor )harged in beating of 6o-an, Dansas 0ity (tar, "N17NH (A/=74? F. W:064# Authorities e<pose blogger 6ho has been hounding 8B*$Ja)+son3ille, 'B;, "N1!NH *antu suspe)t )ries in )ourt as )harges read, 0B(,76 I0'J, "N1"NH (!4/033, H*.1,C-#

Tea)her arrested after body of girl pupil, K, is found in suit)ase, -he -imes, "N1MNH (!4/033, H*.1,C-9 7uspe)t in Tra)y slaying is )hur)h$going -o-, (an Crancisco 0hronicle, "N1>NH (!4/033, H*.1,C-# Parents sho)+ed as a))used -inister )oa)hed girlsD bas+etball, Co*,H,D0 IMOJ, "N11NH (R)C476 B/,.1# ,<perts? Pastor online se< )ase should raise red flags for parents, ?'C,-E (Lansas *ity, .O#, "N1HNH (R)C476 B/,.19 (1M! +ids be)a-e FfriendsF 6ith online "H$yr$old stranger. F;tDs anybodyF ... FThis being a pastor sho6s us that.... you )anDt pi)+ the- out, itDs not 6ritten on their heads.F# 8or-er pastor )on3i)ted of )hild -olestation, 'B0,6# I0'J, "N1HN>HH (J):2 B)20249 Lo)al youth -inister )harged 6ith se<ual assault, Monticello +ive I'rkansasJ, "N1HNH (J,3)2 B4.1# .issouri -inister a))used of using 8a)eboo+ a))ount to enti)e girl for se<, Dansas 0ity (tar, "N NH (R)C476 !. B/,.1# 0n-as+ed blogger bla-es 8irst Baptist, 7heriffDs Offi)e, -he Clorida -imes,2nion, "N NH (FBCDJ,.13)280//4# Pastor hopes )hur)h )an heal after se< allegations, -he -ennessean, "NKNH (!,66:4F !. J47205,2# Prin)ipal )harged in se< abuse of 11$year$old girl, 0B(,F 0hicago, "NKNH (D,204/ R. P07)EE0# (Bibili)al Baptist *hur)h A)ade-y# 8or-er Te<as pastor .att Ba+er indi)ted in 6ifeDs >HH@ death, 'B0 F#OF#, "N@NH (!,66 B,147# Pastor fa)es se< -is)ondu)t )harges, "NMNH (D,204/ J. !))74# 8or-er Baptist pastor indi)ted on -urder )harge, 'ssociated Baptist ;ress, "NMNH (!,66 B,147# Bell-ead Baptist -inister arrested in se<ual assault )ase in3ol3ing t6o )hildren, "N>NH (W0//0,+ F7,21 B7)F2# Eouth pastor a))used of ha3ing se< 6ith 1@$year$old, "N1NH (S.)66 D4F,-24 W705:6# 8or-er pastor arrested for se<ual abuse of a )hild, MNM1NH (W0//0,+ F7,21 B7)F29(F06: 80?4)# %e6 probe into 46andan geno)ide suspe)t )ase, !+4 -elevision 5ews ICinlandJ, MNMHNH

.a+ing the best of a pastor s)andal, Indianapolis (tar, MNMHNH (J477- H0//42C*75# ()o-parison to handling of si-ilar pastor s)andals in ;ndiana ,pis)opal and Asse-bly of God )hur)hes# 5ope Baptist pastor 4e3. Jerry 5illenburg a))used of se<ual harass-ent, Indianapolis (tar, MN> NH (J477- H0//42C*75# Lo)al -an indi)ted in death of 6ife, Derrville ?aily -imes, MN>7NH (!,66 B,147# 8or-er Ja)o$area pastor indi)ted on -urder )harge in 6ifeDs death, (!,66 B,1479 .att Ba+er surrenders to authorities, MN>@NH (!,66 B,147# .inister fro- The (illage a))used in teen se<, -he Oklahoman, MN>@NH (D)*5 D,803# (illage Baptist *hur)h youth pastor arrested on rape )o-plaints, -he Oklahoman, MN>!NH (D)*5 D,803# Grand =ury hears testi-ony in )ase of pastor a))used of +illing 6ife, MN>!NH (!,66 B,1479 ,<$pastor indi)ted for 6ifeDs -urder surrenders, DPPE,-E 5ews 0hannel FA, MN>!NH (!,66 B,147#(F06: 80?4)# Pastor a))used of rape in )ourt this 6ee+, (alley Baptist in Giles *ounty, T%# DAll GodDs *hildren,D 4thics?aily, MN1 NH ,lgin pastor? Judge finds hi- guilty of span+ing girl during 6ee+ly )ounseling sessions, 0hicago -ribune, MN1 NH (D,7-/ B*I,1# 7pan+ings of -e-berDs )hild earn Baptist pastor battery )on3i)tion, 'B;, MN1 NH (D,7-/ B*I,1# ,<$,lgin pastor )on3i)ted of battery for span+ing girl, ?aily .erald I0hicagoJ, MN1KNH (D,7-/ B*I,1# .inister in span+ing )ase? Alleged 3i)ti- testifies about beatings, 0hicago -ribune, MN1KNH (D,7-/ B*I,1# Probation )ontinued for for-er -inister, -he -elegraph IIllinoisJ, MN1KNH (J4==74- D. H4C47/402# .inister indi)ted for )hild inde)en)y, DP'5,'ustin, MN17NH (J,- L-22 R)C4763)2# ,lgin prea)her a))used of span+ing sessions 6ith 1>$year$old girl, ?aily .erald I0hicagoJ, MN17NH (D,7-/ B*I,1# Teen? Pastor span+ed her for DlyingD about abuse, 0hicago -ribune, MN17NH (D,7-/ B*I,1# ''!,-E I'labamaJ, MN>MNH (R)C02 B4463 of aco -ribune, MN>@NH

Ja)+son3ille )hur)h 6as a6are of pastorDs se<ual -is)ondu)t, insurer )lai-s, Clorida -imes, 2nion, MN1MNH (D,774// G0/-,7?# Judge delays senten)ing of e<$)hur)h 6or+er on se< )harges, -he +edger, MN1>NH (!,73:,/ S4-+)*7# 8or-er Baptist dea)on )harged 6ith atte-pted robbery of 7outh *arolina ban+, 'B;, >N>7NH (B7*.4 L44 W02?3)79 %o )ri-inal )he)+ on .inneapolis )hoir dire)tor a))used of se<ual assault, (tar -ribune IMinneapolisJ, >N>@NH (G745)7- B. W,3:0256)2#(Greater 8riendship .issionary Baptist *hur)h T Cion Baptist *hur)h# .an senten)ed to prison for se< 6ith student, >N>"NH (S:,24 F/)*72)-# T7' e-ployee pleads guilty, COP 8 5ews 'ustin, >N>MNH (S:,24 F/)*72)-#(80?4)# .u)h interest sho6n in site? *hur)h for sale , +ondon Cree ;ress (Ontario#, >N>MNH (R)-?42 W))? ,2? A+C,33,?)7 B,<6036 C:*7.:# Paul+ la6suit appeal, Co* A 'tlanta, >N1@NH (E,7/ P,*/1#(6ith lin+s to -any -ore Paul+$ related arti)les# La6suit re3eals -inisterial ethi)s brea)h at pro-inent Baptist )hur)h, 4thics?aily, >N1>NH (F0736 B,<6036 C:*7.: )= W436 P,/+ B4,.:, FL# 5yde Par+ Baptist found liabile for da-ages in abuse on 1$yr$old )hild, 1NM1NH (H-?4 P,71 B,<6036 C:*7.: 02 A*3602, TX# 8or-er Bloo-ington substitute tea)her gets >H years for )hild porn, Bloomington ;antagraph, 1NMHNH (J,+43 C. L)84#(see also !N1 NH7# 8or-er O6asso )hur)h staff -e-ber arrested on se< abuse )harge, 1N> NH (S4,2 D,80? W:0342:*26# 8or-er pastor senten)ed for se<ually abusing teen girls, /alesburg 1egister,Mail, 1N>KNH (J)2,6:)2 C. P)F4//# 8or-er youth -inister pleads guilty to sending e<pli)it e-ails to teen, 'B;, 1N>7NH (D,80? E3,74-# Eouth 6or+er ad-its sending e<pli)it e$-ails, 0onnecticut ;ost, 1N>7NH (D,80? E3,74-# 8or-er pastor pleads guilty in se< abuse )ases, P)F4//# 14P (4o)+ford, ;L#, 1N>@NH (J)2,6:)2 C.

Pastor Ted 5aggard fa)es -ore a))usations, '; (8o<%e6s#, 1N>"NH 8or-er youth 6or+er pleads guilty to -olestation )harge, 'B;, 1N>>NH (!,73:,/ S4-+)*7#

7ey-our pleads guilty to -olestation, a3oids trial, 1N>1NH (!,73:,/ S4-+)*7# Jurors )hosen for -olestation trial, -he +edger, 1N>HNH (!,73:,/ S4-+)*79 .inister a))used of se< abuse, ;ine Bluff 0ommercial (Ar+ansas#, 1N17NH (L47)- S<4,73 J7.# ,<$-inister a))used of 3iolating probation again, -he -elegraph (;llinois#, 1N1@NH (J4==74D. H4C47/402# 8or-er Greene pastor )harged 6ith probation 3iolation, :ournal 0ourier (Ja)+son3ille, ;L#, 1N1@NH (J4==74- D. H4C47/402# (i)ti- re)ounts )lergy abuse in 7outhington, -he .erald (%e6 Britain, *T#, 1N1!NH (J,+43 J. !.C)-# A))used -inister 6or+ed at 0nion and O6asso s)hools, D-2+ , 5ews 0hannel % IOklahomaJ, 1N1!NH (S4,2 D,80? W:0342:*26 $ see 1N> N>HH arti)le# Jaleet+a pastor )harged 6ith abusing +ids, DODO,A (O+laho-a *ity#, 1N1"NH (!,7802 L)F4# 8or-er -inister to ser3e 11 years in prison, -he 1oanoke -imes, 1N1HNH (H,F6:)724 R44?, J7.# Jild6ood pastor )harged 6ith se<ual battery, 0entral Clorida 5ews 76, 1N1HNH (!0.:,4/ #4224?-# 7e< offender -ay stay on probation for life, -he /a)ette (*olorado#, 1N!NH (J)2 !))74# One$ti-e 7unday s)hool tea)her senten)ed for se<ual assault, DD-E (*olorado#, 1N!NH (J)2 !))74# (see also ,<$pastor to spend holidays in =ail# ;Dll bet the )hur)h -isses the days 6hen they )ould =ust burn guys li+e Girola-o 7a3onarola for reporting on the 6ild orgies Pope Ale<ander (; thre6 in the (ati)an, 6ith his daughter and lo3er Lu)re2ia Borgia by his sideI The follo6ing are Auoted fro- Jillia- .an)hesterDs FA Jorld Lit Only by 8ire$ The .edie3al .ind and The 4enaissan)eF .Little, Bro6n T *o-pany, 1 >
"Once he became Pope Alexander VI, Vatican parties, already wild, grew wilder. They were costly, but he could afford the lifestyle of a enaissance prince! as "ice chancellor of the oman #hurch, he had amassed enormous wealth. As guests approached the papal palace, they were excited by the spectacle of li"ing statues$ na%ed, gilded young men and women in erotic poses. &lags bore the 'orgia arms, which, appropriately, portrayed a red bull rampant on a field of gold. ("ery fete had a theme. One, %nown to omans as the 'allet of the #hestnuts, was held on October )*, +,*+. The indefatigable 'urchard describes it in his -iarium. After the ban.uet dishes had been cleared away, the city/s fifty most beautiful whores danced with the guests, "first clothed, then na%ed." The dancing o"er, the "ballet" began, with the Pope and two of his children in the best seats. #andelabra were set up on the floor, scattered among them were chestnuts, "which", 'urchard writes, "the courtesans had to pic% up, crawling between the candles." Then the serious sex started. 0uests

stripped and ran out onto the floor, where they mounted, or were mounted by, the prostitutes. "The coupling too% place," according to 'urchard, "in front of e"eryone present." 1er"ants %ept score of each man/s orgasms, for the Pope greatly admired "irility, and measured a man/s machismo by his e2aculati"e capacity. After e"eyone was exhausted, 3is 3oliness distributed pri4es5 cloa%s, boots, caps, and fine sil%en tunics. "The winners", the diarist wrote, "were those who made lo"e with the courtesans the greatest number of times." ,nd %ou thought all this se-ual scandal &as Aust a recent thing=

4eferen)es 4.4obbins, The ,n)y)lopedia Of Jit)hraft T 'e-onology, *ro6n Publishers, %6 Eor+ 1 ! . L.'es)hner, Aber-als +rZhte der 5ahn, 7tuttgart 1 @>. L.'es)hner, Opus 'iaboli, 4einbe+ 1 K7. P.J.,dbury, *rusade and 7ettle-ent, *ardiff 0ni3. Press 1 K!. 7.,idelberg, The Je6s and the *rusaders, .adison 1 77. 5unter, .., Jootton, '., Atheis- fro- the 4efor-ation to the ,nlighten-ent, O<ford 1 >. 7)hr[der$Lappus, ,., Jagner, J., .i)hael 7attler. ,in.Zrtyrer in 4ottenburg, TYbingen, T(T .edia 1 >. 5.*.Lea, The ;nAuisition of the .iddle Ages, %e6 Eor+ 1 @1. ...argolis,<, A 5istory of the Je6ish People. A..anhattan, The (ati)anDs 5olo)aust, 7pringfield 1 K@. (.'edi=er, The Eugosla3 Aus)h6it2 and the (ati)an, Buffalo %E, 1 >. J.T.%oonan, *ontra)eption? A 5istory of its Treat-ent by the *atholi) Theologians and *anonists, *a-bridgeN.ass., 1 >. %e6s)ast of 7> A+tuell, Ger-any, 1HN1HN @, 1>?HH. '.7tannard, A-eri)an 5olo)aust, O<ford 0ni3ersity Press 1 >. Ger-an ne6s -aga2ine 'er 7piegel, no." , 1>N>N1 @. A True A))ount of the .ost *onsiderable O))urren)es that ha3e 5apned in the Jarre Bet6een the ,nglish and the ;ndians in %e6 ,ngland, London 1@7@. 8.Turner, Beyond Geography, %e6 Eor+ 1 KH. 5.Jolls)hlZger? 'ie be6affneten Jallfahrten gen Jerusale-, CYri)h 1 7M. %.*ohn, ,uropeDs ;nner 'e-ons? An ,nAuiry ;nspired by the Great Jit)h 5unt, 8rog-ore 1 7@, >!M. 4.5.4obbins, The ,n)y)lopedia of Jit)h)raft and 'e-onology, %e6 Eor+ 1 ! , 1KH. J.B.4ussell, Jit)h)raft in the .iddle Ages, ;tha)aN%E 1 7>, M . 5.C6etsloot, 8riedri)h 7pee und die 5e<enpro2esse, Trier 1 !", !@. (.'edi=er, The Eugosla3 Aus)h6it2 and the (ati)an, Buffalo %E, 1 >. ,.Llee, Gott -it uns. 'er deuts)he (erni)htungs+rieg i- Osten (God ;s On Our 7ide. The Ger-an Jar of Annihilation in the ,ast#, 8ran+furtN.ain? 8is)her 1 K . ,.Llee, 'ie 7A Jesu *hristi. 'ie Lir)hen i- Banne 5itlers (The 7A of Jesus *hrist? The *hur)hes 0nder 5itler#, 8ran+furtN.ain? 8is)her 1 K . 5..a))oby, The 7a)red ,<e)utioner, London? Tha-es T 5udson 1 K . B.4ill, 'ie ;nAuisition und ihre Let2er (The ;nAuisition and its 5ereti)s#, Pu)hhei-? ;',A 1 K>. '.,.7tannard, A-eri)an 5olo)aust. *olu-bus and the *onAuest of the %e6 Jorld, %e6 Eor+? O<ford 0ni3ersity 1 >. 5. *. Lea, trans., A 5istory of the ;nAuisition of the .iddle Ages, (%e6 Eor+, 5arper T Brothers, 1KK7#, (ol. 1 The 6ritings of Tho-as Jefferson e<ist in >! 3olu-es. The referen)es for this arti)le 6ere found in the boo+, 7;X 5;7TO4;* A.,4;*A%7, by John ,. 4e-sburg (6ho inter3ie6ed -any of Lin)olnDs asso)iates#. .u)h of his 6or+ on Jefferson )a-e fro- T5, .,.O;47, *O44,7PO%',%*, A%' .;7*,LLA%;,7 84O. T5, PAP,47 O8 T5O.A7 J,88,47O%, " 3olu-es ed. by Tho-as Jefferson 4andolph (the grandson of Tho-as Jefferson#. T5, J;T*5*4A8T T4;AL7 Grun, Bernard. The Ti-etables of 5istory. Mrd ed. %e6 Eor+? 7i-on T 7)huster, 1 1.

Barra)lough, Geoffrey. ed. The Ti-es Atlas of Jorld 5istory. London? Ti-es Boo+s Ltd., 1 7 . (>H$>M#

Janson, Anthony 8. 5istory of Art. !th ed. %e6 Eor+? 5ary %. Abra-s, 1

!. ("H>$!, @M>$@#

*heetha-, %i)holas. Leepers of the Leys. %e6 Eor+? *harles 7)ribnerDs 7ons, 1 KM. (M1K$>H# 5ar-on, Jillia- and *. 5ugh 5ol-an. A 5andboo+ to Literature. 7th ed. %e6 Jersey? Prenti)e 5all, 1 (!!!$!71# Lors, Alan *. and ,d6ard Peters. eds. Jit)h)raft in ,urope 11HH$17HH? A 'o)u-entary 7tudy. 1 7>. Philidelphia? 0 of Penn Press, 1 7. Ciegler, Philip. The Bla)+ 'eath. 1 @ . %e6 Eor+? 5arper T 4o6, 1 71. @.

T5, O4;G;%7 O8 PAGA% A%' *54;7T;A% B,L;,87, by ,d6ard *arpenter PAGA% *54;7T7, by J... 4obertson AG, O8 4,A7O%, by Tho-as Paine T5, BO4% AGA;% 7L,PT;*7 G0;', TO T5, B;BL,, by 4uth 5ur-en)e Green J5E ; A. %OT A *54;7T;A%, by Bertrand 4ussell T5, .ET5;* PA7T, by Tho-as L. Tho-pson (;f you are Je6ish or need -ore about the Old Testa-ent# T5, B;BL, 0%,A4T5,', by ;srael 8in+elstein and %eil Asher 7ilber-an T5, (;,J 84O. %,BO, by A-y 'o)+ser GO' >HHH (4,L;G;O% J;T5O0T T5, B;BL,# by Paul Jin)hell Then on to? T5, X$4AT,' B;BL,, by Ben ,d6ard A+erley T5, 70P,4%AT04AL, T5, O**0LT A%' T5, B;BL,, by Gerald A. Larue T5, 5;7TO4E O8 J;T*5*4A8T, by .ontague 7u--ers .ALL,07 .AL,8;*A40., (6it)hes ha--er#((used to torture and +ill -illionsR## T5, *AT5OL;* *504*5, by Barrie 4uth 7trauss T5, BA' POP,7, by ,.4. *ha-berlin T5, .ET5.AL,4, by 5ya- .a))oby T5, 7,*4,T GO7P,L7, edited, translated by 4. Joseph 5off-ann T5, LO7T GO7P,L, by Burton L. .a)+

A 5;7TO4E O8 P5ALL;* JO475;P, by 4i)hard Payne Lnight T Tho-as Jright P5ALL;* JO475;P, by George 4yley 7)ott A JO4L' 80LL O8 GO'7, by Leith 5op+ins (8urther reading of benefit?# T5, GOL',% BO0G5, by Ja-es *. 8ra2er T5, ,%*E*LOP,';A O8 *LA;.7, 84A0'7 A%' 5OAX,7 O8 T5, O**0LT A%' 70P,4%AT04AL, by Ja-es 4andi T5, 5;G5,7T ALTA4, by Patri)+ Tierney T5, 8;47T .,77;A5, by .i)hael O. Jise .,77;A57, by John 5ogue T5, 5;7TO4E O8 T5, *504*5, by ,usebius (>@M$MM ).e. or a.d.#

L0213 6) +)74 02=)7+,60)2.

T:4 S#EPTIC ,22)6,64? C0C/0)57,<:-. A-a2ingly great -eta$siteI T:4 E80?42.4 =)7 H*+,2 E8)/*60)2. 8or the Fno e3iden)eF )ro6d. !,33084 +45,D3064 F06: 6:)*3,2?3 )= /0213 )2 48)/*60)2, .74,60)203+, -)*25 4,76:, 46.. . S064 6:,6 ?4C*213 8076*,//- ,// )= .74,60)203+@3 =,//,.043. A2)6:47 ,+,E025 3064 =*// )= /0213 ?4C*21025 .74,60)203+. C74,60)203+ ,2? P34*?) S.042.4. Great )artoonI IS CREATIONIS! FOR REAL?. And good lin+s too. CREATIONDEVOLUTION ENC"CLOPEDIA (*reation oriented#

BAC#GROUND INFO F084 !,I)7 !03.)2.4<60)23 ,C)*6 E8)/*60)2. On point and 6ell$ 6ritten. F74A*426/- A314? B*6 N4847 A23F474? &*4360)23. A )reationist night-areI DARWIN, FULL TEXT OF HIS WRITINGS. The original ee$3oe$lou$shunist. A-2 R,2? ,2? OCI4.60803+. A+470.,2 A33).0,60)2 =)7 6:4 A?8,2.4+426 )= S.042.4. Loads of info. D)43 E8)/*60)2 R*/4 O*6 G)?@3 E>03642.4?. "INTELLIGENT DESIGN" THEOR" S.04260=0. A+470.,2 ,760./4J "SELFDORGANIHATION" 8or those 6ho +eep ad3an)ing the Fdo the -athF argu-ent A74 6:4 O??3 A5,0236 6:4 O70502 )= L0=4 T)) G74,6 6) A..4<6? T:4 P7)C,C0/06- )= AC0)5424303 Good dis)ussion of lifeDs origins W:- E8)/*60)2,7- A/5)706:+3 C,22)6 G4247,64 S<4.0=04? C)+</4>06-, D4+C310 (5i, =a22raptor# I774?*.0C/4 C)+</4>06- ,2? !0.:,4/ B4:4 Just 6hat it says, pro and )on. R4804FJ "D,7F02@3 B/,.1 B)>" ((ery )riti)al re3ie6# BOHO LIN#S C74,60)203+J B,? S.042.4 )7 I++)7,/ P34*?)3.042.4?. *ritiAue of 'uane Gish. C74,60)2036 #426 H)802?@3 K25L# O==47. Eou 6in if you pro3e there are no -ira)les. R4<)76 )2 , H)802? D4C,64 A2)6:47 H)802? ?4C,64 74<)76. GALILEO LIN#S (T:4 3)/,7 3-364+ F,3 :4743-9 H4743- .:,7543 ,5,0236 G,/0/4) ,2? G,/0/4)@3 .)2=4330)2. 8or pro3ing the )ontra$s)ripture solar syste-. F,06: .,2 24847 .)2=/0.6 F06: 74,3)2. Pope John Paul ;;Ds state-ent on Galileo in 1 >. T:4 P)<4@3 1'' 36,64+426 )2 48)/*60)2 (about MMH years after Galileo died under house arrest#. ORIGIN OF LIFE LIN#S O705023 )= L0=4 L0213. 8ro- =a22raptor T:4 B450220253 )= L0=4 )2 E,76:, C- ?4 D*84. (Just 6hat it says, fro- (ade4etro R4.426 S.04260=0. P,<473 )2 ALH %4LL1. (The .artian -eteorite. 8ossilsR# W40E+,22 I23606*64@3 N4F T:4)7-J T:4 O70502 O= L0=4 . (8ro- .oon-an@># JUN# SCIENCEJ 2ND LAW, ROC# DATING T:4 22? /,F )= 6:47+)?-2,+0.3, so belo3ed (and so poorly understood# by )reationists. T:4 S4.)2? L,F )= T:47+)?-2,+0.3B. (fro- =ennyp# ENTROP" ,2? 6:4 S4.)2? L,F )= T:47+)?-2,+0.3B. (fro- =ennyp# R,?0)+4670. D,6025 A C:70360,2 P473<4.6084. B0C/4DC4/048025 C:70360,23@ 804F<)026 A23F473 I2 G424303 . (Arti)les inspiring -any =un+ s)ien)e threads.#

EVIDENCE OF TRANSITIONAL SPECIES (C430?43 -)*7 6)439 T7,23060)2,/ V4764C7,64 F)330/3. (Eou 6ant fossilsR Je got De-I# fro- =ennyp. OC34784? I236,2.43 )= S<4.0,60)2 %e6 spe)ies ha3e for-ed right before our eyes (=ennyp# C)++)2 A2.4367- O= !)214-3, A<43 A2? H*+,23 7till another transitional spe)iesI S<4.0,60)2 C- P*2.6*,64? EA*0/0C70*+. (,3iden)e of pun+ ee+.# "OUNG EARTH LIN#S (O2/- # -4,73?9 W:,6 W)*/? W4 E><4.6 6) F02? 0= 6:4 W)7/? :,? F/))?4?? T:4 W)7/?@3 O/?436 L08025 T:025. (1>,HHH years old# I3 6:4 E,76: ")*25? 4ebuttal of 1H argu-ents. D)43 6:4 B0C/4 T4,.: , ")*25 E,76:? 7)holarly dis)ussion. Ans6er Fno.F I3 6:4 ")*25DE,76: I2647<746,60)2 B0C/0.,/? A *hristian denies young earth. H)F G))? A74 T:)34 ")*25DE,76: A75*+4263? 5uge rebuttal of 5o3ind. T:4 T,-/)7 S064 "!,2 T7,.13" .an and dinosaur tra)+s togetherR


)ardinal "ahon% sued under rac$eteering la&s Religion 3S a rac$et/

0>/30/02 )ardinal 5a&: Dicti6 and parents &ere "2egligent" in se-ual abuse case in!ol!ing priest/ 3 $no& religious t%pes are supposed to be gullible: but c46on no&= 0(/1/02 )ardinal "ahon% had child 6olesting priest li!ing &ith hi6 346 Aust SBR1 the%
&ere Aust *riends=

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