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Compaction and Stabilization of Soils

Chapter 5

5-1. For the data in Fig. 5.1: (a) Estimate the maximum dry density and optimum water content for both the standard curve and the modified Proctor curve. (b) What is the placement water content range for 90% relative compaction for the modified Proctor curve and 95% relative compaction for the standard Proctor curve? (c) For both curves, estimate the maximum placement water content for the minimum compactive effort to achieve the percent relative compaction in part (b). SOLUTION:
(a) Standard Proctor: dmax = 1.723 Mg m = 107.5 pcf;

w opt = 16 %

Modified Proctor: dmax = 1.866 Mg m = 116.4 pcf;


w opt = 12 %

(b) 95% of Standard Proctor curve: 0.95 dmax = (0.95)(1.723 Mg m ) = 1.64 Mg m


water content range for Standard Proctor: w = 11.0% to 20.6% 90% of Modified Proctor curve: 0.90 dmax = (0.90)(1.866 Mg m ) = 1.68 Mg m
3 3

water content range for Modified Proctor: w = 6% to 21% (c) Standard Proctor: 0.95 dmax = (0.95)(1.723 Mg m ) = 1.64 Mg m

maximum water content : w = 20.6% Modified Proctor: 0.90 dmax = (0.90)(1.866 Mg m ) = 1.68 Mg m
3 3

maximum water content: w = 21%

2011 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to: Rights and Permissions Department, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.

Compaction and Stabilization of Soils

Chapter 5

5-2. The natural water content of a borrow material is known to be 8%. Assuming 5500 g of wet soil is used for laboratory compaction test points, compute how much water is to be added to other 5500 g samples to bring their water contents up to 11%, 15%, 18%, 22%, and 26%. SOLUTION:
w n = 0.08 = Mw ; Ms Mt = 5500 g

Ms remains constant. Determine Ms for the natural moisture condition. Mt = Mw + Ms = 5500 g; Mw = (0.08)Ms 5500 = 0.08Ms + Ms ; Ms = 5092.59 g Mw for natural condition: Mw = (0.08)(5092.59) = 407.407 g (a) w = 11% Mw = w Ms = (0.11)(5092.59) = 560.185 g additional water necessary for w = 11%: 560.185 407.407 = 152.78 g (b) w = 15% Mw = w Ms = (0.15)(5092.59) = 763.888 g additional water necessary for w = 15%: 763.888 407.407 = 356.48 g (c) w = 18% Mw = w Ms = (0.18)(5092.59) = 916.667 g additional water necessary for w = 18%: 916.667 407.407 = 509.26 g (d) w = 22% Mw = w Ms = (0.22)(5092.59) = 1120.370 g additional water necessary for w = 22%: 1120.370 407.407 = 712.96 g (e) w = 26% Mw = w Ms = (0.26)(5092.59) = 1324.074 g additional water necessary for w = 26%: 1324.074 407.407 = 916.67 g

5-3. For the soil shown in Fig. 5.1, a field density test provided the following information: Water content = 13% Wet density = 1.84 Mg/m3 (115 lbf/ft3) Compute percent relative compaction based on modified Proctor and standard Proctor curves. SOLUTION:
t 115 = = 101.77 pcf 1 + w 1 + 0.13 From Fig. 5.1: Standard Proctor d max = 107.5 pcf; Modified Proctor d max = 116.4 pcf Field: d field = Eq.(5 3) : RC = Standard Proctor d field d max 100% 101.77 100 = 94.7% 107.5 Modified Proctor RC = 101.77 100 = 87.4% 116.4

RC =

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Compaction and Stabilization of Soils

Chapter 5

5-4. For the data given below (s = 2.68 Mg/m3): (a) Plot the compaction curves. (b) Establish the maximum dry density and optimum water content for each test. (c) Compute the degree of saturation at the optimum point for data in column A. (d) Plot the 100% saturation (zero air voids) curve. Also plot the 70%, 80%, and 90% saturation curves. Plot the line of optimums. SOLUTION:
2.00 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26


90% 80% S = 70%

ZAV line (S = 100%)

A - Modified Proctor B - Standard Proctor C - Low energy test Saturation curves ZAV line (S=100%)


3 Dry Density (Mg/m )

Line of Optimums

Line of optimums





1.60 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26

Water Content (%)

(b) Test Modified Standard Low Energy dmax (Mg/m3) 1.92 1.76 1.74
w w w d s

wopt (%) 12.1 15.4 17.3

0.121 100 = 81.9% 1.0 1.0 1.92 2.68

(c) From Eq. 5-1: S =

100 =

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Compaction and Stabilization of Soils

Chapter 5

5-5. The following moisture-density data are results from laboratory compaction tests on a given soil using the same compactive effort: (a) On a suitable graph or using a spreadsheet, plot the curve of dry unit weight versus water content and indicate the maximum dry unit weight and the optimum water content. (b) What range of water contents would be acceptable if the specifications call for 98% relative compaction and water content should be dry of optimum? Show how you calculated the relative compaction and show on the plot the range of water contents. (c) What is the maximum saturation level achieved during compaction tests that were performed? SOLUTION:
(a) See compaction plot below. (b) From compaction plot; d max = 115 pcf, w opt = 14.8% Eq.(5 3) : RC = d field d max 100%; d field = (RC) d max = (0.98)(115) = 112.7 pcf

Acceptable range of water content = 10.5% to 14.8% (c) Eq. 5-1 in terms of unit dry unit weight: dry = Gs w ; wGs 1+ S solve for S: S= wGs Gs w 1 dry

Calculate S for the two points on the right side of w opt (0.17)(2.70) (0.20)(2.70) 100 = 98.9% 100 = 96.0%; S2 = (2.70)(62.4) (2.70)(62.4) 1 1 114 109 Maximum saturation occurs at compaction point (20%, 109 pcf), S = 98.9% S1 =
116 acceptable w range 10.5% to 14.8% 115 optimum point (14.8%, 115 pcf)


Dry Unit Weight (pcf)

113 112.7 pcf 112




108 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Water Content (%)

2011 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to: Rights and Permissions Department, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.

Compaction and Stabilization of Soils

Chapter 5

5-6. A Proctor test was performed on a soil which has a specific gravity of solids of 2.71. For the water content and total unit weight data below: (a) Plot the moisture-dry density curve. (b) Find the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content. (c) Determine the moisture range permitted if a contractor must achieve 90% relative compaction. (d) What volume of water, in ft3, must be added to obtain 1 yd3 of soil at the maximum dry density if the soil is originally at 10% water content? SOLUTION:
(a) See compaction plot below. (b) From compaction plot; d max = 107.5 pcf, w opt = 20% (c) Eq.(5 3) : RC = d field d max 100%; d field = (RC) d max = (0.90)(107.5) = 96.8 pcf

Acceptable range of water content = 14% to 25.8% (d) Ws does not change. For Vt = 1 yd3 = 27 ft 3 : Ws = dry Vt = (107.5)(27) = 2902.5 lb Initial weight of water, Ww i = w Ws = (0.10)(2902.5) = 290.25 lb Final weight of water, Ww f = (0.20)(2902.5) = 580.50 lb Ww = Ww f Ww i = 580.5 290.25 = 290.25 lb Vw = Ww 290.25 = = 4.65 ft 3 w 62.4

110.0 108.0 106.0 104.0 optimum point (20.0%, 107.5 pcf)

Dry Unit Weight (pcf)

102.0 100.0 98.0 96.0 94.0 92.0 90.0 88.0 86.0 6 8 10 12 14 16 96.8 pcf

acceptable w range 14% to 25.8%







Water Content (%)

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Compaction and Stabilization of Soils

Chapter 5

5-7. Two choices for borrow soil are available: It will be necessary to fill a 200,000 yd3 depression, and the fill material must be compacted to 95% of the standard Proctor (maximum) density. A final 10% moisture content is desired in either case. (a) What is the minimum volume of borrow from each site needed to fill the depression? (b) What is minimum quantity (volume) of material from each site to haul? (c) What soil would be cheaper to use?
Borrow A 115 pcf ? 0.92 25% $0.20/yd $0.30/yd 2.7 112 pcf
3 3

Borrow B Density in place Density in transport Void ratio in transport Water content in place Cost to excavate Cost to haul Gs Maximum Proctor dry density 120 pcf 95 pcf ? 20% $0.10/yd3 $0.40/yd3 2.7 110 pcf

Recognize that Vs does not change from borrow pit to truck to fill. Calculate Vs based on the required quantity of fill and properties from each borrow pit. Vt = 200,000 yd3 = 5,400,000 ft 3 (Part a - Borrow A) dmax = 0.112 kip ft3 ; d = d fill = (0.95)(0.112 kip ft3 ) = 0.1064 kip ft3 ; t 0.1115 = = 0.092 kip ft3 ; Ws = d fill Vt = (0.1064)(5,400,000) = 574,560 kip 1 + w 1 + 0.25 Ws V V 574,560 Vs = = = 3,410,256.41 ft 3 ; Recognize that: Vs = v i = v fill Gs w (2.7)(0.0624) ei efill d = ei = Gs w 1+ e e= Gs w 1 dry

(2.7)(0.0624) (2.7)(0.0624) efill = 1 = 0.83; 1 = 0.583 0.092 0.1064 Solve for initial volume of voids; Vv i = Vs ei = (3,410,256.41)(0.83) = 2,830,512.82 ft 3 Thus; Vt Bor( A ) = Vs + Vv i = 3,410,256.41 + 2,830,512.82 = 6,240,769.23 ft 3 = 231,140 yd3 d fill = (0.95)(0.110 kip ft3 ) = 0.1045 kip ft3 ; (Part a - Borrow B) dmax = 0.110 kip ft3 ; d =

t 0.120 = = 0.100 kip ft3 ; Ws = d fill Vt = (0.1045)(5,400,000) = 564,300 kip 1 + w 1 + 0.20 Ws V V 564,300 Vs = = = 3,349,358.97 ft 3 ; Recognize that: Vs = v i = v fill Gs w (2.7)(0.0624) ei e fill Gs w 1+ e e= Gs w 1 dry

d = ei =

(2.7)(0.0624) (2.7)(0.0624) efill = 1 = 0.685; 1 = 0.612 0.100 0.1045 Solve for initial volume of voids; Vv i = Vs ei = (3,349,358.97)(0.685) = 2,294,310.89 ft 3 Thus; Vt Bor( A ) = Vs + Vv i = 3,349,358.97 + 2,294,310.89 = 5,643,669.86 ft 3 = 209,024.8 yd3

2011 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to: Rights and Permissions Department, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.

Compaction and Stabilization of Soils

Pr oblem 5-7 continued. (Part b - Borrow A) Vs = 3,410,256.41 ft 3 Solve for Vv in truck; Vv truck = Vs e truck = (3,410,256.41)(0.92) = 3,137,435.9 ft 3 Thus; Vt truck( A ) = Vs + Vv truck = 3,410,256.41 + 3,137,435.9 = 6,547,692.3 ft 3 = 242,507 yd3 Vs = 3,349,358.97 ft 3 ; Gs w 1 dry e truck t 0.095 = = 0.0792 kip ft 1 + w 1 + 0.20 (2.7)(0.0624) = 1 = 1.127 0.0792 d =

Chapter 5

(Part b - Borrow B) d = Gs w 1+ e e=

Solve for Vv in truck; Vv truck = Vs etruck = (3,349,358.97)(1.127) = 3,774,727.56 ft 3 Thus; Vt truck(B) = Vs + Vv truck = 3,349,358.97 + 3,774,727.56 = 7,124,086.53 ft 3 = 263,855 yd3

(Part c) Borrow A cost: (231,140 yd3 )($0.20) + (242,507 yd3 )($0.30) = 46,228 + 72,752 = $118, 980 Borrow B cost: (209,024.8 yd3 )($0.20) + (263,855 yd3 )($0.30) = 41,805 + 79,157 = $120,961 Soil from borrow pit A would be slightly less expensive, although the difference is small (< 2%). (Note: these calculations are theoretical and do not include any allowance for waste that will inevitably occur during excavation, haul, and placement.)

5-8. Assume that 50,000 yd3 of the soil from the borrow pit is to be delivered to an embankment at a construction site. By the time it reaches the site, the water content is 9%. It will be compacted to a minimum of 90% of modified Proctor maximum dry density. Determine the total volume of water (in ft3) that must be added to the soil to increase the moisture content to the optimum level. Dry unit weight of soil in borrow pit Moisture content in borrow pi Specific gravity of the soil particles Modified Proctor optimum moisture content Modified Proctor maximum dry density SOLUTION:
Ws and Vs are conserved during this process. From the borrow pit data: t = (1 + w) d = (1 + 0.13)(87) = 98.3 pcf Wt = Vt t = (1.35 106 )(98.3) = 1.33 108 lb Ws = Wt 1.33 108 = = 1.18 108 lb; 1+ w 1.13 Vs = Ws 1.18 108 = = 6.986 105 ft 3 Gs w (2.7)(62.4)

87.0 pcf 13.0% 2.70 14.0% 116.0 pcf

At delivery, Ww = w Ws = (0.09)(1.18 108 ) = 1.06 107 lb After compaction, Ww = w Ws = (0.14)(1.18 108 ) = 1.65 107 lb W = (1.65 1.06) 107 = 5.9 107 lb

2011 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to: Rights and Permissions Department, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.

Compaction and Stabilization of Soils

Chapter 5

5-9. The values of emin and emax for a pure silica sand s = 2.70 Mg/m3 were found to be 0.42 and 0.71, respectively. (a) What is the corresponding range in dry density? (b) If the in situ void ratio is 0.58, what is the relative density? SOLUTION:
(a) Using Eq. 2.12: d = dmax = s 1+ e

2.70 2.70 = 1.90 Mg m3 ; dmin = = 1.58 Mg m3 1 + 0.42 1 + 0.71 emax e 0.71 0.58 100 = 100 = 44.8% emax emin 0.71 0.42

(b) Using Eq. 5.4: Dr =

5-10. The wet density of a sand in an embankment was found to be 1.85 Mg/m3 and the field water content was 12%. In the laboratory, the density of the solids was found to be 2.71 Mg/m3, and the maximum and minimum void ratios were 0.65 and 0.38, respectively. Calculate the relative density of the sand in the field. SOLUTION:
t (1.85) = = 1.652 Mg m3 (1 + w) (1 + 0.12) Re arrange Eq. 2.12: d = s 1+ e dry = Eq. 5.4: Dr =


s 2.71 1= 1 = 0.641 1.652 d

emax e 0.65 0.641 100 = 100 = 3.5% emax emin 0.65 0.38

5-11. The laboratory test results on a sand are emax = 0.91, emin = 0.48, and Gs = 2.67. (a) What is the dry unit weight (in lb/ft3) of this sand when its relative density is 67% and its water content is 10%? (b) How would you classify the density of this soil? SOLUTION:
(a) Eq. 5.4: Dr = Eq. 2.12: d = (b) dense emax e 100 : emax emin d = 0.67 = 0.91 e 0.91 0.48

e = 0.622

Gs w 1+ e

(2.67)(62.4) = 102.7 lb ft 1 + 0.622

2011 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to: Rights and Permissions Department, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.

Compaction and Stabilization of Soils

Chapter 5

5-12. Based on field data, you have determined that a sands relative density is on the borderline between medium and dense, and its void ratio is 0.93. For this soil, if the difference between emin and emax is 0.3, what is emin? SOLUTION:
(a) Eq. 5.4: Dr = 0.60 = emin emax e 100 : emax emin emax = 1.11 Assume Dr = 60%

emax 0.93 0.3 = 1.11 0.3 = 0.81

5.13. For a granular soil, given t = 108 pcf, Dr = 82%, w = 8%, and Gs = 2.67. For this soil, if emin = 0.44, what would be the dry unit weight in the loosest state? SOLUTION:
t 108 = = 100 pcf 1 + w 1 + .08 G (2.65)(62.4) d = s w 100 = e = 0.6536 1+ e 1+ e e 0.6536 e e 100 : Eq. 5.4: Dr = max 0.82 = max emax emin emax 0.44 d = dmin = (2.65)(62.4) = 62.6 pcf 1 + 1.64

emax = 1.64

5-14. The laboratory test results on a sand are as follows: emax = 0.91, emin = 0.48, and Gs = 2.67. What would be the dry and moist unit weights of this sand, in lb/ft3, when densified at a moisture content of 10% to a relative density of 65%? SOLUTION:
Eq. 5.4: Dr = d = emax e 100 : emax emin 0.65 = 0.91 e 0.91 0.48 e = 0.6305

Gs w (2.67)(62.4) = = 102.2 pcf 1+ e 1 + 0.6305 t = (102.18)(1 + 0.10) = 112.4 pcf

2011 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to: Rights and Permissions Department, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.

Compaction and Stabilization of Soils

Chapter 5

5-15. A sample of sand has a relative density of 40% with a specific gravity of solids of 2.65. The minimum void ratio is 0.45 and the maximum void ratio is 0.97. (a) What is the unit weight (in units of pcf ) of this sand in the saturated condition? (b) If the sand is compacted to relative density of 65%, what will be the decrease in thickness of a 4 ft. thick layer? SOLUTION:
(a) Eq. 5.4: Dr = d = emax e 100 : emax emin 0.40 = 0.97 e 0.97 0.45 e = 0.762

Gs w (2.65)(62.4) = = 93.85 pcf 1+ e 1 + 0.762 Assume Vs = 1. S = 100%; thus, Vv = Vw = e = 0.762; Ws = Gs Vs w = (2.65)(1)(62.4) = 165.36 lb; Wt = Ws + Ww = 165.36 + 47.55 = 212.91lb t = Wt 212.91 = = 120.83 pcf Vt 1.762 emax e 100 : emax emin 0.65 = 0.97 e 0.97 0.45

Vt = Vs + Vv = 1 + 0.762 = 1.762

Ww = Vw w = e w = (0.762)(62.4) = 47.55 lb

(b) Dr =

e = 0.632

e = 0.762 0.632 = 0.13 H e (4)(0.13) e H = 0.295 ft = 3.5 in ; = H = o = 1 + 0.762 1 + eo Ho 1 + eo

5-16. A field compaction control test was conducted on a compacted lift. The mass of the material removed from the hole was 1820 g and the volume of the hole was found to be 955 cm3. A small sample of the soil lost 17 g in the drying test and the mass remaining after drying was 94 g. The laboratory control test results are shown in Fig. P5.16. (a) If end-product specification requires 100% relative compaction and w = (optimum 3%) to optimum + 1%), determine the acceptability of the field compaction and state why this is so. (b) If it is not acceptable, what should be done to improve the compaction so that it will meet the specification? SOLUTION:

From Fig. 5.16, dmax = 1.72 Mg m3 and w opt = 17% (a) t field = d field = d field Mt 1820 = = 1.9058 Mg m3 ; Vt 955 w= Mw 17 100 = 100 = 18.08% Ms 94

t field 1.9058 = = 1.61 Mg m3 (1 + w) (1 + 0.1808) < (1.0)dmax Field density does not meet specification requirements.

(b) The water content is borderline on the wet side. The lift could be processed (disced and bladed) to encourage drying and then re-compacted using additional roller passes.

2011 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to: Rights and Permissions Department, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.

Compaction and Stabilization of Soils

Chapter 5

5-17. Calculate the compactive effort of the modified Proctor test in both (a) SI and (b) British engineering units. SOLUTION:
Modified Proctor Effort = (a) SI units: compactive effort = (25 blows layer )(5 layers)(4.536 kg)(9.81 m s2 )(0.4572 m) (0.944 103 m3 )(1000) = 2693.9 kJ m3 (no. of blows per layer)(no. of layers)(wt. of hammer)(ht. of hammer drop) (volume of compaction mold)

(b) British Engineering units: compactive effort = (25 blows layer )(5 layers)(10 lb)(1.5 ft) = 56,250 ft lbf ft3 ( 1 ft 3 ) 30

5.18. Why does the relative compaction decrease if there is vibration during the sand-cone test? SOLUTION:
t = Mt ; Vt Vt = Vhole = Vsand ; Vsand = Msand sand

If vibrations occur, Msand will increase. This will cause a proportional decrease in Vsand and thus the measured Vhole (Vt ). If Vt increases, then the calculated value of t and hence dry decreases. Lesson for the contractor - turn off the compactor vibrator or move equipment to a different location during sand cone testing.

5.19. In a field density test, using the oil method, the wet mass of soil removed from a small hole in the fill was 1.65 kg. The mass of oil (Gs-oil = 0.92) required to fill the hole was 0.75 kg, and the field water content was found to be 22%. If the s of the soil solids is 2650 kg/m3, what are the dry density and degree of saturation of the fill? SOLUTION:
t = t = Mt 1650 g = ; Vt Voil Voil = Moil 750 g = = 815.22 cm3 Gsoil w (0.92)(1.0 g cm3 )

1650 2.024 = 2.024 Mg m3 ; dry = = = 1.66 Mg m3 815.22 (1 + w) (1 + 0.22) Gw 2.65 1 = 0.5964 From Eq. 2.28, S = s ; From Eq. 2.12, e = s 1 = d e 1.66 S= (2.65)(0.22) 100 = 97.8% 0.5964

2011 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to: Rights and Permissions Department, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.

Compaction and Stabilization of Soils

Chapter 5

5-20. You are an earthwork construction control inspector checking the field compaction of a layer of soil. The laboratory compaction curve is shown in Fig. P5.20. Specifications call for the compacted density to be at least 95% of the maximum laboratory value and within 2% of the optimum water content. When you did the sand cone test, the volume of soil excavated was 1165 cm3. It weighed 2230 g wet and 1852 g dry. (a) What is the compacted dry density? (b) What is the field water content? (c) What is the relative compaction? (d) Does the test meet specifications? (e) What is the degree of saturation of the field sample? (f) If the sample were saturated at constant density, what would be the water content? SOLUTION:
(a) d = (b) w = Ms 1852 = = 1.59 Mg m3 Vt 1165 Mw 2230 1852 100 = 100 = 20.41% Ms 1852

(c) From compaction curve, dmax = 1.74 Mg m3 and w opt = 16% RC = d field 1.59 100 = 100 = 91.4% 1.74 dmax

(d) No, the test does not meet the specifications because the density is too low and the water content is too high. (e) Assume Gs = 2.7. e = S= s 2.7 1= 1 = 0.698 1.59 d

Gs w (2.7)(0.2041) = 100 = 78.9% e (0.698) Se (1.0)(0.698) (f ) w = = 100 = 25.8% Gs 2.70

2011 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to: Rights and Permissions Department, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.

Compaction and Stabilization of Soils

Chapter 5

5-21. The specification for compaction states that the field-compacted soil must be at least 95% of the maximum control density and within 2% of the optimum moisture for the control curve. You dig a hole 1/30 ft3 in the compacted layer and extract a sample that weighs 3.8 lb wet and 3.1 lb dry. (a) What is the compacted d? The compaction w? The percent compaction? Does the sample meet the specifications? (b) If the density of solids is 2.68 Mg/m3 what is the compacted degree of saturation? If the sample were saturated at constant density, what would be the water content? (After C.W. Lovell.)
Water Content (%) 14 16 18 20 22 24 Dry Unit Weight (pcf) 104 105.5 106 105 103.5 101


(a) w = t =

Ww 3.8 3.1 100 = 100 = 22.58% This is too high (>19.6%) Ws 3.1 d = Ws = 3.1(30) = 93 pcf Vt

Wt = 3.8(30) = 114 pcf; Vt

RC =

d field 93 100 = 100 = 87.7% This it too low (<95%) dmax 106

The soil does not meet the specified requirements at the location tested. (b) Gs = 2.68; S= Using Eq. 2.28; e = Gs w 2.68(62.4) 1= 1 = 0.798 93 d w= Se (1.0)(0.798) = 100 = 29.8% Gs 2.68

Gs w (2.68)(0.2258) = 100 = 75.8%; e (0.798)


108 optimum point (17.6%, 106 pcf) 106

Dry Unit Weight (pcf)

104 acceptable w: 15.6% to 19.6% 102 100.7 pcf 100


96 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

Water Content (%)

2011 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to: Rights and Permissions Department, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.

Compaction and Stabilization of Soils

Chapter 5

5-22. A mixture contains 28% by dry weight fines and 72% coarse. When the coarse material has w = 3%, its affinity for water is completely satisfied. The fines have a PL = 22 and an LL = 34. This mixture is compacted by rolling to d = 128 pcf and w = 13%. What is the water content of the fines in the compacted mass? What is the liquidity index of the fines in the compacted mass? (After C.W. Lovell.) SOLUTION:
The weight of water in the coarse and fine fractions are symbolically defined here as Ww c and Ww f , respectively For the compacted soil mass; w = where Ws = 0.72Ws + 0.28Ws Evaluate ratios for 1 ft 3 of soil (i.e., Vt = 1 ft 3 ) Ws = d Vt = 128(1.0) = 128 lb Determine the water weight in the coarse fraction: w = 0.03 = Ww c = (0.03)(0.72)(128) = 2.765 lb Now, the weight of water in the fines fraction, Ww f : 2.765 + Ww f = 0.13 128 Ww f 13.875 The fines water content, w f = 100 = 100 = 38.7% (0.28)Ws (0.28)(128) w n PL 38.7 22 = = 1.4 PI 34 22 Ww f = 13.875 lb Ww c (0,72)Ws Ww c + Ww f = 0.13 Ws

LI =

2011 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to: Rights and Permissions Department, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.

Compaction and Stabilization of Soils

Chapter 5

5-23. A soil proposed for a compacted fill contains 38% fines and 62% coarse material by dry weight. When the coarse fraction has w = 2.0%, its affinity for water is completely satisfied (that is, it is saturated but surface dry). The Atterberg limits of the fines are LL=31 and PL = 13. The soil is compacted by rolling to a d = 1.96 Mg/m3 at w = 15%. (a) What is the water content of the fines in the compacted mass? (b) What is the likely classification of the soil? (USCS and AASHTO) (c) What is the liquidity index of the fines? SOLUTION:

(a) The mass of water in the coarse and fine fractions are symbolically defined here as Mw c and Mw f , respectively For the compacted soil mass; w = where Ms = 0.62Ms + 0.38Ms Evaluate ratios for 1 m3 of soil (i.e., Vt = 1 m3 ) Ms = d Vt = 1.95(1.0) = 1.95 Mg Determine the water weight in the coarse fraction: w = 0.02 = Mw c = (0.02)(0.62)(1.95) = 0.0241 Mg m3 Now, the mass of water in the fines fraction, Mw f : 0.0241 + Mw f = 0.15 1.95 Mw f 0.268 The fines water content, w f = 100 = 100 = 36.2% (0.38)Ms (0.38)(1.95) AASHTO: A-6 (c) LI = w n PL 36.2 13 = = 1.3 PI 18 Mw f = 0.268 Mg Mw c (0,62)Ms Mw c + Mw f = 0.15 Ms

(b) USCS: SC or possibly GC

2011 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to: Rights and Permissions Department, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.

Compaction and Stabilization of Soils

Chapter 5

5-27. Given: The data shown in Fig. 5.4. Soil types 3 and 4 are mixed in the borrow area to some unknown extent. After a representative sample of the combined material is air dried to a uniform water content (hopefully on the dry side of optimum), a compaction test is performed and a value of 1.85 Mg/m3 dry density at 12.5% water content is obtained. (a) Estimate the maximum dry density of the combined soils. (b) If a field dry density of 1.54 Mg/m3 is obtained after compaction by a sheepsfoot roller, compute the relative compaction. SOLUTION:
(a) On Fig. 5.4, plot the data point (12.5, 1.85) and draw a compaction curve through the data point maintaing the same general shape as the curves for soil types 3 and 4. Estimated peak value : dmax = 1.88 Mg m

(b) RC =

d field 1.54 100 = 100 = 81.9% dmax 1.88

5-29. A contractor is placing soil in 10-in. loose lifts, each at about 85 pcf. The moisture content is 8% at the time of placement. The optimum water content for this soil is 10%.The contractor has a water truck with a spray bar on the back. How fast should the truck move with the spray running at some flow rate? Make a plot of gal/min from the spray bar (ordinate) versus speed of the truck in mph (abscissa) for the driver to use. Use a spreadsheet to create the data and corresponding plots. Extra credit: Make a similar plot, for a soil with a 6% initial water content. (After D. Elton.) SOLUTION:
(a) w initial = 8% Vt = (w)(x)(t); t = 85 = Wt Vt t = 0.833 ft, w = 1 ft Vt = 0.833x Wt = (85)(0.833x) = 70.8x = Ws + Ww Ws = 65.56x

70.8x = Ws + 0.08Ws

W = Ww final Ww initial = Ws (0.10 0.08) = 0.02Ws W = (0.02)(65.56x) = 1.311x lb ft 1.311x lb ft 0.11987 gal lb = 0.1572x gal ft Multiply (0.1572 gal ft ) by truck speed in units of ft/min to obtain required flow rate in gal/min for an initial water content of 8%. (b) w initial = 6% 70.8x = Ws + 0.06Ws Ws = 66.79x W = Ww final Ww initial = Ws (0.10 0.06) = 0.04Ws W = (0.04)(66.79x) = 2.672x lb ft 2.672x lb ft 0.11987 gal lb = 0.320x gal ft Multiply (0.32 gal ft ) by truck speed in units of ft/min to obtain required flow rate in gal/min for an initial water content of 8%.

2011 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to: Rights and Permissions Department, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.

Compaction and Stabilization of Soils

5-29 continued.
wi = 8% truck speed (mph) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 truck speed (ft/min) 88.00 176.00 264.00 352.00 440.00 528.00 616.00 704.00 792.00 880.00 flow rate (gal/min) 13.83 27.67 41.50 55.33 69.17 83.00 96.84 110.67 124.50 138.34 wi = 6% flow rate (gal/min) 28.16 56.32 84.48 112.64 140.80 168.96 197.12 225.28 253.44 281.60

Chapter 5

900.00 800.00 w-initial = 6% 700.00

Flow Rate (gpm)

wi = 8%

500.00 400.00 300.00 200.00 100.00 0.00 0 5

wi = 6%

w-initial = 8%







Truck Speed (mph)

2011 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by Copyright and written permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to: Rights and Permissions Department, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458.

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