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27 Persiaran Perdana 18-3-2014

Aras 1-4 Blok Podium, 62618 Putrajaya Tel : +60388714000 Fax : 603 - 8890 1640 Email :


Cc: Mr Tony Abbott MP

(Commonwealth of Australia)

Re: 20140318-G. H .Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to A. A. Rahman & Mr Tony Abbott PM- Re: MISSING PLANE

Sir, in my previous correspondences I raised the issue that flight MH370 may have perhaps 15 travelled to Australia.

Why is so little effort given to consider the passengers and crew might still be alive? And, if they are then did the plane have enough fuel to get to Somalia, Australia, India, etc?

20 In my 11-3-2014 correspondence I then already raised the issue;


In my view any airstrip that is within the about 550 kilometres range (the about left over fuel) from where the plane disappeared should be checked out, and perhaps you might locater it stored in a hangar.

25 About a week after I stated this it now seems that the area is at the very least now covering this and even more. My concern is not only the lives of those who were on board but even if they are now held hostage elsewhere if the lives of many others may be at risk by turning the plane into some flying bomb loaded with explosives to be flown in a designated city? This therefore no longer can be deemed to be just a search and rescue but one of possible attack upon any major 30 city and therefore appropriate preventive action must be put in place. What for example would stop someone flying the plane back to Kuala Lumpur loaded with explosives and then fly the plane into the city there? If this were to occur then so to say heads will roll in that the people would never forgive those responsible to protect them for having failed to do so. If the plane was hijacked because of political dissent of the current Malaysian political government then using the 35 plane for this purpose might be the ideal goal of whomever hijacked the plane. QUOTE



Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370s Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah has daughter Aishah Zaharie who was in Australia by: Kristin Shorten and Cindy Wockner From: News Corp Australia 2 hours ago March 17, 2014 6:43PM THE daughter of the pilot, who flew the missing Malaysia Airlines plane, was living in Australia when it mysteriously vanished from radar screens. Aishah Zaharie, who lives in Melbourne, has returned to her family in Malaysia as she awaits news of her father, Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah.

The question then is that if the pilot Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah was the person causing the 50 flight to divert upon his own intentions then may his daughters residence have something to do
p1 18-3-2014 INSPECTOR-RIKATI about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION-DVD A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI series by making a reservation, See also Http:// Blog at Http://

with it. For example, did he make trips to Australia and used this perhaps also to acquire properties in Australia? Did he scout Australia for a possible landing and/or holding hostages, knowing that the terrain is so remote that unlikely anyone would be aware if a plane landed? Are there any food suppliers who suddenly have extra ordinary orders to provide food? Also, 5 considering the perhaps turbulent movement of the plane, as reported, then were passengers injured and what, if a, medical treatment was or is provided to them? As I indicated previously:


Subduing more than 200 passengers and crew wouldnt be an easy task, and if the pilot or co-pilot were involved then they may have had purchases and taken items on board to enable this person to subdue passengers and cabin crew.








Therefore to prevent any passenger. cabin crew to send out a mayday or other call would require some instant subduing of them all, that may be if some canister of teargas or other item was used within the cabin. Meaning that gasmask and other items would have to have been on board of the plane, perhaps smuggled before the plane was ready for the flight. As such security may check if the pilot or co-pilot or even any worker may have left hidden a gasmask or so in the plane for the purpose of the later hijacking. One has to consider that unlikely it could have been a one-man job this as if for argument sake the pilot was involved then someone in the cabin had to subdue the passengers/crew and keep them under control as well as deal with anyone who may be blocking the door to the cockpit. As after all if people were injured or even dead and left blocking the door to the cockpit then the person in charge of the plane couldnt get out. If for example the pilot was the culprit then one may have to look at if any of the passengers/crew was say of the same political philosophy as the captain and so could have been an accomplish. In my view the Australian Government ought to have its military and other radar systems checked if there were any unidentified aircrafts flying into Australia during the day that flight MH370 went missing. How many islands are there near or around Australia at which the plane could have caused to land in the ocean so the passengers could be held hostage, even if the plane was lost by this? After all, passengers and crew might be held hostage for purpose of releasing a person held in imprisonment! I see no purpose for anyone to fly into the Indian Ocean after flying 7 or so hours to crash the plane and killing everyone aboard as then whomever was in control could have done so when taking control of the plane. And when the plane lost dramatically altitude it could have been left to crash in the ocean if that was the end goal. Hence, I view that the plane and/or the passengers/crew served a purpose to keep the plane flying. In my view the person(s) having control of the plane had the purpose to land it. More than likely one or more passengers may be dead already. Perhaps to subdue others someone may have killed a passenger as a warning to others that if they caused any problem then they too would die. Controlling more than 200 persons would require extra ordinary action that give them a clear message not to try anything, not even to use a mobile or other instrument. Other than using a canister to cause them to be immediately killed or caused to be unconscious the killing of one or more passengers may give a quicker result. And this is beside the passengers who may have been unrestrained when the plane suddenly went down a significant distance and so may have resulted to many having ended up being injured, and likely some dead. If you contemplate the above possible scenario then have the appropriate services on standby and it may safe many lives the moment they are located. Obviously, whomever holds the hostages may have contemplated any rescue mission, and have perhaps the passengers at different locations to prevent the loss of all hostages. Hence, caution is required and also not ignore the danger of a flying bomb! Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Friends call me Gerrit)



Our name is our motto!)

p2 18-3-2014 INSPECTOR-RIKATI about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION-DVD A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI series by making a reservation, See also Http:// Blog at Http://

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