Hydrological Modeling Chapter1 2

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Introduction Hydrological Modelling

Dr. Lothar Zimmermann

Bavarian Forest Institute


For questions: Lothar.Zimmermann@lwf.uni-muenchen.de


Hydrological Modeling 1

Lecture: Hydrological Modeling

Short description:
Overview in application of hydrological models in water ressources management in order to quantify effects of land use and climate change on water budget (ground water recharge) and flood generation

Aim of the course:

General knowledge about hydrological

problems and their solution by models

practical work experience with a model introduction towards sophisticated models
Zimmermann Hydrological Modeling 2

What is Hydrological Modeling Good for?

Climate and land use change and its impacts on the water budget, discharge and water quality Extremes
Flood forecast and protection Drought and low flows

River management
Ground water management


Hydrological Modeling 3

Structure of the lecture

1. Water budget and its components (Review) 2. Model theory for water budget models 3. Change of land use and effects for water and element budget 4. Climate change scenarios 5. Practical examples with BROOK90


Hydrological Modeling 4

Water Circle Components of a Landscape

Precipitation (rain, snow) River flow, discharge

Transpiration and Interception from plants

Evaporation from bare soil Soil Percolation Overland flow

Transpiration and Interzeption from plants

Interflow Soil Percolation Soil SoilPercolation Percolation Capillary rise Groundwater flow
(mod. after Bremicker 1999)


Hydrological Modeling 5

water Budget

Precipitation (P): Rainfall, snowfall, (fog, dew) Evapotranspiration : Transpiration (T) from plants through stomata (ET) Interception (I) from wet plant surfaces Evaporation (E) from bare soil Runoff (R): Overland flow, surface stormflow RO Interflow RI(surface near lateral flow in the soil) Ground water flow RG(exfiltration from ground water aquifers), base flow Storage (S): Change in Soil and Ground Water Storage ET= E + I + T

P = ET + R +/- S
R= RO + RI + RG
Zimmermann Hydrological Modeling 6

Water budget components in the Eastern U.S

(Hewlett 1982)


Hydrological Modeling 7

Precipitation: Measurement of Rainfall

German Hellmann collector 200cm

Unit: 1 l/m2*d = 1 mm/d


(Maidment 1982)

Hydrological Modeling 8

Precipitation: Correction for systematic undercatch

3 main errors: Wind Evaporation Interception 10% 2-3% 2-3%

Mean rain gauge deficiency for snowfall of US gauges in dependence on wind speed
(Maidment 1982)

Wind shield
(Dyck&Peschke 1995)


Hydrological Modeling 9

Precipitation: Measurement of snow height and water equivalent

Water equivalent: Depth of water produced by the melted snow

Snowpack depth

Water equivalent=snow density [kg/m**3]*snow depth [m]

Zimmermann Hydrological Modeling 10

Areal Precipitation: IDW Inverse Distance Weighting

Catchment with precipitation gauges point precipitation Catchment with areal precipitation


Hydrological Modeling 11

Variability of Precipitation
Precipitation DWD-Weihenstephan year/vegetation period in comparison to long-term average (1951-80 resp. since 1995 : 1961-90)


Hydrological Modeling 12

Evapotranspiration: Measurement


Evaporation pan


Hydrological Modeling 13

Evapotranspiration: Energy and Water Budget

Energy balance
Energy flux densities

L. E

Water balance


Rn: G: H: L.E:

radiation balance, net radiation [W/m2] heat flow in the ground [W/m2] sensible heat flux [W/m2] latent heat flux [W/m2]
Hydrological Modeling 14

Energy flux densities

Latent heat and evapotranspiration - units In general:


energy flux density density of water latent heat of water

For E:


E: L.E:

Evaporation, Evapotranspiration Latent heat flux density


density of water [1000 kg m-3]

latent heat of water [2.45*106 J kg-1] at 21.5C L= 2501-2.37*T [kJ*kg-1] T in C
Hydrological Modeling 15


Potential evapotranspiration
Maximum possible evapotranspiration under given climatic conditions

2 * If
Short-cut grass is in the midst of a large, unbroken, similarly vegetated stretch of land

Soil moisture is so plentiful that uptake by plants is not inhibited

Advantage: Calculation by meteorological quantities

(air temperature, relative humidity, net or global radiation, sunshine duration, windspeed)
Zimmermann Hydrological Modeling 16

Potential evapotranspiration: Upper limit

Water equivalent of net radiation

Rn L

Rn: net radiation [W m-2]

The water equivalent of net radiation is the upper limit for potential evapotranspiration if sensible (H) and ground heat flux (G) is neglected (see energy balance). It describes that all net incoming radiative energy is completely used for the evaporation of water, so it assumes that no bodies are warmed (heat flow in the ground G) or that air is warmed and bubbles up as eddy (sensible heat flow). For real calculations the terms of H and G cannot be neglected. From energy balance:


G, H neglected
Hydrological Modeling 17

Potential evapotranspiration: Formulae I

Haude: [mm/d]


f (es


e: vapour pressure at 2 pm localtime

es: saturation vapour pressure at 2 pm [hPa] f: monthly proportional factor (empirical)

Vapour deficit driven by air temperature and therefore indirectly by radiation

Zimmermann Hydrological Modeling 18

Empirical monthly factors dependent on vegetation type


Hydrological Modeling 19

Haude: Empirical monthly factors also dependent on altitude

Upper physical limit of ET


Hydrological Modeling 20

Potential evapotranspiration: Formulae II

: s:


s s

* Rn G

1.26 (arid: 1.74) slope of vapour pressure curve e(T) [hPa*K-1]

Rn: G:

psychrometric constant [hPa*K-1]

net radiation [Wm-2] ground heat flow [Wm-2]

Psychrometric constant :
= air pressure p [Pa]* specific heat of air at constant pressure [J*kg-1*K-1] / (m*L) [J*kg-1] m: ratio of individual gas constants for water vapor and dry air =0.622

= 0.016286 * p/L

p=1013.25 hPa, T=15.2C

= 0.67hPa*K-1


Hydrological Modeling 21

Potential evapotranspiration: Formulae III


Wind function Slope of the saturation vapor curve Latent heat of water

Rn s* L s

f ( u) ( e s


f(u)=0.26 (1+0,54u) s=4098T / (237.3+T) L=2501-2.37T

[mm/hPa] [hPa/K] [kJ/kg]

u in m/s T in C

From all three formulae for potential evapotranspiration PENMAN is the most pyhsically based one since it considers radiation vapour deficit ventilation (wind) as the three meteorological driving forces of evapotranspiration.


Hydrological Modeling 22

Actual Evapotranspiration PENMAN-MONTEITH


Hydrological Modeling 23

Evapotranspiration: Comparison of ETP

Potential Evapotranspiration Schluchsee/Black Forest
900 800 700 600


500 400 300 200 100 0

Rn / L Penman Priestley-Taylor Haude forest Water balance P-R

88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 mean

Hydrological Years


Hydrological Modeling 24

Variability of Evapotranspiration
Evapotranspiration acc. to Haude and climatic water balance DWD Weihenstephan 1991-2001


Hydrological Modeling 25

Soil water


Hydrological Modeling 26

Soil Retention: Measurement of Soil Moisture

5 c m T h e rm o f h e l r 1 0 c m T h e rm o f h e l T , r D R -S o n d e 2 0 c m T e n s o i m e e t T , r D R -S o n d e 5 0 c m 9 0 c m D a a t o l g g e r S a e tt i l 1 8 0 c m T e n s o i m e e t T , r D R -S o n d e 1 3 0 c m

2 m

3 m


Hydrological Modeling 27

Measurement of soil water content by TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry) Quantity: volumetric water content [cm3/cm3 or volume-%) Principle: Retardation of propagation velocity of electromagnetic waves in wet soil High dielectric constant of water ( =82) compared to dry soil ( < 5) and air ( = 1) Strong correlation between dielectric constant in the soil and volumetric water content


Hydrological Modeling 28

Annual variation of soil water content


Hydrological Modeling 29

Matric potential

The matric potential describes with how much energy, as a result of the soils capillary and adhesive forces, water is hold by the soil [hPa, cm WC]

(Hewlett 1982)


Hydrological Modeling 30

Change of Matric Potentials within a Field

m . NN 465


460 Gleyic features 455


Erosion spillway

Surface Morphology and stratigraphy influence soil moisture and runoff generation


















Transect of tensiometers in 90 cm depth: change of matric potentials in dependent on site and slope position

Annual variation of
Open-field precipitation

Potential evapotranspiration

Matric potential (soil moisture)

Snow cover


Hydrological Modeling 32

Runoff: Registration of Water Level


Hydrological Modeling 33

Runoff: Measurement of Flow Velocity I

R Runoff, discharge = flow velocity * river profile area A (width*water depth) R = v*A


Hydrological Modeling 34

Runoff: Measurement of Flow Velocity II

(Hewlett 1982)


Hydrological Modeling 35

Runoff: Stage-Discharge Curve I

Discharge [m3/s] = f (Water level (Stage))


Hydrological Modeling 36

Runoff: Stage-Discharge Curve II

(Hewlett 1982)


Hydrological Modeling 37

Example for monitoring water and element fluxes

Lage der Position ofWehre weirs und Drnagen and drains

100 m
Acker 19




automatic sampler
60 V-weir pressure gauge


A5 A3

A2 A1
Acker 20





Here, discharge and element concentration are continuously monitored and stored in a data logger.

V-notch, sharp crested weir

Defined relation between h and Q Q=1.34*h2.48


Hydrological Modeling 39

Catchment area

(Hewlett 1982)


Hydrological Modeling 40

Catchment I
impermeable Surface catchment

Ground water


Underground catchment

Water divide


Hydrological Modeling 41

Catchment II
Definition: A catchment is the area in horizontal projection in km, limited by water divides through which at a certain point of the river all discharge originates The water divide can be constructed in a topographical map including isohypses. It starts from a point at the river (river profile) by cutting the isohypses vertically.


Hydrological Modeling 42

Surface and Subsurface Catchment


Hydrological Modeling 43

Groundwater Definitions I


Hydrological Modeling 44

Groundwater Definitions II
Ground water recharge for confined aquifer Piezometric surface



The height of the water table of a confined ground water aquifer depends on the highest point of its watertable, even if not present it defines the piezometric surface
Zimmermann Hydrological Modeling 45

Flow regime in dependence on geology

Salt river: impermeable, shallow soils (clayey glacial till) Manistee River: deep, permeabale soils


Hydrological Modeling 46

Structure of the lecture

1. Water budget and its components (Review) 2. Model theory for water budget models 3. Change of land use and effects for water and element budget 4. Climate change scenarios 5. Practical examples with BROOK90


Hydrological Modeling 47

Land use


Hydrological Modeling 48

Natural Land use change

Bavarian Forest National Park No countermeasures against bark beetles


Hydrological Modeling 49

Water Budget Model as Scenario Tool

Hydrometeorology River bed parameter Basin characterisitics

State of the System

Discharge Input for Water quality and ground water models Change in the state of the system (scenario) controllable Operational forecast
Zimmermann Hydrological Modeling 50

What is a system, a process, a model?

Input p System Output q

A model describes a system and its processes. A system is an unit of elements which is separated from its environment and relates an input of element, energy or information to an output of element, energy or information in its time pattern to each other. A process is defined as quantitative or qualitative change with time. For hydrological processes, in most cases, the coordinates of a water body or particle are changed, together with a change in temperature, pressure or other properties of water. They are often non-linear.

The operation of the system is modelled.

Zimmermann Hydrological Modeling 51

Model requirements
A model should include:
basic laws (continuity, geometry, boundary conditions) structure of the system parameters of the system

A model is an idealized abstraction of reality. Models should be represetative of real systems.

Zimmermann Hydrological Modeling 52

Hydrological System

A catchment (watershed) or a defined section between two gauges at a river or a lake is a system. It consists out of subsystems like land surface (plant canopy), soil, groundwater, river bed, epi- and hypolimnion etc.
Zimmermann Hydrological Modeling 53

Classification of hydrological models

Aim of the model application?
real-time forecasting, scenarios, planning

Which type of system is modelled?

aquifers, catchment, river section

Which hydrological process or variable?

infiltration, ET, ground water recharge

Which degree of deterministic behaviour (cause-effect relationships)?

Zimmermann Hydrological Modeling 54

Overview of hydrological models

Deterministic Models (Cause-Effect-Relations Fundamental Laws (Hydrodynam.) Conceptual Models Stochastic Models (Statistical relations) Black Box Models

Distributed Models (areal-detailed information)

Lumped Models (no/coarse spatial partitioning)


Elementary Unit Areas

Larger Subareas

Statistical distribution

No Distribution


Hydrological Modeling 55

Stochastic models
Probalistic models
probability distribution functions of certain hydrological variables (extremes: floods, low flows, heavy precipitation events etc.) Described by parameters of the probability distribution function: mean, variance, curtosis etc.

Time series models

Used for the extrapolation in time of hydrological variables with their statistical properties maintained (Auto-regression, moving average and combination out of both)


Hydrological Modeling 56

Description of process in dependence on spatial process resolution (acc.to Becker 1995)

Scale Length Area Process description
Basic physical laws


< 100 m

< 0,01 km2


0,1 30 km

0,01-1000 km2

Physically based conceptual models


>30 km

>1000 km2

Conceptual models


Hydrological Modeling 57

Discretization in space and time

Discretization in time
According to the aim of the modeling different time steps have to be used (e.g. floods, urban drainage down to minutes, water budget daily to monthly)

Discretization in space
Input data, parameters which describe the basin (topography, land use, soils)and resulting fluxes of energy and mass are spatially heterogeneous

Raster, homogeneous areas, larger subareas or statistical distribution


Hydrological Modeling 58

Example spatial discretization

Subcatchments as block models

Zones or hydrotopes, for element transport further separated into segments or cascades

Regular raster


Hydrological Modeling 59

Scale and regionalization problem

Aims, contents and methods of the hydrological models are different according to the scale considered.
The bigger the scale, the simpler the approach.

Loss of information through aggregation (e.g. aggregation of land use). Difficulty to transfer the model results of one catchment to another catchment (regionalization) since the hydrological factors (relief, soils, geology, land use, climate) are very complex and interact in a very complex, non-linear pattern.
Zimmermann Hydrological Modeling 60

Complex hydrological factors: hydrotopes


Hydrological Modeling 61

Errors in hydrological models Error of model: Decreases with increasing model complexity Error of measurement (input data) Increases with increasing model complexity since data demand increase

Total error
Input error model error Model complexity


Hydrological Modeling 62

Lumped Water Budget Model

Deterministic Models (Cause-Effect-Relations Fundamental Laws (Hydrodynam.) Conceptual Models Stochastic Models (Statistical relations) Black Box Models

Distributed Models (areal-detailed information)

Lumped Models (no/coarse spatial partitioning)

Elementary Unit Areas

Larger Subareas

Statistical distribution

No Distribution


Hydrological Modeling 63

Water Budget Model Structure

Due to the complexity of the hydrologic system the hydrologic processes are describes in modules (subroutines).

Modules are:
precipitation potential evapotranspiration snow melt overland and river flow unsaturated and saturated soil zone exchange between ground water and river etc. The modular structure has the advantage that according to the aim of the modeling more sophisticated approaches can be chosen.
Hydrological Modeling 64

(Hewlett 1982)


Input data- in general

Process variables
Precipitation, global radiation or sunshine duration, relative humidity, air temperature, wind

Physical plot or basin characteristics

Catchment area, latitude, slope, exposition, mean elevation height, land use, porosity of the soil, field capacity, permanent wilting point, root depth, land use, LAI etc.

Model parameter
precipitation correction, interception and land surface storage capacity, storage constants, percentage of overland flow, temperature limit for snow/rain, snow melt temperature, day degree factor for snow melt, retention factor for snow cover, starting values for the storages

Test and control data

Discharge, percentage of ground water flow, soil moisture and evapotranspiration measurements at certain points


Hydrological Modeling 65

Lumped Water Budget Model BROOK90

Short description


Hydrological Modeling 66

Modeling of subsystem: Precipitation

Precipitation PREC has to be corrected for systematic undercatch outside the model while pre-processing the meteorological input data, then division into snowfall fraction (SFAL) and rainfall (RFAL), these are further divided into the fractions which are intercepted (SINT, RINT) and which fall through the canopy (RTHR, RTHR). Throughfall is further reduced by the amount of rain which is stored within the snow cover (SNOW). The snow cover is reduced by evaporation (SNVP) and snow melt (SMLT) while the last is added with the remaining throughfall to the net rainfall (RNET).
Hydrological Modeling 67


Concept of variably saturated source areas

From Maidment
Zimmermann Hydrological Modeling 68

Modeling of subsystem: Runoff formation

Net rainfall RNET is divided into surface runoff (SRFL) and into infiltration into the soil (SLFL). The soil water storage (SWATI (1->n)) consists of several layers. The infiltration SLFL which can be regarded as fast deep infiltration by macropores is divided into two components within the soil: first infiltration by macropores in each layer (INFL(1->n)) of the soil matrix, second a fast downslope bypass flow through pipes (BYFL(1->n)) which does not enter the soil matrix. Within the soil we have a vertical matrix flow (VRFL(I)), when layers are saturated another downslope, slow flow (DSFL) is generated.
Hydrological Modeling 69


Lumped Water Budget Model BROOK90

Flow components

SRFL: Overland flow BYFL: Bypass flow

SLFL: surface infiltration INFL: macropore infiltration VRFL: vertical matric flow DSFL: slope parallel interflow GWFL: ground water flow

Zimmermann Hydrological Modeling 70

Modeling of subsystem: Evapotranspiration

From each soil layer according to root density water is withdrawn through transpiration (TRAN(I->n)), from the first soil layer in addition also soil evaporation (SLVP) takes place, if snow cover is present snow evaporation (SNVP) as well, the interception storages (INTR, INTS) are emptied as well by interception evaporation (IRVP, ISVP)


Hydrological Modeling 71

Input data- Brook90

Process variables [unit] in dfile.dat
[MJ cm-2d-1] [C] [kPa] [m/s] [mm/d] [mm/d]

global radiation maximum and minimum of air temperature vapour pressure wind speed precipitation Discharge


Hydrological Modeling 72

Input data- in general

Process variables
Precipitation, global radiation or sunshine duration, relative humidity, air temperature, wind

Physical plot or basin characteristics

Catchment area, latitude, slope, exposition, mean elevation height, land use, porosity of the soil, field capacity, permanent wilting point, root depth, land use, LAI etc.

Model parameter
precipitation correction, interception and land surface storage capacity, storage constants, percentage of overland flow, temperature limit for snow/rain, snow melt temperature, day degree factor for snow melt, retention factor for snow cover, starting values for the storages

Test and control data

Discharge, percentage of ground water flow, soil moisture and evapotranspiration measurements at certain points


Hydrological Modeling 73

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