IV International Astronomy Olympiad THN 99

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IV International Astronomy Olympiad

Crimean Laboratory of SAI MSU and Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, s. Na chny!, September "# $ October ", %&&&.

'roblems to solve (heoretical ro nd

Text of these problems is available also in other languages. To solve every problem you may use constants and well-known values you know by heart. )ro p A *! niors, + %, years old-. %. The apparent diameter of the Moon, as seen from the Earth, is 31'. hat is the ima!e diameter in the ob"ective focal plane if its focal len!th is #$% cm and the ob"ective diameter is %& cm' (raw a fi!ure )a few fi!ures* to e+plain your calculations. ". , photometer is mounted on a 1#$ cm )focal len!th* telescope. -an you observe a star with ma!nitude a. $m b. 1&m c. 1$m in a cluster if a count from a star of a similar spectral type with ma!nitude .m !ives %&&& counts/second' The level of white noise of the photometer )instrumental noise* is $&& counts/second0 the upper limitin! value for observations is #&&&&& counts/second. E+plain your calculations. )ro p . *seniors, / %, years old-. %. 1ne star peaks at #&&& ,. ,nother peaks at 1&&&& ,. hich one emits more radiation at #&&& ,' hich one emits more radiation at 1&&&& ,' hat is the ratio of the total radiation emitted by the two stars' -onsider the stars as black bodies. ". En!ineers from the 2imferopol 3niversity describe a new method to utili4e old military ships5 to construct very small black holes from their material )patent y4arc&%.3,6*. Estimate the diameter of a black hole constructed usin! this patent from a ship with the mass of $&&& tn )1 tn 7 1&&& k!*. hat physical ob"ect has a si4e of the same order of ma!nitude' (escribe propa!ation of visible li!ht near this black hole. Other problems *0$&- are for the both *A and .- 1ro ps2

(heoretical ro nd
0. here )on the Earth* and when is it possible to observe the sunrise with the lon!est duration' Estimate its duration. 3. 3sually we consider that there are about 8&&& stars in the whole sky which are visible by our eyes. Estimate, how many visible stars are circumpolar )which means that they never set*5 a. if you are placed 1 from the 9orth :ole. b. if you are placed 1 from the E;uator )to the 9orth*. 1

9ote5 formula for sphere's area calculation5 2 7 %<#. #. ,n airship started from a cosmodrome located near the e;uator of the earth at the moment of a sunset. , pilot of the airship wants to continue to observe the sun on the hori4on. hat should the speed of movin! of the airship be' (escribe in detail the motion of the air ship. ,. 2uppose that a total solar eclipse is observed from a place at the e;uator when the sun is in 4enith. ,lso, suppose that the shadow of the moon moves alon! the e;uator. -alculate the speed of the shadow relative to the observer.

'ractical ro nd
4. rite the observational pro!ram for this ni!ht on a %&-cm telescope. hat stars would you observe this ni!th' rite se;uence of the observations. 2tars to observe5

V (mag) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Aql Per Cyg R Aqr Ori RW Vir 3m.5 2.1 14.2 12.4 1.3 6.7

19h 49m.9 3 04.9 19 48.6 23 41.2 5 52.4 12 04.7

(1950) 0 53 40 46 32 47 -15 34 7 24 -6 29

Moon rise5 #15165#8, phase &.66 2ideral time for &h s& 7 &5315&% =ou may use all observational time )since #&h till $h 3& min*. >ocal time >T73T?3 -oordinates of observatory 7 #h18m 7 %%%3 :ut your result into the table5 Star Interval of ob ervation

2tars that could not be included in the pro!ram5 E+planations and notes5

5. , li!th curve of eclipsin! binary is shown in the fi!ure. Estimate the ratio of </r in assumin! that the eclipse is central and the small component is fainter.

Observational ro nd
&.%. 9ame the distance between the Moon and @upiter in de!ree. 2how how did you find the result. &.". Aind and name the five bri!htesr stars of autumn sky. &.0. (efine the period since new moon for today. hich one is the bri!htest'

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