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Experiment No. RC PHASE SHIFT OSCILLATOR AIM: To design and set up an R.C. Phase Shift Oscillator using B.J.T.

and to observe the sinusoidal output waveform. COMPONENTS REQUIRED: Transistor BC!"#$%Capacitors "."&#uf'(nos.%((uf%"."!uf$% resistors !) %&.#* (nos$ % !") %+,) %!"" ohms$%breadboard% d.c. source %C.R.O etc. THEORY: -n oscillator is an electronic circuit for generating an a.c. signal voltage with a d.c. suppl. as the onl. input re/uirement. The fre/uenc. of the generated signal is decided b. the circuit constants. The amplifier circuit provides a phase shift of !0" " . -n additional phase shift of !0"" is provided b. the feedbac* RC networ* in such a wa. that each section introduces a phase shift of app1. ,"" at resonant fre/uenc.. The reson nt !re"#en$% &!' ()*+,RC - s"rt*./0*R$ )R111.


Rc 4.7k R1 56k 10n 12 V1 Q1 BC107 C 10n C 10n C

R2 10k

RE 1K CE 22u

R3 4.7k

R 4.7k

RL 4.7k


DC 4i sin5 $on6itions: 2cc 3!42% 5c 356 3!m- % 2C63+"72CC3,2 2R63!"72CC3!.42%choose !2 2RC3&"72CC3&.02 Desi5n o! R+ n6RE3 Choose 83hfe 3!"" 5B 35c9hfe 3!m-9!""3"."!m-. To reduce the loading of voltage divider formed b. R! andR4%b. the input impedence of the transistor %R6 is chosen !" times lower than input impedence of the transistor. R438R69!"%$hoose RE'(7 R+'(87 Desi5n o! R( n6 R$3 Since%56 3!m2R6 356. R63!2 :ence 2R43 2R6 ;2B63!;".#3!.#2 2R432cc.R49 R!;R4$ R! 3 R4 2cc' 2R4$.R49 2R4 3 !4'!.#$!")9!.#3 ,") Choose R('9.7 St6. <e have 2RC3&.02 S" Rc3 2RC95c3&.029!m-3&.0) Use R$'0.:7 St6. Desi5n o! C n6 R o! !ee64 $; net<or;3 Re/uired fre/uenc. of oscillation is f 3!):=. > 3 !9?4@RC s/rt ,;&ARC9RB$C3!):D Ta*e R3&.#)%then C 3 "."!Ef3!"n> Choose =o 6 resistor RL'0.:;. Desi5n o! 4%p ss $ p $itor CE3 To b.pass the lowest fre/uenc. sa.%!"":D$% F C6 should be less than or e/ual to one tenth of resistance R6 ie%FC6GR69!"%then C6H!9 4IP5IfIR69!"$3!9 4IP5I!""I!""$3!,u> Use CE'++#F st6


!. Set up the amplifier part of the oscillator and test the d.c. conditions. 6nsure that the transistor is operating as an amplifier with the re/uired gain. 4. The attenuation factor of the ( RC networ* is !94J. Therefore for sustained oscillations% the gain of the amplifier should be greater than 4J. (. Connect the feedbac* circuit and observe the sine wave on C.R.O. Keasure its amplitude and fre/uenc.. &. Observe the waveform at the base and collector of the transistor simultaneousl. in the C.R.O screen and notice the phase difference between them.





2 215 Time/mSecs 216 217 218 21 220


RESULT3 RC Phase Shift Oscillator is designed and set up. Observed the sinusoidal waveforms on C.R.O. -mplitude of sine wave 3'''2. >re/uenc. of sine wave 3''''):=.

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