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Letter of transmittal

Subject: Analysis of the case "Thomas Green: Power, Office Politics and a Career in Crisis" Dear adam,

As instructed by you, we ha!e "re"ared a re"ort analysin# the "roblems faced by Thomas Green and e!aluated !arious o"tions a!ailable to him$ %e ha!e recommended that he should com"romise and chan#e his wor&in# style to sal!a#e his "rofessional career$ Green is already under immense financial "ressure$ 'e has #ot an o""ortunity to wor& as a Senior ar&etin# S"ecialist at a !ery youn# a#e and also has an e(tremely lucrati!e salary which would alle!iate his "roblems$ )n order to sustain his "osition, we recommend that Green should a#ree to wor& in conformity to Da!is* re+uirements$ The followin# re"ort will #i!e a detailed analysis of Green*s situation, o"tions before Green, e!aluation of these o"tions, our recommendations and a contin#ency "lan$

Sincerely, Grou",-$

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY After wor&in# for fi!e months as an account e(ecuti!e, Thomas Green was directly "romoted as the Senior Shannon ar&et S"ecialist by the !ice "resident of the com"any, cDonald because of immense "otential e(hibited by Green$ 'owe!er,

.ran& Da!is, Green*s boss, did not intend to choose Green as the new senior mar&et s"ecialist$ Green and Da!is disa#reed on wor& styles and mar&et "rojections$ Green

belie!ed that the sales #oals set by Da!is are based on "creati!e accountin#" and he #rossly o!erstated the e(istin# mar&et en!ironment$ A mood of silent conflict de!elo"ed +uic&ly between them$ Da!is was !ery unha""y about Green*s "erformance and wor&in# attitude three months after the "romotion$ Green was concerned that Da!is was buildin# a case to fire him$ After Green learned that his boss had been emailin# cDonald re#ardin# his concern about Green*s "erformance, Green was !ery worried about the situation and did not &now how he should e("lain his "ers"ecti!e to cDonald to sal!a#e his "rofessional carrier$

)n order to sal!a#e his "rofessional carrier, Green could either com"romise by chan#in# his wor& style and wor&in# in conformity with Da!is* re+uirements or escalate to cDonald the "roblems and concerns faced by him and "ro!e his case with credible data$

%e recommend that Green should choose to com"romise as he was a""ointed as senior mar&et s"ecialist des"ite his low e("erience$ 'e was also under hea!y financial burden$ )n order to become a successful mana#er, he should learn to deal with this &ind of situations in his "rofessional life$

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;$ 6ecommendation:$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ; <$ Contin#ency "lan:$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ =

1. SITUATION ANALYSIS Thomas Green, a 5< year old account e(ecuti!e at Dynamic Dis"lays, was "romoted to senior mar&et s"ecialist by >ice President Shannon cDonald$ Green was "roacti!e, dynamic, enthusiastic and hardwor&in# but was ine("erienced in mana#erial s&ills$ 'is immediate boss, :- year old .ran& Da!is was "romoted as ar&etin# Director and wanted to brin# in a "erson of his choice to the "osition !acated by him$ 'owe!er, cDonald, due to the instant bondin# with Green and also because of the immense "otential e(hibited by him, "romoted Green$

Green ? Da!is had fundamentally different ways of wor&in#$ Green was directorial whereas Da!is was an analyser$ %ithin two wee&s of Green*s "romotion, Da!is com"limented Green on his ideas, but did ad!ise him to concentrate more on "re"arin# for client meetin#s, de!elo"in# si#nificant su""ort details for mar&et analysis, which Green i#nored$ )n a 7ud#et "lan meetin#, Green o"enly challen#ed sales "rojections "resented by Da!is, ma&in# him !isibly u"set$ )n the monthly "erformance re!iew, to Green*s sur"rise, Da!is listed out a number of "roblems he had encountered with Green*s wor&$Da!is also mentioned his "erce"tion of Green ha!in# a conser!ati!e and ne#ati!e outloo& to cDonald$ After the "erformance re!iew, Green started wor&in# inde"endently on de!elo"in# a new u" sellin# and cross sellin# software to airline "assen#ers, which won him accolades from other mar&etin# s"ecialists and !arious clients$ Durin# the course of time, Green a!oided meetin#s with Da!is and also continued alle#ations on Da!is for deliberately holdin# the firm with his u"beat "rojections$ )n the ne(t "erformance re!iew, Da!is alle#ed Green of continued deficiencies in his wor& and attitude$ 3ater, Da!is com"lained the same to im"ression that he is about to be fired by Da!is$ cDonald in res"onse to which she sent a short mail to Green as&in# for justification$ Green is now under the


%hat Ste"s should Green ta&e in order to sal!a#e his "rofessional career@

/A Com"romise 5A 8scalate to Shannon cDonald


/A Bob Security 5A Bob Performance 9A %or&,3ife balance


:A Self 8steem -A Professional relationshi"s

Com%romise& Green could let #o his current wor&in# style and start wor&in# in conformity with Da!is* re+uirements$ 'e can try to build relations with Da!is instead of challen#in# him$ 'e also should not !oice his concerns to his collea#ues$ 3ater on, these actions mi#ht e!en con!ince Da!is to "ro!ide a little more fle(ibility to Green$ Es'alate to M'(onal)& Green could directly raise his "roblems and concerns re#ardin# Da!is to %ith credible data, Green could try con!incin# cDonald$

cDonald that Da!is is "rojectin#

inflated fi#ures$ 'e should also establish that it is necessary for him to ha!e fle(ibility and freedom for his way of wor&in# to succeed$ 7ut this mi#ht "ut Green in a !ery ne#ati!e li#ht and further s"oil his relations with his seniors thus threatenin# his job$ The followin# table re"resents e!aluation of o"tions and criteria on which they ha!e been e!aluated$


*o+ Se',rit-

*o+ %erforman' e

.or/0Life +alan'e

Self Esteem

Profession al Relations1i % 4es 2o

Com%romis e Es'alate to M'(onal)

4es ay 7e

ay 7e ay 7e

4es 2o

2o ay 7e


)n !iew of the below mentioned reasons, we recommend the o"tion of Compromise allowin# Green to sal!a#e his "rofessional career$ At 5<, des"ite of ha!in# no mana#erial e("erience, Green was a""ointed as Senior ar&et s"ecialist with a lucrati!e salary of C/5-D$ 'e is not li&ely to find such an o""ortunity elsewhere$ 'e is cri""led by mort#a#e and other major e("enses, hence he cannot afford to fore#o his "osition and salary which is already much hi#her than industry standards$ .urther on, Green currently has no substantial data to "ro!e his "erformance since his "romotion$ 7ut he has a #ood ra""ort with on effort can be further im"ro!ed thus aidin# his future career$ cDonald, which

/$ Green*s res"onse to cDonald*s mail should be brief and should mention that

Green was wor&in# hard to achie!e and was e("erimentin# with what he considered to be correct$ 'e understands the current situation and is ready to wor& hard and learn$ 5$ )n the formal meetin# with cDonald and Da!is, he should state his

willin#ness to chan#e his wor&in# style and learn from his su"eriors$ 9$ Green should "atch u" with Da!is$ :$ Green should sto" raisin# concerns a#ainst Da!is to his collea#ues$

Green could #et in touch with head hunters$ There is a hi#h "robability that Da!is has "ersonal issues with Green$ )n that case, Green*s job would still be threatened e!en if he chan#es his wor&in# style to match Da!is* re+uirements$ 'e must ha!e a job ready for him because his financial ba##a#e is massi!e$ As much as "ossible, Green should not chan#e his job unless and until necessary$



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