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Anggota kelompok: Ignatius Hansel (2012620044) Vicky Victorius Iskandar (2012620050) Thomas Darmasaputra (2012620092) Muhammad Nurifki Filino

(2012620100) Kelas F Rabu, 26 Februari 2014

Tugas: Latihan Soal Titrasi

A. Soal Latihan Kelompok
6-20 A 0.3367-g sample of primary-standard-grade Na2CO3 required 28.66 mL of a H2SO4 solution to reach the end point in the reaction CO32- + 2H+ H2O + CO2(g) What is the molarity of the H2SO4? (Skoog, Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry 7th ed, hlm. 119)

Mr Na2CO3 = 2x23+12+3x16 = 106 g/mol Mol Na2CO3 = = 3.176 x 10-3 mol = 3.1764 mmol

Reaksi: CO32- + 2H+ H2O + CO2(g) 2 mol H+ 1 mol CO32Mol H+ = 2 x 3.1764 mmol = 6.3528 mmol H2SO4 2H+ + SO42Mol H2SO4 = x 6.3528 mmol = mmol M H2SO4 = = 0.11 M

6-28 The thiourea in a 1.455-g sample of organic material was extracted into a dilute H2SO4 solution
and titrated with 37.31 mL of 0.009372 M Hg2+ via the reaction 4(NH2)2CS + Hg2+ [(NH2)2CS]4Hg2+

Calculate the percent (NH2)2CS (76.12 g/mol) in the sample. (Skoog, Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry 7th ed, hlm. 120) Solusi: Mol Hg2+ = 37.31 mL x 0.009372 M = 0.34967 mmol Reaksi: 4(NH2)2CS 1.3987 mmol + Hg2+ 0.34967 mmol [(NH2)2CS]4Hg2+ 0.34967 mmol

Mol (NH2)2CS yang bereaksi = 4 x 0.34967 mmol = 1.3987 mmol Massa (NH2)2CS dalam campuran = (1.3987 x 10-3)mol x 76.12 g/mol = 0.10647 g Persentase (NH2)2CS dalam campuran = = x 100% x 100%

= 7.317 % (NH2)2CS

6-30 A solution of Ba(OH)2 was standardized against 0.1016 g of primary-standard-grade benzoic acid C6H5COOH (122.12 g/mol). An end point was observed after addition of 44.42 mL of base. (a) Calculate the molarity of the base. (b) Calculate the standard deviation of the molarity if the standard deviation for weighing was 0.2 mg and that for the volume measurement was 0.03 mL. (c) Assuming an error of 0.3 mg in the weighing, calculate the absolute and relative systematic error in the molarity (Skoog, Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry 7th ed, hlm. 120) Solusi: (a) Mol asam benzoat = = 8.3197 x 10-4 mol = 0.832 mmol

Reaksi: 2C6H5COOH + Ba(OH)2 (C6H5COO)2Ba + 2H2O 2 mol C6H5COOH 1 mol Ba(OH)2 Mol Ba(OH )2 = x 0.832 mmol = 0.416 mmol M Ba(OH)2 = (b) = ( ) = ( ( ) ) = 9.36 x 10-3 M ( ) ( )

= 2.0811 x 10-3

sy = y x ( 0.01252) = 9.36 x 10-3 M x ( 2.0811 x 10-3) = 1.95 x 10-5 M (c) Error -0.3 mg, massa Ba(OH)2 = (0.1016 x 103)mg 0.3 mg = 101.3 mg Mol asam benzoat (error) = = 8.3197 x 10-4 mol = 0.8295 mmol Reaksi: 2C6H5COOH + Ba(OH)2 (C6H5COO)2Ba + 2H2O 2 mol C6H5COOH 1 mol Ba(OH)2 Mol Ba(OH )2 = x 0.8295 mmol = 0.414756 mmol M Ba(OH)2 (error) = Relative error = = 9.337 x 10-3 M = -2.95 x 10-3 = -2.95 ppt Absolute error = 9.337 x 10-3 M 9.36 x 10-3 M = -2.7652 x 10-5 M

a. A 0.3147-g sample of primary standard Na2C2O4 was dissolved in dilute H2SO4 and titrated with 31,672 g of dilute KMnO4. Calculate the weight molarity of the KMnO4 solution. (Skoog, Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry 7th ed, hlm. 121) Solution: moles of Na2C2O4 = = 0.00235 moles

moles of dilute KMnO4 = 0.00235 moles x moles of dilute KMnO4 = 0.00094 moles Weight molarity = = = =

b. The iron in a 0.6656-g ore sample was reduced quantitatively to the + 2 state and then titrated with 26.753 g of the KMnO4 solution. Calculate the percent Fe2O3 in the sample. Solusi: 5Fe2+ + MnO4- + 8H+ 5Fe3+ + Mn2+ + 4H2O Mol KMnO4 = = 0.1693 mol

Mol Fe2+ = 5 x mol KMnO4 =0.8466139 mol 5 mol Fe2O3 10 Fe2+ 2KMnO4 mol Fe2O3 : mol KMnO4 = 5 : 2 Mol Fe2O3 = x 0.8466139 mol = 2.11653475 mol Mr Fe2O3 = 2x56 + 3x16 = 160 g/mol Massa Fe2O3 = mol Fe2O3 x Mr Fe2O3 = 2.11653475 mol x 160 g/mol = 338.64556 g Persentase Fe2O3 = x 100% = 50878.24%

14-18 A 1.509-g sample of a Pb/Cd alloy was disolved in acid and diluted to exactly 250.0 mL in a volumetric flask. A 50.00-mL aliquot of the diluted solution was brought to a pH of 10.0 with an NH4+/NH3 buffer. The subsequent titration involved both cations and required 28.89 mL of 0.06950 M EDTA. A second 50.00-mL aliquot was brought to a pH of 10.0 with an HCN/NaCN buffer, which also served to mask the Cd2+; 11.56 mL of the EDTA solution were needed to titrate the Pb2+. Calculate the percent Pb and Cd in the sample. (Skoog, Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry 7th ed, hlm. 301) Solusi: Mol total = mol (Cd2+ + Pb2+) = 28.89 mL x 0.06950 M = 2.00786 mmol Mol EDTA = 0.06950 M x 11.56 mL = 0.80342 mmol EDTA 1 mol Pb2+ 1 mol EDTA mol Pb2+ = 0.80342 mmol Mol Cd2+ = mol total mol Pb2+ = 2.00786 mmol 0.80342mmol = 1.20444 mmol Cd2+ Massa Pb2+ = 0.80342 mmol x 10-3 mol/mmol x 207.2 g/mol = 0.1665 g Massa Cd2+ = 1.20444 mmol x 10-3 mol/mmol x 112.4 g/mol = 0.1354 g Massa sampel = 1.509 g x Persentase Pb2+ di sampel = Persentase Cd2+ di sampel = = 0.3018 g x 100% = 55.16 % Pb2+ x 100% = 44.86 % Cd2+

B. Soal Individu (Titrasi Pengendapan dan Titrasi Kompleksometri)

Hansel (NPM: 2012620044) 6-24 Titration of the I2 produced from 0.1238 g of primary standard KIO3 required 41.27 mL of sodium thiosulfate

Calculate the molarity of the Na2S2O3 solution. (Skoog, Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry 7th ed, hlm. 277)

Solusi: Mr KIO3 = (39+127+3x16)g/mol = 214 g/mol Mol of KIO3 = = 5.785x10-4 mol

Mol I2 = 3 x mol KIO3 = 3 x 5.785x10-4 mol = 1.7355x10-3 mol Mol Na2S2O3 = 2 x mol I2 = 2 x 1.7355x10-3 mol = 3.47x10-3 mol Konsentrasi Na2S2O3 = = 0.0841 M

14-15 An EDTA solution was prepared by dissolving approximately 4 g of the disodium salt in approximately 1L of water. An average of 42.35 mL of this solution was required to titrate 50.00-mL aliquots of a standard that contained 0.7682 g of MgCO3 per liter. Titration of a 25.00-mL sample of mineral water at pH 10 required 18.81 mL of the EDTA solution. A 50.00-mL aliquot of the mineral water was rendered strongly alkaline to precipitate the magnesium at Mg(OH)2. Titration with a calcium-specific indicator required 31.54 mL of the EDTA solution. Calculate (a) the molarity of the EDTA solution, (b) the concentration of CaCO3 in the mineral water (ppm), (c) the concentration of MgCO3 in the mineral water (ppm). (Skoog, Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry 7th ed, hlm. 301) Solusi: Diketahui konsentrasi MgCO3 = 0.7682 g/L Volume MgCO3 = 50 mL Mr MgCO3 = (24+12+3x16) g/mol = 84 g/mol Volume EDTA= 42.35 mL (a) mol MgCO3 = = 9.1452 x 10-3 mol = 9145.2 mmol = 9.1452 x 10-3 M

Misal volume larutan = 1L, maka konsentrasi molar MgCO3 =

Volume MgCO3 = 50 mL, maka mol MgCO3 = 9.1452 x 10-3 M x 50 mL= 0.45726 mmol Mg2+ + EDTA -> MgEDTA ; sehingga perbandingan EDTA dengan MgCO3 = 1:1 Mol EDTA = mol MgCO3 = 0.45726 mmol Jadi, molaritas larutan EDTA = = 0.0108 M EDTA


Konsentrasi total CaCO3 dan MgCO3 = Mol CaCO3 : mol EDTA = 1:1, maka konsentrasi CaCO3 =

= 8.126 x 10-3 M
= 6.812 x 10-3 M

mol CaCO3 pada air mineral = konsentrasi x volume = 6.812 x 10-3 M x 1mL = 6.812 x 10-3 mmol massa CaCO3 = 6.812 x 10-3 mmol x = 6.812 x 10-1 mg = = 6.812 x 10-4 g

ppm CaCO3 = 6.812 x 10-4 g x 106 ppm/g = 681.2 ppm (c) Konsentrasi MgCO3 = konsntrasi total konsentrasi CaCO3 = 8.126 x 10-3 M - 6.812 x 10-3 M = 1.314 x 10-3 M Mol MgCO3 = M x V = 1.314 x 10-3 M x 1mL = 1.314 x 10-3 mmol massa MgCO3 = 1.314 x 10-3 mmol x = 0.11038 mg = = 0.11038 x 10-3 g

ppm MgCO3 = 0.11038 x 10-3 g x 106 ppm/g = 110.38 ppm

Vicky (NPM: 2012620050) 13-11 Titration of a 0.485-g sample by the Mohr method required 36.8 ml of standard 0.1060 M AgNO3 solution. Calculate the percentage of chloride in the sample. (Skoog, Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry 7th ed, hlm. 276) Solusi: Mol AgNO3 yang bereaksi = 36.8 mL x 0.1060 M = 3.9 mmol Mol AgNO3 yang bereaksi = mol klorida yang bereaksi = 3.9 mmol Massa klorida = 3.9 mmol x 35.5 mg/mmol = 138.45 mg Persentase klorida = (138.45 mg/485 mg) x 100% = 28.546%

14-13 The Cr plating on the surface that measured 3 x 4 cm was dissolved in HCl. The pH was suitably justed, following which 15 ml of 0.01768 M EDTA were introduced. The excess reagent required a 4.3 ml back titration with 0.008120 M Cu2+. Calculate the average mass of Cr on each square centimeter of surface. (Skoog, Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry 7th ed, hlm. 301) Solusi: Mol EDTA = 15 mL x 0.01768 M= 0.2652 mmol EDTA Mol Cu2+ = 4.3 mL x 0.008120 M = 0.0349 mmol Cu2+ Cu2+ m: r: s: 0.0349 mmol 0.0349 mmol + EDTA 0.2652 mmol 0.0349 mmol 0.2303 mmol Cu(EDTA) 0.0349 mmol

mol EDTA : mol Cr3+ dalam stoikiometri = 1:1 Mol yang bereaksi = 0.2652 0.0349 = 0.2303 mmol Massa Cr = 0.2303 mmol x 52 mg/mmol = 11.9756 mg Luas permukaan Cr = 3cm x 4cm = 12 cm2 Perbandingan massa Cr per cm2 luas = = = 0.9979 mg/cm2

Thomas (NPM: 2012620092) 13-25 The action of an alkaline I2 solution upon the rodenticide warfarin, C19H16O4 (308.34 g/mol), results in the formation of 1 mol of iodoform, CHI3 (393.73 g/mol), for each mole of the parent compound reacted. Analysis for warfarin can then be based upon the reaction between CHI3 and Ag+: CHI3 + 3Ag+ + H2O 3AgI(s) + 3H+ + CO(g) The CHI3 produced from a 13.96-g sample was treated with 25.00 mL of 0.02979 M AgNO3, and the excess Ag+ was then titrated with 2.85 mL of 0.05411 M KSCN. Calculate the percentage of the warfarin in the sample. (Skoog, Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry 7th ed, hlm. 277)

Solusi: Mol AgNO3 mula-mula = 25 mL x 0.02979 M = 0.74475 mmol Mol KSCN = 2.85 mL x 0.05411 M = 0.1542 mmol mol AgNO3 yang bereaksi = mol AgNO3 mula-mula - mol KSCN = 0.74475 mmol - 0.1542 mmol = 0.5905 mmol Mol AgNO3 = mol Ag+ = 0.5905 mmol mol CHI3 = x mol Ag+ = x 0.5905 mmol = 0.1968 mmol Massa CHI3 = 0.1968 mmol x 308.34 mg/mmol = 60.695 mg Massa warfarin = massa CHI3 = 60.695 mg Persentase warfarin pada sampel = x 100% = 0.4348%

14-14 The Tl in a 9.76 g sample of rodenticide was oxidized to the trivalent state and treated with an unmeasured excess of Mg/EDTA solution. The reaction is Tl3+ + MgY2- TlY- + Mg2+ Titration of the liberated Mg2+ required 13.34 mL of 0.03560 M EDTA. Calculate the percentage of Tl2SO4 (504.8 g/mol) in the sample. (Skoog, Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry 7th ed, hlm. 301) Solution: Mole of EDTA = 0.0356 M x 13.34 mL = 0.475 mmol Mol Tl2SO4 : mol EDTA = 1:2, then mol of Tl2SO4 = 0.5 x mol EDTA = 0.5 x 0.475 mmol = 0.237 mmol Mr Tl2SO4 = (2x204+32+4x16)g/mol = 504 g/mol Mass of Tl2SO4 = 0.237x10-3 mol x 504 g/mol = 0.1197 g Percentage of Tl2SO4 in the sample = x 100% = 1.226%

Filino (NPM: 2012620100) 6-21 A 0.3396-g sample that assayed 96.4% Na2SO4 required 37.70 mL of a barium chloride solution. Reaction: + -> (s)

Calculate the analytical molarity of BaCl2 in the solution. (Skoog, Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry 7th ed, hlm. 120) Solusi: Mr Na2SO4 = 142.04 g/mol Massa Na2SO4 = 0.964 x 0.3396 g = 0.3274 g Mol Na2SO4 = 0.3274 g/(142.04 g/mol) = 2.3048 x 10-3 mol = 2.3048 mmol Konsentrasi = 2.3048 mmol/ 41.25mL = 0.0611 M BaCl2

13-12 A 0.1064-g sample of pesticide was decomposed by the action of sodium biphenyl in toluene. The liberated Cl- was extracted with water and titrated with 23.28 ml of 0.03337 M AgNO3 using an adsorption indicator. Express the results of this analysis in terms of percent aldrin, C12H8Cl6(364.92 g/mol). (Skoog, Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry 7th ed, hlm. 276) Mol AgNO3 yang bereaksi = 23.28 mL x 0.03337 M = 0.7768 mmol Mol AgNO3 yang bereaksi = mol Cl- = 0.7768 mmol Mol aldrin= mol Cl- = 0.7768 mmol Massa aldrin = 0.7768 mmol x 364.92 mg/mmol = 283.489 mg Persentase aldrin = (283.489 mg/(106.4 x 103 mg)) x 100% = 0.266%

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