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Plans for the photo-shoot

Fun Fashion Spread

Gender Reversal

all fashion spreads will be using the model Antonia Woods

Cover 1 None Cover 2 - None Cover 3 - None Cover 4 None

Cover 1 Demin shirt, white top, black skinny jeans & brown shoes Cover 3 Joggers, Red hoodie, Red cap, black high top converse Cover 2 - Nike shoes, Cardigan, grey Hollister Henley, blue skinny jeans Cover 4 Grey chinos, black Aztec hoodie, blue shirt, red low top converse.

Equipment Required
Digital SLR Camera Tripod

Location Recce
Picture of location of fashion spread Sankey Valley Park , Orford, Warringto

I will perform the photoshoot for the fasion spread on two dates, I will do costume 1 & 3 on the 9 of March 2014 and 2 & th 4 on the 16 .

Contingency plans
If I cannot perform the photo-shoot in Sankey Valley because of the weather or some other reason I will find a place similar but under some sort of cover. A possible place is the eastern part of Sankey valley, there is a part where I could do the photo shoot under the bridge. If my model cannot do the photo-shoot for some sort of a reason I will use one of my other sisters for the shoot, as they are of a similar age and will still do a good performance.

Legal considerations
Copyright The law of copyright protects intellectual ideas and products of an individual; it ensures that a person doesnt steal any ideas or products off another person for gain. This applies to my media product as I will be using all of my own individual ideas and will not be stealing ideas off anyone else. Discrimination Discrimination is bad treatment of someone because of something to do with their character, these include:

being or becoming a transsexual person being married or in a civil partnership being pregnant or having a child disability race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin religion, belief or lack of religion/belief sex sexual orientation age

I will not break the law of discrimination because I will do my best to not to offend any characters of the above. Obscenity This is something that is categorised as being offensive to the audience, this can happen by revealing certain body parts of the model that would be considered offensive. This doesnt apply to my media product as I will not involve anything in my image that is classed as being obscene. Defamation This is where something occurs that is defames someones character, this can be libel (written) or slander (spoken). This does not apply to my media product as I will not do anything to defame someones character. Trespass This is a law which prevents people from going on private land, this doesnt apply to my photo-shoot as all locations for my photo-shoot will be my house, the college or my friends house.

Ethical considerations
In my media product, I will carefully consider ethical issues whilst creating my media product. I will do this by ensuring the pose of my model is not obscene or offensive in anyway, such as: revealing body parts or having the middle finger up. The dress of my model will not be obscene either; my models will be fully clothed with nothing revealing which would cause offense. The meaning of my media products will convey teenagers in a good light, rather than a negative one. I will do this by ensuring there are no negative cover lines or connotations to my images. To allow my media product to representation a larger audience, I couldve used different raced models or models of a different sexual orientation as this is more fitting to the multi-cultural society we live in.

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