The Great Mind Challenge - Project Scenario Template

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The Great Mind Challenge - Project Scenario Template

Note: Already filled information should not be changed 1. Name of the Project Online National Polling We live in a democracy and voting is one of our fundamental duties as responsible citizens of the country, but nowhere around the country a 100% people come to vote during the elections in their territory. There have been many reasons for that some of them are: !n the rural areas the influential people "eep their men at the polling booths to threaten the common man to vote for them There are many portions of the country li"e the #orth $ast where there is locally sponsored terrorism, at such places the security conditions are also not very bright, so naturally people feel afraid to come out of their houses and go to vote #et savvy new generation want hassle free voting system. %lso the people in metros want a system thru which they can vote for their territory without traveling. &eeping in mind these situations and to improve the state of democracy in the country 'nline (olling )ystem can be thought as a solution, in con*unction with the ongoing current manual voting system. %. +eneral (ublic ,. -andidates -. %dministrators .$lection -ommission 'fficers/ 0. 1ield 'fficers i. 'nline registration for the voter id card which will be verified by the field officers .address and identity validation/ and after receiving the field officer2s report only the registration will be validated and a voter id will be issued .a photograph will have to be uploaded/. 3ou can also thin" about any other secure method li"e digital signature. ii. Those already having a voter id card can register for the online voting system, they will use their voter id as their user name and a separate password will be used for secure authentication. iii. The election commission will be able to use the site to let the candidates register for their nomination on the site and their officers will validate it. -andidates can run their election campaign through forums and chat4room. iv. % detailed profile of all the candidates constituency wise will be maintained so that voters can always "now about the candidates of their area. v. 'nce registered when ever polling is done in any area that areas2 people will be able to vote for their favorite candidates. vi. 0evise a mechanism that ensures duplicates voting .online 5 offline/ is not happening. vii. The system would show the current statistics as well on the web site about how many votes which candidates have got. viii. 6ater when the voting ends the administrator can add the manual poling results to the database to calculate the final results which will immediately be flashed on the site.


Objective !i"ion


$"er" of the S%"tem


'(nctional )e*(irement" +,tlea"t -ight.

i7. 1acilitate appropriate communication between all sta"eholders 4 0iscussion forum8chat8mail8polls 7. -andidates should be able to modify selected portions of their profile after registration for nomination li"e the promises they ma"e about the things to do after winning the election, their previous wor"s, their e7periences and a comprehensive about me, etc.


Non-f(nctional re*(irement" +,tlea"t 'o(r.

i. ii. iii. iv.

)ecure access of confidential data .user9s details/. ))6 can be used. :; < = availability ,etter component design to get better performance at pea" time 1le7ible service based architecture will be highly desirable for future e7tension


Optional feat(re"

1. >ava based client for ?ser4- 5 0 :. )@) based inAuiry of the voting results B. -ustomizable color s"ins. %. (rofessional loo" and feel ,. ?se of %>%< atleast with all registration forms -. ,rowser testing and support for !$, ##, @ozila, and 1irefo7. 0. ?se of +raphical tool li"e >%)($C to show strategic data to admin $. Ceports e7portable in .<6), .(01 or any other desirable format %. (ercentage voting done in different areas, regions, the overall voting percentage. ,. #umber of votes that different candidates got based on the areas, regions etc. -. The statistics of all the elections done so far should be available based on date or year of election. 0. Ceports containing details of voters, candidates based on many criterions should be available to administrator. %. The architecture should be highly scalable and the web site should be tuned for better performance at the pea" time. ,. Website should be highly customizable and fle7ible enough to easily deploy. : D ; members ?@6, >:$$, <@6, e41orms, %>%<, Web :.0, Web4services, )'% C')$8C)% 8 Web)phere @odeler $clipse8 C%0 8 6otus 1orms 0esigner 8 (ortlet 1actory Web)phere (ortal8 W%)8 W%) -$ 8 W() 0,: $7press D E-9 or 0,: ?0, Tivoli -0(8T)@ 8 Tivoli 0irectory )erver 6inu7 will be the preferred ').


$"er interface prioritie"




Other important i""(e"

14. 11.

Team Si5e Technologie" to be ("ed


Tool" to be $"ed


'inal 6eliverable m("t incl(de

%. 'nline or offline help to above said users, %pplication deployment e7ecutive and developer ,. %pplication archive . .war8.ear / with source code -. 0atabase bac"up and 006 )cript 0. -omplete )ource code

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