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Natalie Ann Konstant

653 Sheridan Rd. Winnetka, IL 60093 nakonstant@gmail. om


Southern Methodist University English Major / Journalis !"A o# 3.$% on a &.0 s ale University o# $est inster St(d) A,road "rogram Indiana University !"A o# 3.% on a &.0 s ale


Dallas! T" 'an(ar) $0**+"resent %ondon! England 'an(ar) $0*3+-a) $0*3 &loo ington! IN Se.tem,er $0*0+/e em,er $0*0

'UA%I(ICATIONS AND CA)A&I%ITIES Innate sense o# .ro.ortion, s ale, and aestheti sense. Sel# moti0ated 1ith the a,ilit) to manage time, om.lete tasks e##i ientl) and m(lti+task 1hile #(l#illing m) desire to #(rther m) kno1ledge and (nderstanding o# the interior design ind(str) /etail oriented 1ith onsistentl) high .ro#essional standards, e##e ti0e organi2ational skills, .ersona,le and on#iden e in 1orking indi0id(all) or in a team en0ironment 3om.eten e (sing 4a e,ook, Instagram, "interest, Word.ress, 51itter, and other so ial media .lat#orms

CO%%E*E AND COMMUNIT+ ACTI,ITIES AND %EADE-S.I) Member, Ka..a Al.ha 5heta Sororit) 'an(ar) $0**+"resent 4(ndraising #or 3ASA 63o(rt A..ointed S.e ial Ad0o ates7 thro(gh organi2ed e0ents, in l(ding the 5heta 5K, 5ri k or 5reat 1ith 5heta and 5heta Late Night Member, S-8 4ashion -edia S.ring $0**+"resent Writer #or S-8 4ashion -edia, a 1e,site dedi ated to in#orming the S-8 omm(nit) o# the latest in lo al st)le ne1s and ha..enings. S-8 4ashion -edia o0ers e0er)thing #rom #ashion to art, dining and entertainment and al1a)s kee.s a lose 1at h on the .(lse o# /allas (lt(re Member, S-8 4ashion Week 4all $0**+"resent 3oordinated nightl) .anels #eat(ring #ashion ind(str) .ro#essionals, as 1ell as da)time e0ents s( h as tr(nk sho1s and meet and greets, and hel.ed or hestrate the #inale e0ent, the ann(al Retail 3l(, 4ashion Sho1 St)ling and .lanning #or the ann(al Retail 3l(, 4ashion Sho1 PR/Marketing Committee9 Res.onsi,ilities in l(ding organi2ing ad0ertising a ti0ities thro(gh online ontests 6on 4a e,ook and 51itter7 and other st(dent+and omm(nit)+oriented ad0ertising am.aigns

-E%ATED $O-/ E")E-IENCE Loop&Tie 0 /allas, 5:. 'an(ar) $0*&+"resent So1ial Media Intern Writing 1eekl) ,logs on (. oming .rod( ts, resear hing .ossi,le ne1 .ri e .oint s.e i#i .rod( ts, and .er#orming 1eekl) site .er#orman e tests. -anaging Loo.;5ie<s "interest, Instagram, and 51itter #eed. Chicago Tribune 0 3hi ago, IL. S(mmer $0*3 $*N Intern Attended or.orate .lanning meetings #or the ne1 4- station and .re.ared 1eekl) sales meetings. Assisted 1ith lo al sales alls, the asting and #ilming o# a ne1 tele0sion sho1 =A "ie e o# the !ame,> and the ann(al ?la kha1ks 3on0ention. Konstant Architecture and Planning 0 Skokie, IL. S(mmer $0** ; $0*$ Interiors Intern 3olla,orated 1ith team mem,ers to reate lient .resentations, assisted 1ith handling and sol0ing (stomer .ro,lems 3reated 0is(al .rod( ts #or lient .resentations and designed so ial media o(trea h 6A..le ?ooks7 Gauthier Stac !nc" 0 ?oston, -ass. S(mmer $009 Installation Intern "arti i.ated in the interior installation o# the !reat @ar,or Aa ht 3l(, in Nant( ket and a 3hi ago lake#ront a.artment

@andled #(rnit(re orders and shi.ments, (n.a ked and organi2ed all deli0ered #(rnit(re, oordinated dail) errands and .i k(.s #or 'im and S(san, assisted 1ith #inishing to( hes, as 1ell as the .la ement and la)o(t o# #(rnit(re

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