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. Ulrich ______________________________________________________________ PURPOSE: The Test of Gross Motor Development 2 (TGMD-2) is a standardized test that meas res !ross motor a"ilities that develop earl# in life. The test is sed to: a) identif# children $ho are si!nificantl# "ehind their peers in !ross motor s%ill development& ") plan an instr ctional pro!ram in !ross motor s%ill development& c) assess individ al pro!ress in !ross motor s%ill development& d) eval ate the s ccess of the !ross motor pro!ram& and e) serve as a meas rement instr ment in research involvin! !ross motor development. POPULATION: The TGMD-2 is desi!ned to assess the !ross motor f nctionin! in children a!ed ' thro !h () #ears. TEST MATERIAL: The TGMD-2 test %it incl des the *+aminer,s Man al and a s ppl# of -rofile.*+aminer /ecord 0orms. The manip latives sed in the administration of the test need to "e s pplied "# the e+aminer and consist of materials commonl# fo nd in schools and !#ms and are availa"le for p rchase commerciall#. The list of e1 ipment needed is as follo$s: 23-()3 pla#!ro nd "all 43 li!ht$ei!ht "all "as%et"all tennis "all soccer "all soft"all 4,-5, s1 are "ean"a! tape(plastic electrical) 2 traffic cones plastic "at "attin! tee 6 All of the a"ove e1 ipment has "een p t to!ether into a %it on $heels at 7A889 TIME TO ADMINISTER: The test ta%es (5-2) min tes to administer per child. :et p and clean- p ma# ta%e an additional () min tes. There is some meas rin! of distances. To avoid dela#s and red ce time spent retrievin! "alls the e+aminer sho ld !ather several "alls to se and move the st dent thro !h the test items 1 ic%l#. Us all# onl# one session is re1 ired to !et thro !h the test& " t to provide favo ra"le circ mstances so that the eval ation is optimal& several sessions ma# "e needed for certain children.

TEST COMPONENTS: The TGMD-2 loo%s at (2 !ross motor s%ills divided into t$o s "tests: () ;ocomotor (r n& hop& !allop& leap& horizontal < mp& and slide) 2) ="<ect 8ontrol ("all s%ills s ch as stri%in! a stationar# "all& stationar# dri""le& catch& %ic%& overhand thro$& and nderhand roll). ADMINISTRATION: >f the e+aminer does not $ish to compare st dent test scores $ith normative data then the instr ctions& proced res and performance criteria can "e adapted to meet the ni1 e needs of the child. >f the res lts are to "e compared to peers in the normative sample then standardized proced res need to "e follo$ed. The follo$in! re1 irements are standard for administerin! the test most relia"l#: (. -rior to testin!& fill in the -rofile.*+aminer /ecord 0orm and revie$ all the performance criteria for each s%ill. 2. Give an acc rate demonstration and ver"al description of the s%ill prior to it "ein! performed. '. -rovide a practice trial to ass re that the child nderstands $hat to do. 4. -rovide an additional demonstration $hen the child does not appear to nderstand the tas%. 5. Administer t$o test trials and score each performance criterion on each trial. Space Con !"erat!on : >n plannin! the $or% space for this test& one $ill need to ens re that there is clear space meas rin! at least ?)feet + ')feet& and one $all at $hich a "all can "e thro$n or %ic%ed. 0ollo$ the instr ctions provided on the record form or se the ill strated instr ctions from the man al (see Appendi+ A). The performance criteria provide anal#sis of the 1 alit# and mat rit# of movement. The examiner needs to be very familiar with these ahead of time and be a keen observer as the child is given only two trials and usually the action is only performed once. Scor!n#: The child is !iven ( for a pass& ) for a failed attempt. There are no partial mar%s. Add the t$o trials to!ether to !et the total Score for each performance criteria. Add the total scores for each criteria to !et the Skill Score. At the end of each : "test (;ocomotor and ="<ect 8ontrol) add p the ? s%ill scores to !et the Subtest Raw Score$ 9i!h scores indicate "etter performance than lo$ scores. /ecord the :cores in :ection >> on the front pa!e of the record form. 8onvert the ra$ scores to standard scores sin! Appendi+ @(p.5'-5?). Add the :tandard scores for the t$o s "tests. Ao$& refer to Appendi+ 8 (p.52) to convert : "test :tandard Totals to the Gross Motor Quotient and Percentile. The Gross Motor 7 otient is the most sef l val e o"tained from the TGMD-2 "eca se it reflects the "asic constr cts " ilt into the test& is hi!hl# relia"le and is a composite of "oth s "tests. >t is the "est estimate of an individ al,s c rrent !ross motor development. 9i!h scores indicate $ell developed locomotor and o"<ect control s%ills. ;o$ scores indicate $ea% locomotor and o"<ect control s%ills.

:ee Appendi+ D to determine Age Equivalents (these val es sho ld "e interpreted $ith ca tion.

E%a&uat!on: Descriptive ratin!s are !iven for the : "test :tandard :cores and the Gross Motor 7 otient (:ee Ta"le '.2). The percentiles can "e determined "# sin! Ta"le 8.( in Appendi+ 8. Summary: Descriptive ratin! Ber# : perior : perior A"ove Avera!e Avera!e @elo$ avera!e -oor Ber# poor GM7 standard score C(') (2(-(') (((-(2) D)-(() 2)-2D E)-ED FE) -ercentile score DDth D2-D2th E?-D(st 25-E5th ()-24th 2-2th F(st

STRENGT'S: Test items are familiar activities and eas# to e+plain :hort time to administer ((5-2) min.) Materials are commonl# availa"le in schools or child development centres and are ine+pensive to p rchase Detailed performance criteria increase relia"ilit# $hen scorin! *ach s%ill component is anal#zed $hich can pinpoint areas in need of intervention User friendl# ill strated ! ide for administration fo nd in Appendi+ A Test items are a !ood composite of !ross motor s%ills LIMITATIONS: Aeeds a lot of room and a $all Test relia"ilit# even at a coefficient of .D5 there is still a (5G error " ilt in. Aeed to "e ca tio s a"o t ma%in! a < d!ement solel# on the test res lts as the# do not tell the $hole stor# of $h# a child performed at that level on that partic lar da# in that sit ation. There are other factors to consider s ch as poor motivation& ine+perience& developmental disa"ilit# etc. STANDARDI(ATION: The TGMD-2 $as normed on a sample of (&2)2 persons in () states in the U.:. The demo!raphics of the sample $ere representative of the entire school a!e pop lation of the U.:. (incl din! a!e&!ender& re!ion& race& r ral vs. r"an& parental ed cation and disa"ilit#). VALIDIT): The validit# of a test refers to the de!ree to $hich theor# and evidence s pport the stated aims of the test. The TGMD-2 has proven that it is relia"le in three areas: Content-Description Validity- Three content e+perts < d!ed nanimo sl# that the specific !ross motor s%ills selected $ere representative of the !ross motor s%ills domain and are

fre1 entl# ta !ht to this a!e !ro p. 8onventional item anal#sis sin! the item discrimination inde+ also determined that the items of the TGMD-2 $ere H!ood3 in that the# satisfied the item discrimination and item diffic lt# criteria. Criterion- rediction Validity- This $o ld indicate the effectiveness of a test in predictin! and individ al,s performance in specific activities. A valid test $o ld also correlate $ell $ith other tests of similar a"ilities ( e!. !ross motor development). The moderate to stron! correlation "et$een the TGMD-2 s "tests and criterion varia"le (the @asic Motor Generalizations s "test of the 8omprehensive :cales of :t dent A"ilities (8::A)) s pport the criterion-prediction validit# of the test. Construct-!dentification Validity- This relates to the de!ree to $hich the nderl#in! traits of a test can "e identified and the e+tent to $hich these traits reflect the theoretical model on $hich the test is "ased. 0ive "asic constr cts tho !ht to nderlie the TGMD-2 $ere tested: A!e differentiation& Gro p differentiation& >tem validit#& : "test correlations& and 0actor anal#sis. Test res lts s pported the TGMD-2,s constr ct-identification validit# in all 5 constr cts. (:ee 8hapter ? for details)

RELIA*ILIT): The st d# of a test,s relia"ilit# centres on estimatin! the amo nt of error associated $ith its scores. The error variance is reported in terms of a relia"ilit# coefficient $hich in order to "e considered relia"le sho ld reach at least .E)& prefera"l# .D) or a"ove. Three so rces of error variance $ere anal#zed in relation to the TGMD-2 s "test and 1 otient scoresI these $ere content sampling" time sampling" and interscorer differences# Content Sampling- meas res homo!eneit# of the test items. The more items relate to each other the more relia"le the# are in testin! a partic lar a"ilit#. All " t one of the coefficients for the TGMD-2 s "tests e+ceed $+, and the coefficients for the 1 otients reach or e+ceed $ +-$ Th s the TGMD-2 is fo nd to "e relia"le across all demo!raphic s "!ro ps and sho$s no "ias relative to those !ro ps. Time Sampling- This loo%s at the e+tent to $hich a child,s performance is constant over time and is estimated sin! the test-retest method. The coefficients reach or e+ceed $++ $hich sho$s that the TGMD-2 scores are sta"le over time. !nterscorer Differences- The TGMD-2 $as fo nd to have a coefficient of $.+ for test scorer relia"ilit#. >n s mmar#& the TGMD-2 evidences a hi!h de!ree of relia"ilit#& possesses little test error and can "e sed $ith confidence.

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