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TEST 3 Part A vocabulary test 1. That is an unknown customer to us and we must use thepayment method a. cash in advance b.

credit c. remittance d. opet account 2. If the buyer fails to pay for the goods, his banker will have to pay his a. credit b. debit c. debt d. account 3. e shall make the appointment well.because !r "radley is very busy. a. advanced b. in advance c. to advance d. advancing #. There are several common methods of.payment from the buyer a. to make b. making c. to obtain d. obtaining $. the bill of e%change that must be paid when it is presented a. sight draft b. tenor draft c. over draft d. draft &. 'as the buyerthe time draft( a. received b. accepted c. admitted d. presented ). the debtor must accept theto make payment at maturity. a. possibility b. option c. duty d. llability *. e shall.a subsidiary abroad a. issue b. appoint c. set up d. go in for +. !ake sure that the payement is made when necessary, i.e a. on the due date b. on due day c. on date d. on the due term 1,. !uch capital must be.when the company issues shares a. risen b. raised c. produced d. delivered 11. They will establish a .abroad a. head office b. branch c. subsidiary d. deal 12. e need more capital because this is. a. sufficient b. dissufficient c. unsufficient d. insufficient 13. e have been cooperating with them.1+*2 a. for b. since c. d. from 1#. The customr is not very reliable ad not.enough a. credible b. incredible c. believable d. trustworthy 1$. The secretary has been typing lettersan hour. a. during b. c. for d. since 1&. hy can.t they decide yet( a. in two minds b. with a dilemma c. in two opinions d. with no idea 1). /ackson is not sure if an agency is more.than a daughter company a. profiting b. profitable c. useful d. usable 1*. 0s they can freely make decisions ther realy have. a. an open hand b. open hands c. free handle d. a free hand 1+. /ackson.s 1uestion is.they have been cooperating long a. what b. whether c. weather d. how 2,. 'e is a businessman by birth as he really has.for business a. a flair b. feelings c. reason d. a mind 21. 2ince I can.t 1uite understand the proposal, can yousome parts of it to me( a. clear b. make clearing c. clean d. clarify 22. If we go into that musiness together, we shall make it a.of the century. a. common venture b. common business c. 3oint venture d. 3oint work 23. 4on5t tell anybody..about this deal, please. a. a word b. a sentence c. something d. nothing 2#. To sell successfully on that market we need good.and very favourable prices. a. price lists b. channels of istibution c. production manager d. "oard of 4irectors 2$. e don5t want to leave our capital abroad and must get more information about.of profit a. collecting b. gathering c. accumulation d. repatriation

Part b grammar test 1. 0ltcompayment urgently last week a. has made b. had to make c. has had to make d. will have to make 2. If the producer failed to deliver the goods on time, we.order them from some other company a. will have to b. would have to c. have to d. had to 3. The tele% can.t wait till tomorrow. 6ousend it by the end od office hours a. has to b. had to c. would have to d. will have to #. The seller would protect himself as much as possible if henothing about the buyer.s standarding a. knows b. knowing c. has know d. knew

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