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sSSs d%%SP d%S' S%| S&S Y&Ss `S&&S `S*S l*S .


.S_sSSs .SS~YS%%b S%S `S%b S%S S%S S%S d*S S&S .S*S S&S_sdSSS S&S~YSSY S*S S*S S*S S*S SP Y


sSSs d%%SP d%S' S%S S&S S&S S&S S&S S*b S*S. SSSbs YSSP

sSSs d%%SP d%S' S%S S&S S&S_Ss S&S~SP S&S S*b S*S. SSSbs YSSP


.S_sSSs .SS~YS%%b S%S `S%b S%S S%S S%S S&S S&S S&S S&S S&S S&S S&S S*S S*S S*S S*S S*S S*S S*S SSS SP Y



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sSSs d%%SP d%S' S%S S&S S&S_Ss S&S~SP S&S S*b S*S. SSSbs YSSP

.S_sSSs .SS~YS%%b S%S `S%b S%S S%S S%S d*S S&S .S*S S&S_sdSSS S&S~YSY%b S*S `S%b S*S S%S S*S S&S S*S SSS SP Y

sSSs d%%SP d%S' S%| S&S Y&Ss `S&&S `S*S l*S .S*P sSS*S YSS'


.S S. .SS SS. S%S S%S S%S S%S S&S S&S S&S S&S S&S S&S S&S S&S S*b d*S S*S. .S*S SSSbs_sdSSS YSSP~YSSY


Introduction to the process of emulation !hen "ou #ant to emulate a computer or an arcade s"stem "ou ha$e to emulate all the hard#are %and sometimes also the soft#are& that the s"stem has. 'herefore( for this emulation "ou need to )no# the architecture of the s"stem. !hat is the architecture of an arcade s"stem* !ell( it is almost the same of an" computer s"stem )no#n. 'here is a main +P,( or sometimes a master +P, and one or more sla$e +P,s( or a cluster of processors all #or)in- to-ether %multiprocessors&. In an" case SI is an old small arcade machine so it's a sin-le processor s"stem. 'here are other components attached to the +P,. memor" %both /01 and /21&( -raphic hard#are( sound hard#are( input hard#are and perhaps other special hard#are. 2 bus connects all these components. 2 bus is a -roup of electric lines. 'here are three main t"pes of buses. address bus( data bus and control bus. 2 control bus carries si-nals from3to the memor" and hard#are de$ices to3from the +P,4 those si-nals are used for controllin- the de$ices and to inform the +P, of the state of the de$ices. 'he data bus carries data bet#een the +P, and the de$ices. 'he data bus si5e indicates the +P, bit si5e. In this case the 6767 is an 68bit +P, because it has an 68bit data bus. 'he address bus carries the memor" address or the data port #here the data #ill be read or #ritten. 'he 6767 has a 9:8bit address bus4 for the data port onl" 6 of these bits are enabled. 2 small schema can be. |88888888| |888888888| | | | | | 1emor" | | ;e$ices | | | | | |8888|888| |8888|8888| | | 8888888888|888888888888888|8888888888888888|8888888888888 <,S | |888|888| | | | +P, | | | |_______| I'm reall" bad as an 2S+II painter. 'he processor e=ecutes instruction from memor" %in SI this is from /01&. ;ata is read from memor" and #ritten throu-h the bus. 'he +P, sends commands to the different de$ices throu-h the bus and it also -ets response from them. !h" do "ou ha$e to )no# about such thin-s* <ecause for emulatin- somethin"ou must )no# ho# it #or)s. You must )no# e=actl" ho# it #or)s so "ou can reproduce the beha$iour of the s"stem. !ell( no# tal)in- about emulation. 'here are man" manners that a machine can be emulated. 'he main techni>ues actuall" bein- in use are interpretin- and d"namic recompilation. <oth tal) about ho# the +P, core is emulated. 2s #e #ill see( the +P, emulation is the real core or heart of the emulator. ;"namic recompilation means to translate or compile source +P, instructions into tar-et +P, instructions. 2n interpreter means to interpret or e=ecute source +P, instructions( no translation is performed and each instruction is handled as a command or function and e=ecuted %if "ou )no# ho# <asic( 'cl or

Perl #or)s( it is the same techni>ue&. I #ill tal) about the other emulation techni>ues someda"( but this document is be-innin- to be too lar-e so I #ill onl" tal) about interpreter emulators. 'he emulator is built as the architecture #e are emulatin-( around the +P,. 'he +P, emulation is the core of the emulator. !h"* ?et's see ho# a computer or arcade machine #or)s. 'he +P, fetches and e=ecutes instructions from the memor" %in our case /01 memor"&. It performs calculations( mo$es data from /01 to #or) /21 and $ideo /21( sends commands to the de$ices and -ets response from them. So our emulator #or)s in a similar manner. 'his is the main al-orithm of an emulator. reset_+P,%&4 c"cles c"cles_until_ne=t_e$ent4 #hile%@end& A res core_e=ec_instr%c"cles&4

33 call the +P, core

if %res c"cles_to_e$ent& 33 call interrupts( dra# screen( ... B c"cles c"cles_until_ne=t_e$ent4

%Cor a best al-orithm read 1arat Do# 'o( toda" I'm a bit tired& 'he +P, interpreter fetches or reads opcodes from memor" as a processor does. 'he interpreter decodes the instruction( meanin- that it realises #hat instruction it is and e=ecutes the code that performs the function of that instruction %modifies re-ister $alues( #rites to memor"( updates c"cle counter( ...&. You need to )no# the timin- of the emulation( and this can be done countin- the number of c"cles the +P, has e=ecuted. 'he time of a computer s"stem is held b" the +P,( %in the first s"stems that #as more important( more modern s"stems ha$e other #a"s to )no# the time&. You ha$e to )no# the time of the computer because there are some tas)s that ha$e to be performed in a specific %sometimes $er" accurate& moment( for e=ample( such tas)s as dra#in- the screen or sendin- an interrupt si-nal. 'he +P, core #ill be e=ecutin- instructions until an error is found or the number of c"cles to e=ecute passed are e=hausted. 'he core is called to e=ecute a number of c"cles each time4 this number is related to somethin- that mi-ht happen in a moment of the emulation %#e can call it an e$ent&. !hen the c"cles are e=hausted some chec)s or actions are performed. dra#in- the screen( sendin- an interrupt si-nal( or other tas) 2nother interestin- >uestion is ho# the emulated +P, can communicate #ith de$ices. In a computer there are t#o #a"s for the +P, can control or communicate #ith the de$ices. memor" mapped I0 %input3output& or #ith a special I0 operations. 2ll the +P,s ha$e memor" mapped I0( but onl" a fe# ha$e a special set of I0 operations4 6767( E67 and =6: famil" are such +P,s. 1emor" mapped I0 means that a re-ion of the memor" isn't real s"stem memor" but is mapped re-isters or memor" from a de$ice. !hen the +P, reads or #rites to it( the +P, is readin- from or #ritin- to a de$ice. Special hard#are attached to the address and data bus detects a read3#rite in that re-ion and redirects the read3#rite operation to the correct de$ice. 'he $ideo /21 is an e=ample of memor" mapped I0. 'he other #a" is to ha$e a separate set of instructions and address space for I0. Fach de$ice %or re-ister in a de$ice& has a number %address& and some load3store )ind of instructions %usuall" called IG30,' instructions& to let #rites happen to them. Do# is that emulated* !ith memor" and I0 maps. 2 memor" map is a list of memor" re-ions that has a memor" handler %a pointer to a function that implements the memor" access& associated. Fach time a read or

#rite is performed #here the address indicates a de$ice's memor" re-ion( the proper function is called %if there isn't a handler it's understood that it is a direct access to the emulated memor"&. 'he same happens #ith I0 maps #hen the +P, interpreter e=ecutes a load3store operation that matches the accessed address of the memor" map. If it's a normal memor" operation the interpreter accesses the emulated memor" directl". If it's a mapped I0 re-ion the interpreter calls a function that implements the beha$iour of the mapped de$ice. Cor e=ample a pi=el could be dra#n or a sample pla"ed. Such functions access the data structures from the emulated de$ice that are chan-ed follo#in- the de$ice beha$iour. Yet another #a" a de$ice can communicate #ith the +P, is interrupts. !hen an interrupt happens the +P, stops the e=ecution and calls a special routine. !hen the routine ends the +P, continues %usuall"& the e=ecution from the point it #as interrupted. 'he interrupts are perhaps one of the more difficult thin-s to emulate. !hen the emulation decides that an interrupt has to happen( it sets a fla- in the +P, core conte=t. Ge=t time e=ecute_instructions%& %the +P, core& is called the core e=ecutes the code of the interrupt routine and later continues the normal flo# of e=ecution. If "ou #ant a more detailed loo) at the interrupt s"stem( please loo) at the ad$anced section at the end of this document. 'hat is all for no#... I thin) the document is still confusin- and incomplete. !ell( it's #hat I could do #ith the time I ha$e. 4& 2nd a lot of the subHects co$ered #ill be better e=plained #hen #e be-in to implement them. I hope it #ill #or) as an o$er$ie# of the process of emulation. ?et me )no# ho# to impro$e it@ Iictor 1o"a del <arrio $mo"

2;I2G+F; SF+'I0G %Interrupts in more detail& 'his section e=pands on this interrupt idea further and -oes into a little more detail that ma" become useful later. Fffort has been made to ma)e this as -eneral as possible and does not mean to impl" an" +P, architecture. It is purel" for illustration purposes. If "ou disa-ree #ith somethin- here then please sa"( so it can be modified. !hat follo#s is the steps that are ta)en #hen an interrupt happens. o 2n interrupt occurs %bein- caused internall" b" the +P, or b" an e=ternal de$ice& and a fla- is set in the +P, conte=t. 'he interrupt is ser$iced the ne=t time the +P, core calls e=ecute_instructions%& as follo#s. o 'he current Pro-ram +ounter is sa$ed on the stac). o 'he interrupt fla- is unset 8 #e are no# handlin- the e=ception. o 'he +P, -ets the address of the routine to handle the e=ception %the K#here fromK is +P, specific& and sets the Pro-ram +ounter to this ne# $alue. o 'his routine( or e=ception handler is e=ecuted %usuall" from /01 or /21&. o 'he routine finishes and the +P, -rabs the old Pro-ram +ounter bac) from the stac). o !hen the routine ends the +P, continues from this Pro-ram +ounter #hich is the e=ecution from the point it #as interrupted.

It is not >uite as simple as this because #hat do "ou do #hen a second interrupt occurs( #hen the +P, is in the middle of processin- an interrupt* !e #ill -o into this in more detail later as it is prett" much +P, specific. 2 <rief ;escription of Space In$aders Space In$aders is a 1id#a" arcade machine from 9LM6 %if m" sources of information are correct 4&. I thin) e$er"one )no#s this -ame. It's one of the first classical arcade machines li)e Nala-a( Pacman( or Pon- are. I'm sure I ne$er pla"ed #ith the arcade machine( but I ne$er #as an arcade machine pla"er so ... .o. Go# I thin) about it I see SI is the same a-e as m" brother( so #hen it #as released I #as prett" "oun-( perhaps I could ha$e pla"ed #ith it in a museum. .& 0h( but li)e an" other "oun- people I ha$e pla"ed other SI $ersions on a lot of different machines %m" first $ersion #as in a P+&. Cor sure( I'm not $er" -ood at it and I li)e Nala-a or Nala=ian more( but #hat does it matter* 4&. 0)a"( enou-h tal) #ithout sense( let's do some #or). Space In$aders is a $er" simple machine %li)e all other machines from that a-e&. It's built around an i67672 +P, %Intel& or another compatible +P, from another manufacturer %in the schematics from Spies( for e=ample( it's a 'I( 'e=as Instruments( +P,&. It is( perhaps( the first useful and cheap +P, %as a micro+P,& released for commercial use %perhaps ,S arm" had others for its missiles... I don't )no# .&. In this case I thin) it is a O1h5 +P,. It has 6Pb /01 %distributed in $arious I+s( this machine is reall" old& and 6Pb /21 %mainl" $ideo memor"( but also a bit of it is #or) /21&. 'o be e=act it is( 6)b i6)S/21 in 6 pieces and 6)b i9:)FP/01 in Q pieces. 0ps( no# I ta)e a loo) to the schematics I see 9: /21 I+s( umm( perhaps the document I'm usin- is #ron-. ;oes an"one #ants to disco$er the m"ster"* <ut it's still true. 6Pb /01 and 6Pb /21. 'he $ideo memor" is M Pb and the #or) memor" is 9 Pb. 'he $ideo and sound hard#are are $er" simple. 'he $ideo hard#are is a monochrome displa" so each bit of the memor" stores the $alue of one pi=el %on3off&. 'he displa" and I/21 are OOQ=OR:. 'he machine also uses t#o transparent coloured %red and -reen& pieces of paper in the top and the bottom of the screen. 'hat ma)es the screen more #onderful( doesn't it* 4& It didn't re>uire e=tra e=pensi$e hard#are ... Sound effects are produced #ith analo-ue circuits so it #ill be hard to emulate them( so #e #ill use samples instead. 2s input de$ices( it has a O#a" stic) and one button %for each pla"er&. It also has a pla"er 9 start button( pla"er O start button( coin s#itch and 'I?' s#itch %*&. So this is #hat #e #ill ha$e to emulate. Go# I #ill tal) a bit about the 6767 +P,. It's an old Intel +P, released ... ops I didn't find #hen it #as released( an"one )no#s about it* ?ast M7s for sure. It's an enhancement of the 6776 Intel +P, %the second micro+P, I thin)( first #as Q77Q&. It #as a $er" popular +P, for man" "ears and the first to be $astl" used. 'here #ere a lot of $ersions from different manufacturers %21;( 'I( GF+( GS( SINGF'I+S&. ?ater some other compatible but e=tended +P,s #ere released as the 676R and the #ell )no#n E67 %Eilo-& #hich is( in m" thou-hts( the most impressi$e and beautiful 68bit +P, e$er made( and it is still ali$e .&. It's an 68bit +P, #ith ei-ht 68bit re-isters %I'm countin- also the fla- re-ister C&. 2( <( +( ;( F( D( ? and C. 'he" can be also accessed in pairs as 9:8bit re-isters %2C( <+( ;F and D?&. It also has a SP %stac) pointer re-ister& and a P+ %Pro-ram +ounter /e-ister&( both of #hich are 9: bit re-isters. /e-ister 2 is the main accumulator re-ister4 man" operations are performed #ith that re-ister as source3tar-et re-ister. /e-ister <( +( ;( F( <+( ;F are multipurpose re-isters( mainl" used as accumulators also. /e-ister D? is used for indirect memor" addressin-. 'he 6767 has three t"pes of memor" addressin-( immediate( direct and indirect %usin- D?&. If #e also count branch instructions #e ha$e relati$e to P+ addressin-. 'he memor" space is 9: bits

lon-( OS9: :RRTR b"tes or :QPb"tes. space #ith OR: ports. Fnou-h toda".

It has also a separated Input30utput

I thin) I tal) too much( don't "ou* 4&

+omments( mista)es "ou ha$e found( #hate$er... Iictor 1o"a

Startin- the +P, core

'here are some >uestions that must be resol$ed before #e start to emulate the instructions of the i67672. !e need to thin) about. a& 2n 2PI b& 2 conte=t c& 2 method for opcode decodin'he 2PI %2pplication Pro-rammers Interface& is the functions or procedures that #ill be called from the main emulator #hich access the +P, core. It's the #a" the rest of the emulation code accesses the functions of the core. 'he decision that #e ha$e to ma)e is ho# that #ill be. !e are -oin- to ma)e our core 1E67 compliant or perhaps 121F compliant* !hat functions #e #ill need* !hat ar-uments #ill the" ha$e* 2s an e=ample the main functions #e #ill need. reset%& e=ecute%ncl"ces& -etconte=t%& setconte=t%ct=& interrupt%& 8U 8U 8U 8U 8U resets the +P, core the core e=ecutes n c"cles returns the +P, conte=t sets the +P, conte=t sends an interrupt si-nal

Perhaps it #ill be better to start #ith a simple 2PI and then later as #e implement ne# functions of the emulator( ma)e it more comple=. 'his has benefits and could also cause a lot of problems. If #e implemented the 2PI and did not )eep in mind that it mi-ht chan-e( #e mi-ht come to a situation #here it #ill be reall" hard to chan-e. 'he conte=t is the structure that holds the +P, %the core& state. 'he state of a +P, is its re-isters( the memor" it accesses and some fla-s that )eep the state of the +P,. 'he i67672 has M 68bit re-isters %also called accumulator re-isters in the doc&. 2 %the main accumulator re-ister( #here most of the operations #ill be performed&( <( +( ;( F( D and ?. 'he" can also be accessed in pairs as four 9:8bit re-isters. 2C %2 re-ister and the state #ord PS!&( <+( ;F and D?. 2C is onl" used %I thin)& for pushin- itV)-#9W onto the stac)( <+ and ;F #or) as data counters and also sometimes for indirect addressin-. D? is the main re-ister for memor" addressin-. Peep in mind that #e ha$e to access those re-isters both as 68bit re-isters and 9:8bit re-isters #hile #ritin- the conte=t. 'o ma)e this possible( #e could implement them as a t#o8element char arra"( a union( or #e can ha$e separated fields for the 68bit and 9:8bit $ersions %but this is usuall" a reall" bad idea&.

'here are also t#o more re-isters( and the" are $er" important. 'he P+ re-ister %Pro-ram +ounter&( is a 9:8bit re-ister #hich points to the memor" address of the instruction to be e=ecuted. 'he SP re-ister( or Stac) Pointer re-ister( points to the memor" address of the top of the stac). I #ill tal) about the stac) later. 'here is "et another set of re-isters that #e ha$e to ta)e care of. the +P, fla-s( these are also called the Processor State !ord %PS!& #hen #e tal) about all of them to-ether. 'he fla-s are bits that are modified b" some of the i67672's instructions( -atherin- information about the operations performed. 'his information is later used to ma)e decisions 8 mainl" for decidin- #here and #hen to branch. 'he i6767 has R fla-s. Si-n %S&( Eero %E&( 2u=iliar" +arr" %2c&( Parit" %P& and +arr"%+&. 'he" are stored in the PS!( an 68bit re-ister( as follo#s. M S : E R X Q 2+ T X O P 9 X 7 + bit number content

X means that the bit is unassi-ned %I thin) it is usuall" set to 5ero& I #ill tal) about fla-s later #hen #e start the emulation of the instructions( but ho# #ould the" stored in the conte=t* I thin) there are t#o alternati$es( and both ha$e -ood and bad points. 'he first is store them in a sin-le 68bit re-ister( this means storin- the PS! as it is %also called re-ister C&. 'he second is to store them in separate fields( each fla- beina <oolean $ariable. 'he first choice means #e #ill ha$e to do shift and lo-ical operations each time #e #ant to chan-e a fla-. 'he second means that #e #ill ha$e to pac) all fla-s in an 68bit #ord each time PS! %C& is accessed. !hat solution is better* ;epends upon ho# man" times each )ind of operations is performed and the cost of each. 'he more fre>uent are actuall" the operations that chan-e fla-s. So perhaps the second is the better choice. !e ha$e also to ha$e information about interrupts. a fla- chan-e if the interrupts are enabled or the" are disabled( a fla- chan-e if a interrupt is currentl" bein- ser$iced and perhaps a >ueue of interrupt si-nals. <ut I #ill tal) about interrupts later. 0ther small thin- #e ha$e to store is a fla- about the +P, halt state. 'he +P, is in the Khalt stateK #hen it is stopped( usuall" #aitin- for an e=ternal si-nal from a de$ice %an interrupt&. Ier" curious( the i67672 can be completel" han-ed if "ou disable interrupts and later "ou halt it. In that situation onl" a reset or a po#er up %in fact the" are the same& can put the +P, to #or) a-ain. !e #ill ha$e to store some other information that usuall" is not stored in a real +P,. 'his information can be used as statistics for findin- out about the e=ecution and to implement accurate timin-. 'he more important of these is the accurate timin-( #hich basicall" means the number of c"cles e=ecuted since last reset si-nal. 2nd there is still the info about the memor" and the I0 space. Dere there are t#o choices. memor" and I0 mappin- or ha$in- a simple arra" for the memor" and for the I0. !e #ill need memor" and I0 mappin- for the emulation of Space In$aders( but #e do not need to implement them in the first $ersion of the emulator( it #ould be better thou-h. If #e do not use memor" mappin- the conte=t #ill need to ha$e a pointer to the memor" re-ion that stores the machine memor"( and a pointer to the memor" re-ion that stores the I0 space. If #e do use memor" mappin- on the other hand( #e #ill put pointers to structures that store the memor" maps for read and #rite %and also pointers for I0 mappin-&. I #ill tal) about them #hen #e decide to implement them.

I thin) that is all about conte=t. 'hin) about all that then #or) a bit on "our o#n conte=t. ?ater I #ill release the official one. Go# #e #ill tal) about instruction decodin-. Fach time #e read an opcode #e need to find out #hich instruction it represents. 'he i67672 has fi=ed len-th opcodes that are a sin-le b"te in si5e %some instructions are more than one b"te( but the later b"tes are not used for decodin-&. 'his ma)es life a lot easier@ !e #ill ha$e to decide about OR: %a b"te( OS6& potentiall" different operations. Do# do #e do this* Cirst approach( an arra" of if's. if %opcode 7=77& AB else if %opcode 7=79& . . else if %opcode 7=67& . . else if %opcode 7=fe& else 3* opcode 7=ff *3 AB AB AB AB

'hat is reall" a $er" bad idea %althou-h #e ha$e a reall" intelli-ent compiler( I do not thin) that it is that intelli-ent&. !h"* <ecause to decide #hich instruction opcode X is( #e #ill ha$e to do X89 tests and Humps to -et to it. 'his has a brutal cost. 'he last opcode %7=ff& #ill cost ORR tests and ORR Humps. 'his is not a -ood choice( and if an"one implemented such an emulator( it #ill need a reall" po#erful machine to run it. !e ha$e to decode the instructions $er" >uic)l" because the decode function is the most e=ecuted function of the emulator. Do# #e #ill do it* !e #ill use Hump tables. 2 Hump table is an arra" of tar-et Hump addresses that are inde=ed b" a number( and that number tells #hat Hump must be performed. In our case the number #ill be the opcode and also the Hump address of the code %or routine& that implements the opcode. So #e #ill need to ha$e an arra" of OR: Hump addresses. Do# can #e implement it #ith +* !e can ma)e it b" hand or #e can use the s#itch3case statement and hope the + compiler %;YN++& is implemented #ell enou-h that it does this all for us( %it is b" the #a"&. 2 + compiler #ill detect that the s#itch3case statement has a lot of different $alues that are close to one another and #ill implement it as a Hump table. In an" case #e ha$e t#o alternati$es( it is our decision to choose one or the other. 'he s#itch3case alternati$e is a bit more readable and understandable( but I cannot see an" other ad$anta-es or disad$anta-es. F=ample of an s#itch3case decode. s#itch%opcode& A 7=77. brea)4 7=79. brea)4 . . 7=67. brea)4 .

. 7=fe. brea)4 7=ff. brea)4 B 'his )ind of structure also helps to put to-ether -roups of opcodes that represent the same instruction. 7=:R. 7=::. 7=:M. 33 'he implementation of the instruction brea)4 2n e=ample of a hand8made Hump table in + %I am not sure about the + s"nta= here( sorr"&. %$oid %*opcode_handler&%&& decode'able VOR:W A opch_7=77( opch_7=79( ..... B 'he decode code. %$oid %*opcode_handler& %&& decode'ableVopcodeW %&4

Fnou-h for toda" I must -o to sleep. .& /ead the document( thin) about it( #or) on some stuff and as) >uestions. 'his is the best #a" to learn. !e #ill then ha$e implemented the s)eleton of the core. 'here are still some other subHects that I #ill ha$e to discuss( thou-h... Implementin- the instructions !ell it seems that #e no# ha$e some people #ritin- the implementation of the different instructions( but I ha$en't tal)ed about them. 4& <ut "ou can see it isn't so difficult. In this document I #ill tr" to introduce ho# an instruction %in the most cases& should be implemented. So( #hat is an instruction* I thin) "ou alread" )no#. 4& 2n instruction( #hen tal)in- about +P,s( is an order or command to the +P,. 'hese KcommandsK are stored in memor" and are called the code of a pro-ram. Fach KcommandK is a se>uence of bits that( in a special lan-ua-e that the +P, understands( indicate #hat the +P, has to do. 'hese bits are called usuall" the instruction opcode %operation code&. So the opcode is the identifier of an instruction. 2n opcode could ha$e different formats and si5es. In some +P,s the opcodes ha$e fi=ed len-th %such as 1IPS or 2lpha& #hile others ha$e $ariable len-th %for e=ample =6:&. 'he" could be from 6 bit to 9O6 bit lon-. 2s the smallest access unit for the memor" data is a b"te the si5e of an instruction #ill be al#a"s in b"tes. In our case the i6767 has 6 bit %9 b"te& opcodes but it isn't fi=ed len-th( see belo#. 4&

,suall" not all the possible opcodes ha$e a meanin-4 there are a lot of them that are in$alid opcodes %instructions #hich don't reall" e=ist&. <ut as the i6767 is an old +P, #ith onl" 6 bit opcodes it has onl" a fe# of these in$alid opcodes. !ith 6 bit there are OR: potential different instructions. You could sa" that are a lot( but "ou should ta)e account that each different small instruction is a different opcode. Cor e=ample #ith 6 re-isters and an operation #hich mo$es data from one re-ister to another "ou ha$e 6=6 :Q different operations@ 'his #a" the OR: operations are easil" co$ered. 'he full collection of instructions of a +P, is called the IS2 %Instruction Set 2rchitecture&. Sometimes an opcode has additional information such as memor" addresses or immediate data. 'hese additional b"tes don't determine the operation that the +P, must perform but pro$ide the information needed b" the operation. Cor e=ample the address for a memor" access or an immediate $alue %a number or operand& for an add operation. In some +P,s %+P,s #ith fi=ed len-th opcodes& this information isn't out of the opcode but in special KpositionsK inside the opcode. In the case of +P,s #ith $ariable len-th opcodes this information is usuall" outside of the opcode b"te %or b"tes&. 'his happens #ith our i6767. 'a)in- this into account( and that the si5e of addresses and data that it can handle %6 and 9: bit&( #e can see that #e #ill ha$e three different si5es for our instructions. 9 b"te %onl" the opcode&( O b"tes %the opcode Z 9 data b"te& and T b"tes %the opcode Z O data b"tes&. Sometimes there are special instruction opcodes4 these are the KescapeK opcodes. 'he" are usuall" used #hen e=tendin- an e=istin- IS2 in ne# +P,s #hile maintainin- binar" compatibilit" %the" can e=ecute code from the old +P,&. 'hese escape opcodes are usuall" in$alids opcodes in the old +P, %man" times the" #ere reser$ed for this purpose&( but in the ne# +P, the" indicate the e=ecution of an e=tended %ne#& instruction. !hen the ne# +P, reads and identifies an escape opcode it )no#s that it has to read "et another b"te3opcode to )no# the operation it has to perform. 'his happens bet#een i6767 and E67 #ith opcodes +<h( ;;h( F;h and C;h. !ell( enou-h tal)in- about instructions and opcodes4 let's see ho# the" #ill be implemented in our emulator. !e ha$e to cop" the beha$iour of the instructions in the ori-inal +P,. 'he instructions chan-e the +P, conte=t %includin- of course memor" and I0 space& %other#ise the" #ould not be doin- an"thin-. 4& So our emulated instructions #ill ha$e to chan-e our emulated conte=t in the same #a" the ori-inal instructions. 'here are man" )inds of instruction %as #e #ill see later& but let's no# sho# the -eneral structure of an instruction. 2n instruction has to obtain some info from the +P, conte=t %re-ister( memor"( I0& and then perform an operation #ith it. 'he result of the operation #ill be stored some#here in the +P, conte=t and the state of the +P, #ill be updated so the ne=t instruction could be e=ecuted. 2n instruction also ta)es some time to e=ecute. 'he +P, usuall" doesn't care about it %it onl" happens 4& but #e ha$e to. !e must count the time #e are spendin- in the core. So this is a schema of the beha$iour of an instruction. a nice instruction A -et some data perform an operation store the result update the P+ update the timin-

B 0f course not all operations perform all the steps but this is the most -eneral structure. In step one #e -et some data that #ith #e #ill perform some #or). 'here are three sites #here #e can -et this info. re-ister( memor" and I0 space %if it e=ists&. !ith re-isters( #e should #orr" about the si5e of the data( for e=ample in the i6767 #e could access re-ister <+ as a 9:8bit re-ister or as t#o 68bit re-isters %< and +&( and #hat re-ister should be read. !hen readin- from I0 space #e #ill ha$e to #orr" about the address in the I0 space and the si5e of the data #e #ill read. !ith memor" it happens the same. #e must #orr" about the memor" address #here the data is and about the si5e of the data. <ut in memor" #e could ha$e found somethin- different and comple=. the address modes. !hat are the address modes* !hen "ou -et the data from a re-ister "ou )no# #here the data is. in re-ister X. 'he same happens #ith I0 the data is at address X. <ut man" +P,s admit more than one #a" to calculate the address for a memor" access. 'his is used for easil" accessin- structure( $ector( table and matri= data. ,suall" +IS+ +P,s %I should ha$e to e=plain #hat is a +IS+ and a /IS+ +P, but I #ill spend pa-es and I #ould finish( perhaps in another doc 4& ha$e a lot of different address modes and /IS+ +P,s ha$e onl" the basic access modes. 2ccess modes are basicall". re-ister( immediate( absolute %or direct& and indirect. /e-ister access mode means -ettin- the data from a re-ister( immediate means that the information is obtained from the additional data that -oes #ith the opcode %#e ha$e tal)ed about it&. ;irect or absolute addressinis the same as the case of readin- I04 the opcode's additional data is an effecti$e address in the memor". Indirect addressin- means that a re-ister or e$en a memor" location %pointed b" the additional opcode data& contains the real address #e ha$e to access. 2nd it can be "et more complicated #ith some +P,s %li)e the :6) #hich has a reall" ni-htmare of different addressin- modes&. 'he most commons are indirect #ith post8increment %the address is incremented #ith each access&( #ith pre8decrement %the address is decremented&( indirect #ith displacement %indirect addressin- Z absolute3offset addressin-&( inde=ed( implicit relati$e addressin- and #hate$er the ill mind of the +P, desi-ners had thou-ht up. 4& 'he i6767 has re-ister( immediate( absolute( indirect %usin- a re-ister& and relati$e to the P+ and the SP modes. In the second step #ith the data obtained is performed on b" some #a" of calculations( or perhaps not. 4& In the third step the result is stored in a re-ister( memor" or I0. thin- e=plained in step one applies here( but no# it is a #rite. 'he same

In the fourth step the state of +P, is arran-ed so the ne=t instruction could be e=ecuted. 'his means basicall" update the P+ %the pro-ram counter& that points to the ne=t instruction to be e=ecuted. 'he P+ is usuall" updated addinthe si5e of the instruction #e ha$e alread" e=ecuted. 'he fifth step e=ists onl" in emulation4 the normal +P,s don't count ho# man" c"cles the" ha$e e=ecuted %or not usuall"&. 'he" don't need it because the time is actuall" happenin-4 the" onl" ha$e to KfeelK it. <ut #e need to emulate the time because #e are emulatin- the +P, in another +P, so #e #ill ha$e a $er" different timin-. So for maintainin- a correct timin-( #e must calculate the c"cles that ha$e been spent e=ecutin- the code. 2 c"cle or cloc) c"cle is the unit of time that the +P, uses for s"nchronisin%internall" the calculations performed b" lo-ical -ates could ha$e different

speeds( but this is out of the scope of this tutorial& and it's the unit used %not real time units& for measurin- the e=ecution time of an instruction. F$en pro-rams are sometimes measured in c"cles. 'his is because of the same +P,( as "ou )no#( could be found in different speeds %1D5 or number of c"cles per second( so a c"cle ta)es %93= 1D5& seconds&. 'hen this information is used #ith the real time spent in the emulation to s"nchronise #ith the time in the real machine. I #ill tal) further about it #hen #e start the hard#are emulation. In this step the field in the conte=t #e added about e=ecuted c"cles is incremented b" the number of c"cles it ta)es the instruction in the ori-inal +P, to e=ecute. Fach instruction ta)es a time to e=ecute %it #ould be reall" a dream to ha$e +P,s #ith instructions that #ere e=ecuted in no time4 #e #ould ha$e infinite speed +P,s 4&. ;ifferent instructions ha$e different timin-s. Some instructions e$en ha$e different timin-s bet#een different e=ecutions( for e=ample multiplication or multi8data operations. ?et's see some real e=amples %than)s to Pieron & <rian respecti$el"&. case 7=7Q. 33 IG+ < | IG/ < %9& %O& 3* +loc)in- *3 c"clesZ R4 3* 0peration *3 i6767.<ZZ4 3* +ondition +odes *3 3* Is the result 5ero* *3 i6767.PS! i6767.< 7 * i6767.PS!|E_C?2N . i6767.PS! & ~E_C?2N4 3* Das the result the si-n bit set* *3 i6767.PS! i6767.<&7=67 U 7 * i6767.PS!|S_C?2N . i6767.PS! & ~S_C?2N4 3* Is the result of odd or e$en parit"* %usin- mod O& *3 i6767.PS! i6767.<%O 7 * i6767.PS!|P_C?2N . i6767.PS! & ~P_C?2N4 3* 2u=illar" Parit" +hec) *3 i6767.PS! i6767.PS!4 3*****3 brea)4

%T& %Q& %R& %:&

In this e=ample %9& is timin-. %O& is data access( calculation and result store. %T& to %:& are calculations. 'he P+ update #ill probabl" be done in the loop that e=ecutes the instructions so #e do not ha$e to put it in e$er" sin-le instruction %it is Hust #astin- space doin- that reall"&. <'!( ha$e I said I hate +* 0h( m" belo$ed assembler@@ I started #ith Pascal and =6: 2ssembler man" "ears a-o and the + u-l" an unreadable s"nta= still hurts me. 4& %9& %O& %T& %Q& case 7=99. 33 ?; ;F(nnnn | ?XI ;(nnnn c"cles Z 974 i6767.; i6767.memVi6767.pcZ9W4 i6767.F i6767.memVi6767.pcZOW4 i6767.pcZ O4 brea)4

In this e=ample %9& is timin-( %O& and %T& are data load and store( there isn't KrealK calculation in this instruction. In %Q& the P+ is updated to point to the pre$ious b"te before the ne=t instruction and the update to the ne=t instruction #ill a-ain be done in the main instruction8e=ecutin- loop. 'here are different -roups of instructions. !e could perhaps classif" them into three -roups. load3store or memor" instructions( arithmetic8lo-ic operations( e=ecution control instructions and control instructions. 'he memor" instructions load and store data bet#een the +P, re-isters and the memor" %it

could be also memor" to memor" instructions&. 'he" are used for obtainin- the data needed %operands& and for storin- the results. 'he arithmetic8lo-ic operations are the real heart of the +P, because the" perform the calculations #ith the data. 'he" do the hard #or). 'he e=ecution control instructions are the Humps( branches( procedure calls and procedure returns( soft#are interrupts( etc. 'he" control and modif" the flo# of e=ecution( #hich instructions #ill be e=ecuted ne=t. 'he control instructions are instructions such as nop( halt( reset( and interrupt enable3disable that modifies the status of the +P,. !e can focus on the particularities of each )ind instruction for emulatinthem. <ut it #ill be in another doc. .P I ha$e spent half an afternoon on this( and I ha$e others thin-s to do. sleep( pla" CC 'actics( do some e=ercise %m" relation hei-ht3#ei-ht reall" suc)s .% &( the d"narec stuff( #atch the 'I %better not( it usuall" suc)s( luc)il" there are those anime series'& ... 4& 2fter loo)in- a bit #hat I ha$e #ritten I ha$e to sa" I didn't thin) at the start it #ould be so lon-. It has been a reall" looooon- introduction to instruction implementation. 4& 2ll the useful stuff needs to be #rote. 2s #e sa" here in Spain I ha$e K$erbo facilK( direct translation is Keas" $erbK( #hich means I li)e #rite3tal) and I easil" fill pa-es and pa-es. 1" proHect super$isor said it to me #hen I presented him( after a #ee) or so( O7 pa-es #ith the *S'2/'* of the memor"@@ I #ill tr" to #rite in the ne=t doc %or docs if I #rite too much .P& about the implementation of each )ind of instruction. I #ill also tal) about the use of the macros #ith instructions that are almost the same. Perhaps a bit about testin- later too. 2nd finall" an ad$ice for Du-h( <rian and Pieron( I Hust find fine "ou ha$e be-un the instruction implementation. <ut perhaps "ou should stop a bit until I can catch "ou #ith m" docs %sorr" I'm slo# 4&. 'here are some thin-s( as the use of macros( #hich should be discussed. I thin) it #ould be useful for testin-( clarit" and fast codin- to use macros for instructions that are in fact the same. 2nd I mean use and not abuse. Yust a thou-ht. ,ntil ne=t doc. 2rithmetic8lo-ic Instructions

'hese instructions reali5e the real hard #or) of the computer. 'he" perform arithmetic calculations. additions( substations( multiplications and di$isions4 and lo-ical operations. not( and( or( =or4 and bit operations. bit tests and sets( bit shifts and rotations. It is reall" incredible #hat can be done #ith onl" a fe# operations@ 'heir structure is almost the same that the -eneral structure I #rote in the last doc. 'he" access data( call operands( perform an operation( store the result and so on. 'he arithmetic instructions usuall" use re-isters as source data( sometimes the" also use memor" but ne$er I0 %from #hat I )no#&. 'he result is almost al#a"s stored in a re-ister. /IS+ +P,s and older ones( li)e the i6767( perform all their arithmetic and lo-ical operations usin- re-isters. +IS+ +P,s( thou-h( admit usuall" memor" as one operand. Some hea$" +IS+ could -et more than one operand from memor" and e$en store the result in memor" %I'm not sure( =6: doesn't do such a thin- and I don't )no# man" +IS+ architectures&. VSome $ersions of the :6777 famil" can do this 8 PieronW 'he most important thin- #ith the arithmetic and lo-ic instructions is the calculation that the" perform. 'his calculation has usuall" t#o

important aspects. first the calculation itself and second the flacalculation. ,suall" the pro-rammer is not onl" interested in performinan operation to -et a result( but also to -et some information about the result. 'his information is stored in the fla-s and is then used for decidin- #hat to do ne=t( #hich is usuall" #ith a branch conditional instruction. So #e #ill ha$e to emulate the calculation itself and then perform the fla- calculation. Cla- calculation could be reall" a ni-htmare in + and it is the main reason I hate + cores( it is reall" a lot of easier to emulate fla- calculation in asm. 'here are also arithmetic and lo-ical instructions that do not store the result but onl" perform the calculation so the fla-s #ould be updated. F=amples of this instruction are cmp %compare( #hich is reall" a subtraction& and test %#hich is a lo-ical and&. aritlo-_instruction A tmp9 -et operand 9 tmpO -et operand O tmpT calculation % tmp9( tmpO & fla-s calculate_fla-s % tmp9( tmpO( tmpT& store_result % tmpT & .... all the other usual stuff .... B !hen emulatin- the calculation #e ha$e to ta)e care of a fe# thin-s. Cirst bitness( the emulated machine and the tar-et machine could ha$e different #ord si5es %#hat in + is usuall" called an int&. Cor e=ample in a i6767 the #ord si5e should be the b"te %I'm not sure thou-h because I don't ha$e a i6767 + compiler& and it has some double #ord operations %9: bits operations&. In =6: %if it is ZT6:& the #ord si5e is TO bits and in a ne# -eneration /IS+ it is :Q bits or e$en 9O6 bits. 'he real bi- problem happens #hen #e are translatin- from a machine #ith lar-er #ord si5e than our tar-et machine #ord. If our + compiler has math e=tensions that perform calculations #ith double the machine #ord si5e( the emulation #ill be a lot slo#er but #e ma" not reall" care. If not #e #ill ha$e to implement our double si5e operations. If the tar-et machine has the same #ord si5e there is not usuall" a problem( but there could possibl" a little3bi- endian problem. 'his is another thin- I #ill tal) about in another doc. If the tar-et machine has a bi--er #ord si5e then #e ha$e to perform the operations in the correct si5e %half#ord or #hate$er& or e$en 5eroin- the upper bits of the result %if the tar-et +P, does not perform operations in such a si5e&. 2nother thin- #e ha$e to be a#are of is that not all instructions #ith a name X perform the same operation in all the +P,s. 2 1,? instruction could be for e=ample si-ned and unsi-ned or a rotation instruction could ha$e different side effects. So #e ha$e to loo) at the IS2 definition and the + %or another lan-ua-e( or e$en the tar-et IS2 definition if #e are usin- assembler& and )no# FX2+'?Y #hat this instruction is doin- in both machines and lan-ua-es. Cla-s( #hich are also )no#n as condition codes( are stored usuall" in the +P, status #ord %or PS!&( this happens in our i6767 or e$en in the =6: architecture( but it is not needed. 'he" could be in a different re-ister or e$en to ha$e different re-isters for each condition code. Sometimes each one used for storin- the result of a different

instructions %this happens in I<1 Po#er architecture&. Probabl" one of the bi--est differences bet#een the different architectures can be the fla-s. 'here are e$en architectures that do not ha$e them@ 2s I said before fla-s are mainl" used for storin- some information about the result and then a person or compiler can use this information to ma)e a decision usin- a conditional instruction. 2 conditional instruction is an instruction that chan-es the order of pro-ram flo# dependin- on some element 8 usuall" bein- the fla-s. 'he" are also used for helpin- #ith e=tended arithmetic that is arithmetic #ith numbers lar-er than the #ord si5e. Cor e=ample carr" and o$erflo# fla-s can be used in such a #a". 'he most common fla-s or condition codes are4 5ero fla- %EC&( carr" fla- %+C&( o$erflo# fla- %0C& and si-n fla- %SC&. 'here are also other fla-s and combinations3modifications of those. 'he 5ero fla-s indicates if the result is 5ero( usuall" EC 9 means result is 7 and EC 7 result is different from 7. 'he 5ero fla- is eas" to calculate comparin- the result #ith 7. 'he carr" fla-s indicates that the operation has produced a carr". 'his means that the result e=ceeds the si5e of the +P, #ord. 'his can be e=plained better #ith an e=ample. 'hin) of a usual sum( 9OQ Z 6M: 88888888888 9777 If #e are #or)in- #ith onl" three di-its #e ha$e a carr" of one unit. If this is applied to binar" operations( the carr" can be onl" one or 5ero and this is #hat is stored in the +C. 'he +C is also used for storin- the borro# of a sub and is used in some rotation instructions. It happens #hen the ne-ati$e result of the sum e=ceeds the si5e of the result #ord si5e. If "our machine has a #ord si5e lar-er than the emulated machine "ou can perform the operation in double the #ord si5e of the emulated operation. 'hen "ou test if the result e=ceeds the lar-er unsi-ned binar" number possible #ith the emulated operation #ord si5e. 'he borro# is the same as the carr" but #ith a subtraction and so somethin- similar can be done. You need to )no# a bit about ho# binar" sums and subs are performed( for e=ample a sub is an addition #ith the minued complemented3ne-ated. I should ha$e to e=plain about it but it's ma)in- m" head hurt no#. I could Hust about remember e=actl" ho# it #or)s. 2s) me if "ou #ant me to e=plain this further. 'he o$erflo# fla- indicates that the result is si-n chan-ed from the real result that it should be. It is used #ith sum and subs. It is usuall" used b" multiplication and di$ision instructions and I thin) it could mean also that result e=ceeds %usuall" b" far& the result #ord si5e. 2s the +C fla- could be also used for other thin-s. 'o implement it "ou can chec) the operation and the si-n of both operands and the result and act properl". 'he si-n fla- stores the si-n of the result( #hich is the hi-hest bit of result. In t#o8complement inte-er arithmetic this means that SC 7 %the hi-hest bit of the result is a 7& means a positi$e number and SC 9 a ne-ati$e number. It could easil" implemented Hust chec)in- the hi-hest bit of the result. Cor e=ample doin- an 2G; operation #ith 7=67

for b"te #ord si5e( to 5ero out all the lo#er M bits and then chec)inthis result #ith 5ero. You ha$e to ta)e into account that the definition of the fla-s ma" chan-e a lot bet#een different +P,s. Somethin- that #e also ha$e to ta)e account #ith some arithmetic 8 lo-ic instructions is that the" could ha$e $ariable timin-. 'his means that dependin- upon the $alues of the operands the timin- #ill be different. 'his happens #ith multiplication( di$ision and some rotation3shift operations and more usuall" #ith older +P,s. Sometimes could be reall" difficult to calculate accuratel" the real timin- of such operations. Yust to mention it( there are also floatin- point instructions. 'hese instructions perform float calculations rather than inte-er calculation as the usual arithmetic instructions do. 'here is usuall" a separate re-ister set %usuall" #ith lar-er re-isters& for those instructions and the" also a separate status #ord and condition fla-s. Got all +P,s ha$e floatin- point instructions. 0nl" the more KmodernK %if a T6: can be called modern& usuall" ha$e a CP unit. 'he i6767 clearl" does not ha$e it and CP emulation is far a#a" from the scope of this proHect and document. VPlease use a te=t editor #ith fi=ed spacin- and tabs set to Q to $ie# this file( i.e. hopefull" not notepadW Dandin- +ondition Cla-s %$ersion 9.O&

Cirstl" 8 some reminders...

<oolean +onditionals 88888888888888888888 !e )no# #hat these statements are "es* [boolean e=pressionU * [return t"peU . [return t"peU Cor e=ample. int number %$alueU7& * $alue . 74

!hich basicall" sets number to $alue if $alueU7( other#ise it sets it to 5ero. %'his has the effect of ma)in- number $alue unless $alue is ne-ati$e #here then the number then is set to 5ero 8 but don't #orr" about that& I tend to thin) that these are neater than if statements( not to mention the" %probabl"*& compile to more optimised code.

;efine Cunctions 8888888888888888 Yust to ma)e sure all "ou )no#( a \define is basicall" a function that holds code that #ill be KinlinedK at compile time 8 impro$in- speed %no procedure call o$erhead&.

Dere is ho# it is KdefinedK. \define [function nameU %[parametersU& ] [statementU4 ] [statementU4 ] [statementU4 'he parameters bein- optional...

<oolean 0perators 88888888888888888 I #ill assume "ou )no# the lo-ic tables of 2G; and 0/ so I shall Hust remind "ou #hat happens to $alues #hen this is done to a number. 2G;. 9797 & 9977 0/. X0/. 9797 S 9977 G0'. ~7997 9779 7997 i.e. 'he result is 9 onl" #hen there is a 9 and 7 i.e. F$er" bit is KflippedK 9797 | 9977 9777 9997 i.e. 0nl" #hen both bits is 9 is the result 9 i.e. 'he result is 9 #hen either bits is 9

Settin- and ,nsettin- <its 88888888888888888888888888 /i-ht( as "ou probabl" )no# in most lan-ua-es %and e$en in most assembl" lan-ua-es& "ou cannot #or) #ith bits directl". %0hh( emulation #ould be a much simpler thin- if "ou could...& 0)a"( no# I )no# "ou are familiar #ith the boolean operators( #e can no# use them to set and unset indi$idual bits in a b"te. 'here are t#o )e" principals 9& settin- a bit( and O& unsettin- %resettin-& a bit. /i-ht lets loo) at settin- a bit first. ?ets start eas"( suppose #e #ant to set bit Q of an 68bit b"te to 9( ho# do #e do it* %in binar"& ab"te ab"te 777777774 ab"te | 777977774

/emember bit numbers are labelled M.:.R.Q.T.O.9.7 b" con$ention. Go# ob$iousl" #e can not do this as binar" in +( so I #ill use he=. ab"te ab"te 7=74 ab"te|7=974

'his can of course be abbre$iated to. ab"te | 7=974

Go#( since #e )no# #hat the positions of the fla-s are %from emu6767.h&( 3* 'hese are the positions of the fla-s in the i6767 %and E67& *3 \define S_C?2N 7=67 3* Si-n <it M *3 \define E_C?2N 7=Q7 3* Eero <it : *3 \define 2+_C?2N 7=97 3* 2u=iliar" +arr" <it Q *3 \define P_C?2N 7=7Q 3* Parit" <it O *3 \define +Y_C?2N 7=79 3* +arr" <it 7 *3 #e can use this Hust li)e #e used the constant 7=97 before. So for e=ample 8 #e #ant to set the Eero bit to indicate a result of Eero. PS! | E_C?2N4

You see* It is reall" rather simple #hen "ou -et "our head around it. /i-ht no# lets loo) at unsettin- a bit. 'his is nearl" the same as abo$e but instead of usin- 0/ %'|'&( #e use 2G; %'&'&. You ma" alread" see a problem here( if #e used 2G; for the #hole PS! %Processor Status !ord& #e #ould 5ero all the other fla-s in the process. Cor this reason #e must use the G0' '~' operator. 2n e=ample of ho# G0' acts is the follo#in-( ~77779999 99997777

?ets sa" #e #ant to unset the 5ero fla-( ho# #ould #e do it* !ell( first #e need to ne-ate all the bits of the E_C?2N constant %~E_C?2N& so if( E_C?2N then( ~E_C?2N 97999999 79777777

!e can no# 2G; %'&'& this ne-ated E_C?2N #ith the PS! to 5ero Hust the 5ero fla-. See* It becomes >uite eas" #hen "ou brea) it do#n. I thin) #e are no# read" to ha$e a loo) at the SF'PS! function.

'he SF'PS! function 8888888888888888888 0)a"( lets do this section b" section. 'he ;efine \define setps#%$al& ] 'his is the definition for the define as described in K;efine CunctionsK. 'he parameter '$al' is the /FS,?' of an operation that #e #ant to test to set the fla-s. Eero Cla-

i6767 1anual ;efinition. KIf the result of an instruction has the $alue 7( this fla- is set4 other#ise it is reset.K 3* Is the result 5ero* *3 ] i6767.PS! $al 7 * i6767.PS!|E_C?2N . i6767.PS! & ~E_C?2N4 ] 0)a"( here #e are usin- a boolean conditional to test if $al is 5ero. /emember KSettin- and ,nsettin- <itsK and #hat these '&' and '|' operations do* If it is 5ero #e return %or set i6767.PS! e>ual to& itself 0/'ed #ith the E_C?2N %#hich sets the E_C?2N&. 0ther#ise #e return %or set i6767.PS! e>ual to& itself 2G;'ed #ith the ne-ated E_C?2N %#hich unsets the E_C?2N&. Si-n Clai6767 1anual ;efinition. KIf the most si-nificant bit of the result of this operation has the $alue 9( this fla- is set4 other#ise it is reset.K 0)a"( here #e need to detect if the 1S< %1ost Si-nificant <it& %bit M& is 7 or 9. If it is 5ero( #e ha$e a positi$e number( #hereas if it is 9( #e ha$e a ne-ati$e number. 3* Das the result the si-n bit set* *3 ] i6767.PS! $al&7=67 U 7 * i6767.PS!|S_C?2N . i6767.PS! & ~S_C?2N4 ] 'he easiest #a" to do this is 5ero out the bottom bits so onl" bit M is intact %2G;'in- #ith 7=67 %#hich is 97777777 in binar"&& and then #e can see if this number is -reater than 5ero. ;o not for-et that #e are #or)in- #ith an Kunsi-ned charK here( so to the + lan-ua-e bit M is Hust the top most bit and G0' a si-n bit. 2s "ou can see the rest of the statement is Hust li)e settin- and unsettinthe Eero fla- abo$e. Parit" ClaV'han)s to Iictor 1o"a del <arrio for postin- a better $ersion( and then pointin- out I still didn't ha$e it ri-ht 4&W i6767 1anual ;efinition. KIf the modulo O sum of the bits of the result of the operation is 7( %i.e.( if the result has e$en parit"&( this fla- is set4 other#ise it is reset %i.e.( if the result has odd parit"&.K 3* Is the result of odd or e$en parit"* *3 ] i6767.PS! | P2/I'YV$alW@ 7 * i6767.PS!|P_C?2N . i6767.PS! & ~P_C?2N4 ] 0)a"( this is fairl" simple. In the source there a function init_tables #hich pre$iousl" calculates the parit" fla- for all combinations of an 68bit $alue. 'he reason #e do this is that it #ould be too costl" to calculate it at runtime. 'he Si-n and Eero fla-s could become a part of this table also. You can ha$e a loo) at this code to find out ho# the parit" #or)s %in the code as of side$R& it should not be too hard to understand if "ou stare at it for lon- enou-h. .&

+arr" ClaV'han)s to Geil Niffiths for postin- a corrected $ersionW i6767 1anual ;efinition. If the instruction resulted in a carr" %from addition&( or a borro# %from subtraction or a comparison& out of the hi-h order bit( this fla- is set4 other#ise it is reset. V'his is not in setps# as some instructions do not need it( but I am describin- it here for completeness.W setc" %si-ned int $al& A if %$al U 7=ff || $al [ 7=77& i6767.PS! | +Y_C?2N4 else i6767.PS! & ~+Y_C?2N4 B 0)a"( this is FX2+'?Y the same as the conditional operations( in fact( here is #hat it #ould loo) li)e in this form %#hich unfortunatel" did not fit on one line&. setc" %si-ned int $al& A i6767.PS! %$alU7=ff || $al[7=77& * i6767.PS!|+Y_C?2N . i6767.PS! & B


'his one is sli-htl" more complicated in that #e need to cast the incominb"te to this function into a Ksi-ned intK so that #e can detect if #e -o Kout of boundsK of the ori-inal b"te. Cor this reason #e are usin- a normal function instead of a \define %as su--ested b" Geil&. You can see this here( #ith the indication that if $al is -reater than 7=CC %ORR& %#hich Krolled o$er 7=CCK from an addition& or is less than 7=77 %#hich #as caused b" a subtraction& then that #ould not be able to be contained in a b"te and thus a Kcarr"K occurred. 'hen the carr" fla- must be set. 0r it ma" be unset if the b"te is in the ri-ht bounds. 2u=iliar" +arr" Clai6767 1anual ;efinition. KIf the instruction caused a carr" out of bit T and into bit Q of the resultin- $alue( the au=iliar" carr" is set4 other#ise it is reset. 'his flais effected b" sin-le precision additions( subtractions( increments( decrements( comparisons( and lo-ical operations( but it is principall" used #ith additions and increments precedin- a ;22 %;ecimal 2dHust 2ccumulator& instruction. V'his is not in setps# as some instructions do not need it( but I am describin- it here for completeness.W \define setac%$al( result& ] if %%i6767.2 S result S $al& & 7=97& | ] %%%$al S _2 S 7=67& & %$al S result& & 7=67& UU R& i6767.PS! | 2+_C?2N4 ] else ]

i6767.PS! &


Go# this is a tric)" one( I don't pretend to understand >uite m"self as I stole this lo-ic from the 121F E67 core. 0f course if this is #ron- #hen #e start emulatin- Space In$aders and it uses this fla-( #e #ill hopefull" be able to see #here it -oes #ron- and chan-e this implementation until the code e=ecutes correctl". <ut that is all the fun parts to come... 4& If an"bod" can pro$ide a -ood e=planation( please do@ Go# K$alK is the operand( and KresultK is %ob$iousl"& the $alue after the operation. Cor e=ample( in an 2;; opcode #e #ould call 'setac' li)e this. i6767.2 [a re-isterU Z $alue setac%$alue( i6767.2&4 or for S,<. i6767.2 [a re-isterU 8 $alue setac%$alue( i6767.2&4

+onclusions 88888888888 'hat is it@ Dope this cleared up a fe# thin-s( comments are al#a"s #elcome. It #ould probabl" be best for this to -o on the #ebpa-e%s& for reference. I thin) I ha$e prett" much summed up reall" the root concepts of +P, emulation. 'he rest is Hust #ritin- up code from a %hopefull" -ood& +P, reference manual@ Pieron !il)inson Clo# control instructions %a)a Humps&.

!ell( let's tal) toda" about the Hump instruction famil". I ha$e named this doc 'flo# control instructions' mainl" because I did not find a better name .P( but #hat does 'flo# control' mean* +P,s are basicall" desi-ned to e=ecute code se>uentiall". the instructions are ordered in memor" and each instruction is e=ecuted after the instruction #hich is before( and before the instruction #hich is located ne=t. 'he order in #hich instructions are e=ecuted is called the flo# of e=ecution. 0f course a se>uential flo# of e=ecution is $er" limited( so here is #here flo# control instructions come. 'hese instructions modif" the flo# of e=ecution tellin- the +P, #hich instruction #ill be the ne=t to be e=ecuted( rather than Hust e=ecute the instruction ne=t in memor"( as it is done b" default. 'here are man" )inds of flo# control instructions and #e #ill see some of them here. <ut #h" must the flo# of e=ecution chan-e* 'here are man" reasons that in determine each )ind of flo# control instruction. 0ne of the main reasons is to decide #hat code #ill be e=ecuted ne=t. 'he instructions #hich ma)e these decisions are usuall" called conditional Hump or branch instructions. 2nother of the reasons is because the same piece of code can be e=ecuted man" times. It is not usuall" a -ood idea to replicate that code as man" times as it is e=ecuted. So the code is or-ani5ed in loops and functions %and3or procedures&. 'he instructions

#hich perform these tas)s are called unconditional Humps( call to function( return. Some +P,s ha$e t#o %or e$en more& #or)in- modes( a user mode for common pro-rams and a protected or s"stem mode for the 0S. 'o -ain access to the 0S functions %s"stem calls& some +P,s ha$e special instructions( the" are usuall" called soft#are interrupts( traps( -ates. 'here is a #a" to brea) the flo# of e=ecution #ithout e=ecutin- an" instruction. +P,s pro$ide facilities so the hard#are de$ices can send si-nals to the +P,. 'hese si-nals are called hard#are interrupts %or Hust interrupts( also I/^s&. !hen a hard#are interrupt is recei$ed %and interrupts are enabled& the +P, brea)s the e=ecution flo# and starts to e=ecute the code from a fi=ed %or $ector dri$en& address. !hen this code ends it e=ecutes a special returnin- instruction %interrupt return or iret& and the e=ecution is continued at the point it #as stopped. !e need to ta)e into account this beha$iour #hen doin- our emulator. 'here is another )ind of interrupt #hich is internal to the +P,( the" are called e=ceptions. 2n e=ception brea)s the e=ecution of an instruction. It doesn't e$en #ait the end of the instruction as an I/^ does( because the e=ceptions are -enerated b" errors in the e=ecution of the instruction. Got all +P,s -enerate e=ceptions( but the modern +P,s usuall" pro$ide them. 'he more common e=amples of e=ception are the di$ide b" 5ero e=ception and the memor" e=ception %or pa-e fault&. 'his last one is $er" important for s"stems #ith $irtual memor" support. !hen the handlin- routine for the e=ception ends it returns to the same instruction that #as bein- e=ecuted %and this time it should #or) correctl" 4&. I thin) I #ill tal) further about interrupts %mainl"& and e=ceptions in another doc. 'he flo# of e=ecution in a +P, is dri$en b" a re-ister usuall" called the P+ %pro-ram counter& #hich points to the ne=t instruction to be e=ecuted. 'his means that #hat a flo# control instructions ha$e to do is basicall" to chan-e the P+. In a proper #a" of course 4&. I #ill start #ith the Hump instructions. 2 Hump( or sometimes also called branch( Hust chan-es the P+ re-ister %and it does nothinmore&. 'here are basicall" t#o possible chan-es. to add or sub a number to the P+( this is then a relati$e to P+ Hump( or it Hust loads the P+ #ith a ne# $alue( and then it is an absolute Hump. 'here is Hust another minor distinction bet#een Humps in some +P,s. far and near Humps. 2bsolute Humps are al#a"s far Humps( but relati$es can be sometimes near or far. 2 near Hump has a smaller ran-e of address to Hump to than a far Hump. 0ften the Hump tar-et address is near to the address of the Hump instruction %small loops( ifs( etc.&. It ma)es sense to ha$e a smaller instruction %to sa$e in code si5e or e$en because the instruction si5e is limited& for those Humps( for e=ample a Hump #ith Hust a b"te for the offset. Cor lar-er Humps #e can use an absolute Hump or a far Hump %if a$ailable& #hich has a lar-er offset. 2 relati$e Hump offsets the P+( so the first thin- to do #hen emulatin- it is to si-n e=tend the offset $alue %a b"te or a #ord& to the si5e of the P+ and add to the P+ this si-n e=tended $alue. 2n absolute Hump is Hust a load into the P+. 'he $alue to load can

be an immediate $alue %the tar-et address is stored in the same instruction& or a $alue stored in memor" or in a re-ister. 2 Hump can also be conditional. 2 conditional Hump is a Hump #hich onl" performs the Hump if a -i$en condition is satisfied. Cor e=ample if fla- E is 7. +onditional Humps used to be al#a"s relati$e %and man" time Hust near& Humps( because the" are used in small loops and for buildin- ifs %an if + statement is usuall" assembled as a concatenation of conditional Humps&. Cor emulatin- a conditional Hump the first thin- to do is to chec) the condition( if the condition is satisfied the P+ is chan-ed as in a normal %unconditional& Hump( if the condition is not satisfied there is not a Hump. 'he P+ is Hust updated to e=ecute the instruction ne=t to the Hump as in a common instruction. 'he i6767 has onl" absolute Hump instructions %it is reall" stran-e but it doesn't ha$e relati$e conditinal Humps( #hich are >uite common in 68bit +P,s( the E67 has them thou-h&. It has t#o unconditinal Humps. YP and P+D?. P+D? loads the content of the D? re-ister into the P+ %useful for indirect Humps as used in Hump tables&. 'here are 6 conditional Humps too( dependin- upon the $alue of Q of the i6767 fla-s %E( +( P and S&. Cor e=ample a Y+ %Hump if carr" is set& instruction should be emulated this #a". case 7=;2. if %C & +Cla-& 33 'est if the +arr" fla-s is set pc memor"VpcW4 33 ?oad P+ #ith the Hump address else pc Z O4 33 Got set( s)ip address( ne=t instr. brea)4 Some +P,s ha$e a nast" feature. dela"ed Humps. 2 dela"ed Hump means that the instruction %or n instructions& ne=t to the Hump instruction are e=ecuted al#a"s %as the" #ere before the Hump but #ithout modif"in- the condition&. 'hat is hard to e=plain but it is because the +P,s are pipelined %search a boo) about computer architecture& and Humps are a real ni-htmare for performance. Yumps brea) the flo# of e=ecution and that brea)s the pipelinin- too. 'o sol$e this problem some +P,s use this solution. 0ther Hust tr" to do a -ood Hump prediction %Pentium&. In such a +P, this feature is $er" important to be emulated too. Yumps are used for controllin- the flo# of e=ecution inside a function( creatin- loops or implementin- if and s#itch statements. <ut there is another )ind of flo# control instructions #hich are used to control the flo# bet#een functions. 'he" are the call and the ret instruction %sometimes the" ha$e other names&. 2 call Humps to a ne# function( a ret returns from a function. !hat is the difference #ith a Hump instruction* 2 Hump instruction Hust performs the Hump and then %unless the pro-rammer implements it b" hand& there is no #a" to return to the point the Hump #as made. 'his #ould be a useful feature because that is #hat a function does. 2 function is called( it e=ecutes its code and #hen it ends( it is supposed to return to the point it #as called and continue the e=ecution there. 'he call and ret instructions implement this feature for the pro-rammer. 'he first thin- a call does is to store the returnin- address. !here does it store it* ;o "ou remember the stac)* !ell( the main

purpose of the stac) is to store the return addresses for function calls. If "ou loo) to ho# a stac) #or)s( it is the #a" the return addresses ha$e to be stored( the more recent called functions #ill be the first functions to return. So a call stores the P+ for the ne=t instruction %the actual P+& in the stac) %in the position pointed b" the SP re-ister&( updates the SP %if the stac) -oes from hi-h to lo# address( as is usual( it is subtracted the si5e of an address $alue& and then loads the P+ #ith the address for the called function. 'he address for the called function is an absolute $alue #hich can be immediate %in the same instruction& or indirect %in memor" or in a re-ister&. 'he ret instruction does the opposite tas). !hen a function ends it does a ret instruction. 'he ret -ets the $alue in the last entr" of the stac) and loads it into the P+. 'hen updates the SP( addinthe si5e of an address $alue %hi-h to lo# stac)&. In some +P,s the ret function also adds a -i$en $alue to the SP %the stac) frame for the function&. 'he stac) is also used b" the functions to store the parameters passed to the function and the results of the function %#hen the callin- con$entions ma)e them to -o throu-h the stac)&( and an" other temporal data related to a function %local $ariables&. !hen a function ends it has also to free all the space in the stac) it has used. 'hat e=plains the use of the ret instruction #ith a $alue to add to the SP( it frees the space used b" the function. 'he stac) is the perfect place for all this data because each instance %each call& of the function needs its o#n data( and others #a"s to implement it #ould be reall" hard. 'he instruction set for call instructions is >uite lar-e in the i6767. It has unconditional call and ret instructions but also conditional call and ret instructions for the E( +( P and S fla-s. +onditional calls and rets #or) is in the same #a" as conditional Humps. If the condition is true the instructions performs a call or a return( if not continues the e=ecution in the ne=t instruction. 2n e=ample of an implementation of a ret instruction could be. case 7=cL. P+ memor"VSPW4 SP Z O4 brea)4 3* 3* Net the return address ;elete the stac) entr" *3 *3

'he soft#are interrupts are a special #a" to call functions. 'here is a fi=ed ran-e of these interrupts %usuall" there are OR:& and those functions are not called b" an address but b" an interrupt number %7 to ORR for e=ample&. 'he" ha$e man" uses( mainl" related #ith 0Ses. 'he" pro$ide a fi=ed #a" to call somethin-. for e=ample int 9Th is the standard call for the P+ <I0S $ideo functions. Soft#are interrupts used to be $ector dri$en. 'here is a table of addresses in a special location in the memor" #hich contains the address for each interrupt %#hich is usuall" located at the start of the memor" space&. 'his table can be modified to point to different locations %redirect the interrupt to another routine&( but those functions are al#a"s called in the same #a". 'he interrupt number is the inde= to this table. Soft#are interrupts are also used as -ates to s"stem mode and to the 0S s"stem calls %the 2PI pro$ided b" the 0S&. 'he" chan-e the #or)inmode of the +P, to s"stem mode.

'he instructions #hich ma)e calls to soft#are interrupts are usuall" called int or trap( but the" ha$e other names. 2n int instruction #or)s much as a call instruction but it has some differences. 'he returninaddress is stored in the stac) as in a call instruction( but usuall" the status #ord %the fla-s& is also stored on the stac) #ith it. 'he SP is updated as usual and the P+ is loaded #ith the $alue pointed to in the $ector table b" the interrupt number %or #ith a $alue obtained #hich is Hust another standard manner for obtainin- interrupt addresses&. If the int is a -ate to s"stem mode then the emulator has to perform all the chan-es needed in a +P, mode chan-e %chan-e +P, mode bits for e=ample( chan-e the stac) pointer to s"stem mode pointer( etc&. 'he fla-s are stored because it is supposed to be a )ind of entr" to the 0S( and therefore conte=ts s#itch. 2 conte=t s#itch implies to sa$e the entire +P, conte=t but man" +P,s Hust sa$e the fla-s and let e$er"thin- else to the 0S. 0ther +P,s can sa$e e$er"thin-. 'he instruction used for returnin- from an interrupt %and it #or)s for all )ind of interrupts. softs( I/^s and e=ceptions& can be called iret. Performs the same tas)s than a common ret instruction but also restores the conte=t( that is( restores the status #ord or an" other information that the interrupt call sa$ed. Some soft#are interrupts ha$e special opcodes. for e=ample in =6: intT has opcode 7=cc #hile a common interrupt has an opcode 7=cd 7=nn #here nn is the interrupt number. Dard#are interrupts %also called I/^s& are not produced b" an" instruction but from e=ternal si-nals %the +P, has some pins for recei$in- interrupts&. <ut an iret )ind of instruction is used at the end of the interrupt routine to return to point the interrupt bro)e the e=ecution. F=ceptions are produced b" an" )ind of instruction that produces a +P, error. Cor e=ample an" memor" load or store in a s"stem #ith $irtual memor" can produce a pa-e fault. F=ceptions are hard to emulate because the" potentiall" reduce a lot the performance of the emulator. If each memor" instruction ha$e to chec) for a pa-e fault e=ception the cost can be reall" -reat. F=ceptions handlin- routines are the same as soft int and I/^s routines and end #ith an iret instruction. In some cases there are e=ceptions #hich can be -enerated b" specific instructions( as for e=ample di$ide b" 5ero e=ceptions. 'he i6767 has a non8mas)able interrupt %an interrupt #hich can't be disabled& and a normal interrupt for hard#are si-nals. I thin) it doesn't ha$e an" e=ceptions. 'here are t#o instructions for enablinand disablin- the hard#are interrupt %IG'& #hich are FI %enable& and ;I %disable&. 'he soft#are interrupts are called #ith the instruction /S'. It pro$ides 6 different fi=ed position entr" points for interrupts. 'here aren't special return instructions for interrupts %because the fla-s aren't sa$ed ... #ell I thin) here m" documentation is a bit uncomplete&. I #ill tal) about e=ception and interrupt emulation in another doc. Dere ends this doc.

1emor" Fmulation 'he memor" is the computer de$ice #here the pro-ram code and data is temporall" stored #hile e=ecutin-. 4& <ut if "ou don't )no# about it #h" in hell are "ou readin- this. .&& !ell I thin) I ha$e read in an old boo) that the" called it primar" stora-e. Secondar" #ould be hard dis) and other 'slo#8but8lar-e' memor" s"stems. In fact there is a )ind of hierarch" of memories. /e-isters +ache ?9 +ache ?O /21 Dard ;is) 88888888U 88888888U 88888888U 88888888U 88888888U the fastest( onl" a fe# $er" fast( small %QP< to TOP<& fast( a bit more lar-e %91<8Q1<& a bit slo# .p %:Q1< to some N< 4& as slo# as a turtle #ith bro)en le-s .& man" N< to 'era<

2 bit older that table ... I thin) no# there are some lar-e ?9 caches %9O6P< 21; 2thlon( DP8P2 91<&. 2nd I ha$e read about usin- three cache le$els in ne# s"stems. 'he race bet#een +P, speed and memor" speed has been al#a"s #on b" +P,s( #hich raises the ni-htmare of the +P, #aitin- eternall" for an access to memor" ... In fact that isn't so important for emulation( Got in the le$el #e are #or)in-. !e #or) #ith re-isters( main memor" and dis) %if #e are emulatin- a computer&. +ache memor" must be and is transparent to the processor( or usuall" it is. You #on't need to emulate the cache unless "ou #ant to monitor the e=ecution or somethin- similar. 2nd I don't thin) there #ill be an" s"stem made that ta)es into account accurate cache timin-s. !e ha$e alread" seen ho# to emulate re-isters( the" use an arra" of n =8bit re-isters and so the" are emulated. 'here are times #hen a +P, can ha$e more than a ban) of re-isters. for e=ample there is usuall" an inte-er ban) and a floatin- point ban). Fach ban) can ha$e different t"pe %si5e in bits( format& and number of re-isters. I #on't tal) about dis) emulation( that is a specific de$ice subHect and in console and arcade emulation it is rare to be found. !hat is called main memor" can be implemented b" a lar-e $ariet" of hard#are de$ices. 'he main memor" is the memor" #hich is addressed and accessed directl" b" the +P,. It can be /ead 0nl" 1emor" or /01( normal /ead8!rite 1emor" or /21 and the mappin- of I0 de$ice re-isters %or e$en memor"&. 'hose three 'basic' t"pes of main memor". /01 %read onl"&( /21 %read and #rite& and I0 re-isters can be e=panded to a lot more subt"pes. FP/01( FFP/01( S/21( ;/21( S;/21( ... <ut that usuall" doesn't matter #hen emulatin- the memor". 2 +P, uses a number of bits to address memor". 'hat number of bits corresponds to the number of lines of the address bus. 'he" define the si5e of the address space that the +P, can access. 'hat is the ma=imum si5e of memor" that can be directl" accessed Kat the same timeK b" the processor. 1ore e=actl"( this is the ma=imum amount of memor" actuall" mapped. In the case of the 6767 it uses 9: bits for addressin-( so its address space is :QP< lon-. <ut it doesn't mean an 6767 +P, can onl" ha$e :Q P< of memor". You can see that the Namebo" +P, #hich uses a modified E67 %it is $er" similar to the 6767&( has /01s lar-er than :Q P<. Do# does this #or)* 'here is a special hard#are attached to the address bus #hich multiple=es memor" accesses. 'hat it is called ban) s#itchin-. 'here are some re-ions in the +P, address space #hich can map different memor" pa-es %a bloc) of the real memor"&. 'hose re-ions are called ban)s. ,sin- I0 or memor" mapped I0( a command is sent to that special hard#are tellin- it #hat memor" pa-e is

#anted in a ban). 'hen all accesses to the ban) are redirected b" the hard#are to the ne# pa-e of memor". 'hat is ho# it #or)s the Namebo" and the 1aster S"stem for e=ample. ?ets loo) at the 1aster S"stem. It has T ban)s that can address 9:P< pa-es of the real /01. Dere is ho# it #or)s... !e ha$e a 9O6P< /01 loaded in our 1S emulator and #e #ant to -et the 9:8P< pa-e startin- at 67P< in ban) 9 %ban) 9 -oes from address 7=Q777 to 7=6777( the second 9:P< of the address space&. In address space offset 7=fffe there is a re-ister #hich contains the pa-e contained in ban) 9 %the pa-e is /01addr37=Q777( al#a"s startin- in a 9:P< boundar"&. 'he /01 is di$ided into 9: P< pa-es so 67P< is the Rth pa-e. If the $alue stored in 7=fffe #as 7=79 #e #ere accessin- the /01 memor" from 9:P< to TOP<. If no# #e #rite 7=7R in 7=fffe #e can access the address space re-ion from 7=Q777 to 7=6777 %ban) 9& the /01 re-ion bet#een 67P< and L:P< %/01 address. 7=9Q777 _ 7=96777& or /01 pa-e R. <an) 9 Pa-e re-ister %7=fffe& contains. 7=79 %pa-e 9& 6767 1emor" %:Q P<& /01 ?oaded %9O6P<& | | | | | | |888888888888| <an) 9 | | | | %7=Q77787=6777& |888888888888| Pa-e 9 | | %9:P<& | | %7=Q7778=6777& | | 8888888888888888888888U | | %9:P<& | | %accesses to& | | | | | | |888888888888| |888888888888| | | | | | | | |

<an) 9 Pa-e re-ister %7=fffe& contains. 7=7R %pa-e R& 6767 1emor" %:Q P<& | | | | |888888888888| <an) 9 | | %7=Q77787=6777& | | %9:P<& | | 88888888888888888888U | | %accesses to& | | |888888888888| | | | | /01 ?oaded %9O6P<& | | | | |888888888888| Pa-e R | | %7=9Q7778=96777& | | %9:P<& | | | | |888888888888| | | | |

'he 1aster S"stem ban) s#itchin- hard#are is Hust a small e=ample about #hat can be done multiple=in- the +P, address bus. 'he GFS uses this s"stem intensi$el" not onl" to access more than :Q P< of memor" %the GFS +P, :R7O is also a 68bit +P, #ith 9:8bit address space& but also to add ne# hard#are %capabilities& to the console %mappin- I0 de$ices&. 'he" are all those a#ful GFS mappers. 'he hard#are #e are tal)in- about is Hust %or can be understood as( #e don't ha$e to bother about the I+ implementation& a table that matches different re-ions of the address space to different re-ions of the real /21 or /01 or to I0 de$ices. Cor e=ample it could -et address 7=dead from the address bus lines( then it #ould see) on its tables and -et that this address maps to a de$ice( the Ho"stic) for e=ample. It #ill call that de$ice and -et %or #rite&

the $alue from %to& the data bus. It could also be that the address #as a ban) address( the hard#are #ould add the pa-e offset to the ban) address offset %the address _ ban) start address& and send a data re>uest to the /01. 'he =6: architecture ha$e also had ban) s#itch support( Hust thin) about the old F1S and X1S memor" s"stems #hich e=panded the ;0S :Q7 P< %9 1<& limit. 'hat hard#are can become more and more comple= and it can e$en be inte-rated inside the +P,. 'hen it becomes #hat is called a 11, %1emor" 1ana-ement ,nit&. 'hat is special hard#are that e$er" modern multitas)in- +P, has. It allo#s us to define ?0NI+2? address spaces #hich are mapped onto the real PDYSI+2? address space %real memor" and I0&. 'hat is a $er" important feature if "ou #ant to ha$e a real multitas)in- 0S %a lon- #ith some others&. 'he 11, translates lo-ical addresses %the ones used b" a process3pro-ram& to ph"sical addresses %real memor" addresses&. Fach process has its o#n lo-ical address and has as $irtual si5e #hich is all the si5e of the +P, address space. It also hides the 0S address space from the process #hen it isn't allo#ed to see it. It pro$ides facilities to protect memor" from reads( #rites or e=ecution. It also traps all in$alid access and raises a +P, e=ception %a +P, internal interrupt& so the soft#are can sol$e the problem. Cor e=ample( that it ho# it #or)s in $irtual memor" s"stems. if "ou #ant to ha$e a memor" pa-e stored on dis) "ou mar) it as read( #rite and3or e=ecution protected %in fact there must be a fla- sa"in- that it is a pa-e on dis)( but I don't actuall" )no# an" implementation&4 #hen an access is made to that address the 11, raises a memor" e=ception4 the e=ception handler sees that it is accessin- a pa-e that is s#apped out and loads the pa-e from dis) into memor"( restores the process conte=t and returns to the point the e=ceptions #as raised. So the 11, #or)s the address space of the +P, and is di$ided into fi=ed len-th pa-es %the usual si5e is Q P<&. 'hen a table containin- information about the mappin- bet#een lo-ical pa-es and ph"sical pa-es is created. Fach entr" contains some more information li)e protection( process I; and others. 'here is a problem( such a table for lar-e memor" spaces is too bi- %tr" to di$ide OS:Q3QP< and "ou #ill -et a real bi- bunch of pa-es&( and usuall" onl" a fe# entries are reall" needed. 'he 11, has also limitations in memor" and space so it can handle onl" a limited number of entries. 'he entries of that table are loaded in the '?< %'ranslation ?oo)8aside <uffer& #hich contains the entries of the tables #ho are actuall" bein- used. !hen the 11, detects a memor" re>uest for an address #hich hasn't its entr" loaded in the '?<( a memor" e=ception is raised. It is the 0S %or the an" other )ind of soft#are #hich is mana-in- the memor" s"stem& #hich has to load the entr" for that address into the '?<. Fach time there is a conte=t s#itch %the processor be-ins to e=ecute another process or -ets into the 0S& the lo-ical space is chan-ed and that means that the '?< must be flushed and loaded a-ain. 'hat is slo# as "ou thin). 'he best thin- is to ha$e the pa-es al#a"s in that process that is inside the '?< %it #or)s a bit li)e the cache&. !ell( that is a 11,. Perhaps it isn't so important to )no# about it if "ou #ant to emulate old 67's machines but it #ill if "ou #ant to emulate somethinmore modern li)e a PSX or a ;+. 4& 'hat is Hust a small introduction to the topic thou-h( it is in fact an ad$anced topic. 'he 11, is also interestin- if our tar-et +P, has one and #e can access it( I #ill tal) about it belo#. /eturnin- to the be-innin-. 2s I ha$e said #ith the +P, address space it can be accessin- either memor" %/01 or /21& or a de$ice %#hich is called I0&. I0 or access to de$ices %de$ice defined to be e$er"thin- #hich is e=ternal to

the +P, but the memor"& is performed usin- the same buses used for memor". In fact a lot of the time there are ports to other buses #hich are used b" the de$ices( for e=ample P+I or IS2 buses( but that is Hust a )ind of bus e=tender or redirector. 'he de$ices are attached usin- some )ind of hard#are to some addresses in the address space. 'hose addresses are used for accessin- the de$ice re-isters #hich are the interface to control them. Got onl" re-isters but also memor" from the de$ice %the memor" of a $ideocard for e=ample& can be mapped that #a". 'hat is #hat is called memor" mapped I0. 1emor" mapped I0 is a method used b" most +P,s to access de$ices. <ut some +P,s ha$e another method. 'he" ha$e a special address space #hich is onl" used for I0 operations %access to de$ices&( it's the I0 address space. 'he I0 address space is usuall" smaller than the normal address space( for e=ample the 6767 has a 68bit %OR: b"tes& I0 space and the =6: a 9:8bit %:QP<& I0 space %the ori-inal address space of =6: #as O78bit or 9 1< althou-h its address re-isters #here in fact 9: bit( that #as possible usin- se-ment re-isters to add the remainin- bits to the real address( ban) s#itchin- inside the +P, 4&. Fach b"te or #ord of the I0 address space is also called a port %to a de$ice&. Special instructions are used to access that additional address space and the" are usuall" called somethin- li)e IG %read from de$ice& and 0,' %#rite to de$ice&. In hard#are the I0 address space is implemented usin- the same address lines and data lines than the normal address space %usin- the proper number of lines of course& but enablin- a special line in the control bus that indicates that is a I0 access %#hich could disable memor" and enable the hard#are #hich connects to the different de$ices&. Fnou-h tal) about it. ?ets tal) about ho# to emulate it.

1emor" emulation should be fast %in fact memor" should also be fast but it isn't .%( caches and other tric)s are used to tr" to ma)e access to memor" seem faster&. 2s "ou can easil" understand access to memor" happens $er" fre>uentl" because the data #ith #hich the +P, has to #or) is in the memor". It is important #hile emulatin- old +P,s #hich ha$e onl" a small set of re-isters( so the" are accessin- memor" all the time %in fact access to memor" is mi=ed #ith operation in these +P,s&. 2nd it is important in modern /IS+ +P,s( #ith lar-er sets of re-isters. 2lthou-h the" can store more data in re-isters and reuse it( it is still needed to access memor" fre>uentl" #ith the penalt" that the" are a lot of faster +P,s. In fe# #ords. accessinmemor" is reall" $er" common( so appl"in- the pro-rammin- la# KL7% of e=ecution time in the 97% of the codeK( it ma)es sense to implement the memor" access as fast as possible. 'he fastest #a" to emulate memor" is Hust to access directl" the real memor". 2nd if it is possible usin- directl" the emulated address( mappinthe emulated address space o$er the real address space. <ut this is usuall" impossible. 'he emulated address space can be too lar-e for the real address space %or memor"& and it can o$erlap data( code and reser$ed re-ions of the tar-et machine address space. So the most common implementation is to use and arra" of continuos b"tes %a buffer& for the emulated address space. 'hen the emulated address is an offset of the buffer. 'his is the implementation of memor" that "ou #ill ha$e to tr" to al#a"s use #hile doin- an emulator. 'here are problems that can )eep "ou from usin- it at full rate thou-h. 'here are addresses that can tri--er actions( and "our emulator has to )no# an access has been made %access to a de$ice most li)el"&. So usin- a buffer isn't enou-h to detect those. !e #ill ha$e to test the address for these special addresses or re-ions before ma)in- an access. 'here is also the problem of the si5e of the emulated address space. Fmulatin- old 68bit +P,s isn't a problem because :Q P< of memor" is $er" small

compared #ith no#ada"s memories. <ut for e=ample( a :6777 has a 9: 1< address space( #hich no# can be handled %the standard no# mi-ht be :Q 1< or 9O6 1< for P+s&( althou-h man" times it is a bit hea$" to use so much memor" onl" for the address space. 2nd TO8bit +P,s ha$e QN< of address space #hich hardl" can be emulated #ith an arra" 4& %for that there is an ad$anced techni>ue I #ill tal) a bit later&. 'he $er" same problem happens #ith :Q8bit or 9O68bit %an"*& +P,s. In fact often a machine %a console( an arcade or a computer& doesn't ha$e so much memor" as the si5e of its address space. 0f course there are e=ceptions #hen the address space is too small %68bit +P,s( or e$en 9:8bit +P,s #ith $er" lar-e /01s or memor" as the Geo-eo or old P+s for e=ample& but then the si5e of the address space isn't a problem either. 'here are re-ions reser$ed for /01( other for /21( "et another for accessin- de$ices and some al#a"s reser$ed for Kfurther useK or Hust Kne$er useK. ?ets see the e=ample of a common 9:8bit console as for e=ample the 1e-a ;ri$e %Nenesis&. 'his console uses a :6777 +P, #hich has a OQ8bit %9: 1<& address space. Its memor" map is somethin- %in a -eneral $ie#& li)e this. 7=777777 |8888888888888888888| | | | | | | |8888888888888888888| | | | | | | | | | | |8888888888888888888| | | | | | | |8888888888888888888| | | | | | | |8888888888888888888| | | | | | | |8888888888888888888| | | | | | | |8888888888888888888|

/01 cartrid-e %Q 1<&


/eser$ed %: 1<&


S"stem I0 %9 1<&


/eser$ed %9 1<&


I;P I0 %O 1<&


!or) /21 %9 1<&


2ll the reser$ed areas don't need to ha$e real memor" so M 1< out. !e still ha$e 6 1<. 'he first Q 1< are cartrid-e dependent( Q 1< is the ma=imum so man" times #e #ill need less memor". 'he #or) /21 is reall" the last :Q P< of the re-ion %I don't )no# #h" the official documentation reser$es all for /21&. 2nd all the I0 re-ions are but a fe# memor" mapped de$ice re-isters4 the" can be handled one in one or usin- smaller re-ions than 9 1<. So from a 9: 1< address space #e ha$e end #ith Q 1< for /01 %ma=imum si5e& and a bit more for /21 and I0. So ho# #e #ill sol$e those t#o problems. I0 access trac) and a sparse memor" map* ,sin- a list of memor" re-ions #ith a memor" handler %a routine or sometimes a pointer to a memor" buffer& associated to those re-ions. 'hat is( the s"stem uses an" -eneral purpose +P, core %as for e=ample 1E67&. 'here

#ill usuall" be one of those lists for read access and another for #rites. 'he beha$iour of an access can chan-e a lot from a read to a #rite so it ma)es sense to differentiate them( for e=ample a re-ion #ith mapped /01 can be read but an" #rite #ill cause an error or #ill be i-nored. Sometimes there can e$en be a list of handlers for fetchin- %readin- opcodes& as for e=ample in Starscream %a :6777 emulator&. 'hen can be also a list of handlers for each possible si5e of the access. handlers for b"te access( handlers for #ord access. ?et see the e=ample applied to the Nenesis %not a real implementation( Hust as an e=ample&. struct /eadDandler A int start2ddr4 int end2ddr4 $oid *routineDandler0r<uffer4 B struct /eadDandlerVW A A7=777777( 7=Tfffff( A7=a77777( 7=a7ffff( A7=a97777( 7=a9779f( A7=a99777( 7=a99fff( A7=c77777( 7=c77799( A7=ff7777( 7=ffffff( B

/01<ufferB( E67/e-ionDandlerB( 33 S"stem I0 I0/e-ionDandlerB( +ontrol/e-ionDandlerB( I;PI0/e-ionDandlerB( 33 I;P I0 /21<ufferB 33 !or) /21

struct !riteDandlerVW A A7=777777( 7=Tfffff( /01ProtectDandlerB( ..... B 'he re-ions of the address space #hich aren't listed are i-nored( either raisin- an error( returnin- a default $alue %7=77 or 7=ff for e=ample& if it is a read( or i-norin- if it is a #rite. It is s"stem dependant and sometimes can be important and others not. 2nother alternati$e is to redirect unlisted re-ions to a -eneric buffer for all the address space %onl" usin- the list of handlers for trac)in- special access&. 'hat is ho# it #or)s i 1E67. F$er" memor" instruction %#hether it is a load3store3mo$ instruction or another instruction #hich performs a memor" access& has to ha$e the code for chec)in- the address #ith the proper list of memor" handlers. Cetchin- is usuall" done usin- a buffer of memor" directl" %if "ou )no# #here the code #ill be& because it is faster. <ut there are times it #ill need to use the same or some )ind of list of memor" handlers %for e=ample #ith ban) s#itchin-&. If the number of re-ions to chec) is too lar-e each access to memor" can become $er" e=pensi$e. 'here are #a"s to tr" to optimise it( either -roupindifferent I0 re-isters inside the same handler %then it #ill be the routine handler #hich #ill chec) for each re-ister& or sortin- the listed re-ions so that the more fre>uentl" accessed are the first found. Someone could tr" to use other more memor" e=pensi$e methods for implementin- those lists. 'he memor" space can be di$ided in pa-es %of an" re-ular si5e&( then an arra" #ith one entr" for each pa-e is created. Fach entr" #ould contain a pointer to a routine or a buffer #here the pa-e is

stored. !hen an access is performed the first thin- to do is to -et #hat pa-e it is %shift to the ri-ht&. ,sin- the pa-e as an inde= in the arra" of pa-e handlers "ou #ill -et the pointer. If it is a function pointer Hust call it. If it is a buffer -et the pa-e offset of the address and use it as an offset inside the pa-e buffer. 'hat #a" is for e=ample as it is usuall" implemented for ban) s#itchin- %for an e=ample( 1E67 ban)8s#itched mode ... erm@ not "et 4&( in this case use m:R7O from the same author&. !hat I ha$e e=plained here is perhaps the best implementation for a -eneric +P, core. <ut if "ou are doin- "our o#n +P, core %or modif"in- someone else's +P, core %if the author lets "ou of course 4& for a specific machine "ou can do more machine specific implementations and optimisations. 2n e=ample could be to inline the actions of one or more of the I0 handler routines to a$oid the o$erhead of a function call %but usin- more memor" and more code #hich can hurt the cache performance. 0ptimisation isn't eas" .P&. Fmulatin- the I0 address space is e=actl" the same. It is Hust a smaller address space desi-ned for usin- #ith de$ice re-isters. So a list of routine handlers for the enabled ports %I0 address& is the most common( because the I0 address space #ill be almost al#a"s be $er" sparse. In the case of our 6767 core( as #e said it #ould be 1E67 2PI compliant %#ell hopefull"@ 8 Pieron& #e #ill ha$e to implement a list of handlers for reads and #rites for the address space and for the I0 address space. Space In$aders( as #e #ill see #hen #e start #ith the hard#are( has a $er" simple memor" map #hich lets half of the address space empt". In the time of SI( the 6767 address space #as still too bi- 4&. 2t last I #ill tal) about 11, emulation and about emulation #ith an 11, 4&. Fmulatin- the 11, can be understood as an e=tension of the pa-e based handler s"stem %or ban)8s#ithchin- s"stem&. <ut also implies some other u-l" thin-s. 2s I ha$e said the 11, is based on tables #hich contain information about the mappin- bet#een the lo-ical %$irtual& pa-es of a process to ph"sical pa-es %real address or memor"&. Fmulatin- then means to map from emulated lo-ical pa-es to KrealK pa-es %#hich can be lo-ical pa-es for our tar-et machine if #e are #or)in- #ith somethin- else that ;0S 4&. I'm not sure if "ou need to use the full emulated lo-ical [_U( emulated ph"sical [_U( real %real lo-ical [8U real ph"sical&( but I thin) it #ill enou-h #ith emulated lo-ical [8U real. Implementin- 11, in soft#are means to implement the '?< %table of pa-es&. It #ill mean to implement all the chec)s and e=ceptions that a 11, performs. In fact the '?< can be implemented $er" >uic)l" #ith onl" a fe# access to memor". 'he real problem is all the chec)s that the 11, has to perform. first chec) that the pa-es e=ist( then see if it is the proper process I;( chec) for protections %read( #rite and e=ecute& and perhaps some others. 2nd if there is a problem raise the proper e=ception. I #on't tal) an" more about it than that( firstl" because I don't remember much about this topic %I should ha$e to stud" some e=amples 4& and secondl" because it is an ad$ance topic and it isn't reall" in the scope of this tutorial. Implementin- 11, in soft#are is slo# and can be difficult. <ut if #e are #or)in- #ith a 11,ed +P, #e can -et a -reat help from our hard#are. 'here are al#a"s differences bet#een 11,s of different +P,s( but most of the time the" can be sol$ed. !e can use our tar-et 11, for emulatin- the 11, of our emulated +P,. 'hat #a" #e ha$e a simpler( and thousands of times faster solution than a soft#are 11,. 0f course #e ha$e to ha$e access to our tar-et 11, %#hich isn't al#a"s so eas"& and #e must )no# #hat are doin-. I ha$e heard of some e=amples in Iirtual P+ %I thin) but not sure& but I ha$en't

studied it carefull".

It is $er" interestin- thou-h.

Somethin- I ha$e ne$er seen %it doesn't mean it doesn't e=ist& is to implement non811, memor" maps usin- a 11,. 'hat should be possible and perhaps also much faster in some cases. 0ne of the reasons I thin) I ha$en't seen it is because in ;0S it is impossible or nearl"( and in !indo#s is hard %I ha$e to admit I don't )no# ho#&. In ,GIX is easier. 2s man" of the cores out there #ere de$eloped for ;0S %and later ported to other s"stems& or in ,GIX #ith compatibilit" al#a"s in mind 8 usin- the 11, #asn't a -ood thin-. It could be also be said that #ith old machines #ith man" mappin-s there is no real need to use the 11,. In an" case 8 this is one of the thin)s I #ould li)e to stud" someda" .&. 'hat ends the memor" emulation part. I ha$e probabl" missed some topics but I thin) it is rather complete. 2s al#a"s if "ou ha$e comments( doubts or "ou find mista)es "ou onl" ha$e to sa". 4& Iictor 1emor" and I0 instructions

So #e are here a-ain. .& !ell I #ill tal) a bit about memor" and Input30utput instructions and some aspects related to memor" emulation. I thin) "ou remember the model of an instruction I #rote in a document some months a-o. Dere it is a-ain. a nice instruction A -et some data perform an operation store the result update the P+ update the timinB !ith memor" and I0 instructions( the important thin- is ho# "ou -et or store the data. 'he more( let's call it( 'pure' memor" instruction doesn't perform an" calculation. <ut there are bi- e=ceptions( as #e #ill see. 2 memor" instruction is an instruction #hose purpose is to load data or store data. 'his can be load data from memor" to a re-ister( store data from a re-ister into memor"( mo$e data from a memor" address to another memor" address or mo$e data bet#een re-isters. 2n I0 instruction is the same but -ettin- the data from3to a special I0 address space. I0 instructions are also more limited in the number of options and usuall" there is Hust one or a couple of alternati$es. I0 data from3to re-ister for e=ample. 'his means that the thin-s #e ha$e to loo) for in a memor" instruction are #hat )ind of data must be loaded( from #here it must be loaded and #here it must be stored. Sometimes it is also important ho# it #ill be stored. 'he #ords #e ha$e to ta)e into account are. data si5e %b"te( #ord( double #ord( ... %#hich means the si5e of the data #e are #or)in#ith&&( source address and destination address. 'he address can be directl" used %absolute or re-ister addressin-& but a lot of the time it

must be calculated. 'he final address #e -et after the calculation is usuall" called the effecti$e address. !e ha$e to tal) about addressinmodes. 2n addressin- mode is the #a" the +P, has to calculate the source or destination address of a memor" instruction. 'here are man" )inds and each processor has different addressin- modes. 'he ones that can be found al#a"s in a processor are immediate( re-ister( absolute and base #ith offset. 'here are other addressin- modes more complicated %"ou #ill find them on +IS+ machines& as base inde=ed #ith offset( postincrement( predecrement. !e #ill see some e=amples. You could ma)e a >uestion. #hat the" are used for* You see( Hust #ith a direct mode to address thin-s as could be perhaps re-ister and absolute #e should ha$e enou-h. !h" #e need all of them* 0h@( perhaps "ou alread" )no# about it. 4& In simple #ords the" are for ease the access to comple= data t"pes as arra"s( matri= and structures. Cor e=ample if "ou #ant to access an arra" of ints %#ell let sa" Q b"tes 4& "ou can load the base address %the address #here the arra" starts& in a re-ister( /7 for e=ample( and use another re-ister as inde=( /9. If the arra" is accessed in a loop /9 could be li)e the i inde= in the arra" %iteration $ariable&( but as the data si5e is Q b"tes the inde= re-ister /9 must be incremented b" Q. +ode e=ample. mo$ r7(Jarra"0fInts mo$ r9(7 loop A mo$ rO(Vr7Zr9W do somethin- #ith rO add r9(Q B I thin) it #as more important #ith old +IS+ +P,s because #ith more addressin- modes %and more comple= ones& it #as easier for the compiler to -enerate code for access comple= data( the code -enerated #as smaller %#hich #as also important in those da"s& and perhaps it #as a bit faster than use man" instructions for calculatin- the effecti$e address %usin- special hard#are for calculate addresses&. !ith /IS+ +P,s that has lost importance( the compilers are no# far better and ha$in- special hard#are for calculate address Hust slo#do#ns the processor. 'hat e=plains #h" /IS+ +P,s doesn't ha$e man" addressin- modes as the" are meant to be simple. ?et see some e=amples of addressin- modes. 0ur 6767 is poor in e=amples because it onl" has re-ister( immediate( absolute and indirect. ?et see an e=ample for each. * re-ister. ld a(b %usin- E67 mnemonics& VaW [8 VbW

the content of re-ister b is copied in re-ister a * immediate. ld a(7=97 VaW [8 7=97 the $alue 7=97 is stored into re-ister a * absolute. ld a(%7=9777& VaW [8 V7=9777W

the b"te in memor" address 7=9777 is loaded into re-ister a * indirect. ld a(%hl& VaW [8 VVhlWW

the b"te pointed b" the $alue stored in hl re-ister is loaded into re-ister a 'here is also another address mode( relati$e( #hich is used in Hump instructions. 'he Hump address is calculated as an offset from a base re-ister( in this case P+. !e #ill see Hump instructions in another doc. Cor more e=amples I #ill sho# the =6: modes and some :6777 modes. 'he usual #a" an address is calculated in =6: %T6:Z( on earl" =6: +P,s there #ere some limitations( for e=ample in the re-isters used& is as follo#s. base re-ister Z inde= re-ister * factor Z offset factor can be 9(O(Q or 6 %the data si5e in b"tes&. In the case of the :6777 #e can find t#o address modes reall" interestin-. predecrement and postincrement %li)e + 8a and aZZ& %an& and %an&Z. 'an' is an address re-ister %indirect addressin- mode&. In predecrement addressin- the content of 'an' is substracted b" the data si5e %9( O or Q b"tes& and then the result stored in 'an' and used as effecti$e address. Similar happens #ith postincrement but the $alue in 'an' is first used as effecti$e address and later incremented. I thin) I ha$e for-otten somethin- ... let see ... oh ... I ha$en't tal)ed about data si5e. !ell that should be eas" 4&. 'he data is stored in memor" as b"tes( that is because the smallest access unit is a b"te. <ut not all data accesses are made b"te b" b"te. 'he data si5e is determined in most of the cases b" the si5e of the re-ister #here3from it #ill be stored3loaded. 'he 6767 has 6 bit %9 b"te& and 9:8bit re-isters %O b"tes& and can perform memor" operations #ith both so there are those t#o data si5es a$ailable. 'he" are called b"te and #ord si5es. 'he =6: %T6:Z& is a TO8bit architecture so data si5e can be 9(O or Q b"tes %and if #e also loo) to CP, or 11X 6 b"tes or e$en 97&( called b"te( #ord( and double #ord si5es. So the data si5e is the unit %number of b"tes& of the si5e of the data that is mo$ed in a memor" instruction. 2t last to end this introduction %introduction@ a bit lar-e introduction 4& I #ill mention some difference bet#een the +IS+ memor" instruction model and the /IS+ instruction model. 2ll the #a" I ha$e been tal)in- about 'pure' memor" instructions #hich are onl" related to data mo$ement. 'hat is usuall" true #ith /IS+ +P,s( #here the +P, memor" unit is rather differentiated from the calculation units %the reason is mainl" related #ith the hea$" cost of a memor" access at hi-h cloc) fre>uencies( and because the /IS+ +P,s ha$e a lar-e re-ister ban)&( but don't in +IS+ +P,s. In /IS+ the" are usuall" called as load %memor" to re-ister& and store %re-ister to memor"& instructions. 'he /IS+ +P,s ha$e also onl" the more basic addressinmodes. In +IS+ +P,s memor" operations are mi=ed #ith calculations in the same instructions( for e=ample an add instruction can -et one of its operands from memor". 'hat happens in the 6767 #ith the instruction Kadd a(%hl&K. 'he reasons for it #ere because the +P, $s memor" speed difference #asn't so important as it became later and( the most

important( because +IS+ +P,s suffer from a $er" small re-ister ban) %the fault I find #ith =6: .% &. 2 fe# re-ister number implied "ou needed to be accessin- $er" fre>uentl" the memor" so it #as lo-ic to inte-rate memor" access to calculation instructions. 0n modern +IS+s %=6: of course& it has been maintained because of compatibilit". +IS+ +P,s use to use 'mo$e' as instruction name but not al#a"s. +IS+ +P,s ha$e man" and comple= addressin- modes. ?et's no# summarise all the steps in$ol$ed in the e=ecution of a memor" instruction and the thin-s #e ha$e to loo) #hile emulatinthem. Cirst #e ha$e to -et the source address. 'hat means to disco$er #hat addressin- mode is used and( if it is a comple= addressin- mode( to perform the calculation of the effecti$e address. 2t this sta-e #e ha$e to loo) at the source data si5e and load the data. 'he destination data si5e could be different or the data format different so it could be needed to perform some )ind of data transformation. Cinall" #e -et the destination address %the same process as #ith the source address& and #e store the data. 'he addressin- mode decodin- is usuall" made at the same time #ith the instruction decode so usuall" it isn't needed %that happens #ith the 6767&. 'he more common transformation is from a smaller data si5e to a lar-er data si5e( for e=ample from b"te data to #ord data. 'here are t#o cases then. preser$e the si-n of the ori-inal data %si-n e=tension& or perform a lo-ical e=tension. 'he first means cop" the more si-nificant bit %si-n bit& of the source data into the hi-her bits of the tar-et data. 'he second one means to clear the hi-her tar-et bits. 2n e=ample. 9M or 7=99 %7779 7779b& 8U 7=7799 %7777 7777 7779 7779b& for both cases 89M 7=ef %9997 9999b& 8U 7=ffef %9999 9999 9997 9999b& si-n e=tended( 7=77ef %7777 7777 9997 9999b& normal e=tension 2nother thin- #e ha$e to loo) at carefull" is if the memor" instructions ha$e side effects( that is( if it modifies the fla-s. In that case #e ha$e to chan-e them as it is defined in the IS2 definition. 'here #ill be fla-s that #on't be affected b" a memor" instruction( as carr" and o$erflo#( because the" are related to calculations. <ut fla-s as 5ero( si-n or parit" fla-s are onl" related #ith the $alue itself so the" can be chan-ed b" the data loaded or stored. 'here are still t#o )inds of memor" instructions #hich are a bit different. multidata instructions and stac) instructions. 1ultidata instructions are memor" instructions #hich perform multiple data accesses to consecuti$e memor" addresses. 'he" use a re-ister as a counter %number of iterations&( another as source address( other as destination address and usuall" there is also an endin- condition #hich finishes the instruction althou-h the counter ma" ha$e not arri$ed at 5ero "et. F=amples are. E67 ?;I/ )ind of instructions and =6: /FP 10IS )ind instructions. !hile emulatin- them #e ha$e to loo) carefull" to chec) that the loop and condition testinare correctl" emulated. 'he" al#a"s %or $er" usuall"& chan-e fla-s so fla- calculation is important here.

'he stac) instructions are usuall" called push and pop %push to the stac)( pop from the stac)&. <ut #hat is the stac)* !ell( a stac) 4&. It is a ?IC0 data structure( that means ?ast In Cirst 0ut( so the last $alue #e ha$e pushed into the stac) #ill be the one #e #ill -et #ith a ne=t pop instruction. 'his hard#are assisted data structure is $er" important for pro-rammin-. It is used for storin- temporal data. !hich data is that* 'he first and more important. it is used for storin- the return address for a procedure call %#e #ill see it a-ain #hen #e tal) about Hump instructions& and to sa$e and restore re-isters and fla-s in procedure calls and interrupt re>uests. <ut compilers also use it for store procedure or function local data. 2ll the data "ou define in the start of a + function %#ith some e=ceptions& is d"namicall" allocated on the top of the current stac) at the start of the function and freed at the end. 'he stac) is usuall" stored startin- from hi-h addresses to lo# addresses but #e still need a pointer to the top of the stac). 'his pointer is the Stac) /e-ister( usuall" called SP. 2ll the stac) instructions perform accesses( #hich are relati$e to the SP. 2nd the" all chan-e the SP after %or before& and perform the data mo$ement. Push mo$es data to the top of the stac) and decrements SP( pop increments SP and loads data from the pointed address. 2 procedure call pushes data into the stac) and decrements SP( a procedure return -ets data from the stac) and increments SP. 'here is "et another point #e ha$e to ta)e account. endianess. Fndianness means ho# it is stored multib"te data in memor". 'hat can be bi-8endian or little8endian. <i-8endian means that the more si-nificati$e b"te %1S<& is stored in a lo#er address then the ?S<. ?ittle8endian means the opposite the ?S< is stored first and then the 1S<. Cor historical reasons some +P,s are little8endian others bi-8 endian and some ha$e both operation modes. 6767 and famil" are little8endian as #ell as =6:. 'he :6777 is bi- endian. F=amples. 7=9OTQ bi-8endian 7=9O 7=TQ little8endian 7=TQ 7=9O

!e ha$e to )no# #hat )ind of endianess of the emulated +P, and our tar-et machine. If the" are different and #e are doin- a multib"te data access #e should ha$e to chan-e the data format bet#een them. Cinall" all 'instructions' perform an access to memor"( that is fetchin- their opcodes. 'he code is stored in memor" and #e ha$e to ta)e that into account #hen #e load opcodes and decode them. 'he code is read from the memor" address pointed b" the P+. ,suall" it #on't be necessar" to do an"thin- special #hile readin- code but sometimes that is also important. I0 instructions #or) similar than memor" instructions but usin- a separated smaller address space. 'he instructions are simpler and the" don't ha$e man" addressin- modes( Hust re-ister( absolute and perhaps re-ister indirect. Fach address in the I0 space is also called 'port' because it a port %a #a"& to an e=ternal de$ice. 'hose instructions as usuall" called in %read data from a data port to a re-ister& and out %store data from a re-ister to a data port&.

Do#e$er bear in mind that some +P,'s do not ha$e KI0 instructionsK as de$ices are mapped to memor" addresses. Cor e=ample "ou mi-ht Hust use a 10IF instruction to #rite a b"te of data out to a serial port that is mapped to a certain address. Some e=amples are the :677 and the :6777. 'he :6P does ha$e a 10IFP %1o$e Peripheral& but is is still not reall" a I0 instruction( Hust a #a" of #ritin- 9: bit data to an 68bit data bus. 8 Pieron I ha$e let the most important topic for the end. It is memor" emulation. I ha$e been tal)in- about #hat has to do memor" instruction #ith address and data( but I ha$en't tal)ed about ho# #e #ill emulate the memor". 'he document has become a bit lar-e and I #ant to ma)e them small so I #ill >uit here. Go# our emulated memor" instruction is Hust somethin- li)e. reor memor"#rite%address(re-& or reor I0#rite%I0address(re-& In the ne=t doc( 1emor" Fmulation %Part II& I #ill tal) about #hat #ill be behind those functions. I0read%I0address& memor"read%address&

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