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Poetry is an art form which uses the beauty and rhythm of language

to produce emotions in a reader. It is an ancient art form and dates back to the first human civilization more than four thousand years ago. However, just because poetry is an ancient art form does that mean it should always be taught in schools?
Poetry is language used in a particular way. It can, but does not always, involve rhyme, rhythm and metre. It is a way of sharing experiences, of telling a story or expressing feelings or ideas. Some people opine that poetry shouldnt be taught in schools because it is an ancient art form. However, in my point of view, poetry should be a part of education program. here are many reasons which demonstrates that poetry should be taught in schools. !ne of the most important reason for that is poetry is easy to remember. he first poems that a child hears are the lullabies and rhymes. hey dont "now the meanings of those words. However, they get attracted towards them because of the rhyme and music of the words. #hildren remember anything taught through a poem more easily than through a narrative. $uthermore, poetry is a better teacher of language. Poetry explores the beauty, sound, rhythm, and depth of individual words in a way that narrative cannot. It attracts the young mind towards itself more easily than prose. he rhyming words in poetry are in themselves much fun to children. hey gradually get the fun of finding the rhyming words and putting them into sentences. Poetry introduces the young mind to the magic of language and encourages them to explore its possibilities. o put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that poetry is nessesary for students. It is a really best way to teaching student about language in school. %.

hether or not someone achieves aim in their life is mostly a !uestion of luck. "o you agree or disagree?
Some people believe that they achieved success by hard wor" and their ability, whereas other people thin" that they did it by luc". $rom my point of view, luc" is the final piece to ma"e your hard wor" come to succeed.

&s the saying goes, 'Practice ma"es perfect.( )ou have to be actively wor"ing in the field to find success. People can achieve their dreams by trying again
and again, no one can succeed without practice. )ou are not a born #*! or investor or chess grandmaster. )ou will achieve greatness only through an enormous amount of hard wor" over many years. However, besides hard wor", success consists of a lot of factors, among which, luc" accounts of the largest. *ven though success is mainly result of hard wor", we cannot neglect the existence of luc", which is not rational. &ccording to the research on +how the successful men succeed in ,.S.+, -./ of which say they accomplish their goals only through practice, while 0./ of people involved say it is the combination of wor"

and luc" that ma"e them successful, even if the hard wor" is more important than luc" for sure. o sum up, it is not so critical to say luc" has nothing to do with success. *ven though the hard wor" is the most important element, luc" is still not dispensable.

1. #s our knowledge of surgical and diagnostic techni!ues has

increased with time, so has the success rate of organ transplants. #pparently, the sale of human organs offers a possible solution to a crippling shortage of organs. "o you think that the sale of human organs should be legalised?
)ear after year, the number of "idney donations is insufficient to save the lives of thousands on the waiting list for transplants. Some argue that the problem cold be solved by offering financial incentives to donors, but others counter that an organ mar"et would exploit the poor and dehumani2e the sellers. In my opinion, I believe that the sale of humen organs should be legali2ed. $irst of all, organ transplantation is one of the main glories of modern medicine. However, the number of patients who re3uire organ transplants exceeds the number of organs available. *very day, about 14 people die because they are waiting for an organ. &ccording to research, 04/ of all adults have heard about organ donation and 4-/ have heard of tissue donation. hus, organs are legali2ed to sale can help many persons saving their life. In addition, the sale of humen organs would end the existing blac" mar"et in organs, ma"ing it safer for people to donate. 5onors will be paid li"e everyone else6 hospitals, doctors, nurses and transplant coordinators involved in all aspects of the transplant. &s well I found that most people thin" it should be our decision, it is our organs and is our property to sell as we wish. !n the downside, allowing to sell organs can encourage people to sell parts of their bodies is morally wrong and would almost certainly lead to exploitation of the poor. his problem need to be controlled by a law which be issued by government. o put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that, the sale of human organs should be legali2ed. However, the government must have a law to control the organs mar"et.

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