Reflection On The Suffering of Christ

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Reflection on the Suffering of Christ

 Luke 22:63-65 "Now the men who were holding Jesus in custody were mocking Him and beating Him,
and they blindfolded Him and were asking Him, saying, “Prophesy, who is the one who hit You?” And
they were saying many other things against Him, blaspheming."
o The abuse Jesus bore for my sin: Outside of the horrible physical pain He suffered on my behalf
I see here the incredible emotional pain He suffered from everyone associated with His death.
Insult is too weak a word; for the picture we get across the gospels is of a uniform and universal
rejection of Jesus as not only the Christ but as a human being. He was degraded by His fellow
man until He was nothing at all in their eyes. Truly the world had left Him, turned from Him
completely, and labored to destroy His very presence and influence from their midst. How would
it feel to be a man who was utterly destroyed from the face of the earth and to know that you are
nothing in its sight and forever more will remain as nothing? How would it feel to the Son of
God to be so treated and do nothing to fight it, to rectify it, or to avenge it? Jesus was utterly
forsaken and yet He allowed the power of darkness to do so because of His great love for us.
(We might also remember also that even in the short time of His ‘ministry’ Jesus was regularly
abused and plotted against.)
o The abuse in detail:
 Jesus was betrayed to His enemies by one of His chosen, Judas Iscariot Luke 22:47).
 Jesus was blindfolded, then mocked and beaten by the men who initially held Him
captive (Luke 22:63-64).
• These men also spat in His face and slapped Him (Matthew 26:67).
• Jesus was blasphemed against (Luke 22:65).
 In His presence, one of His chosen disciples, Peter, three times and with loud curses,
denied ever knowing Him.
 Jesus was accused by “false witnesses” in the Council to fabricate sufficient cause to put
Him to death (Matthew 26:60).
 Jesus was “bound” like a criminal and led to Pilate (Matthew 27:2).
 Jesus was accused “vehemently” by the priests and scribes in front of Pilate (Luke
 Jesus was treated with “contempt” and mocked by Herod’s soldiers (Luke 23:11).
 Jesus was “scourged” at Pilates command (Matthew 27:26) and handed over to be
• The people chose to have Barabbas, who was a convicted robber, to be released
over Jesus who they demanded be crucified (John 18:40).
• Pilate’s soldiers dressed Jesus in royal purple and put a crown of twisted thorns
upon His head. Jesus’ thorn crowned head was then beaten with a reed while they
spit at Him and mockingly bowed before Him (Mark 15:17-20).
 Jesus was crucified (Luke 23:33) in full view of the public who “sneered” at Him.
• The people “hurled abuse” at Him and wagged their heads (Matthew 27:39).
• The chief priests and scribes also mocked Him on the cross (Matthew 27:41).
 Both of the criminals crucified with Jesus ‘hurled’ abuse at Him (Matthew 27:44)).
 Jesus’ clothes were gambled away by the Roman soldiers (John 23-24).
 Jesus felt the absence of His Father. Jesus felt that His Father had “forsaken” Him (Mark
 Jesus’ body was further abused after death. A Roman soldier “pierced” Jesus’ side with a
spear to ensure He was dead (John 19:34).
o This is a startling picture. This is a sobering picture. What do we owe this man, Jesus? What do
we owe the Son of God?

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