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PESTEL ANALYSIS When sorting components, two dimensions are included: Internal influences and External influences.

Internal influences are determined and controlled by Dove, like image, market position, company culture and strength. External influences are factors that cannot be controlled but are still very important in evaluating the communications plan. For external influences, we used a PEST analysis, which includes Political, Economic, Social, and Technological Factors that affect Dove. Essentially, this breaks down the overall environment in which Dove exists.

Political/Legal Political and legal factors have huge impact on the business for develop new strategies. These factors can affect, how company operates, its costs, and the demand for its products. It includes: Political stability TAX Regulation Trade Regulation Employment Laws Environment Laws Health and safety laws Employment laws Consumer laws

Both Unilever and Dove are subject to comply with the guidelines and regulations that are set forth by the government agencies, especially the US Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Trade Commission. These regulations span from the ingredients in the products themselves to the manufacturing of the product packaging and distribution methods. With the United States government turning its focus towards bringing manufacturing back within domestic borders of country, this could create a huge shift in where products for large corporations are being made. With Unilevers global manufacturing and distribution plants, these new goals set by the Administration could ultimately affect where and how Unilever and Doves products are distributed. There is also a strong push for large global corporations to reform their manufacturing processes to include more eco-friendly processes in order to decrease the overall affect these companies are making on the environment. Unilever is currently modifying their manufacturing processes by reducing the CO2 emissions, decreasing water consumption levels, and creating a new plan for waste management (Unilever Eco-Friendly). While these trends may

not directly affect the campaign plan directly, both Dove and its competitors should remain aware of the potential impacts that these issues could have on their brands.

In todays society, there have been recent trends that have urged consumers to think about the affect they have on the environment around them. With the new push of becoming eco and animal friendly, there have been many attempts to create products and services that are made with the wellbeing of not only the consumer but the environment in mind. One issue that has surfaced affecting the body and beauty care industry is the issue of product testing on animals. While many brands, including Dove, still participate in animal testing procedures, many companies are finding alternative ways to test the effects of their products before consumer use. With the recent efforts of Cruelty Free International and The Body Shop, the European Union has decided to ban the use of cosmetic animal testing as well as the import of any cosmetic product that has been tested on animals (EU). As part of their Plan for Sustainable Living, Unilever has addressed the issue of animal testing and is currently considering non-animal testing approaches (Developing Alternatives). Until a new method of product testing is chosen however, this new European ban could affect potential sales in these European nations.

Social & Cultural Environment Social factors include the cultural aspects and its influences vary region to region. This includes: Life style Age Religion Education

Dove has recently addressed certain social issues that are especially prominent among women including the issues of beauty and body image. Although women are usually the focus of body image issues, these problems are also faced by men. In Western society, there are certain social pressures that put stress on people to uphold a certain physical appearance. Both women and men spend a significant amount of time and money focusing on their physical appearance and how they present themselves to others around them. In recent news, women of all ages (but especially young adults and pre-teens) admit to having a distorted image of what real beauty is by comparing themselves to models found in various media outlets (Lain). Advertisers have been criticized for attempting to create a standard of what women should look like and what they believe consumers will find appealing. Because of these distorted images, many women suffer from self-image disorders including but not limited to anorexia, bulimia, body dysmorphic disorder, social phobia and anxiety disorders.

There has also been recent discussion from various medical specialists and lawmakers on the use of Photoshop and digital enhancement in the creation of advertisements and how these unrealistic images are affecting the consumers who follow these brands (Davis). Medical specialists believe that these false images have a negative effect on the perceptions of young girls and how they come to understand their own body image. By featuring ads that glorify the idealistic woman with slim and slender body type, women are striving to have a similar body image in order to comply with the standards of beauty set forth by these ads. Although these issues are primarily focused towards women, men also have admitted to feeling the social pressures to look like the ideal male model portrayed through the media. Males have admitted to wanting to look stronger and more masculine and do not want to risk looking too sensitive, ultimately resembling the men who are glorified through advertising (Ricciardelli). Dove has recently addressed this issue and has encouraged their consumers to engage in a global conversation regarding these topics. Unilever has also recently embraced the issue of gender issues in the workforce. With their recent efforts to maintain a balance of gender in the workforce, Unilever has strived to incorporate a more gender based and culturally diverse workforce around their global offices. Through Unilevers Global Reach with Local Roots: Creating a Gender-Balanced Workforce in Different Cultural Contexts, they are striving to offer women positions that they can feel they have the opportunity to reach their full potential in the workplace (Unilever Wins). By exploring potential social factors that could influence the success of our campaign, we aim to consider the emotional and social needs of our consumers in our campaign efforts. We feel that these are important issues that should be reflected in the use of our creative strategies.

Technological Technology is necessary for the success for competitive advantage and is provide power to globalisation. This includes: R&D Activity Informational Technology New machines

Technology plays a vital role in company history. Right in the 1930's Unilever continue to diversify. Business continue to boom in 1950's with new technology being invented to boast production and improve quality. Unilever is global leader in research and development, believing that powerful vitality based innovations are crucial to delivering sustainable growth. In 2008 Unilever appointed first chief research and development officer. 6000 plus R&D professional came together in one unified organisation. Company spent 927 million Euros on R&D worldwide. And company also have five laboratories around the world that explore new thinking and techniques to help develop our products.

Environmental Growing awareness about climate change is affecting companies very hardly and it can be create new markets or destroy existing markets. It includes: Climate change Diseases Weather

Now a day's climate change is big issue for companies. People like to buy the products which will not be harmful for environment. And Unilever are working towards it. Unilever depends on the natural environment for supplies of raw materials and water. Sustainability is a business issue. In 2008 we piloted a way to measure our product categories against four indicators covering water waste, sustainable sourcing and green house gas emission. This data will inform future development and innovation across our categories. 39% reduction in CO2 from energy 1995-2008. 63% reduction in water 1995-2008. 68 % reduction in total wastage 1995-2008.


Economic factor has major impact on how business operate and make decisions in the future. This includes: Economic Downturn Interest rates Exchange rate Inflation rate

USA is first largest economy in the world and third largest economy in Europe. During the recession time USA is in its worse time. Companies are not doing new investments but doing redundancies that is why consumer markets are shrinking and peoples are losing their purchasing power. Unilever market is becoming highly competitive especially in Europe. P&G is major competitor in the Europe. And also there are so many discounters in the European market resulting from EU free trade policy. It has very bad impact on Unilever profitability.

Recently, the economy has been one of the primary market factors that influences consumers buying habits. Currently, the financial crisis of 2008 and its repercussions has greatly affected the average consumers purchasing decisions. The results have shown to be both positive and negative for Dove. The product category of lotions and other body care products overall have decreased. Body wash currently leads the market in the category of shower products.

The U.S. market for soap, bath, and shower products experienced only 2.1% growth in estimated 2011 after declining 1.5% in 2010. Body wash is the leading segment in the market, with $1.9 billion in sales in estimated 2011, up 2% from 2010. Body washes have steadily usurped bar soaps in recent years, due to the convenient nature of the products and the extra benefits, such as scent and moisturization that body washes provide . Non-deodorant soap fall behind body wash in in the market in 2011 with sales at $1.2 billion. Deodorant bar soap sold only $347 million, a decline of 8.7% over 2010 sales of $380 million. According to Mintel liquid body wash is increasingly challenging the use of bar soap, especially because it provides the multiple benefits of fragrance, cleansing, and moisturization in one convenient bottle.

Within the past few years, private labels and store brand body washes have made an impact on the market and may affect the sales of other brands in the market. Private label body wash sales were 54.3 million in 2011, growing the private label by 12.2% . This increase in sales shows that consumers are opting to buy cheaper, more affordable private labels and store brand products because they feel that their quality is equal to national brands.

The slow economic rebound has made the growth the body wash market to grow slower than expected. Since unemployment is still at a high (8.3%), consumers are spending less on body products and making their existing products last longer. Even with the slow economic recovery, according to the database, sales are still expected to grow between now and 2016 as the economy continues to rebound.

SWOT ANALYSIS The S.W.O.T. Analysis is a data organization and reduction tool used to organize and evaluate the marketing strategy for Dove. It is a guide for strategic planning, competitor evaluation, product development, and the design of our advertising communications campaign. To see the final chart version of the evaluation, please refer to the S.W.O.T. chart provided.

This S.W.O.T. Analysis begins with collecting data, evaluating it, and sorting each piece of data into Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. In order to prioritize the data, we used a mutually exclusive and exhaustive categorization method. The S.W.O.T. chart provided below is divided into four separate (but equally important) sections. Each piece of data - known as a component - is categorized into the appropriate category. Additionally, based on the mutually exclusive approach/guideline, each component is only allowed to be placed in one category.

The target market of Dove has already been discussed and explained in detail that they target women and want to beautify them. According to the market, the Niche of Dove has an estimated value of $0.9 billion and the market size of Dove is $2.5 billion. Several campaigns have been used by Dove to market itself which will later be disused is heir marketing communication strategies. Dove has made use of Niche Marketing strategy to win over the masses.

Strengths: The basic strength of the promotional strategies of Dove and the brand is the unconventional strategies of advertising used by them to let the women know how well the Brand cares for them. Another positivity of the brand was their free publicity and excellent drive for advertisements. They kept giving their campaign a new and a better look and ensured that they kept the hearts and minds of women tied to Dove and hence created a wide range of loyal customers. The soap itself revealed how much possible it really was to have a new look and the addition of personal touch made the brand stronger in its appeal.

Weaknesses: The only weakness of the brand is the target market. It is a bit contradictory in nature because the target market of Dove is upper middle class women and it gives an idea of not letting the ordinary women enjoy the touch of beauty. Another objection that has been seen by the critics was the use of women as objects n their campaign, however, the criticism was over ridded by the personal feel and touch felt by the women.

Opportunity: Recently, Dove has availed the long pending opportunity of tapping into the market developing beauty products for men. They have come up with products for men and have made them realize that beauty is not restricted to women only. Another opportunity is of unified advertising technique used by Dove. They run single ad globally, it serves the diverse purposes and reduces the costs too. Continuous improvement is what Dove has been working on and should carry on with it as well.

Threats: Being a very huge brand, Dove faces tough competition from Olay, Nivea, and Neutrogena. The brands are getting stronger as they grow and their market is also expanding. Their marketing technique is not as good as that of Dove but they d pose as a threat to the market share of Dove. Another aspect is of being known as the brand for fat girls. The ads do not take models in them, but they take women of all shapes and sizes, so it might give it a slight aspect of a brand that does discrimination. The brand can also be copied by its competitors, just the way P&G did with Olay.


Dove segments the market on the basis of:

Demographic Segmentation Under this segmentation, Dove focuses on Women of all age groups above 18. Women who use beauty products. Women who are well aware about beauty and care for their skin. Women who have high purchasing power and belong to upper middle class

Psychographic segmentation: Dove aims to create a psychology in women where beauty incorporates all ages, body shapes and sizes. You are beautiful the way you are is the message Dove promotes and wants every woman to believe.

Dove targets the market on the basis of: Targets women of all ages, shapes and sizes. Highly focuses on working women as they dont have much time to take care of themselves, so it uses its USP of double benefits (soap and moisturizer) to attract target. Also targets high income groups and upper middle class as they would be willing to pay a price of 28INR for soap.

Positioning :

Dove soap is positioned as a personal care beauty product. Dove does not call itself a soap but a mild moisturizing bar that is one fourth moisturizer. It is also called a beauty bar. It uses its high moisturizer content to differentiate itself from competitors.

Dove has positioned itself in a way that encourages women all around the world to feel good about themselves. Dove does not position itself to help you become beautiful, Dove positions itself to help you be beautiful as you have always been.

To promote this message, Dove has launched several campaigns such as: Dove Campaign for Real Beauty This is where Dove launched a global conversation to discuss what truly defined the term beauty and how in the current scenario the concept of beauty has many limitations and is tagged difficult to attain.

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