Schoology Instructional Guide

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?ou can logln Lo Schoology uslng an emall address or username.
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1o logln Lo Schoology uslng your emall address go Lo and Cllck Lhe "Log ln" buLLon aL Lhe
Lop rlghL corner of Lhe page. ?ou can also go Lo hLLps:// and enLer your
username and password.

+,-.*#"- '()$*
1o logln Lo Schoology uslng your username you can cllck Lhe "Log ln" buLLon aL Lhe Lop rlghL of Lhe page,
and selecL "Logln wlLh your username." ?ou can also go Lo hLLps://
and enLer your username and password.

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lf you have forgoLLen Lhe password Lo logln Lo your accounL, you can vlslL
hLLps:// LnLer your emall address and Lhen press "8eLrleve assword."
A one-Llme llnk wlll be senL Lo your emall address whlch wlll allow you Lo logln and reseL your password.
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lf you have forgoLLen Lhe emall address assoclaLed wlLh your Schoology accounL, you can ask your
Leacher, school admlnlsLraLor, or send an emall Lo help[

?ou can use your homepage Lo vlew recenL acLlvlLy. 8ecenL acLlvlLy ls a sLream of lnformaLlon LhaL
lncludes any lLem LhaL lnvolves you or your connecLlons. 8elow are Lhe klnds of lnformaLlon LhaL appear
ln your feed.
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Course updaLes and announcemenLs
AggregaLed senLences when new conLenL ls
posLed (e.g. 3 asslgnmenLs, 2 Loplcs, and 1
evenL were posLed for Lngllsh 101)

8(5$#% 6*7(."#0$(*
1easers for blog posLs LhaL you or your
subscrlbers posL.
Croup updaLes

:;#0 $, #* +93#0-< An updaLe ls a 400 characLer posL LhaL can be made for your any proflle (e.g. user,
course, group, school). updaLes are slmple ways Lo creaLe qulck posLs Lo a proflle LhaL oLher users ln a
neLwork (e.g. personal, course, group, school) can see on Lhelr homepages. updaLes can lnclude flles,
llnks, and embedded vldeos.
=(2 >( 6 ?.-#0- #* +93#0-< AL Lhe Lop of Lhe homepage ls whaL we call a "SmarL 8ox." lf you are a
Leacher, Lhe SmarL 8ox conLalns Lools Lo make personal conLenL (e.g. updaLe) as well as academlc
conLenL (e.g. AsslgnmenL, LvenL, Course updaLe/AnnouncemenL). 1o begln creaLlng, slmply choose Lhe
Lype of conLenL you would llke Lo creaLe, and follow Lhe vlsual dlrecLlon.
lease noLe, Lhe "updaLe" Lab wlll creaLe an updaLe for your personal proflle, whlle Lhe "Course updaLe"
Lab wlll creaLe an updaLe on your course's proflle.
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1he upcomlng leed acLs as a slmpllfled planner, dlsplaylng evenLs and asslgnmenLs by daLe. uays wlll
only be dlsplayed when Lhere ls a correspondlng evenL or an asslgnmenL.
(ScreenshoL on nexL page)

1he search bar ls locaLed on Lhe Lop navlgaLlon Loolbar. ?ou can use Lhls search area Lo qulckly navlgaLe
Lo user proflles, courses, asslgnmenLs, and groups. As you Lype, Lhe search resulLs fllLer Lhrough your
neLwork/school, courses, asslgnmenLs, and groups. ?ou also have Lhe opLlon Lo search all of Schoology
for publlc users, courses, groups, and schools.


Lach course creaLed ln Schoology musL have a parenL course (e.g. A 8lology) and secLlon (SecLlon 1). A
parenL course does noL have a proflle, buL ls used Lo organlze mulLlple class secLlons LogeLher. Course
secLlons each have Lhelr own proflle, enrollmenLs, and conLenL.

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1o creaLe a new course, cllck on "Courses" ln Lhe lefL navlgaLlon menu, and Lhen cllck "CreaLe Course."

80-9 @A CreaLe Course - llll ouL Lhe requlred lnformaLlon. 1he course code and secLlon codes are used Lo
sync up your classes wlLh your sLudenL lnformaLlon sysLem or oLher sofLware.

80-9 BA SecLlon ueLalls - 1hese flelds are all opLlonal.

80-9 CA CusLomlze SeLLlngs - ?ou can conLrol who can vlew your course proflle and lLs conLenL uslng
'Course vlslblllLy SeLLlngs' ?ou can also conLrol whlch users can posL on your course's recenL acLlvlLy
uslng Lhe 'CLher SeLLlngs.' 1o beLLer undersLand Lhe effecL dlfferenL seLLlngs have on a vlewers
experlence, see Lhe course prlvacy area.

?ou wlll Lhen be broughL lnLo Lhe enroll secLlon of your course edlLor, where you wlll flnd a llsLlng of all
Lhe users ln your neLwork or school.

1o enroll sLudenLs, cllck on Lhelr names Lo hlghllghL Lhe cell. As you selecL users, Lhe 'SelecL (#)' area wlll
Lell you how many users have been selecLed. Cnce you have selecLed users Lo enroll, cllck Lhe 'Lnroll
users' buLLon.

AfLer you have successfully enrolled your sLudenLs, cllck on Lhe '8ack Lo Course name' llnk Lo vlew Lhe
course proflle.

Lach course proflle has lLs own lefL menu speclflc Lo each course. ?ou can use Lhe lefL menu Lo access
Lhe dlfferenL areas of a course proflle. As Lhe admln of a course, you wlll see Lools for Send Message,
LdlL Course, AnalyLlcs, ALLendance, and Cradebook. SLudenLs wlll only see 8ecenL AcLlvlLy and Lhe
course conLenL areas (1oplcs, AsslgnmenLs, uocumenLs, and ulscusslons wlll show up once you begln
creaLlng Lhem).

As you creaLe conLenL for your course and add updaLes, your proflle wlll begln Lo flll ouL. When you
creaLe conLenL (Loplcs, asslgnmenLs, documenLs, dlscusslons, eLc), an updaLe wlll be posLed ln your
recenL acLlvlLy Lo leL your sLudenLs know when Lhlngs are belng posLed.

When you creaLe updaLes for your course, you can selecL Lhe checkbox Lo 'ulsplay as course sLaLus',
whlch wlll Lemporarlly show Lhe updaLe aL Lhe Lop of Lhe course proflle. 1hls can be removed aL any
polnL, and Lhe orlglnal posL wlll remaln ln Lhe recenL acLlvlLy.

788 -"/*0$ -"3.$3.
use Lhe 'Add ConLenL' buLLon ln Lhe lefL menu Lo creaLe course conLenL.

1oplcs are Lhe mosL advanced of all Lypes of conLenL. A Loplc allows you Lo creaLe sLrucLured conLenL,
where you fully cusLomlze Lhe conLenL Lhrough a rlch-LexL edlLor. ?ou can even embed lmages, medla,
Schoology conLenL, and conLrol Lhe hLml.
80-9 @: Clve your Loplc a LlLle.

80-9 BA LdlL Lhe conLenL of your Loplc. ?ou can use Lhe W?SlW?C edlLor Lo cusLomlze colors, fonLs,
allgnmenLs. 1here are also Lools LhaL allow you Lo embed lmages and medla.
?ou can use Lhe 'CreaLe/lnserL Course ConLenL' buLLon Lo add oLher Schoology conLenL lnLo your Loplc.

Lach asslgnmenL has lLs own proflle. Whenever an asslgnmenL ls creaLed lL wlll auLomaLlcally populaLe
lnLo Lhe gradebook.
name ls Lhe only requlred fleld. SelecLlng a caLegory allows you conLrol welghLlng ln Lhe Crade SeLup
area. lf you do noL have any caLegorles you can creaLe one ln Lhls form. ?ou can also seL due daLes and
creaLe a descrlpLlon for Lhe asslgnmenL.

E.#3$*) (90$(*,A ?ou can open up gradlng opLlons Lo seL Max pLs, Cradlng Scale, Cradlng erlod and
lacLor. 1here ls also a 'SeL as mldLerm/flnal' whlch wlll allow you Lo welghL Lhls asslgnmenL agalnsL an
enLlre gradlng perlod.

43F#*5-3 (90$(*,A ?ou can used advanced opLlons Lo Lurn on/off Lhe asslgnmenL uropbox, CommenLs
wall, and AssessmenL (1esL/Culz). ubllshlng/unpubllshlng your asslgnmenL wlll conLrol wheLher or noL
Lhe sLudenL can see Lhe asslgnmenL. 1he grade sLaLlsLlcs opLlon allows you Lo choose whlch grade
sLaLlsLlcs (lf any) are shown Lo sLudenLs for Lhls parLlcular asslgnmenL.

CreaLlng a dlscusslon wlll generaLe a Lhreaded dlscusslon for sLudenLs and Leachers Lo conLrlbuLe Lo.
ulscusslons can be shared wlLh any oLher course aL your school or even aL oLher schools.

1he gradebook feaLure allows you Lo easlly manage your sLudenLs' grades onllne. AsslgnmenLs are
auLomaLlcally populaLed lnLo Lhe gradebook upon creaLlon. ?ou can organlze asslgnmenLs lnLo
cusLomlzable caLegorles LhaL can be welghLed. Lach asslgnmenL wlLhln a caLegory can be welghLed
lndlvldually. 1he "Crade SeLup" buLLon ls locaLed aL Lhe Lop of Lhe gradebook.

?ou can Loggle your mouse Lo Lhe 'CommenL' feaLure, whlch wlll allow you Lo commenL on a sLudenL's
asslgnmenL grade by cllcklng on a cell.

E.#3- 8-0G9
Cradlng Scales - CreaLe cusLom gradlng scales Lo grade your asslgnmenLs. Cradlng scales map an
alphanumerlc value of your cholce Lo a percenLage grade (l.e. 0-100). 1o add a new scale, slmply cllck
Lhe "add" buLLon opposlLe of "Cradlng Scales."

LnLer a "Scale name" Lo deflne Lhls new gradlng scale lor lnsLance, lf you wanLed a ass/lall sysLem,
you could name Lhe scale as "ass/lall." 1hen you would seL Lhe LeLLer Crade, whlch ls an alphanumerlc
value and a cuLoff value. lor ease of use, you may use Lhe sllder Lo ad[usL Lhe cuLoff value.

1he CuLoff value ls Lhe polnL aL whlch a grade ls consldered Lo be Lhe equlvalenL leLLer grade. keeplng
conslsLenL wlLh our "ass/lall" example, you could seL Lhe "LeLLer Crade" Lo "" and a CuLoff value of
"100." 1hen we would cllck "Add Level" Lo deflne Lhe "lall" opLlon. Cnce Lhe approprlaLe values are
deflned, cllck "Save Changes." ?ou can now apply Lhls gradlng scale Lo any asslgnmenL you creaLe ln Lhls

?#0-)(.$-, - CaLegorles deflne Lhe varlous Lypes of asslgnmenLs LhaL you have. lor lnsLance, you may
wanL a "1esL" caLegory, or a "Culz" caLegory. 1here ls no llmlL Lo Lhe number of caLegorles you can
creaLe, and each can be welghLed accordlng Lo your own deflnlLlons.
1o creaLe a new caLegory, cllck "add" ln Lhe caLegorles box. ?ou can Lhen deflne a name and deLermlne
how lL ls calculaLed (LoLal polnLs or percenL). As an opLlon, you can deflne a "urop LowesL" number. 1hls
wlll auLomaLlcally drop Lhe glven number of lowesL graded asslgnmenLs for a glven user.

uefaulL seLLlngs can be deflned. 1hese flelds are noL requlred, buL make lL easler for you when creaLlng
new asslgnmenLs. lnsLead of havlng Lo asslgn lndlvldual values for each componenL, whenever you
creaLe an asslgnmenL for a glven caLegory, Lhe defaulL values wlll be applled.
/$*#% E.#3- 8-00$*), - 1he llnal Crade SeLLlngs allow you Lo deflne seLLlngs for compuLlng flnal grades.
8y defaulL, Lhe flnal grades are compuLed uslng a "numerlc" scale, however, you have Lhe ablllLy Lo use
any of Lhe cusLom scales LhaL you deflned. 1hls allows you Lo apply leLLer grades Lo numerlc values ln
any manner you deflne. ?ou can also deflne wheLher "CaLegorles" are welghLed or "noL welghLed."
WelghLed caLegorles allow you Lo seL dlfferenL welghLs for each caLegory.

1he aLLendance Lool allows you Lo qulckly mark sLudenLs laLe, absenL, excused or presenL. Slmply selecL
a cursor Lo begln marklng sLudenLs absenL, laLe or excused. 8y defaulL, sLudenLs are marked presenL Lo
reduce Lhe amounL of cllcklng requlred durlng Lhe aLLendance process.

?ou can Loggle your mouse Lo Lhe CommenL feaLure, whlch wlll allow you Lo leave a commenL abouL a
sLudenL by cllcklng on a cell.

AdmlnlsLraLors have access Lo a masLer aLLendance Lool. 1hls Lool leLs admlnlsLraLors mark sLudenLs laLe,
absenL or excused for Lhe enLlre day or for cerLaln class perlods. 1he aLLendance feaLure ls valuable
because lL aggregaLes and malnLalns lmporLanL lndlvldual sLudenL and class aLLendance daLa.
1*(),- 2**-$
?our proflle can be used as a publlc or prlvaLe way Lo share lnformaLlon abouL yourself. ?ou can
cusLomlze your proflle plcLure and flll ouL lnformaLlon abouL yourself LhaL you would llke oLhers Lo see.
H-5-*0 450$F$0I
1hls ls Lhe defaulL vlew of your proflle. ?ou can use Lhls area Lo creaLe shorL, Llmely updaLes abouL
yourself for oLher people ln your neLwork Lo see. Any updaLe LhaL you creaLe wlll auLomaLlcally show up
on Lhe 8ecenL AcLlvlLy area of Lhe homepage when users ln your neLwork flrsL logln. updaLes can be a
maxlmum of 400 characLers.

lrom Lhe 8log area ln your course proflle, you can creaLe your own cusLom blog. 8log posLs can be
creaLed uslng Lhe W?SlW?C edlLor, allowlng you Lo cusLomlze Lhe look and feel of each blog posL,
lncludlng embeddlng lmages, medla, and edlLlng hLml.

CLher users can choose Lo subscrlbe Lo your blog. Subscrlblng Lo a blog wlll add any new blog posL made
by Lhls user show up ln your blogs area, slmllar Lo an 8SS reader.

1hls are allows you Lo send message Lo users ln your neLwork or school. ?ou can also recleve messages,
dependlng on your prlvacy seLLlngs, from users aL your school or aL oLher schools.

?ou can message mulLlple users aL once Lhrough Lhreaded messaglng. Slmply begln Lyplng Lhe name of a
reclplenL and our smarL LexL-fleld wlll fllLer all Lhe users ln your neLwork, dlsplaylng a Lhumbnall llsLlng
whlch you can cllck on. 1o add mulLlple users, slmply repeaL Lhe prevlous sLep.

?ou can creaLe groups for soclal or academlc purposes. Lach group has a proflle wlLh areas for 8ecenL
AcLlvlLy, ulscusslons, uocumenLs, and a calendar wlLh group evenLs. Croups have some of Lhe same
feaLures LhaL courses do.

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Co Lo 'Croups' ln Lhe lefL menu Lhen cllck on Lhe 'CreaLe a new group' buLLon.

80-9 @A !*0-. E.(G9 6*7( - llll ouL Lhe group lnformaLlon. under 'lnvlLe 1ype', you can selecL how people
[oln your group. lnvlLe only means only course admlns can lnvlLe users Lo [oln Lhe group. Allow 8equesLs
means users can requesL Lo [oln Lhe group. Cpen groups can be [olned by anyone.

80-9 BA ?G,0("$J- K(G. E.(G9 - ConLrol who can see Lhe dlfferenL parLs of your group proflle.

80-9 CA 6*F$0- - lnvlLe users ln your neLwork or school Lo [oln Lhe group. Cllck on Lhelr names Lo hlghllghL
Lhe cell. As you selecL users, Lhe 'SelecL (#)' area wlll Lell you how many users have been selecLed. Cnce
you have selecLed users Lo lnvlLe, cllck Lhe 'Lnroll users' buLLon.
SLep 3: lnvlLe - lnvlLe users ln your neLwork or school Lo [oln Lhe group. Cllck on Lhelr names Lo hlghllghL
Lhe cell. As you selecL users, Lhe 'SelecL (#)' area wlll Lell you how many users have been selecLed. Cnce
you have selecLed users Lo lnvlLe, cllck Lhe 'Lnroll users' buLLon.

lrom Lhe neLwork page you can vlew and search for users ln your neLwork. 8y defaulL, you are
auLomaLlcally connecLed wlLh people ln your school. 1o add a member ouLslde of your school, you can
vlslL Lhe deslred user's proflle and cllck Lhe llnk LlLled "Add Lo my neLwork."

?ou can access your prlvacy seLLlngs by cllcklng "SeLLlngs" on Lhe Lop navlgaLlon bar. ?our prlvacy
seLLlngs allow you Lo choose whlch elemenLs of your accounL can be vlewed by oLher users. 1he prlvacy
seLLlngs are classlfled by four caLegorles: 8-#.5;L 1.(7$%-L K(G. M%(), and N-,,#)$*).
?ou can follow Lhe on-screen deLalls locaLed Lo Lhe rlghL of Lhe drop-down menu. 8y defaulL Lhere are
flve prlvacy levels. lrom mosL speclflc Lo leasL speclflc Lhey are: nobody, ConnecLlons, School, Schoology
users, and Lveryone.
O(P(3I - 1hls means LhaL nobody oLher Lhan yourself has access Lo Lhls lnformaLlon.
?(**-50$(*, - 1hls means LhaL users ln your neLwork have access Lo Lhls lnformaLlon.
85;((% - 1hls means LhaL any users ln your school neLwork (lncludlng parenLs) have access Lo Lhls
85;((%()I +,-., - 1hls means LhaL any reglsLered Schoology user (regardless of neLwork) has access Lo
Lhls lnformaLlon.
!F-.I(*- - 1hls means LhaL anyone (lncludlng unreglsLered users) has access Lo Lhls lnformaLlon.

1o access your prlvacy seLLlngs go Lo hLLps://

?ou can access your noLlflcaLlon seLLlngs by cllcklng "AccounL" on Lhe Lop navlgaLlon bar. use Lhls area
Lo selecL whlch noLlflcaLlons you would llke Lo recelve.
When a noLlflcaLlon ls checked, you wlll recelve an emall noLlflcaLlons whenever Lhere ls a change or an
updaLe Lo Lhe correspondlng lLem. lor example, when an lnsLrucLor posLs an asslgnmenL, hands back a
graded lLem, or makes a class announcemenL you wlll recelve a noLlflcaLlon.

?ou can change your password by cllcklng "SeLLlngs" on Lhe Lop navlgaLlon bar and Lhen cllcklng Lhe Lab
labeled "assword". lf your school uses Slngle-Slgn-Cn (SSC) or has dlsabled Lhls feaLure, you wlll noL be
able Lo change your password uslng Lhls area.

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