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Marketing Management

Final Project Topic:

Olpers UHT Treated Milk

Presented To:
Mr. Asad Awan

Presented By:
Muhammad Jawad Raza Khalid 09390 !0"# A$ha M%hammad Uzair 09390 !00& 'aleed Khan 09390 !0#0 (ain!ul!A)din 09390 !0"&

**A +H%ns,

Submission Date:
-aturda./ Januar. ##/ #000

University of Management Tec!nology

1irst %2 all we w%uld like t% thank Allah Almi$ht. 2%r his )lessin$s up%n all %2 us s% that we 3an 3%mplete this pr%4e3t su33ess2ull.. -e3%ndl. we w%uld like t% thank %ur res%ur3e pers%n Mr. Asad Awan 2%r helpin$ us thr%u$h%ut this pr%4e3t. He pr%5ided us 3%mplete kn%wled$e and understandin$ %2 all the t%pi3s 3%5ered in this pr%4e3t and made us 3apa)le en%u$h t% 3arr. %ut this pr%4e3t. His 3lass le3tures and n%tes reall. helped us a l%t t% 3%mplete this task. This rep%rt w%uld n%t ha5e )een p%ssi)le with%ut his kind $uidan3e. 1inall. we w%uld like t% thank %ur 2amilies 2%r their supp%rt and trust %n %ur 3apa)ilities.


6OM7A89 :;-6R<7T<O8.................................................................................................= MARK;T 7RO:U6T 1O6U-...........................................................................................#> MARK;T<8? 7RO?RAM.................................................................................................#9 A77;8:<@..........................................................................................................................33

This rep%rt is a)%ut Olpers UHT Milk. <t starts %22 with the details %2 ;8?RO 6%rp%rati%n and h%w A when ;n$r% 1%%ds 3ame in t% eBisten3e. The rep%rt tells hist%r./ 3ulture/ leadership and 5alues %2 the ;8?RO 6%rp%rati%n. The UHT milk is )asi3all. the Ultra!hi$h temperature pr%3essin$ %r ultra!pasteurizati%n is the sterilizati%n %2 2%%d ). heatin$ it 2%r a sh%rt time at a 5er. hi$h temperature t% kill sp%res in milk. Then it tells the situati%n %2 milk industr. in 7akistan. *e3ause %2 5ari%us s%3i% e3%n%mi3 2a3t%rs 7a3ka$ed Milk is still n%t that p%pular here. <t is the p%tential t% see a need in the market and the dri5e t% turn that need int% pr%2it that de2ines the su33ess %2 a ?%%d *usiness and Olpers saw that need. Milk is used 2%r drinkin$/ tea/ desi $hee/ .%$urt and )utter makin$. Milk is als% used t% make Kh%.a and di22erent t.pes %2 sweets. Milk pr%3essin$ 3%mpanies use milk as a raw material t% 2%rmulate di22erent t.pes %2 milk i.e. pasteurized milk/ UHT milk/ 3%ndensed milk/ skimmed milk/ milk p%wder/ et3 :i22erent 5alue added pr%du3ts like .%$urt/ i3e 3ream/ )utter and 3heese are als% pr%du3ed 2r%m the raw milk. The demand 2%r pr%3essed milk has in3reased its share in Cualit. 3%ns3i%us 3%nsumers. :urin$ the last tw% de3ades/ pr%3essed milk has a3hie5ed a $%%d share in the milk market %2 7akistan espe3iall. the metr%p%litan 3ities are the ma4%r markets 2%r the sale %2 milk. Olpers milk has tar$eted pe%ple %2 all a$es and $enders. And in s%3ial 3lasses/ the. are tar$etin$ the upper and middle 3lass 2amilies. -tr%n$ )a3k$r%und %2 ;8?RO 6%rp%rati%n has reall. stren$thened the Olpers )rand ). pr%5idin$ the hu$e in5estment/ its relati%nship with 2armers due t% its 2ertilizer )usiness and use %2 up t% date te3hn%l%$.. The ;n$r% 1%%ds Dimited is n%t ha5in$ its %wn dair. 2armsE it lar$el. 3%lle3ts l%%se milk 2r%m 2armers thr%u$h its milk 3%lle3ti%n 3enters. The l%%se milk 3an n%t alwa.s )e pure )e3ause all 2armers ma. n%t pr%5ide the pure milk s% there are 3han3es that the Cualit. %2 milk 3%uld )e l%w whi3h 3an e22e3t its reputati%n. :ue t% h.$iene 2a3t%rs and in3reasin$ health 3%ns3i%usness trend has 3reated a l%t %2 demand 2%r pr%3essed milk s% its a hu$e %pp%rtunit. 2%r Olpers milk. Olpers milk ma. ha5e a str%n$ )a3k$r%und %2 ;8?RO ?ROU7 )ut still its new in the milk industr. and is 2a3in$ an intense 3%mpetiti%n with 8estle Milk 7a3k. There2%re Olpers milk has t% maintain its standards and sh%uld keep an e.e %n its 3%st s% that n% %ther +3urrent %r new arri5in$, 3%mpetit%r 3an a3Cuire e5en a small 3hunk %2 its market share. Olpers milk was initiall. laun3hed in #0 ma4%r 3ities %2 7akistan and with its hu$e pr%du3t a33eptan3e it is n%w a5aila)le in ar%und &0 3ities. The aim is t% rea3h all the p%tential 3ust%mers all %5er 7akistan. Olpers milk +;n$r% 1%%ds Dimited, has alread. earned a $%%d reputati%n in the dair. market )ut the. are star5in$ 2%r m%re and want t% )e3%me a 2ast eBpandin$ me$a 2%%d 3%mpan.. The. want t% 2ull. utilize the rapid $r%wth %pp%rtunit. a5aila)le in the market ). inn%5ati%n/ di22erentiati%n and maintainin$ standards. A2ter the su33ess %2 their dair. pr%du3ts/ t% whi3h their 3ust%mers testi2./ ;n$r% 1%%ds n%w als% plans t% 5enture )e.%nd the dair. se3t%r. <n this pursuit/ $rain and 2ruit markets ha5e )een anal.zed in $reat detail.


"#MP$%& D'S"()PT)#%
"#MP$%& P(#F)*'
'ngro "orporation


7u)li3 +K-;, 1ertilizer 1%%d *e5era$es


6hemi3als 7%l.mer 7%wer ?enerati%n 7etr%3hemi3al *asi3 1%undati%nF 09 > as ;ss%GM%)il


J%int Henture/ 6%mpan. <n3%rp%rated 09= as ;ss% 7akistan 1ertilizer

6%mpan. Dimited Founder+s, Ahmed :aw%%d -ead.uarters Kara3hi/ 7akistan $rea served 7akistan Hussain :aw%%d +6hairman,/ Asad /ey people Umar +7resident and 6;O, Products ;n$r% Urea ;n$r% :A7 ;n$r% (%rawar ;n$r% (arkhez (in$r% Olpers Olwell =

Taran$ Om%re <3e 6ream Owsum Ol2rute -A*( A5an3e%n (evenue %et income Total assets Total e.uity 'mployees Parent 0ebsite ;n$r% Rupi.a 6erti2i3ate 7KR 30 *illi%n 7KR 3/9 > Milli%n U-I0.9 *illi%n 7KR 9" *illi%n 7KR #> *illi%n #/093 +:e3em)er #009, :aw%%d ?r%up httpFGGwww.en$r%.3%m

T-' '%1(# "#(P#($T)#%

;n$r% 6%rp%rati%n is %ne %2 the leadin$ 7akistani )usiness 3%n$l%merates with stakes in the 2ertilizer/ 2%%d/ p%wer $enerati%n/ petr%3hemi3als/ aut%mati%n and terminal st%ra$e industries. Ha5in$ had under$%ne an led )u. %ut in 099# it has eBpanded phen%menal in the past tw% de3ades. <n the interest %2 )etter mana$in$ and %5erseein$ )usinesses %2 su)sidiaries and a22iliates that are 3urrentl. part %2 ;n$r%s 3apital in5estments/ ;n$r% 6hemi3al 7akistan Dimited 3%n5erted int% a h%ldin$ 3%mpan. stru3ture. As part %2 this pr%3ess/ tw% ma4%r 3han$es >

%33urred with e22e3t 2r%m Januar. 0/ #000E ;n$r% 6hemi3al was renamed as ;n$r% 6%rp%rati%n Dimited and it trans2erred its 2ertilizer )usiness int% a separate wh%ll. %wned su)sidiar./ ;n$r% 1ertilizers Dimited. 6urrentl. ;n$r% 6%rp%rati%ns p%rt2%li% 3%nsists %2 se5en )usinesses whi3h in3lude 3hemi3al 2ertilizers/ 7H6 resin/ a )ulk liCuid 3hemi3al terminal/ industrial aut%mati%n/ 2%%ds/ p%wer $enerati%n and 3%mm%dit. trade. As a h%ldin$ 3%mpan. its su)sidiaries in3ludeF

;n$r% 1ertilizers Dimited ;n$r% 1%%ds Dimited A5an3e%n Dimited ;n$r% 7%wer?en Dimited ;n$r% 7%l.mers and 6hemi3als Dimited ;n$r% ;@<M7 7ri5ate Dimited ;n$r% H%pak Dimited

*eside pr%5idin$ the l%n$ term 5isi%n 2%r the 3%mpan. and %5erseein$ per2%rman3e %2 the su)sidiaries and a22iliates/ ;n$r% 6%rp%rati%n Dimited is als% resp%nsi)le 2%r all%3ati%n %2 3apital/ mana$ement %2 talent/ leadership de5el%pment/ HR $uidin$ p%li3ies/ leadership r%le in pu)li3 relati%ns and 6-R a3ti5ities/ 3%ntr%l stru3tures/ le$al and <T supp%rt.

ST#"/ T)"/'(:
;n$r% 1%%ds Dimited is a 2ull. %wned -u)sidiar. %2 ;n$r% 6%rp%rati%n and is n%t traded %n the st%3k market.

$T $ 1*$%"' +as of December 2334,:

T%tal ;mpl%.eesF 9#& -ales Re5enueF Rs. 0"/900 Milli%n <n5estmentsF Rs. 0 3 Milli%n 7r%2it A2ter TaBF Rs. +"3", Milli%n


'e stand 3%mmitted t% sustaina)le )usiness $r%wth and ensure the sa2et. %2 %ur pe%ple/ assets and 3%mmunit. in whi3h we %perate. ;n$r% 1%%ds e22%rts are dire3ted t%wards p%5ert. alle5iati%n/ en5ir%nmental sa2et./ and supp%rt 2%r li5est%3k se3t%r. -%me spe3i2i3 initiati5es in3ludeF

6%mmunit. ;mp%werment thr%u$h Di5est%3k :e5el%pment and 6redit +6;D:A6, initiati5e in partnership with U8:7. Under 6;D:A6/ %5er 0#00 lad. li5est%3k w%rkers ha5e )een trained/ 3%ntri)utin$ si$ni2i3antl. t% the s%3ial and e3%n%mi3 emp%werment %2 w%men in rural areas.

:e5el%pin$ and implementin$ the 3%n3ept %2 :air. Hu) in distri3t -ahiwal/ in partnership with Tetra7ak. <t pr%5ides 3%n3entrated trainin$ and 2a3ilities %n animal health/ nutriti%n and 2ertilit./ as well as 3hillers and l%$isti3al arran$ement/ t% in3rease milk pr%du3ti%n 3apa3it. in a 3luster %2 #0 5illa$es.

;n$r% 1%%ds -uppl. 6hain +7ri5ate, Dimited

D'P$(TM'%TS M$(/'T)%1:
6%nsistin$ %2 leadin$ marketin$ pr%2essi%nals %2 the industr./ wh% are $raduates %2 t%p )usiness s3h%%ls %2 7akistan/ the Marketin$ :epartment ensures that 2r%m pr%du3t need identi2i3ati%n t% pr%du3t de5el%pment/ laun3h and p%st!laun3h/ all strate$i3 de3isi%ns are made )ased %n authenti3 in2%rmati%n and resear3h. <$ the tar$et markets/ e22e3ti5el. 3%mmuni3atin$ t% them and )uildin$ the ima$e %2 the )rands as well as the 6%mpanies/ is the 4%) %2 the pr%2essi%nals runnin$ the marketin$ at ;n$r% 1%%ds.

M)*/ P(#"U('M'%T +Process,:

As all %2 their 2%%d pr%du3ts are milk )ased/ the entire Milk 7r%3urement department pla.s a 3riti3al r%le in de2inin$ the Cualit. %2 the end pr%du3t that rea3hes %ur 3ust%mers. ;nsurin$ re$ular 3%lle3ti%n %2 2resh and pure milk ri$ht 2r%m the 2armer t% the 2a3t%r. and as3ertainin$ the 2reshness %2 milk all a3r%ss the milk pr%3urement pr%3ess/ is the resp%nsi)ilit. %2 Milk 7r%3urement department/ 3%nsistin$ %2 2%%d te3hn%l%$ists w%rkin$ at the 3%lle3ti%n 3enters and 5eterinar. d%3t%rs pr%5idin$ ser5i3e t% the 2armers.

The M<- department at ;n$r% 1%%ds ensures that all aut%mati%n is runnin$ err%r!2ree at all times. Re$ularl.$ and updatin$ the 6%mpan.Js a33%untin$ s%2tware is als% the M<- teamJs resp%nsi)ilit..

M%dern te3hn%l%$. is part and par3el %2 7r%du3ti%n at ;n$r% 1%%ds. The state!%2!the!art plant set up near -ukkhar has a pr%3essin$ 3apa3it. %2 m%re than 300/000 liters %2 milk per da./ makin$ it %ne %2 the lar$est in the 3%untr.. 7r%2essi%nall. Cuali2ied human res%ur3e e22i3ientl. w%rks ni$ht and da. t% maintain hi$hest h.$iene standards.


5U$*)T& $SSU($%"':
Kualit. Assuran3e is stri3tl. 2%ll%wed in ;n$r% 1%%ds. Kuali2ied 2%%d te3hn%l%$ists at this department ensure that hi$hest Cualit. parameters are adhered t% thr%u$h all steps %2 pr%du3ti%n and that the pr%du3ts rea3h the 3%nsumers as per pr%mise.

SUPP*& $%D D)ST()BUT)#%:

This department ensures timel. and e22e3ti5e distri)uti%n %2 the pr%du3ts t% di22erent sh%ps and st%res spread all a3r%ss 7akistan. 1r%m transp%rtati%n mana$ement t% %)tainin$ r%ute permits and appr%5als/ is d%ne ). this department.

'%1(# F##DS 6 Beginning:

#0st 3entur. 2%r 'ngro "orporation has 2ar pr%5ed t% )e the m%st su33ess2ul era in the t%tal li2e %2 ;n$r%/ 2r%m then %nwards ;n$r% has %nl. 2a3ed su33ess and ne5er l%%ked )a3k/ #003 was the .ear %2 the esta)lishment %2 ;n$r% ;@<M7/ a2ter whi3h in #00 ;n$r% de3ided t% di5ersi2. their )usiness m%re ). 5enturin$ int% the 2%%d )usiness ). esta)lishin$ 'ngro Foods *imited/ whi3h is n%w eBperien3in$ a $reat su33ess and 3%mpetin$ n%w with internati%nal )rands like 8estlL and 'allJs <3e 6ream ;n$r% als% 5entured int% the M7%wer ?enerati%nM )usiness ). settin$ up ;n$r% ;ner$. Dimited in #00=/ whi3h later %n was renamed as M;n$r% 7%wer$en DimitedM in .ear #00&. <t was esta)lished with the )asi3 aim t% pla. ;n$r%Js part t% ta3kle the enr$. 3risis in the 3%untr.. <n .ear #00> ;n$r% Asahi p%l.mer di5ests its share in 4%int 5enture with Mitsu)ishi and the 3%mpan. renamed as ;n$r% 7%l.mer and 6hemi3als Dimited. Re3entl. in #000/ keepin$ in 5iew the immense di5ersi2i3ati%n %2 ;n$r% 6hemi3al 7akistan Dimited/ it was de3ided t% rename the 3%mpan. as ;n$r% 6%rp%rati%n as the h%ldin$ 3%mpan..


;n$r%s leadership 3%mprises %2 s%me %2 the m%st enterprisin$ leaders %2 the 3%rp%rate w%rld in 7akistan. These indi5iduals are resp%nsi)le 2%r 3%n3eptualizin$ and arti3ulatin$ $%als that )rin$ %ur pe%ple t%$ether in pursuit %2 set %)4e3ti5es. The. lead the 3%mpan. with a 2irm 3%mmitment t% the 5alues and spirit %2 ;n$r%. <n %ur 4%urne. t% )e3%me a pr%2ita)le/ $r%wth!%riented and sustaina)le 3%mpan./ %ur mana$ement stru3ture has e5%l5ed t% 3reate a m%re transparent and a33essi)le %r$anizati%n. Hussain :aw%%d h%lds the seat %2 the 3%rp%rati%n/ Mr. :aw%%d is als% the 3hairman %2 :aw%%d ?r%up 7akistan Apart 2r%m the 3hairmanship/ Asad Umar 3urrentl. h%ld the p%siti%n %2 6;O A 7resident at ;n$r% 6%rp%rati%n 2r%m #00" ! present.

#U( "U*TU(':
;n$r% is a)%ut the pe%ple wh% are a part %2 us. Our 3ulture is d.nami3 and ener$eti3/ with emphasis %n %ur 3%re 5alues and l%.alt. %2 %ur empl%.ees. Our w%rk en5ir%nment pr%m%tes leadership/ inte$rit./ teamw%rk/ di5ersit. and eB3ellen3e. The t%ne 2%r %ur 3%rp%rate 3ulture and the imp%rtan3e %2 empl%.ees was set a2ter the 6%mpan. was )%u$ht %ut ). empl%.ees in 0990. As the 6%mpan. $r%ws/ we are determined t% keep %ur 3ulture %pen and transparent/ and in3lusi5e 2%r all %ur empl%.ees.

#U( 7$*U'S:
At ;n$r%/ we supp%rt %ur leadership 3ulture thr%u$h uniCue s.stems and p%li3ies whi3h ensure %pen 3%mmuni3ati%n/ 2%ster an en5ir%nment %2 and partner pri5a3./ and $uarantee the well )ein$ and sa2et. %2 %ur empl%.ees. Our 3%re 5alues 2%rm the )asis %2 e5er.thin$ we d% at ;n$r%E 2r%m 2%rmal de3isi%n makin$ t% h%w we 3%ndu3t %ur )usiness t% sp%t awards and re3%$niti%n. At ;n$r% we ne5er 2%r$et what we stand 2%r. 1%ll%win$ are %ur 0# 3%re 5aluesF


-a2et./ Health A ;n5ir%nment ;thi3s and <nte$rit. Deadership Kualit. and 6%ntinu%us <mpr%5ement ;nthusiasti3 7ursuit %2 7r%2it ;Bternal and 6%mmunit. <n5%l5ement 6andid and Open 6%mmuni3ati%ns ;n4%.ment and 1un <nn%5ati%n <ndi5idual ?r%wth and :e5el%pment Teamw%rk and 7artnership :i5ersit. and <nternati%nal 1%3us

'%1(# F##DS *)M)T'D

;n$r% 1%%ds Dimited is su)sidiar. %2 ;n$r% 6hemi3al 75t. Dtd. whi3h is %ne %2 the m%st reputed enterprises in 7akistan with m%re than "0 .ears %2 di5ersi2ied )usiness %perati%ns in the areas %2 2ertilizer and 3hemi3als. ;n$r% 1%%ds started its )usiness %perati%ns in Mar3h #00= and with the su33ess2ul laun3h %2 Olpers Milk/ Taran$/ Olwell/ and Olpers 3ream/ it has esta)lished itsel2 as a ma4%r in the 2%%ds )usiness. ;n$r% 1%%ds has alread. set up tw% pr%3essin$ plants at -ukkur and -ahiwal. 'ith the e5er eBpandin$ milk 3%lle3ti%n netw%rk and pr%3essin$ 2a3ilities/ the -uppl. 6hain has $eared us 2%r the $r%win$ sales %2 %ur pr%du3ts.


;n$r% has started milk pr%3essin$ 2a3ilit. t% pr%du3e and market )randed UHT milk/ 3ream and %ther milk pr%du3ts. The plant is l%3ated in -ukkur %n #3 a3re land/ has the raw milk re3epti%n 3apa)ilit. %2 300/000 liters per da. and UHT milk 3apa3it. %2 #00/000 liters per da.. The plant has )een esta)lished at a 3%st %2 Rs. 0 )illi%n whi3h pr%5ides dire3t empl%.ment t% > 0 pe%ple. it started there %perati%ns in Mar3h #00=. ;n$r% pr%3ure raw milk supplies 2r%m -indh and l%wer 7un4a). The. intr%du3ed their milk pr%du3t with the name %2 Olpers in Mar3h #00=. ;n$r% 1%%ds has entered the 1%%d )usiness thr%u$h milk pr%3essin$ and sale with the 3%mpan.s 5isi%n t% pursue $r%wth %pp%rtunities )ased %n 3%untr. 2undamentals and %wn stren$th. <t als% p%siti%ns the 3%mpan. t% le5era$e its 3%rp%rate s%3ial resp%nsi)ilit. initiati5es and w%rk 3l%sel. with rural 3%mmunities t% pr%m%te inte$rated 2armin$ and li5est%3k de5el%pment. This e22%rt is eBpe3ted t% pla. a pi5%tal r%le in p%5ert. alle5iati%n and impr%5in$ li5elih%%ds %2 the p%%r in the milk 3%lle3ti%n areas.

;n$r% 1%%ds Dimited was %22i3iall. laun3hed as a 2ull. %wned su)sidiar. %2 ;n$r% in #00". Usin$ dair. as a steppin$ st%ne t% enter int% the 2%%d )usiness/ the 6%mpan. has esta)lished state!%2!the!art pr%3essin$ units in -ukkur and -ahiwal/ al%n$ with an i3e 3ream pr%du3ti%n 2a3ilit. in -ahiwal. T%p Cualit. )rands like Olpers/ Olwell/ Taran$/ Om%re and Owsum ha5e )een su33ess2ull. laun3hed under the helm %2 6%mpan.s dair. pr%du3ts. T% supp%rt these )rands and their hi$hest standards %2 Cualit./ ;n$r% 1%%ds has in5ested hea5il. in milk pr%3essin$ and milk 3%lle3ti%n in2rastru3ture.


ST($T'1)" P*$%
;n$r% 1%%ds 5isi%n isF 8'levating "onsumer Delig!t 0orld9ide: And the 6%mpan. aims t% $enerate a si$ni2i3ant p%rti%n %2 its re5enue 2r%m 2%rei$n %perati%ns.

NT% help 2armers maBimize their 2arm pr%du3t ). pr%5idin$ Cualit. plant nutrients and te3hni3al ser5i3es up%n whi3h the. 3an depend. T% 3reate wealth ). )uildin$ new )usinesses )ased %n 3%mpan. and 3%untr. stren$ths in 7etr%3hemi3als/ <n2%rmati%n Te3hn%l%$./ <n2rastru3ture and %ther A$ri3ultural se3t%rs. <n pursuin$ the missi%n we shall at all time )e $uided in %ur 3%ndu3t and de3isi%n makin$ ). %ur 6%re Halues.O

%on Financial 1oals:
Olpers milk +;n$r% 1%%ds Dimited, has alread. earned a $%%d reputati%n in the dair. market )ut the. are star5in$ 2%r m%re and want t% )e3%me a 2ast eBpandin$ me$a 2%%d 3%mpan.. The. want t% 2ull. utilize the rapid $r%wth %pp%rtunit. a5aila)le in the market ). inn%5ati%n/ di22erentiati%n and maintainin$ standards. The. want t% )e an e3%n%mi3al )rand. The. are n%w resear3hin$ t% make a 3%m)inati%n %2 $%%d pr%du3t with less pri3e then their 3%mpetit%rs. A2ter the su33ess %2 their dair. pr%du3ts/ t% whi3h their 3ust%mers testi2./ ;n$r% 1%%ds n%w als% plans t% 5enture )e.%nd the dair. se3t%r. <n this pursuit/ $rain and 2ruit markets ha5e )een anal.zed in $reat detail.

Financial 1oal:
1inan3ial $%al %2 ;n$r% 2%%ds is t% rea3h #>)illi%n 7KR re5enues in #000. <n #000 it was 09 )illi%n 7KR. The. h%pe t% in3rease & )illi%n 7KR appr%B. in #000.

"ore "ompetency and Sustainable "ompetitive $dvantage:

<n terms %2 3%re 3%mpeten3. Olpers seeks t% a3hie5e uniCue a)ilit. t% pr%5ide hi$h Cualit. 3ream milk and t% deli5er milk t% the 3ust%mers usin$ manu2a3turin$ and distri)uti%n s.stems. T% translate there 3%re 3%mpeten3ies int% sustaina)le 3%mpetiti5e ad5anta$e/ the 3%mpan. will w%rk 3l%sel. with ke. suppliers and distri)ut%rs t% )uild the relati%nships ne3essar. t% satis2. hi$h standards %2 3ust%mers.


S)TU$T)#% $%$*&S)S
S0#T $%$*&S)S:

T-' SUBS)D)$(& #F '%1(# 1(#UP:
Olpers is a )rand %2 ;8?RO ?r%up whi3h has helped it a l%t in attainin$ a pla3e in the 2%%d market. The str%n$ 2inan3ial )a3k$r%und %2 ;n$r% ?r%up has help Olpers milk t% 3%mpete with industr. $iants like 8;-TD; and HAD;;*.

('*$T)#%S-)P 0)T- F$(M'(S:

;8?RO 1ertilizer is als% a su)sidiar. %2 ;8?RO ?ROU7 and has a $%%d market reputati%n and relati%nship with 2armers. This has helped a $reat deal t% Olpers milk 2%r $atherin$ up milk 2r%m the 2armers and t% stren$then its relati%nship with 2armers.

US' #F *$T'ST T'"-%#*#1&:

OlperJs %nl. has the third!$enerati%n UHT milk plant in the 3%untr.. <t is the %nl. plant in 7akistan that uses *a3t%2u$e te3hn%l%$. t% 5irtuall. eliminate )a3teria and ensure premium Cualit. and h.$iene.

P(#DU"T $""'PT$%"' )% T-' M$(/'T:

<n the 5er. 2irst .ear/ ;n$r% 1%%ds Dimited 3r%ssed 0 )illi%n sales 2i$ure whi3h sh%ws 3ust%mers satis2a3ti%n up%n Olpers milk.

ST(#%1 M$(/'T ('S'$("-:

<n t%da.s 2ast $r%win$ and hea5il. 3%mpetin$ industr. market resear3h has a $reat imp%rtan3e. Olpers has d%ne a $%%d market resear3h whi3h has helped it t% 2ind %ut 3%nsumers pre2eren3es and t% 3%mpete industr. $iants.


%# D$)(& F$(MS:
The ;n$r% 1%%ds Dimited is n%t ha5in$ its %wn dair. 2armsE it lar$el. 3%lle3ts l%%se milk 2r%m 2armers thr%u$h its milk 3%lle3ti%n 3enters. The l%%se milk 3ann%t alwa.s )e pure )e3ause all 2armers ma. n%t pr%5ide the pure milk s% there are 3han3es that the Cualit. %2 milk 3%uld )e l%w whi3h 3an a22e3t its reputati%n.

Olpers milk has t% depend up%n Tetra 7a3k 7a3ka$in$ as its the %nl. %pti%n a5aila)le in market 2%r pa3ka$in$. 7ur3hasin$ pa3ka$in$ material 2r%m %ther 3%mpan. ma. sl%w d%wn its sales +due t% n%n a5aila)ilit. %2 pa3kin$ material, and als% with the rise in pri3e %2 pa3ka$in$ material/ milk 3%st ma. als% rise.

M)*/ "#**'"T)#%

D)ST()BUT)#% "#STS:

The milk 3%lle3ti%n 3enters 2%r ;n$r% 1%%ds are l%3ated 2ar apart 2r%m the main plant s% in this wa. 3%st %2 3%lle3tin$ milk and )rin$in$ it t% plant has in3reased. As m%re time is 3%nsumed t% )rin$ milk 2r%m 3%lle3ti%n 3enters t% plant there2%re 3han3e %2 milk $ettin$ sp%iled ha5e in3reased.

)%"('$S'D FU%D)%1 B& 1#7'(%M'%T
?%5ernment has de3ided t% in3rease 2armers 2undin$. This is an %pp%rtunit. 2%r ;8?RO 2%%ds )e3ause pre5i%usl. due t% weather 3%nditi%ns and %ther reas%ns there was l%ts %2 wasta$e %2 milk )ut n%w that 3an )e redu3ed as 2armers will )e )etter a)le t% st%re milk 2%r l%n$er time peri%ds.

:ue t% h.$iene 2a3t%rs and in3reasin$ health 3%ns3i%usness trend has 3reated a l%t %2 demand 2%r pr%3essed milk.


U(B$%);$T)#% T('%D:
As da. ). da. ur)anizati%n trend is )e3%min$ p%pular and pe%ple are m%5in$ m%re t%wards 3itiesE it has 3reated a hu$e %pp%rtunit. 2%r Olpers milk t% make a mark as m%st %2 its tar$et market )el%n$s t% ur)an areas.

Olpers milk ma. ha5e a str%n$ )a3k$r%und %2 ;8?RO ?ROU7 )ut still its new in the milk industr. and is 2a3in$ a intense 3%mpetiti%n with 8estle Milk 7a3k. There2%re Olpers milk has t% maintain its standards and sh%uld keep an e.e %n its 3%st s% that n% %ther +3urrent %r new arri5in$, 3%mpetit%r 3an a3Cuire e5en a small 3hunk %2 its market share.

%'0 $(()7$*S:
There is alwa.s a threat %2 new arri5al as pe%ple are )e3%min$ m%re health 3%ns3i%us s% demand 2%r pr%3essed milk is in3reasin$ da. ). da. s% the market is attra3ti5e. There2%re new 3%mpanies ma. enter in t% this industr. and ma. a3Cuire s%me %2 Olpers p%tential 3ust%mer.

*$0 $%D #(D'( S)TU$T)#% #F P$/)ST$%:

6urrentl. the law and %rder situati%n %2 7akistan is hi$hl. un3ertain. An.time there 3an )e strikes/ r%ad )l%3ks and e5en ri%ts. This 3an distur) the 3.3le %2 Olpers milk as the l%%se milk ma. n%t rea3h plant %n time %r ma. )e the suppl. 3ann%t rea3h t% the 3ust%mers %n time i.e. the 2ear %2 sh%rta$e %r una5aila)ilit.. This ma. 3ause the rise %2 sale %2 the pr%du3ts %2 %ther 3%mpetit%rs.

)%DUST(& $%$*&S)S
U-T M)*/:
Ultra!hi$h temperature pr%3essin$/ +less %2ten, ultra!heat treatment +)%th a))re5iated UHT,/ %r ultra!pasteurizati%n is the sterilizati%n %2 2%%d ). heatin$ it 2%r a sh%rt time/ ar%und 0P# se3%nds/ at a temperature eB3eedin$ 03 Q6 +#> Q1,/ whi3h is the temperature reCuired t% kill sp%res in milk. The m%st 3%mm%n UHT pr%du3t is milk/ )ut the pr%3ess is


als% used 2%r 2ruit 4ui3es/ 3ream/ s%. milk/ .%$urt/ wine/ s%ups/ and stews. UHT milk was in5ented in the 09=0s/ and )e3ame $enerall. a5aila)le 2%r 3%nsumpti%n in 09>0s. Hi$h heat durin$ the UHT pr%3ess 3an 3ause Maillard )r%wnin$ and 3han$e the taste and smell %2 dair. pr%du3ts. UHT milk has a t.pi3al shel2 li2e %2 siB t% nine m%nths/ until %pened. <t 3an )e 3%ntrasted with HT-T pasteurizati%n +hi$h temperatureGsh%rt time,/ in whi3h the milk is heated t% >#Q6 +0=0.=Q1, 2%r at least 0 se3%nds.

M)*/ )%DUST(& #F P$/)ST$%:

The milk se3t%r in 7akistan is Hu$e and that is puttin$ it li$htl.. A33%rdin$ t% -M;:A we pr%du3e a)%ut #& )illi%n liters a .ear and 7a3ka$ed Milk is 4ust a dent %n this num)er. 9#R t% 93R %2 milk is %pen milk. 6%untr.s annual milk 3%nsumpti%n is ar%und 0&0/ 00 t%nes in3ludin$ 2resh milk. *e3ause %2 5ari%us s%3i% e3%n%mi3 2a3t%rs 7a3ka$ed Milk is still n%t that p%pular here. <t is the p%tential t% see a need in the market and the dri5e t% turn that need int% pr%2it that de2ines the su33ess %2 a ?%%d *usiness and Olpers saw that need. Milk is used 2%r drinkin$/ tea/ desi $hee/ .%$urt and )utter makin$. Milk is als% used t% make Kh%.a and di22erent t.pes %2 sweets. Milk pr%3essin$ 3%mpanies use milk as a raw material t% 2%rmulate di22erent t.pes %2 milk i.e. pasteurized milk/ UHT milk/ 3%ndensed milk/ skimmed milk/ milk p%wder/ et3 :i22erent 5alue added pr%du3ts like .%$urt/ i3e 3ream/ )utter and 3heese are als% pr%du3ed 2r%m the raw milk. The demand 2%r pr%3essed milk has in3reased its share in Cualit. 3%ns3i%us 3%nsumers. :urin$ the last tw% de3ades/ pr%3essed milk has a3hie5ed a $%%d share in the milk market %2 7akistan espe3iall. the metr%p%litan 3ities are the ma4%r markets 2%r the sale %2 milk. The pa3ka$ed milk 3ate$%r. was %ri$inated in 09&0 ). +Cuaintl. named, Milk 7ak/ whi3h pi%neered tetra pa3k milk in 7akistan. The suppl. 3hain in5%l5ed 3%lle3tin$ milk 2r%m rural areas a3r%ss 7un4a)/ pr%3essin$ the milk thr%u$h UHT +Ultra!Hi$h Temperature 7r%3essin$, treatment/ and sellin$ it t% 3%nsumers in uniCuel. 3%l%red trian$ular and re3tan$ular pa3ks desi$ned t% pr%l%n$ the milks Cualit.. Milk 7aks NMilk 7a3ksO were 5er. well!re3ei5ed and the )rand s%%n )e3ame s.n%n.m%us with Cualit. milk. <ts 2irst real


3%mpetiti%n 3ame in the 2%rm %2 Halee)/ whi3h intr%du3ed distin3ti5el. )lue tetra pa3ks t% the market in 09&=. *rands like Milk 7ak +%wned ). 8estle, and Halee) Milk +2r%m Halee) 1%%ds, had led the dair. market in the w%rlds 2%urth lar$est milk pr%du3in$ 3%untr. 2%r nearl. tw% de3adesS with%ut an. real sustained 3%mpetiti%n. ;n$r% 1%%ds/ in 3%ntrast/ had %nl. re3entl. )een esta)lished ). ;n$r%Sa traditi%nal $iant in 7akistanJs 3hemi3al and 2ertilizer industr.. *randin$ eBperts 3%uld n%t ima$ine h%w Olpers 3%uld distan3e itsel2 2r%m its parent 3%mpan.s in3redi)l. unappetizin$/ 3hemi3al!laden/ and n%n!edi)le r%%ts. 9et/ ). the end %2 #00=/ sales 2%r Olpers Milk had rea3hed Rs.0 )illi%n +appr%Bimatel. U-I 0 milli%n, and in #00&/ the )rand has a market share %2 3l%se t% ## per3entSse3%nd %nl. t% Milk 7ak +estimated at "0 per3ent,. The 3riti3s had t% $rud$in$l. a33ept that the new entrant t% the multi!)illi%n rupee pa3ka$ed milk 3ate$%r. meant )usiness. Milk 7ak/ h%we5er/ 2urther $rew in stature when 8estle used it t% )reak int% 7akistanJs marketpla3e. *. #00=/ the dair. milk 3ate$%r. was $r%win$ at #0 per3ent annuall./ and Milk 7ak and Halee) were well!entren3hed )rands with distin3ti5e 3%l%rs and )rand pr%mises %2 pr%5idin$ hi$h Cualit./ natural and health. milk. Milk 7ak was identi2ied ). its $reen and white pa3ka$in$Sthe 3%l%rs %2 the 3%untr.Sand %22ered a )rand )a3ked with the str%n$ eCuit. %2 8estle/ 3%upled with its %wn traditi%nal herita$e. Halee) was re3%$nized as the )lue )rand/ and pr%2essed t% ha5e the Mnaturall. thi3kestM milk. 'ith the market d%minated ). tw% str%n$/ 2amiliar/ and widel. respe3ted )rands/ the marketpla3e appeared 3%mpletel. imper5i%us t% new3%mers.

#*P'(<S '%T($%"' )% M)*/ )%DUST(& #F P$/)ST$%:

Olpers/ h%we5er/ stepped int% the 2%ra. ). laun3hin$ a massi5e 3ampai$n that started %22 with an intr%du3t%r. sli3e!%2!li2e tele5isi%n 3%mmer3ial 2eaturin$ s%me %2 the )i$$est stars in 7akistan. *ill)%ards went up at ke. l%3ati%ns in the ma4%r 3ities/ and s%%n the )rand had )e3%me a 5%i3e a)%5e the media 3lutterSa 5%i3e that di22erentiated OlperJs )rand 2r%m the %thers.


Ra2e. 8isar (u)eri/ the marketin$ mana$er 2%r ;n$r% 1%%ds/ sa.s/ N1r%m the %nset/ we wanted t% intr%du3e a true paradi$m/ )rin$in$ the dair. )rand t% the 2%re.O The name itsel2 made it s%und like a 2%rei$n )rand/ $i5in$ the per3epti%n %2 Cualit./ and was unlike an.thin$ pre5i%usl. eBperien3ed ). 7akistani 3%nsumers. Ra2e. 3%ntinues/ N'e wanted 3%nsumers t% 3%nsider Olpers as a 3%ntemp%rar. and m%dern )rand/ and all %2 %ur 3%mmuni3ati%n and )rand attri)utes were $eared t%ward ensurin$ that end.O T% a lar$e eBtent/ the. were su33ess2ul. N<t was 3ertainl. a 3ampai$n with its %wn uniCue identit./O sa.s 1arah Jamaluddin/ a media pr%2essi%nal. NAll %2 their 3%mmuni3ati%n was aestheti3all. %n the mark and had a sense %2 s.ner$. a)%ut it/O she eBplains. Olpers went with red as its 3%l%rSa 3%l%r 2ar rem%5ed 2r%m the $reens and )lues that had )e3%me s.n%n.m%us with pa3ka$ed milk. N7i3kin$ red as the )rand 3%l%r was ). 2ar an inspired 3h%i3e/O sa.s (ara -haheen/ an Olpers 3ust%mer. N<t 3reated a wh%le new per3eptual ni3he 2%r Olpers/O she adds. The 3%l%r als% helped t% enhan3e the in!st%re 5isi)ilit. and presen3e 2%r Olpers pa3ka$ed milk/ and the )rand was instantl. disass%3iated 2r%m its 3%mpetiti%n. The )rand als% w%rked t% ensure it esta)lished an ima$e %2 )ein$ a health. and natural pr%du3t. <ts %ptimisti3 and 5i)rant ta$ lineSN?%%d M%rnin$ Di2eOSal%n$ with the uniCue red 3%l%r/ )e3ame the s%ul %2 the Olpers )rand identit. a3r%ss 5ari%us media %utlets. Ra2e. eBplains the 3h%i3es )ehind pr%m%tin$ the )rand attri)utes/ N'e are )i$ )elie5ers in the primar. tenet %2 marketin$F $ettin$ t% kn%w .%ur 3%nsumers thr%u$h resear3h.O He 3%ntinues/ N1%r Olpers/ e5er.thin$ 2r%m the 3%l%r and the pa3ka$in$/ t% the re3ipe and the name/ was th%r%u$hl. 3%nsumer tested.O The 3ampai$n hi$hli$hted and eBpanded up%n the 5ari%us %33asi%ns in whi3h milk 3%uld/ and sh%uld/ )e en4%.edSand kept dri5in$ h%me that messa$e thr%u$h its 5ari%us pr%m%ti%ns. Olpers )e3ame the MAll 7urp%se MilkM and 3%uld )e 3%nsumed with )reak2ast ##

%r )lended with tea +ar$ua)l. the m%st p%pular )e5era$e 2%r the masses in 7akistan,/ and appre3iated ). all mem)ers %2 the 2amil.. ;n$r% 1%%ds utilized a d.nami3 3ampai$n/ and durin$ Ramazan +the Muslim m%nth %2 2astin$,/ m%lded its messa$e t% talk a)%ut the MAll 7urp%seM nature %2 their )rand durin$ )%th Iftaar +)reakin$ %2 the 2ast at dusk, and Sehree +pre!dawn 2%%d )e2%re the 2ast,. N'e are aimin$ t% %wn the reli$i%us m%nth and %ur spe3ial editi%n pa3ka$in$/ Ramazan rele5ant ATD +A)%5e The DineStele5isi%n/ radi%/ et3., and tail%r!made iftaar a3ti5ati%ns/ are aimed at )uildin$ the ne3essar. ass%3iati%n we want in 3%nsumers minds/O Ra2e. p%ints %ut. Other a5enues %2 *TD +*el%w The DineS)r%3hures/ 2l.ers/ et3., ha5e als% 3%ntri)uted t% the )rands su33ess. The World of Olpers/ 2%r eBample/ in5%l5es rea3hin$ %ut t% the di22erent l%3ati%ns in 5ari%us 3ities and ha5in$ the h%usewi5es parti3ipate in learnin$ and sh%w3asin$ milk!)ased re3ipes. NThe intenti%n is t% purel. )uild trial eBperien3es/O sa.s Ra2e.. N'e are in %ur third .ear/ and s% 2ar we ha5e had 3l%se t% 3 0/000 3%nta3ts/O he adds with pride. The Olpers Consumer Relationship Party is an%ther %n$%in$ *TD )ased pr%$ram/ whi3h intends t% 3reate and maintain l%.alt. am%n$st the )rands users. <n its laun3h/ ;n$r% 1%%ds has made a 3%ns3i%us and 3%n3erted e22%rt t% distan3e its milk )rand 2r%m its parent 3%mpan.s 3hemi3al and 2ertilizer r%%ts t% ensure that n% ne$ati5e 3%nn%tati%ns %r 3r%ss!p%llinati%n %2 )rand identities were mani2ested in the minds %2 3%nsumers. <nterestin$l. th%u$h/ the 3%mpan. has )een a)le t% use ;n$r%s hist%ri3al eCuit. with rural 2armers p%siti5el. t%ward $r%win$ its milk 3%lle3ti%n netw%rk in the pr%5in3es %2 -indh and 7un4a). NOur milk 3%lle3ti%n netw%rk has $r%wn eBp%nentiall. p%st laun3h/O sa.s Ra2e.. N-% mu3h s% that we rea3hed %ur suppl. 3apa3it. within siB m%nths and had t% )e$in usin$ a se3%nd UHT plant within three m%nths/O he adds. T%da./ ;n$r% 1%%ds aims t% )e3%me the %nl. 3%mpan. t% utilize all %2 the milk 3%lle3tin$ areas in 7akistan and als% plans %n de5el%pin$ the )i$$est dair. 2arm in the 3%untr.. The 3%mpan.s reputati%n as a l%3al $iant a3ti5el. in5%l5ed with 3%mmunit. wel2are in rem%te areas has als% )een a p%siti5e add!%n 2%r ;n$r% 1%%ds. ;5identl./ Olpers has w%ken up the 3%mpetiti%n. Milk 7ak resp%nded with 3ampai$ns %2 its %wn t% rea22irm the p%siti5e eCuit. %2 its )rand and has lar$el. 2%3used %n a messa$e %2


health/ 5italit./ and stren$th thr%u$h Cualit. milk. Halee) implemented a resp%nse as well. :espite dwindlin$ market share/ Halee) in3reased its marketin$ in the media and 3%mmitment t% pr%m%tin$ its )rand. Als%/ new3%mers su3h as the $eneri3all.!named ?%%d Milk and 7ak%la Milk ha5e tried penetrate the market/ )ut with%ut mu3h su33ess. Ra2e. 3%mments %n the in3reasin$l. 3%mpetiti5e lands3ape/ NOlpers is 5er. str%n$ in terms %2 3%nsumer Cualit. per3epti%nT %ur m%nthl. )lind taste tests sh%w that 3%nsumers rate Olpers si$ni2i3antl. hi$her than Milk 7ak and Halee).O 'ith Olpers/ ;n$r% 1%%ds has esta)lished a str%n$ re$i%nal presen3e and intends t% in3rease that 2%%tprint %5er the neBt 2ew .ears. 'ithin the dair. market/ the 1M6? +1ast M%5in$ 6%nsumer ?%%ds, 3%mpan. n%w has a di5erse p%rt2%li% %2 pr%du3ts ran$in$ 2r%m di22erent t.pes %2 3ream t% premium l%w 2at milk/ and its 2uture appears pr%misin$Sas l%n$ as OlperJs 3%ntinues t% understand its 3%nsumers and 2%ll%w thr%u$h %n that kn%wled$e. Ra2e. unders3%res the 3%mpan.s dire3ti%n 2%r the )randF N'hen we laun3hed/ we wanted t% )e the market leader in 2i5e .ears.O ?i5en that the )rand is 3%nsidered %ne %2 the 2astest $r%win$ 1M6? )rands in 7akistan/ it 3%uld well )e a3hie5ed.

"#MP'T)T#( $%$*&S)S
M$=#( "#MP'T)T#(S:
There are three main 3%mpetit%rs %2 Olpers milk whi3h are as 2%ll%wsF 8estle Milk 7a3k Halee) Milk ?%%d Milk

%'ST*' M)*/ P$"/:

M<DK7AK is standardized UHT milk that )ene2its 2r%m 8;-TDUs eBpertise in )rin$in$ .%u the 5er. )est in health/ wellness and nutriti%n. M<DK7AK is a trusted )rand kn%wn thr%u$h%ut the 3%untr. 2%r its nutriti%us wh%les%me $%%dness and pure natural taste. T% se3ure a happier and healthier 2uture 2%r .%ur 2amil./ .%u need the supp%rt %2 a


str%n$ partner like M<DK7AK/ n%w 2%rti2ied with eBtra stren$th %2 <r%n/ Hitamin 6 and Hitamin A that keeps .%u and .%ur 2amil. str%n$V <r%n as an essential mineral helps in the 2%rmati%n %2 health. )l%%d and stren$thens .%ur immune s.stem. Hitamin 6 helps the a)s%rpti%n %2 <r%n in the )%d. and Hitamin A is imp%rtant 2%r 3lear 5isi%n. The additi%n %2 <r%n and Hitamins has enhan3ed the nutriti%nal 5alue %2 M<DK7AK while retainin$ the same deli3i%us taste. One $lass %2 M<DK7AK 2ul2ills #0R <r%n/ "0R 6al3ium/ 0&R Hitamin A and #0R Hitamin 6 %2 .%ur dail. reCuirements as per 8utriti%nal Re2eren3e Halues/ 6O:;@ Alimentarius.

-$*''B M)*/:
Halee) is als% a well kn%wn )rand name 2%r UHT milk. Halee) is 7asteurized/ -tandardized/ and H%m%$enized and Ultra Heat Treated milk %2 the hi$hest standards. Halee) is a5aila)le all %5er the 3%untr. in 0 Diter/ 00 ml and # 0 ml Tetra 7a3ks. 'hen .%u )u. Halee) .%u 3an )e assured %2 the )est Cualit. milk m%ne. 3an )u.. Halee) is standardized t% 3. R *utter 1ats and &.9R -81 +-%lids 8%n 1at, as pres3ri)ed ). 7akistan 7ure 1%%d Daws. <t is the thi3kest milk in 7akistan.

1##D M)*/:
-hakar$an4 1%%d 7r%du3ts has de5el%ped an ela)%rate s.stem %2 3%lle3tin$ milk dire3tl. 2r%m the 2armers %n a dail. )asis/ ensurin$ 2reshness %2 the pr%du3t. This pr%3ess ensures zer% mi3r%)ial a3ti5ati%n/ while preser5in$ maBimum 2la5%r/ taste/ and nutriti%nal 5alue with%ut the use %2 an. preser5ati5es. The pr%du3t/ $%%d milk is standardized at 3. R 2at and &.9R -81/ and has a shel2 li2e %2 90 da.s with%ut re2ri$erati%n. <t 3%mes in 3%n5enient 0/000ml/ 00ml and # 0ml Tetra *rik pa3kin$.

Market S!are:


M$(/'T P(#DU"T F#"US

The. will d% the market se$mentati%n in %rder t% pr%perl. understand and kn%w the tar$et 3ust%mers %2 Olpers milk.

S'1M'%T$T)#% D'M#1($P-)" S'1M'%T$T)#%:

:em%$raphi3 se$mentati%n means the se$mentati%n %n the )asis %2 a$e/ $ender and in3%me le5el et3. <n3%me le5el is the le5el ). whi3h %ur s%3ial 3lasses are determined. Dike l%wer 3lass/ middle 3lass %r upper 3lass. Olpers milk has tar$eted pe%ple %2 all a$es and $enders. And in s%3ial 3lasses/ the. are tar$etin$ the upper and middle 3lass 2amilies. The l%wer 3lass 2amilies 3an n%t )e the tar$et market %2 Olpers milk due t% the a22%rda)ilit. issue. <n this 3ase l%wer 3lass is the la)%r 3lass wh%se m%nthl. in3%me is ar%und less then 7KR 00/000. D%wer 3lass a 3lass %2 pe%ple in a s%3iet. 3hara3terized ). l%w in3%me/ l%w le5el %2 edu3ati%n/ hi$h unempl%.ment and/ as a result %2 these/ a l%w s%3ial status

PS&"-#1($P-)" S'1M'%T$T)#%:
7s.3h%$raphi3 se$mentati%n means the se$mentati%n %n the )asis %2 pers%nalit. traits/ li2est.les/ interests/ %pini%ns et3. Di2e st.le is a manner %2 li5in$ that re2le3ts the pers%nJs 5alues and attitudes. An %pini%n is a su)4e3ti5e statement %r th%u$ht a)%ut an issue %r t%pi3. Olpers milk has tar$eted pe%ple wh% are $%al %riented and 2%3used %n their 3areers and th%se wh% are 3%ns3i%us a)%ut their %wn health and health %2 their 2amilies.


B'-$7)#($* S'1M'%T$T)#%:
*eha5i%ral se$mentati%n means the se$mentati%n %n the )asis %2 )ene2it s%u$ht/ pur3hase %33asi%n and l%.alt. status et3. Olpers milk is used ). its 3ust%mers 2%r all purp%ses 2%r eBample t% drink/ make tea/ )utter et3 There are als% 3ust%mers wh% alwa.s pur3hase the same )rand and s%me are the less users wh% seek 5ariet.. -%me 3ust%mers are hea5. users and the. use it t% make tea / t% make )utter and t% drink e5er.da. and s%me use Olpers milk %nl. 2%r tea et3

Olpers milk has )een p%siti%ned as all purp%se milk 2%r th%se wh% l%5e li2e and wh% are am)iti%us and want t% li5e a health. li2e. Here are the ta$ lines 2%r Olpers milkF

Jo Dil Khol Kay Jeetay Hain nhee Kay !iye Hai Olpers"

Su#a$%a&hair 'ind(i )ood *ornin( !ife


M$(/'T)%1 P(#1($M
The 2%ur marketin$ miB elements %2 Olpers marketin$ pr%$ram are detailed )el%w.

Olpers H+ *il& Olpers milk is ;n$r% 2%%ds standardized and h%m%$enized pure UHT +Ultra heat treated, milk with 3. R 2at and &.9 R s%lid n%n!2ats. <t is a premier )rand/ and the 3h%i3e %2 Cualit.!3%ns3i%us 3%nsumers wh% %nl. $% 2%r the )est. <t is a5aila)le in eas.!t%!%pen/ =! la.ered Tetra 7ak *ri3k Asepti3 red pa3ka$in$ and 3%mes with a 3 m%nths shel2 li2e. Olpers is enri3hed with 3ream as well.

Product Detail Olpers milk W X DiterY Olpers milk WZ DiterY Olpers milk W 0 DiterY Olpers milk W0Z DiterY @D Price #0 3& >0 9&

Olpers milk was initiall. laun3hed in #0 ma4%r 3ities %2 7akistan and with its hu$e pr%du3t a33eptan3e it is n%w a5aila)le in ar%und &0 3ities. The aim is t% rea3h all the p%tential 3ust%mers all %5er 7akistan.

Olpers milk has )een pr%perl. ad5ertised ). usin$ di22erent m%des %2 pr%m%ti%n whi3h has helped a l%t in 3reatin$ pr%du3t awareness. As the 3%mpetiti%n was t%u$h in the market there2%re pr%per and a$$ressi5e pr%m%ti%n strate$. was the need. The milk has )een


ad5ertised thr%u$h print media +newspapers/ )r%3hures, TH ads/ Radi% ads/ and *ill)%ards et3.

Olpers milk is usin$ Tetra 7a3k pa3ka$in$ in attra3ti5e 3%l%rs espe3iall. red/ )lue and white in the 2%ll%win$ sizesF Product Detail Olpers milk W X DiterY Olpers milk WZ DiterY Olpers milk W 0 DiterY Olpers milk W 0Z DiterY Price #0 3& >0 9& Packaging #> pa3ks per shrink!wrapped tra. 0# pa3ks per shrink!wrapped tra. 0# pa3ks per 3art%n = pa3ks per 3art%n


)MP*'M'%T$T)#% P*$%
Olpers has 4ust laun3hed Olpers Milk in W 0Z DiterY @D size. 8%ne %2 their 3%mpetit%rs has laun3hed milk in this size till date. Olpers is the %nl. UHT treated Milk pr%5ider wh% has laun3hed @D W 0Z DiterY size 2%r their 3ust%mers. *e3ause m%st %2 p%pulati%n %2 7akistan )el%n$s t% middle 3lass s% due t% rapid 3han$e in the pri3es %2 alm%st e5er.thin$ in 7akistan the 3ust%mers n%w spend less in %rder t% meet their needs. Olpers 2elt that 3han$e %2 3%nsumpti%n pattern %2 the 3%nsumers and the. intr%du3ed a Cuite 3heaper milk pa3k in %rder t% satis2. their 3%nsumer needs. The pri3e %2 W 0Z DiterY Olpers Milk is mu3h lesser. -% the. 2elt a need and the. 2ul2illed it. Tar$eted market is the middle 3lass pe%ple %2 7akistan with m%nthl. in3%me ar%und # /000 t% "0/000. :ue t% rapid up li2t %2 the pri3es n% %ne has )een a)le t% )u. e5er.thin$ the. want s% the. n%w ha5e started spendin$ less %n e5er.thin$. -% intr%du3in$ W 0Z DiterY @D size milk is a 5er. $%%d idea as it 3aters man. pr%)lems 2a3ed ). the 3ust%mers.



6%ntr%l s.stem 2%r this pr%4e3t is the same 2%r %ther dair. pr%du3ts. The. make a sales sheet in %rder t% see the sales %2 @D size %lpers with the %ther sizes %2 %lpers. Olpers has distri)ut%rs hired 2%r this pr%4e3t. The. ha5e di5ided distri)ut%rs %n the )asis %2 e22i3ien3. %2 the distri)ut%r. M%nthl. sales tar$ets ha5e )een $i5en. This depends %n distri)ut%rs in2rastru3ture/ e22i3ien3./ eBperien3e/ )usiness kn%wled$e. 6it. has )een di5ided int% areas and mana$ement has de3ided h%w man. distri)ut%rs are $%in$ t% )e hired 2%r a parti3ular area. A2ter distri)ut%rs are hired a 3%mpan. representati5e 3he3ks %n all the distri)ut%rs rand%ml. t% see i2 there are %peratin$ as the. were dire3ted. <ts a rand%m 3he3k e5er. week. -% de2initel. a 3he3k is there %n the distri)ut%rs. The. ha5e )een keepin$ a 3l%se e.e %n this pr%4e3t and s% 2ar it is $%in$ 5er. $%%d.


httpFGGwww.en$r%.3%m httpFGGwww.en$r%.3%mG%ur!)usinessesGen$r%!2%%ds!limitedG httpFGGen.wikipedia.%r$GwikiG;n$r%[6%rp%rati%n httpFGGwww.)rand3hannel.3%mG2eatures[e22e3t.asp\p2[id]"" httpFGGen.wikipedia.%r$GwikiGUltra!hi$h!temperature[pr%3essin$ httpFGGpakmedia)l%$.netG000Gand!then!there!was!OlpersG httpFGGwww.nestle.pkG)randsGnestle!milkpak.aspB$el2ire.3%mG)iz>G3heBp%rtsGhalee)[milk.htm httpFGG5iewst%news.3%mGindeB.phpGpakistan!milk!t%!)e!eBp%rted!t%!the! w%rldGun3ate$%rized


$ltaf $!med
(%nal -ales Operati%n O22i3er 6ell^ 0300 "> & ;mailF s%%3entralz%ne_en$r%.3%m AddressF ;n$r% 1%%ds Dimited 00!6 M%del T%wn Dah%re/ 7akistan

M Faysal )s!rat
Area -ales Mana$er 6ell^ 0300&00&9=0 AddressF ;n$r% 1%%ds Dimited 00!6 M%del T%wn Dah%re/ 7akistan

Fra> $!med $bbasi

*ran3h A3ti5ati%n Mana$er 6ell^ 0300& =0 03 ;mailF 2aa))asi_en$r%.3%m AddressF ;n$r% 1%%ds Dimited 00!6 M%del T%wn Dah%re/ 7akistan


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