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Kroisos amphora (1: 39): how does this representation fit in with Herodotuss Kroisos?

Who are the other characters depicted, and why? Kroisos on pyre Theseus, Antiope, Peirithous 1.86-88 in the Lydian account, Lydian king Croesus tied up and 14 Lydian boys was placed upon a great pyre by Cyrus' orders for Cyrus wanted to see if any of the heavenly powers would appear to save him or as a victory offering or in fulfilment of a vow. The pile was set ablaze, and as Cyrus the Great watched he saw Croesus call out "Solon" three times. He asked the interpreters to find out why. The interpreters asked Croesus said Solon had warned Croesus of the fickleness of good fortune. This touched Cyrus, who realized that he and Croesus were similar, and he bade the servants to quench the blazing fire as quickly as they could. They tried, but the flames were out of control. Croesus called out to Apollo and prayed to him. Soon dark clouds gathered and a storm with rain of such violence that the flames were speedily extinguished. Cyrus, convinced by this that Croesus was a good man, made Croesus an advisor who served Cyrus 'well' Size: 58.5cm. amphora Technique: red-figure Subject/s: Croesus, king of Lydia (c. 560-540), sits, garlanded with laurel, Apollo is represented wearing a laurel wreath on his head, piety, holding his sceptre, kingship, and making a libation, piety, from a phiale form was that of a wide round shallow bowl without handles or a foot- on a high pyre stoked by his servant named Euthymos. The mythological eastern, Croesus on the pyre is an historical event that happened some decades before the vase was painted. Both scenes involve the east and they were painted while Athens was threatened by invasions from Persians. 500-480, louvre Croesus aroused Greek sympathies as a victim of Persian aggression dynamically composed, three figures running the abduction of the Amazon Antiope by Theseus in the presence of his friend Pirithous. Theseus has his arms around the Amazon Antiope, who is wearing an embroidered Scythian costume and a Phrygian bonnet. With her quiver in a baldric and her ax in hand, she is trying to get away from Theseus. The bearded Pirithous, like Theseus wearing a hoplite garment, is protecting his companion as he flees by brandishing a sumptuous shield decorated with an episemon representing a bull. a characteristic symbol displayed on a shield, similar to a coat of arms. Girdle of Hippolyta Theseus is mythical founder of Athens Athenian victory over amazons equates to Athenian victory over Persians Myson is known by his signature as a painter and potter, which is inscribed on a small krater in Athens. He trained with the Attic red-figure Pioneers, and during the early fifth century BC was particularly influenced by his master Phintias who, like him, was developing a special interest in the decoration of large vases and sober, elegant compositions.

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