Coming Events: Holy Week Activities

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Lenten StudyPath to the Cross Join us on Sundays or Mondays (beginning March 9th) during Lent for Study. Sundays study will begin after worship, and on Wednesdays at 6:15pm. Books are available in the Fellowship Hall. April 27th: Children & Youth Sunday Our children and youth will lead the service! Come and worship with us at 9:00am. Potato Bake Enjoy some great food while raising funds to send our children to camp this summer. Sunday, April 27th 11:3012:30pm. Hope to see you there!

Newsletter of the United Church of Primghar

March, 2014 - Volume 3

Mens Lenten Breakfasts Wednesday Mornings March 12th to April 16th Breakfast Served 7:00-7:30am

New Beginnings
As with any new beginning or journey there is always excitement but there is also some hesitation, fear and anxiety. As I think about us as a congregation this year we have embarked on a new journey together with creating a single board Administrative Council. We are still very much in the beginning stages and learning things as we go. As was stated often, this council is not in charge and responsible for everything that happens in this congregation. There is no feasible way that they could be, nor would we really want them to be. Their task however, is about helping us with the big picture of where we are headed, with our vision. As stated in our By-Laws that we passed at the Annual Meeting: All members and Friends are encourage and expected to participate in the life and vision of the church by serving and doing the ministry of Jesus Christ. As we learn together how we will function with this new structure, there will be additional ways to be involved in the life of this church. Here are a few ways we are seeking currently: A. Worship Design Team: Pastor Cory will suggest scripture or a possible concept for a series of sermons-for at least a month after our meeting. The team would work to come up with 1 metaphor or illustration to base the worship service on around a central theme. Then, the team would come up with ways to use the theme, metaphor, or illustration in the worship service. This would include, but not limited to: decorations for the sanctuary, and/or entrance, to illustrate our theme; possible scriptures that help to support the theme; possible music to be used; possible suggestions for videos, powerpoint, etc.; suggestions on how to get others involved for that given Sunday. Team members would decide who will handle what part of the above. We will close by brainstorming possible future ideas, suggestions, or scriptures for Cory to consider. If you are interested in being a part of this team please let Kim Hintz, Matt Rohwer, or Pastor Cory know. Our first meeting will be held March 19th at 7:30pm. (At this time we will discuss options of other meeting days/ times.) B. Adult Spiritual Formation Team: This team is a short term commitment to develop a plan for intentional adult spiritual formation. This will include ministries for all people, including both those in the church and those not yet involved and people of all ages. If you are interested in being a part of this team please let Shannon Miller, Haley Bottjen, or Pastor Cory know. Our first meeting will be held March 16th at 5:00pm. C. Communion Coordinator: Currently people are able to sign-up for the date that they would like to help serve communion. This person would be responsible for making sure the supplies are at the church, and possibly helping to recruit individuals to help serve. Please let the office know if you would like to be this person. D. Banner Paramount Guild: If you are interested in helping to change the banners with the seasons and/or as the need arises this group is for you. Can be done anytime throughout the week. Please let the office know if you would be interested in serving in this way. These are just a few ways/areas that you have the opportunity to serve in. I encourage you to think about your gifts and where your passion lies, and then help in that area. Finally, as we embark on this journey together I remind you (and myself) of these words written by Paul in Philippians 4:6-7 Dont be anxious about anything; rather, bring up all of your requests to God in your prayers and petitions, along with giving thanks. 7 Then the peace of God that exceeds all understanding will keep your hearts and minds safe in Christ Jesus. ~Pastor Cory

UCW will meet on April 9th at 2:00pm. LaVon Hansen of Hartley will be doing a Chalk Talk. Plan now to attend and invite your friends!

Thank You!

Holy Week Activities:

Palm Sunday, April 13th:
9:00am UCP Worship 9:15am Archer Lenten Study 10:30am Archer Worship 10:30am UCP Lenten Study 6:00pm Lenten Pot-luck at Archer Reformed Church

Thank You to all of those who served meals for WWW! We greatly appreciate it!

Wednesday, April 16th:

7:00am Lenten Breakfasts at UCP & Archer

Maundy Thursday, April 17th:

6:00pm Worship at Archer UMC, everyone is invited to come

Good Friday, April 18th:

Noon Primghar Ecumenical Service at the United Church of Primghar 6:00pm Worship at Archer Reformed Church

Easter, April 20th : (Look for more details later )

UCW and Faith Circles will not meet in March. Evening Circle will meet March 25th at 7:00pm.

BIRTHDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES Maxine Lemley, Jim Bernal Lucille Rook Kim Tewes Cathy Crouch, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Sampson 8 Connie Ebel 9 Jeff Gillespie, Keith Laue Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Stangeland 13 Amy Halverson 14 Leone Manley, Alexis Moss 17 Barb Rohwer 18 Wanda Steffens 19 Thomas Wubben, Emerson Wittrock 20 Marchia Lundquist 21 Andrew Jansma, Jay Wittrock, Jaivyn Logan 23 June Stangeland 24 Fern Rosenboom 25 Jim Rosenboom 26 Gordon Wittrock, Mary Bonath 30 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Mars 2 3 4 6

U.C.W. Dues ar e due. Please give your payment to Marian Ginger.

Powerful Tools for Care-Givers Family care-giving takes many forms. You may help an older adult with transportation, housekeeping, personal care, emotional support, medical decisions, financial concerns or legal issues. If you do one or more, you are a family care -giver. Powerful Tools for Caregivers is an educational program designed to provide tools you need to take care of yourself. If you take good care of yourself you will be better prepared to take good care of your loved one. As a participant you will learn how to reduce stress, improve self-confidence, better communicate feelings, balance your life, increase ability to make tough decisions and locate helpful resources. This is a series of 6 classes which begin March 17th, and will be help on consecutive Mondays from 7:00-8:30pm at the OBrien County ISU Extension and Outreach office. Call 957 -5045 or email for further details.





Weekly Worship 9:00am UCP 10:30am Archer
6 10:00am Pastor Cory at SAG in Sheldon 7



March is Blanket Sunday Month $5.00 will buy a warm blanket & express Christian Love through The Church World Service Blanket program. $5.00 can make a difference. Please Give in March to this cause.

Flood Buckets Spring and Summer are coming! We need a couple people who would be willing to go collect the items needed for the flood buckets. If you are interested, please contact Bill Kersting, Jane McDowell or Beth Wittrock

Lenten Studies: Archer Sundays 9:15am UCP : Sundays-10:00am, Wednesdays-6:15pm

2 Communion 3 4 5 5:30pm Supper 6:15pm Ash Wednesday Service 7:30pm Ash Wednesday Service @ Archer Reformed Church

Pastor Corys Day off 9:00am World Day of Prayer @ Archer Reformed

10 Noon Pastor 6:00pm Lenten Cory @ HCI in Service @ Arch- Sioux City er UMC


Mission & Outreach would like to thank everyone who contributed to the P.E.T. (Personal Energy Transportation) Project. To date they have raised $851.75. Help complete the PET Puzzle. Each puzzle piece is $25.00. Each PET costs $250.

12 7:00am Primghar Lenten Breakfast 7:00am Archer Lenten Breakfast 5:30pm Childrens Bell/ Choir 5:45pm WWW Dinner 6:15pm Classes & Middle School Youth 6:30 pm HS Youth Group 7:00pm Worship 19 7:00am Primghar Mens Lenten Breakfast 7:00am Archer Lenten Breakfast 5:30pm Music 5:45pm Dinner 6:15pm Classes & Middle school Youth 6:30pm HS Youth Group 7:00pm Worship 7:00 pm Ladies Night Out 7:30pm Worship Design Team 26 7:00am Primghar Lenten Breakfast 7:00am Archer Lenten Breakfast 5:30pm Childrens Bell/ Choir 5:45pm WWW Dinner 6:15pm Classes & Middle School Youth 6:30 pm HS Youth Group 7:00pm Worship



15 UCC Pastor Corys Day Committee on Off Ministry Mtg. here 9 am 3 pm 4:30pm Knox Schueller Baptism

MARCH GREETERS South Door West Door 2nd Bubba, & Kim Hintz & family Kim Tewes, Jan Gaudian, & Shirley Fernstrum 9th Cory & Rose VanderPol & family Pete & LaNan Eldridge 16th Dan & Ladonna Wittrock Jeff & Zoe Ann Roberts 23rd Cari & Josh Reick Larry & Jean Dau 30th Sue McCauley & Loretta Edwards Vernon & Adam Ruschmann & Margaret Perry MARCH USHERS 2nd & 9th Corey Gillespie, Shirley Fernstrum, & Pete Eldridge 16th, 23rd & 30th Rodney & Myrna Heimensen & Jim Bernal If you are aware of someone in need of a pastoral call, please inform Pastor Cory at the office, 957-4960 or her cell 404-788-4997. She would rather hear from multiple sources than from no one at all. In these times of privacy rights, hospitals and nursing homes may not divulge information relating to a resident or patient, so it is very important that members and/or their families let the Pastor know of all needs for pastoral care.

INCOME 2014 January $7,398.15 February 1st-9th$6,094.25 Budget for 2014$138,196.49 Average Monthly Expenditure $11,516.37 MARCH NURSERY WORKERS 2nd Shirley Jones 9th Sarah Rohwer & Mikayla Hintz 16th Jen & Jordan Nieuwenhuis 23rd Barb Rohwer 30th Kim Tewes

16 17 Archer Board Meeting following Worship 2:00pm Pastor Cory @ Prairie View 5:00pm Spiritual Formation Team Mtg. 6:00pm Lenten Service @ Archer Reformed 23 24 6pm Lenten Service @ Archer UMC 7:00pm UCP Admin. Council 31 30 6pm Lenten Service @ Archer Reformed

18 Pastor Cory at Orders Even in Marshalltown.


21 Pastor Corys Day off


25 7:00pm Evening Circle


28 9:00am Newsletter Assembly


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