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Document 6 - The Rise of Adolf Hitler

Like Stalin, Hitler purged millions of Germans, who he found suspicious. Hitler
demanded blind loyalty. All economic, political, and social decisions would be made
by him and him only. Thus, Germany became a command economy, and a totalitarian
state. The Nazi party controlled every part of the German people lives; ranging from
education, media, newspapers, to religion. Hitler wanted to make Germany feel as if it
had a fresh beginning. He replaced the old German flag with new a new, reddish
background flag, with a black swastika in the middle.
Hitler continued to gain support from the German people by promoting nationalism
across the country. He also promised to return Germany to its glory days, and often
reminded the people of the days of Bismarck. Hitler would next reject the hated Treaty
of Versailles. He stopped paying reparations to the World War I Allies, and instead,
used that money to help rebuild Germany, by providing jobs to unemployed Germans. He
additionally used money to rebuild roads, highways, farms, ports, homes, and churches.
He also invested money into the military. He began to manufacture (make) new
weapons for war, and paid top scientists to conduct research in weapon programs. He
urged women to stay home, and have children. Rewards were given to those who had a
large number of children. By 1936, Germany had over a million people in the German
army, over 300,000 submarines, and 200,000 warplanes. All of these things violated the
conditions in the Treaty of Versailles. But no other European country did anything about
Lastly, Hitler united people through racism. He outlawed a lot of music, such as jazz,
since it came from an inferior black race. Books that depicted Germany as the villains
(bad guys) of World War I was burned. Hitler called out religious people, stating that
religious people were weak and behind on modern times. One such religious group
was the Jews. Hitler would place full blame on Germanys problems on the Jews. The
master race was white, German-born citizens, with light hair, light eyes, and whom
were physically in shape. Hitler, using the Jews as his scapegoat (someone to blame),
gained much approval and was able to unite the German people using a common enemy.
6) According to the document, what were two changes brought about Hitler?

Part 2 Answer the following question in a response of at least EIGHT SENTENCES

using your knowledge and information from the documents. All answers should include
evidence, detail, and analysis. Be sure to cite the document in your answer, and you
must use at least TWO DOCUMENTS to support your answer. If you use a quote, be
sure to explain what that quote means.
Would you vote for Hitler if you were a German citizen living in Germany in 1933?
Why or why not?




Part 3 Complete the following regents multiple-choice questions.
1) What was a major reason for Adolf Hitlers rise to power?
A) Provisions of the Treaty of Versailles
B) Germanys military support of Poland and France
C) A strong German economy
D) Refusal by the League of Nations to admit Germany as a member
2) During the 1930s and 1940s, Nazis in Germany and Fascists in Italy promoted
policies that emphasized
A) national and racial supremacy
B) economic cooperation in Europe
C) international peacekeeping efforts
D) worldwide Communist revolutions
3) Which type of political system did Vladimir Lenin and Adolf Hitler and Benito
Mussolini establish in their countries?
A) Theocracies
B) Representative democracy
C) Totalitarianism
D) Constitutional monarchy
4) In the 1920s and the 1930s, the rise of totalitarian governments in Germany, Italy,
and the Soviet Union was largely a result of
A) the success of the Communists in establishing a command economy in the Soviet
B) severe economic and social problems that arose in Europe after World War I

C) the active support of the United States

D) movements demanding the return of old monarchies

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